#The Underjumble Crew
underjumble · 11 months
Favorite childhood memory for the main UJ characters?
Real quick these might change, just due to how I haven't explored childhood memories
Sans: I think his favorite would be either when he was adopted into the family, but more likely, when Papyrus stumbled upon him. He's had much better moments, and moments where he was happier, but that moment was the first and most meaningful. I think that makes sense?
Papyrus: Probably a moment where he, Sans, Asriel and Gaster were all together. All of his favorite people!! I'm thinking like a birthday for him where the entire day is spent with them, walking out and getting his ego stroked not only by Sans but also every other monster bc he got to get the spotlight :] it would be great. Everything was going perfect
Asriel? I think it would be one of the memories where {Azzy cont} Chara I think would be when they were a teen when emotionally unstable. When their parents were breaking up, they felt pretty vulnerable, since their life turned upside down. They started to worry if they and Asriel would eventually part ways. Asriel got used to being their support, and although it wasn't the happiest moments in their life, it reminded them of how they're always cared for and he would always be there for them until he wasn't.
This is pretty simple but I think Napstablook would be the first fan/follower of theirs. They would be incredibly embarrassed and flustered of course, but it's nice!
This is more of in Mettaton's late teens, but I think his would be having a corporeal body. I don't think it would be his final body (or at least form), that would be later, but it would still be really euphoric.
Toriel and Asgore both were on the surface as children, and met as young adults. I think they would both hold in general their surface life close. Toriel would love seasons and weather the most, enjoying how the world is constantly changing, while Asgore would be a fan of the small (or not so small) cute animals and taking care of them. If a specific one, maybe when a deer approached Asgore and Toriel's being very young her crunching leaves. They love the other's favorite too ofc but :]
Alphys, I think it would be her first tinkering with a device and succeeding! It would be really small, but hc (canon, ig) she loved taking things apart and putting things back, interested in how they work. Undyne would be her first successful sparring as a kid!
Gaster? Hm... I can't think of anything for him. I'll edit this when I think of one (if I remember)
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underjumble · 1 year
A bunch of questions that weren't big enough to be their own (so I'm putting them together)
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3. I realize you said HAS a bad haircut, but I came up with two scenarios that are tertiary canon (I came up with definition of the term so I am sure I'm using it wrong. What I'm saying is it has no effect on the canon so you can take it or leave it.)
The first is Asriel and Chara as kids, where they cut each other's hair for fun without their parents permission. Just being silly. The next is Temmie (without permission but does she ever get permission for anything she does) deciding she's bored and actually a salonist. No one except for other tems actually got their hair cut there while it was open. It got shut down real quick-- because surprisingly, hair everywhere isn't very sanitary for restaurants-- but the customers enjoyed their awful cuts so who's to judge?
4. They would grow up and take their place as the rulers, although Papyrus would be the only one really doing anything. Papyrus would try to overwork him like his dad did, but Sans wouldn't let him take too much on. The reason why the King Papyrus ending was so bad was because the brothers were forced to rule over a broken and hopeless kingdom without warning, but since Papyrus always was meant to be king and the underground is fine.
They're not as respectable as Gaster was, but they're still good, despite Papyrus being very, very eccentric. I think by the time they're adults in this timeline, Sans and Papyrus would be virtually indistinguishable personality wise from the original. Sans would be happier and not worried about the timelines because that hasn't happened unlike the original, but really the reason underjumble has them different is due to the fact they never got to grow up and let go of anything.
Unless Papyrus perfectly times when he has a kid, Papyrus would eventually outlive his brother. He'd be distraught at first, but as time goes by, he'll look back to Sans and smile fondly. He still misses him, but it wouldn't be a stab in the heart to remember him, it would be bittersweet. He came in Papyrus' life and left, but he still brought so much joy. This is assuming Sans' life isn't cut short for whatever reason.
They would probably collect human souls, but only after the human dies of natural causes, because the soul is just there, why not use it? Or you could take the route that humans with the souls together can break the barrier, since the magicians didn't die due to the barrier. Whichever you think of, the point is the underground would be happier.
5. Frisk wears a hoodie!! They're more reclusive and shy, hunching over and wearing the hoodie more. Other than that the outfit is basically the same.
6. Assuming you mean in game, Doggo doesn't really have hopes or dreams. He wants to feel and to have Sans back, but he's given up on the possibility for the most part. Sans just wants to take everything back, but knows it's impossible. Post game he just wants his brother to be able to be at peace.
Asriel's hope is that Gaster's plan won't work, that one day monsters will make peace with humans, and to see his family again. Chara's hopes are to make up with their family and free monsters. Napstablook doesn't really have a dream, and Mettaton wants to be famous. Toriel wants there to be a peaceful solution, the gays want to see each other and date and Gaster wants to take back what he believes is rightfully his.
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Okay so headcanon. A lot of people take all the amalgamates at face value, the only ones. I don't think that's true. Alphys asked for all monsters that have fallen down. Of course not everyone would hand them over but I think it's quite possibly like. 15-30 fallen down monsters she got? My point is I don't think there's just five. Here are the canon five (but not all) amalgamates that you fight. I was going to draw them but I'm bad at drawing so I'll try to describe it. They don't have names yet so I'll just put a line of dialogue
smells like slush - Dess, Pyrope, and Madjick. Has melty ropes binding them and Dess' head and Madjick's melted orbs.
what a catastrophe! - probably not really using that line. Sans doesn't make puns in really serious situations. A handful of temmies and a final froggit. This one looks less like one whole and more like almost a pile. Not completely ofc but since most amalgamates have melted to the point it just looks like one creature.
I don't have any actual quotes I just wanted to show off the slush one and trapped myself - One from the jerry species, an ice cap and a chilldrake
- Gyfttrot, Knight Knight, Monster Kid's father
- Memory head with misgospel movements of eyes.
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Underjumble Blooky canonically wears headphones the entire game so yeah! They just like me fr
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13. Assuming we're not talking about with any souls or LOVE, Sans and Doggo is, I'm just gonna say it, they're like the weakest ones. Sans can't even interact with the physical world, or if he can it's very limited, and Doggo is a plush. There's a reason why he watches from afar and doesn't let himself get in stabbing distance until he feels like you can't hurt him. Just putting this out there so it's known I'm not including them. I would say Gaster. Undyne is strong as hell but she's not a boss monster, and none of the monster Dreemurrs really have a reason to have practiced and been skilled much.
14. I think he would be awful at names but not in the sense Asgore is. Bro would look at a place and name it a long scientific term. I've never actually thought about that idea though :0 I have thought about it a bit and I think Asgore still named the areas, since Gaster wasn't focused on that and he was close with Asgore, he got the privileges to.
15. It was from unnatural ways, I can tell you that. I haven't decided on how exactly, but basically yeah he did make Paps. Although I love that headcanon. "here's that tiny guy you ordered. hope it's okay if i fucked around with his genetic code a bit." Maybe that's why he can just float
16. Before she fell I assume you mean. Basically!!! She's a little silly hehehe. They'd interact like how the ogs would interact. They're still close, even though Maddie doesn't-- I guess i should say didn't-- live in the same house.
17. That's cool!!!!!
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19. He uses long words and uncommon(?) terms that most people don't use in every day speech, and doesn't use contractions very often. I like to think he just uses some words wrong but he's been through countless timelines so that's not likely
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underjumble · 1 year
What is the cast's deepest regret?
ohohohHO this is a fun one >:DDD
For Papyrus, I have two answers. If we’re talking about post-becoming evil to pre-pacifist end, it’s not having killed the village. Killing the village means Sans wouldn’t have died in vain, the underground would be free, and he would’ve been happy. I’ve seen some people say that Flowey is glad he’s changed, but I don’t think that fits him. Sure, he’s numb and hardened himself, but I wouldn’t say he wouldn’t want to go back. He talks about resetting the timeline once and for all at the end, and although I don’t really think of what he was doing, the theory I subscribe to the most is that he wanted to destroy the memories and live a life, possibly without memories. He’s not downright malicious. He’s just numb and bored. So same thing goes with Doggo! If pre-evil or post-pacifist, I think it would be agreeing to Sans’ plan for basically the same reasons.
For Sans, unless if a genocide run has been committed, it would be for going through with the plan as well. He was being rash and not thinking things through, and it brought the underground and his family so much pain. Even if they didn't fail, he pushed Paps to do something he didn't want to do and it probably wouldn't work to just kill 6 humans without anyone witnessing and knowing that a monster killed them. It was a selfish decision and made everyone unhappy.
Asriel’s is allowing the humans to leave. He misses Chara, but the biggest regret is letting humans he promised to protect fall and die. Sorry for the short answer for him but it’s pretty self explanatory.
Chara’s is pushing their family away. It isn’t one action so it might be cheating, but Chara believes that Toriel does not want to even associate with them because of their actions against humanity, and Asriel left a while ago, and sometimes it feels like it's their fault.
Napstablook? This is pretty hard since they’re just an anxiety bean. If Frisk kills Mettaton though, they’ll feel overwhelming guilt for telling you how to defeat Mettaton because /stars you weren’t meant to kill him they didn’t think you would do that–/
Mettaton? Probably that one time he wore a clashing outfit ngl.
Maddie would probably be falling into the core, although I do really like the idea of her seeing herself shattered across time and space and being like “hell yeah cryptid time” sorry that the cousins aren’t very serious like the rest ;-;
For Toriel, it would be creating the amalgamates, second place to marrying Asgore (/silly)
Speaking of Asgore, Asgore's would mostly be not being a stable enough family for their kids :[
Undyne’s is not making enough time for Alphys and how she kept pushing on, never leaving enough time for Alphys. Alphys would be wait guys just a second what the hell is going on? Why is- well that is the darndest thing I’ve seen. I have no idea what happened but for a bit my cursor just??? was in the middle of the letters??? I know it’s not my computer because the new text working fine now but the older text still is wonky. Idk how to describe it.
Update! When I copy paste it somewhere else it doesn’t do it. Must’ve been a weird format.
Back to Alphys. Probably whatever she did to make Undyne distance herself :(
Gaster’s biggest regret is easily being too busy with work. He could’ve just hired people, he could’ve made it so there were more positions under him doing work, or he could’ve stopped being so /stubborn/ and not overwork himself with things no one was even asking for. But he didn’t, and now his kids are dead.
It hurts when he remembers when he’s rejected the two. Every time he said “I’m too busy, sorry” to them when they asked to do something together. Every time he’s called Asriel to babysit his kids. I will admit that Gaster should’ve been better at managing his work and personal time, he’s a bit too harsh on himself.
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