#The Wallachian Rose
The Wallachian Rose| Alucard x Female Reader| THE END
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“Love is fire that burns without being seen;
It is a wound that hurts and is not felt;
It is discontented contentment;
It is pain that goes wild without hurting.
It is a not wanting more than well wanting;
It's lonely walking among people;
It is never to be content to be content;
It is caring that you win by losing;
It is wanting to be imprisoned by will;
It is serving who wins, the winner;
It's having someone who kills us with happiness.
More, how can your favor cause friendship in human hearts, if so contrary to it, is love?
Louis of Cameos
And after sighing bitterly, you closed the poetry book. You were depressed, bitter... like when you were separated from Alucard three hundred and twenty-three years ago. Currently your mind was filled with many “whys”?
Why didn't you intervene more?
Why didn't you fight?
Why didn't you go with him?
Why didn't you kill that catboy when you had the chance?
Why did Alucard leave... just... so easily after 323 years?
The mourning you felt was shared and understood by Seras Victoria who now had Captain Pip's soul inside her, with a will of her own.
you found it very cute
You taught him how to regenerate his arm, he was still years away from mastering the various abilities of a true vampire.
"The fact that you lost your arm before becoming a true vampire has nothing to do with the fact that you can't regenerate it now, if that were the case, Alucard would have had no head..." you explained bitterly to your new appendage while trying to regenerate his arm for the ninth time.
Vlad... Alucard... every time you remembered those names a huge and unbearable pain invaded your chest. As if they were tearing your heart sinew by sinew over and over again.
The worst thing is that you were a total masochist, since you were still in the Hellsing mansion... and the logic was that you were in France, but you decided not to run away anymore and face the miserable and eternal life that touched you... without Alucard.
Thirty... thirty years have passed and Integra had already aged, she felt somewhat guilty, and she tried to reward you but you told her that she couldn't do anything about it anymore. You really didn't blame anyone, but if you accepted the small personal room that I ordered to decorate for you, it was a small room with a long piece of furniture, a table where you put all the books you were going to read for the day, and of course, your personal blood supply next to your coffin.
Sometimes on the loneliest nights, when Seras Victoria's company no longer satisfied you. You went down to the basement where Alucard's coffin was, and you caressed the sealed lid, you detailed the phrase carved in Romanian, and shed a few tears.
And to think that it was the only thing you had of him.
One night, specifically when it officially turned 30 years old. You decided that you would return to France the following evening.
And at that precise moment, the unimaginable happened, several shots were heard in Integra's room. You ignored the fact, Seras would take care of it.
How did you not feel her presence and smell her?
Alucard had returned, he had been shot on the floor of Integra's room.
"They're still just as noisy," the vampire says amused, dripping with blood.
"You took a long time, Alucard... a long time" she said, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"My apologies"
"Where were you?"
“I was killing all the souls inside me, one by one, until there was only one left. Now I'm here and nowhere at the same time, that's why I came back” he answered without further ado, and after a silence he said “My queen?…” he asked Integra directly who after smiling answered.
“She stayed with us” explains Integra
"Oh really?" answered this.
"That's right, she has replaced you wonderfully... although, she's about to leave for France, you should stop being dramatic and go for her, it's an order" Integra says with a huge smile, taking a cigar from her nightstand.
As you looked at how the warm colors of dawn peeked over the mountains announcing the sunrise, you were almost ready to go, you just needed to pack a good dozen books for your trip.
Until you heard a voice, a recognizable voice, causing your skin to crawl, time to stop and your legs to shake.
"Are you going somewhere?" asked a male baritone voice. You turned slowly "I'm offended by the fact that you haven't noticed my presence" he continued speaking as he slowly approached you "because I felt every caress you gave in my coffin, and I felt every tear, and I heard every word" he expresses smiling, not even hell burned as much as the look he had on you, he was already close to you, stuck to you, he took you firmly by the waist. You still had your mouth open in astonishment "Shut your mouth, or a fly will get into you" and then I kiss you, being a king of passionate kisses.
I devour your mouth with enthusiasm.
You responded gladly.
But you were upset, you wanted to hit him, tear him to pieces, burn him, and after he regenerated, do it again.
But you had missed him so much.
Alucard purred, you were damn excited.
"What beautiful thoughts, I have such a sweet and loving wife" he had read all your thoughts.
You don't want to talk, but I didn't want to bother you either, not now.
After several kisses you decided to talk.
"Where were you fucking bastard?" Asked.
"Killing the souls inside me, there were more than three thousand, I was not going to finish in one day" he answered in his defense.
Does that mean not as "invincible" as before?"
"And now I'm here but not at the same time" I conclude caressing your face.
"That means... Are you like an illusion?... Are you not truly with me?" you questioned while melancholy returned to your eyes.
"You hear my voice" he whispers in your ear "You feel my skin" I run your hands over his face "you can taste my kisses and feel my body" and grope your waist "I am as real as the love I feel for you"
“This is unfading Alucard, it really doesn't matter what the fuck of beings we are. What we feel does not wither with anything, I love you" you recite caressing her chest
“Me plus My Lifeless Queen” and they inevitably made love for the thirty years they were apart.
Integra's last orders were that you and Alucard have a honeymoon outside the Hellsing facility and that we take care of his heir (but this is another story). Little by little Hellsing became a historical legacy that, like everything else, would be lost in the history of the world.
And in the distant future it would be seen as a myth.
With the advent of modernity, you and Alucard adopted a somewhat homely lifestyle with Seras Victoria. And they were part of the myths, it was fun to hang around the streets and hear people talk about vampires with three among them. Without expecting it, you had your long-awaited eternal honeymoon.
Count Vlad and La Rosa de Valaquia were already myths and legends.
Alucard the vampire hunter and Roses are part of the past.
Now they were just two avoidant beings who love each other.
And this story will not have the word "END" because as long as you and Alucard continue together and love each other, it will never have it.
This story shows how capricious and mysterious destiny is.
That love is not exclusive to humans or pure of heart.
And that monsters can love.
Always yours, always hers.
This Eviterna story has been consummate.
While in another different world.
A new love story between two young vampires is just beginning.
Coming soon: Hellsing and Castlevania crossover, don't miss it
With all your love, care and devotion: A Writer of Darkness
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athenov · 11 months
Hi!!! I'm fairly new here so I'm not sure if this has been discussed but I'd love to see your take on the relationship between BulRo during Bul's empires. Do you have headcanons for it?
anon I'm SO SORRY for this being late, life's been crazy lately
I do, I do! I haven't discussed it before though. But here is a short list, trying to potentially stave off spoilers for Rose-Hearted.
Please take in consideration that I am not a historian and my headcannons should be taken as what they are: Mere headcannons, not actual commentary on medieval history and entity dynamics.
[Also bear in mind that in my verse Romania is a woman. It's my nationverse and I get to pick my women]
● In the First Bulgarian Empire, Dimitar didn't interact a lot with Antonia [Romania]. Romanians weren't mentioned a lot in the First Empire, and there's little information available on the inter-relations of Bulgarians and Romanians. I imagine that Antonia, unhappy with her situation, would draw herself away and do her own things.
•I think that Dimitar would try to approach her though! Get to know her a bit better. He'd often bring her little gifts that he made himself — flowers from his garden, woodcarvings of small animals (My headcannon is that Dimitar enjoys wood-carving) she likes. Antonia is always polite with him, but isn't exactly sure if she trusts Dimitar fully.
•As Dimitar becomes stronger and more confident in his abilities, he also becomes more confident in communicating with others and isn't as shy or timid with Antonia. He has accepted that Antonia has her doubts of him, but he'd try to befriend her regardless.
•Unintentionally, he rubs off on her and she grows more confident as time passes. She discovers her own passions and hobbies — she develops an interest in the occult, magic and folklore, which leads her into hours of research.
•Dimitar bonds with Antonia over a shared interest in folklore; he tells her stories of the Bulgars and Slavs, and she records them. Antonia, in return, tells stories of her mother, Dacia's accomplishments and adventures, as well as Roman mythology.
•In the end, during the First Empire they don't exactly interact a lot, but when they do, they're amicable. Antonia bonds with Dimitar overtime, but still keeps a fair amount of distance.
•When the First Bulgarian Empire was conquered by the Byzantine Empire and turned into a Theme (essentially a province), Dimitar, as the representative, was captured and taken to the Byzantine court. Antonia, having fallen under the Byzantine sphere of influence, stayed behind, but had to stay subservient to the Empire, as many other nations. During that time, she continued her research on folklore while also sending letters to Dimitar, detailing her daily life and expressing disdain for "that arrogant man-child with the purple cloak".
>It was also at that time where Antonia and Miroslav (Serbia) actually befriended each other, due to being at similar situations.
•Like I said, she'd send Dimitar letters. LOTS of them. She'd also include drawings she made, of various things: Mostly scenery, but also portraits. She found herself missing Dimitar.
•The Second Bulgarian Empire was marked by more interactions between Bulgarians and Romanians (known as Wallachians or Vlachs then). Indeed, the revolution against the Byzantine Empire that resulted in the creation of the SBE was started by three Romanians (Asan, Kaloyan and Peter).
•After Dimitar returned from captivity, he and Antonia grew closer. Antonia became more assertive when it involved political matters and she often advised Dimitar. The SBE soon became the dominant entity in the Balkans, defeating the Romans multiple times.
•It was then that Antonia realized she had feelings for Dimitar, but soon pushed them away in order to focus on her own life. Mainly, getting her own state and no longer relying on anyone else for her people's existence and well-being.
•The Mongol Invasions ended Cuman influence and weakened Hungary, which gave Antonia an opportunity to call for unification and the creation of an independent state. Even when she left Dimitar's side, she never stopped sending him letters offering advice and generally talking.
•Dimitar kept all her letters. Even through Ottoman times, when he tended to his garden, he'd keep the most beautiful flowers and name them after her. Yes I headcannon him as sappy, crucify me.
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whatthecrowtold · 2 years
#unhallowedarts - "I spread it over centuries, and time is on my side" - Bram Stoker's Dracula
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“You reason well, and your wit is bold, but you are too prejudiced. You do not let your eyes see nor your ears hear, and that which is outside your daily life is not of account to you. Do you not think that there are things which you cannot understand, and yet which are, that some people see things that others cannot? But there are things old and new which must not be contemplated by men's eyes, because they know, or think they know, some things which other men have told them. Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all, and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain. But yet we see around us every day the growth of new beliefs, which think themselves new, and which are yet but the old, which pretend to be young, like the fine ladies at the opera.“
(Bram Stoker “Dracula”)
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It was a indeed a dark and stormy night, the one in the year without Summer back in 1816, when the Shelleys, Byron and his physician John Polidori sat down to make pop culture history. Cut off from the world, bored witless and full to the brim with laudanum, his lordship challenged the gathered Romantic enfants perdu to lift the burden of ennui with telling ghost stories in the German fashion. And while both Byron and Shelley brought off rather nothing except consuming more narcotics that night, Mary famously began to write “Frankenstein” and Polidori engendered the other treasured dread, the aristocratic, suave, blood sucking king of the undead, the vampire. The myth itself was, of course, centuries old and only two generations before, a downright mass hysteria ran through Europe when repeated cases of vampirism were reported in the Balkans along the Austro-Turkish military border.
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Polidori though took the revenant peasant prowling around his former home and sucking the blood of his family, clad him in evening attire and modelled him after the pattern of his employer into a Byronic hero. Polidori’s Lord Ruthven became the ancestor of the 19th and 20th century’s vampires that haunted the imaginations of countless readers and the pages of Gothic literature from the likes of Gogol and Merimee to the infamous penny dreadfuls. One of these featured a creature called “Varney the Vampire” who brought in the fangs and the tell-tale bite marks and Sheridan Le Fanu’s “Carmilla” from 1872 gave the myth the structure of a long dead noble á la Coleridge’s “Christabel” haunting a damsel in distress and a group of heroes bringing the creature to bay with the help of ancient lore and occult paraphernalia. The groundwork was laid and along came Bram Stoker.
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As a child, Stoker was bedridden until the age of seven, rose as from the dead after his mysterious illness all of a sudden ceased, became a football star at college, graduated in mathematics and ended up a pen-pusher in Dublin Castle. Not satisfied with his lot, naturally, Stoker changed his career to theatre critic at the Dublin Evening Mail, owned by Sheridan Le Fanu, and attracted the attention of the famous actor Sir Henry Irving with a favourable review, the two became friends and Stoker followed Irving to become his manager. Meanwhile he had won the hand of Florence Balcombe, a celebrated beauty, courted by Stoker’s acquaintance form Trinity College Oscar Wilde as well as a host of other suitors. Stoker would bring these experiences into a literary form in his opus magnum “Dracula” with Sir Henry Irving acting as model for the undead count as Byron did for Polidori 80 years before.
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Stoker had never been to Romania, during the 1890s a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but he did a thorough research on his subjects that he would add with iconic effects to the imagery of the literary Gothic, from local legends of the 1750s, the late 15th century Wallachian Prince Vlad III. Drăculea who was famed in western European sources for his cruelty and other inspirations from Central Europe like Princess Eleonore von Schwarzenberg, rumoured to be a vampire during her lifetime at the beginning of the 18th century and already an inspiration for German poet Gottfried August Bürger to his poem “Leonore”. Well-known enough known to Stoker and everyone else who read and wrote Gothic literature.
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Pitting his research-wise well founded mythical Count and his ancient evil that bears strong resemblances to the feared syphilis as well as despicable moral liberties against the forces of the modern age, trains, the telegraph, typewriters, repeating rifles and established processes and organised teamwork, based on thorough research. Published in 1897, “Dracula” became an instant success and the standard followed to this day, even if Stoker and “Dracula” act only as powers behind the throne of “Urban Fantasy”.
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All artwork above is by John Coulthart from his 2018 take on "Dracula" and nicked from his blog linked below
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fabulous-monsters · 4 years
Since the “reincarnated wife” plot is probably going to be a continuing trope in various Dracula media until the end of time... imagine....
There’s a plot twist somewhere after Mina is infected where Jonathan can somehow, definitively, prove to her that she is in fact NOT Dracula’s reincarnated wife actually - even after she’s been thoroughly convinced, and understandably haunted by this apparent “revelation”.
In all actuality, Dracula (probably unknowingly) has been unconsciously using his vampiric hypnotism to project this idea onto her, and literally every woman who even remotely reminds him of his perfect waifu. and his own skewed, selectively biased, heavily rose-tinted memories of this dead Wallachian woman just empathically gaslights people into the same toxic relationship that Drac himself has been desperately trying to recreate for +600 years. completely ignorant to just how likely one-sided and terrible this ship was even for the woman he was originally with.
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shallowmagics · 4 years
— •  s. & adrian tepes • —
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The castle was made for giants. Everything was tall, from the doors to the cabinets. Which, Sypha understood to some degree. Vampires were taller than average people, the one that made the castle taller than even most vampires. From a building standpoint, it just made sense. Why build a structure that didn’t fit the intended inhabitants? However when one of the people who frequented the castle was a completely average height for a human, it made things a little difficult.
She felt like a child, every time she entered. She supposed that was the point, make everything as imposing as possible to keep away unwanted visitors. Yet it was a bit of a blow to her self esteem, especially when she had to stand on a chair just to get a cup for a drink.
Not to mention she couldn’t even see the cups, having to root around blindly for something that felt right.
Exactly her issue now, one small hand flailing around the cupboard. Looking for glass, metal, ceramic, anything she could drink out of. They would take a bowl at this point. Yet her hand closed around something soft, dragging it out into the open. Two somethings, she thought as one slid a few inches down from the other.
Finally, she could see her prize properly in the weak winter sunlight shining through the room. Two dolls, appearing hastily made. She set the one that looked like Belmont gently down on the counter, sitting next to it. Little Sypha was cupped in her own hands, almost reverently.
The doll was cute, she decided. A direct representation of her looks back home, from the Speaker cloak to the shade of buttons used for Little Sypha’s eyes. Even the hair was the same dark caramel color hers turned in the summer, lightened by the harsh rays of the Wallachian sun.
As cute as it was, a weight settled behind her ribcage. The doll was strange. It didn’t hold any sort of magic, so it couldn’t be a poppet used to curse her. But it’s presence unsettled her. The makeshift accuracy, the fact that both Little Sypha and Little Trevor had been hidden in a place Adrian knew she couldn’t reach... How long had these been there? The bile rose in their throat, remembering the mere crumbs she had managed to pick up about the time she and Belmont had left. With the lawn ornamentations that would make one Vald Tepes proud and the pure vitriol he had treated her with at at first, Sypha knew it had been traumatic for him. Yet the dolls were what felt wrong to her. Not the bodies by the front door, not the bits of armor from long-dead soldiers she still found around the castle. Just the dolls and the feeling of violated privacy.
Still, Sypha was entranced by the little doll, thumb running over its burlap face as she fought to keep the bile in her throat down.
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@hollowedheavens​ for adrian!
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huntsfirst · 6 years
tiny headcanons that i havent written posts about yet:
leon didn’t know how to dance any traditional wallachian dances when he first came to the country. he was used to french dances and a few of the dances from foreign countries they had been to before, but not wallachian. claudia ended up teaching him before they were wed.
his favorite flowers are white roses, forget-me-nots and sunflowers. all three can be found in the belmont garden depending on the season.
his feelings about mathias pre-becoming-dracula are. complicated. and mostly repressed. he doesn’t like talking about it very much. there’s a lot of religion involved. it’s a messy subject.
he proposed to claudia after nearly being killed on a hunt. proposing after / during life threatening situations is clearly a belmont trait.
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yume-danshi · 6 years
malus headcanons no one asked me for
(bold statements are canon)
he's an amazing violinist, which means it's likely his hands are pretty calloused
he actually cared for his human family before he was kidnapped by actrise. unlike what legends tell, he did not kill his parents - she did. likewise, the other kidnapped children were also sentenced to death by actrise without malus knowing. she was severely punished for this, as he had befriended one of the children. because of these things, he's always held disdain for actrise.
he can shift his age at will between his younger (8 year old) and older (~20s-30s) selves. his younger form is more cruel but also (obviously) childish, while his older form is more intimidating and likely to go through with threats.
while living with his human family - humble farmers hailing from a wallachian village - he had multiple cats and at least two puppies which he cared for deeply.
he began learning violin at the age of six.
he is very afraid of allowing anyone - including lucian and his children - to become attached to him for fear of losing them in a horrific way. this is both due to actrise ripping his family, pets, and friends from him as well as the experiences of tragically losing his loved ones in a past life. this is why he treats luca and their kids harshly.
relating to above, he has frequent nightmares about those he secretly cares for being ripped from him again. though no one is aware, he has spent many nights awake alone in the hidden library of the castle center to cry where he won't be seen.
he is a polyglot: able to speak multiple languages. he is fluent in speaking, reading, and writing romanian, hungarian, german, english, and many old slavic languages.
much like soma, he has the ability to manifest wings for ease of travel. he can manipulate their appearance, but typically chooses to bear feathered wings the same color as his hair.
his dragon-like form can change size at will.
he adores animals, particularly cats.
he cannot stand the smell of roses thanks to rosa, but he has a fondness for lavender and lilacs as well as moonflowers and honeysuckle.
his favorite snack is roasted peanuts.
he hates the taste of coffee without enough sugar and creamer to kill an orc.
the taste of warm milk and honey calms him enough to put him to sleep, even after nightmares.
very often, he will sneak into lucian's room to watch him sleep. only alucard has caught him, but he has not told a soul.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
31 Best Horror TV Shows on Streaming Services
Horror and television have always been a bit of an awkward fit. What’s scary and what’s bingeable sometimes seem mutually exclusive. Horror requires that you suspend your disbelief and the longer it asks of your attention span, the higher the risk that the tension wanes.
Still, in the modern streaming era, there are plenty of horror TV shows that get the spooky job done. Gathered on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, and HBO Max are some truly great bingeable options to elevate the heart rate. Here we’ve compiled the very best of the best. What follows are the 31 best streaming horror TV shows. 
American Horror Story
Available on: Netflix, Hulu
Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story is revolutionary in quite a few ways. Not only did it help usher in a renewed era of anthology storytelling on television, it also was arguably the first successful network television horror show since The X-Files.
Like all anthologies, American Horror Story has its better seasons (season 1 a.k.a. Murder House, season 2 a.k.a. Asylum, season 6 a.k.a. Roanoke) and its worse (season 3 a.k.a. Coven and season 8 a.k.a. Apocalypse). Still, for nine years and counting, American Horror Story has been one of the go-to options for TV horror fans.
Available on: Amazon Prime
When The Exorcist first premiered in 1973, it changed everything for horror. A whole world of demonology and exorcism entered into our collective unconscious to torment the masses. Still, the TV world hasn’t done much with exorcism-based horror since that then. BBC’s Apparitions from 2008, however, might be the exception. This is a nifty little horror drama that goes about demons the right way.
Apparitions stars Martin Shaw as Father Jacob Mays. Mays is tasked with examining potential miracles for canonization. But as Mays sets out, he begins to come into contact with dark forces in need of some exorcising. Apparitions is an excellent miniseries that has a shockingly complete perspective on how the Catholic Church operates.
Ash vs Evil Dead
Available on: Netflix
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series (consisting of Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness) are some of the most deliriously bloody and fun slasher films ever committed to celluloid. Surely, however, a TV series made decades later couldn’t possibly bring the same level of thrill, could it?
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Ash vs Evil Dead: Saluting a Gamble That Really Paid Off
By Gabriel Bergmoser
Ash vs Evil Dead: How Baby-Proof Was Made
By Stephen Harber
Wrong! Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead is another installment of fantastic comedy horror. Bruce Campbell returns as Evil Dead hero Ash Williams, who has done seemingly little with his life since battling the forces of evil (and dead) 30 years ago. That all changes when the dead walk once again and Ash, and some new friends must pick up the chainsaw once again.
Black Summer
Available on: Netflix
In a zombie television landscape largely dominated by AMC’s The Walking Dead, Syfy’s Z Nation found a nice with a more playful, tongue-in-cheek presentation of the zombie apocalypse. In this spinoff, Black Summer, things get a touch darker.
Jamie King stars as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the height of a zombie apocalypse. Rose sets out on a mission to recover her and in the process builds a group of like-minded individuals looking for something they’ve lost.
Castle Rock
Available on: Hulu
Stephen King properties have made their way to television before. There have been miniseries for classic King texts like The Stand and ‘Salem’s Lot and even full series for works like Rose Red and Under the Dome. Still, none of those series has had the audacity to adapt multiple aspects of the Stephen King universe itself…until Castle Rock.
Castle Rock takes multiple characters, storylines, and concepts from the vast works of Stephen King and puts them all in King’s own Castle Rock, Maine. The first season featured inmates from Shawshank prison, extended family of Jack Torrance, and maybe even a touch of the shine. The show has opened itself up for more storytelling possibilities in season 2, adopting an anthology format and bringing Annie Wilkes into the fold.
Available on: Netflix
Netflix has beefed up its anime offerings in recent years and one of the first IPs they mined to do so was atmospheric Konami videogame series Castlevania. Originally planned as a film, Castlevania makes good use of its serialized format to pick up the horror story from where it begins with 1989 gameCastlevania III: Dracula’s Curse.
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Warren Ellis Talks Castlevania Season 3’s Huge Netflix Ratings
By Kirsten Howard
And what a story it is. Wallachian lord (and vampire, obvs.) Vlad Dracula Tepes (Graham McTavish) falls into a mighty rage after his wife is wrongly accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Vlad summons an army of the dead to declare war on the living of Wallachia. The only people who stand in his path are a ragged band of heroes led by Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage).
Available on: Netflix
Chambers only survived one season at Netflix, proving once again that it’s tough out there for horror television shows. But the one season legacy the show leaves behind is a decently spooky one.
Chambers tells a story that contains a pretty familiar, yet effective horror trope. Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) receives a much-needed heart transplant from a girl named Becky Lafevre. Soon, Sasha begins to experience troubling visions and begins to unravel a conspiracy that brings her into contact with Becky’s parents (Uma Thurman and Tony Goldwyn).
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
Available on: Netflix
After the Archie comic universe got a gritty reboot in The CW’s Riverdale, it was only a matter of time before Archie cousin comic Sabrina the Teenage Witch got her turn. Thankfully Netflix stepped up to the plate with the Kiernan Shipka starring Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and even more thankfully…it’s gritty as all hell.
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3: Archie-Verse Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Chris Cummins
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3 Review (Spoiler Free)
By Chris Cummins
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina brings witchcraft back to its absolutely metal satanic origins. Sabrina Spellman (Shipka) is like any teenager at Baxter High. She’s concerned about her grades, her social status, and her impending 16th birthday in which she must undergo a dark ritual in which she’ll have to grant her loyalty to the Dark Lord Satan. Such is life for a half-mortal/half-witch.
Available on: Amazon Prime
For those interested in anthology and serialized horror storytelling, Dark/Web offers the best of both worlds. This Amazon Prime original tells a single spooky tale, spread out over eight largely self-contained “chapters.”
Dark/Web picks up with the disappearance of cyber analyst Molly Solis (Noemi Gonzalez). As her friends investigate what happened to Molly, they begin to uncover some truly dark secrets hidden within the fabric of the Internet. Dark/Web expertly exploits real world fears about the spreading influence of this omniscient communication technology.
The Exorcist
Available on: Hulu
The Exorcist is one of the greatest horror films ever made. The Fox series that bears its name and premise isn’t quite as good (few things could ever be) but it’s still an excellent horror story in its own right.
The Exorcist is a two-season long anthology series that follows two different cases of demonic possession. In the first installment, two Catholic priests assist a woman with a possession in her home. In the second, two new priests help a young girl battle evil.
Available on: HBO Max
HBO’s 2019 series Folklore is based on a novel concept. HBO Asia has access to some of the best horror storytellers in the East. Why not give them carte blanche to tell the horrifying stories they want to tell in an anthology format?
Folklore features episodes from filmmakers based in Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, and South Korea. Each installment is unique to that country’s sensibilities and also entirely terrifying. 
Ghost Adventures
Available on: Hulu
Since the turn of the millennium, television has not been lacking for shows involving paranormal investigations. But even within the crowded spooky market, Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures stands out.
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Ghost Adventures: Horror at Joe Exotic Zoo Two-Hour Special Premieres Oct. 29
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How Ghost Adventures: Quarantine Came Together
By Aaron Sagers
First premiering in 2008, Ghost Adventures follows paranormal researchers Zak Bagans, Nick Groff, Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley as they travel the world looking for ghoulish occurrences to investigate. Over its 200-some episodes (not including specials), Ghost Adventures has proven itself to be the gold standard for people who just want to watch some dudes stumble around old properties in night vision.
Available on: Netflix
Haunted is a bit of an odd duck among Netflix’s horror offerings. It was introduced for the 2018 Halloween season, just a week before the juggernaut Haunting of Hill House. As such, it got lost in the spooky shuffle. Still, this is a surprisingly effective take on your classic “tell a scary story” style TV series.
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31 Best Horror Movies to Stream
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream
By David Crow and 2 others
Best Horror Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
By Alec Bojalad and 3 others
Best Horror Movies on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
In Haunted, people tell their real life scary stories. That’s it. This is well-trodden ground on long running cable series like Ghost Stories and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Where Haunted differentiates itself is in its shockingly high production values, as witnessed in the ethereal screengrab above. Also, these stories are like…really scary.
The Haunting of Hill House
Available on: Netflix
Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting of Hill House is considered one of the most important texts in the horror literature canon. It’s only fitting then that it’s Hill House that Netflix turned to when the time came to make its first big original horror series. It’s also fitting that they turned to Hush director Mike Flanagan to make it happen.
Flanagan’s version of The Haunting of Hill House is quite different from the novel from which it takes its name. This Haunting is a modern story that follows the Crain family as they try to recover from the trauma they sustained as kids living in the terrifying Hill House. Of course, Hill House is still out there just dying to call them all back home. Netflix is going to keep “The Haunting” going with The Haunting of Bly Manor and presumably more to come after that.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
Available on: Netflix
The consensus is that The Haunting of Bly Manor is significantly less scary than Mike Flanagan’s original Netflix series The Haunting of Hill House…and that consensus is correct. But there are still plenty of scares to be had in this worthy followup.
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Why The Haunting of Bly Manor Needed a British Script Editor
By Louisa Mellor
How The Haunting of Bly Manor Pays Tribute to 1961’s The Innocents
By Louisa Mellor
Bly Manor borrows elements from the works of Henry James, including The Turn of the Screw, to craft another affecting ghost story. Hill House‘s Victoria Pedretti returns as Dani, a young American woman who takes on a job as a governess to two young children at the titular Bly Manor. Soon Dani and all involved will come to find that Bly Manor holds some serious (weirdly romantic) secrets.
The Living and the Dead
Available on: Amazon Prime
The BBC’s The Living and the Dead is an aesthetically beautiful show. It’s not entirely dissimilar to a British-ized The Returned. It stars Colin Moran as Nathan Appleby, a psychology who inherits a beautiful, if creepy manor.
Sure, the property is a touch isolated but that doesn’t concern Nathan and his wife. It should because what comes next is a bit more Amityville Horror than The Returned.
Available on: Amazon Prime
Aaron Mahnke’s history horror podcast Lore has always operated under the theory that truth is stranger (and scarier) than fiction. That’s the same philosophy that this Amazon Prime original adaptation adopts.
Both seasons of Lore tell a handful of real life stories that illustrate the origins of some of our world’s spookiest legends and events. Narration combined with live action recreations present tales of vampirism, grave-robbing, werewolves, and more.
Lovecraft Country
Available on: HBO Max
Classic horror literature is largely dominated by white voices and white characters. HBO’s bold adaptation of the book Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff, seeks to seamlessly insert some Black voices and characters into the historical horror canon.
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Lovecraft Country: Bringing the Shoggoths to Life
By Rosie Fletcher
How Lovecraft Country Uses Horror to Tell Black Stories
By Nicole Hill
To that end Jonathan Majors and Jurnee Smollett star as Atticus “Tic” Freeman and Letitia “Leti” Lewis – two Black Chicagoans discovering magic in 1950s America. The plot is structured as a sort-of anthology with Tic, Leti, and their friends and family dealing with the supernatural weekly while also engaged with the machinations of the ancient Braithwhite family. With a deep appreciation of monsters, both real and imagined, Lovecraft Country is worthwhile horror programming.
Available on: Hulu
Since Netflix acquired the rights to Black Mirror back in 2015, the streaming world has been a veritable arms race of sci-fi and horror anthology series. Hulu has already tried its hand at horror anthology with the Blumhouse-produced Into the Dark, and Monsterland represents the latest effort.
Monsterland is based on the short story collection North American Lake Monsters: Stories by Nathan Ballingrud. It consists of eight spooky, unconnected tales and features the acting talents of Kaitlyn Dever, Bill Camp, Kelly Marie Tran, and more. The twist here is that each episode focuses on an urban legend from a different city within the United States. And given how weird this country is, the series won’t be running out of of stories anytime soon.
One Step Beyond
Available on: Amazon Prime
The amazing drama you are about to see is a matter of human record,” runs John Newland’s introduction to this Twilight Zone-esque series. “The real people who lived this story, they believe it, they know, they took that one step beyond.
Famously, Newland took one step beyond himself when making “The Sacred Mushroom” episode in which he ingested hallucinogenic mushrooms and filmed his reaction. It’s not available here, but it’s out there in both senses of the phrase.
The Outer Limits
Available on: Hulu
When The Twilight Zone premiered in 1959, it set off a brief little renaissance of anthology horror storytelling on television. The best of these contenders to the Zone‘s throne was probably the sci-fi centric The Outer Limits.
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Best Horror TV Shows on Amazon Prime
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
Best Horror TV Shows on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad
Outer Limits aired from 1963 to 1965 on ABC. In that span it generated 49 spooky episodes, several of which made an impact on pop culture. Alan Moore infamously borrowed the plot of the episode “The Architects of Fear” for the ending of Watchmen. The Outer Limits received a Sci-Fi Channel revival in the ’90s and is currently poised for another bite at the apple.
The Outsider
Available on: HBO Max
Stephen King is among the most adapted authors of all time. And yet, even after all this time, the King canon is able to produce some surprises. HBO’s miniseries (or series, they’ve not really made that clear) The Outsider, based on a 2018 King novel of the same name and developed for television by The Night Of‘s Richard Price, is one such pleasant surprise.
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Will There Be The Outsider Season 2?
By Alec Bojalad
The Outsider Ending Explained
By Alec Bojalad
The genius of this story is how it first presents as a true crime tale, with little league coach Terry Maitland (Jason Bateman) being arrested for the unspeakably violent murder of a local boy. But as Detective Ralph Anderson (Ben Mendelsohn) looks further into the case, he discovers there might be a supernatural force at play. The Outsider deftly delves into themes of belief, skepticism, and family, all the while asking viewers “how long would it take for you give in and believe the unbelievable?”
The X-Files
Available on: Hulu
The X-Files is quite simply the gold standard for horror on television. Chris Carter’s conspiracy-tinged supernatural masterpiece not only inspired every horror TV show that came after it, but just about every other TV show in general.
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I Still Want to Believe: Revisiting The X-Files Pilot
By Chris Longo
The X-Files: How To Keep Your Fandom Alive
By Matt Allair
The X-Files follows FBI special agents Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) as they investigate the unusual cases that traditional law enforcement won’t touch. For 11 seasons (and a handful of movies), the show expertly balanced a massive series-long story along with what came to be called “monster of the week” self-contained tales.
Scare Tactics
Available on: Netflix
Scare Tactics is what happens when someone looks at the prank camera show format and thinks “What if this but also dangerous and terrifying?” The concept of Scare Tactics is simple: take normal people, put them in elaborate horror movie situations, and film what happens. Awful? Yes. Entertaining? Absolutley!
Shannen Doherty hosted the first incarnation of the show that premiered on Syfy in 2003. Stephen Baldwin took her place in the middle of the show’s second season. Then after a three-year hiatus, Scare Tactics returned with Tracy Morgan at the helm and lasted three more seasons of hilariously cruel pranking.
Stan Against Evil
Available on: Hulu
To parody horror, one needs to love horror. And Stan Against Evil creator Dana Gould really, really, really loves horror. The longtime standup comedian and comedy writer brings his unique humor sensibilities and lifelong appreciation of horror to tell the story of a quaint New Hampshire town that just happens to be built on the cursed site of a massive witch burning.
John C. McGinley stars as the titular Stan, a disgraced former sheriff who opts to pick up the battle against evil after a close call. He teams up with new sheriff Evie Barret (Janet Varney) to defend the town (and sometimes world) from supernatural threats.
Stranger Things
Available on: Netflix
It seems so obvious now but in hindsight there was little buzz about this nostalgic tweenage horror project on Netflix from the relatively unknown Duffer Brothers. Little did we know that the Stev(ph)ens Spielberg and King inspired Stranger Things would be one of Netflix’s biggest hits.
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Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix
By Alec Bojalad
Stranger Things: Eleven’s Journey and the Need of Powers
By David Crow
Stranger Things takes place in the fictional Hawkins, Indiana in the mid-’80s. Hawkins is your typical smal ltown American city. The kids like to ride bikes, play Dungeons and Dragons, and tease one another. Little does everyone know that the mysterious government building on the outskirts of town may have opened a portal to another world – a portal that will usher in multiple seasons worth of monster fighting mayhem.
The Strain
Available on: Hulu
The most novel thing about FX’s vampire horror thriller The Strain is how it equates the ancient fear of vampirism with the more modern, global fear of pandemic. The Strain, produced by Guillermo del Toro Chuck Hogan and based on their novel series opens with a flight landing with all of its passengers mysteriously dead.
As CDC director Ephraim Goodweather (Corey Stoll) steps in to investigate, he discovers that there might be something more sinister…and ancient afoot than a simple virus. The Strain lasted for four mostly decent seasons on FX and if nothing else helped re-embrace the vampire as a monster and not some sort of noble antihero.
The Terror
Available on: Hulu
Based on a 2007 book of the same name by Dan Simmons, The Terror season 1 tells a fictionalized account of Captain Sir John Franklin’s expedition to the arctic in 1845. In real life, the doomed men likely got lost and succumbed to the cold but the show asks “what if there was something more sinister than low temperatures lurking about?”
The Terror features a cast impressively full of “hey it’s that guy” guys like Jared Harris, Ciarán Hindis, and Tobias Menzes. It deftly turned itself into an anthology with the second season The Terror: Infamy that tells a ghost story within the setting of a Japanese interment camp in World War II.
The Twilight Zone
Available on: Hulu
The Twilight Zone is an all-time television classic for good reason. Join Rod Serling each episode for a new tale of mystery, horror and woe.
Whatever you do, however, do NOT drop your glasses.
Unsolved Mysteries
Available on: Netflix
Any reboot of continuation of the classic ’80s/’90s true crime series Unsolved Mysteries just needs one element to be considered authentic: that music. Thankfully, this modern iteration on Netflix maintains a version of the original’s haunting theme. Beyond that crucial aspect, Unsolved Mysteries honors the original by continuing the formula to great success.
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Unsolved Mysteries Review (Spoiler-Free): True Crime With More Questions Than Answers
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Review: Reboot Fits a Flatfoot More Than a Bigfoot
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries remains largely a true crime enterprise. The show covers unexplained disappearances, murders, and crimes. But it also spends plenty of time with the truly unexplained: the paranormal. This reboot has covered UFOs and some tsunami ghosts. That, combined with the atmospheric music, makes this a suitably spooky watch.
The Veil
Available on: Amazon Prime
1958’s The Veil consists of dramatizations of strange tales, the majority of which also feature host Boris Karloff in the cast. At story’s end, our host is back to offer a conclusion to that particular story of “the world beyond our understanding.”
Not that 1950s TV audiences would have known about it, because The Veil wasn’t broadcast. Footage from its episodes appeared in some late sixties TV movies, and a DVD release followed in the 1990s, but its cancellation prior to airing have made it a cult find.
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The Wallachian Rose| Alucard x Reader| Chapter 4
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Words: 2,402
“All flesh is like grass and the glory of man is like a flower of the field, the grass withers and the flower falls. But the word of the Lord will remain forever, there are no nightmares from which you cannot wake up, nothing remains of your castle or your feudal estate; all your subjects have died. Even the site of your Eucharistic host has disappeared, it will no longer be yours. Count… you have nothing left. You!, miserable Lifeless King!, you no longer have anything, nothing!
"Arthur, she will never be yours… ever." It was inevitable, with your arrival many emotions inside Alucard were shaken.
"A dream, a nightmare... how stupid" the vampire exclaimed as bloody tears slipped down his face.
For 30 years Alucard had learned to live with the personal hell that was inside his mind, and he had gotten used to that underground cellar that he always had around him when he opened his eyes. And Alucard couldn't care less.
The cold... or the loneliness.
Before other people he was just a monster. And he acted as such, because the only person who thought otherwise was not him.
Darkness and loneliness became the confidants of his pain.
He wanted you, he longed for you.
Among the few dreams of him you were, reaching out your fine hand to caress his face, offering comfort with your arms. Rocking him like he was a child
Giving him love and affection.
Something that Alucard believed he didn't deserve.
All a fantasy.
Take reality, since you were here, next to him, you were real.
And when you went down those stairs, Alucard felt that that cold and dark basement was filled with color and heat.
“Did you have another Mon Amour nightmare?” and listened to your sweet voice, which certified that it was not a dream.
"I would call them memories" he answered, pretending as always that nothing was happening.
“memories that make you cry… and suffer, your wife is here with you. Don't pretend anymore... I'm here" you expressed approaching him to kiss him and hug him like no one had ever done before.
You were his goddess, and he would praise and adore you.
Regarding the others (specifically Integra, Walter, and Seras Victoria), they were surprised and curious in a certain way. They had two thousand-year-old vampires living with them, besides being together in that basement, you and Alucard enjoyed taking night walks around the mansion and wandering around scaring the employees.
And of course, making love without stopping and fucking like wild beasts until dawn.
You two were such a particular couple, you were not the type of lovers who would walk hand in hand through a park, go to a movie or have dinner in a romantic restaurant. But you loved each other, you represented the concept of falling in love between powerful and eternal beings, expressing unbridled passion and love that you had never felt so strong and real before.
But above all, you were the novelty of Hellsing, the members of the round table did not take long to bombard Integra with doubts, questions and demands.
“Draculina Roses is not a danger to us, she has been under our noses for 523 years and has not caused a stir. Why would she do it now? As long as Alucard is on our side, she will be too ”she reiterated, integrating her skeptical colleagues.
"And do you know the extent of her powers and abilities? Can we control them?" asks one of the older people at the table.
"Not yet, but Roses is more than willing to collaborate with us" Integra concluded by giving you the floor.
"I'm something you can call an energy or psychic vampire" you explained to those present "among other abilities of course, but in short, I have the same basic abilities and powers of a vampire. Although I must emphasize that I am an expert in getting into people's minds... and destroying them" you finish with a smile, I really wasn't going to show them all your arsenal
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After spending the whole night devouring thick books of human literature, you decided to rest in your coffin, the time in England had really affected you, Alucard always wanted your attention 24 hours a day and you gladly gave it to him.
One dawn, your husband opened your coffin and said: “get ready, we will go to Brazil” while he receives your morning kisses.
"Mm, as soon as I get to England, now we're going to Brazil?"
After Integra hired the Mercenaries named "The Wild Geese" and after the unpleasant encounter with the Iscariot Maxwell (who not only called Integra "Protestant Pig" but also called you "Harlot of Hell" causing Alucard to go crazy)
If it hadn't been for the adorable intervention of Seras Victoria, a disaster would have happened, and what did you think of enjoying the museum?
When Alucard massacred the Brazilian SWAT and fought against Alhambra Tubalcain, you remembered the golden days when Alucard was the vigorous Count Vlad Dracula, tall, beefy and hungry for you.
You really were sick of getting turned on by such a massacre, and of course, Alucard didn't hesitate to tease you and Integra about it.
Highlighting the stimulated who were witnessing the battle.
When Alucard discovered Millenium's return and plans through Tubalcain's blood, they returned to England to make a report, and you took the time to have a little chat with Seras Victoria.
"You're not a scary cat, I see something special in you, I'm sure you'll be a good Draculina" you consoled her for the shock of seeing Alucard massacre humans, you understood her feelings, how she went from being a human to being a vampire . But she gave you the feeling that Captain Pip would make her happy and make her evolve.
When you came back, Integra told you that Queen Elizabeth herself wanted to meet you, so you, Alucard, Seras Victoria and Pip went back to England.
"I'm back, my teacher" Alucard said, opening the doors wide, finding the table where the Protestant knights and members of the Vatican alike were, and the queen being the leader of all.
"Welcome my servant, please take off your glasses, you are before the queen" Integra ordered to which Alucard complied.
You on the other hand adjusted your red coat to cover your plunging neckline (before Maxwell said something you knew he was going to say), Alucard and the queen treated each other like old friends, you looked expectantly. You could perfectly imagine Alucard meeting Queen Elizabeth in her younger years.
But what you didn't expect was for her to notice you.
"Please come closer" ordered the queen, you reacted modestly and obeyed, feeling Alucard's gaze with every step you took. "Are you the famous Rose of Wallachia?" she interrogates her while you curtsy.
"That's right, but that's just a title from the past" you answer wistfully
“What is your name now?”
"Roses, my queen, they know me as roses" you answer again, and then there was a long silence.
"Wow Alucard, you have a very beautiful couple" praised the queen with a smile.
"I know" he answers proudly and smiling "She is my queen"
"And you roses, you are quite a French lady"
"I've been told that very often" you say amused while you rejoined
"Very well Alucard, present your report"
After that order, Alucard recounted how 60 years ago, together with a young Walter, they destroyed a Nazi base in charge of carrying out experiments to create a legion of ghouls, but that they took refuge in South America, then that cat boy arrived with a message from the famous " Major" who I do not hesitate to name you.
"Here is our queen, I am waiting to appreciate your potential" he exposed while his eyes distilled a strange ecstasy when he spoke of the war, a war that apparently he wanted you to be a part of. Alucard was vigorously congratulating the major on his excellent declaration of war and after watching his Nazi ghouls massacre a man, leaving everyone stumped, Integra ordered Alucard and Seras victoria to shoot.
Seras smashed the small television with shots and Alucard blew the catboy's head off.
Who in the blink of an eye had disappeared without a trace
You were able to "scan" his mind, and that being was there but at the same time it was nowhere, and it had left you disturbed, Alucard who had access to your thoughts looked at you very interested.
"She can see me Major, feel me and know exactly where I am, it's really impressive" the cat boy explained when he returned to the base.
"I know, it won't be long before the Queen makes her big move on this chess board, I'm so excited" he replied, sitting on his chair. "But the most interesting thing is to know what Alucard will do about it"
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Then there was only blood, death and war.
Alucard got "stuck" after murdering Rip Van Winkle.
The members of the round table were wiped out one by one.
Zorin attacked the Hellsing mansion, and unfortunately Captain Pip lost his life protecting the woman he loves like a man, and Seras Victoria woke up to be a true Draculin unleashing her monstrous powers and killing Zorin.
You protecting Integra.
The Nazis arriving in England and making a massacre.
Walter had disappeared.
And you were angrier than ever, the ghoul Nazis were destroyed by your abominable shock waves, which looked like a reddish nuclear explosion, not counting all the minds you had to torture and shatter. Frankly, you had Integra worried. And yet there was one last battle to be fought.
More Nazis covered the battlefield, and Maxwell had brought his own army with him, plus Anderson, Yumei, and Hankei who had also entered the fray.
And among all this chaos, everyone was asking one question: where was Alucard?
While the others waited for his wild card up his sleeve, you were worried about your husband, you feared for his well-being. Until in the distance you could appreciate a ship... A ghost ship, where Alucard was with a huge smile, and with a jump and unsheathing Casull and Jackal, he entered the battlefield, joining him that werewolf from Millennium and Anderson .
The three warriors looked at each other.
Your skin crawls, Alucard knows it, Integra knows it, The Major wishes it and you longed for it...
If Integra says Zero… Alucard would no longer be restricted.
The werewolf and Anderson started attacking Alucard. And the other soldiers were not far behind. But they only penetrated Alucard's shadow.
"The bird of Hermes is my name, and I eat my wings to tame myself"
And the river of blood and death was unleashed, Alucard's more than three thousand souls were expelled, along with Rip Van Winkle and Tubalcain, they destroyed everything in their path. After the Janissary army, Maxwell and Anderson were stunned, and finally understood why Alucard couldn't die.
And finally, and rising in glory, the flags of the Wallachian Army rose from among the blood emerging from hell itself.
“Your soldiers, your challengers, your people… What kind of monster are you!? The Devil… DRACULA!?”
You felt that your world broke, time stopped and everything started again. Everything from scratch.
Your dead heart began to beat and your emotions hit you like never before.
It felt like your world was rebuilt a second time.
In front of you, was him, your King, your beloved, your husband, your man, your lord. Vlad Dracula.
Finally he had shown himself and with a beautiful smug smile he ended up summoning the rest of his army.
That as always, they ended everything in their path without mercy.
And there were only bodies staked everywhere, and among them were Integra, Seras Victoria and the count who prostrated himself with respect before his teacher.
"Welcome back, Count" said Integra
"I have returned, Countess" answered this
"W-Welcome, Master" Seras spoke, who hid behind Integra in fear "W-Master... Did you have a mustache before?... a mustache?" funny question, Vlad stands up and Seras is startled by her huge height difference, but she only felt a heavy hand ruffling her hair.
"You will be... You will be Victoria" he said with a sweet smile after having impaled many people.
What memories... but someone was missing who was a spectator from afar.
The earl's evil eyes focused on a small space where a small and slender figure came out.
You approached between blood and bodies staked up to him... slowly like a wedding march,
unreal and idyllic
He was before you, once again, with his armor on like the first time they met, your eyes never left his,
"Vlad..." you whisper slowly bringing your hand closer to his manly face.
"My Lifeless Queen" he said, taking you closer to him and kissing you, kissing you without caring about the presence of the two females. And you reciprocated, with passion, love and desire.
"It's... you... really... it's you" you said between kisses.
Then you stroked his long mane and felt his features as if he were going to disappear.
They didn't say anything, but the looks from him were enough.
But unfortunately... it didn't last long, Anderson suddenly appeared attacking Vlad who, holding you by the waist, dodged the attack.
And a new and touching battle began.
It hurt you to see how Alucard remembered all the past and rape of him.
But it all ended with the moving death of a great human being named Anderson Alexander.
And Walter's betrayal
For everyone present the situation was a whirlwind of emotions.
But what you didn't expect was the departure of Alucard, who vanished into thin air after absorbing the catboy's blood.
You cursed yourself for not finishing him off when you could.
"Instead of yelling at me... my queen should give me one last kiss" and you did so, you kissed him while his eyes slowly closed without caring about Integra's orders.
And he vanished in your arms.
You fell to your knees on the floor screaming heartbroken and dejected
So much time apart and so little time together.
You stayed there, crying in silence.
While Integra and Seras finished off The Wolf Man and the Major. And as the last act of redemption, Walter finished off the doctor.
And 30 years passed...
30 years without Alucard.
You were so destroyed and hurt.
You thought about everything you had to tell him, the I love you's that you didn't tell him.
The eternal conversations at night.
And you believed that your destiny was to learn to live without Alucard, without your other half.
While on the other hand you and Seras became very close.
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jadedbirch · 7 years
Self-rec Meme
I was tagged by my babe @hithelleth, I love you <3
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. 
Oh man, this is SO HARD, like... I love all my children, but okay okay, some of these are more special than others I guess XD  (God, I suck at this.)
1. Terra Pacifica (Silverflint) - I’m kind of weak for this fic of mine, partially because the setting is so dear to my heart, and partially because I’m just a sucker for modern AUs where they’re soft with each other.
2. Under the Cotswolds Rose (Flint & Eleanor) - I wrote this before the start of s4 because I knew BS Dads were gonna fuck my shit up real good.  So I sent Flint and Eleanor to the Cotswolds and I gave her a nice poison garden hobby. There’s also Silver being a consummate storyteller, an evil Woodes Rogers, and poor Ms. Hawkes who is always on the verge of a conniption. Plus Silverflint and the Surprise!Lesbians.
3. Quicksilver (Silverflint) - Okay this was my original #TreasureIslandCanSuckIt fic.  It explores the fanfiction gap of s3 as well, in which Silver has his own ways of coming to terms with his pain.
4. String Theory (Silverflint) - I wrote this before s4 but now I need a 1000000 reincarnation AUs, so I’m brining this back. James Flint is a physics professor who has spent his life chasing wrinkles in time. John Silver is having a hard time finishing his latest novel. The Universe should do something about them. 
5.  IMMORTALITY AU - look this is NOT BLACK SAILS.  What this is though is a story of a love immortal between a 3000 year old demigod (Athos) and a young Wallachian bloodsucking abomination with a church kink (Aramis).  Together they are the Original Disgustoids™ and my love for this Epic will never die, just like their own Grossness™. (Yes, there are 4 volumes plus bonus scenes, so what, I know some of you are speed readers!)
Now to tag 5 of you haha.... tag you’re it @reluming @bisexualpirateheart @old-long-john @jaune-clair @vowel-in-thug
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threekingswarrp · 6 years
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Introducing , Roman Tremayne, the twenty-six lord of Orwall. The man looks remarkably like Bradley James. Fortunately this character is OPEN.
“There are days that must happen to you.”
The History of Roman Tremayne:
As a child Roman had found himself often dreaming that someday someone might come and tell him that he was in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and sweep him away to a home more suited. But as time went on whatever childish resistance that had breathed life into those dreams faded away. He had been broken down, and found himself so often braced with the sudden realization that he had found himself in a strange place, with people he could not trust. 
At the top of that list of individuals were his parents, whose own ambition poured from their pores and poisoned everyone it touched. Roman was too far from immune to that venom, in every moment he was to do better, be better. And slowly but surely it became nearly impossible to resist. One who had been pulled under by a violent current would recognize the man’s desperation well, after swimming for so long against a foe you could not fight, it became so much easier to just give in. 
At first the directions in which they pulled him had been bearable, if not in some cases enjoyable. They had started with the balls and celebrations, where they paraded the boy through the Wallachian courts like a prize, and so many nobles believed it. He could have wed nearly any woman in the country before the age of seventeen, become the head of a higher -and far richer- lordship, but that had not been enough. While Roman would have been contented with any of the offers made, his parents had their eyes on something greater. The crown
It seemed his parents had not been the first Tremayne’s to hunger for such things, some time before any of them were born they had earned their reputation as a power hungry and treacherous house. The king, wisely, refused their offer. But they would not be discouraged, and soon Roman found himself knighted, sporting the banner of his house, and entered into every contest that the capital could put on. It was only after his parents were refused Almera’s hand once more that Roman noticed the numbers of the Tremayne forces quietly growing. He should have put a stop to it then, he wished now that he had. Perhaps he could have run away, or run off with some nobleman’s daughter. But he did not, and the day came where he found himself among the masses of soldiers tearing through the castle. When the sun rose that morning his country was without king or queen. 
Now, with the princess Almera in tow his family has headed to Eros with plans to gain support for their crown. And though he has tried at every opportunity to show kindness to the poor girl he calls his betrothed, he knows he cannot do the one thing that would win her over. No matter how much his heart might call for it, he cannot go against the banner whose colours he sports, and put an end to his parent’s treason.
About Roman Tremayne:
Ardent, Gentle, Humble.
Uncertain, Feeble, Harrowed
Almera Lancaster: the relationship he had with Almera was in no way the kind he had envisioned for himself with his future wife, and though he had tried in every way he knew to show the girl he did not share his parent’s vision for their future it was a rather difficult task when the guards stationed outside of every room she entered wore the same colours as himself.
Henry Tremayne: Henry was in every way the kind of man he imagined to share his name, more like his parents and the Tremayne’s that came before them for Roman’s comfort. Still, he knew that if he wished to make it out of this with his head he would need allies. And who better than a man who feasted as hungrily after a crown than his parents to fill that role?
Danya Osyrus: It was in many ways quite tragic that the man had found his only confidant in someone who would charge him by the evening, but there was no one he could trust more with his secrets than Danya. Overtime his visits to satisfy his own needs had turned into something else, an odd and highly forbidden friendship with the lady of the night.
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tkwpromo · 6 years
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Introducing , Roman Tremayne, the twenty-six lord of Exeter. The other looks remarkably like Bradley James. Fortunately this character is OPEN.
“There are days that must happen to you.”
The History of Roman Tremayne:
As a child Roman had found himself often dreaming that someday someone might come and tell him that he was in the wrong place, with the wrong people, and sweep him away to a home more suited. But as time went on whatever childish resistance that had breathed life into those dreams faded away. He had been broken down, and found himself so often braced with the sudden realization that he had found himself in a strange place, with people he could not trust.
At the top of that list of individuals were his parents, whose own ambition poured from their pores and poisoned everyone it touched. Roman was too far from immune to that venom, in every moment he was to do better, be better. And slowly but surely it became nearly impossible to resist. One who had been pulled under by a violent current would recognize the man’s desperation well, after swimming for so long against a foe you could not fight, it became so much easier to just give in.
At first the directions in which they pulled him had been bearable, if not in some cases enjoyable. They had started with the balls and celebrations, where they paraded the boy through the Wallachian courts like a prize, and so many nobles believed it. He could have wed nearly any woman in the country before the age of seventeen, become the head of a higher -and far richer- lordship, but that had not been enough. While Roman would have been contented with any of the offers made, his parents had their eyes on something greater. The crown
It seemed his parents had not been the first Tremayne’s to hunger for such things, some time before any of them were born they had earned their reputation as a power hungry and treacherous house. The king, wisely, refused their offer. But they would not be discouraged, and soon Roman found himself in the uniform of a knight, and entered into every contest that the capital could put on. It was only after his parents were refused Almera’s hand once more that Roman noticed the numbers of the Tremayne forces quietly growing. He should have put a stop to it then, he wished now that he had. Perhaps he could have run away, or run off with some nobleman’s daughter. But he did not, and the day came where he found himself among the masses of soldiers tearing through the castle. When the sun rose that morning his country was without king or queen.
Now, with the princess Almera in tow his family has headed to Eros with plans to gain support for their crown. And though he has tried at every opportunity to show kindness to the poor girl he calls his betrothed, he knows he cannot do the one thing that would win her over. No matter how much his heart might call for it, he cannot go against the banner whose colours he sports, and put an end to his parent’s treason.
About Roman Tremayne:
Ardent, Gentle, Humble.
Uncertain, Feeble, Harrowed
Almera Lancaster: the relationship he had with Almera was in no way the kind he had envisioned for himself with his future wife, and though he had tried in every way he knew to show the girl he did not share his parent’s vision for their future it was a rather difficult task when the guards stationed outside of every room she entered wore the same colours as himself.
Henry Tremayne: Henry was in every way the kind of man he imagined to share his name, more like his parents and the Tremayne’s that came before them for Roman’s comfort. Still, he knew that if he wished to make it out of this with his head he would need allies. And who better than a man who feasted as hungrily after a crown than his parents to fill that role?
Danya Osyrus: It was in many ways quite tragic that the man had found his only confidant in someone who would charge him by the evening, but there was no one he could trust more with his secrets than Danya. Overtime his visits to satisfy his own needs had turned into something else, an odd and highly forbidden friendship with the lady of the night.
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discovermoravia · 7 years
Masopust is one of the last Czech religious celebrations that I’ve had the chance to take part in. This year, I am honoured to  be a member of the teaching staff at the PORG Grammar School in Ostrava, who presented me with the perfect opportunity to study and observe this cultural phenomenon. ‘Maso’ means ‘meat’ and ‘pust’ means ‘fast’ (as in ‘give up food’) or Lent. Etymologically, the meaning is pretty much the same as ‘carnival’.
The tradition involves having a pre-Lent feast of everything you love eating and drinking, a party where you sing,dance, eat and drink – traditionally until midnight but not even a second into the next day – followed by 40 days of being a good little Subject Of The Lord until Easter Monday, which has its own quaint traditions….
The Czech Republic is one of the least religious countries in Europe, going by its statistics for church-going, yet it seems to observe a lot  more feast-days than Britain. Now obviously Britain is Anglican rather than Catholic, due to Henry XVIII’s attitude to divorce laws and naval power. But apart from divorce laws, there doesn’t seem to be a lot of difference between Anglicans and Catholics in terms of what the Good Lord requires of you. Catholics just seem to do it with more feasts. Anyone who is able to educate me further on such ecumenical matters is welcome to do so in the comments section below!
Masopust – The Cast Of Characters
There seems to be a standard list of participants, followed by some characters who appear frequently in Czech folklore and then everyone else is free to turn up in whatever fancy dress they like. I’m sure I saw a few recycled Halloween costumes doing the rounds and the Kylo Ren costume Our Kid set his heart on is most certainly not part of any Slavonic tradition I’m aware of!
Central Characters of masopust are the dancing bear, the priest and the judge. There are also some Wailing Women and, arguably the most important, the butcher and the curator of the local distillery.
The Water Sprite (on the right)
The Dancing Bear
The Judge and The Priest
A selection of non-wailing women
The butcher and a random monk
The Water Sprite with a witch and a cat.
Kylo Ren/Darth Vader hybrid
Masopust – The Procession
The carnival procession winds it’s way through the village (or school campus, in this case) visiting various buildings. In our case, we began at the Bilingual Primary School and proceeded to the creche/after school centre. Here we were welcomed very dramatically by the headmistress in traditional clothing who gave us a traditional welcome filled with traditional blessings. Meanwhile, the sports master (wearing traditional Communist Police uniform, traditional rose-coloured glasses and waving a traditional bottle of plum schnapps) kept everyone’s spirits topped up.
Actually, the uniform and glasses were not exactly traditional but good schnapps, preferably home-made by a licenced village distiller, is the life-blood of Czech feasts and celebrations. The stuff you buy in the shops is mass-produced muck by comparison, which gives you a headache. Old people from villages swear by the good stuff. It’s known as ‘Wallachian Penicillin’ in the mountains and is often given as the reason why there are old people in villages in the mountains. It’s not a life for softies!
The masopust procession is led by a band which includes a double bass. This is later symbolically buried or hung by the neck until dead, often at midnight. Music, dancing and fun are then officially over until Easter Monday, when they come back with a vengeance!
From the creche/after school centre, the merry masopust procession went on to the International Primary School. Musicians played, the crowd danced and together they effectively blocked the road to essential public services like the bus. As it is an international school, where all lessons and subjects are taught in English, it fell to me to do the welcome speech. Obviously it had to be in Czech because the majority of the crowd were Czech.
The International School has many excellent Czech teachers who speak English like natives. There are also many excellent teachers from other countries who all speak English like natives but no Czech. Therefore it became my job to welcome everyone to the building, thank them for coming and try to introduce the concept of the Pancake Race to everyone in Czech, as opposed to my native language of English.
They all applauded politely, although I’m not convinced they all understood me. It didn’t matter though, because the Czech teacher who had supplied the pancakes hijacked a microphone off the band later on and whipped everyone up into a frenzy of enthusiasm. Pancake Races are now part of Czech culture!
Welcome to the Creche
Dancing and frivolity
Our musicians
The procession
The International School
Blocking the bus route
Pancake races!
Pancake races!
Pancake races!
Pancake races!
So popular, the police turned up!
Masopust Singing And Dancing
Once the serious stuff was taken care of, it just remained to sing, dance,dance, sing, eat the pork products and maybe have an ale or two. Our wonderful school chef had surpassed himself, despite the random monks hanging around his domain, and I think it’s safe to say most of us could survive quite easily without meat until Easter.
The band played all those old Czech favourites with incomprehensible lyrics that go to the tune of Johnny Cash or Bob Dylan tunes. Kids raced around full of pancake and sweets. Adults danced or hid from the kids. The atmosphere was perfect and if it had gone on until midnight, it would have been just like spending the day in a rural village, not the middle of an industrial city.
So, thank you to all the staff at PORG Ostrava for filling in this missing piece of the Czech Cultural Experience for me and for doing it in such magnificent style!
Now for 40 days of detox……
  Masopust – The Czech Carnival Masopust is one of the last Czech religious celebrations that I've had the chance to take part in.
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judsonbaxter62-blog · 7 years
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If the yellow fever vaccination is not encouraged, you may be actually given out along with an exemption character, which might be actually taken through migration authorizations. Yellow Web page Qatar is a lasting name in the list of famous Qatar Yellow Pages carriers over the Internet. Should you adored this short article and you would want to receive details about mountains in england to visit, visit the following webpage, kindly visit our own web-site. The only distinction between the original web pages as well as today's variation is the different colors from newspaper. The other excellent advantage from the yellow pages is the ease of making use of that they give. I've got more bulletin concepts than I may keep in my little bit of human brain so I grabbed a batch from 25 yellow lawful pads and also more pencil top simply for the affair. 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The black, yellowish and reddish colors re-emerged first in 1848 and then in the 20th century in the German flag. Normally brilliant areas that have actually been paintinged brilliant yellow over-stimulate some folks and also may create upset emotions. Our team need to not reject the essential need to discover, to pay attention, to assess the increase of Trump - or even undoubtedly reflect on the surge from the right in the UK - yet reject the suggestion that we need to take a vow of silence if our team want to win electrical power once again. Since they oversee smaller sized jobs from the 6 sigma method, the yellow waistband is the most reasonable form from six sigma as well as its own degree is actually necessary. One feature I hope they may include the future is actually the capacity to bookmark web pages.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix
So you want to be terrifed. Well, you’ve come to the right place, my friend. Everybody already knows that Netflix is a splendid place for viewers coming in search of all their bingeworthy content. But less appreciated is how satisfyingly scary some of their horror offerings are.
From originals like The Haunting of Hill House to foreign classics like The Returned, Netflix can be a go-to spot for the scariest horror TV shows available to stream. Here is a sampling of the kinds of series that horror thrill-seekers may appreciate.
Editor’s Note: This post is updated monthly. Bookmark this page to see what the best horror shows on Netflix are at your convenience.
The Haunting of Hill House
Shirley Jackson’s novel The Haunting of Hill House is considered one of the most important texts in the horror literature canon. It’s only fitting then that it’s Hill House that Netflix turned to when the time came to make its first big original horror series. It’s also fitting that they turned to Hush director Mike Flanagan to make it happen.
Flanagan’s version of The Haunting of Hill House is quite different from the novel from which it takes its name. This Haunting is a modern story that follows the Crain family as they try to recover from the trauma they sustained as kids living in the terrifying Hill House. Of course, Hill House is still out there just dying to call them all back home. Netflix is going to keep “The Haunting” going with The Haunting of Bly Manor and presumably more to come after that.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
The consensus is that The Haunting of Bly Manor is significantly less scary than Mike Flanagan’s original Netflix series The Haunting of Hill House…and that consensus is correct. But there are still plenty of scares to be had in this worthy followup.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor Timeline Explained
By Louisa Mellor
Why The Haunting of Bly Manor Needed a British Script Editor
By Louisa Mellor
Bly Manor borrows elements from the works of Henry James, including The Turn of the Screw, to craft another affecting ghost story. Hill House‘s Victoria Pedretti returns as Dani, a young American woman who takes on a job as a governess to two young children at the titular Bly Manor. Soon Dani and all involved will come to find that Bly Manor holds some serious (weirdly romantic) secrets.
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
After the Archie comic universe got a gritty reboot in The CW’s Riverdale, it was only a matter of time before Archie cousin comic Sabrina the Teenage Witch got her turn. Thankfully Netflix stepped up to the plate with the Kiernan Shipka starring Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and even more thankfully…it’s gritty as all hell.
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3: Ending Explained
By Chris Cummins
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Season 3: Archie-Verse Easter Eggs and Reference Guide
By Chris Cummins
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina brings witchcraft back to its absolutely metal satanic origins. Sabrina Spellman (Shipka) is like any teenager at Baxter High. She’s concerned about her grades, her social status, and her impending 16th birthday in which she must undergo a dark ritual in which she’ll have to grant her loyalty to the Dark Lord Satan. Such is life for a half-mortal/half-witch.
Ash vs Evil Dead
Sam Raimi’s Evil Dead series (consisting of Evil Dead, Evil Dead II, and Army of Darkness) are some of the most deliriously bloody and fun slasher films ever committed to celluloid. Surely, however, a TV series made decades later couldn’t possibly bring the same level of thrill, could it?
Wrong! Starz’s Ash vs Evil Dead is another installment of fantastic comedy horror. Bruce Campbell returns as Evil Dead hero Ash Williams, who has done seemingly little with his life since battling the forces of evil (and dead) 30 years ago. That all changes when the dead walk once again and Ash, and some new friends must pick up the chainsaw once again.
Black Summer
In a zombie television landscape largely dominated by AMC’s The Walking Dead, Syfy’s Z Nation found a nice with a more playful, tongue-in-cheek presentation of the zombie apocalypse. In this spinoff, Black Summer, things get a touch darker.
Jamie King stars as Rose, a mother who is separated from her daughter during the height of a zombie apocalypse. Rose sets out on a mission to recover her and in the process builds a group of like-minded individuals looking for something they’ve lost.
Stranger Things
It seems so obvious now but in hindsight there was little buzz about this nostalgic tweenage horror project on Netflix from the relatively unknown Duffer Brothers. Little did we know that the Stev(ph)ens Spielberg and King inspired Stranger Things would be one of Netflix’s biggest hits.
Stranger Things takes place in the fictional Hawkins, Indiana in the mid-’80s. Hawkins is your typical smal ltown American city. The kids like to ride bikes, play Dungeons and Dragons, and tease one another. Little does everyone know that the mysterious government building on the outskirts of town may have opened a portal to another world – a portal that will usher in multiple seasons worth of monster fighting mayhem.
Netflix has beefed up its anime offerings in recent years and one of the first IPs they mined to do so was atmospheric Konami videogame series Castlevania. Originally planned as a film, Castlevania makes good use of its serialized format to pick up the horror story from where it begins with 1989 game Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse
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Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Scariest Films to Stream
By David Crow and 2 others
Best Horror Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now
By Alec Bojalad and 3 others
And what a story it is. Wallachian lord (and vampire, obvs.) Vlad Dracula Tepes (Graham McTavish) falls into a mighty rage after his wife is wrongly accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. Vlad summons an army of the dead to declare war on the living of Wallachia. The only people who stand in his path are a ragged band of heroes led by Trevor Belmont (Richard Armitage).
Haunted is a bit of an odd duck among Netflix’s horror offerings. It was introduced for the 2018 Halloween season, just a week before the juggernaut Haunting of Hill House. As such, it got lost in the spooky shuffle. Still, this is a surprisingly effective take on your classic “tell a scary story” style TV series.
In Haunted, people tell their real life scary stories. That’s it. This is well-trodden ground on long running cable series like Ghost Stories and Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. Where Haunted differentiates itself is in its shockingly high production values, as witnessed in the ethereal screengrab above. Also, these stories are like…really scary.
Chambers only survived one season at Netflix, proving once again that it’s tough out there for horror television shows. But the one season legacy the show leaves behind is a decently spooky one.
Chambers tells a story that contains a pretty familiar, yet effective horror trope. Sasha Yazzie (Sivan Alyra Rose) receives a much-needed heart transplant from a girl named Becky Lafevre. Soon, Sasha begins to experience troubling visions and begins to unravel a conspiracy that brings her into contact with Becky’s parents (Uma Thurman and Tony Goldwyn).
Devilman Crybaby
Anime has always been ahead of the game when it comes to horror and there’s no better evidence of this than Devilman Crybaby. This Netflix anime is based on a manga Devilman and creates a lushly realized gothic world. 
In Devilman Crybaby, an ancient race of demons has returned to take back the world from humanity. Akira Fudo, a sensitive young lad, decides to save the world the only way he knows how: by fusing with a demon. The resulting freakshow, called Devilman, possesses the powers of a demon but the soul of a human. Now hopefully that’s enough to defeat the forces of evil.
American Horror Story
Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story is revolutionary in quite a few ways. Not only did it help usher in a renewed era of anthology storytelling on television, it also was arguably the first successful network television horror show since The X-Files.
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Best Horror Movies on Hulu
By Alec Bojalad and 1 other
Best Horror Movies Streaming on HBO Max
By David Crow and 2 others
Like all anthologies, American Horror Story has its better seasons (season 1 a.k.a. Murder House, season 2 a.k.a. Asylum, season 6 a.k.a. Roanoke) and its worse (season 3 a.k.a. Coven and season 8 a.k.a. Apocalypse). Still, for nine years and counting, American Horror Story has been one of the go-to options for TV horror fans.
Scare Tactics
Scare Tactics is what happens when someone looks at the prank camera show format and thinks “What if this but also dangerous and terrifying?” The concept of Scare Tactics is simple: take normal people, put them in elaborate horror movie situations, and film what happens. Awful? Yes. Entertaining? Absolutley!
Shannen Doherty hosted the first incarnation of the show that premiered on Syfy in 2003. Stephen Baldwin took her place in the middle of the show’s second season. Then after a three-year hiatus, Scare Tactics returned with Tracy Morgan at the helm and lasted three more seasons of hilariously cruel pranking.
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Unsolved Mysteries
Any reboot of continuation of the classic ’80s/’90s true crime series Unsolved Mysteries just needs one element to be considered authentic: that music. Thankfully, this modern iteration on Netflix maintains a version of the original’s haunting theme. Beyond that crucial aspect, Unsolved Mysteries honors the original by continuing the formula to great success.
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Unsolved Mysteries Review (Spoiler-Free): True Crime With More Questions Than Answers
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Review: Reboot Fits a Flatfoot More Than a Bigfoot
By Tony Sokol
Unsolved Mysteries remains largely a true crime enterprise. The show covers unexplained disappearances, murders, and crimes. But it also spends plenty of time with the truly unexplained: the paranormal. This reboot has covered UFOs and some tsunami ghosts. That, combined with the atmospheric music, makes this a suitably spooky watch.
The post Best Horror TV Shows on Netflix appeared first on Den of Geek.
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