#The Shwedagon Pagoda in Myanmar
t-jfh · 8 months
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This grand structure photographed by Klier is the Shwedagon Pagoda, a golden 326-foot-tall Buddhist pagoda.
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The Shwedagon Pagoda is the most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar, believed to contain relics of the four previous Buddhas of the present Kalpa.
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Klier captured the landscape of Rangoon in this photo from circa 1900. Rangoon is the largest city in Burma and a mix of British colonial architecture — modern high-rises and gilded Buddhist pagodas define its skyline.
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Buddhist monks and Buddhism were a major theme in Klier’s photo series. Here, young Buddhists learn the peaceful ways of their faith while paying their respects to the older monks.
Burma under British rule — Vintage photographs from Myanmar’s days as a British colony
Burma, which became Myanmar in 1989, was a British colony from 1824-1948 when it was made independent.
Images taken by German photographer Adolphe Philip Klier in around 1900 look at Burmese life under Britain.
They show average Burmese citizens going about their daily life as well as the influences of British life.
By Danyal Hussain
Daily Mail online - 3 Jun 2019
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nirvanas-xanadu · 8 days
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Shwedagon pagoda, Rangoon/Myanmar
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Shwedagon Pagoda, east gate west of the Royal Lake Yangon, Myanmar, BURMA
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travelella · 5 months
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Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon, Myanmar
Alexander Schimmeck
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suvannaphumidatacenter · 11 months
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Candle Light at Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar
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tedpatrick · 1 year
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Waiting for that #2023 #countdown with the view of #Shwedagon #Pagoda. #fireworks, maybe? Or…some notable bang worth to welcome the #newyear? 🤷🏻‍♂️ May 2023 bring the best for the people of #Myanmar/#Burma. (at Yangon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1e-e5ymxe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mementomm2075 · 2 years
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The glitter at night, Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon.
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247reader · 8 months
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Day 8: Shin Sawbu!
Shin Sawbu was given the name Viharadevi, “Queen of the Monastary,” by her father, King Rahazadarit of Hanthawaddy Pegu, a kingdom in what is now Myanmar/Burma. It would prove an apt name. She was married to a royal cousin, with whom she had three children, but was widowed by twenty-five. After her father’s death, her brothers battled each other for the throne, one inviting the king of neighboring Ava to intervene. As part of the eventual peace settlement, Shin Sawbu was given to said king in marriage and forced to leave her children behind in Pegu. She was soon widowed again, and now trapped in a foreign kingdom. With the help of two sympathetic monks, she eventually mounted an escape, returning home in 1429.
By the 1450s, the royal house of Hanthawaddy was nearly extinct. Shin Sawbu’s son had briefly succeeded to the throne before being murdered by a cousin, who in turn had nearly all his surviving male relatives killed before being murdered himself. Shin Sawbu, last of the royal line, ascended to the throne of a kingdom in crisis.
She met that crisis boldly and well, ruling for seven years and becoming known as Binnya Thau, the “Old Queen.” For all that, however, a crown had never been her objective in life. In 1460, she declared one of the monks who had helped her escape Ava as her heir, marrying him to her younger daughter, and retreated to a quiet life of Buddhist devotion in Dagon. The sacred Shwedagon pagoda, which Shin Sawbu enlarged and beautified, still stands today.
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divinum-pacis · 2 years
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2022, Yangon, Myanmar: A Buddhist devotee prays next to statues during a visit to Shwedagon pagoda to mark the full moon of the Thadingyut festival.
Photograph: AFP/Getty Images
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mansipatel5 · 5 months
Discover the Mystical Kingdoms of Myanmar and Oman with a Tour Package
Embarking on a journey to explore the enchanting landscapes and rich cultural tapestries of Myanmar and Oman is a dream for many avid travelers. These two countries, each boasting a unique charm and history, offer a perfect blend of ancient traditions and modern wonders. To make the most of your exploration, consider opting for a well-curated Myanmar or an Oman Holiday package from India.
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Myanmar: A Land of Timeless Beauty
Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, is a country steeped in mystique and allure. From the awe-inspiring temples of Bagan to the serene waters of Inle Lake, Myanmar is a treasure trove of cultural and natural wonders. A well-organized Myanmar Tour Package allows you to immerse yourself in the splendor of this mystical kingdom.
Begin your journey in Yangon, the largest city in Myanmar, where the iconic Shwedagon Pagoda stands tall, adorned in gold and precious jewels. Explore the bustling markets, sample local delicacies, and absorb the city's vibrant atmosphere. The tour package may include a visit to the ancient city of Bagan, home to thousands of ancient temples and pagodas that paint a mesmerizing silhouette against the sunrise and sunset.
Mandalay, another gem in Myanmar's crown, offers a glimpse into the country's royal history. From the Mandalay Palace to the U Bein Bridge, the city resonates with a sense of regality. Inle Lake, with its floating gardens and unique leg-rowing fishermen, showcases a more serene side of Myanmar's beauty.
A well-organized Myanmar Tour Package ensures that you don't miss out on the hidden gems, such as the off-the-beaten-path villages and the picturesque landscapes that dot the countryside. Whether you're an avid history buff, nature lover, or cultural enthusiast, Myanmar has something to offer for every traveler.
Oman: A Tapestry of Contrasts
Nestled on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman is a destination where tradition seamlessly intertwines with modernity. The country's diverse landscapes, from the golden dunes of the Wahiba Sands to the rugged peaks of the Hajar Mountains, make it a haven for nature enthusiasts. Oman Holiday Packages From India provide an excellent opportunity to explore this contrasting paradise.
Muscat, the capital city, is a blend of ancient charm and contemporary elegance. The Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, a testament to Omani architecture, and the Mutrah Souq, a bustling market with a rich array of goods, are must-visit attractions. The coastal city of Salalah, with its lush greenery and historic sites, offers a different perspective of Oman's beauty.
A tour package to Oman might include a journey into the Wahiba Sands, where you can experience a thrilling desert safari and witness the mesmerizing sunset over the vast expanse of golden dunes. The ancient city of Nizwa, surrounded by mountains and date palm plantations, is a gateway to Oman's cultural heritage, featuring a historic fort and a lively souq.
Oman's coastline is dotted with pristine beaches, and the opportunity to explore the underwater world through snorkeling or diving is a highlight for adventure seekers. The unique blend of ancient traditions and modern developments in Oman makes it a destination that caters to a diverse range of interests.
Choosing the Right Package for Your Journey
Both Myanmar and Oman offer an immersive experience that goes beyond the typical tourist attractions. When considering Myanmar Tour Packages or Oman Holiday Packages From India, it's essential to choose a package that aligns with your interests and preferences. Look for packages that offer a balance between guided tours to iconic landmarks and opportunities for spontaneous exploration.
In conclusion, the mystical kingdoms of Myanmar and Oman beckon travelers with their rich histories, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality. Whether you're captivated by the ancient temples of Myanmar or the contrasting beauty of Oman, a thoughtfully designed tour package ensures that your journey is seamless and memorable. Embark on an adventure of a lifetime and uncover the secrets of these enchanting destinations.
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educationinaustralia · 14 hours
Tourist places in Myanmar
Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a country rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. Here are some of the top tourist destinations to explore:
Bagan Bagan Archaeological Zone: Over 2,000 ancient temples and pagodas spread across the plains. Ananda Temple: One of the most well-preserved and revered temples. https://www.aecglobal.com.au/ Hot Air Balloon Rides: Stunning views of the temple-studded landscape at sunrise or sunset.
Yangon Shwedagon Pagoda: The most sacred Buddhist pagoda in Myanmar, adorned with gold and jewels. Sule Pagoda: Historic pagoda in the heart of the city. Bogyoke Aung San Market: A large market known for antiques, handicrafts, and jewelry. Colonial Architecture: Explore the colonial-era buildings in downtown Yangon.
Mandalay Mandalay Hill: Offers panoramic views of the city and surrounding countryside. Mandalay Palace: The last royal palace of the Burmese monarchy. Kuthodaw Pagoda: Known as the world's largest book, with 729 marble slabs inscribed with Buddhist teachings. U Bein Bridge: The longest teakwood bridge in the world, especially beautiful at sunset.
Inle Lake Floating Gardens: Unique gardens that float on the lake’s surface. Stilt Villages: Traditional houses built on stilts in the water. Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda: A major religious site on the lake. Leg Rowing Fishermen: Fishermen who row their boats using their legs in a unique local technique.
Ngapali Beach Pristine Beaches: Beautiful, sandy beaches along the Bay of Bengal. Fishing Villages: Traditional fishing communities where visitors can learn about local life. Water Sports: Opportunities for snorkeling, diving, and kayaking.
Golden Rock (Kyaiktiyo Pagoda) Golden Rock: A massive boulder covered in gold leaf, precariously balanced on the edge of a cliff. Pilgrimage Site: A significant site for Buddhist pilgrims.
Hpa-An Mount Zwegabin: A popular hiking destination with a monastery at the summit. Saddan Cave: A large cave with a Buddha statue and a lake inside. Kawgun Cave: Known for its hundreds of small Buddha images carved into the walls.
Mrauk U Ancient Temples: Remnants of the Arakanese kingdom with hundreds of temples and pagodas. Shitthaung Temple: The most famous temple, known for its intricate carvings and tunnels.
Pyin Oo Lwin Botanical Gardens: Well-maintained gardens with a variety of flora. Colonial Architecture: Former British hill station with colonial-era buildings. Anisakan Falls: A beautiful waterfall near the town.
Naypyidaw Uppatasanti Pagoda: A replica of Yangon’s Shwedagon Pagoda. Water Fountain Garden: A large park with fountains and gardens. National Museum: Displays artifacts and exhibits on Myanmar’s history and culture.
Kyaing Tong Hill Tribe Villages: Visit the villages of various ethnic minorities. Naung Tong Lake: A scenic lake in the town center. Traditional Handicrafts: Known for silverware, pottery, and weaving.
Mount Popa Taung Kalat Monastery: Perched atop a volcanic plug, reached by a staircase with 777 steps. Spirit Worship: Known as the abode of nats (spirits) and a pilgrimage site.
Myeik Archipelago Island Hopping: Explore pristine islands with white sandy beaches. Diving and Snorkeling: Rich marine life and coral reefs. Moken Villages: Home to the sea gypsies, who live traditionally on the sea. Myanmar offers a diverse range of experiences, from exploring ancient temples and bustling markets to enjoying serene beaches and vibrant cultural festivals.
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Discover Burma: A Guide To The Best Travel Packages
Burma, also known as Myanmar, is a Southeast Asian gem that has captivated travelers with its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality. From the ancient pagodas of Bagan to the tranquil waters of Inle Lake, Burma offers a diverse array of experiences for every type of traveler. Whether you're an adventurer, a history buff, or someone seeking a serene escape, Burma has something for you. In this blog, we'll explore some of the burma travel packages available for an unforgettable journey to Burma.
Why Choose Burma?
Before diving into specific travel packages, let’s look at why Burma should be your next travel destination:
Cultural Richness: Burma boasts a deep cultural history influenced by Buddhism, evident in its numerous temples, monasteries, and religious ceremonies.
Natural Beauty: From pristine beaches to majestic mountains, Burma's landscapes are diverse and breathtaking.
Authentic Experiences: With its relatively recent opening to tourism, Burma offers a more authentic and less commercialized travel experience.
Friendly Locals: The people of Burma are known for their kindness and hospitality, making visitors feel welcome and at home.
Popular Travel Packages to Consider
1. Classic Burma Highlights Tour
Duration: 10 Days / 9 Nights
Overview: This package is perfect for first-time visitors who want to see the iconic sights of Burma.
Explore the bustling city of Yangon, home to the magnificent Shwedagon Pagoda.
Discover the ancient temples of Bagan, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Visit Mandalay, the cultural heart of Burma, and see the famous U Bein Bridge.
Relax at Inle Lake, known for its floating gardens and stilt villages.
Accommodation in 3-4 star hotels
Domestic flights and ground transportation
English-speaking tour guides
Entrance fees to major attractions
2. Adventure and Nature Tour
Duration: 14 Days / 13 Nights
Overview: For those who love outdoor activities and nature, this package offers trekking, wildlife spotting, and cultural immersion.
Trek through the hills of Kalaw, a scenic hill station.
Explore the caves of Pindaya, filled with thousands of Buddha statues.
Experience the beauty of Ngapali Beach, perfect for relaxation and water sports.
Visit Hpa-An, known for its limestone mountains and stunning caves.
Accommodation in eco-lodges and boutique hotels
All transportation, including domestic flights
Professional guides for trekking and excursions
All necessary permits and entry fees
3. Cultural Immersion Tour
Duration: 12 Days / 11 Nights
Overview: This package is designed for travelers who want to deeply understand Burma’s culture and traditions.
Participate in a traditional cooking class in Yangon.
Attend a local festival in Bagan or Mandalay, depending on the season.
Learn about traditional crafts in the pottery villages near Mandalay.
Spend time with local communities at Inle Lake.
Accommodation in traditional guesthouses and hotels
Cultural activities and workshops
Private transfers and domestic flights
Knowledgeable local guides
4. Luxury Burma Experience
Duration: 8 Days / 7 Nights
Overview: Indulge in the finest accommodations and personalized services with this luxury package.
Stay in 5-star hotels and luxury resorts.
Private guided tours of Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay, and Inle Lake.
Enjoy a private sunset cruise on the Irrawaddy River.
Savor gourmet meals and exclusive dining experiences.
Luxury accommodation and private transfers
Customized itinerary and private guides
All meals and beverages
Spa treatments and wellness activities
Tips for Choosing the Right Package
Budget: Consider how much you are willing to spend. There are packages available for different budget ranges.
Interests: Think about what you want to experience in Burma—culture, adventure, luxury, or a mix.
Duration: Choose a package that fits the time you have available for travel.
Group Size: Some packages are better suited for solo travelers or couples, while others are ideal for families or larger groups.
Final Thoughts
Burma is a destination that promises to enchant and inspire. With a variety of travel packages to choose from, planning your trip can be as exciting as the journey itself. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, cultural immersion, or luxury, Burma has a package that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. So pack your bags and get ready to discover the wonders of Burma!
For more information or to book a travel package, contact your preferred travel agency or visit specialized travel websites. Happy travels!
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Shwedagon Pagoda Draws Crowds for Vesak
Thousands celebrated Wesak Day at Myanmar's Shwedagon Pagoda, honoring Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and passing with rituals and offerings. #VesakDay #ShwedagonPagoda #Myanmar
via Thai PBS, 24 May 2024: Thousands of Buddhist devotees gathered at Myanmar’s Shwedagon Pagoda to celebrate Vesak Day, marking Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and passing. The event featured offerings and rituals, highlighting the pagoda’s spiritual significance and cultural heritage. Thousands of Buddhist devotees gathered at Myanmar’s Shwedagon pagoda on Wednesday to mark the Buddha’s birthday…
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rasmasandra · 30 days
Traveling in Asia Myanmar
Yangon on the Yangon River Sightseeing in the Asian country of Myanmar The largest city in Myanmar is Yangon (formerly Rangoon). This is an interesting city with a mix of colonial architecture, modern high-rises and many gilded Buddhist pagodas. Shwedagon Paya is one of Buddhism’s most sacred sites. This 325 ft. zedi is adorned with 27 metric tons of gold leaf, along with thousands of diamonds…
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viajarelajado · 2 months
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Cae la tarde en la Pagoda Shwedagon en Yangón, Myanmar 🇲🇲 en el año 2017. #alldaytraveling #amoviajar #aroundtheworld #beautifuldestinations #placestogo #discoverearth #destinationearth #travelblogger #wanderlust #phototravel #exploretheworld #photoworld #lovetravel #instatravelgram #instatraveling #instatravel #instatraveler #letsgosomewhere #instavacation #igtraveller #igworldtrip #igglobalclub #greatphoto #yangon #myanmar #shwedagon
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corrianderleaf · 4 months
A Taste of India: Exploring the Best Indian Restaurants in Myanmar
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Craving the vibrant spices and aromatic curries of India? Look no further than Myanmar! This Southeast Asian nation boasts a surprising wealth of exceptional Indian restaurants, offering a delightful culinary journey for your taste buds. Whether you're in bustling Yangon or another city, Myanmar promises a unique and delicious exploration of Indian cuisine, from regional specialties to familiar favorites. Join us as we delve into the world of Indian restaurants in Myanmar, guiding you through the best spots to experience the warmth of Indian hospitality and the explosion of flavors that await.
Fine Dining with a View: Luxurious Indian Restaurants in Yangon for Special Occasions:
Planning a romantic evening, celebrating a momentous occasion, or simply seeking a luxurious culinary experience? Look no further than Yangon's selection of fine-dining Indian restaurants that offer exquisite food paired with breathtaking views and impeccable service.
The Corriander Leaf: 
Nestled in the heart of Yangon, the Coriander Leaf restaurant boasts a sophisticated ambiance with plush seating and warm lighting. Their meticulously crafted menu features gourmet interpretations of Indian classics, using fresh, seasonal ingredients and innovative culinary techniques. Savor their signature lamb shank Rogan Josh or indulge in their decadent seafood biryani, all while enjoying panoramic views of the city skyline.
The Marina: 
Experience the romance of waterfront dining at The Marina. This renowned restaurant offers stunning views of the Yangon River and the majestic Shwedagon Pagoda. Their extensive menu features a variety of regional Indian specialties, from fiery North Indian curries to delicate South Indian seafood dishes. Relax on their outdoor terrace and savor the symphony of flavors while taking in the breathtaking scenery.
Rangoon Tea Room: 
Embark on a culinary journey through the British Raj era at the Rangoon Tea Room. This colonial-style restaurant features a sophisticated setting with antique furniture and vintage décor. Their menu showcases a fusion of Burmese and Indian flavors, offering unique dishes like Burmese Shan noodles with coconut curry or lamb shank Massaman curry.
Immerse yourself in a world of luxury at Amaya, situated within the prestigious Sule Shangri-La Hotel. This Michelin-recommended restaurant offers an unparalleled fine-dining experience with a focus on innovative Indian cuisine. Their tasting menus, featuring a curated selection of small plates, allow you to embark on a flavor adventure guided by their expert chefs.
Read more.. https://corrianderleaf.com/best-indian-restaurants-in-myanmar/
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