#The Phantom Arms are technically a reference to the hand that passes over the Grandfather Clock in the Haunted Mansion
nymphilily · 1 month
While Lottie does have a small reserve of magic that makes the possibility of Overblotting very miniscule (she is a Medium and séance's do require some magic to preform), I like to imagine that her Overblot Form would have similarities to Oichi in the later Sengoku BASARA games.
Her Phantom is a series of "arms" that hold her limp and lifeless body up like a doll (she'd crumple to the ground without their support). The "hand" holding up her head is the "main hand", one with the Magestone attached to it, but it can't stop the way her head rolls around like it's going to fall off her neck with even the slightest of pushes. Each "hand" holding up a limb will take turns fighting off "enemies". With the exception of her closest friends, she can only view the people around her as things like birds and flowers, if they're lucky to not be viewed as concepts like "light" and "shadow". You get the sense that she's not exactly all there, like her mind has already departed to the Great Hereafter when she sings ominous songs about vast fields of flowers dying while mowing down her friends and classmates like how a hot knife cuts into butter. Lots of tear stain imaginary, at times it's hard to tell what's supposed to be a tear and what's ink running down her face. She apologizes a lot, but you can't tell if she's speaking to her fallen peers or something far worse that the average person can't even begin to fathom.
I wouldn't say she'd be extremely powerful in an Overblotted state, but definitely a difficult one to defeat with how closely her Phantom clings to her. It knows that without her it wouldn't even exist, so it protects it's Mage like a wild dog protects it's kill from opportunistic adversaries.
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