#RR Original
schrijverr · 6 days
Bite, Nom
Bite, bite, bite
Nom, nom, nom
I'll tear you open
And crawl inside
Love you so much
I consume you
Rest my head
Against your heart
Just let me rip
The skin to get there
Nom, nom, nom
Bite, bite, bite
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fromtheseventhhell · 8 months
"Arya stans are so delusional"
The delusional Arya stan in question:
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aroaceleovaldez · 27 days
i honestly wish rr would just write for something that has nothing to do with pjo not the same characters not the universe just go and write something new bc i really liked daughter of the deep and i think he's wrung everything out of the pjoverse yk? he's a good writer but he needs to go do something different
I agree - the problem with Rick's writing is he's heavily reliant on his writing being derivative. He struggles to write original stuff. PJO, HoO, ToA, etc are all derivative from Greco-Roman mythology/history. MCGA is Norse mythology/history, TKC is Egyptian mythology/history. Daughter of the Deep is Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea. And he's not terrible at it! The problem is that can't go on forever. He runs out of material to work from over time and suddenly the quality of the franchise tanks dramatically. Especially as he loses overarching connecting threads to tie the plots together, so it just becomes this soup of throwing references at the wall with no cohesion to see what sticks. And it's bad!
We started seeing it in HoO, also in part due to Rick trying to combine too many disparate inspirations to the main plot to begin with and didn't know how to make them mesh well (Seven Against Thebes, Gigantomachy, Argonauts, Odyssey). TKC and MCGA were okay because they're only three book series, so that's plenty of mythology to draw from with stuff left over, and the majority of their companion novel stuff is ghostwritten anyways. The shorter series span means less filler required so less mythology is used up and there ya go. In the longer series, Rick has to spend those five books filling in the gaps of that overarching plot and he runs out of material fast - that's why by the end of HoO it was just turning into blatant Marvel references. Now that we're getting into a fourth installment in the main series collection, even though it's only a three-book series, Rick has basically written himself into a corner because he doesn't write anything else. He ran out of places to go with the franchise like two series ago! So now he's just throwing literally anything he can think of at things (literally just plucking random mythological figures and pop culture references or tropes), or if he can't think of anything, apparently just blatantly lifting stuff from the community.
At this point the only possible Greco-Roman series I think he'd be able to do without it being total garbage would be a 3-book Roman series set during SoM-TLO/The Second Titan War. I don't think he should do that and I don't want him to, but based on everything that's probably just what would have the best likelihood of success. It just seems like the only place he can go. Anything else he'd have to do something actually original, and he's shown time and time again that he's not interested in doing that and isn't very good at it anymore.
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ohmy-zabrak · 25 days
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I bet his ✨Houndussy✨ is so tight
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arrowheadedbitch · 1 year
So, how did you become Robin?
Dick: My parents died
Jason: I stile the wheels off the batmobile
Tim: I don't wanna say manipulation, but... Manipulation
Damian: MURDER
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 months
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Episode 41
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fandomandangstlover · 3 months
art dump time. yippee 👍
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ruined reality & its staff fanart!! first one is for the art contest, and the other is late split birthday art because life happened. it has both his mc dreams skin & normal skin
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rr oc that's basically the last blue steve, who used to guard the entrance to the world beyond and is now struck in the overworld with no way back. he's very tired. + a dreams!box doodle because it was a doodle thing
under cut is a origins!box that has blood & a bone pokin' out. it's not graphic at all but still
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it's a mix between fnaf:bp & origins box actually. something something the night guards woke up in their origins forms & robot apocalypse starts happenin'. box loses a wing in there. because yeah
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notseaweedbrain · 8 months
OK so I know that I’ve shit on both adaptations of the PJO books (cry about it) but I will tell you this… I do it out of love for the series!
This book series literally saved my life. I’m not joking at all. (TW: self-harm mentioned) I promised my therapist that instead of ending my life early… I would read just one more chapter of Percy Jackson. No joke. I still do it to this day.
Excuse me for being extremely passionate about this series so much that I can take the “Rick Riordan hype-train”™️ blinders off and ultimately critique it.
I saw that the show was renewed for a second season. I won’t be watching it. Riordan promised a book accurate adaptation of the series and he ultimately lied to the fanbase. The man was so adamant about it being different from the movies that he forgot what was actually supposed to go on screen.
Every time I think of those books, I think of my happy place, my home.
I tuned into the first episode in a bright orange camp half blood shirt, blue cookies and pizza, (as Percy would) and my room completely decked out in blue lights. I felt safe. I felt like I was going to the one place I felt understood. I had hope for it let me make that clear. I didn’t want to hate it.
I walked away from the first episode, fairly excited about what was to come. I was happy. I re-watched it multiple times. It felt really faithful. I found myself every week after that feeling like I was being killed inside.
I will forever love the books. Every time I travel I bring at least one of the original five with me everywhere I go. I am a passionate fan. I have a Greek mythology tattoo sleeve and Riptide resides all the way down my arm.
Once again, I reiterate, that the Percy Jackson books saved my life and continue to do so. I will always thank Riordan for writing the originals.
There’s my story and my one original post a month
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wnterborn · 6 months
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rhaegelle the righteous
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reponute · 4 months
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lurelin · 10 months
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Meanwhile, Archibald's crew is on vacation. Everyone on the team like lazing on the beach, but Archie is bored, Archie wants some action, so he offered Tren to play beach volleyball. Tren listened to the rules of the game and said that he would like to play alone against four people and captain agreed without thinking. Well, never underestimate your opponent, especially when he's an alien.
Art, OCs and Nirsh'ari(grassar) race © Lurelin patreon | twitter | instagram
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schrijverr · 2 months
Procrastinate My Love Poems
I procrastinate on all the love poems living in my head
All the phrases of adoration that float around up there
That will never be more than a hit of love every time you cross my mind
I let those unwritten poems swirl around in my noggin
They wander about my thoughts filling them with images of you
And I know I should write them down so they won't get lost
So they won't get buried under all the new stuff I discover about you
But I don't
I let them stay in my mind and only a fraction gets written down
You live on in my mind, where I can love you wholly
Where I can love you without the anxiety of tripping over my own words
Where I will always do you justice and never fall short
I love you so much, I know I can't ever fully capture it
So, I procrastinate on all the love poems living in my head
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Can of Worms - Aired April 10, 1999
I'm working on making gifs of less remembered DCOMs as I watch every single one this year! If you have any requests, let me know!
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starkart66414 · 3 months
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My game of Thrones Oc: Saoirse Murphy The Murphy house is located on an island north of ‘the Fingers’ Vassals of the Starks they are a loyal but elusive house.
Their colors are Navy, White and Orange. Their House Sigil: A seal
Saoirse is a Selkie. Her whole family come from a long line of Selkie’s but, she’s the first Selkie born within her family for a long time. Their ‘roots’ are what cause them to isolate from Westeros, branding them ‘elusive’.
Saoirse does not look like most of her family. Her coloring comes from her father. Her family is full of dark haired, dark eyed, fair folk. Saoirse is very pale and blushes quite easily!
If it’s not obvious! I love the song of the sea!! House Murphy is deeply rooted in Irish culture, their fashion (hopefully, as best as possible) will be based off of what the ancient Irish wore in 432 A.D when ‘The Book of Kells’ was written. (I’ll do the best I can with the sources I have, lol…) There will be inaccuracy. :/
Saoirse’s mother, Erin. Based off my own mum’s appearance :) Something quick.
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There was a map I once saw that compared Westeros to its earth counterparts. The Westerlands were England, Dorne was Spain, The North was Scotland. So, their Island? Is the Westeros equivalent of Ireland! I’m hopeful to develop this more but with my own ideas!
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ohmy-zabrak · 8 months
Sandor Clegane has horse boy energy. Catch him crying into Stranger's mane and shit
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alienoryva · 5 months
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WHAT IF ? Queen Jaehaera Targaryen lived longer and had a daughter named Princess Rhaella Targaryen.
After Queen Jaehaera died and King Aegon III remarried. Princess Rhaella is very close to her stepmother (Queen Daenaera Velaryon) and half-siblings, especially Princess Daena Targaryen.
Princess Rhaella married with Jonnel Stark As a pact of ice and fire made by Prince Jacaerys , Sixth child and heir of Lord Cregan Stark and has two daughters Saena and Mara Stark.
Daemon Blackfyre Love Princess Daenerys and refused to Matchmaking with Rohanne of Tyrosh. But He prefers to marry Lady Saena Stark on the advice of his mother (princess daena) , daughter of Princess Rhaella. The Blackfyre rebellion did not happen but House Blackfyre was legalized and they had 3 sons (Aegon,Baelon,alyx) and 4 daughters (Aera,Daella,Rhaellys,Vaena). Meanwhile, Lady Mara Stark is married to Heir to the Lord of House Tully and has 2 sons (Aegnar,Edmund) and 1 daughter (Shaerra).
1) Lord Aegon Blackfyre,Married to lady Alwyne Manderly, third daughter of Lord Manderly. They have 3 sons and 3 daughters.
2)Ser Baelon Blackfyre,Married to Lady Ellara of Lys and had 1 son and 1 daughter. After his wife died, 2 years later he married Lady Marielle Redwyne the sixth daughter of Lord Redwyne and had Twins (boy) and 1 daughter.
3)Ser Alyx Blackfyre,Married to Lady Alyssa Tarly (Great-granddaughter of Rhaena Targaryen) They have 1 daughter. Their marriage was not happy, therefore Alyx also had an illegitimate child (2 sons and 1 daughter) with lady Ravella greyjoy.
4)Lady Aera Blackfyre,Marry jeor mormont Heir to bear island. They have 4 daughters and 3 sons.
5)Lady Daella Blackfyre,Marry Lord Andrew Tarth, Lord of Evenfall Hall. They have 3 sons and 5 daughters.
6)Lady Rhaellys Blackfyre. She,Lady Ella Vaith and Ser Alyn Estermont Sailing to Essos, specifically Volantis, after that they went to the Yi-ti Empire, there Rhaellys met Jar zen later sun emperor One of ruler the dynasties of the Yi-ti empire and They fell in love. The emperor was married and Rhaellys was made one of the highest ranking concubines because she had 4 sons (One of them is the successor to the empire) and 3 daughters.
7)Lady Vaena Blackfyre,She never married but had many lovers. Especially Lord Gerlan Lannister And had 3 bastard sons.
8)Lord Aegnar Tully,Married to lady Gaela Westerling. They have twin daughters and 2 sons.
9)Ser Edmund Tully,Married to Lady Laena Celtigar and had 1 son.
10) Lady Shaerra Tully,Married to the heir of house blackwood and has 5 sons and 4 daughters.
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