#The Unending Journey || Mainverse
starlit-heir · 1 year
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Z'nakei had fallen just tad behind on her studies, who could really blame her? Even with the Final Days dealt with people were still clambering for her services. So she was in Sharlayan's library, legs swinging from the bench she was sitting on.
Partly because she wanted his company, and partly to exploit his height, she had convinced Emet-Selch to come study with her. Her ears twitched as she heard approaching footsteps, looking up with a sickeningly sweet smile. Oh a method she had damn near perfected in such time. A cute, sweet, innocent little act to tug at the heart-strings.
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"Did you find iit~?" The Miqo'te asked, the words drawn out in a little sing-song tone. Yet another book she requested he retrieve because, like most of the other books in this damn place, she could not reach.
She scooted to the side on the bench, staring up at him expectantly as she patted the space next to her.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
Z’nakei grimaced as she sat alone at a table in the Seventh Heaven, waiting for Tataru to stop being busy and show up. Sure, the fussing meant the Lalafell cared, but... Really. It’d been months now since the Scions came back from Ultima Thule. She was walking again- albeit often with the help of her staff, carbuncle, or both. How many times had she been called by linkpearl for a checkup in the last month alone?
More annoying was the fact that she couldn’t just barge into the Rising Stones now because of having to keep up appearances of being ‘disbanded’. She’d have to be particularly stupid to not notice the curious stares she earned from patrons, a common occurrence ‘earned’ by her feats. They could at least have more tact and be subtle if they were going to ogle her, though...
Now hyper-aware of the curious stares and self-conscious, the Miqo’te shifted in her seat. Her teeth ground together as she bit back hisses of pain as she adjusted her posture to make it seem as though she wasn’t still running on just mere hours of sleep and her body pains still spiking from lingering stress from the Final Days.
In moments she drew in a deep breath and collected herself, building herself back up to be the perfect little hero the masses idolized. Her gaze flitted down to the empty glass in front of her, scowling a bit. The water that had been in it was long gone. Really, she wanted coffee. Yet she was all too aware that she’d be receiving the scolding of a lifetime if Tataru learned that she was still sustaining herself on mostly coffee.
So, she resigned herself to just continuing to wait and physically keeping herself from cringing away in discomfort at the attention she attracted.
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bnuuywol · 11 months
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Why do I remember this place?
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starlit-heir · 1 year
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@grumpyascianteddybear | ☆
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"I'm not sure..." Z'nakei murmured sadly, brows furrowed as she looked away- the concerned look on his face somehow making her feel guilty. "It's been like this for years, I don't know if it even can be helped..."
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starlit-heir · 1 year
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It had grown a bit too chilly for her to be able to focus on her current studies in Sharlayan. So, for the time being, she left! Because that was an option and for once she wasn't obligated to stay in any given place for one threat or another.
As for where to go? Radz-at-Han. There she could soak up that sweet, sweet warmth. Snow? What is snow? Such thing does not exist~ For the moment, while she is in warmth paradise, anyone who tries to argue that snow does exist is just wrong. Poor them, what a shame.
It wasn't long before she found Estinien, blinking a little as the gears turned. Slowly, slowly she inched over towards him. Eventually she was staring up at him, stumbling a little from how much she had to crane her head back to even be able to look him in the eyes.
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Evidently, her intelligence and the few social skills she possessed had yet to thaw out. The Miqo'te just pointed up towards the Elezen, quiet for a moment before she remembered what words were. "The world's not endin'... Tour."
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stxrcxller · 2 years
@badassbarmaid | ✩
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"I've got it." Z'nakei reassured, first looking through the kitchen to see what ingredients were available before deciding on what she wanted to make. After collecting everything she got started.
She picked something quick and simple, so that she wouldn't have time to get too unsteady on her feet before finishing. It wasn't long before she set down two plates on the table, "There you go!"
Unknowingly, she waited until Tifa tried a bite before eating herself- and even more unknowingly, she took multiple glances towards the Hyur to see what she thought.
As expected of someone raised by one of Lominsa's culinarians, the food was good.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
@senetaf | ✩
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White ears twitched at the sound of someone speaking to her, the Miqo'te certainly caught of guard for a brief moment. She doubted she'd even need to have the heightened hearing of her people to know that this stranger's voice sounded especially nice.
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And then, almost immediately, her brows furrowed. "Well... that certainly isn't a sketchy question to pose to a stranger... Outside of the markets, no less..."
She quickly folded up her notes, haphazardly tucking them away before grabbing her staff and using it to get up to properly face the Viera. "And... what exactly is this 'offer'?"
Ah, and there it goes again. The near constant internal begging for people to not cause a problem she'd be obligated to stick her nose into. Too tired for that!
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starlit-heir · 1 year
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While the coursework wasn't necessarily difficult, she did often fall behind. The rest of her life was far too busy to dedicate all of her time to her studies. So, in the moments of calm, she often spent a night or two binging it all and catching up. During those days, she would basically live inside Noumenon.
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Today led to a rare sight. The Miqo'te fast asleep, not a hint of fitfulness to be seen. Going by the piles of tomes around her and one still open in her lap, she had been working for so long she fell asleep.
And, embarrassing as it would be when she'd come to, no one had the heart to wake her up considering she had been there for days already catching up. One of her aides laid nearby, tail lazily wagging here and there as he watched people come and go.
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starlit-heir · 1 year
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Z'nakei was quiet as she chipped away at the work that had piled up during another brief period of being otherwise busy. As evident from her squinting to see and the fact that her eyes were still red and puffy, she had been crying at some point. A long, tired sigh left her as she leaned back in her chair. She couldn't focus like this.
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Resigned to the fact that she wouldn't be getting any work done, she stood up. Slowly she navigated through her house to get to the kitchen to brew herself a fresh pot of coffee White ears twitched as she heard familiar steps come through the doorway, turning to look over her shoulder.
"Hades? I-I'm sorry... Did I wake you?" Although, perhaps waking him up had been inevitable, she had been trying to get her studies done while still in bed so she wouldn't have to leave the warm covers. Which meant she had to disturb said bed to get up for some more coffee. "You can go back to bed, I won't be long."
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starlit-heir · 1 year
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@voidalbound | ☆
For what felt like the thousandth time since meeting Zero, Z'nakei was locked within her own head. Thoughts bringing her along in an unwilling fight to sift through the fuzzy blanks in yet another effort to try and piece together why exactly she was so spooked by the voidsent.
The Miqo'te could feel her stomach churn more and more as she drifted further and further. Only being dragged back to reality once she vaguely heard Zero's harsh wording.
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She blinked repeatedly, looking around almost frantically as she reoriented herself. Still in one place, still in one piece, supposedly safe...
A few pinches here and there just to be extra sure that yes, she is indeed in one piece. Then, it reoccurred to her that Zero had said something. "A-ah... Sorry... Don't know what happened there." Liar. "Did you need something?"
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stxrcxller · 2 years
With the Final Days no longer a threat and the Forum relieved of their great duty, the Studium had begun to open up to foreign students. Hearing this, the Miqo’te had been among one of the first to enroll. The agreement to cover her tuition was a Gods-send, as well. With so many new students expected to enroll, more and more supplies were needed. Supplies that Z’nakei could procure one way or another be it through crafting or other arrangements.
And yet, there was a tiny, tiny little hurdle in all of her grand plans. Fandaniel. Who had somehow lived, she could only imagine through Meteion wishing for Hermes’s soul to find happiness one way or another. And she, of course, was the one tasked with making sure he didn’t go on another murderous rampage.
So in between her studies, lingering existential crisis, securing an absurd amount of supplies in bulk for the studium, finding a reason to justify her continued existence, and waiting for updates on investigations into the Thirteenth... She was left to babysit the man who had been Hellsbent on destroying the world her friends loved.
Here she was at her workstation, slumping back in her seat as she found herself having to take another break from the heavier physical work getting all these supplies demanded. Z’nakei spared a glance over her shoulder, finding that infuriating face staring right back her. She could at least count her blessings that he hadn’t done anything yet... Demoralized from not getting his way, perhaps?
The Miqo’te’s gaze narrowed into a glare as she scoffed. “If you really must stare, then have a painting made or something. It’ll last far longer and you can stare at it all you like.”
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stxrcxller · 2 years
With the Studium opened up to foreign students and her deal made with Ameliance to both help the incoming students as well as cover her own tuition, Z'nakei was spending more and more time at the Leveilleur estate. Which, admittedly, made some things painfully awkward.
Had she forgiven Fourchenault for his earlier treatment of the twins? Not entirely. But, the twins seemed to, so that was enough for her to at least be civil. Normally she'd just avoid him or make things as brief as possible. That, unsurprisingly, was much harder to do when she was spending most of her time in his home working.
White ears twitched at the sound of footsteps nearby, the Miqo'te cringing internally. Those sounded too heavy to be Ameliance, nor did they sound like any of the servants' - at least, of those she had managed to get a good feel for. For her part, she decided to pretend not to notice and instead keep working until she was spoken to.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
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It was more than a little annoying, not being able to do most of her gathering herself anymore. She did have...ethically borrowed mammets, but she was recently made to return those- like she most certainly always intended to. So when all else fails... go out and buy some more materials. Or, rather, bribe Ul’dah’s alchemists with new things she had learned of the craft in Thavnair and through her own escapades. Oh yes, the needed ingredients for her own personal medicines and potions came showering down after that.
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Before long, she was seated at one of the many fountains in Ul’dah, checking through a hastily scribbled down list to make sure she’d gotten a good stock of everything she’d need for a while. ...As well as give her carbuncle many pats as a reward for hauling everything for her. Once satisfied with her double-checking, she was rummaging through her things for any scraps of paper- finding a crumpled up wad- this time scribbling down recent ‘secrets’ the Ul’dahn Alchemists had uncovered.
“And with that... I should be set for even longer next time I run out.” Ah, the back and forth of trade. And perfectly ethical because it meant higher competition and thus, higher practice and learning for everyone involved! Though, hearing someone else nearby, she did also scribble another note- this time to herself- to stop talking to herself in public. Because she did not need people questioning her mental state on top of all other aspects of her wellbeing.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
It was certainly stupid to be so nervous over something so trivial, yet the Miqo’te had to physically hold her own hands to stop the trembling. Once she was mostly certain she wouldn’t make a fool of herself, she left the room she was currently working in to go find Ameliance. Upon finding the Elezen woman, Z’nakei was holding out a not-so-neatly wrapped box. Inside was a blue gown in a style popular among Ishgard nobles.
“You’ve been helping both me and the other foreign students so much, I wanted to thank you somehow...” She finally found herself able to look at Ameliance, fidgeting a bit. “It’s a style popular among Ishgardian nobles. I-I took some liberties though on the pattern for the inner lining. Since it hopefully doesn’t get as cold as it does there, here, I made the lining lighter.” Her ears perked up, fidgeting growing more frequent. “I-I also left extra room to allow for alterations, in case I guessed measurements wrong-”
With more time to think about the moment, the Miqo’te seemed ready to start back-pedaling. “O-Of course, you don’t have to take it if it’s not to your liking, I just... erm...” It was then she decided to shut up ahead of time before she could make this anymore awkward.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
After barely being brought back from death’s door not too long ago, the last thing she should be doing is picking up more work. And yet, in her infinite stupidity wisdom, that was exactly what Z’nakei was doing. If she was preoccupied with and consumed by extra work, she’d have no room to think about the worst of what happened- or her crippling loneliness following the Scions’ ‘disbandment’. A genius and healthy way to deal with everything, truly.
Eventually, though, she was shoo’d away from her current workstation where she was toiling away on supplies for the new students at the Studium. Something along the lines of ‘Have you eaten at all today? You look as if you’re about to fall over.’ And subsequently, she was locked out of the room with her work until she ate something.
And so there she was, sitting alone at a table at the Last Stand, face planted against the wood as she contemplated her life decisions all over again with this unwanted free time. The most becoming behavior fitting the savior of the star.
Her ears twitched at the sound of approaching footsteps, head lifting as she expected a plate of food to be set in front of her. Instead, she found herself staring up at red eyes. The Miqo’te just wordlessly grumbled her greeting before planting her face right back against the table. Sure, company was company. But this company did not look to be bearing food, which meant it’d be even later before she could get back to work.
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stxrcxller · 2 years
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I’m not like you Stop it I hate the way you judge me
I hate you
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