#The Mini Honeyglow
xtruss · 5 months
Science: Behold, The $400 Red Pineapple 🍍
— Jennifer A. Kingson | May 7, 2024
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The Rubyglow Pineapple is red on the outside but yellow on the inside. Photo Courtesy of Fresh Del Monte
What's red on the outside, yellow on the inside, and a $395.99 way to garnish your margarita?
The Rubyglow Pineapple, which Fresh Del Monte describes as "an ultra-premium luxury 'designer' fruit that appeals to high-end consumers."
Why It Matters: Agriculture scientists and produce companies are constantly trying to innovate, to improve their plants and tantalize the public.
Fun new fruits have lately included a thornless blackberry (developed in Arkanasas), a "Yellow Submarine" tomato that's yellow and shaped like a peanut (born at Cornell University), and the Luna avocado (out of the University of California, Riverside).
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The "SweetArk" thornless blackberry was developed by the Arkansas Fruit Breeding Program, and the Luna avocado at the University of California, Riverside. Lefthand photo: Paden Johnson/University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture; Righthand photo: Stan Lim/University of California, Riverside
🍍Zoom In: It takes at least a decade to develop a new type of fruit, and the Rubyglow is no exception.
"Grown in Costa Rica after a 15-year development period, the Rubyglow Pineapple has a registered plant patent in the United States," according to a Fresh Del Monte press release.
Its scarcity is key to its price tag: While "only a few thousand" will be produced this year, the Rubyglow will be "available nationwide through select regional grocers" and online retailers.
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At left, the "Yellow Submarine" is a new type of tomato; at right, the Rubyglow Pineapple has yellow flesh. Lefthand photo courtesy of Fruition Seeds; righthand photo courtesy of Fresh Del Monte
Zoom Out: The Rubyglow is the latest newfangled pineapple from Fresh Del Monte — and the most expensive.
The Mini Honeyglow was introduced this year as a "personal-size" pineapple (read: small) that's sweeter than most — it costs a mere $11.79 (plus about $30 in shipping).
The Pinkglow Pineapple — launched in 2020, with flesh as pink as deli ham — costs $29 before shipping.
To merit its designer price tag, the Rubyglow "is individually packaged in a beautiful box that unfolds almost like origami," says Food & Wine.
The Bottom Line: Fruit salad is getting ready for a glow-up.
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At left, the Pinkglow Pineapple. At right, a standard Honeyglow pineapple sits alongside the "personal-size" version; Images courtesy of Fresh Del Monte
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sadsoftserve · 1 year
So you know that Percy and Howie go to Lowe's bit a posted a while ago? So, I turned it into a mini fanfic, like any sane person does. :)
This is mainly Percy centric as I really like her character and how she acts, so this is like one giant headcannon for her. Oh, howies here too.
Percy And Howie go to Lowe's- a mini fanfic-
"Percival." Howie muttered under his breath as he watched Percy mindlessly wander through the lights section of the Lowe's. It was clear Percy was intrigued with the lights, as she looked like a moth drawn to a flame. However, Howie didn't have time for her antics, he came to get two things, screws, and 2 by 4's.
Percy wasn't into construction, she was primarily architectural, the step that comes before construction, so looking at lights, lamps, doors, and Windows was what she wanted to do. So she did exactly that.
"Percy." Howie spoke a bit louder and sterner this time, seeming to grab her attention. She looked over to him from the light fixture she was currently looking at.
"Oh, it seems I have gotten distracted once more. I truely apologize Howie." Percy apologized, as she turned her body to face him. She was standing in her usual stiff way as she spoke.
Howie sighed, he knew she couldn't help it and he was willing to be patient, but he wasn't a very patient person.
"You're fine Percy. Just try not to let it happen again." He sighed, as he and Percy continued to walk through the rest of the Lowe's heading to the wood section to grab the 2x4's, which were conveniently placed close to the screws he needed to make his 💫 honeyed snacks💫.
Both were quiet as they walked through the hardware store. Nothing to talk about, both were there to get what they needed to complete the job they were working on. Besides Howie always took small talk as a waste of time. And Percy disnt mind the silence, though the large amount of people there was overstimulating her a bit. But, nothing she couldn't handle.
Soon enough, both were in the wood section, Howie looking at various 2x4s and Percy watching. Howie was very picky when it came to building materials, he tended to stick with what he knew was reliable. However, Percy was getting antsy. She knew about his pickiness, and she was usually patient when it came to stuff like this, but, the noises, people, and bright lights of the Lowe's were sending Percys brain into overstimulation.
Percy audibly sighed as she begun lightly tapping her foot against the concrete floors. Howie took this as a sign of impatience from the woman.
"I'm trying to do this as fast as possible Percy, give me a moment." Howie responded to her audible sigh and body language as he looked at her then back to the wood in the aisle.
"No, no. Take your time, Howie." She responded with her usual monotone and polite voice, as she started to look around the aisle as she waited. Wood. That's all she saw, god, she's only been in this aisle 5 minutes and she hated it.
She looked back to Howie, noticing he was completely invested in trying to find a good enough wood, that she could slip away, and hopefully find somewhere else to look that wasn't a wood aisle. She took the chance and slipped away, out of his view and continued walking through the Lowe's.
The first place she found herself in was the carpet section. One of the many places in the store she liked. Percy wandered down the aisle of carpets, feeling each sample upon the shelves, it calmed her down a bit. The feeling of carpet was one she enjoyed, and one that didn't give her that disgusting chill down her spine when she touched it.
Percy inhaled in the hardware store scent, as she exited the carpet section and moved her way along the store. She passed aisle after aisle of hardware goods, tools and many other things you would expect to find at a Lowe's. For some odd reason, Percy didn't feel as overstimulated as she did when she was in the wood aisle waiting for Howie. Why was that? She had no clue. Maybe it was the scent of the wood. Maybe it was the fact Howie was taking a long time, or maybe, Percy was self soothing by using ways she knew would calm her down. Either or, she felt more grounded than earlier.
Percy continued walking. She went from the carpet section to the paint section. She smelt the fresh paint being mixed, and saw the array of color samples that were aligned on the walls. She took a couple, some blue ones of various shades, and some yellow. Colors she thought that represented her. Comfort colors in a way.
Soon, she left the paint section, and made her way to the kitchen appliances. She took a look at the sleek silver fridges and stoves as she walked. Occasionally stopping to feel the handle, or press a button. The washers and dryers were there too. She found it strange that laundry machines and kitchen appliances were so close together, but she couldn't deny that she liked the sound the washers made when you turned the little knob.
She turned it a couple times, each time making a sorta ping noise.
It was a nice sound, one Percy found herself to like.
She smiled softly at the noise before continuing to walk. Percy made her way through the appliances and out to the registers. Faced with an annoyed looking Howie.
"Where the hell were you?" He asked with a look of irritation on his face, apparently Percy was gone longer than she realized.
"I was, here, in the store. Looking at the variety of merchandise. Why do you ask?" Percy answered his question and followed it up with her own.
"I've been waiting here for 15 minutes, Percy. 15 precious minutes." He glared at her with some sort of dissapointment on his face.
"I apologize for that. I did not realize how long I was going to be wandering. That is my fault."
"Damn right it is." Howie followed up her words with his own snide remark as he went to pay for his 2x4s and screws.
Before the two left the store, Percy took one last look back before smiling softly, she liked this store, it was a little overbearing at times, but overall it was enjoyable, she'll definitely find herself her on her day off.
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
Epithet Beloved Masterlist!
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Epithet Erased
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Molly Blyndeff (platonic only)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Giovanni Potage
✧ Giovanni + Reader with BFRB (any) ✧ Dating Giovanni headcanons (rom.) ✧Giovanni + a reader with chronic pain/fatigue (pla./rom.) ✧ Mini character playlists
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvester Ashling
✧ Yellow Roses (rom.) ✧ Platonic Sylvie headcanons (pla.) ✧ Platonic headcaons ft. Delta ✧ Sylvie with a crush headcanons (rom.) ✧ Autistic Sylvie thoughts + reader with psychology special interest (pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Mera Salamin
✧ Optimist (pla.) ✧ Being in a polycule with Mera and Rick (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Indus Tarbella
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Percival King
✧ Parental Percy headcanons (fam.) ✧ Parental headcanons feat. Ramsey (fam.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ramsey Murdoch
✧ Visits (rom.) ✧ Ramsey as your uncle (fam.) ✧ Dating Ramsey headcanons (rom.) ✧ Family Portrait (fam.) ✧ Parental headcanons feat. Percy (fam.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Howie Honeyglow (platonic only)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Zora Salazar
✧ Platonic Zora headcanons (pla.) ✧ Zora with a touch starved s/o (rom.) ✧ Proof reader (x Charles) (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Phoenica Fleecity (platonic only)
✧ Platonic Feenie headcanons (pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Trixie Roughhouse (platonic only)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Lorelai Blyndeff
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rick Shades
✧ Dating Rick Shades headcanons (rom.) ✧ Being in a polycule with Mera and Rick (rom.) ✧ Mini character playlists
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Naven Nuknuk
✧ Mentor Naven Nuknuk headcanons (pla./fam.) ✧Naven + a reader with gender dysphoria (pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Yoomtah Zing
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sheriff Gorou
Hanging out (pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Martin.
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Anime Campaign
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Meryl Lockhart
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 California Slim
✧ Close (rom.) ✧ Fatherly/mentor Slim headcanons (fam.) ✧ Baking with Slim around (any) ✧ Protective fatherly Slim headcanons (fam.) ✧ Don't leave. (x Jericho) (rom.) ✧California Slim + Alcatraz Halloween Headcanons (rom./pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Alcatraz
✧ Platonic Alcatraz headcanons (pla.) ✧California Slim + Alcatraz Halloween Headcanons (rom./pla.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Jericho Felocity
✧ Save Point (rom.) ✧ Playing video games with Jericho (rom./pla.) ✧ Meeting Halfway (x Dixon) (rom.) ✧ Don't leave. (x Slim) (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Dixon Roughhouse
✧ Meeting Halfway (x Jericho) (rom.) ✧ Mini character playlists
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Ryatt
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moxie Roughhouse
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rex Roughhouse (platonic only)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Roxanne Roughhouse
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Xerxes Roughhouse
Living with Xerxes Roughhouse Headcanons (pla./rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Abby Lorre
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Dirk “Doc” Chappy
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Regina Sandbag
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Dan Gansley
✧ Dating Dan Gansley headcanons (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Trip "Tripwire" Ferguson
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Noah Finway
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Sylvester Ashling (platonic only)
✧ (AC)Sylvie and Guile hanging out headcanons
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Delta Caprone (platonic only)
✧ Platonic Delta headcanons (pla.) ✧ Platonic headcaons ft. (EE) Sylvie
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Guile Manning
✧ (AC)Sylvie and Guile hanging out headcanons ✧ Guile platonic headcanons (pla.) ✧ What's his name this time? (Protective Guile) (pla.) ✧ Dating Guile headcanons (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Charles Foxtrot
✧ Proof reader (x Zora) (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Moot Tarbella
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 Rover Gadabout
✧ Romantic Rover headcanons (rom.)
𓆩ꨄ︎𓆪 More to be added as they're requested!
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hinterland-clans · 2 years
Redid the theme songs post because the other one got so mixed up and i can't fix it and it bothers me a LOT lmao. anyways yeah some of them have been updated, list is under the cut because it's pretty long
Sandstar: Rio Grande- The Oh Hellos Wolfshadow: Oliver James- Fleet Foxes Flurryfeather: Zephyrus- The Oh Hellos Larkslip: Gypsy- Fleetwood Mac/Wait By The River- Lord Huron Applepatch: Lost- Amanda Palmer Oakfire: Elmleaf: To Be Alone- Hozier Russetmoon: I Think Your Nose Is Bleeding- The Front Bottoms Berrysplash: Blindsided- Bon Iver Foxtuft: Summertime- My Chemical Romance Sunblaze: Lakeripple: Silverbird: Laments of a Mattress- Hop Along, Queen Ansleis Greenshade: When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies- Gunship/ Soldier, Poet, King- The Oh Hellos Duskfur: Wrecking Ball- Mother Mother/Poor George- James Supercave Jaystorm: Sirens- Hop Along, Queen Ansleis/Home- Gabrielle Aplin Lilystream: Anemone- Slenderbodies Bobtail: Kids Again- Artist vs. Poet Harepelt: Everything Is Alright- Motion City Soundtrack Acornshine: Girls Like Girls- Hayley Kiyoko Cloudfall: Hawktalon: Eat You Alive- The Oh Hellos Goldenglow: Oliver James- Fleet Foxes Icegaze: Fourth of July- Sufjan Stevens/Boreas- The Oh Hellos Rainmist: Maybe We’re Meant To Be Alone- Bad Suns Echocall: Georgia- Phoebe Bridgers Tuftear: Old Now- Rosemary & Garlic Sparrowscreech: Indica- Foxing Badgerface: Thrushsong: All I Want- Kodaline
Hickorystar: Cold- Novo Amor
Rosestar: Passerine- The Oh Hellos / American Money- BORNS Hollyfrost: Sunlight- Hozier Fawnstreak: Breakers- Local Natives Coppershade: Phantom- Of Monsters And Men Ryeberry: Me And My Husband- Mitski Thicketburr: All Things Devour- aeseases Heronstalk: Brackenroot: Blazeflower: Heather- Conan Gray/Strawberry Blonde- Mitski Cloverlight: Could This Be Another Change?- The Samples Cindershock: No Children- The Mountain Goats/Cops and Robbers- The Hoosiers Tangleswirl: Holy The Sea- Forgive Durden/Arsonist’s Lullaby- Hozier Splinterfang: Be Nice To Me- The Front Bottoms/Settle Down- The 1975 Robindown: Tumbleflight: Fleetfox: Famous Last Words- My Chemical Romance/Stray Italian Greyhound- Vienna Teng Littlehawk: Swiftclaw: Wish You Were Here- Florence + The Machine/Nests- Keaton Henson Shimmertail: Son Of A Gun- Lord Huron Nitfeather: All of Me Wants All of You- Sufjan Stevens Bouncefoot: Between Days- Far Caspian Quickwhisper: Mintmoth: Cleopatra- the Lumineers Longear: On A Good Day- Robin Pecknold Ruepetal: Holy Branches- Radical Face
Strikenose: Dear Wormwood- The Oh Hellos/Candles- Daughter Galerush: The Love Club- Lorde Driftrunner: Devil Town- Cavetown Dawnsong: Bloomheart:
Screestar: Rut- The Killers Slatesun: For Sebastian From A Friend- Hop Along, Queen Ansleis Halfskip: Healer’s Dilemma- Mercedes Lackey Fernsplash: Kiss Goodnight- IDKHOW Snowspiral: Slow and Steady- Of Monsters And Men Smokestorm: Torches- The Oh Hellos Darkeyes: Street Fight- Adam Jensen Flintclaw: Any Emotion- Mini Mansions Aspenfleck: Bugbear- Chloe Moriondo Birdpounce: Pheasantruff: Looking Like This- Lyre Le Temps Brightnose: Rounds- The Oh Hellos Puddlepelt: Rose- The Oh Hellos Flamewisp: Community Gardens- The Scary Jokes / Sin Triangle- Sidney Gish Grassripple: No Light, No Light- Florence + The Machine Oceanroar: Fine, Great- Modern Baseball Minksnap: Eugene- Sufjan Stevens Whiskertail: Running With The Wolves (Wolfwalkers version)- AURORA Meadowmoth: Wild Roses- Of Monsters And Men Cavernpool: Any Emotion- Mini Mansions Dustplume: Blizzardfur: Batswoop:
Dovesky: Tilikum- Benjamin Francis Leftwich/Repeat Until Death- Novo Amor
Rubblecloud: Kitehop: Peakstream: Hailfur: Conifertuft: Bluemeadow:
Tempest Rogues
Sheen: Everything Moves- Bronze Radio Return / Land Of All- Woodkid Dusty: Perry: Bee: Snicker: Rudy: Clover: Honeyglow: Honeypie- Jawny
North Face Loners
Night: Sirens- Hop Along, Queen Ansleis Thorn: Time To Run- Lord Huron Fox: Hazel: Trees- The Oh Hellos Tacker:
Icewhisper: Curses- The Crane Wives/Kin- Radical Face
Wildland Loners
Whiskey: Skittles: Dolly: Weasel: Woodruff: Bushy: Skyler: This Must Be The Place- dad sports
Thor: Dexter: Snufkin: Jade (Jadewing): Strawberry Blonde- Mitski Beamer: Blitz: Katria:
Sorrelstar: Thus Always To Tyrants- The Oh Hellos/North- Sleeping At Last Asterheart: Sunflower/Thunder Mashup Oriole: Aspenstar: King- Florence + The Machine Chatterstone: Soap- The Oh Hellos Crowmask: The Moon Will Sing- The Crane Wives Shardstar: From Finner, Mountain Sound- Of Monsters And Men Spiderleap: Constellations- The Oh Hellos
Dark Forest Cats
Dawnshatter: Choke- IDKHOW Barkfang: Along Came A Spider- Tesco Value Sparkflame: Chillyfur: Mama Hates You- Ck9c Silverpine: Heart Of Glass- Mini Mansions/ Setting Sun- Lord Huron Bramblewasp: Sunshine- the Phantoms/Bad Bad Things- AJJ Tawnyfoot: Vinestar: Absinthe- IDKHOW Quietstar: Catabolic Seed- The Scary Jokes / Twenty Long Years- Lord Huron Twilightpaw: Cain- Cousin Marnie/Evelyn Evelyn- Evelyn Evelyn Blackflame: Przeklenstwo Milleheaven- Katarzyna Groniec / Honey, I'm Home- Ghost & Pals Starklight: Oleander- Mother Mother
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epitheterasedgen · 5 years
The Howie route
In EAM, there’s a huge crack in the wall of Molly’s room to show how little time she’s able to spend on her own life while running the store
After playing through both the Percy and Ramsey routes, you unlock a crucial decision moment where Molly decides to call a repairman to fix it
The repairman— you guessed it, Howie Honeyglow— shows up and recognizes Molly’s voice from the phone. He’s surprised by her age, and after she tells him (half) the truth about her running the store, he’s very impressed
The next day, Howie comes into the store to buy a toy for the daughter of one of his worker bees, because it’s her birthday. Molly shows great surprise at how personally and kindly Howie treats his workers, which starts his suspicions towards her own circumstances
Howie offhandedly mentions how he thinks one of his suppliers is messing around with their bank statements, and how he sure could use a hand looking them over
Molly offers her services, kind of because she’s nice, and kind of because she doesn’t know how to say no, but what she isn’t expecting is for Howie to offer her money
He proposes that she comes down to Redwood Run with him to supervise the supplier’s use of loans, and since Spring Break is coming up, she doesn’t see why not take the job
What follows is basically a mini-mystery crime-solving arc where Molly figures out how and why the disappearing loans are being misused, with the entire Zora/Percy/Ramsey arc happening casually in the background and never directly interacting with Molly
By the end of their time together, Howie’s basically figured out Molly’s entire home life, and proposes that he contacts the police about what’s going on
He also (in his own semi-awkward, gruff way) offers that he could “permenanty employ” Molly for her services and pay her in food/rent/ect. You know, just, if she wants. And she’d never have to work more than what she could handle with her schoolwork, because “for a kid like you, that oughta be your main job.”
TL;DR, Howie adopts Molly, she helps him with the family business but in a healthy dose for a 12 y/o, and she also gets to know all the Worker Bees like really close cousins who come over for pizza on Friday nights
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