#The Naani Diaries
The Naani Diaries by Riva Razdan - fiction about Indian marriage and culture
Thanks @HarperCollins and @blogchatter for review copy. #TheNaaniDiaries is enjoyable #contemporary #womensfiction with feminist view on Indian wedding and marriage culture. Check out full review ⬇️
The Naani Diaries is is enjoyable contemporary women’s fiction about Indian marriage and culture with many other interesting topics to discuss. The Naani Diaries by Riva Razdan Publication Date : January 10, 2023 Publisher : HarperCollins India Read Date : February 22, 2023 Genre : Contemporary, women’s fiction Pages : 564 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rating: 3.5 out of 5. Disclaimer – : I received this book as…
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pratsmusings · 2 years
The Naani Diaries - Book Review
Gayatri Khurana and Radhika Anand may be a generation apart, but love binds them together. Of course, they do love each other as much as a grandmother and granddaughter would, but their personal love stories are what I am talking about. The Naani Diaries – Book Review We’re all caught in this fast-paced life. We look for instant gratification. And when we do not get it in life, we choose to move…
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msinha-galaxy · 4 years
Motherhood of 16 years.
Amazing years-They just went by swiftly. When I look back to her turning 16; each moment of her being is just divine; A God’s angel gifted to me. She gave a meaning to my life; living my life and my childhood once again through her eyes. Her first cry; her first word; to her first test; to her first sadness; to her first friend all are truly special moments. I wish I could again live them each day.
0 years in the tummy: Kicking mummy dearest with all her might.. for every month making her mumma cry in pain almost bed ridden- Mamma feeding herself Rasgullas and pomegranates and all nutritious food for healthy good looking baby.
I will be helluva of a girl Mamma ! Watch out for me...Navratre comes; full blown pregnant mumma dreams of Durga and Laxmi. Is there a cute little Meri Durga in my tummy?.. mumma is dreaming of little princesses clad in white lehngas running around laughing and giggling around the house with sounds of lil girls wearing Payals. Yes it is the sign of my princess arriving my Durga my Laxmi my Sarswati arriving..
Two days post Dusshera she is Born Eshita Vani !! aka Laxmi Sarswati...
0-1 year : was the most quietest time; beautiful angel always looking towards her mummy with blue eyes. Lil angel beautiful; pink as a rose; doe eyed - mumma’s heart out of her body..
1-2 years: Loathed the Crèche. Howled her lungs out as she had to leave Mumma’s arms. Always looking for mummy’s bosom for breastfeed - the moment mummy is in sight. She knows no one except mummy and mummy’s arms. She cried and cried when she went through a mundan. Mummy’s heart wept to see her that sad.
Calls her father Daadda; doting father; who just lets her do everything- right to Painting the Ghar ka wall with Crayons to not wearing anything only undies...
Comes Mausi the villain - gets the little Esha wean off breast milk - mummy’s heart bled watching Lil Esha lick salt and mirchi. Cried all night missing her comfort - mumma’s Duddhoo. Mausi is practical and loving will sleep with Esha for next 7 days...
2-4 years: Now found new love in grandparents; Aaka; and Mausi. She is fast; supermodel always infront of mirror; changing clothes every 30 mins. Cat walked her way every where.
Mummy made a really bad hairlook to school yet told her teacher my mummy says I am beautiful and look like a princess.
Pride of a lioness cub; lovely as a doe; yet feisty in 2 feet of her being.
Her Aaka is the greatest; her first friend; she ruled him with her demands and he reciprocated with all his love to his Eshu.
Meri laado ki mehndi every weekend courtesy Naana!!
4-6 years: Blackmailed her mummy to buy clothes with her little tantrums in the mall. You should now know her as my little Paris Hilton - color coded top to bottom with mini satchel; sunglasses; shoes and dress. She is my Tyra Banks and Naomi Campbell walking out of Lilliput Kid’s Store.
Enrique Iglesias croaking for her always since kid...A 5 years old Esha singing along I'm not in love it's just a fase that I'm going through i 'm always looking for something new 🎶🎵🎶🎵
Her Daadda disappears... Esha is a l’il sad each day as it goes yet each day a lot more happier with her new life with Naana; Naani and Mummy enfolds with new adventure infront of her... Her Naana becomes her strong fort around her. Her Aaka becomes her bro her friend her mausa No he is only Aaka....
Naani’s little brat was scolded- Little Esha packed her Barbie stroller and said I am leaving the house... couldnot help but turned back from the front door oh she doesn’t know where to go!
Homework with mummy never ! Mummy and home are supposed to be fun... PTM teacher pointed out she doesn’t do homework... Hello aren’t you supposed to teach her... she is supposed to spend time with Mumma and simply have fun.. school changed their rules...
Esha watches her Mausi’s tummy grow with doted eyes who is in there; will be taking her space.
Esha is 5 years and her sister arrives Anika.... She see her come to this world...her mausi shouting to top of her voice.. Amazed to witness the birth of her baby sister
They grow...4 and 9 uff.. what rivalry they share... right from Dresses to Doremon toys-Nothing to share with each other - every minute of love and play broken by a bout of fight and heartbreaks.
Esha growing with Naana and Naani and mummy.. Esha a little sad a little happy as new life stores lots of adventure and new world.
6-10 years: Comes Naani the SuperMom- life mein Twist... Naani brought Esha back to two T-shirts’ and two jeans. Finally hindi lessons and writing at age of 6..
Naani made Esha Raani excel in class. Every year Golden Star award! My Paris Hilton became Super achiever. Every year strived to do better than before...
My Golu molu angel had best of time with her Naana ... Naana loved his piece of heart... Her every wish is a command for him...
Yuvaan her lil brother comes to the world.., Lil Esha all overwhelmed looking at her small bro - dances in celebration in Mumbai along with Anika. She is taking care of her Mausi.. as she is happy for Yuvaan..
10 years-12 years Golu Molu Esha is a bunny toothed. Anjali Ekka is a soul sister; growing friendship see no bound.
My friends are her friends.. Her first pasta at Bristol with Abhishek uncle; Abhishek Uncle became the Pasta Uncle... every weekend she said innocently Aaj pasta uncle ke paas jaa rahe hai Kya ?
Sprite her favorite drink- Naana has smuggled Sprite at home come what may..
She is in love with her Maths teacher Richa Ma’am- she made her fall in love with maths for life...o Richa Maam married why O Richa Maam pregnant ohNo...
13 years - finally teenager Smita mausi - comes with a lot of teen wisdom n a lot of checklist for Lil Esha to accomplish. Her first kindle arrives with Smita mausi. Her love with books grows from here.
Arpita mausi nicknamed Eshita “Rockstar” - shares same interests - mimeing and singing. Hearing Arpita mausi sing- Esha finds her new interest of singing.
13 years : Watches Beti Bachao Andolan asks why it is important... and her existential question where is her dadda.. on talking with him for 3 days she says - mamma I am proud of you .you made the right decision.
Esha I am proud of you... you are my lil hero who inspires me to be the best version of me every day. To smile come what May ...
14-15 years - Mausi and Aaka are the guradian angels. Mausi keeping hawk eye on Esha’s progress.
Gets herself braces. the unbearable pain of braces for the entire year but the future to have better teeth than bunny teeth.
Anika’s Didi is growing; she is the big sister now.. Still sharing rivalry not for Doremon but for “she said- I said” “don’t disturb me”and wet eyes....wahi roothna wahi manaana... Esha Didi is teenager and Anika a small girl still... want to spend more time with Esha Didi. Esha Didi make pasta for me- says Anika
15 to 16 years: Anika’s Didi is motivating Anika to be focused and determined to excel.
Best gift for life embracing Nam myoho renge kyo.. she chants for great boards result and she aces it. Hurrah!
Not to forget Vampire Diaries Netflix Binge watching.. in love with Sherlock Holmes and Suits..My Lil Paris Hilton is now Hermione Jean Granger ( aka Harry Potter fame).
Her favorite actor is some... very difficult spelling ... Ian Somerhalder
Poor Esha - boards over yeah!! blends with lockdown - no respite...
Reading books and more books - her favorite book Becoming Michelle Obama.
My little Paris Hilton is growing taller to read taller books and quotes Michelle Obama on and off to her mummy...“I hope to be exactly like my own mother though not so at all like her at all...,
Hurraaahhh the dreaded Class 10th boards Lil Esha now competitive ; burning Night oil day and night Yesss she aced it she aced it... Aaka sends Gulab Jamun just as Results downloaded...
Nana panicking; Naani trying varied devices to download the result.. bingo SMS arrives the Ace result...Aaka Mausi joins in a dance jig in the evening...
Studying during the day and karoaking with her new mike in the night.. striving for perfection to every song she sings ... not sharing with anyone.. Nah ! It’s not perfect enough to be shared ...
Challenged by her mummy to dance like AlayaF- yeah she does accept the challenge and yet again had fun making her new video jig..
Hazel & Yashica besties forever ! Making new friends; deepening bonds of friendships.....all friends’ late night Zoom calls and socials - the joy; the laughter.. my lil Paris Hilton is now a debating Teenager - bubbling with loads of aspirations and dreams.
To many more trips to Zara, Mango and H&Ms with you...May you always dress the best and look like an angel from heaven as beautiful as my lil Eshu..
Your eyes sparkle with many dreams with focused goals - shhh don’t say it out...
Happy birthday My l’il Paris Hilton you deserve the best in life... look forward to you leaping ahead in life - I would keep looking from here... Cheers to many good days and also to some not so good days - All of universe will manifest to make you stronger and better human being each day as it goes.
Expect the best out of yourself; you deserve extraordinary hence first shape up to be extraordinary. Have a big heart for everyone. Be compassionate And courage to make your dreams come true.. live life to the fullest yet strive for excellence in everything you do..Dream big and live life like a Disney princess!
Your Proud Mother of 16 years
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