#All this to say: Watch And Or Play Sengoku BASARA
nymphilily · 1 month
While Lottie does have a small reserve of magic that makes the possibility of Overblotting very miniscule (she is a Medium and séance's do require some magic to preform), I like to imagine that her Overblot Form would have similarities to Oichi in the later Sengoku BASARA games.
Her Phantom is a series of "arms" that hold her limp and lifeless body up like a doll (she'd crumple to the ground without their support). The "hand" holding up her head is the "main hand", one with the Magestone attached to it, but it can't stop the way her head rolls around like it's going to fall off her neck with even the slightest of pushes. Each "hand" holding up a limb will take turns fighting off "enemies". With the exception of her closest friends, she can only view the people around her as things like birds and flowers, if they're lucky to not be viewed as concepts like "light" and "shadow". You get the sense that she's not exactly all there, like her mind has already departed to the Great Hereafter when she sings ominous songs about vast fields of flowers dying while mowing down her friends and classmates like how a hot knife cuts into butter. Lots of tear stain imaginary, at times it's hard to tell what's supposed to be a tear and what's ink running down her face. She apologizes a lot, but you can't tell if she's speaking to her fallen peers or something far worse that the average person can't even begin to fathom.
I wouldn't say she'd be extremely powerful in an Overblotted state, but definitely a difficult one to defeat with how closely her Phantom clings to her. It knows that without her it wouldn't even exist, so it protects it's Mage like a wild dog protects it's kill from opportunistic adversaries.
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azuretl · 3 months
I am honored to announce that I was part of the fantastic localization team that's bringing Ryusei*Fantasia to the west!
With Ryusei*Fantasia announced, I thought I could write a little bit about my experiences with B-PRO and the interesting coincidences that led me to this fantastic franchise. Since I wasn't sure what I was going to do with this blog, and I'm deadly sick still, I might as well do a bit of random writing and talk a bit about the project! Weird rambling under the cut.
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So, I actually knew about B-PRO when it was first announced years ago. My sister and I are huge fans of TMR (TM Revolution, aka Takanori Nishikawa) which stemmed from our love for the Sengoku Basara franchise. (I can go on forever about that one... We did cosplays, photoshoots, nightly gaming sessions [we had all the games in Japanese], I wrote fanfics... um yeah. It was...*a time* :P ) We caught wind that TMR was producing a new virtual idol group...and that's when I learned about B-PRO.
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I didn't know the boys, but I did know that the music was going to be FIRE... And after seeing images of the characters, they didn't really have a lasting impression (except for Korekuni... At the time, I recognized him as "Kishio Daisuke's character" :'D I'm also a seiyuu fanatic, so...).
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(Ahhh...the Daisuke team for KITAKADO...)
Fast forward to a few years later, B-PRO was still in its infancy, and, being the huge seiyuu fan that I am, I listened to a lot of seiyuu music. (I-CHU, Actors franchise, i7, etc. etc...) When just playing a random song list, I ran into some B-PRO music. That's really the extent of what I knew about it... It had a great voice cast and the music is FIRE.
I also found out that Kato Kazuki is voicing in it :O (And then I was certain the music was going to be SOOOO GOOOOD). I'm also a huuuge tenipuri fan (POT head here :'D. Cosplays, fanfics, fanart, dream novels [do people even remember those?] I've done it all.) and naturally, I became a huge Tenimyu fan as well (Prince of Tennis Musicals... I even got a group of friends together to cosplay + reenact some dances from Tenimyu for cosplay contests...and won quite a few of them too ;) ). My favorite Tenimyu cast was the Dream Live 3 group. (I guess they're considered season 2 Seigaku?) with the D-boys and Yanagi Kotaro/Endou Yuya as their Ryouma. (People who don't know Tenimyu, sorry for all the terminology that probably doesn't make sense to you lol... *sweat*) And my favorite school happened to be Hyoutei.
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Now, for those who don't know, Kato Kazuki (voice of Aizome) played the captain of Hyoutei's tennis club in the musicals (Atobe Keigo) and he EMBODIED that smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch <3 aura. If you don't know PoT, Atobe is basically Aizome but younger and filthy rich. And naturally, Tenimyu being a musical, meant Kato Kazuki had to sing live... and I fell in LOVE with his voice. He is such an amazing singer! And actor! (I also started watching Kamen Rider Kabuto because of him... he plays one of the Kamen Riders and he is, again, a smug, ore-sama sonuvabitch... I guess he gets typecasted a lot...)
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All this is to say, I really really really like Kato Kazuki...as an actor, singer, performer... he excudes sexy and he has so. much. presence. Seeing him working in an idol franchise was pretty refreshing and exciting!
(Side note, Goshi's voice actor- Toyonaga Toshiyuki is also in the Prince of Tennis musical... and he shared the stage with Aizome's voice actor, Kato Kazuki, quite a lot. They also interacted a lot in the backstage behind-the-scenes videos. They're really good friends so... queue my utter surprise when I found out how Goshi and Aizome interact in the stories >>;;;; )
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So that was really the extent of my knowledge of B-PRO. Great music, great cast, great character designs. So when I was approached about joining the team, I was very eager to throw my hat into the ring. (PLUS my absolute favorite voice actor, Kakihara Tetsuya is in it... I HAD TO!!!) But boy, oh boy, was I hit with UTTER SURPRISE when I found out how much DRAMA and INTENSITY and STORY the franchise actually has!!!
What I thought might've been "just another idol game" turned out to be so full of drama... It was such a nice, pleasant surprise. I won't go too much into the process and the stories, since you'll all have to play the game to find out! But wow, all the boys were *nothing* like I thought they were at first.
Just for fun, here's what I thought at first vs what I think of them now. (Opinions are my own... and I'm sorry that some of my earlier opinions were...for lack of a better word, *dumb* )
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Goshi Typical bad boy chara -> I would love to have this character as a bigger brother. He's caring and really looks out for his kouhai... How can anyone NOT like him??? He's my second favorite...!
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Aizome It's Kato Kazuki...so the typical Ore-sama kei, smug, flirty -> Ore-sama kei, smug, (playfully) flirty, and someone with so, so much depth. I want to be his friend...just to be there for him. He needs Goshi and Ashu more than he thinks. And you'll never convince me that he and Goshi aren't an old married couple that gets into fights literally every two seconds.
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Ashu Genki boi #1 -> I remember his scenes very strongly, oddly enough. THRIVE needs him. Aizome and Goshi need him. He may act like a happy-go-lucky boyo with too much energy, but he's the water that helps keep the other Aizome and Goshi flowers alive, whether they realize that or not. He's also a really, really good senpai :')
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Kitakado Prince-kei. It's Ono Daisuke so...guessing we're gonna get something like his Starry Sky counterpart. -> Pretty much that... but he's also sooo silly whenever Korekuni is involved. Has a silly side to him, and a very loving and charming side too. He's a good guy XD and no one can convince me that he's NOT a married couple with Korekuni ._.
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Korekuni Kishio Daisuke!!!! The Daisuke combo! Pretty boy. Guess he's snobby? -> I see a lot of myself in him. He's highly professional and demands the same level of professionalism from his peers, though that can come off as strict. He's so much more than his appearance, and he's not afraid to show that.
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Masunaga (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THIS)I thought he looked...kinda boring...? -> He was one of the characters that I did the most research on because I wanted to grasp his character and who he really is...and when I did, boy... the tears were everywhere. I just want him to be happy. His side story is one that I remember MOST vividly. He's a good leader and a good person and I just really really really want him to be happy.
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Onzai KAKKIIIIIII *screams and flails my arms around* I thought I would love him the most because of his voice actor. (I am obsessed with Kakihara Tetsuya) -> *pats his head* You're a good boy. I wish you will love yourself and realize how much everyone loves you ;~; He's more than his pretty looks... and he's very insightful. He really understands his teammates and cares for them deeply.
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Osari The last time I heard Morikubo Shotaro voice a genki boy was GET BACKERS. [I KNOW I'M SHOWING MY AGE BY SAYING THAT...] Genki Boi #2. -> The mood-maker and a ray of sunshine. His crazy nicknames almost drove me nuts 8'D but he's such a lovable character. It's impossible to dislike him. I know one of the TLers on the team REALLY likes him and I can understand why!
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Nome I love this character design SO MUCH!!! He's so good-looking! -> He's still really good-looking...I love his hair color...his build...his everything. Character-design wise, he's still my favorite. Was funny when I found out he's a gym buff :'D makes sense... He would also make a good big brother to the boys ;u; Though I THINK he has a big brother?? If I remember one of the special events I translated right...
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Sekimura I'm usually not a fan of megane-types. He's okay. (I'M SO SORRY FOR SAYING THAT...AND I HATE MYSELF FOR NOT APPRECIATING HIM MORE BEFORE) -> WOW where to start. I want him to be successful. I want him to be happy. He has SO, SO, SO much depth. He deserves SO, SO, SO much. He breaks the usual megane-type trope and he's his own self that stands out SO MUCH. I appreciate him so much for his faithful, loyal support of his friends and I just REALLY want him to be happy. And no one can convince me that he's NOT madly obsessed with Onzai. He'd date him if he got the chance. :P
First off, before diving into characters, can I say that THESE BOYS ARE THE FURTHEST THING FROM SOMETHING AS EDGY AS "KILLER KING" I expected super edgy boys in this band... ._.;;
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Haruhi Genki Boy #3. Ah, I think this will be my favorite genki boy. -> He is not my favorite genki boy :'D He's still great of course!!! But it's funny how that didn't turn out the way I thought it would. He's also a giant ray of sunshine, though a bit selfish, but that's part of his charm. The side story for him though... *Haaah* Haruhi... just...whyyyy... But I really really really liked his backstory. He admits his faults and grows to overcome them and I truly, really respect that.
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Yuduki The gloomier of the twins. Lack self-esteem? -> He does lack self-esteem, but he grows from it too. I actually really like Yuduki...I was surprised because I didn't expect that. Again, he's another boy that had way more depth than I imagined. He takes good care of Haruhi, but he's not limited to being Haruhi's shadow. His individual stories away from Haruhi are where he really shines, I think. Go for it, Yuduki! Ganbare!!!
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Akane Genki boy #4. -> MUST. PROTECC. AKANEEEE. *HISSSSS* The BIGGEST surprise for me is that Akane became my TOP. FAVORITE. BOY. His background story and his interactions in the special event stories made me empathize with him A LOT. He has INTENSE imposter syndrome and he doesn't know when to stand up for himself...so he needs his friends to help him. And in response, he LOVES his friends and will do anything to help them. He's selfless for his friends but tends to forget to care for himself. I can go ON AND ON but please, please PLEASE check out his backstory when the game comes out!!! That hit me really hard... and it resonated with me a lot. It might not with others, but it really did with me. Akane love. *sob sob sob*
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Shingari Ah, it's Egu... Egu? With that kinda character design? I guess he's the silent type then? -> There's more depth than I imagined. I remember his backstory quite well, too, because it showed a more vulnerable side to him, and I came to understand Shingari really well after it. *pats his head* He's a good boy. I hope him success. Don't worry, you'll have your friends and your senpai with you! It's okay to be a bit vulnerable sometimes!
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So...that was my evaluation of the characters before and after working on the series. It's okay if you don't agree with my views on the boys, I'm not saying they're the only view and the right view...it's just *my* view, after working on the select parts of the game that I did. It was *amazing* how much my opinions changed. No one was really entirely what I thought they were like...that just shows how much depth the characters really have. They're not bound to just their trope, but there's so much more about them... and I came to appreciate them and the franchise EVEN MORE than ever.
I am so genuinely blessed to have gotten the chance to work on this series and I am so genuinely grateful to PQube and the team that was put together for this title. I can't wait for all of you to play the game and experience this yourself, whether you're new to B-PRO or a veteran fan.
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himebushou · 9 months
HI – I am finally watching Shaman King 2021!
The 2001 anime consumed my head and my heart (many a Maths lesson was spent discussing what had happened in Last Night’s Episode), so I’m happy to be diving in at last!
I’m grouping my rambles for convenience.  Here are some squiggly thoughts on Episodes 1-9!
Episode 1
Ep 1 of Shaman King and I'm getting emotional – the way Anna and Yoh go up against Hao in the opening sent a chill down my spine!  And wow, they didn't waste any time establishing the twin connection, huh?
There's definitely a lot packed into Episode 1, which means that it goes super fast but hey, that's fine!
It will take me a while to get used to the voices because I love and adore the 4 Kids dub – but I'm watching this subbed and having fun so far!
Episode 2
SHAMAN KING is one massive eco message and I loooove iiiiiit!  Having Ren spend all that time staring up at the stars rambling on about air pollution… you tell ’em!
Episode 3
Phew, the bit in the Lee Pyron episode where he starts crying... that takes me back…  (Though I think they missed a trick here by sticking with ‘Lee Pyron’ in the dub; ‘Lee Pai-Long’ made a lot more sense to me, back in the day.)
Anna literally slapping sense into everyone, including Jun fhdjdn
Episode 4
Episode 4 is my favourite so far – the introduction of Tokageroh!  There was a proper laugh-out-loud moment as well as plenty of action... though I have to ask how in the world baby!Mosuke was making swords, lol.  Him and what resources?  The knife from his father? Gosh.
Tokageroh’s backstory was delivered pretty quickly… I also appreciated Ren in this episode.
I wish that the English dub had stuck with 4Kids’ term ‘sacred hang’ – that had so much flavour.  Ryu talking about a ‘happy place’ doesn’t really have the same pizazz.
However!  Amidamaru referring to Yoh as ‘Lord Yoh’?  Amazing.  Splendid.  Beautiful.  I believe it was ‘Master Yoh’ back in the 2001 days.
Episode 5
First of all, starting off with Ryu was cute!  Though I don’t understand how Anna summoned Mosuke to fix Harusame considering that he's dead dead (having passed on at all), but hey, I think we'll have to let it slide…
SILVA IS HERE!  I had to skip back and watch most of the episode in English because hi, DAN GREEN, HI.  He was so great and I just felt so happy hearing his voice again after all this time~ it helps that Silva is an AMAZING character and so much fun!
I cracked when Yoh lobbed Amidamaru like a baseball and tfjfj the bit where Amidamaru's spirit nearly ascends is so good –
I actually squealed when Over Soul started playing, sheesh.  Oh well.  It wasn’t too late, so I’m sure my neighbours were fine.
And man, Ren is such a lil creep at this point... The Tao family give off serious Zoldyck vibes, tbh.
(Shaman King 2021 is still super fast and I think it’s okay for people who’ve got 2001 or the manga as a baseline, but if I were completely new to the IP, I would be LOST.)
Episode 6
Horohoro is so cute.
That’s pretty much all I have to say!
Episode 7
Faust the VIII is a FREAK what the hell!
At this point, I’m flip-flopping between the sub and the dub based on whether it’s a Silva screen or not dndjkd but Faust sharing a seiyuu with Saurtobi Sasuke (from Sengoku BASARA!!) is making that complicated!
Also, the soundtrack is perfeeect for Shaman King I loooove it
Episode 8
Manta comes from money?? I don’t remember all of that stuff with his family from 2001 at ALL.
Also, the funny thought of Ryu going to America to train as a sushi chef like... surely it would be more prudent to stay in Japan?  lol
I'm pretty sure Amidamaru uses "de gozaru" when he speaks, which is super cute
This episode introduces Tamao!  I think she might be a little younger than Yoh and Anna (11?). Ponchi and Conchi were absolutely vile which was definitely, definitely left out of the dub.
I feel like we could have had more of Yoh's struggle in Yomi Cave, for sure, but that’s 2021's breakneck pacing again!  Also, I really have to question the tournament format considering that something like 10 days have passed since Yoh's loss to Faust – there wasn’t any mention of how long the qualifiers would last.  I love tournaments in anime, but they MUST be well structured!!  Or I get mad!!
Bason is adorable...... Also, I completely forgot that Ren disdains the Tao family?  What a dweeby child.  I love him.
How is it that Tamao has an Over Soul but Yoh didn't even know what it was called nfjfjd Just HOW slack was Yoh in his training??
Episode 9
I love how much this episode focused on Yoh saying things like, “I'm not going to force myself" djdj I wish he was the shounen protag whose example I'd followed… Yoh says such important things about not working to death that many of his peers could listen to!  And me too sigh sighs
Once again, the timeline is whack – the preliminaries are over but Ren’s only had two battles?  Huh??
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midnight-rice · 1 year
@alltheoutsinfreeeee thank you for tagging me, i love talking about whatever media i'm currently obsessed with! (and may i just say you also have very good taste ^^ FMA and FFXV are both on my list of media to try out)
i uh, can't find the post of the actual prompts, but i'll follow your lead 😅
Last song: Been jumping back and forth between my own playlist of faves and Pav's, so my most recent songs were "On the Other Side of the Mirage" from Tales of Vesperia (it's so relaxing, puts me to sleep every time) and "......" from Fire Emblem Awakening (half of the YouTube comments section was people cursing the songwriters for naming the song only ellipses lol)
Last movie: It's been a hot minute since I've watched an actual movie all the way through, maybe Turning Red or one of the more recent Star Trek movies? It was probably before Christmas, at least. I started watching one of the Hobbit movies too but I fell asleep 😅
Currently watching: The Legend of Vox Machina S2!!!! My sister got me into Critical Role last year by showing me the first season, and this second season has been even better in terms of overall quality! We've also been watching campaign 2, so you can imagine how excited we were to hear that they'll be animating The Mighty Nein 😄
Currently playing: Ok this is going to be a long list, I have a habit of juggling lots of games at once. Currently my longplay game is my very first playthrough of Persona 4, accompanied by my good friends @one-bit-oat @askr (feel free to answer this prompt too guys!!!) It's been very fun so far as my introduction to the series, though I'm really slow and kinda bad at it 😅 Meanwhile my sister and I have been alternating between playing Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Sengoku Basara 3 in couch co-op, I'm more of a fan of the latter since I've gotten really attached to these goofy samurai. Lastly, I've been trying to catch up on some good 3DS RPG titles so I'm working on 100%ing (or close enough) Rune Factory 4 and Miitopia. RF4 has been especially fun, I love repeatedly confessing my love to pretty boys who keep turning me down because I chose to be male 😅
Current obsession: This changes constantly, like two weeks ago it would have been RF4 and one week ago it would have been pokemon TCG, but after watching Pav stream Tales of Graces f, I got nostalgic for it and have been working on my old long fic amidst some sickness. It got me out of my writer's block at least, which I'm very grateful for, now I just need to get out of my art block 😔
thanks again for the tags, other followers feel free to share your own!
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cyborg-lucario · 8 months
Streaming preparations
Now that I have a really good computer and two monitors I'm now in the process of preparing for my stream re-debut on Twitch, which might happen next week, I still need to pin a proper date for it but I can say that it will start at around 20:00 (8pm) CEST or your equivalent timezone.
I haven't even decided on what game will get the honour to be played during the stream. Might be Minecraft or Sengoku Basara (I just hope that the capture card I got still works, but I do have a new capture card on my Throne wishlist in case it doesn't work: https://throne.com/alexis_strype) or random games.
I will make an announcement about the time when posting my weekly stream schedule.
Now to makes sure that it will be possible to stream on the days I have in mind and that there's no other obligations I need to do during those days.
I might also be able to do art streams once I get a drawing tablet for the computer since as it turns out, you can't use a Samsung Galaxy Tab to draw stuff on the computer.
I hope you all are having a good time and while I can't force you due to your own obligations and such it would still be nice if you could be watching my streams. :3
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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This thread reminds me how much Gronder felt so focused on the "tragedy of former classmates fighting", that it did things that made no sense, just go ensure that happened.
It's nonsensical for the Golden Deer to not use tactical retreats to avoid the Blue Lions, other than meta wargame reasons and a fixation on that decided tragedy trope. I still really wanted to see Claude do something like Takeda Shingen's "Woodpecker Maneuver" from Sengoku Basara 2009. Leading the Blue Lions into the Black Eagles would have been so easy, with Dimitri charging everyone forward and chasing without a second thought. And don't give me that "the fog would've kept them from coordinating areas they located the Empire forces with areas they located the Kingdom forces". Armies coordinate through sound, like battle horns and trumpets, just as much as visually. And they had wyvern riders with not only an overhead view, but could also serve as a central point of coordination. Is it really so hard to ask that one wyvern rider watch for different army locations, while Liecester shoots flaming arrows up through the fog to signal the locations of each army they encounter? ---Now I'm just going off into headcanons.😑💧
And then Scarlet Blaze had such a similar misguided focus on enacting the "tragedy of former classmates fighting", by making Claude jump into a 3 sided war again. This was the same game that showed Claude knows the tactic of letting 2 opposing forces weaken each other, THEN picking off the survivor. There was no reason to not let the Empire and Kingdom go at each other, by themselves, while Liecester sat out until necessary. And let's face it, it would again be more advantageous to team up with the Kingdom and Church, since no matter what, the Empire would be planning to conquer all of Fodlan, while the Kingdom has no interest in conquering Leicester, and if the Kingdom, Chirch, and Liecester go vs the Empire, that's 3 forces vs 1.
At least in Verdant Wind, the Empire wasn't as immediately ready for an attack from Leicester, and Leicester still has the same sensible motivation: the Empire is always looking to conquer other lands, so they'd have to fight the Empire eventually.
But in terms of Claude trusting Dimitri, i think that Claude's primary coping mechanism for his background trauma, as well as his motivation for his dream, is having hope in the best in people. I think that as soon as Dimitri demonstrably dropped his vengence quest towards Edelgard, to liberate Faerghus instead, that proved that the Dimitri, that Claude knew during the Academy, had returned. Or at least Dimitri must have returned to being motivated by his altruistic compassion again, as he had been during the Academy. (I'm reluctant to say Dimitri returned to the same as he was during the Academy.) I don't think Claude trusted Dimitri just because he rescued him at Deirdru. Claude must have trusted Dimitri BEFORE the rescue.
Though Claude may have trusted Dimitri on a personal level, i do think the rest of the Liecester lords woukd have fallen in line under Dimitri out of fear. Fear of Dimitri, fear of the Empire conquering them without Dimitri's help, &/or maybe knowing how Dimitri was capable of plowing through Leicester at Gronder, would've swayed them to believe the Kingdom could conquer the Empire, and it is best to side with the predicted winner. Even if the Liecester lords were coerced to accept Dimitri's rule because of fear, which Claude may have played into a bit, i still think Claude would have personally had faith in Dimitri...and Claude would've tried to share some of that hope in Dimitri, while convincing the Liecester lords. A kind of "good cop, bad cop", where Dimitri and the Empire are both portrayed as scary, but at least Dimitri rescued them and, according to Claude, has more chances of being benevolent (whereas, if you disagree with Edelgard, you'll be forcibly conquered or Hubert will sic his subterfuge tactics on you.)
Disclaimer: i too am not looking for arguments. I'm just venting MY reactions on MY blog.
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blue-and-dog · 3 years
The Beast in the Mountains (A Sengoku Basara One-Shot)
Note: This story is centered around my fanon that, post-Sekigahara, Mitsunari and his family fled into the mountains to live in hiding for several years before his death. A wife is mentioned, but for the sake of this story I keep her ambiguous so you readers who have an OC shipped with him can just slap her in there. :D Shiranui’s profile is here.
“That’s a good size fire; try and keep it like that for now.”
The group of men sat around the small fire; four dirty, tired, ragged men on the run from proper society, obscured by the darkness of the mountain’s dense forest, barely illuminated by the small fire. Sadanobu continued.
“Any brighter and we risk attracting animals. I’m already worried about smoke flowin’ through the treetops.”
“With how thick these trees are?” Gaku chuckled, “I’m surprised the moonlight even gets through here. We’ll be fine. We just gotta make sure to put it out before we call it a night.”
“You sure no one’ll find us up here?” Naofumi asked, as usual fidgeting with his hands out of anxiety.
“Relax, I did some scoping out of the town not far from these mountains,” Matazaemon shook his head, “They’re superstitious folk. Somethin’ about an old legend saying there’s a guardian spirit that lives on this mountain. People who go too high up the mountain end up in its territory and meet a horrible fate or some shit like that. That’s why I wanted to set up the camp so high up.”
“Besides, we’re not staying long...” Sadanobu pulled out the thick sack from behind him, “We gotta get to my guy in Kyoto and pawn all this off.”
Another successful heist for the unlikely group of criminals; two army deserters, a farmer and a gambler, able to pool their strengths and successfully rob their way across the East. Traveling nobles, temples, inns—nothing was safe. The country was a mess—they were just taking the opportunity to help themselves.
“That last temple was hidin’ some good loot!” Gaku said excitedly, “I still can’t believe how lucky we got! Lemme see again!”
Sadanobu rolled his eyes, but smiled and passed the bag to Gaku, who excitedly opened it, tilting it toward the light of the fire to see the inside; the head of the gold Buddha glittered back at him. “We got enough goodies in here to eat like kings for weeks!”
“Man, I haven’t eaten a decent meal since the Toyotomi...” Sadanobu sighed and leaned back. “It’ll be nice...”
“Hey, yeah, you were a Toyotomi guy!” Matazaemon laughed, “I was Oda! I know your pain.”
“You’re kidding! You don’t strike me as an Oda guy.”
“And you don’t strike me as a Toyotomi!” he cackled back, as the two howled in laugher. Gaku and Naofumi chuckled along.
“You know, you two never talked about your army days,” Naofumi pointed out, “We got time—why not start now?”
“It’s really nothin’ much,” Matazaemon shook his head, digging through another bag to grab a rice ball and start distributing them amongst the group, “I joined up so my old man didn’t have to, wound up havin’ to do a lot of killing and burning and pillaging that I really never wanted to do. Watched all the major generals shining above everyone else, while the foot soldiers were trampled beneath them. Date, Takeda, Uesugi...they were the kind of guys that really made war seem like a fun time.”
“I know what you mean,” Gaku replied, “They made it look like something we should aspire to. I almost joined up with Date myself, but...when folks from the Date came around enlisting able-bodied men, I took off so my mom wouldn’t have to see her only son die for the sake of some egotist who just wanted more land for himself. I wonder how she’s doing...?”
“That’s the thing about these generals and daimyo,” Naofumi shrugged, “They shine brighter by standing on the backs of their soldiers.”
“Oda was a complete monster, though,” Matazaemon grumbled. “All of his inner circle were. Moment I got news Akechi killed him, I took the opportunity to turn tail while everyone was scrambling around. Never looked back.”
“Similar to my story,” Sadanobu nodded, “Hideyoshi was a creep...even standing near him put me on edge. And his supporters weren’t any better.” He leaned forward, looking down into the fire. “I remember one day, when I was training...apparently his general, Ishida, didn’t think I was making enough progress. By some mercy, he kept his sword sheathed, but he beat me with the sheathed weapon in some twisted attempt to strengthen me. All it did was strengthen my resolve to get the hell out of there soon as I could. Glad he’s dead.”
“Is he, though?” Naofumi raised an eyebrow. “I thought it wasn’t confirmed.”
“He and his family were in Osaka castle when some folks raided it after he lost Sekigahara. The whole place went up in flames; there’s no way an impulsive guy like that had any escape plan to get out of there undetected. There were so many burnt corpses in the castle afterward once the fire was under control; he had to be among them. He wouldn’t have run. He never ran.”
Naofumi closed his eyes in thought. “Maybe. There’s always a chance.”
“Don’t even start. I don’t wanna think about the possibility that that asshole’s still out there somewhere. And even if he is...he’d never willingly show his face again.”
The wind seemed to whisper above them. And a rumbling came from the woods around them.
“What was that?” Naofumi looked up, now apprehensive.
“Probably just an animal attracted to the light,” Gaku reached toward the fire, grabbing a burning hunk of wood from it as he stood up. “Wave this around a little bit and they’ll be gone. I’ll do it.”
Gaku turned from the group, heading through the brush, waving the burning wood around to light his path. Big, dramatic steps and stomps to intimidate whatever was near, his companions watching from afar.
Then, his head perked up, as if he spotted something. But before he could speak a word, he let out a choked-off cry, the flame dropping and going out.
“Gaku!” Matazaemon cried out as the group stood up, on high alert. Then, the loud thumps of quick but heavy footsteps, and a vicious bark and snarl, as a large, white blur lunged forward, biting Matazaemon by the arm; the force knocked him to the ground as he felt the arm pop out of place. He howled a mix of pain and fear.
Naofumi stared in shock and horror at the large wolf now viciously yanking Matazaemon to and fro like a rag doll, blood soaking its teeth and maw. But Matazaemon’s screams finally snapped him to attention as he pulled out his knife, plunging it toward the beast’s side in a panic.
He missed the stab, but the blade did slice the wolf’s side, as it let go of his friend and instantly turned on him; its jaw snapped open, going for his throat, and as he fell back, he looked to Sadanobu for help.
But Sadanobu had fled. Even as the wolf snarled and tore into him, Naofumi could hear footsteps approaching, and hear something slice into Matazaemon, silencing his howls of agony.
Sadanobu blindly pushed his way through the brush, his face a mix of fear, of terror, of snot and spit, while he tried to process that he was alone now, on this mountain, at night.
The Beast of the Mountain was real! That was no ordinary wolf! That thing...that thing was a monster! So fast, so strong! He had to leave its territory.
He had to get down the mountain.
He tripped in his panic, falling and rolling a ways, before finally sliding to a stop, staring up at the break in the treetops to see the moon. He began to sit up, but froze.
Footsteps. Two feet.
He began to hyperventilate, wondering if the beast had changed form, to come after *him.*
But the moon began to make his pursuer visible. And he could see those thin, angry eyes glaring down at him.
Those thin, angry eyes from all those years ago.
And he began to wail.

That one slice caused his insides to burst out of him, as he fell back, gurgling his final sounds, the world around him becoming black.
And Ishida Mitsunari flicked the blood off his old sword before sheathing it again. His intuition had been correct; the noise and dim light he saw from his home wasn’t just his imagination playing tricks on him; someone had the audacity, once again, to venture that high up the mountain. And they needed to be dealt with swiftly, before he risked them finding him.
Grabbing the body by the leg, he began to drag it back with him toward the campfire. As he did, he whistled a short whistle, as the snarls and barks from before were replaced by panting; he found the wolfdog standing by the other two bodies, his curled tail twitching in satisfaction. Dropping the first body’s leg, Mitsunari knelt down.
“Come here. Let me see.”
The dog padded forward, allowing Mitsunari to get a closer look. Removing his right glove (revealing a hand scarred from burns), he ran a hand along the wound in the dog’s side; the dog let out a small whimper, but didn’t panic.
“...it’ll scar, but it’s nothing serious,” he muttered, “We’ll treat it when we get back home. Good work, Shiranui.”
His children had named the dog when he brought the pup back to their home two years prior, having found the pup attempting to steal one of the pheasants he had hunted. Now fully grown, it was clear the dog took mostly wolf traits...but, at his core, Shiranui had always been a loyal dog...especially to his master.
Once certain the wound wasn’t serious, Mitsunari turned his attention to the bodies. Retrieving the last one from a ways away, he wasted no time rifling through their pockets and satchels for supplies. Medicine, food, tools...anything usable, he gathered into the largest bag. As he came across the sack containing their ill-gotten gains, he pondered the contents for a bit...before shaking his head. He had no need for any of this. Gold and the like wouldn’t keep them alive. Wouldn’t keep them safe.
One by one, he dragged each body a ways up to the cliffs, before rolling each body over the edge with one smooth motion, watching them get swallowed by the darkness below as he listened to the impact of them striking the cliff side, the stones, the tree branches....and lastly, he tossed the sack of treasures, too. Good fortune to whomever finds them, he supposed. It didn’t matter to him either way. Either way, the Beast of the Mountain had maintained its status as something to be feared.
Returning to the camp and snuffing out the fire, he let his eyes readjust to the darkness, before looking to Shiranui’s bloodied face.
“Let’s wash your face before we go back.” His wife hated when the dog came back from its hunts and meals looking like that.
After stopping by the stream to clean off the dog’s face and wash the wound a bit, they began their quiet trek back home, their loot in hand. Nearly three years of this life...and sometimes, it was still wildly unfamiliar to him.
He should have died at Sekigahara. He should have taken his life when he failed to avenge his lord.
He should have.
But he didn’t.
Now he was a spent match; the fire of battle had long left him, and now he was smoke, drifting about his new life, though sometimes, that little fire would come back. Sometimes, he would remember why he lived.
Off the beaten path, past the troublesome terrain, there stood a small house. His house. It was no Sawayama, it was no Osaka Castle, but it was home. And it was here that he quietly slid open the door, only to flinch slightly, startled by the shape of his wife’s feet in the moonlight shining through the door. In her arms, the smallest of his children, his only daughter, little Tatsuhime, fast asleep and undisturbed.
“...how close were they?” his wife asked in the softest of voices.
“Close enough to be a problem,” he replied. She could tell he was willfully omitting details. Details that would distress or upset her. He clearly didn’t want to elaborate further. Other than, “Shiranui’s hurt. I’ll stay with him tonight.”
She gave a quiet nod, quietly vanishing into the tiny hallway, as she, too, was swallowed by darkness.
Mitsunari retrieved a cloth, taking a seat against the wall and beckoning the dog over; Shiranui obeyed, laying down as Mitsunari pressed the cloth against the wound. The dog rested his head on his master’s lap, while Mitsunari rested his own head against the wall.
He could faintly hear the rustling of his wife setting Tatsuhime down to sleep; undoubtedly between her two older brothers. His wife was then rustling into bed as well.

He didn’t know when he’d sleep.
But until then, he’d remember why he lived.
24 notes · View notes
Some Tweets Remember Keiji Fujiwara
Keiji Fujiwara died of cancer at the age of 55. The news was devastating for the seiyuu community. Many seiyuu are remembering and looking back on their times with Fujiwara and the impact he made on them. A lot of anime I’ve watched wouldn’t have been the same without Fujiwara. From Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood to Dr. Stone, he shaped a lot of characters that I look back and smile thinking about. 
The following were all translated by @granblue_en on Twitter.
Takuya Eguchi
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Kaori Nazuka
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Tetsuya Fukuhara (creative director, Granblue Fantasy)
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Emiri Katou
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Yuuki Ono
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Madoka Yonezawa
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Tomoyo Kurosawa
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Koichi Haruta (former producer)
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Minoru Shiraishi
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Yuuichi Nakamura
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[original tweet | translation source]
The following were translated by lig0schndr on Reddit
Ayana Taketatsu
Tomokazu Seki
Megumi Ogata
Mariya Ise
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Showtaro Morikubo
Marina Inoue
Romi Park
Natsuki Hanae
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
Kazuhiko Inoue
Yuki Kaji
Hiroki Yasumoto
Jouji Nakata
Katsuyuki Konishi
Shouta Aoi
Kensho Ono
Noriko Hidaka
Rie Tanaka
Kikuko Inoue
Ami Koshimizu
Megumi Han
Arisa Komiya
Ryotaro Okiayu
Kenjiro Tsuda
Nozomi Yamamoto
Kanako Kondo
Haruka Kudo
Hitomi Harada
Miyu Tomita
Wataru Hatano
Atsushi Abe
Suzuko Mimori
Atsuko Tanaka
Aya Suzaki
Sayaka Ohara
Asami Imai
Daisuke Hirakawa
Hikaru Akao
Yui Ishikawa
Toa Yukinari*
Kotono Mitsuishi*
Nobuhiko Okamoto (blog)
Nana Mizuki (blog)
Toshiyuki Morikawa (blog)
Satoshi Hino (blog)
Tatsuhisa Suzuki (blog)
Chie Nakamura (blog)*
* not translated
Taketatsu Ayana (Taketatsu and Fujiwara both voiced characters in Dagashi Kashi and co hosted a series of bonus videos released with the Blu-rays of the series)
Fujiwara Keiji-san.
When we had a photograph session together for a TV show, even though you said, "I'm shy, so I can't really talk much," after the session started and I was nervous you kindly threw me a lifeline and chatted with me a lot, and even at live events and such you've saved me so much.
I wanted to spend more time with you.
I wanted to thank you directly.
Seki Tomokazu (Seki and Fujiwara both voiced characters for the same series several times including PSYCHO-PASS, Sengoku BASARA, and Hajime no Ippo)
The way you looked when you came to the studio with your script sticking out of your back pocket was so cool, and I often copied you. When we went to karaoke together, I would put on a song that had a video of your acting as a prank and put you in a bind so many times. I wanted to play around with you again. This feels too soon... Fujiwara-san. Truly, thank you for everything.
Ogata Megumi
I've had the honor of working with you on various, many sets but... my strongest impression, is actually not from an anime, but from the drama CD "Radical Hospital".
Dr. Sakaki... Please say it's a joke like you always do...?
Fujiwara Keiji-san. Truly, thank you for everything. Please rest peacefully.
Ise Mariya (Ise and Fujiwara both voiced main characters in HUNTER X HUNTER, and Ise references Fujiwara's role as Leorio in this tweet)
What I remember is His white shirt and the sunglasses he wore His gallant figure standing before the microphone His bashful smile when having friendly conversations His stylish behavior when everyone goes drinking Both his voice and his acting were so cool Everything about him was wonderful
Keiji-san really felt like Leorio to me I have so many pleasant and fun memories Thank you so much
Shimazaki Nobunaga
Fujiwara Keiji-san, I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Morikubo Showtaro
The tears won't stop.
Inoue Marina
His voice, his acting, his smile, I loved them all.
Park Romi (Park and Fujiwara both voiced important characters in Fullmetal Alchemist)
He just recovered...
Be it with Hagane, or Muji, or FA he was everyone's older brother...
He truly was Lieutenant Colonel Hughes.
Early Far too early...
Kei-chan You fought hard against what ailed you... Please rest well...
Your casual comments Even now I treasure.
Tonight I honor you...
I pray you rest in peace...
Notes: I'm not positive, but I believe in regards to the second line
"Hagane" likely refers to the first airing of Fullmetal Alchemist in 2003 that used the title 「鋼の錬金術師」 (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi).
"Muji" seems like it refers to Zoids, the first Zoids anime series that is often referred to colloquially as "Muji Zoids", "No Label Zoids", to differentiate it from other Zoid series. In this series, Fujiwara voiced Irvine, a main supporting character and older brother figure to the main characters.
"FA" likely refers to the second airing of Fullmetal Alchemist in 2009 that used the titled 「鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST」 and thus is sometimes referred to as "FA".
Hanae Natsuki
This is too sad...
Toshiyuki Toyonaga
My heart aches... The words won't come out...
Inoue Kazuhiko
Eh, Fujiwara Keiji... No way. It's too early. I remembered well the times we worked together in the studio. It's too early. I'm so saddened.
Kaji Yuuki (Kaji and Fujiwara both voiced characters for the same series several times including Magi and Shingeki no Kyojin)
Keiji-san. I wanted to talk with you more. Wouldn't it be wonderful if I had a father like you, if I could become a man like you, that kind of stuff, always, I thought to myself... I should have told you so. I wanted to talk with you more. I'm full of regret. I want to see you.
Yasumoto Hiroki
Words don't suffice. He was cool. Truly. We had talked about him visiting my place and drinking some unopened wine.
Nakata Jouji First tweet, and reply
He was shy and gave off the impression that he didn't like superficial relationships, but when I tried talking to him he replied with a bashful smile, that's what I recall. When I heard he returned to work and was doing independent work, I thought on my own that he was doing well, but... You must have had it hard, huh. However, you weren't the kind of person to say that out loud... You stayed true to yourself until the very end. I pray for you.
I wanted to meet with you and talk with you again.
Konishi Katsuyuki
No way. When I was a fledgling, because his place was in the neighborhood he invited me for a meal, and I was really happy about that. I wanted to meet with you again.
Shouta Aoi
I can no longer meet you again. By all means, I wanted to meet you again.
Just how much encouragement I received from the acting of that wonderful voice I grew accustomed to hearing from a young age.
From now on and always that wonderful voice of yours will remain in our hearts and ears.
Thank you for all the wonderful times you gave us.
Ono Kensho
Fujiwara Keiji-san. He really is cool, and he is someone I look up to. We have the same birthday, and on my own I felt like we had an affinity... I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Hidaka Noriko
I thought I could meet you again someday at the studio, truly unfortunate.
Thank you for everything. Please rest in peace...
Tanaka Rie
Fujiwara Keiji-san...
The last time we met was during the recording for the Granblue Fantasy game...
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Inoue Kikuko
Kei-chan, I'm so sad.
You fought against illness for a long time... You truly gave it your all. Please rest well in heaven.
I won't forget your shy, bashful, and kind smile.
Koshimizu Ami (Koshimizu and Fujiwara both voiced important characters in Eureka 7, and Koshimizu references her role as Anemone and Fujiwara's role as Holland in this tweet, as well as Tsujitani Kouji who voiced Dewey Novak in Eureka 7 and passed away in 2018)
Dewey and Holland, please stay a little longer.
I want you to stay. I wanted you to stay.
If you're not there, we can't fly freely...
Because you were there, we were able to live freely.
Thank you but I still don't want to say goodbye.
Sorry that Anemone is like this. If I could say one selfish thing please come back...
Han Megumi (Han and Fujiwara both voiced main characters in HUNTER X HUNTER, and Han references Fujiwara's role as Leorio in this tweet)
Just last night, during HUNTER's rebroadcast, we just saw off Leorio as he departed for his trip, Fujiwara-san.
Family and comrade, always thinking of his friends and a warm man, a perfect fit, my beloved senpai.
Always with the message title "Miss lovely forehead"
Forever, and ever...
Arisa Komiya
Fujiwara Keiji-san. I had the honor of working with you for 1 year on Go-Busters, you were always so cool on set, it was my first dubbing experience and I learned so much from you. I wanted to work with you again. I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Ryotaro Okiayu
I participated in "Hoshi Koe" at the Saitama venue last year, and you attended, Fujiwara-san.
I read your letters.
The last time I met you was back stage there.
It had been several years before then.
That's how it goes.
Thanks so much for everything.
Note: Hoshi Koe is the name of a series of events held in Japan by AIR AGENCY, a talent management and production company founded by Fujiwara Keiji in 2006.
Kenjiro Tsuda
His white shirt His light colored sunglasses His cynical smile His casual way of walking into the studio His unshaven face His still shadow at Planetarium His husky voice His retreating figure as he left His appearance in a coat when he slowly spoke in his last moments
was cool
Thank you so much
Note: Planetarium is likely also referencing Hoshi Koe, which was held at planetariums in various cities in Japan.
Yamamoto Nozomi
We acted together for the first time in UN-GO, and a while later when I greeted you at another set, you remembered me, saying, "I've met you before, right?" After that, when on the set for Utawarerumono you noticed my Ironman iPhone case and chatted with me, I was truly happy about each and every thing. I pray that you rest in peace.
Kondo Kanako
I can't believe it. I really liked your cool roughness. Fujiwara-san. I pray that you rest in peace.
Kudou Haruka
Is it because of the air pressure that my head hurts, or because I cried too much that my head hurts, I can't sort out my feelings. However, more than these sad feelings, I want to say so many times, "thank you."
We were together for my seiyuu debut work "Honey and Clover", and from there with "Noein" and "DEATH NOTE", our work together continued. I didn't know my right hand from my left, and you gave me so much advice.
On set you always spoiled me, listening to my trivial chatter with a smile.
I entered college, and even when I cut off all ties to the industry up to that point and distanced myself from work, every half a year you would send me a message asking "Are you doing all right?"
I entered my fourth year of college, and when I said to you, "I want to return to work!" you got a little angry, but you earnestly heard me out. Even though I caused trouble to a lot of people, you saying "Welcome Back!" with a smile has always supported me.
4 years after returning to work, when I was worried that I wasn't doing as well as I had hoped, you said "It'll be all right!" and gave me a push on the back, and I was able to move forward.
I really have been spoiled by you for so so long.
You taught me so many things, I couldn't hope to write them all out. About acting, about movies, about novels, about life.
Even now I still have the novel I received from you right on my bookshelf. From now on, every time I watch a Kubrick or Victor Erice movie, I feel I will remember you.
The fact that there will no longer be replies to my messages, and the fact that I can no longer see you, really really make me sad, but you will always be in my heart. It's all right. I'm an adult now, too. I want to become an adult like you, someone who is loved by many, and someone who can guide others.
Thank you so much.
Harada Hitomi (Harada and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Senran Kagura, and Harada references Fujiwara's role as Kiriya in this tweet)
Keiji-san. Kiriya-sensei.
I've been helped, so much by you. Thank you so much.
Tomita Miyu
Fujiwara Keiji-san, I had the honor of acting together with you for the first time in Kotobuki Hikoutai. Warm, and yet mischievous, I truly loved acting with that voice of yours.
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
Hatano Wataru
Fujiwara Keiji-san. Across various works, I've been in your debt. When you called me for "Hoshi Koe", I was really happy. The warm advice from a senpai I look up to, and the smile after a recording session. I couldn't possibly forget. I pray that you rest in peace.
Abe Atsushi
I've been in your debt since when I debuted. I see... We can't act together anymore...
Mimori Suzuko
I'm thankful that I had the honor of working on the same set as you. Thank you so much.
Tanaka Atsuko
It's a sad sunset...
Suzaki Aya
I'm truly saddened.
Ohara Sayaka
It's a lie
Imai Asami
Hirakawa Daisuke
Keiji-san... Keiji-san... I'm so sad... I want to see you... Keiji-san...
Hirakawa Daisuke
Akao Hikaru (Akao and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Back Street Girls, and Akao references this in this tweet)
I'm still in disbelief even after a new day has dawned and I can't quite get the right words. I feel like a hole opened up in my heart. Since I was young through anime you showed me this fun world and as a member of Gokudols, I looked forward to the day I could meet you again.
I pray that you rest well.
Ishikawa Yui (Ishikawa and Fujiwara both voiced characters for Shingeki no Kyojin, and Ishikawa references Fujiwara's role as Hannes in this tweet)
[Yui] That voice that I heard so many times when I was a child. Shingeki's Hannes-san was also, rough, cool, and warm... I loved him. Fujiwara Keiji-san, I pray that you rest in peace.
I wanted to act together with you more.
Thank you so much...
I pray that you rest in peace.
Okamoto Nobuhiko
Title: I'm sorry
I was planning to talk about trust and play today, but I hope you'll allow me to do that tomorrow.
I had the honor of doing my first radio show with him. When I was unable to speak well, he laughed at me. When we were recording for the Ao no Exorcist movie and from the start all I was capable of was shouting, he laughed at me. When I kept wearing the same clothes on the set of To Aru, he laughed at me. When I look back on things, it might have been sarcastic laughing, but I only remember the figure of him laughing. And, I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble.
His appearance as an actor, the way he thought about and interpreted the script, what he brought forth, I received so much encouragement and experience from him.
Keiji-san, Truly, truly, thank you so much. I really I love you.
Thank you for everything.
I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
The radio show Okamoto references I believe is "Sorairo Radio", a radio show promoting the anime "Sola" that aired from 2007/3/30 to 2007/7/27 for 19 episodes. During the month of July Okamoto and Fujiwara co-hosted the show.
Okamoto and Fujimura voiced Okamura Rin, the protagonist, and Fujimoto Shiro, Rin's adoptive father, respectively in Ao no Exorcist.
Okamoto and Fujimura voiced Accelerator, a main supporting character, and Kihara Amata, something of a mentor figure to Accelerator, respectively in To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Mizuki Nana
Title: The carnation that arrived at my house 2 weeks ago ☆
At my last place, even plants said to be robust I ended up letting die (>_<) However, ever since I started living at my new place my plants have been really lively! My care for flowers especially has gotten better! Proper ventilation and sunlight really are important after all (laugh)
I found out about Fujiwara Keiji passing away. I had the honor of working together with him for various works, during my first public performance at Tokyo Dome he provided wonderful narration, and at the planetarium in my home prefecture I had the honor of performing together with him... Truly I was blessed with so many irreplaceable experiences. I pray from my heart that you rest in peace.
The performance at Tokyo Dome is referencing NANA MIZUKI LIVE CASTLE 2011, a series of live concerts performed at Tokyo Dome by Mizuki Nana on 2011/12/3 and 2011/12/4. Fujiwara provided narration for a short film called PLANETARIUM "Princess Nana of the Heavens" (PLANETARIUM「天界の奈々姫」) which was shown during the concert on both days.
The performance at the planetarium is referencing when Fujiwara and Mizuki co-starred in a Hoshi Koe performance held on 2016/4/24 at the Matsuyama City General Community Center Cosmo Theater. Matsuyama is the capital of the Ehime Prefecture, and Mizuki Nana was born in Niihama, Ehime. Mizuki had also made two blog posts about enjoying rehearsing for the event with Fujiwara and celebrating the successful completion of the event.
Morikawa Toshiyuki
Title: Fujiwara Keiji-san...
Fujiwara Keiji-san... I pray you rest in peace.
It's too sudden. My mind is a mess. Even though I'm someone who works at my own pace... ... Right now, I'm overcome with feelings of loss.
From the time when I was a newcomer, we've been walking together through the ages for over 30 years. As an actor, and as a president, you were truly a friend... Since you were young you were shy and cool, overflowing with chivalry, an existence that even men were charmed by that is "Fujiwara Keiji"
..., It's so painful... the words won't come out. I'm sorry.
I feel that you really must have had it tough fighting against your illness. Now, please rest well.
And, the letters you sent me I will always cherish.
Morikawa Toshiyuki
Hino Satoshi
Title: Keiji-san...
Keiji-san... It's a lie, right...? It's a joke, right...?
This... is too sad...
Keiji-san as a person, as a man, as an actor, you were someone who I respected from the bottom of my heart.
Everything about you was cool, you were someone I admired.
I wanted to learn more and more about various things from you.
Even now I clearly remember the time when on the set of the anime "Shakugan no Shana," as the role of the father, Kantarou, you kindly covered up for and accepted my terrible acting.
Keiji-san, "Dad, thank you so much for everything up to now"
While reflecting on each and every thing I learned from you, I will devote myself towards the sake of the future of the seiyuu industry.
I pray you rest in peace.
Note: Hino and Fujimura voiced Sakai Yuuji, the protagonist, and Sakai Kantarou, Yuuji's father, respectively in Shakugan no Shana.
Suzuki Tatsuhisa
Title: Letter
I hate the idea of something getting overshadowed without anyone knowing about it, so I will write about it here.
Since we first met when I was 19, I've been in your debt for a long time. Since before we started having work together, you'd hear out my concerns and give me advice, and go along with my selfish requests to take me along for drinks. Even though you'd always say, "Waddaya want now, Tattsun," you'd always keep your promises. Whenever we met at the studio you'd always be giving off a pleasant, lazy mood. When you were the sound director you'd say things like "Tattsun, you're the only person I can ask for this," things that I couldn't tell if you were being serious or not. It's only now that I can say this, but I took you seriously every time, and every time I was seriously happy you asked me. The fact that you said those things to me.
Sometimes I'd tell you about how people say that our voices or our acting are similar, and even though you'd reply by saying stuff like, "What? That's gross," behind your sunglasses I could see that the look in your eyes always softened happily. I like chatting in the smoking area, so anytime I'd spot you I'd head straight there. When you'd say, "Yo!" to me, it was a little embarrassing, but I was always happy you did.
I won't talk about acting. That's something I'll keep locked away in my heart.
I know you had it tough. However, I stopped talking about it. Since you hate that.
All I can remember, is you always saying, "Yo! Tattsun," every time you saw me. Gimme a break, let me remember something else, too.
Thank you for always listening to my selfish requests. Thank you for always listening to both my trivial ramblings and my serious talks.
I always thought you were an annoyingly cool old man. You were always the best. You were always the strongest.
Everything about you is cool. So I envy you.
When I go over there, I'm gonna have a ton of stories for you. Before I do, please make sure to find some good sake and tobacco over there. It might take a while, but I'm definitely going to have, a ton I want to talk to you about.
It's about time I wrapped things up. This is a letter that will never be read by its recipient, after all, so there's no point in going on for too long.
Let's meet again with a smile. Anytime, anywhere.
With love.
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geometragic · 4 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 & 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄;  𝘔𝘶𝘯 & 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘦 - 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘦.
Fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OCs still can make it somehow work with their own lore and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested  in atm.
Tagged by: The amazing @illdivine​ ! Thanks a bunch for tagging me ! ^^ Tagging: @extravachance​ @grandordergirl​ @kimintsugi​ @royaltywritten​ @daitoku​ @pragmarage​ @teniras​ @deviilscry​ @foolslaugh​ @wrathlead​ and anyone else who’d like to do this meme ! ^^
My muse is:   canon /  OC  / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG (( He was one of the poster boys for Sengoku Basara 4, so...that counts for something, right ? XD I don’t think that Sengoku Basara really has a protagonist, though. Just a bunch of different characters. ))
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO (( I’m putting ‘yes’ if only because Mitsunari, who never remembers anyone, remembers who Katsuie is. XD I think that, in general, some characters know Katsuie and others don’t ? ))
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (( Bad in-universe, somewhere in between neutral and bad in the fandom. ))
How strictly do you follow ‘canon’? — I’d say that I follow canon pretty strictly ! Though I do add my own headcanons. ^^ I need to update some of my pages so that they’re more in line with canon, though. Especially Katsuie’s modern verse, now that the Basara Academy anime has been out for over a year... XD
Sell your muse! Try to list everything that makes your muse interesting (in your opinion) to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —   Katsuie comes off as really normal and very chill at first, which lets him easily have a first meeting interaction with most muses without angering them / fighting them / killing them / etc. But the more you delve into his thoughts and the things he does, you can see how warped his mindset is when it comes to certain subjects / people. ^^ And he’s a depressed emo kid, so I'd imagine that a lot of people on Tumblr would connect with him over that. XD 
Now the opposite. List every reason why your muse might not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom think?).  —   Back when SB4 first came out, Katsuie got a lot of flak for his creepy obsession with Oichi, which is admittedly pretty bad. Since she’s, you know, married, and Katsuie’s willing to go so far as to kill Nagamasa, her husband, for a chance (?) to be with her. Not to mention Katsuie’s anime route, where he gets himself kicked out of the Oda clan, destroys his own hopes and dreams in the process by killing everyone in the Azai clan (Nagamasa, Oichi, and Maria), and finally gets mercy-killed by the former shogun. Yikes. ^^; I’m honestly surprised that, in my five years roleplaying Katsuie, no one’s sent in anon hate to me because of Katsuie’s behavior. (Unfortunately, a former rp partner of mine once got anon hate years ago for shipping Katsuie and Oichi. ;u;)
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄? —  Katsuie’s actually my very first muse ! ^^ I started writing him at the end of my senior year of high school. I think I’d been into Sengoku Basara for a year or two at that point, and I’d been reading translations that people were making for SB4. I’d also been following Sengoku Basara roleplayers / ask blogs (there were several active ones around back then), and I really enjoyed reading their interactions, so I wanted to pick a Sengoku Basara character so that I could roleplay with them, too ! I tried writing for a couple of potential muses in private to test them out, but it felt most natural to write for Katsuie, so I went with him as my first muse ! I probably chose him because I’d gone through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in high school, so I saw Katsuie going through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in the Oda clan and sympathized with that.
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆?  —  To my knowledge, I’ve been the only one roleplaying Katsuie semi-consistently over the past five years ? He’s just such an interesting character to me —– it’d be too sad to close this blog and not see anyone’s Katsuie interact with other people’s muses anymore. ;u; It’s something I’ve been a little worried about recently because I know I’m going to be more busy in the future, since I’m (hopefully) going to finish up my research this year, get my master’s degree next year, and then go straight into a serious full-time job. I don’t want to give up rolepaying, but if I get too busy next year... >.< 
Also, playing the mobile game Sengoku Basara: Battle Party every day helps ! And my rp partners are awesome. ^^
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could help them get more comfortable with you.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / IDK
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO
Are you good at accepting criticism about your portrayal? —  Yeah, I’d say I’m pretty good at accepting criticism !
Do you like questions which help you explore your character? —   Yeah ! I’m happy to answer whatever questions everyone has about Katsuie ! ^^
If someone disagrees with a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? —   Yeah, because it’s interesting to see how other people view Katsuie ! From my point of view, if someone disagrees with one of my headcanons on Katsuie, it means that they’re interested enough in him and have thought about him enough to have their own opinions on him. It’s so so so so difficult to get anyone interested in muses from a series as niche and JP-only as Sengoku Basara, so I’d honestly be happy if someone cared enough about Sengoku Basara and Katsuie to disagree with me on my headcanons for Katsuie, as strange as that sounds. XD
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? —  I think my answer to this question would be basically the same as the last one. I probably wouldn’t change my portrayal at this point, though ? I’ve had it for a long time and I’m actually really happy with it. ^^ Probably the only reason why I’d change my portrayal is if someone found / made more translations of the games that Katsuie is in (SB4, Sumeragi, Sanada Yukimura-den, Batopa, etc.) and I found canon details in the new translations that really clashed with details in my portrayal. In that case, I’d change my portrayal to match with canon.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? —  That’s fair, honestly, especially when it comes to things Past!Katsuie / Kaioh has said and done, and even just things Default!Katsuie has done. Katsuie’s a really messed-up dude, and his views on things can be really twisted sometimes. And hey, if someone hates Katsuie, at least that means that they care about him on some level, right ? XD Apathy is the one thing that really kills my muse.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? —  Sure ! If they can find them. XD I edit my drafts A LOT before I actually publish them, so usually I manage to catch all my mistakes, although the occasional mistake slips through every so often. Hemingway Editor is honestly a lifesaver when it comes to finding simple spelling errors and helping me write my sentences so that they’re a reasonable length and don’t have too many adverbs / phrases written in passive voice / etc.
Do you think you are easygoing as a mun? —  I think so ! ^^ I just want to roleplay my muses and have a good time watching them grow and form relationships with other muses, that’s all. If there’s something I don’t like, I know to mute / unfollow / block / etc. and move on. Life’s too short to get involved in drama.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵!
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ouranimeyeah · 4 years
Lesean Thomas’ Yasuke- Concerning yet Invigorating.
Note: I am a long standing supporter of Lesean Thomas’s work and I bear no ill will to his production but I felt I needed to say something. Take it as you will, it’s more so the ravings of fan exploring their opinions and ideas not a direct attack on Thomas or his work which are all note worthy pieces of art with their flaws and all!
Okay It’s no surprise after my thoughts on Cannon busters were laid bear and my extreme excitement for Children of the Either readily apparent, that I would have something to say about Thomas’ new project coming to Netflix “Yasuke”. There isn’t much known or needed to be said about the project other then it’s going to be awesome to get a new project by Thomas, and that there are Black samurai involved. Cool right? Well yes and no.
Lesean Thomas is a creator that I respect and empathize with. Being the only black guy in the anime industry pumping out his own content i’m sure there has been tons of red tape in the realm of production that gets in the way of everything he makes. And yet he still managed to release 2 projects. I have been following Thomas’ for quite some time and his work has been exciting when it comes to the build up of hype, but sadly don’t deliver fully on the promises made in promotional material.  Which could be considered my fault on account of me putting my expectations so high with him being the first black animator in years to formulate his own projects and get them green-lit (as far as my knowledge is concerned). It makes sense to have clear issues with his other works if I do because they have already been released and possibly even finished. Of the two works he actually managed to get on the big screen one is a completed project while the other is a pilot that seemingly died in production hell. I had a preference for his Children of the Either series (over Cannon Busters)because it showed an incredible understanding of character animation and had some really interesting concepts that I was hoping to see fleshed out more. All the while managing to have an aesthetic very reminiscent of my favorite anime while not 100% feeling liking a bone dry rip off. Cannon Busters by contrast was a hodge podge of different anime references with some very in your face and hand fisted themes which broke my immersion from time to time. It’s aesthetic was inconsistent, at times the animation would relatively nice and then be followed up by what would look like a bad episode of teen titans. I never found it in my soul to find the series as lazy, just slightly misguided in it’s production. Ineffectively allocating skillful animation and art design for scenes less relevant to the plot; having dialogue sequences that very blatantly explain things with no form of nuance; and a handful of other minor attributes that made the series kind of a slug through most of the central part of the show and even had slower elements carry onto the the end.  All in all it was a decent series however, and had enough charm and pazaaz to it to the point where i could never in my right mind give the series a lower score then a 6/10, I gave it a lucky 7. Which brings me to my pre existing fears and concerns when it comes to Yasuke. 
The fundamental element of Yasuke’s promotional information that strikes me as daunting and a little cynical is the fact that the show is going to be a quote: “Magic Samurai Robot Anime” (according to vice: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vbammy/new-netflix-anime-lakeith-stanfield-pacific-rim-altered-carbon-yasuke-vgtrn). Now before anyone comes yelling at me to ring my neck I must first start out establishing something. For one, a Mecha magic series has already been done by Thomas in Cannon busters, which I would argue was his weakest element of the series. The technology and magic system of his story never was fully fleshed out in an interesting way and while there is a lot of mystique I feel like those elements would take away especially when it comes to the samurai/chanbara genre. Which leads me to my second point, samurai anime are surprisingly rare! AAANNNNDD I am talking about strictly samurai. Hardcore, balls to the wall, classic samurai political drama stories being depicted in anime. The last I checked the only popular samurai anime have been Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai Champloo, Dororo, Sengoku Basara, Afro Samurai (which is good but relies heavily on modern sensibilities) and Gintama. Among these the only one that truly explores the culture of samurai in any way is Dororo, and that element takes a back seat in favor of the supernatural elements. MECHA SAMURAI HAVE ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFORE, and i would argue that those two genre’s should stay separate until we get enough anime depicting samurai authentically. Or at least like an old Japanese samurai film the likes of Ran or Kagemusha! Samurai 7 is a thing guys and while it had it’s interesting elements by in large it lacked one of the fundamental elements that made samurai stories exciting and that was one on one samurai fights (outside of the fight between Kanbei and Kyuzo). Samurai have become a novelty, people assume the genre is generic for japanese culture, but it’s rare in the medium of animation that they are depicted with the same level of reverence and relevance as they are in live action film and T.V. shows. I am disappointed  that the next samurai series that is going to be green-lit by an individual I look up to so much is gonna play it safe by making another novelty samurai series with giant mechs and magic. In the time were Yasuke ventured to Japan the actual political climate is so invigorating that you DON”T NEED GIANT MECHS TO PUSH THE ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. I know mechs are an aesthetic choice I get it. But honestly, they take away some fundamental attributes so integral to the entertainment value of the samurai genre and I would think that is something that is important. All in all foregoing an interesting historical war drama with the potential to have slight supernatural elements in favor of sci fi feels like something that is starting to become boring and slightly overdone when it comes to samurai. The amount of anime that are actually about samurai that are popular in the west are few and far between and there are very few samurai series being produced now that cover Sengoku period japan. If Lesean Thomas sees this know I mean no ill will, I am only stating my personal opinion as a fan of your work. Please try something else. you can still have the hip hop aesthetic with flying lotus, you can have Lakeith Stanfield play his voice actor. But please, make an authentic samurai experience that placates to the trappings and best attributes of the genre. Because we as a society are in dire need of something of that calibre. We have gotten to a point were so many anime that are being produced stray far away from the source of what makes samurai so fascinating and entertaining to watch. And if you don’t want to draw on that fine. But don’t stop me if I want to create my own Yasuke anime. 
Love you work
Keep it up !
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orihara-infobroker · 5 years
Nobunaga The Fool
As I inevitably do when I sit down to write, I get distracted. Sometimes by things relevant to whatever I’m working on, sometimes not. Today it was Oda Nobunaga. I was talking to people about how, after watching Nobunaga The Fool, I can’t unsee/unhear Mamoru Miyano as Nobunaga. If you haven’t watched this anime I recommend it. It’s amusing. Just don’t... expect any serious history from it. XD
This led me to think, later, about how there are so many depictions of Nobunaga in media. I think the first time I remember personally seeing a reference to him was in Ninja Scroll where they call him the Shogun of the Dark at one point. (I might be misrepresenting. Haven’t watched that movie in forever).
So I turned to google in curiosity. FOR RESEARCH. What does this tumultuous man actually look like? The Adventures of Nobunaga in Google below the cut.
Well. Like this:
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Well. Pretty average looking samurai dude. So, of course, I wanted to see how he’d been recreated in fiction. The truest to real Nobunaga shows up in Sengoku Basara and Samurai Warriors, both video games:
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Where he looks like the badass villain. Cuz he kind of is in most video games.
But wait, how is that fair? Nobunaga unified Japan! He wasn’t a villain! (THE Problematic Favourite of Japanese History).
Well, let’s take a look at Nobunaga the dateable boyfriend! There are quite a few otomes that focus on Sengoku samurai. 
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Ikemen Sengoku (same hair colour, same scary asshole. (I have this game on my phone but no time to play it. I started with Date Masamune so I have no idea what he’s like but screenshots say he’s still an asshole.)
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Samurai Love Ballad. Reddish brown hair? Ok. Still an asshole to the MC like ALL THE TIME. (I played this one. He was my first pick. Because I like sadists I guess?)
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Sengoku Night Blood - An AU where all them hot samurai are either werewolves or vampires. So meet Drac- Errr Nobunaga the vampire. Blonde is his powered-up form. I have not played this game. I started the anime at some point because “oooo samurai” and had no idea it was based on a game. I have not finished it because I have more anime on my watch list than time to watch it.
Well. ONWARD TO THE ANIME. There are a lot of variants of Nobunaga in anime. Apparently, in Japan, everyone loves a good Nobunaga story. BUT it wouldn’t be a good story until we gender-bend him!
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Battle Girls, Sengoku Otome, and The Ambition of Nobuna. Redhead, Redhead, Blonde. Interesting. XD
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Drifters, Nobunaga Concerto, and Nobunaga the Fool.
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Almost forgot the gender-bent Nobunaga in the Fate game.
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Then there’s this new anime that Funimation is airing. It just launched in July. I didn’t even know it existed until this search. Will watch. It’s about Nobunaga as a youth. A very pretty youth. Kochoki: Wakaki Nobunaga.
I’m probably missing some references but I think this is enough XD Now, after seeing all these variants, what shall I make my Oda Nobunaga look like? Hmmmmmm.
Lastly is a bonus. Not actual Nobunaga. Just his swords. In human form. Because who doesn’t like anthropomorphized swords? From the game Touken Ranbu:
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Fudou Yukimitsu: Tanto Souza Samonji: Katana Yagen Toshirou: Tanto Heshikir Hasebe : Katana
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
I’ve been promising this post for a while now. I did a voice actor version some time ago and it was one of my favourite lists to put together. I think you guys enjoyed it too.
As we all know, an actor’s performance can really drag down an anime. There’s something heartbreaking about a painfully wooden performance in the middle of a wonderful story that rips you right out of the fantasy. On the bright side, I’ve seen more than a few characters go from boring to endearing on the strength of an actor’s charisma. Voice actors don’t have as much to work with as conventional actors. They can’t rely on body movements or smouldering looks to get their message across. So it’s doubly impressive when they manage to convey subtle emotion and complex feelings though inflection and tone alone.
And for me, these ladies do just that.
Today let us celebrate the artistry that goes into bringing some of our favourite characters to life. In no real order we have!
5. Aoi Yuuki
I don’t care how petty it sounds, I’m just going to put this right here. This young woman is shorter than me!!! A musician and traditional actress, Aoi unique voice has made her quite successful in the field. Here are a few selected roles out of the tons she has had:
Hana – Ben-To
Tsuyu – My Hero Academia
Mina – Vampire Bund
The Energetic Ringo – Daily Lives of HighSchool Boys
Sosuke – Free!! (surprised? – I was)
Victorique – Gosick
Mihoshi – Gundam
Russia – Hetalia
Kino – Kino’s journey
Futaba – Persona 5
Iris – Pokemon
Mélie – Radiant
Shinra – Durarara!!
Sunako – Shiki
Borr – SSSS.Gridman
Tanya – Saga of Tanya the Evil
Oh yeah – she’s also Madoka in some magical girl show…
She’s set to play Touka and Boogiepop in the upcoming remake and I am psyched for this!
Not to mention roles in March Comes In Like a Lion, ACCA 13, Asobi Asobase, Welcome to the Ballroom, Gangsta, Gintama, Goblin Slayer, Hakata Tonkotsu Ramens, Hyakka, Hyouka, Your Name, last exile, One Punch Man, Seraph of the End, Sword Art Online II, Tanaka-kun, Tokyo Ghoul, Snafu, Yuru Yuri, and I seriously skipped over most of them. This lady works!
The surprisingly raspy quality of her vocals, and the counterintuitive depth of her tone makes her suitable for a wide range of diverse characters. A small actress with a big voice! Irresistible.
4. Chiwa Saito
Miss Saito has been acting for some time which means she’s had the chance to amass a pretty impressive portfolio. One of my favourite random facts out there, is that she is part of a voice acting groups called “MORE PEACH SUMMER SNOW”. That’s the best name ever. I’m going to rname Buddy that. (His actional name if Sir Buddy Livingston Master Chief Brown). Sadly, she is taller than me.
Yona – Yona of the Dawn
Aika – Aria
Hitagi – Monogatari series
Sigyn – Break Blade
Yuki – Vampire Bund
Chloe – Fate/Kaelid series
Natsumi – Keroro
the fantastic Riko – Kuroko’s Basketball
Louise- Gudam 00
Anita – R.O.D. TV
Kotori – rewrite
Meru – Zetsoubu Sensei
Nadeshiko – Yuru Yuri
She’s also Homura in some magical girl show…I swear I didn’t know this before researching for this post. I never realized how much I liked the Madoka casting before!
Of course there’s like a billion more titles but I’m going to name these ones because, reasons: Amanchu, Arakawa Under the Bridge, Boccano, Berserk, Dog & Scissors, D-Frag, Daily Lives of HighSchool Boys, Gintama, Girls Bravo, Kino’s journey, Last Exile, Log Horizon, Lyrica Nanoha, Murder Princess (I just like this title) One Piece, Sward Art Online, I’m just going to stop now.
You can actually hear her sing in some roles and she truly has a beautiful singing voice. It has a rich timber and she obviously has a great ear for melody. If ever she chose to switch career paths to the musical instead, I’m sure she’d have a great future. We would miss her as an actress though so let’s not encourage that!
3. Megumi Hayashibara
A more classical voice actress and one of the best known in Japan, Megumi almost became a nurse instead. There’s a certain personality that goes along with choosing a career in nursing. Caring but also resilient. You can see that peek through a bit in Megumi’s character and acting choice. Then again, there are so many to pick from I could probably make an argument for any character type.
Pai and IV – 3×3 eyes
Ai – Detective Conan
Haruko – FLCL Progressive
Haruka – Love Hina
Todomatsu – Osomatsu-kun
Paprika and Chiba – Paprika
Musashi – Pokemon
Ranma – Ranma 1/2
Lime – Saber Marionette J
Anna – Shaman King
Lina – Slayers
Ai – Video Girl Ai
Genkai – Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Hello Kitty…this woman is Hello Kitty
The incomparable Faye Valentine – Cowboy Bebop
Probably best known as Rei Ayanami – Evangelion
She can also be heard in Blue Exorcist, Bakuretsu Hunters, Sailor Moon, Blue Seed, Chihayafuru 2, Ghost in the Shell, Patlabor, Macross Plus, Lupin III, Maison Ikkoku, One Piece, Project A-ko, Shadow Skill, the Doreamons, Tenchi Muyou, and obviously a million more shows.
This lady’s body of work speaks for itself. I have to say I was already pretty amazed that spunky, opinionated Faye, with her womanly register and quiet monotone Rei were played by the same person, add in Hell Kitty to the mix and my mind is a little broken…and then you have comedy queen Ranma. This is the type of career you look up to!
2. Romi Park
Did you know that Romi studied Korean in university. I just find that intriguing, obviously she’s always liked languages. Ok I’m beating about the bush so let me just say it, miss Park’s performance was one of the best parts of FMA: Brotherhood for me. I literally caught myself in the middle of scenes just going, OMG the acting is phenomenal. I’ve heard great things about the English language cast but you really are missing ouy if you didn’t catch this performance.
Tōshirō Hitsugaya –  Bleach
Teresa – Claymore
Akane – Danganronpa
Tanaka – Daily Lives of High School Boys
Igarashi – Deadman Wonderland
Kenichi – Cyber Coil
Ken – Digimon
Sena – Eyeshield 21
Natsume – Gakuen Alice
Walter – Hellsing Ultimate
Switzerland – Hetalia
Angelina – Black Butler
Taiga – Major
Falis – Murder Princess (love this title)
Temari – Naruto
My precious, precious Naoto – Persona 4
Jiro – Pokemon
Syrup – Precure
Alma – Radiant
Zoe Hange – Attack on Titan
Everyone’s favourite rocker Nana Osaki – Nana
And of course Edward Elric – Fullmetal Alchemist
And if that wasn’t enough, you can hear her in Air Master, Beelzebub, Blue Dragon , Clannad After story, Detective Conan, Devil May Cry, Garo, Granblue Fantasy, Hunter x Hunter, Kill la Kill, Lupin III, Gundam 00, One Piece (everyone is in this), RahXephon, Sengoku Basara, RDG, Samurai 7, Terra Formars (cause it’s terrible), Aquarion, White Album
Romi Parks has the most devastatingly emotional voice I know. She often plays calm, cool and collected genius type characters (a lot of boys as you can see) but when an emotional contrast is needed, she really knows how to deliver, making her characters feel so real and raw.  One of the greatest performers in my opinion, she tends to make me want to see a show just to hear what she can do with the character.
Honorable Mentions
Ami Koshimizu
C,mon, she Ryuko from Kill la Kill. Always loved that sexy alto voice! Apparently she was also both Hiro and Naomi in the recent Darling and the Franxx. I loved her as Ibuki in Danganronpa. She was Kallen in Code Geass, Holo in Spice and Wolf and Yuiko in Persona. Obviously I’m skipping over st of her work including some very big roles. I suggest you look her up! The only reason she isn’t on the list proper is that I simply haven’t seen that many of her shows even though a lot are very popular.
1. Megumi Ogata
OK fine so this is a subjective choice. Well they all are really, it’s my top 5 list. Fact is, I’ve been a fan of Megumi Ogata for a long long time and I’m just always going to be. She’s the first voice talent I ever learned about and I absolutely love her work. Sure, she might have voiced a few of my anime crushes but surely that did not influence my choice in any way…. She’s much taller than me.
Ayato – Angel Beats
Haruka (Sailor Uranus) – Sailor Moon*
Jun – Captain Tsubasa
Yukito and Yue – Cardcaptor Sakura*
Makoto – Danganronpa
Nagito – Danganronpa***
Shinji – Evangelion*
Izumi Rio – Searching for the Full Moon*
the terrifying Fairies – Humanity has Declined
Cranberry – Raising Project*
Ichigou Fujimoto – Magical girl Ore
Ken – Persona 3
Yukimura – Samurai Deeper Kyo*
Akagi – Slam Dunk
Valkyrie – UFO Princess Valkyrie
Yuugi – Yu Gi Oh!*
Karuma – Yuu Yuu Hakusho*
And just o drive the point home, here are a few more at random. If you want to full list, you’ll have to look it up. I just can’t type that much! Bleach, Detective Conan, et Backers, Great Teacher Onizuka, Kino’s Journey, Magic Knight Rayearth, Tamayura, Tokyo Mew Mew,
Megumi Ogata is a revered veteran in the field. Comparing Nagito to Makoto (purposefully similar characters with a lot of very similar lines) will reveal her mastery on inflection and subtle vocalisation to embody a character way beyond their dialogue. Anyone still under the illusion that voice acting is simply reading your lines, please see master Ogata’s work!
Good list isn’t it!?! I discover new voice talent all the time mind you. I’ll be watching a show and suddenly realize that the actor is doing fantastic work. And I’m always so happy when I discover a new favourite. So please, share yours with me!
that was a lot of pics to find….
  Top Five Voice Actresses in My Harem I've been promising this post for a while now. I did a voice actor version some time ago…
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manygalaxiesinone · 6 years
3rd Party...Xehanorts?((A crossover discussion))
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((Greetings Hee Hoo Dood, Prinnyfrost reporting for duty! I wonder how many people are still excited that Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally coming out.
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After so long of waiting, the 3rd main title in one of everyone’s favorite crossover gaming series is finally coming out! In the meantime, I decided to look over the trailers of the confirmed worlds.
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Some I’m excited about,
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others, not so much.
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The one trailer that caught me the most off guard was the Winnie the Pooh trailer, and that’s for two reasons.
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The first is the fact that, unlike previous entries, you’re going around and actually fighting heartless in them instead of playing mini-games. This is one thing that actually disappointed me. I loved the fact that not every world in the games has to be about combat. It shows that Sora is capable of helping others even when there aren’t any heartless or nobodies involved to mess things up.
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It was one of the arguments I made as to why an Undertale world WOULD work if they ever bothered to include 3rd party worlds, as unlikely as that sounds; however that’s still not as jarring about the second thing they showed in that trailer.
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Eeyore becomes a Xehanort!
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Yup! Everyone’s favorite donkey with a constantly missing tail that needs more love gets taken over by Xehanort. This blew my mind because I thought Xehanort was only going after characters that originated from the Kingdom Hearts series like Riku and Roxas, but this clearly shows that he’s up for nabbing anyone in his grasp. So that got me thinking, “Who else might he target as he go through other worlds getting ready for the upcoming keyblade war against Sora and friends?”
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Now like before, I’m only sticking to possible candidates on the off chance of third party involvement. While I haven’t seen any videos about people theorizing who might be next on Xehanort’s list of people to infect with his heart virus (pun not intended), I do like to stick outside the box from time to time. Plus, there’s also that chance where someone could make a crossover fanfic and could take notes from this. And remember, when I mean “3rd party” I mean strictly “3rd party”. As in anything owned by either Disney or Square won’t count for this.
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Which might be for the best considering that if Thanos were to be controlled by Xehanort while holding the infinity gauntlet with all the stones, I’m pretty sure we’ll have more to worry about than losing just half the universe. I’m also not going by just the villain characters in each of the worlds either. Anyone, hero, villain, or neutral could be under Xehanort’s radar on where to spread his infection. Basically anyone from a series that pops up to mind. Now with that out of the way, let’s get started. First let’s begin with the easiest one I could come up with,
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Flowey from Undertale. The reasoning for this should be pretty obvious. Flowey has no soul inside of him, and considering that souls in Undertale work pretty much the same way hearts do in Kingdom Hearts, he would be considered a Nobody, the husk of Asriel Dreemurr.
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As Xemnas pointed out in Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance, nobodies are the easiest to take over since they’re born without hearts. While he did lie about nobodies never having one, he was telling the truth that they didn’t start out with one and it’ll take time for a new one to develop.
Xemnas: “A heart is never lost for good. There may have been variances in our dispositions, but a number of us unquestionably showed signs of a burgeoning replacement. Once born, the heart can also be nurtured. Our experiments with the heartless were attempts to control the mind and convince it to renounce its sense of self. But understand, one can banish the heart from the body, but the body will try to replace it the first chance it gets, for as many times as it takes.”
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Asriel didn’t become whole again until he absorbs the souls of all the monsters in the underground as well as the 6 human souls Asgore obtained. So I’d say his best bet take over Asriel is to implant his soul into him while he’s still Flowey or wait until Flowey starts taking everyone’s soul from the underground, become one of the souls he takes without him realizing it, and become the dominant one.
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Actually, now that I think about it, it’s actually pretty damn dark when you realize this means by doing this, Xehanort has pretty much taken the ENTIRE underground hostage just to make Asriel his vessel, leaving only Frisk and Chara (who’s resting inside of Frisk’s soul) remaining. Ugh...and I thought the genocide route was fucked up. Speaking of crazy people and broken hearts, let’s head over to another series I mentioned might work for Kingdom Hearts,
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Orphen. Considering that this is an old show that not a lot of people are familiar with, let me give you a quick refresher.
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Orphen is the tale of a talented sorcerer named Krylancelo Finradi (or “Orphen”), who left a school of magic in order to save his sister Azalie after she transformed into a dragon by stabbing herself in the chest with a magic sword.
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And believe it or not, it’s that sister whose going to be targeted by Xehanort next. Why?
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Well, Xehanort seems to be able to control those that show darkness seeping into their hearts as if it found cracks and begins to flow through them, like water leaking through a whole. That’s the case in how he controlled Aqua, Terra, and Riku.
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I bring this up because in the anime, Azalie was very nice and sweet. While she was the #1 student in the Tower of Fang, she never let it go to her head.
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That is until one day where she confessed her feelings to her teacher, Master Childman (yes, that IS his name), the person who brought her and Orphen in while they were out in the winter on their own.
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Surprise, surprise, Childman rejected her proposal stating that he only considers her his student.
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It’s at that point the drove Azalie more into her studies. She became obsessed with power, aiming to become strong enough to impress and possibly surpass Childman. Orphen even says it when bringing up their backstory in episode 8 of the anime.
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Orphen: ”Sometimes I could see a different side of her. Something that frightened me. She was intense, almost fanatical about her studies. Her curiosity was insatiable. I tried to tell myself it was just ambition, but deep down, I knew it was something else. Something dangerous.”
This got to a point where she attempted to experiment with the forbidden Sword of Baltanders. While it wasn’t clear of what she was trying to do with it, considering she stabbed herself in the chest with it, I believe she was trying to turn herself into an all powerful sorceress, since the sword has the power to turn anyone it cuts to anything the user wishes.
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It didn’t work... It also didn’t help that her former colleagues began hunting her down and tried to kill her, which drove her even more insane, so she starts killing people! Do you get what I’m trying to point out here? Her obsession for power, her lack of sanity, she’s a prime target for Xehanort! Darkness has definitely found its way into her heart and it’s growing stronger overtime. The only issue I can think of that Xehanort might have is the fact that Azalie is well adverse with white magic. This includes mind manipulation and soul transfer, so there’s a good chance she could be at least somewhat resistant to him.
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In which case, I guess he would try to take advantage of that Gaia machine in the video game. Alright, let’s see what else we could come up with.
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Hmm, while I do think Shantae could work as a possible world, I can’t really think of anyone that could become a Xehanort. Then again, I should get back to playing Shantae 3 soon.
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Hmm...the only possible candidate I could think of is Satsuki, and even then, that’s a huge maybe.
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Pretty sure they already have their own true Organization XIII.
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Okay! Now we’re talking! Sengoku Basara! Granted, while I only played the 3rd game in the series and watched the movie “Last Party”, I’m pretty sure we have a perfect candidate to become another Xehanort puppet.
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At first, I was thinking about Mitsunari, considering his grumpy attitude and carries a huge vengence against Ieyasu (or Masamune in the “Last Party” movie). Clearly someone like the Dark Prince himself would definitely be a Xehanort...that is until I recall one important detail that Ieyasu points out in Oichi’s story in Sengoku Basara 3.
Ieyasu: “Back in those days, Mitsunari seemed to possess...qualities. Both darkness and light. People admired his exceptional abilities. He gained respect for fearlessly showing his true nature. I’ll admit, I was envious of him because of this.”
Although it may not seem like it, Mitsunari has a balanced heart. He’s cruel, and cold, but loyal to a fault and isn’t afraid of his true self. Xehanort tends to struggle when it comes to dealing with people with more balanced hearts. That’s how Riku was able to break free from his control without the aid of Namine’s lock. So, that’s fine and dandy, but you know who doesn’t have a good balanced heart?
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Oichi Oda! After the fall of the Oda clan, Oichi became mentally unstable. She wanders around to different areas without much of a clue and in different hands, she could be kind and helpful or a threat to anyone she comes to contact with.
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It’s almost like if she herself became a heartless or nobody, like she loss her sense of self.
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That is until Nobunaga comes back to life, realizes what she must do, and she sacrifices herself to save the world. So, Xehanort may want to act BEFORE that happens. Like Xemnas said, a heart doesn’t stay lost forever. Okay, this is starting to get long so, I’ll bring up just one more possible candidate. For this, let’s head over to one of my favorite franchises,
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The Disgaea series. I’ll be honest with you, this was more difficult for me than I expected. I kept debating about who could be the ideal candidate to work with.
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At first, I was thinking Etna around the time she loses her memories due to the fact that she discarded them after so much frustration in terms of Krichevskoy marring another woman, having a child with said woman, and dying by the hands of Tyrant Baal. Guess everyone has their drastic ways of handling rejection.
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Then I thought about Fubuki, a guy obsessed with seeking vengence against the fake Zenon after the destruction of the clan, no matter what the means.
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Then there’s Mao, whose heart became in flux for years due to Geoffry pushing him to become the strongest overlord just to he can have a good fight.
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Finally, I thought of Void, a guy who literally let a dark heart take over his mind after being jealous of Killia and accidentally killing his sister. I thought any one of these people would be a prime target for Xehanort, that is until my friends on Amino convinced me about what could possibly be the perfect candidate out of everyone in the entire franchise...
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Nemo from Disgaea 4. And if you’re thinking that I’m just saying that because his name means “No one” in latin, like Desco points out in the game, you’re not wrong. It IS a major reason considering that he’s literally discarding his sense of self just to be a nobody. Remember what Xemnas said! That’s what the experiments he did with the heartless were all about! Also, remember that Artina spent her time as an angel trying to get Nemo to let go of his hatred, but overtime, he stopped hearing her voice and stopped believing, as if Artina failed to nurture his heart to see the brighter side.
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Hell, knowing that Xehanort can time travel, I would be surprised if in Kingdom Hearts continuity, he would go back in time to try to convince Nemo to give into the darkness just for that reason. Kind of like if he’s another voice in his head telling him to ignore Artina and seek vengeance against the humans and demons. I can picture him doing it now actually, getting Nemo to turn away while giving Artina a fiendish smile as they leave. That’s how evil Xehanort is! It makes too much sense. So, those are the possible 3rd party Xehanorts I could come up with. Anyone you can think of?))
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thepaleblade-blog · 5 years
Character Profile
Name: Hana Kazuki
Age: Between 18-23
Gender: Female
Species: Half-blood Okami (I call her a Nageku which means lamenting one)
Appearance (Glamor active): Kazuki is 5'7", with deep brown hair that reaches just past her backside when worn down but she usually wears her hair up secured in place by an old worn wooden comb or she has it in two low-hanging ponytils. Her eyes are a light grey that borders on being silver, her skin tone is very light but not quite pale.
Appearance (Glamor inactive): Her Okami markings appear on her skin but are blue instead of red. Her wolf ears pop up on top of her head and her tail appears at her back, all of which are the same color as her hair save for the snow-white tips. Her eyes also change, becoming more wolf-like but their color stays the same.
History: Kazuki was born to an Okami woman who had fallen in love with her father, Hana Yemon when he was young. She had become pregnant by him after they met in the woods late one night, she came back to him nine months later with a newly born Kazuki wrapped up in her arms. She didn't need to say that Kazuki was his as he just knew when looking down at her, his old lover couldn't take little Kazuki with her back to heaven as half-bloods were frowned upon and treated poorly so Yemon took his infant child from her and gave his word she would be well-looked after, with a tearful goodbye the Okami woman fled into the night never to be seen again. Yemon had to confess to his wife Sadashi what he had done, she was furious with him and outright refused to raise Kazuki as her own and despite her protest Yemon made Kazuki a legitimate member of the clan and ordered her to take care of Kazuki.
Needless to say Sadashi despised Kazuki, heavily abusing her mentally and physically, when she was seven she was thrown out of home by Sadashi the same night her father was murdered and banished from the clans territory under pain of death so Kazuki traveled the land as a vagrant, often blamed for things that were out of her control she was made an outcast. A few years after being abandoned by her family she was trying to sleep under a willow tree in a starving state when she was found by an old retired Samurai who took her into his home despite knowing who she was and treated her with kindness, nursing her back to health before giving her a set of new clothes and saying she could stay with him permanently or leave it was her choice.
She chose to stay and so he trained her in the ways of Bushido, making sure she would be able to protect herself once he passed on. This man in particular was known all across Japan for the fighting prowess he exhibited during his service to the Date clan and thus very much loved in Ohsu by it's people. Life was good for a while then her world was turned upside down when mercenaries came for her and her master gave her his most precious sword and ordered her to run, she did as he bid but guilt overcame her and she ran back only to arrive just in time to watch him die. No one really knows what happened after that other than the rumors surrounding her became a lot worse and she earned the name Pale Blade.
Faction: Date or Maeda
Personality: Kazuki is laid back and rather quiet but when the situation calls for it she is very serious. Although most of the time she is not quick to anger there are moments when she has a very short fuse, when she gets angry her eyes will turn a dark shade of grey although most people never notice it. Kazuki is a kind-hearted person and very understanding although she won't seem that way to start with as she is very closed off from the world around her.
Likes: Quiet, Training, the thrill of battle, watching the moon and stars, playing with wild wolves, singing, dancing and children.
Dislikes: Seeing others hurt, her family, evil spirits and souls, treachery, being an outcast, being asked about her past.
Fears/Weaknesses: She fears not being able to protect someone due to her father and her master being killed in front of her.
She fears giving over to her darker side like she did the night her master was killed.
She also fears dying alone, never knowing what love is like.
Because of her fears Kazuki can't really show affection to a possible love interest as she believes once she does they will be doomed to die in front of her like the two previous males in her life and so she will become uneasy when they show her affection, at first anyway.
Possible Love interests: Date Masamune, Katakura Kojuro, Maeda Keiji.
Extra: Kazuki is the descendant of a powerful bloodline.
-Her glamor is active almost all the time, however, she always deactivates it on a full moon when she is deep in the woods away from prying eyes before she dances.
-She was trained as a spiritualist from a very young age.
-She is known as the "Silver Lily" but is more often than not called "The Pale Blade"
-She's unwelcome among her family.
-Her weapon of choice is a katana with the Kanji for moon etched into the bottom of the pommel.
-She always has throwing knives with paper charms wrapped around the handles on her person
-Kazuki will not sing or dance in front of anyone as she easily becomes insidously nervous if she knows there's someone watching her and if someone catches her at it but they don't make themselves known at the time and bring it up later in conversation she will become incredibly flustered and embarassed.
-For your own safety NEVER ask her about her family, especially her mother, I am serious just don't do it.
Note: Her history regarding her master is not set, I have several ideas for how he dies so if you are interested in role-playing some Sengoku Basara with me I will tell you the other ideas and we'll go from there or I can just surprise you if you want.
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brevelilium · 6 years
Tag 15 People to Get to Know Them Better
Tagged by @tacotits ~
1. Relationship status: single
2. Favorite color: green! Army green specifically but all shades of green are good
3. Lipstick or chapstick: I love them both (they’re fun to apply!) but I basically never wear lipstick because I rarely ever do my make-up so I’d say chapstick
4. Three favorite foods: pizza, piadina (the food of the gods), and uhhhh idk do sweets count? Because those are the one thing I really enjoy eating tbh
5. Last song I listened to: not suree but I think Make You Feel Better by Red Hot Chili Peppers
6. Last movie I watched: oh dear, was it Avengers: Infinity War like months ago?? I don’t watch a lot of movies because I never have the time and I’m always tired :C
7. Books I’m currently reading: none atm, but there are some good kh2// and sengoku basara// comics waiting for me oh my shelf hehe
8. Last thing I googled: wordreference because English is a bitch sometimes shdjsjdj
9. Time: 13.10
10. Song stuck in my head: none until 0.3 seconds ago, but now my brain has randomly decided to play Rain by Mika
11. What I’m wearing: sweatpants and a t-shirt
12. How many blankets do you sleep with: it depends?? None in the summer (it’s too hot), and a huge, super warm duvet in the winter (sometimes with an additional blanket on top of it bc I really hate the cold)
13. Dream trip: Idk man, I’ve never had the chance to travel much, so it’s not really something that’s on my mind, you know? As long as the company is nice more or less any place is fine. (But if I had to say, I’d really love to visit Japan. Ueda, specifically)
Tagging: @chibireby-chan @empressofdisagio and @immanuel-kant-but-kaneki-ken if they happen to have some time to waste and feel like doing this, aaand whoever wants to, there you go!
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
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YouTube has a habit of sometimes "eating" comments out of nowhere. So before that might happen, I wanted to save this lovely discussion thread by "melon" about Claude von Riegan .
Discussion thread at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-MQ4K-BEmk&lc=Ugxa-ddDM9N0hrOpvid4AaABAg in comments section of this video essay: https://youtu.be/z-MQ4K-BEmk "CLAUDE VON RIEGAN (Three Houses) // Legendary & Brave Claude (Heroes). What Were FEH THINKING?!" by Faerghast
Melon reiterates one of my favorite points: Claude accomplished almost the same goals as Edelgard, but he tried diplomacy first instead of just giving up and defaulting towards war. That's one of the reasons I really respect Claude. He recognized that war should be a last resort. Diplomacy may not be as melodramatically satisfying as a war, but it's nice to see even a fictional story/character aligned with the real life ideal of avoiding the intrinsic collateral damages of war. Sure, wars and physical combat are good for drama (I'll admit 2 of my 3 favorite anime are Sengoku Basara and Code Geass), but no one wants to do the hard work of negotiation and risking needing to compromise, or most stories simply don't even try to portray that as the drama potential it actually contains. But Claude is willing to do all that more realistic hard work of listening and persuading people. It makes him seem very patient, wise, admirable, and a character I want to follow the story of.
Though, I disagree with randomperson8571 saying that "Claude's entire route, narrative-wise, does not have a logical conclusion". Because it does have a logical conclusion in terms of plot. I think what randomperson8571 might have been trying to say is that Claude's route doesn't have a dramatic, emotional, cathartic conclusion, centered on his character development. It didn't have an "emotion-centric conclusion". The resolution of the plot conflict didn't dramatically spotlight the main personal drama in Claude's character arc, to produce a dramaticized, primarily emotional, personal character catharsis.
Though, according to other video essayists (Was it FED or OrdinaryUnits?), Claude's character arc is still there. (2:16 PM 7/9/2021 edit: It was OrdinaryUnits. His vid "Grasping Claude Von Riegan: A Fire Emblem Character Analysis" talked a lot about Claude's character development. https://youtu.be/eOhgr-Zn57U) He went from distrustful, to faking connections in using others, to being truly emotionally honest with others. (Meanwhile, his plot went from searching for truth and confronting the dissonance between history and reality. That video essayist's observation convinced me that Claude's route concluding with defeating Nemesis made sense.) His development is certainly not as blatant as Dimitri's, nor as obviously connected to the main narrative's plot conflicts as Dimitri's and Edelgard's routes. Claude's personal character development isn't the main drama of his route. Also because he's already always been so emotionally resilient, he doesn't make such big, obvious swings from Weakness to Strength, as most story protagonists Grow by the end of their stories. Even if Claude personal character development does play a big role to him and his internal motivations, it wasn't really _featured_ in the narrative to the audience. But that can't really be helped, when he's so secretive about himself and doesn't actually have too much more Growing to do (relatively speaking). So it's only natural for the meanings of the plot, in terms of his personal motivations, to be mostly implied---Well, we know about his dream, fueled by his traumatic childhood (he directly told Byleth, the audience-perspective character), but because he tries to hide his true motives and feelings and wasn't struggling to Grow past some major internal obstacle, I don't think the story obviously presented the connections between how every plot point could reflect his personal development.
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