#The Search for the Andrea Gail
seamusicpoetry · 1 year
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The Sea Hunters (2002)The Search for the Andrea Gail
Immortalized by the bestseller and hit movie The Perfect Storm, the swordfishing boat Andrea Gail sank somewhere in the North Atlantic in the monstrous meteorological confluence of 1991. The Sea Hunters try to provide closure for the crew's friends and family by probing a fabled ships' graveyard for the boat's remains.
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haggishlyhagging · 9 months
The book list copied from feminist-reprise
Radical Lesbian Feminist Theory
A Passion for Friends: Toward a Philosophy of Female Affection, Jan Raymond
Call Me Lesbian: Lesbian Lives, Lesbian Theory, Julia Penelope
The Lesbian Heresy, Sheila Jeffreys
The Lesbian Body, Monique Wittig
Politics of Reality, Marilyn Frye
Willful Virgin: Essays in Feminism 1976-1992, Marilyn Frye
Lesbian Ethics, Sarah Hoagland
Sister/Outsider, Audre Lorde
Radical Feminist Theory –  General/Collections
Freedom Fallacy: The Limits of Liberal Feminism, edited by Miranda Kiraly and Meagan Tyler
Radically Speaking: Feminism Reclaimed, Renate Klein and Diane Bell
Love and Politics, Carol Anne Douglas
The Dialectic of Sex–The Case for Feminist Revolution, Shulamith Firestone
Sisterhood is Powerful, Robin Morgan, ed.
Radical Feminism: A Documentary Reader, edited by Barbara A. Crow
Three Guineas, Virginia Woolf
Sexual Politics, Kate Millett
Radical Feminism, Anne Koedt, Ellen Levine, and Anita Rapone, eds.
On Lies, Secrets and Silence, Adrienne Rich
Beyond Power: On Women, Men and Morals, Marilyn French
Feminism Unmodified: Discourses on Life and Law, Catharine MacKinnon
Femininity and Domination: Studies in the Phenomenology of Oppression, Sandra Bartky
Life and Death, Andrea Dworkin
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color, Gloria Anzaldua and Cherrie Moraga, eds.
Wildfire:  Igniting the She/Volution, Sonia Johnson
Homegirls: A Black Feminist Anthology, Barbara Smith ed.
Fugitive Information, Kay Leigh Hagan
Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black, bell hooks
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, bell hooks
Deals with the Devil and Other Reasons to Riot, Pearl Cleage
Pilgrimages/Peregrinajes, Maria Lugones
In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens, Alice Walker
The Whole Woman, Germaine Greer
Right Wing Women, Andrea Dworkin
Feminist Theory – Specific Areas
Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, Rachel Moran
Being and Being Bought: Prostitution, Surrogacy, and the Split Self, Kajsa Ekis Ekman
The Industrial Vagina: The Political Economy of the Global Sex Trade, Sheila Jeffreys
Female Sexual Slavery, Kathleen Barry
Women, Lesbians, and Prostitution:  A Workingclass Dyke Speaks Out Against Buying Women for Sex, by Toby Summer, in Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe, eds.
Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution, Jan Raymond
The Legalisation of Prostitution : A failed social experiment, Sheila Jeffreys
Making the Harm Visible: Global Sexual Exploitation of Women and Girls, Donna M. Hughes and Claire Roche, eds.
Prostitution, Trafficking, and Traumatic Stress, Melissa Farley
Not for Sale: Feminists Resisting Prostitution and Pornography, Christine Stark and Rebecca Whisnant, eds.
Pornland: How Pornography Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, Gail Dines
Pornified: How Porn is Damaging Our Lives, Our Relationships, and Our Families, Pamela Paul
Pornography: Men Possessing Women, Andrea Dworkin
Pornography: The Production and Consumption of Inequality, Gail Dines
Pornography: Evidence of the Harm, Diana Russell
Pornography and Sexual Violence:  Evidence of the Links (transcript of Minneapolis hearings published by Everywoman in the UK)
Against Our Will, Susan Brownmiller
Rape In Marriage, Diana Russell
Secret Trauma, Diana Russell
Victimized Daughters: Incest and the Development of the Female Self, Janet Liebman Jacobs
Battering/Domestic Violence
Loving to Survive, Dee Graham
Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman
Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men, Lundy Bancroft
Sadomasochism/”Sex Wars”
Unleashing Feminism: Critiquing Lesbian Sadomasochism in the Gay Nineties, Irene Reti, ed.
The Sex Wars, Lisa Duggan and Nan D. Hunter, eds.
The Sexual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, edited by Dorchen Leidholdt and Janice Raymond
Sex, Lies, and Feminism, Charlotte Croson, off our backs, June 2001
How Orgasm Politics Has Hijacked the Women’s Movement, Sheila Jeffreys
A Vision of Lesbian Sexuality, Janice Raymond, in All The Rage: Reasserting Radical Lesbian Feminism, Lynne Harne & Elaine Miller, eds.
Sex and Feminism: Who Is Being Silenced? Adriene Sere in SaidIt, 2001
Consuming Passions: Some Thoughts on History, Sex and Free Enterprise by De Clarke (From Unleashing Feminism).
Separatism/Women-Only Space
“No Dobermans Allowed,”  Carolyn Gage, in Lesbian Culture: An Anthology, Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe, eds.
For Lesbians Only:  A Separatist Anthology, Julia Penelope & Sarah Hoagland, eds.
Exploring the Value of Women-Only Space, Kya Ogyn
Witches, Midwives and Nurses: A History of Women Healers, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English
For Her Own Good: 150 Years of the Experts’ Advice to Women, Barbara Ehrenreich and Deirdre English
The Hidden Malpractice: How American Medicine Treats Women as Patients and Professionals, Gena Corea
The Mother Machine: Reproductive Technologies from Artificial Insemination to Artificial Wombs, Gena Corea
Women and Madness, Phyllis Chesler
Women, Health and the Politics of Fat, Amy Winter, in Rain And Thunder, Autumn Equinox 2003, No. 20
Changing Our Minds: Lesbian Feminism and Psychology, Celia Kitzinger and Rachel Perkins
Of Woman Born: Motherhood as Experience and Institution, Adrienne Rich
The Reproduction of Mothering, Nancy Chodorow
Maternal Thinking: Toward a Politics of Peace, Sara Ruddick
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence, Adrienne Rich
The Spinster and Her Enemies: Feminism and Sexuality 1880-1930, Sheila Jeffreys
Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution, Sheila Jeffreys
Black Macho and the Myth of the Superwoman, Michele Wallace
The Sexual Contract, Carol Pateman
A Radical Dyke Experiment for the Next Century: 5 Things to Work for Instead of Same-Sex Marriage, Betsy Brown in off our backs, January 2000 V.30; N.1 p. 24
Intercourse, Andrea Dworkin
Transgender/Queer Politics
Gender Hurts, Sheila Jeffreys
Female Erasure, edited by Ruth Barrett
Testosterone Rex: Unmaking the Myths of Our Gendered Minds, Cordelia Fine
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference, Cordelina Fine
Sexing the Body: Gender and the Construction of Sexuality, Anne Fausto-Sterling
Myths of Gender, Anne Fausto-Sterling
Unpacking Queer Politics, Sheila Jeffreys
The Transsexual Empire: The Making of the She-Male, Janice Raymond
The Inconvenient Truth of Teena Brandon, Carolyn Gage
Speaking Freely: Unlearning the Lies of the Fathers’ Tongues, Julia Penelope
Websters’ First New Intergalactic Wickedary, Mary Daly
Man Made Language, Dale Spender
Feminist Theology/Spirituality/Religion
Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women’s Liberation, Mary Daly
Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, Mary Daly
The Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe, Marija Gimbutas
Woman, Church and State, Matilda Joslyn Gage
The Women’s Bible, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Pure Lust, Mary Daly
The War Against Women, Marilyn French
Backlash, Susan Faludi
Surpassing the Love of Men, Lillian Faderman
Going Too Far:  The Personal Chronicles of a Feminist, Robin Morgan
Women of Ideas, and What Men Have Done to Them, Dale Spender
The Creation of Patriarchy, Gerda Lerner
The Creation of Feminist Consciousness, From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy, Gerda Lerner
Why History Matters, Gerda Lerner
A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Mary Wollstonecraft, ed.
The Elizabeth Cady Stanton-Susan B. Anthony Reader: Correspondence, Writings, Speeches, Ellen Carol Dubois, ed., Gerda Lerner, Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Suffragette Movement, Sylvia Pankhurst
In Our Time: Memoirs of a Revolution, Susan Brownmiller
Women, Race and Class, Angela Y. Davis
Counting for Nothing: What Men Value and What Women Are Worth, Marilyn Waring
For-Giving:  A Feminist Criticism of Exchange, Genevieve Vaughn
Fat/Body Image/Appearance
Shadow on a Tightrope: Writings by Women on Fat Oppression, Lisa Schoenfielder and Barb Wieser
Beauty and Misogyny: Harmful Cultural Practices in the West, Sheila Jeffreys
Can’t Buy My Love: How Advertising Changes the Way We Think and Feel, Jean Kilbourne
The Beauty Myth, Naomi Wolf
Unbearable Weight:  Feminism, Western Culture, and the Body, Susan Bordo
The Invisible Woman:  Confronting Weight Prejudice in America, Charisse Goodman
Women En Large: Photographs of Fat Nudes, Laurie Toby Edison and Debbie Notkin
With the Power of Each Breath:  A Disabled Women’s Anthology, Susan E. Browne, Debra Connors, and Nanci Stern
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my-lost-years · 3 years
Thirty years ago this week, on October 28, 1991, captain Billy Tyne of the F/V Andrea Gail radioed her coordinates to her sister ship the Hannah Boden. Tyne's final transmission was, "She's comin' on boys and she's comin' on strong". He was talking about what would later come to be known as the "perfect storm".
On November 6 her emergency position beacon was found washed ashore on Sable Island off Nova Scotia. In the coming days, fuel tanks, a life raft, and other assorted flotsam were found. But there was never any indication that any of the crew survived. On November 9 the search was officially called off. The Andrea Gail and her crew were declared lost at sea.
Her crew:
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Top: Captain Billy Tyne and Mike Moran
Middle: David Sullivan and Alfred Pierre
Bottom: Dale Murphy and Bobby Shatford
Doing this job and being part of this community will at some point mean dealing with profound and painful loss. A lot of us in the industry were just kids, babies, maybe not even born yet when the Andrea Gail and her crew were lost. But their sacrifice and their legacy has and will continue to inspire generations of fishermen who come after.
May God bless and keep these men and may He continue to lift His countenance upon their families and give them peace.
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genderisareligion · 2 years
35, 44
35. What lead you to your current view of radical feminism? 
At 19 years old I was generally a feminist but the some of the most powerful and impactful feminist works and theory I found during my discoveries was the anti pornography material. I grew up in a house with a family member who poorly hid his CP causing me to stumble upon it as a kid and I also struggled with watching soft core porn myself later on in my teens because I was closeted and it felt like the only outlet I had (not an excuse, just a reason). I knew that the nasty titles of the videos I was scrolling by, the grotesque ads I was being exposed to on my way to find something that would make me feel slightly less guilty about what I was doing, what was I being brainwashed by and conditioned to get used to was so deeply misogynistic that the few sprinkles of “feminist” “empowering” porn that existed were drowning in mess that was causing most of not all men and boys to view us as fuck objects.
In 2011-2012 I wanna say “SWERF” was like just starting to come into use, but I was in the process of quitting porn use on my own at 19, searching for my own reasons to and reading about the abuse that goes on in the industry (and its ties to sexual slavery) for myself, and that research and that understanding of why even I as a good homeschooled Christian female was susceptible to porn made me not care about being called a “SWERF,” finally I had words for one of my biggest fears that had been so hard to articulate before. Finally there were words from women like Audre Lorde and Gail Dines and Andrea Dworkin about what had always bothered me deep down about this massive culture that simultaneously scared me and ensnared me as a consumer when I was younger. Radical feminists were getting at the root of feminist backlash even though it was difficult to deal with the reality and normalization of the violence. And from there I found I agreed with a lot of other things radical feminists were writing and saying
44. How popular or unpopular is radical feminism where you live? 
In the US radical feminism is a bit more popular than people think it is, but within the last decade it’s garnered a specific and escalating amount of hatred and I hate to see it. By it’s more popular than people think it is I mean I know and meet women from time to time who hold some basic radical feminist beliefs despite not calling themselves radical feminists. Many women who aren’t discoursed in queer theory/popular lib feminism still believe that sexism and misogyny are rooted in the exploitation of our reproductive capabilities, not in “gender identities.” Normie women like this give me life lol for example my best friend is one of them. But it’s discouraging that right now everyone and their mother is being called a “TERF” whether or not they’re radical feminists or even feminists. I miss 10 years ago when that term wasn’t plastered all over every other “leftist” celebrity’s blue check verified Twitter and I wish the hate campaign would stop being a trend and I wish people actually read radical feminist books before calling it “white supremacist fascism” aka “feminazism.” But it is only such a trend right now because of what I just mentioned, the fact that many women have class solidarity naturally by virtue of the patriarchy being so vicious to them, and the last thing the patriarchy needs is 50% of the population realizing we’ve been enslaved for no reason and refusing to participate in their system until our conditions improve. The more they can get women and feminists to infight instead of punch up the better.
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The Hydra Resurfaces, Part 1
On September 4, Thrive Global posted an article about accused serial harasser Brian Posen.  It was a fluff piece credited to “Simon Wart” (who had no other writing credentials that a cursory Google search could find) and lobbed some softball questions at Posen.  In it, he used a question about books and websites to rail against “mean and cruel people” and “ vigilante crowd mentalities”.
Someone contacted Thrive Global to let them know that they had published an article about an alleged serial predator, and they took it down.  You can still read the cached article here.
You can also read it in the September 13 post by “Gail Green” titled  Meet Brian Posen On His Daily Routine And Dealing With Stress.  It’s the exact same article, typos and all.  (Edit: it used to be at the above link.  It was taken down hours after it was posted, but I’m sure the link will appear in Google’s cache shortly.)
But who is our new author, Gail Green?  Gail Green seems to have some writing credentials, as you can see on Thrive Global’s site.
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Oh, and Gail happens to be the author of An Insider’s Guide to Interior Design!  This is an actual book you can buy on Amazon.  Gail Green is also “an Interior designer/decorator and founder of Gail Green Interiors”.
Except this is who is actually the designer/decorator and founder of Gail Green Interiors:
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So who’s the man in the photograph on Thrive Global?
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A quick Google image search indicates that he’s Andreas Buergi, executive coach and corporate management consultant.
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Oh, boy.  This is getting pretty weird.  
If you look at the other articles by “Gail Green”, they’re filled with the following literary gems:
“There will never be been better time during the festive season to watch ESPN in the tub with a glass of wine?” from The Physical and Mental Benefits of a Warm Bath
“T- Shirt in small doses the vest is one of those very risky pieces: use cotton only to go to the beach and you will be sure not to make slips.” from How to Dress Right This Summer
And my personal favorite is “Soy Wax Eco-candles Secrets You Never Knew” because the URL indicates that it used to be an article about decorating floors.
This all got me thinking, what does it take to publish an article on Thrive Global?  You just submit a name, email, and password.  That’s it.
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Just verify your email address and you’re ready to post.  Thrive Global even offers this handy guide on all the steps involved.
It’s just a Wordpress interface to write up a post.  Pretty easy to publish.  You don’t have access to any of the posts that aren’t yours, but you can see the numbers of each of them: 
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As an aside, this caught my eye:
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Seriously, how bad are the thousands of rejected posts when "Gail” got an article with this line in it published: “Hair is very strong. But of course when it’s wet."
What I really wanted to find was whether or not it was possible to backdate posts.  Because “Gail Green” has been posting articles since December 2017.  When I tried to submit an article, I noticed that I could only submit it for review.  
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Getting to the bottom of this will require writing a fake article and seeing if it gets approved by the editors.  More in Part 2 to come!
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Books of 2018
And here is my my annual book round up! This year I bumped my Goodreads challenge up from 70 to 80, and wound up reading 113 (which is a little less than last year, but some of these books were very long). But I once again benefited from my friend group being so dedicated to harassing each other with more books to read (and also the Silent Book Club that meets in Boston which has given me some time to focus on reading).
But as usual, I’ve bolded my top 18 books, and italicized my next 10 honorable mentions. And I’ve put a strike through my bottom 5 books that I managed to finish. This was a little difficult to do because I reread a few books this year (like Harry Potter, and The Princess Diaries) and I’m not including those.That said, the rereads affected my ratings, and I really didn’t find myself blown away by as many books. This is also possibly because a lot of these books were part of series, but ultimately I felt I had a significant majority of books that were either pretty good or meh.
(I would also link to all my monthly posts for these, but I’d read that links will interfere with searching tags on Tumblr (because this website is working overtime to dig its own grave), so you can just search Books of 2018 on my page for yourself.)
Dirty Deeds - HelenKay Dimon
Wishful Drinking - Carrie Fisher
The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies #1) - KJ Charles
Everything is Awful - Matt Bellassai
Foolish Hearts - Emma Mills (OwlCrate)
A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies #2) - KJ Charles
The Dead Moms Club - Kate Spencer
First Frost (Waverly Family #2) - Sarah Addison Allen
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) - Holly Black (January 2018 OwlCrate)
Persepolis Riding (The Expanse #7) - James SA Corey
Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies #3) - KJ Charles
HeartShip (Full Hearts #1) - Amy Jo Cousins
HeartOn (Fully Hearts #2) - Amy Jo Cousins
The Last of August (Charlotte Holmes #2) - Brittany Cavallaro
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera
Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli (reread)
Remedial Rocket Science (Chemistry Lessons #1) - Susannah Nix
The Hazel Wood (The Hazel Wood #1) - Melissa Albert (OwlCrate)
Intermediate Thermodynamics (Chemistry Lessons #2) - Susannah Nix
Boy Toys (Hot Off the Ice #3) - AE Wasp
Skater Boy (Hot Off the Ice #4) - AE Wasp
The Comedy of Errors - William Shakespeare
Opal (The Raven Cycle #4.5) - Maggie Stiefvater
Vicious (Villains #1) - VE Schwab
The Case for Jamie (Charlotte Holmes #3) - Brittany Cavallro
When the Moon Was Ours - Anna-Marie McLemore
Working It (Ringside Romance #1) - Christine d’Abo
Faking It (Ringside Romance #2) - Christine d’Abo
The Color of Magic (Discworld #1) - Terry Pratchett
Making It (Ringside Romance #3) - Christine d’Abo
Losing It (Ringside Romance #4) - Christine d’Abo
Advanced Physical Chemistry (Chemistry Lessons #3) - Susannah Nix
Caraval (Caraval #1) - Stephanie Garber
These Vicious Masks (These Vicious Masks #1) - Tarun Shanker and Kelly Zekas
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (HP #1) - JK Rowling
Carry the Ocean (The Roosevelt #1) - Heidi Cullinan
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (HP #2) - JKR
Squared Away (Out of Uniform #5) - Annabeth Albert
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (HP #3) - JKR
Helping Hand (Housemates #1) - Jay Northcote
Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game #1) - Amanda Foody
Like a Lover (Housemates #2) - Jay Northcote
Practice Makes Perfect (Housemates #3) - Jay Northcote
Watching and Wanting (Housemates #4) - Jay Northcote
Puddin’ (Dumplin’ #2) - Julie Murphy
Starting from Scratch (Housemates $5) - Jay Northcote
Pretty in Pink (Housemates #6) - Jay Northcote
Can’t Help Myself - Meredith Goldstein
The Astonishing Color of After - Emily XR Pan
Adrift (Cruising #1) - LA Witt
How to Marry a Werewolf (Claw and Courtship #1) - Gail Carriger
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HP #4) - JKR
A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOTAR #3.1) - Sarah J Maas
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (HP #5) - JKR
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HP #6) - JKR
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (HP #7) - JKR
City of Ghosts (Cassidy Blake #1) - Victoria Schwab
Leah on the Offbeat (Creekwood #2/Simonverse #3) - Becky Albertalli
Level Up - Annabeth Albert
Ship It - Britta Lundin
Failure is an Option - H Jon Benjamin
From Twinkle, With Love - Sandhya Menon
Daughter of the Siren Queen (DOTPK #2) - Tricia Levenseller
I’ll Be Gone in the Dark - Michelle McNamara
Tight Quarters (Out of Uniform #6) - Annabeth Albert
Summer of Salt - Katrina Leno
The Bear and the Nightingale (Winternight Trilogy #1) - Katherine Arden
And I Darken (The Conqueror’s Saga #1) - Kiersten White
On Duty (Smoke and Bullets #1) - AR Barley
Into the Drowning Deep (Rolling in the Deep #1) - Mira Grant
Broken Protocol (Smoke and Bullets #1) - AR Barley
A Duke in the Night (The Devils of Dover #1) - Kelly Bowen
I’ve Got My Duke to Keep Me Warm (The Lords of Worth #1) - Kelly Bowen
A Good Rogue is Hard to Find (The Lords of Worth #2) - Kelly Bowen
You’re the Earl That I Want (The Lords of Worth #3) - Kelly Bowen
Duke of My Heart (Season for Scandal #1) - Kelly Bowen
From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess (From the Notes of a Middle School Princess #1) - Meg Cabot
Royal Wedding Disaster (From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess #2) - Meg Cabot
A Duke to Remember (Season for Scandal #2) - Kelly Bowen
Uprooted - Naomi Novik
Royal Crush ( From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess #3) - Meg Cabot
The Looking Glass - Janet McNally
Royal Crown (From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess #4) - Meg Cabot
Practical Magic - Alice Hoffman
Princess in Love (The Princess Diaries #3) - Meg Cabot
Competence (The Custard Protocol #3) - Gail Carriger
Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass #5) - Sarah J Maas
Princess in Waiting (The Princess Diaries #4) - Meg Cabot
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
The Wedding Date - Jasmine Guillory
Muse of Nightmares (Strange the Dreamer #2) - Laini Taylor
Vengeful (Villains #2) - VE Schwab
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing - Hank Green
The Graveyard Book - Neil Gaiman
Syncopation (Twisted Wishes #1) - Anna Zabo
Leo Loves Aries (Signs of Love #1) - Anyta Sunday
Scorpio Hates Virgo (Signs of Love #2) - Anyta Sunday
Gemini Keeps Capricorn (Signs of Love #3) - Anyta Sunday
Before the Devil Breaks You (The Diviners #3) - Libba Bray
The Hating Game - Sally Thorne
Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass #6) - Sarah J Maas
Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass #7) - Sarah J Maas
Pride - Ibi Zoboi
The Final Empire/Mistborn (Mistborn #1) - Brandon Sanderson
The Omega Objection (San Andreas Shifters #2) - GL Carriger
This is Kind of and Epic Love Story - Kheryn Callendar
The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang
Strange Practice (Dr. Greta Helsing #1) - Vivian Shaw
Spinning Silver - Naomi Novik
First & Then - Emma Mills
The Bullet Journal Method - Ryder Carroll
What Happens at Christmas - Jay Northcote
Better Not Pout - Annabeth Albert
The Glass Spare (The Glass Spare #1) - Lauren DeStefano (OwlCrate)
The Taming of the Shrew - William Shakespeare
Running With Lions - Julian Winters
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tammyfeabakker · 3 years
Watch "Sea Hunters: Season 1 - Ep 13 "The Search for Andrea Gail"" on YouTube
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dovebuffy92 · 3 years
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In Line of Duty Season Six, Episode Two, directed by Daniel Nettheim, Kate is caught between her new boss Jo and her trusted friend Steve.
Episode two begins with Superintendent Ted Hastings briefing all of AC-12 on the probe of Operation Lighthouse. Meanwhile, Farida watches Chris inform Jo and Kate that the deceased CHIS’ is twenty-two-year-old Alistair Oldroyd. Homophobic “Ross Turner” threatened Alistair’s life. Ross boasted that he murdered Gail Vella. Jo tells Chris that he needs to find a witness who saw “Ross” threaten Alistair, who can identify him as Carl or Terry.
Kate and Jo talk about the possibility that Alistair was murdered. Kate thinks a member of their task force leaked information. Jo tells Kate that they should keep all their knowledge about the murder case close to the vest.
Jo notices that Farida is speaking to Ian alone. After Farida leaves, Ian motions for Jo to come into his office. The police constable just asked for a transfer. Ian is upset because Farida is an experienced constable. Jo lies, telling him that Farida is not competent. She will write Farida a glowing recommendation, and then she will be “some other station’s problem.”
Gail’s news reports on AC-12’s investigations are harrowing but don’t show anything controversial or new. Ted is confused about why anybody would want to hire a contract killer like Carl to murder Gail for these reports. Steve is suspicious when Ted secretly meets up with Steph Corbett. Steph is the widow of corrupt undercover cop John Corbett who helped clear Ted’s name.
Later, Chloe and Steve interview Haran Nadaraja, Gail’s producer at MN News. Haran explains that Gail was working on a serial podcast about police corruption. Gail already interviewed a few high-ranking police officials. Haran tells Steve and Chloe that he had told original murder detectives that he suspected that the killer stole all of her podcast data. The detectives ignored him.
Ted feels like Steve is on to something since the original team never looked into Gail’s journalism as a motive for murder. He orders Steve to confiscate all the evidence from Gail’s murder case. Also, Ted promotes Steve to the rank of Detective Inspector.
Steve tells Kate that they are moving forward with their investigation of Jo’s misconduct. He wants Kate to feed him information about Jo, but she refuses. Operation Lighthouse finds a deceased Carl. Alistair’s fingerprints are all over the knife next to his body. Kate thinks the fact they found the blade so quickly is suspicious. Jo shrugs it off.
Though the strangest thing is Farida’s replacement is PC Ryan Pilkington. Ryan was first on Line of Duty Season One as a young boy recruited into the Organized Crime Group. Kate recognizes Ryan but can’t place him.
Carl’s death leads Ted to order Steve to seize all evidence from Hillside Lane Station’s Operation Lighthouse. Jo thwarts Steve from lawfully taking all the documents for his investigation by calling for the Detective Chief Constable to restrict access to their records to stop leaks. Steve angrily leaves the offices. Kate told Jo about the inquiry before Steve could come in.
Ted is called in for a meeting with PCC Rohan Sindwhani and DCC Andrea Wise, who instructs him to pretend the AC-12 investigation is a formal review of the case. Ted is frustrated that he has play politics.
Angered by the temporary blockage of his case, Ted orders the team to serve Jo with regulation 15 papers.
Chloe and Steve go straight back to Hillside Lane Station to successfully confiscate all of Operation Lighthouse’s case files. Chloe serves Jo with a regulation 15 notice. The shaken Jo has to report to AC-12 for questioning within ten days.
Steve visits Steph to figure out if there is anything fishy happening. He notes that Steph and her daughters could afford their expensive house after the breadwinner John died.
Jo and Kate drink at a pub together after work to vent about AC-12. There is sexual tension between the two women who plan to hang out during the weekend.
The next day Amanda Yao, cybercrime officer, reports to Steve that both Gail’s desktop computer and laptop are nearly void of data. Steve thinks the devices are plants to hide the robbery.
Ted, Chloe, and Steve all interrogate Jo in front of her police federation representative. They question Jo about the armed robbery that led to the two-hour delay of the arrest and the wrong order leading to three hours with no surveillance of the Beechwood House flat. Ted and Steve believe Carl is a contract killer hired by organized crime to assassinate Gail.
When Jo questions the motive for a contract killing, Chloe shares their new evidence, proving Gail’s devices were planted by the robbers to throw them all off.
Ted puts together all AC-12’s proof of corruption to point out all the issues that lead to the deaths of key witnesses and suspects who could help solve Gail’s murder. There must be a leak from Operation Lighthouse for organized crime to pull all this off.
AC-12 plans to search Jo’s house and office for burner phones to prove she leaked the information about Ross’s arrest for organized crime. Jo tells Ted that he should search the home and desk of everybody who could have leaked the information. When they do, Chloe finds multiple burner phones in Farida’s flat. The moment the team officially interviews Farida, she accuses Jo of planting the phones. She admits to dating Jo and the fact, her superior office just broke up with her. The couple even lived together.
Farida is arrested, leaving everybody confused about whose telling the truth. Farida or Jo? Jo has to be released from jail.
Jo may have been forced into being a corrupt cop. She bursts into tears after picking up a burner phone from a gangster-looking fellow. Watch Line of Duty Season 6 on BritBox!
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allendaayata25 · 4 years
The Perfect Storm
The “Perfect Storm” is a 2000 American biographical disaster drama film directed by Wolfgang Petersen and based on the 1997 non-fiction book of the same name by Sebastian Junger. CAST: George Clooney ( Billy Tyne or as a Capt.), Mark Mahlberg( Bobby Stratford), John C. Reilly ( Dale “Murph” Murphy), Diane Lane( Christina Cotter), William Fichtner( David “Sully” Sullivan), John Hawkes(Michael “Bugsy” Moran), Allen Payne(Alfred Pierre), Mary Elizabeth Mastratonio(Linda Greenlaw)
SUMMARY: In the story, The perfect storm, at the beginning the Capt. of the ship was arrogant he shows up to all of his crew who is the boss. Sully and Bugsy argue at the beginning. The fishermen go onboard and go onshore to search for fish. The fishermen destination was less fish so they search for another place to catch more fish, while they searching there was two Hurricane located where they going to, but they where given warning to the other fishermen but the Capt. didn’t listen so they continue to their destination. Many warnings were heard from the radio but the Capt. was stubborn, the time comes to the hurricane after them. The two Hurricane was going to collide so it means that this going to be a dangerous hurricane, the ship of the fishermen was between of the two Hurricane so they encounter big waves, the waves were up to 30-50 meter tall. They argue that they were going home so the Capt. make them choose if they wait till the hurricane was already done or they will sail even there was a hurricane the fishermen miss their family so they choose to sail even there was a storm. Fishermen’s antenna was destroyed by the big waves then suddenly Bobby climbs up to fixed the antenna but there were big waves and strong wind so he can’t fix the antenna. Bobby fell into the ladder but luckily Bobby holds on to the railings. The Capt. chose that he’s going back to avoid sinking the ship. The ocean didn’t want them to survive so there was a huge wave that causes the ship was sunk. After that, the ship was slowly sinking the fishermen minded all of their happy memories with their family and they give each other a sad goodbye. TECHNICAL REVIEW: “The Perfect Storm�� is a well-crafted example of a film of pure sensation. It is about ships tossed by a violent storm. The film doesn’t have complex and involving characters, but they are not needed. It doesn’t tell a sophisticated story and doesn’t need to; the main events are known to most of the audience before the movie begins. It all depends on the storm. I do not mind admitting I was enthralled.
REACTION: The emotion that I felt after I watch the movie is I’ve been downcast because of what happened to the captain and crew of Andrea Gail. At first, it was quite good because the story is about the journey of the fishermen who wants to catch a lot of fish and to earn money for their family, but in the end, it has become terrible because they got caught by the storm. And after the accident happened the story of the fishermen became a legend and the Boat has never been found until now. LESSON LEARNED: I have a lot of lessons that I’ve learned from this movie “THE PERFECT STORM”. working together and great teamwork, never give up until the end in the part of the storm they keep pushing and fighting never give even what is at the end of the situation. The friendship that they have. They talking, laughing and bonding together. I’ve learned what is real friendship is.
REFERENCE: Junger, S. (1997). The perfect storm: A true story of the American fishermen. New York: Norton.
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Support Your Local Artists @ MAAGs 5th Annual Holiday Art Market
Dec. 6/7 and Dec. 20/21 from noon to 6 pm
What do you get when you have more than 40 local artists selling their unique original artwork, combined with live music, food, and holiday cheer for the entire family and free of charge?
You get our 5th Annual Holiday Art Market Extravaganza at the Mt. Airy Art Garage (MAAG). You’re bound to be searching for that perfect gift for someone special (such as ceramics by Jackie Clifton on the right and painting by Elizabeth Rosenberg on the left)—and what better place to find it than at MAAG, a creative center for emerging and professional artists in Northwest Philadelphia. On Saturdays and Sundays, Dec. 6/7 and Dec. 20/21, from noon – 6 PM, MAAG will be hosting this not to be missed weekend of art and celebration.
(c) Lee Muslin
MAAG will open its doors and offer the community a diverse selection of fine art and handcrafts created by local Northwest artists ranging from emerging artists to those who have exhibited at the Smithsonian.
Participating artists include:
Kevin Bennett, Sheila and Debbie Brown, Peter Bruckner, Tina Bruckner, Jackie Clifton, Suzanne Clune, James Hay, Andrea Abrams Herbert, Tom Herbert, Shari Johnson, Sharon Kenny, Gail Lloyd, Lee Muslin, MAAG Quilt Club, Arleen Olshan, Roberto Rashid, Alfredo Ratinoff, Helene Richardson, Kathy Robinson, Liz Rosenberg, Edward Sargent, Patricia Cousins Smith, Sara Steele, Laurel Schwass-Drew, Nettie Scott, Nicki Toizer, and Alex Worcester.
Artists will fill (to the brim) our 5,000 square foot gallery with one-of-a-kind items, for both adults and children, made by woodworkers, sculptors, painters, leather crafters, jewelers, fiber artists and weavers, photographers, ceramic and glass artists, and more. Plus with free admission, food and drink, as well as live music from local favorites Art Miron, Sad Patrick and Bethlehem, Andy Trackman and Gaille Hunter, Sarah Napolitan, Gene and Michel Chieffo, Gerry Whelan, Music In The Moment Improv Ensemble, and other guests, there’s bound to be something to please every name on your list.
Collage by Edward Sargent
So, stop in at 11 West Mt. Airy Avenue. Bring your family. All are welcome to browse the unique display of original artwork and enjoy the holiday festivities. After all, supporting local artists (in the community you already love) surely beats going to the mall.
For more information, call 215.242.5074 or visit www.mtairyartgarage.org.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting
TAMPA BAY, FL — We asked Tampa Bay Patch readers to accelerate us photos of what they’ve been accomplishing during the coronavirus calm orders.
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TOM BROWN FINE ART: SUNSET, CLOUDS, WATER, REFLECTIONS .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Displaying animal beings’ absurd adeptness to acclimate in the affliction of circumstances, readers responded by announcement breath-taking glimpses of nature, amazing signs of bounce and affecting moments with family, kids and pets.
Mandy Saharic and Amanda Kammarada, both of Land O’ Lakes, spent some time creating book art on their driveways while John Thompson apparent a amusing mural in New Tampa.
Kammarada and New Port Richey citizen Shannon Laporte additionally came aloft some springtime babyish bunnies. Andrea Turnel of Land O’ Lakes fabricated the best abnormal springtime babyish analysis yet in her Bexley adjacency — a backup of babyish alligators.
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Seascape Oil Painting Step by Step – I have painted the .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Sue Vogel of Land O’ Lakes, Robin Belber Valvert of Tarpon Springs, Kelly Khorsandian of Land O’ Lakes, Crytal Huners of Palm Harbor, Darlene M. Dormer Schueler of Palm Harbor, Dennnise Christie of Tarpon Springs and Heather McFadden Russell of Tarpon Springs captured blooms of spring.
Alicia Stevenson, Dana Krapfl and Lisa Forsythe, all of Land O’ Lakes, recorded some abutting encounters with nature.
Kelly Matthew of Land O’ Lakes joked that she was amusing break from her neighbors — cows.
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Nostalgic Water Reflections At Sunset Painting by Roberto .. | sunset reflection on water painting
Trina Davis and Niki Stamos Klimis, Heather McFadden Russell, all of Tarpon Springs, and Debbie Stephens Manning of New Port Richey stepped out for some beginning air, capturing breath-taking photos of sunsets over the ocean while Susan Sandbury of Tarpon Springs got aback to attributes at James E. Grey Preserve, Sandra Pitman Evans of Palm Harbor captured the annex over the baptize at Anderson Park, Nikki Mandas Christu of Tarpon Springs bent a quiet moment in the black on the Bayou Walk and Erin Griffith photographed a pink-hued dusk over the 10th aperture at the Plantation Palms golf course.
LouAnn Manetta Cyrana of Palm Harbor advised reflections on a pond as Kasey Wernke of New Tampa ventured out for some quiet reflections of her own in a canoe.
Story continues
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Painting – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
Land O’ Lakes grandmother Dolca Gonzalez-Rios bent a adored moment as grandsons laid in identical positions on the lawn, attractive up at the sky. And Dani Adams of Land O’ Lakes captured her son’s cool antics. And Gail Casey of Safety Harbor reminded us of the best important affair in activity — family.
Thank you for administration your photos.
This commodity originally appeared on the Land O’ Lakes Patch
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Events – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting – sunset reflection on water painting | Welcome in order to our weblog, within this time I am going to explain to you about keyword. And after this, this is actually the first picture:
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Sunset Reflections by Steven Guy Bilodeau – oil painting | UGallery – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Thanks for visiting our site, articleabove (19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting) published .  Today we’re delighted to declare that we have found an awfullyinteresting contentto be discussed, namely (19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting) Lots of people trying to find information about(19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
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Dreamlike inverted reflection of trees in water and sunset .. | sunset reflection on water painting
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Sunset reflections – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Scenic Sunset Over Sea Image & Photo (Free Trial) | Bigstock – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Abstract Bridge At Sunset, Reflection In Water, Oil Painting .. | sunset reflection on water painting
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How To Paint A Sunset On Canvas (Or Sunrise) In Oils Or Acrylics – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Nature’s painting – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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15 Beautiful Mountain Lakes Photos – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Warm and cool sunset water reflection like moon. Beginner painting .. | sunset reflection on water painting
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Water Color Landscape Sunset Tree Reflection Stock Illustration .. | sunset reflection on water painting
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Sunset Lake Reflection – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Art Print lake water reflection sunset color rocks by .. | sunset reflection on water painting
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BY THE SUNSET — oil painting on canvas – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
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Sunset Reflections Painting by Becky Joy – sunset reflection on water painting | sunset reflection on water painting
The post 19 Things You Most Likely Didn’t Know About Sunset Reflection On Water Painting | sunset reflection on water painting appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/19-things-you-most-likely-didnt-know-about-sunset-reflection-on-water-painting-sunset-reflection-on-water-painting/
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hubbardsmarina · 8 years
The Incredible (And True) Story Of The Andrea Gail
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If you haven’t seen ‘The Perfect Storm’ we highly suggest you watch it before reading this (spoiler alert). The movie is based off of a true story about ship that was part of a fleet of sword fishing ships. After a long and brutal several week’s deep sea fishing in the Grand Bank, the fleet was unlikely to have much profit. One ship, ‘The Andrea Gail’, decided they would venture out to the Flemish Cap to continue fishing in hopes of making much more money. They did this despite many warnings of dangerous weather conditions.
The Flemish Cap lies about 350 miles from any land formation and it is a mainly shallow area of water that divides the warm gulf-stream waters from the cold waters of the Labrador Current (current from the arctic ocean). When the crew went out this far, they didn’t realize that they would have to travel back through the warm gulf-stream waters to get back to land. Ships usually prefer to sail in to cold water when there is a storm because the cold water weakens the storm. What happened with the Andrea Gail is they were sailing back from the Flemish Cap and unfortunately got hit directly by the storm.
Considering the ships location and reports from buoys nearby, the Andrea Gail experienced waves of up to 100.7 feet high. The ship itself was only 73 feet long, so the waves were devastating to say the least. The last report to come in from the Andrea Gail was on October 28th, and the captain gave his coordinates (about 160 miles from land) and a description of the weather conditions. The captain’s final recorded words were “She’s comin’ on boys, and she’s comin’ on strong”.
Coast guard and other services conducted a search of over 186,000 square miles starting October 30th, but had no luck. On November 6th the ships emergency position-indicating system washed ashore and on November 9th, the search was called off. It is likely that the emergency position-indicating system was turned off or malfunctioning when the ship went down. Aside from the positioning system, several other pieces of debris washed ashore that belonged to the Andrea Gail. The crew was presumed dead and the ship most likely at the bottom of the sea near the continental shelf.
Strangely enough, this story has many ties to Florida. The Andrea Gail was built in Panama City, Florida. Two of the six crew members were originally from Bradenton Beach, Florida as well. This story is proof of why you should never get aboard a ship that isn’t Coast Guard inspected. When you are planning a deep sea fishing trip you should only go with a private fishing charter in Tampa FL that has a certified captain, USCG inspected ships, and extensive knowledge of the waters. At Hubbard’s Marina, this is exactly what we offer. Learn more by visiting us at hubbardsmarina.com
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all-comic · 5 years
Aliens vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #2 (of 4)
Jeremy Barlow (W), Doug Wheatley (A), Rain Beredo (C), and Chun Lo (Cover) On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages 
With nowhere left to run but into the Predators’ ship, every turn leads Maria and Tyler deeper into danger—until they discover a captive xenomorph. Could the Alien be the weapon to tip the scales in their favor, or will they find themselves caught in a crossfire?
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Neil Gaiman! American Gods: The Moment of the Storm #9
Neil Gaiman (W), P. Craig Russell (W/A), Scott Hampton (A/C), Jennifer T. Lange (C), Glenn Fabry (Cover), and David Mack (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 22 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Ongoing
In this dramatic conclusion to the award-winning American Gods series, Shadow says his goodbyes and makes peace with a world that has changed forever.
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ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End Times HC (Second Edition)
Andrew MacLean (W/A/Cover)
On sale Mar 4 FC, 120 pages $19.99 HC, 7”x 10”
Alone at the end of the world, Aria is a woman with a mission! As she traipses through an overgrown city with a cat named Jelly Beans, Aria is on a fruitless search for an ancient relic with immeasurable power. But when a creepy savage sets her on a path to complete her quest, she’ll face death in the hopes of claiming her prize.
The premiere graphic novel from Head Lopper creator, Andrew MacLean, ApocalyptiGirl is an action-packed exploration of the extremes of humanity and our desire for a home in a world beyond repair. This second-edition hardcover includes more story, a new cover, and process material never seen before.
“People may read ApocalyptiGirl, but they will certainly remember it for its magical art. This book reads like a movie.” —AiPT!
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The Art of Cuphead HC & Limited-Edition HC
Studio MDHR
On sale Mar 17 FC, 216 pages $29.99 HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
On sale Mar 17 FC, 216 pages $99.99 Ltd. Ed. HC, 8 1/2″ x 11”
Get transported back to the golden age of 1930s animation with an art book celebrating the acclaimed run & gun platformer Cuphead! Each page of this curated collection of artwork is designed to capture the vintage look and feel of the Thirties. Take a gander at the game’s traditional hand-drawn, frame-by-frame animation. Peek at the early concepts, production work, and early ideas that went into the making of Cuphead’s characters, bosses, stages, and more! And relive the most cherished and challenging moments of Cuphead and Mugman’s adventure to reclaim their souls from the Devil! Guided by personal insights from game directors Chad and Jared Moldenhauer, take a trip through the Inkwell Isles and discover a new appreciation for Cuphead’s animation style and challenging retro gameplay.
Included in the limited edition is a slipcase featuring exclusive art and a set of acetate sheets in a portfolio, breaking down a classic scene, directly from the team that created it. This vintage-style art extravaganza is the perfect book for fans of Cuphead!
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The Art of Doom Eternal HC
id Software
On sale Mar 3 FC, 192 pages $39.99 HC, 9” x 12”
An oversized, full-color hardcover art book containing concept art and commentary from the development of DOOM Eternal, the next entry in the iconic first-person shooter series.
The newest chapter in the quintessential game franchise from id Software is here. Witness DOOM Eternal! This epic volume explores the art and development of the hotly anticipated sequel to the 2016 Game Award-winner for Best Action Game! Explore the twisted demonic invasion of Earth, and the cultist UAC facilities, and plunge into otherworldly and unknown locations new to the DOOM universe. Admire the dangerous, glimmering edges of the Slayer’s arsenal and armor. Examine the ancient designs and breeds of Hell’s soldiers and lords—all in gloriously designed full-color images straight from the files of the game’s artists themselves!
Dark Horse Books and id Software join forces to present The Art of DOOM Eternal, encompassing every detail you’ve come to love from DOOM!
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The Art of Wolfenstein: Youngblood HC
On sale Mar 17 FC, 192 pages $49.99 HC, 9” x 12”
Filled with amazing art and exclusive commentary, this gorgeous hardcover art book invites its reader to delve deep into this superb collection of production material from the latest romp into the world of Wolfenstein. This item is a must-have for sisters, brothers, and all other champions for the cause!
• From the studios behind Doom and RAGE 2!
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Baltimore Omnibus Volume 2 HC
Mike Mignola (W/Cover), Christopher Golden (W), Ben Stenbeck (A), Peter Bergting (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Michelle Madsen (C)
On sale Mar 18 FC, 576 pages $34.99 HC, 7” x 10”
Lord Baltimore’s quest for vengeance against the Red King escalates in the second half of the Baltimore saga, which includes a new bonus story with art by Ben Stenbeck!
Finally armed with the identity of the being responsible for the vampire plague, Baltimore and his band of allies take on the evil around them with a new fervor. Enemies old and new, desperate battles, and strange horror await the reader as they follow Baltimore toward his ultimate destiny.
• Includes a brand-new short story with art by Ben Stenbeck!
• Deluxe omnibus HC with over 500 pages!
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Jeff Lemire! Michael Walsh! Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice HC
Jeff Lemire and Michael Walsh (A/C/Cover)
On sale Mar 25 FC, 152 pages $19.99 HC, 7” x 10”
A strange man arrives simultaneously on Black Hammer Farm and in Metropolis and both worlds are warped as Starro attacks! Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, and more crossover with Golden Gail, Colonel Weird and the rest of the Black Hammer gang!
Collects Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice #1-#5 and features pinup art by Yanick Paquette, Yuko Shimizu, Matteo Scalera, Andrea Sorrentino, Evan “Doc” Shaner, Jill Thompson, and more!
DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics team up for the ultimate superhero crossover event!
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The Butcher of Paris #2 (of 5)
Stephanie Phillips (W), Dean Kotz (A), Jason Wordie (C), and Dave Johnson (Cover)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
In Nazi occupied Paris, the death toll mounts, but the killer’s motive and whereabouts remain unknown. The investigation uncovers a name—a doctor, whose skill and expertise match that of the meticulous crimes. But is this doctor the sadistic killer operating in the shadows, or just another victim of the Gestapo?
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The Complete Art of Guild Wars: ArenaNet 20th Anniversary Edition HC
On sale Mar 24 FC, 208 pages $39.99 HC, 11” x 10”
Explore the living history of Tyria through an expansive collection of never-before-seen concept art, production material, and creator commentary from Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 that offers exclusive insight into an ever-changing world inhabited by millions of players! The continuing growth of the Guild Wars franchise is detailed by the ArenaNet artists themselves in a volume that commemorates the studio’s twentieth anniversary.
• The perfect companion piece for the millions of Guild Wars players.
• A complete book containing art from both game, and every installment.
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Count Crowley: Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #4 (of 4)
David Dastmalchian and Lukas Ketner (A/Cover)
On sale Jan 22 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
The end is near! Jerri Bartman is battling the bottle, supernatural beasts, and a compulsory knack for self-destruction. If she’s going to survive, she’ll have to stay sober long enough to put up a good fight, learn a thing or two about killing a monster, and face the most frightening fiend of all . . . her past.
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The Courageous Princess Volume 2: The Unremembered Lands TP
Rod Espinosa (W/A/Cover)
On sale Mar 25 FC, 240 pages $14.99 TP, 5 3/4″ x 9”
After rescuing herself from a dragon and making her way back home across the Unremembered Lands, Mabelrose discovers that her father, King Jeryk, while on a quest to find her, has himself been captured by another, mightier dragon!
A captivating tale that demonstrates that neither gender, nor status nor accident of birth is an obstacle if you have a courageous spirit, Rod Espinosa’s enchanting trilogy is being made available in paperback for the first time.
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Steve Niles! Criminal Macabre: The Big Bleed Out #2 (of 4)
Steve Niles and Gyula Németh (A/Cover)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Cal McDonald’s fling with a seductive vampire continues as his ghoul companion, Mo’Lock, is drawn to investigate a series of grisly murders. But with Cal distracted, can Mo’Lock uncover the source of violence and come out unscathed?
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Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins Series II #6 (of 6)
Jody Houser (W), Olivia Samson (A), MSASSYK (C), and Hunter Bonyun (Cover)
On sale Jan 22 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
The hour of the ritual is at hand!
Whether Grog returns to his cluelessly adorable self or transforms into the murderous lich Drath Mephrun is still a big fat question mark. Vox Machina is as prepared as they’re going to be, armed with spell components, new allies, and a whole lot of loyalty. But will it be enough?
Don’t miss the series arc finale! Inspired by the Critical Role web series.
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Crone #3 (of 5)
Dennis Culver (W), Justin Greenwood (A/Cover), Ramon Villalobos (A/C) and Brad Simpson (C)
On sale Jan 1 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Now that Bloody Bliss has witnessed firsthand the carnage of D’Kayde, she prepares to face him in battle. But what can an old crone do against a resurrected warlord of death? Also continuing this issue: Romero Muerte!
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Disney Alice in Wonderland: The Story of the Movie in Comics HC
Disney (W/A)
On sale Mar 11 FC, 48 pages $10.99 HC, 6” x 9”
In this retelling of the fantasy-adventure animated film you’ll travel to a topsy-turvy realm with Alice! While dreaming of a world of her own, young Alice is interrupted by a white rabbit who is very late—too late to say hello. She chases after him and falls down a mysterious rabbit hole that leads to a literal wonderland full of curiosities!
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Disney Frozen: True Treasure #3 (of 3)
Joe Caramagna (W), Kawaii Creative Studio (A/C), Eduard Petrovich (A/Cover), Yana Chinstova (C), Anastasiia Belousova (C), and Tommaso Renieri (Variant cover)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
The final clue to the scavenger hunt leads Elsa and Anna to a familiar location. As long lost cherished memories resurface, the chance to connect with their mother one last time is closer than ever . . .
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Disney The Little Mermaid TP
Cecil Castellucci (W), Zulema Scotto Lavina (A/Cover) and Piky Hamilton (C)
On sale Mar 25 FC, 72 pages $12.99 TP, 6” x 9”
The unforgettable tale of true love transforms and expands through the first-person perspective of Ariel in this comic retelling. Dive into the heart and mind of Ariel as she discovers love, endures sacrifice, and finds the strength to persevere as her world changes before her—her life, and life under the sea, will never be the same. Collects the four-issue miniseries.
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Disney Mulan’s Adventure Journal: The Palace of Secrets TP
Rhona Cleary (W), Agnese Innocente (A/Cover), and Gaia Cardinali (C)
On sale Mar 4 FC, 96 pages $10.99 TP, 6” x 9”
Follow the fearless hero on a quest to save China for the second time in a story that is interwoven with pages from Mulan’s own journal. Mulan is undercover to protect the Emperor of China from an assassination attempt. When danger presents itself in the shadows and in plain sight, everyone is a suspect.
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Disney•Pixar Onward: The Story of the Movie in Comics HC
Disney (W/A)
On sale Mar 3 FC, 48 pages $10.99 HC, 6” x 9”
Set in a suburban fantasy world, two teenage elf brothers embark on an extraordinary quest to discover if there is still a little magic left out there. Join the brothers on their epic quest in this adaptation of the movie retold as comics! This graphic novel brings the adventure, discovery, and magic of Disney•Pixar Onward from the screen to your fingertips!
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Disney Princess: Friends, Family, Fantastic TP
Amy Mebberson (W/A/Cover)
On sale Mar 4 FC, 80 pages $10.99 TP, 6” x 9”
A collection of outrageously fun and humorous Disney princess comic stories! See what the Disney princesses are up to in their everyday lives! Includes a few never-before-published stories, and new infographics for you to “meet” the princesses featured on the cover!
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Dragon Age: Blue Wraith #1 (of 3)
Nunzio DeFilippis (W), Christina Weir (W), Fernando Heinz Furukawa (A), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Sachin Teng (Cover)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Fenris—the beloved character from Dragon Age II—makes his comics debut in this canonical continuation of BioWare’s dark fantasy epic! With the fanatical Qunari seeking to topple the Tevinter mageocracy, one powerful young mage’s desperate search for her father brings her face-to-face with a notorious mage hunter—Fenris, the Blue Wraith.
• Find out what Fenris has been up to since the incident in Kirkwall.
• Brought to you by the team behind both Dragon Age: Knight Errant and Dragon Age: Deception.
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ElfQuest: Stargazer’s Hunt #2 (of 6)
Wendy Pini (W/Cover), Richard Pini (W), and Sonny Strait (A/C)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Skywise has always been the companion to the hero, Cutter Kinseeker. But now Cutter is gone, his body part of the reborn Father Tree, his spirit free to roam. Life goes on for the stargazer; he now has a daughter, the amazing and gifted Jink, who lives to see her father happy. But a shocking secret lies concealed beneath the beautiful facade of Skywise’s tranquil life. What happens if he learns the one thing that could shatter his—and his loving daughter’s – world? How far would he go – how far would they both go—to regain what might be lost?
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Matt Kindt! David Rubin! Ether: The Disappearance of Violet Bell #5 (of 5)
Matt Kindt (W), David Rubín (A/Cover), and Farel Dalrymple (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 22 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
In this explosive conclusion, interdimensional detective Boone Dias comes face-to-face with the diabolical intelligence behind all his hardships. But this time he must confront his own failings in order to succeed against an old enemy and save Ether.
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Christopher Cantwell and I.N.J. Culbard (A/C/Cover)
On sale Jan 1 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Ongoing
Shirley’s battle with function and purpose takes a personal, devastating turn, while Eberhard’s life crumbles away and Lori’s restarts. Everyone’s perspective has changed—but who’s really in control of Holland, Michigan? In the unbelievable conclusion of arc one, the balance of everything has shifted . . . and there’s no turning back.
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Mignola takes on Frankenstein! Frankenstein Undone #1 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W/Variant Cover), Scott Allie (W), Ben Stenbeck (A/Cover), Brennan Wagner (C), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Jan 29 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Frankenstein’s creator lies dead in the icy grip of the Arctic, and the monster searches for a new purpose. Just as he thinks he’s found one with a group of unlikely companions, disaster strikes—and the monster is catapulted out of Mary Shelley’s novel and into the world of Hellboy.
Bridging Mary Shelley’s original Frankenstein novella and Mike Mignola’s Frankenstein Underground, this series brings together Mignola, Scott Allie, Ben Stenbeck, Brennan Wagner, and Clem Robins for an all-new horror adventure in the far north.
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Grafity’s Wall HC
Ram V (W), Anand Radhakrishnan (A/C/Cover), Jason Wordie (C), and Irma Kniivila (C)
On sale Mar 18 FC, 144 pages $19.99 HC, 6 5/8” 10 3/16”
A coming-of-age graphic novel about rebellion, ambition, self-expression, and acceptance, expertly painted against the backdrop of Mumbai’s ever-changing and evolving street culture. Giving brief glimpses into the incandescent lives of four teens chasing their dreams impeded and inspired by the impossible city that they live in.
• From rising comic-book stars Anand RK and Ram V (Paradiso, These Savage Shores, Batman Secret Files).
“Anand RK’s dizzying art gorgeously captures not just the exciting hustle and bustle of Mumbai, but its challenging underside . . .” —Paste
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Grendel: Devil’s Odyssey #4 (of 8)
Matt Wagner (W/A/Cover), Brennan Wagner (C), and Tyler Crook (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 1 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
With his home planet possibly destroyed, has Grendel Prime discovered a new home for humanity’s rebirth—or has he found an icy, permanent tomb for himself and Sigma-7? Far in space, an intelligent alien race holds a startling secret that Prime is about to uncover!
• Variant cover by Tyler Crook!
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Mike Mignola! Chris Roberson! Hellboy Winter Special 2019
Mike Mignola (W/Cover), Chris Roberson (W), Scott Allie (W), Mark Lászió (A), Leila del Duca (A), Andrea Mutti (A), Dave Stewart (C), Michelle Madsen (C), and Lee Loughridge (C)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 One-shot
Celebrate the season in true Hellboy fashion!
Meet a ghostly miser in an alternate reality, fear the Boogam of rural New York, and embrace the wrath of St. Hagan in this trio of occult winter tales! The familiar faces of Hellboy, Sarah Jewell, and the legendary Knights of St. Hagan will help you ring in the new year with all the shivers you can take—and not all of them from the cold!
• Three short stories in one issue!
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Invisible Kingdom #9
G. Willow Wilson and Christian Ward (A/C/Cover) On sale Jan 29 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Ongoing
With the lives of three ships’ crews on the line, Grix reveals the sum of what she knows to Captain Turo—and does not get the response she expected.
New year, same old monster!
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Jia and the Nian Monster TP
Mike Richardson and Megan Huang (A/Cover)
On sale Mar 18 FC, 80 pages $12.99 TP, 6” x 9”
Each new year is marked by a monster’s attack on their mountain village. This year, young Jia and her friend Deshi have decided to fight back. For Deshi, it is the grand adventure he has always dreamed of. For Jia, it is revenge for the loss of her mother—who was taken by the monster five years before . . .
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Kabuki Omnibus Volume 2 TP
David Mack (W/A/Cover)
On sale Mar 11 FC, 416 pages $29.99 TP, 7” x 10”
A young woman, code name “Kabuki,” struggles with her identity in near-future Japan. Working as an operative for a clandestine government agency known as “the Noh,” Kabuki finds herself in an institution for “defective” agents. Isolated, interrogated, and psychologically tormented, Kabuki’s only friend is found in a mystery woman who sends her handwritten notes folded into origami animals.
This edition collects the original Kabuki volumes Skin Deep and Metamorphosis, plus a cover gallery, commentary, and new art in an easy-to-read trade paper back.
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Kill Whitey Donovan #2 (of 5)
Sydney Duncan (W), Natalie Barahona (A/C/Variant Cover), and Jason Pearson (Cover)
On sale Jan1 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Hattie and Anna knew that executing their plan to kill “Whitey” Donovan would be difficult, but they never anticipated their path to find him would be a literal inferno of war; hunted by the evil Tyson and his devil dogs, attacked by Confederate soldiers—with no allies yet to be found—can they possibly survive long enough to find the vengeance they so desperately seek?
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The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service Omnibus Book 5 TP
Eiji Otsuka (W), Housui Yamazaki (A), and Bunpei Yorifuji (Cover)
On sale Mar 11 b&w, 632 pages $24.99 TP, 5 1/8″ x 7 1/4″
Book five has the Kurosagi gang running into ever more bizarre incidents of modern horror, from mind-control mouse hats, to taxpayer-supported torture museums, to the most feared calamity of all . . . jury duty! Meanwhile, it seems a gang of corpse-clearing impostors is out to take away their meager business—and in America, someone’s made a cartoon series based off them . . . ?! Plus, three previously unpublished stories: a client whose psychological syndrome makes her believe she’s dead, the mad robot scientist trio invents a zombie biker gang, and fugitives from a deadly cult hide out in the radioactive ruins of Fukushima!
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Machine Gun Wizards TP
Christian Ward (W/C/Cover), Sami Kivelä (A), and Dee Cunniffe (C)
On sale Mar 11 FC, 104 pages $19.99 TP, 7” x 10”
Eliot Ness and his team of Untouchables work overtime taking on dangerous criminals that hide in the seedy underbelly of 1930s Chicago. Except in this world, Al Capone isn’t dealing in alcohol, but in magic. With Lick, a drug that grants magical powers to anyone who ingests it, mobsters become wizards, ordinary men become monsters, and darker secrets than Ness can imagine lie at the heart of it all.
Collects the four-issue miniseries and features a sketchbook section and pinups by Declan Shalvey, Ian Bertram, Tula Lotay, and more.
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The Mask: I Pledge Allegiance to the Mask #4 (of 4)
Christopher Cantwell (W), Patric Reynolds (A/Cover), Lee Loughridge (C), and Duncan Fegredo (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
With chaos and absolute power on the presidential agenda, will Big Head take all? The Mask calls out to the minds of those previously under its control and sets pieces into motion that will lead to a conclusion that is explosive in more ways than one.
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No One Left to Fight TP
Aubrey Sitterson and Fico Ossio (A/Cover)
On sale Mar 11 FC, 128 pages $19.99 TP, 7” x 10”
They’ve saved the world countless times, growing up together and growing apart in the process. But now, with adulthood tightening its grip, they’re forced to reconcile their regrets and resentments, coming to terms with the lives they’ve chosen. Inspired by the legendary Dragon Ball, critically acclaimed creators Aubrey Sitterson (The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling, G.I. Joe) & Fico Ossio (Spider-Man, Revolution) invite you on an action-packed journey through their expansive new world. Collects No One Left to Fight #1–#5.
“Gorgeous, exciting and detailed. This really is “The Comic You’ve Always Wanted”, whether you know it or not.”—Major Spoilers
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Notes on a Case of Melancholia, or: A Little Death HC
Nicholas Gurewitch (W/A/Cover)
On sale Mar 18 b&w, 48 pages $19.99 HC, 11 1/2″ x 8”
Death arrives in this darkly humorous and brilliantly illustrated tale created by Nicholas Gurewitch, author of The Perry Bible Fellowship Almanack!
Death becomes a patient of a recently bereaved psychoanalyst. The topic of discussion? His frolicsome child, who has no apparent interest in grim reaping! Featuring an unfathomable number of lines which have been hand chiseled into inked clay, this labor of love by Nicholas Gurewitch invokes the morbid humor of his comic strip (The Perry Bible Fellowship) and the spooky silent-film qualities of the late Edward Gorey.
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Ruby Falls #4 (of 4)
Ann Nocenti (W), Flavia Biondi (A/Cover), and Lee Loughridge (C)
On sale Jan 1 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
In the dramatic finale, Lara’s cold case heats up as she nears the end of her fearless pursuit. But it’s not just about answers anymore—lives are endangered, and a broken town must come together to heal its harrowing history. Will Lana and Blair save Clara before the river runs red?
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Skulldigger: From the World of Black Hammer #2 (of 6)
Jeff Lemire (W), Tonci Zonjic (A/Cover), and James Harren (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Ongoing
Skulldigger: well-meaning hero or violent murderer? As Skeleton Boy trains with an uncompromising Skulldigger, a hard-nosed detective seeks them out, determined to link the vigilante to the murders that orphaned the boy. But soon super-villain Grimjim’s plans come to a head, threatening to throw Spiral City into chaos.
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StarCraft Volume 3: Survivors TP
Jody Houser (W), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), and Michael Atiyeh (C)
On sale Mar 10 FC, 104 pages $19.99 TP, 7” x 10”
After surviving a murderous dark templar’s rampage, a terran space engineer named Caleb is forced to do the protoss’s bidding: infiltrating a munitions factory in the Umojan Protectorate to find a mysterious source of power. As the dark templar ratchets up the pressure, Caleb attempts to find solace in the friends he’s made since his arrival at Spearpoint Base. But he never forgets his true objective to appease the dark templar and survive her reign of terror. Collects StarCraft: Survivors #1–#4.
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Steeple #5 (of 5)
John Allison (W/A/Cover), Sarah Stern (C), and Robert Ball (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
In this thrilling conclusion, Billie and Maggie confront their deepest fears—and marauding mermen. The aftermath will leave both women changed forever, for better or worse.
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Stranger Things: Into the Fire #1 (of 4)
Jody Houser (W), Ryan Kelly (P), Le Beau Underwood (I), Triona Farrell (C), Viktor Kalvachev (Cover), Kyle Lambert (Variant Cover), and Jeremy Wilson (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
Years after escaping Hawkins Lab, two of Dr. Brenner’s former subjects seek to live normal lives. When news reaches them that the lab was shut down, they go on a harrowing search for Nine, a powerful pyrokinetic whose shattered psyche threatens to burn them all to ashes if they can’t find her and free her from her own malevolent imagination.
“I can say with certainty this book is well worth reading — it adds to the TV show in surprising and satisfying ways.” —AiPT!
• A pyrokinetic Hawkins Lab subject!
• See the true effects of Dr. Brenner’s meddling experiments.
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Tales from Harrow County: Death’s Choir #2 (of 4)
Cullen Bunn (W), Tyler Crook (W/ Variant Cover), and Naomi Franquiz (A/Cover)
On sale Jan 15 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
As the specter of World War II haunts Harrow County, specters of a more literal sort begin to invade. When a ghostly song begins to call forth the spirits of the long buried, Bernice must work to save the place she calls home, even if some residents may reject her help.
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Triage #5 (of 5)
Phillip Sevy (W/A/C/Cover) and Nick Robles (Variant Cover)
On sale Jan 8 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
This is it. The moment we’ve been building to since the beginning is here. The finale of this exhilarating miniseries has arrived. Who will live? Who will die? How will it all end? Find out here.
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Gerard Way! Gabriel Bá! Umbrella Academy Volume 1: Apocalypse Suite Deluxe Edition HC
Gerard Way (W), Gabriel Bá (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Mar 4 FC, 216 pages $79.99 HC, 8” x 12”
Now a Netflix original series with a second season coming soon!
In an inexplicable worldwide event, forty-three extraordinary children were spontaneously born by women who’d previously shown no signs of pregnancy. Millionaire inventor Reginald Hargreeves adopted seven of the children; when asked why, his only explanation was, “To save the world.” These children form a dysfunctional family with bizarre superpowers. When Hargreeves unexpectedly dies, the siblings reunite just in time to save the world once again.
This deluxe edition hardcover reprints the 2008 limited-edition collection of the complete first series, including the expanded fifty-page sketchbook section. The hardcover book comes in an illustrated slipcase featuring art by Gabriel Bá; also included is a portfolio containing a new unique print from the artist.
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We’ll Soon be Home Again TP
Jessica Bab Bonde and Peter Bergting (A/Cover)
On sale Mar 25 FC, 104 pages $14.99 TP, 7” x 10”
The testimonies of six real survivors of the Holocaust are portrayed in comics, illustrating the persecutions in the Ghetto, the dehumanization in the concentration camps, and the industrial-scale mass murder taking place in the extermination camps.
These survivors were children then, and are still alive to tell what happened to them and their families. How they survived. What they lost—and how you keep on living, despite it all.
• From frequent Mike Mignola collaborator Peter Bergting (Joe Golem, Baltimore).
#gallery-0-239 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-239 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-239 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-239 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Witchfinder: The Reign of Darkness #3 (of 5)
Mike Mignola (W), Chris Roberson (W), Christopher Mitten (A/Cover), and Michelle Madsen (C)
On sale Jan 29 FC, 32 pages $3.99 Miniseries
After consulting Panya about the Ripper case and Asquith’s suspicious connections with the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra, the Witchfinder sneaks into the Brotherhood’s temple. But he’s completely unprepared for the informant he finds there! Meanwhile, a turn in Sarah Jewell’s undercover operation in Proserpine Home suddenly makes her search for the truth much more urgent.
With nowhere left to run but into the Predators’ ship, every turn leads Maria and Tyler deeper into danger—until they discover a captive xenomorph. Could the Alien be the weapon to tip the scales in their favor, or will they find themselves caught in a crossfire?
#gallery-0-240 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-240 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-240 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-240 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  DARK HORSE Solicitations for JANUARY 2020 Aliens vs. Predator: Thicker Than Blood #2 (of 4) Jeremy Barlow (W), Doug Wheatley (A), Rain Beredo (C), and Chun Lo (Cover)
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Her roommate Jean Mainland (Ginger Rogers) is beginning to realize how the only way a girl can live comfortably in this kind of life end up being have a Sugar Daddy Meet. Luckily for her, the producer Anthony Powell (Adolphe Menjou) is getting tired of his latest fling with Linda Shaw (Gail Patrick) and aim to swap for an exquisite blonde. Powell then receives an offer he cannot refuse; a mysterious client wishes to 'buy' charge role all of the upcoming play for Terry Randall. Much like that, Randall has the part. In regards to the other hand, sweet and tender-heated Kay Hamilton (Andrea Leeds) has been fighting in this role all along that's absolutely devastated when she hears news. She quickly sinks in the deep recession.Don't be concerned to dream - just live once. Think about the size of the home, the education, your family, several. Just pen these thoughts down of methods you want the future to seem as if. Once you list down your ideals, remember to factor in mundane issues like kids education, insurance, etc.There is no way pertaining to being 100% certain of your potential online dating partner, however, if you the above questions into play, you are able to tilt the percentages of success to your favor. Best of luck!
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