#The Tales of Miekka 'Siren Slayer' Walraven
schrijverr · 3 years
Raid on Crown of Five (The Truth)
Before our crew can reach Staketown Port they have a run in with a Navy ship and subsequently sink it. Miekka is on damage control and fully realizes what it means to be part of the pirate crew
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: description of a siren corpse.
The Queen Hermanwas nearing Staketown Port every day. With their bounty from Dunnhouse Cliff, the crew was eager to get there so that they could pawn the corpses for money to supply their ship again.
Miekka had no clue why anyone would buy siren corpses, but they also didn’t want to ask. The Company had never put their claws into it, but it seemed they were worth a lot of money and Miekka did not want to know why people on the pirate market paid highlyfor them when The Company wouldn’t burn their hands on it while they would burn down the whole world for a bit of gold.
They were closing in on the port from what Miekka had gathered. Their arm had been healing nicely and they were allowed to help with the sails again.
It was nearing noon when Stephan called from the crows-nest: “Ship on starboard! Ship on starboard!”
Captain Redfright got out his telescope and looked starboard as he called back: “Can you make out any identification?”
“Looks to be a Navy ship, Capt’n,” Stephan said.
“Navy?” Captain Redfright repeated more to himself.
“Yeah, I can barely make out the name, it says Crown something,” Stephan answered.
“Crown something,” Captain Redfright mumbled to himself, Miekka only heard it because they were nearby, “The name’s familiar.”
“Could be the Crown of Five,” Anna said, “Maybe good old Admiral Teal was assigned these parts after Gunpowder McGee and his crew blew that other ship to smithereens.”
“Aye, Mickey is a right one,” Captain Redfright laughed, before turning serious once more, “But if ‘t is Navy, no m’tter who, then we’d best sink ‘em now. We don’t want stragglers following us to Staketown Port, eh.”
“You give the order, Captain,” Anna told him.
“I sure do,” Captain Redfright said, before bellowing, “Get ready to board, we got a few Navy officers to meet. Sasha, divide the crew.”
There were some jeers from the crew as they set to work sailing towards the Navy ship, hijacking material at the ready. While they worked Sasha walked among them calling out orders: “Voyin, Karter, Lulu, Elijah, Tyrke, Nox and Dána, you board first. Go grab your stuff.”
Miekka heard some affirmations around them, but not every name had a face yet.
“Jonny, Wyatt, Pearl, you get the ropes to board,” Sasha ordered, “The rest of you, focus of getting our ship there. Keep an ear out if I send any more of you there.”
“Aye,” some said, before turning to their tasks.
They were slightly saddened that they had not been appointed to board the Navy ship, but they understood, they were both new and still not completely used to their prosthetic. However, they wanted to prove themself loyal and a good fighter.
Still, they decided that following orders was probably the smartest course of action, so they focused on tying the knot in front of them.
“We’ve been spotted. Incoming!” Stephan yelled.
“Krut!” Captain Redfright yelled, Miekka recognized the name to belong to Krut Cannon, the gunner on the ship. They weren’t entirely sure if Cannon was zir last name or a nickname.
Right at that moment the first cannonballs made impact with Queen Herman. The whole ship rocketed and Miekka was almost thrown off balance, only their years over the unsafest routes to save money kept them standing.
Others also stumbled, but no one fell, expect the few closest to impact. Miekka suspected that they were more used to cannonballs hitting them, a realization that made them swallow heavily.
Krut was meanwhile ordering a few mates around to ready the counter fire.
Sasha yells were heard over the noise: “Miekka, Iris, George, Talita, make sure we don’t loose cargo in the front. Dibu, James, Bertie, Manon, you get the back.”
Miekka tied down their rope, making sure it was secure, before hurrying down into the hold with three others they had vaguely talked to once or twice. As they walked, they heard Captain Redfright order: “We’re going to parallel the ship, get ready to fire!”
Loud bangs echoed from above them, but it was only background to Miekka’s ears as they saw what had happened in the hull. The tank that ran along the middle of the hold had been hit and water was gushing out.
The tank was an unusual feature on the ship and Miekka had been confused about its existence, untilthe Doc had explained it to them. Siren corpses wouldn’t rot as easily in the water and if they caught a live one, they needed it to stay like that until they’d sold it.
Still, that didn’t stop them from pausing on those stairs, watching horrified as water from inside the ship streams into the hold, colorful bodies swishing in the water and light shining through the holes in the hull.
“Come help!” Talita yelled, ey was bailing water back into the tank, something that would be futile if Iris and George weren’t grabbing stuff to patch the holes.
Miekka snapped out of it and ran to grab a bucket to help Talita out.
While they bailed water, they looked out one of the holes in the hull, trying to see if they were closing in on the Crown of Five. They saw the ship, sadly they saw the ship firing right at them. Wide eyed, theyyelled: “Incoming!”
Queen Hermanrocked heavily, throwing them off their feet against the tank. Water streamed over their face and they spluttered as they gathered their bearings, heaving themself up with the edge of the tank.
Iris and George seemed fairly well off, being to the sidelines when the convoy hit and Talita was already getting up as well. Ey saw them blink and offered: “You’ll be okay, just bail the water and we’ll fix this.”
Miekka didn’t know how they could ever fix the amount of damage done to the hull and the tank, but they dutifully started bailing water back into the tank, feeling a bit like they were carrying waterto the sea.
Iris and George were hammering away next to them. The tank would need better repairs later, but the planks they were installing slowed the gushing water considerably.
Slowly but surely the water that had sloshed around their ankles got shallower and shallower until it got it was manageable.
They were now close enough to the Crown of Fivethat any cannonballs would hit above them and not damage to hull close to the sea level. So, they could focus on bailing the last bit of water out to the sea, before securing the cargo and patching up the worst of the damage.
Above them yells were heard of the first people boarding and Miekka faintly heard Sasha yelling out more names, while Captain Redfrights voice bellowed loudly over the commotion to steer the raid.
Since they and Talita still had their buckets, they bailed the water while George and Iris hammered down the planks.
“Do you always have those lying around?” Miekka asked, nodding towards the planks and hammers.
“It’s a safety measure, can’t really get somewhere on a broken ship,” George shrugged.
“Hmm, how curious,” Miekka replied, they’d never seen anything like that on a Company ship. Of course, The Company didn’t much care fore the safety of it’s crew, just the cargo and were not prone to getting attacked regularly, so they wouldn’t offer precious cargo space to something so idioticas spare planks to fix up the ship.
Iris looked up from where she had been hammering and spotted something. They wrinkled their nose and said: “One of them escaped.”
Miekka looked to where she was in confusion, until they saw the siren corpse laying in the cargo hull next to the tank.
“Come on, Miekka,” Talita grinned, “looks like we’re testing the strength in that arm of yours.”
If they were honest, they would rather not carry the dead siren, but even with all em bulging muscles, Talita wouldn’t be able to carry one by emself. Since sirens were not only colorful, but approximately seven feet long.
So, Miekka made their way over to the corpse and heaved the tail.
This particular siren was purple. It had purple stripes running up its side and a purple fin at the end of its tail. Along its cheekbone was a purple ridge and it had wavy fin like hair on top of its head and sharp fangs peeking out from its lips.
They also spotted some blood still under its big claws and the wound on its throat, which had been killing.
It was heavy, more heavy than Miekka had expected. Talita noticed their reaction and grinned: “It’s the muscle. Sirens are faster than you’d think.”
Miekka remembered how they had descended upon them and grimaced, before answering: “I think I can paint a picture.”
Talita cocked a brow, but didn’t say more as they tossed the siren corpse back into the tank, before gesturing up the stairs. Ey said: “We should go see if they need us up there. I would rather not face Sasha’s wrath, she’s mean when she wants to be.”
That made Miekka chuckle and they gladly focused on something other than the siren corpse, so they made their way back onto the ruckus that was the deck.
Most of the noise was coming from the Crown of Five, since they hadn’t made it aboard Queen Hermanyet. Small groups were protecting the ropes holding the ship together, while the others lined up at the side of the ship to stop anyone from entering that shouldn’t.
It was at this point that Miekka first got a good look at the Crown of Five. It was a sixth rate Navy ship if they remembered correctly from the convoys they’d seen around Company ships. That might be lowest rate ship, but those still had a crew of about a 150 people, which meant Queen Hermanwas outnumbered 1 to 5.
Their eyes grew wide and they froze in place for a second. Why the ever loving fuck, would Captain Redfright decide to pick a fight with a ship five times their size? He was famous for sound judgment, so why was he leading his crew to their deaths?
They looked around helplessly, trying to see if anyone else was seeing their impending doom.
The Doc noticed them and walked up to them. She gently elbowed them in the side to get their attention, they looked up and she asked: “You doing okay?”
“I am afraid we’re near the point of all perishing,” they answered honestly.
“The raid?” the Doc chuckled with disbelief, “We haven’t had a raid this good in ages. Admiral Teal really doesn’t live up to his reputation.”
“You must be joking. My good doctor, we’re hilariouslyoutnumbered,” Miekka said.
“For sure,” the Doc agreed casually, “But that’s not the point, the point is keeping them off our ship and sinking theirs. If we want their stuff, we might go for a less protected ship, but we just don’t want them to follow us.”
“Won’t they overrun us at any moment?”
“I mean, they could, but not with those insane bastard we send aboard,” the Doc told them, “Voyin by xemself is enough to make most piss their pants, but they send Flicker and Sam with the second boarding and those two are troublemakers, not to mention Tryke with their axe. We got some heavy hitters, don’t worry about it.”
“Are you sure?” Miekka wanted to believe the Doc, of course they did, it was just on the wrong side of insane.
“Very sure, they’ll come back.”
She was naturally correct. It took a while and Miekka was send into the line to keep anyone of their ship with their sword, but at some point other ship started to sink and they saw a man with an important-looking uniform flee in a life boat, while others jumped ship.
After that, their own people came back. Miekka didn’t count exactly, but it were about twenty armed people, who all differed from each other.
One impish looking kid skipped forwards and reported to Captain Redfright: “It was part of Admiral Teal’s fleet, but the captain here was a wuss and fled when we got near him. Dreadfully boring, he was.”
A tried looking boy next to them grumbled: “He only fled because you bit through the throat of that other guy. He could’ve had useful information, Flicker.”
“Oh, lighten up, Sam. We got them off our tail in the end,” the other kid waved their friend’s concerns away.
A big looking woman with an axe stepped up behind the two and said: “Sam’s right, Flicker. That escaped captain can easily go warn the rest of the fleet.”
“Then we’d bett’r get out of ‘ere,” Captain Redfright said, “To the sails. And Flicker, you’re on clean up,” the kid whined, but didn’t protest, “All the wounded check in with the Doc.”
There were a few scattered ‘ayes’ as people set to work, heaving the sails and tying them down and before soon the boat was gliding over the water to the hidden port of Staketown.
I know nothing of boats and all I do know, is in a different language, so I’m just winging it here, pls show me mercy on my boat stuff
Oh and the strategies are based of me and my imagination
Also there are a lot of new names being introduced here, so I will add a chapter to the first part with an oversight of the crew if you want to go check that out :D
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schrijverr · 3 years
Relearning to be Me
While sailing to Dunnhouse Cliff, Miekka starts to recover with the help of the Doc and meets a new friend.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none really, tell me if I missed anything :D
They watched the Doc as she puttered around her little hospital room. It had become ahabit to look her up and just talk even after daily check-ups were no longer necessary.
The Doc had just re-ordered her station again, when she glanced at Miekka, who had been deep in thought, pulling on their beard. She commented: “It’s getting a bit long.”
“Huh,” Miekka looked up, then they replied, “Oh, yeah, I tried to shave, but still have a slight unsteady hand,” they waggled their fingers with a crooked grin to demonstrate, “So, tragically my dashingly handsome face needs to suffer for my hubris.”
That made the Doc snort slightly as she rolled her eyes. She walked over and inspected their face, before nodding to herself and offering: “I could do it for you, thenwe’ll get to work with some rehabilitation sothat you can turn yourself back into your handsome self in no time.”
“Hey, I’m always handsome, m’lady,” Miekka protested teasingly, then softer they said: “But I would appreciate the hand, if you do not mind.”
“I don’t,” she assured them, “Now go, sit down.”
They sat down on the chair in the middle of the room while the Doc gathered some stuff.
She sat down opposite of them with some scissors and carefully started to trim it, while she did, she asked: “So, how do you want it?”
“I usually have a small beard that fades to the side and a mustache, but if you have big dreams then I shall not stop you,” they answered.
“If I weren’t currently doing this, I would push you,” the Doc said, however she did not falter her movements as she made sure the sides were even, before she got shaving cream and a big brush. Applying it gently, she got to work.
“Where did you learn this?” Miekka asked when she was not holding a blade near their neck.
“I- I can’t recall, if I’m honest,” the Doc replied.
And with that the conversation fell quiet. The only noise was the soft scrape of the razor and their breathing with the noises of the ship fading away in the background. The moment lasted both a century and a blink and before Miekka knew it, the Doc was wiping down their face.
She held up a mirror and Miekka inspected themself in it, tilting their head before smiling satisfied and saying: “I owe you my life, good doctor, thank you.”
“You’re a dramaqueen,” the Doc rolled her eyes.
“And you love me for it,” Miekka wiggled their brows.
The Doc didn’t dignify that with an answer, instead giving them a quill and a little notebook as she said: “Why don’t you write down you name, so that I can see where we are in terms of maneuverability.”
Miekka took the quill with their left hand and wrote their name down with a flourish, instantly smudging it when their hand slid over it.
The Doc sighed: “I meant with your right hand.”
“But I write with my left hand,” Miekka said confused.
“Why didn’t you say so?” the Doc asked.
“You did not ask. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand,” Miekka told her, stubbornness setting in.
With a tensed calmness the Doc explained: “We’re training your new right hand again, it’s kind of useless if you write with your left. I was going to take it as a measuring point, but if you don’t write with right then that is irrelevant.”
“Aahhh,” Miekka started to get it and offered, “I can cut with my right hand?”
“That- that’s something,” the Doc said, “I’m going to get you a dried apple and you’re going to cut it into pieces for me, alright?”
“It’ll be my pleasure, m’lady,” Miekka saluted.
Slicing it without a plank proved harder than expected, even with the practice they’d had working with Nox. It didn’t help either that the Doc was watching their every move closely.
When they were done she nodded: “Alright, you’re doing pretty good already, just have to get used to moving it until in becomes second nature. I want you to do this every day a few times,” she demonstrated the exercise by bringing each finger to her thumb, tapping it then clenching her fist and unclenching it, before repeating it, “Can you do that?”
“Yeah, I should be able to do that with no problem,” Miekka assured her.
“Alright, now onto strength,” the Doc said, “Have you done much heavy lifting recently? What’s the heaviest you carried with you new arm?”
“Not much if I must confess, mostly just pots and pans in the kitchen,” Miekka shrugged.
“A big pot with water is still pretty heavy,” the Doc pointed out, “How did that go? Feel the pull or was it okay?”
“I did not notice anything out of the ordinary,” Miekka told her.
The Doc lit up with that and smiled: “That’s good, that’s good. I gave you some healing salve that is said to be magic, if you believe such things and it seems you’re doing great.”
“Magic?” Miekka asked.
“It’s probably nonsense, just good herbs, but old ladies tend to keep their secrets and call it magic, though for some, I don’t doubt it,” the Doc explained, her voice too fake to be truly that airy, “But that’s the superstitious sailor part talking, more important is you healing up.”
Miekka blinked at the sudden topic switch as the Doc went on: “So, you are able to lift heavy things without it tearing at the connection, we want to keep it like that, of course. We’ll build up slowly again. Can you lit your sword?”
“Uhm,” Miekka got out their sword and moved it up and down between them, “I have confirmed, yes.”
“Good,” there was a slight chuckle there, “Now, I don’t want you to wild, take it easy, but try and train you arm by doing exercise, which is easier said than done aboard a ship, but do try. We want your shoulder to be able to hold your arm. And even though it’s so far so good, we want that to stay, alright?”
“A lot of we for something I’m doing,” Miekka grinned teasingly.
The Doc rolled her eyes and said: “I am sadly responsible for your recovery, so we it is, better get used to it, babe,” she grimaced and added, “It always sounds more natural when Sasha says things like that.”
Miekka laughed and the Doc joined in. When the laughter had died down, Miekka said: “I shall think about good exercises to keep me in good health and ensuring your good name won’t be tarnished, my good doctor.”
“I appreciate that, Miekka.” the Doc replied, smile still playing around her lips as they said their goodbyes and went on with their days.
A day later Miekka was sitting on the deck of the ship, thinking and watching their fingers as they closed them one by one, only to let them go free again. It still felt weird, how they would whir and spin and feel detached from them, while still being a part of them.
They clenched their fist again, but before they could open it to repeat the process they were snapped out of their thoughts by Voyin: “The view interesting?”
Xe was lightly swinging xyr sword back and forth as xe took stabs at the air. Miekka shrugged and xe said: “I have something more fun to do.”
“What, if I might ask?” Miekka replied.
In lieu of an answer xe held up xyr sword and answered: “According to the Doc, you can start building up strength, promise to go easy on you.”
“I assure that won’t be necessary, I am a great fighter,” Miekka told xem.
“We’ll see about that,” Voyin grinned.
Right at that moment Sasha walked by, she was carrying a few maps and on her way to the Captians room when she overheard the conversation. She called out to Miekka: “Wouldn’t be that confident, pumpkin. Voyin is the best fighter we have, xe will crush you.”
This was not the discouragement she thought it was, because Miekka now just wanted to prove themself even more. With a thrill in their heart and a bounce in their step, they drew their blade and got into position.
It was not their brightest moment.
They quickly realized that they were outmatched and their arm started to act up. They wanted to push on, but they remembered the Docs face and warnings and thought the better of it. Stepping back they held up their hand and breathed heavily: “Wait- wait- stop, lets take a break.”
Voyin grinned victoriously and asked: “Giving up already?”
Miekka shot them a glare and answered: “I would have already beaten you easily was it not for my healing arm and the promise to the Doc to go easy on it.”
“Is that so?” Voyin smirked, glad to have someone fierce in front of xem for a change, “Then I will gladly cross blades again when you’re in full health once more.”
They looked at xem for a moment with suspicion, then took the excuse to back out without loss of honor: “I look forward to the day of your demise by my hands.”
And that was that, they shook hands and both were send to work. Miekka noticed a few mates exchange money, but decided not to mention it as they sheathed their sword. They were starting to fit in.
Takes place on the journey to Dunnhouse Cliff
It’s my fantasy world, so everyone knows pronouns magically and Miekka can be androgynous as fuck just because
Also did y’all notice I know nothing about sword fighting lol
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schrijverr · 4 years
Introduction of Miekka ‘Siren Slayer’ Walraven
Miekka is a pirate OC I made for a collaboration thing, but other people have kind of overtaken the writing part and I wanted to change a few things about my character anyways. This is me taking my OC back to have a bit of fun with them, because I got way too attached and I’m upset I didn’t get to do more.
On AO3.
Ships: none (unless you count the actual ships XP)
Warnings: they loose an arm. Tell me if I missed something or if you want me to tag anything!!
Full name:    Miekka Walraven
Moniker:       The Siren Slayer
Pronouns:    they/them
Sexuality:     Lesbian
Weapons:     Big ass sword (a claymore, if you wanna be exact), as well as a knife in their boot and one in a thigh holster, and a revolver in their belt. They also carry a harmonica that will function as a weapon if needed, though they are mostly just annoying with it.
Notable:       One metal arm on the right and a scar on their cheek.
Miekka served on the King of Three, a commercial ship that sailed too close to The Reef where the sirens found their home. They jumped overboard, both to fight the sirens and because they were lured in (a fact they will deny until their death and beyond). Miekka had semi-convinced themself they could survive it and in a way they did. Their right arm and boob (they can have only one titty, because mood) were eaten.
Right at that moment, when they thought they would die, another ship came, Queen Herman. This was a siren hunter ship and they saved Miekka, giving them a mechanical arm. They served with that crew for a few years until the ship disappeared.
Back on shore they twisted the tale to fit their epic-ness. They told the tale of how they bravely defeated the sirens, earning the title ‘The Siren Slayer.’
After a serving on a few ships here and there and going on more daring voyages, the tales of their heroics got them a place on the ship Lady Napoleon.
They still boast about their accomplishments and are a pretty good fighter, objectively, but they are also trying to be mysterious about some of the details in order not to reveal what truly happened.
Miekka still refuses to stick something in their ears when they are near Sirens, having made it a personal vendetta, and they will jump overboard if someone does not tie them to the mast. But they protect their companions bravely and will not go down without a fight.
They are a bit too overconfident, but they are not a coward and desperate to prove that there is truth in their tales, that they are worth remembering.
They have light brown hair, short on all sides with a bit longer on top (think mullet, but the back is also shaved). A small mustache and goatee, if you are familiar the Jonny d’Ville beard because genderenvy. Their eyes are a dark muted green. There is a scar running over their cheek almost reaching their left eye.
Their nails are always black, they have a ring on their right pointer-finger, it is long and silver with a black stone in it.
The usual outfit is: Black sturdy boots, dark pants, a brown waistcoat, a white blouse, the belts are black as is the thigh holster, if it is cold they have a huge black overcoat.
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schrijverr · 3 years
Raid on Crown of Five (The Bar)
Miekka tells the embellished story of the raid that happened on the Crown of Five down at the bar.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none, tell me if I missed anything
They’d gotten their new round and settled down again in their chair once more. They waved with their hand and said: “But me jumping of a boat wasn’t all that interesting, more interesting was the first boat I sunk.”
There was immediate indignant replies from the sailors surrounding them. This was a natural response from anyone who worked on a ship, no one wanted to sink.
“Hey, hey, hey,” they called out above everyone, “It is not on me that you all forget what a pirate’s life is like while sitting safe on dry land.”
This was not the right thing to say if they wanted everyone to calm down, because everyone around them only got more indignant. Though, they didn’t seem to mind, just taking it casually as they leaned back in their chair and waited for everyone to sort themselves out.
It took a while, but then everyone did settle down again as one man demanded: “So why did you even sink that ship then, ey, high and mighty?”
More people supported him and they grinned as if this challenge was what they had been waiting for. They shrugged: “I mean, it was just a part of Admiral Teal’s fleet that had been on the edge of discovering Staketown Port, but I suppose you’d rather condemn me still.”
The man, William his name was, grumbled as he had to concede that that was a very good reason indeed to sink a ship.
“Admiral Teal?” Edmund asked.
“You don’t know who that is, lad?” the old sailor in the corner asked. Edmund shook his head and the old sailor grumbled something about the youth.
“Admiral Teal, young Edmund, was a harsh, fighting Admiral. High up in the Navy and ruthless out at sea,” the original speaker took back control, “And after old Gunpowder McGee had dealt him an embarrassing blow, he was determined to eradicate all pirates.”
Looking at their nails casually, they shrugged: “It was the dumbest decision of his career and cost him his life, but none of us knew that back then.”
They let a dramatic silence fall, before they said: “It was a calm day. No clouds, no whirlpools, a steady breeze and a harbor close. You could say it was perfect. Sadly, no good weather can last and neither can peace, for Stephan, our lookout,spotted a Navy ship on the horizon.”
“Which ship was it?” William still wasn’t completely convinced and hoped to trip them up.
“Crown of Five,” they replied without hesitation, smiling when William cursed.
“They’re speaking truth, William,” the old sailor said, “I recall that ship, it was a pride of the Navy way back, suddenly disappeared without a trace.”
“Really, Salim?” William asked.
“You think I wish to deceive you?” the speaker asked, slightly offended.
“Lies is more natural to you than talking,” William spat.
“I would be offended, but I could kill you right now if I wanted, but then my entertainment would be gone,” they said coolly, “Not even Adora, the best doctor I ever knew, could save you then.”
William quieted under the threat. He might be a grump, who had heard enough tall tales not to believe them, but he wasn’t stupid and he heard a threat someone could follow up on when he heard one.
“Great,” immediately cheeriness came back, “So there we were with a Navy ship sailing towards us at full speed. They fired at us the moment theycould and the whole ship rocked.”
They took a big sip before continuing: “I was assigned to bail the water from where we’d been hit. We had a big tank for the sirens below deck and we couldn’t afford the spilled water to pull us under with the water that was coming in from the hull.”
“Cannonballswhizzed around our heads as above us Krut, our gunner, made sure to give them a taste of their own medicine aswe prepared to board,” they were getting into their story, gesturing wildly as they talked.
“Were you one of the people boarding?” Edmund asked.
“No,” they answered honestly.
“Wha- why?” Edmund was confused.
“You have to understand, lad, that I was new aboard and as much as I had already accomplished, they weren’t sending me out without proof of undivided loyalty,” they explained.
When they saw Edmund understood, they nodded to themself, before going on: “Still, you have to understand that the Crown of Five was a big ship. Grade six. 150 men, while we only had 34. We were outnumbered almost 1 to 5.”
There were gasps from the audience, this was not sounding good, most knew out of experience.
“But!” gusto appeared back in their voice, “We had some insane sonsof a gun aboard, who were more than willing to smash their way through. Voyin and Tryke on their own are comparable to a small army.”
“Even so, a small army against a big army isn’t a fair fight and we were loosing by the time I had secured the ship below,” they said, “When I realized, I knew I didn’t have much time. Against my orders, I boarded the enemy ship through the holes in both our sides.”
They nudgeda lady next to them and winked: “All that cannon fire good for something after all, right beautiful?”
The lady blushed and agreed with a giggle.
“And there I was, in the hold of the Crown of Five,” they went on, building up tension, “I hadn’t been spotted yet due to all the fighting above me and if I didn’t succeed, we’d all be dead. It was do or die, with more chance of die.”
“My sword,” the gestured towards the weapon, “wasn’t enough, so a searched through their cargo until I found an axe. I grabbed it tight and hacked into the bottom of the hull and water started to stream in around my feet.”
“Did you get out?” the lady asked, big eyed.
“No,” they answered, much to everyone’s surprise, “The ship was sinking, sure, but it wasn’t sinking fast enough. I had to do more. I ran around almost hacking out the entire underside of the ship and it wasn’t long until they noticed.”
“What did you do?” Edmund gasped.
“I stood my ground, it was not necessarily me versus them, but them versus the water,” they smirked, very pleased with themself, “If they wanted to get me, they would have to fix the hull of the ship and by then that was impossible.”
There were some hoots and cheers at this point, which they accepted gracefully with a bit of glee.
“In the end, I left the Crown of Fivethrough the bottom of the ship and swam back, where I was fished out by Captain Redfright himself,” they said, “Once he’d realized what I had done, he gripped me by my shoulders and told me: ‘Miekka, I had underestimated you, my favor to you grows. Tonight we toast to you.’ And they did.”
“Wow,” Edmund breathed softly.
“We sailed to Staketown Port without trouble and the port was never found by Admiral Teal or any of his colleagues,” they finished.
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schrijverr · 4 years
The First Hunt (The Bar)
How Miekka recounts their part in their first hunt aboard the Queen Herman later in the bar.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none, but tell me if i missed anything or if you want me to tag something!
They were there again, it seemed like they always were. Tonight the were reclined in their chair, feet on the table as the told their tale by a low burning fire with the usual crowd surrounding them.
“My first hunt with the crew of Queen Herman was mayhaps less trilling than one might think.” they said, “Hunting, while exciting at times, is also about stealth and skill.”
They got more comfortable as they began: “Rumors had taken us to a small town near a reef called Dunnhouse Cliff where fishermen had been disappearing.”
“Now, our Captain, Redfright, knew exactly what to do and I fit immediately into the well oiled machine that the crew formed. Two scouts were send out and we got to putting up some traps.” they continued.
“What sort of traps?” Edmund asked.
“Siren traps are quite similar to fish traps actually, you just got to be aware of their hands.” they grinned as they wiggled their own, “So the materials are stronger and the bait more, well, more human-shaped.”
Edmund face paled slightly with the answer, but the storyteller either didn’t notice or care as they plowed on: “We couldn't communicate and it was misty and dark. There were shapes in the water and we could only hope none of them would pull us down, never to resurface again.”
They had stopped reclining in their chair was was now bend over conspiratorially as they went on: “I was in a sloop with Anna Read, our first mate, and Stephan, the lookout. We had already put down a few traps and were on the last when I suggested we’d put one near the waterfall. They looked at me like I was crazy, it would be useless. However, I was insistent and they listened. Even if it was with an eyeroll.”
“Well it’s quite useless to put a trap where no one will come.” one man grumbled.
“And that’s where you’re wrong.” they grinned as an answer.
“Allow me to explain, good man.” they said, “We set up the traps to return the next day and take out the rest of the relatively young colony. We did not know exactly where they were staying, but as it turns out, they were residing behind the waterfall.”
There were gasps around the table and they nodded: “Yes, my friends, when we returned, on guard and looking around for any movement, they came from the waterfall. The boat closest to it was carrying Elijah, Stephans brother and a fine mate to have aboard. Had my trap not been there, he would not have been able to tell the tale.”
They checked if there was enough admiration in the eyes around them, before they went on casually: “After that it was as calm of a hunt as one could be as we terminated the colony and returned to ship. Where Elijah said: ‘Thank you, Miekka ‘Siren Slayer,’ I am indebted to you.’ And I told him it was my job and there was no need to thank me. That’s just life.”
“That wasn’t really an epic tale.” Edmund said.
“No, it’s not.” they said, “But life is not all about the muscles, kid. The brain is most important in combat, especially against such foes as sirens, you’d do good to think more.”
Edmund thought about it, but didn’t seem entirely happy with the response he got. They caught on to it and grinned: “If you get me another round, I’ll tell you a more epic tale. How does that sound?”
That did brighten his face as he hurried to get them another round, curious to see what story they would tell next.
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schrijverr · 4 years
Departure from the King of Three (The Truth)
How Miekka left the King of Three. What actually happened
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: vague descriptions of violence and sacrifice of oneself. Tell me if i missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!
Everyone aboard the King of Three had been thrumming with nervous energy. It was not for nothing of course, since the shorter trading route meant that they were inching ever closer to The Reef. The Reef was not just a reef, it had earned the capitalization with the blood of many sailors, for the sirens home was on the reef and they were always looking for a prey.
Still, the crew worked silently during the day as the horizon crept closer, but whispers passed under the cover of the dark. More experienced sailors spoke about rows of teeth in which you could disappear and shadows that wouldn’t rest until they had tasted blood, following ships over the edge of the earth.
Needless to say that tensions were running high when the sun rose one morning over more than just the blue seas.
The Captain knew that he needed his crew in working order if they were going to make it out and called everyone together. There he said: “I know you are all tense, but this is completely safe. The Company would not put you all in unnecessary danger.”
“Unless it can save them a penny.” Miekka heard Bertrand beside them cough.
It didn’t seem like the Captain had noticed, since he was still going on: “You will all be provided with earplugs then we’ll just pass that reef and go. It will be just like any other day.”
Miekka noted how he didn’t touch on the lack of communication there would be without anyone being able to hear nor the rumors of the sirens following those they had failed to take.
Afterwards they were indeed all given earplugs to wear, but they were cheap and would need more to be completely safe. Fucking Company, Miekka thought. They looked at Bertrand who was looking as displeased as they felt at his own earplugs. The thought was obvious on everyone's faces: they were going to die here.
A plan started to form in Miekkas brain. It was completely stupid and doomed to fail, but it felt better than whatever this was. They couldn’t stand the tension and not being able to do anything.
They tapped Bertrand on the shoulder and said: “Here, take these.”
Bertrand looked confused at their extended hand and raised a brow at them: “Yer gonna need those, they keep ya safe. I reckon that’ll be quite handy.”
“Oh, come on, my dear Bertrand. Live for the adventure, or beautiful ladies who shall sing for me in this case.” Miekka made grand gestures while they spoke, “They shall love me for eternity or I shall conquer their call and slay them.”
“Miekka, I appreciate the sentiment, but yer not gonna be immune to them, it’s just not gonna happen.” Bertrand told them, “They’re sirens, they will kill ya.”
“Not if I kill them first, I am the best and I will not be taken down so easily.” Miekka tried to argue.
“I’m not taking those from ya.” Bertrand denied their offer, not even blinking or considering their bullshit.
So this was not going to work, plan B, it would seem. They let their shoulders sag and said: “Aright, you have defeated me. I must confess to you that I might have another pair that will fare better against the sirens call that we will face. So, please accept me offering to aid you in our mutual survival of horrid planning by our Company overlords.”
“Fuckin’ idiot, tha’s what you are. Ya should’ve led with tha’.” Bertrand told them with a small shove, taking the earplugs.
Miekka grinned, but before they could reply the First Mate was yelling at them to get the fuck to work, which they quickly did. Bertrand did not notice how Miekka didn’t slip in any earplugs, the lie had slipped past him.
They silently congratulated themself on the success as they turned back to their task.
It was eerily quiet aboard the King of Three as The Reef came closer and closer. Where before someone would carefully take out an earplug to yell at someone, they now all gestured wildly in a game of high stakes charade.
The others couldn’t know they weren’t in range yet, but Miekka was waiting for a faint singing to be heard. They felt slightly guilty towards Bertrand, he was already quite sensitive and they knew he would agonize over their demise.
But they had made up their mind. This was the way it was supposed to be. Unlike everyone else on that ship Miekka did not have anyone waiting for them at the home port. They were just a cog in the machine of the Company and would be easily replaced.
Yes, Miekka was simply the best choice.
They would rather throw the Captain overboard and offer him to the sirens to ensure their safety, but he was safely cushioned in his plushy office, so no luck there. Besides, Bertrand might not be the wordiest out there, but he’d write them a song. Mayhaps even with their name in it, a song to be remembered.
It had to be them and who knows, they might survive it too. They were tough. It was an idiotic thought, but it helped with the tension lacing their shoulder as they awaited their faith.
A few knots further and Miekka heard the first voice softly drifting over the wind. They fought down the instinct to react and tried to carry on with their usual work as more voices joined the deathly chorus.
Miekka was really struggling to focus now and they were pretty sure they were distracting Bertrand as well with how they were looking up, shaking their head and not being productive in the slightest manner, but they wanted to be closer before they jumped. The ship needed get past.
In their ears voices swirled, promising them greatness, their name in books, people who cared enough to remember their name. A glorious battle with them as the hero.
It was all right there.
They looked at The Reef, which was now visible. They know it was not real, a rational part of their brain was telling them it was not real, but that didn’t stop their eyes from drifting over to that shiny future that could be theirs so beautifully on display.
The thing so precious and tantalizing to them, right there within reach. They could feel how they were breaking with each passing second. They had stopped working altogether and they could feel the eyes of their fellow mates on them as they watched them just stand there.
Bertrand was starting to put together what was happening. His eyes grew wide and he started to make his way over to them, hands already going to his ears.
That was the last push.
Miekka was scared, of course they were, they were freaking terrified, but they could not fail Bertrand, he had an expecting wife and a husband waiting for him. Miekka had met them and they didn’t deserve to loose Bertrand.
They had to give in and how bad was that really? How bad could it be to go to the place those voices promised them?
After all, the sirens would not chase a ship they had already profited from. If they went, the crew would be safe. It didn’t matter that they would save the “precious” cargo as well, the Company already took so much from everyone aboard that ship, Miekka would not let them take more good sailors than necessary, not those who’d supported them.
Their feet started to move as if controlled, which wasn’t far from the truth, as the slowly fading rational part of their mind yelled at the feet not to do it.
They walked to the railing, going faster and faster as Bertrand followed them, desperate to outrun him, to fly to their destiny. Miekka hit the railing and dove right over it, plunging into the cold sea while the others watched them go with baffled expressions.
No one followed.
No one had their back in the cold water that they assumed would be their tomb. They just watched as they started to swim away, yells falling on the deaf ears of the only person who could hear, but not listen.
There was no bright future waiting for them, just teeth as sharp as the rocks surrounding them.
Miekka got snapped out of it, it was hard to stay in a fantasy when ones arm is being torn off. They fought too, tried to avoid going down for as long as possible while the King of Three disappeared into the distance, unharmed.
They had succeeded, that was the most important, they thought. They would go down in the history of their fellow mates as a savior, maybe they’d think of them during harsh times, ask them to come save them once more.
If they focused, they could almost hear someone call out to them, though they did not seem to know their name.
Somewhere far outside of them a gunshot rang and their world went black.
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schrijverr · 4 years
Arrival on Queen Herman
In the bar, Miekka tells the tale of how they got onto the Queen Herman and why they stayed.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none, but tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!
“Is it really true?” the younger sailor approached them where they were now sitting at the bar.
The evening had died down and they had been staring into their glass for a while now, clearly the question startled them as they asked: “What?”
“Is it true you served on the Queen Herman? Did you know Captain Redfright?” he asked.
Their face started to split in a grin and the twinkle from early came back when they realized they were being asked to tell another tale. They settled down more comfortably, then said: “Yeah, I knew him. Great man, he was. I could tell you about our first meeting if you’d like?”
“Oh, yes, I’d love that.” there was excitement in the young sailors face as he took place beside them.
“My- what’s your name, lad?”
“My journeys with Captain Redfright started many years ago, Edmund. Our friendship was birthed at the cliffs of The Reef, when I saved him and his crew.” they started, “Twas soon after I had slain most of The Reefs population and the critters had retreated back underwater.”
They gestured to the barmaid to refill their jug as they went on: “I was stranded there, having to hold vigil day and night, standing on the rocks with the water coming to my waist. I stood there for many days until a ship appeared on the horizon.”
“The Queen Herman?” Edmund asked.
“Yes, Edmund, the Queen Herman. They’d been having trouble with The Reef on their latest hunts and their ship was on the brink of collapse.” they told him, “When they saw me, they assumed I was one of the sirens, but I managed to fend off the first attacks and explain what had happened.”
They took a small pause to drink out of their refilled jug before going on: “With me keeping guard they were able to start fixing the ship by using the elevation underwater. And it was good I was there, for with the new arrivals, the sirens regained their courage.”
Edmund was drinking up their every word and gasped, getting a satisfied smile from the other at his reaction, before they went on: “Slowly they crept back onto the rocks, slithering in the shadows, hoping to take one of us and drag them down to a watery grave.”
After a quick glance to check if Edmund was still enamored by their tale, they said: “Alas there was no feast for them that night, for my blade was stronger than their life. They almost got Adora Genlyd, ships Doctor and an amazing woman all around, but I pulled her back and cut off the hands of the siren, who dared to try and take her.”
“What happened then?” Edmund probably just asked the question as reaction, since there was no way it wasn’t going to be answered.
“We lived through the next few days, my young Edmund. Until one day the sun rose over a working ship and we could leave. Regather to return to finish our clash another day.” they said, “It was at that point that there was rest enough for anyone to properly introduce themselves. I’ll never forget what he told me, even if it was hardly heroic or notable. He said: Greetings, fierce fighter, I’m Captain Redfright and who might you be?”
“And what did you say back?” there was a shine in Edmunds eyes.
“I said hello, told him I was Miekka Walraven and that it had been my pleasure to aid him and thanked him for picking me up.” they told him, “He put his hand on my shoulder and said: I would be honored to have you on my ship, Miekka Siren Slayer.”
“Is that how you got that name?”
“Yes, that’s how I got my moniker. Miekka ‘Siren Slayer’ Walraven, that’s me.” they answered, “Be sure to remember it and perhaps you will be the one I’m saving, just like Captain Redfright.”
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schrijverr · 4 years
Arrival on Queen Herman (The Truth)
How Miekka found themself aboard Queen Herman and why they decided to stay.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: slight recovery from loosing an arm. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!
Miekka woke up disorientated. Their right side was burning and they were pretty sure that opening their eyes would make them pass out from the pain again. They were about to give up on even trying to get back when a voice called out: “You’re awake, eh?”
They groaned and the person laughed: “I can imagine you’re feeling like that,” then continuing with a more serious tone, “but I need you to wake up a bit more. You need to drink this to gather a bit of your strength.”
“Who’re you?” their voice sounded liked it was hanging on by a thread, which was quite similar to how they were feeling overall.
“I’m the Doc.” the Doc answered, “I’m here to make sure you don’t die, alright. Let’s just focus on that.”
“Tha’s not really a name.” Miekka slurred, not entirely sure why they were still attempting to talk at all.
“I know.” there was something they couldn't place in her voice as a big hand cradled Miekkas head, bringing it up to help drink a bit, “You can also call me Adora if you’d like, but most just call me Doc or the Doc.”
Miekka hummed noncommittally and just focused their strength on swallowing, not having the energy to ask what was going on nor the energy to hear much of what the Doc told them. The broth was soothing, though they fell asleep halfway through.
When Miekka woke up again they were feeling much better, but that was compared to the first time, so the bar was low. They still felt terrible, just less so.
“Hello?” they called out, not moving their head to see if there was anyone in the room with them.
“Awake again, I see.” that was the Doc, a name faintly tickled the side of their brain, but it floated away before they could grasp it.
“Yes, I am.” Miekka answered.
“And more coherent too.” the Doc sounded pleased with that.
Miekka smiled weakly and nodded, before they asked: “Where am I? What happened?”
“We found you nearly knocking on deaths door with a bunch of sirens trying to make you their lunch. You’re lucky you made it out alive.” the Doc answered, “We’re the crew of Queen Herman, glad to have you aboard.”
“Queen Herman?” the name sounded familiar, but Miekkas pain-addled brain couldn’t figure out which connection it had to make.
“It’s the name of the ship.” the Doc told them, thinking that was their question, “But that’s enough talking for now, here I’ll apply some numbing salve to your side. Then I got some more broth for you.”
She applied the salve gently, before getting the bowl. While she fed Miekka the broth, she talked them through what their options were from here. The Queen Herman would be able to provide them with a new arm, but they would have to stay in order to help pay it off or they could drop them in the nearest port with a decent hospital.
“You don’t have to make a decision now, especially when we’re still a good while from any ports and you should focus more on healing, but it is certainly something to think about.” Doc said.
Miekka made a noise of agreement, their mind already twisting with possibilities and choices. If they were to stay to could have it all. A new life, a chance at glory, no more Company with shitty regulations that didn’t care for the people that made them big.
In the back of their mind a voice reminded them of Bertrand and the others. Would it be a betrayal to grab this opportunity of freedom without them? Another harsher voice told them how alone they’d been, how no one had come for them, cared enough to follow. Why would they sacrifice even more for them? Were they not betrayed as well?
Hadn’t they done enough?
Their mind was already beginning to set on of the options, but they stayed silent. No need to bind themself just yet, just in case.
The Doc seemed to catch on to their thoughtful mood and left with a soft goodbye, telling them to just call if they ever needed her and to get some rest, they were going to need it.
And so the days passed. Miekka saw the Doc from time to time when she came to check up on them and make sure they rested. They fell in and out of their surroundings until they were healed enough to start moving again.
When they were able to get out of bed and walk to the table on their own the Doc announced it was time to make a decision: “Captain’s told me we’re closing in on a port. He wants to meet you properly and hear of your decision.”
“I shall be delighted to meet the leader of my saviors.” Miekka said, “What is to be expected of me? Any courtesy that is meant to be granted?”
The Doc huffed lightly, then said: “Just make sure to call him Captain Redfright and be sure to have a plan. He doesn’t like hesitation.”
“Thank you, good doctor, I will remember that.” Miekka smiled.
They ate their meal and got ready to meet the Captain. They got some new clothes that actually fit them and looked presentable as well as. Allowing the Doc to buckle their belt that held their sword, they wondered how they had managed to hold on to it.
Doc lead them through wooden halls stacked with crates and they could hear the sounds of life all around them. No one stopped them, but Miekka saw all sorts of different people glance at them, sizing them up.
Unconsciously they straightened up their spine, trying to appear taller and more in charge, though they doubted they were very successful with their small stature and mangled side.
When they were standing in front of a dark green door with an impressive handle, Doc turned to them and said: “Well, I’ll be going then. Good luck.”
Miekka appreciated the sentiment useless as it was, especially when the door seemed to loom over them and the realization hit them that they had no clue of what to expect behind those doors.
They swallowed and knocked.
The short silence that followed seemed to stretch out until a heavy voice called out: “Enter.”
Not wanting to be told twice, they opened the door and did exactly that. Inside there was a big desk filled with maps, books and measuring equipment. Behind it sat a man with a thick black beard dressed in a red coat and a big hat resting crookedly on top of his head.
“You’re alive I see.” he grinned, showing off a gold tooth resting between yellowed brethren, “We weren’t sure you were going to make it for a while there.”
“What can I say, I am amazingly talented at survival and tough as nails. No one takes me down without a fight.” Miekka responded, the words spilling out of their mouth without thinking about them.
Luckily it seemed that Captain Redfright didn’t seem to mind, he just let out a hearty laugh and said: “That’s the spirit, young-en’,” then he turned more serious and continued, “Speaking about spirit. Do you have the fighters spirit to stay or are you going to depart when we reach land? Siren hunting is not for the faint of heart, nor is piracy.”
“I did not nearly die to be called a coward, Captain Redfright. I’m not going anywhere if I have the chance to get back at them.” they answered.
That was apparently exactly the answer he was hoping for, because he extended his had with a grin: “Your words prove that you are not. Welcome aboard the Queen Herman, Miekka. I will inform the Doc to get you that prosthetic. Now get going.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
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schrijverr · 4 years
The Departure of the King of Three (The Song)
How Miekka left the King of Three. What was remembered. A song based on the melody of The Wellerman.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none, but tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!
Sirens Fight
There once was a ship that put to sea The name of the ship was the King of Three The winds blew up, her bow dipped down O blow, my bully boys, blow
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
They had not been two weeks from shore When down on them their singing bore The Captain called all hands and swore We’d pass The Reef and go
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
Before the boat had hit the water Miekka jumped equipped for slaughter All hands to the side, thought they’d lost them When they dived down below
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
No line was cut, no hand was freed They were on their own, no one to lead But they belonged to the landman's breed They left the ship alone
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
For forty days, or even more The fight was rough, then calm once more Their limb was lost, there were only four But still that clash did go
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
As far as I've heard, the fight's still on The scorn’s not cut and sirens not gone The Slayers-one makes their regular call To encourage the landsman, crew to brawl
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
Soon may the Sirens come To bring us sadness, death then some One day, when the battle is done They’ll take their leave and go
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schrijverr · 4 years
Departure from the King of Three (The Bar)
How Miekka left the King of Three. What they told everyone.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: vague mention of limb eating. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!!!
They sat in the middle of the bar, a group surrounding their table as the gestured with their wooden jug filled to the brim, spilling at the more exciting details of their tale:
“So there we were, right next The Reef, yes, my friends, The Reef. The Captain had made a grave mistake and we were heading straight to our doom. A call so tantalizing for most. However, I am not most.”
The person checked to see if everyone was still hanging onto their every word as they went on.
“I alone was not called by these terrible creatures that take the flesh of the unfortunate sailors for their own. To eat. To take. They do not leave until they have their taste of blood and I knew none of my mates would be able to survive such encounter.”
“What happened then?” a younger, more impressionable sailor asked.
They grinned, teeth glinting, as they said: “I jumped overboard.”
Uproar came over the listeners as they tried to accuse the storyteller of lying, that no one came back from that or that it could never had been voluntarily. One man heckled: “Prove it, if you’re all that tough.”
It seemed like that had been what they were waiting on. They slammed down their drink and offered a hand to arm wrestle, the fingers whirring with machinery as they wiggled them challengingly: “If you can beat me, you can tear my story down, good man.”
The man didn’t take them up on the offer and they continued talking: “Where was I? Ah, yes. Here I was in the middle of the cold ocean with my only destination a reef filled with sharp teeth waiting to taste my flesh. There was no turning back as my ship sailed onwards, no one brave enough to follow me.”
“Or foolish.” someone commented, it went ignored.
“My feet hit the first rocks of the reef and with them firmly on the ground, I drew my blade, ready to take on any of the sirens idiotic enough to think they could overpower me.” they waited a beat for dramatic effect, “And idiots, there were.”
They had grabbed their jug again and used it as they described how they took down one siren after the other, each feistier than the last.
“Alas, not all good things are meant to last and when ten ganged up on me,” they took a sip sadly, “they ripped my arm of.”
The younger sailor from earlier gasped.
“But that was to their determent.” they livened up a once more, “All were so focused on the taste of my fresh blood in their mouths that they did not see me get up and grab my sword with my other hand. I crept up behind them. And severed all their heads with a single mighty strike.”
Their story came to a crescendo with that and they paused before going on with a lighter tone: “Those who had seen what happened to their fellow sirens stayed down below the surface, not showing their faces, knowing what I could do to them. I stood there for three days and three nights, before another ship showed up.”
“Another ship?” there was a bit of confusion at the table and, going off the persons face, they were living for it.
“It was named Queen Herman, mayhaps you’ve heard of it.” they told their listeners.
There were whispers all around as people double checked if it really was the name of the siren hunter pirate ship that had vanished two years back, shrouded in mystery and legend.
“I served alongside those brave hunters for many years, they gave me my arm and the name Siren Slayer.” they went on, pretending they hadn’t noticed the chaos at the name they’d dropped, “You sit one hunt out and suddenly they’re all gone. Only thing I have left, is this.”
They got a gun out of the holster on their belt and showed it to the people, who oohed and aah-ed over the very clear inscription that had matched those infamous hunters.
“I still don’t believe it.” the man from earlier said, crossing his arms, “There is just no way that’s all true.”
They raised a brow at him and holstered their gun as they set one foot on the table to lean over him threatening: “These boots are not just made for walking, my friend, they’re made for fighting,” getting a knife out of their boot, they held it up the face of the man, who had questioned them, with a raised brow and asked: “Want to find out how good they work?”
The man swallowed and shook his head, not taking them up on the offer. Immediately their demeanor changed again as they grabbed their jug for a toast.
“To adventure, to me and to the great deeds I did and shall do. People will remember me, my friends, I shall have tales told and songs sung that will last through the ages. Cheers!” more people joined them as they drank their jugs as quick as they could.
“Another round.” they said, getting support, “I am Miekka, the Siren Slayer. You better remember that name, for you may never know when you want to call for my aid.”
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schrijverr · 4 years
I’m just posting the first things for Miekka, my beautiful Pirate OC, and I’m planning to do more in this style, which I like to call: The Truth, The Bar & The Song. Wherin I first tell you what actually happened and then what they told everyone and if I’m feeling like it, the song that was written about it. I also want to do a few scenes with small interludes or happenings that wouldn’t be told in a bar.
I will indicate which one of these it is by putting it in brackets behind the title, so (The Truth), (The Bar), (The Song), or (Interlude)
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