#Hellsing alucard x Reader
s1ckh1mb0 · 5 months
Men who spit on it. They’re just purely sloppy with it. Holding onto the fat of your thighs to keep you pinned in place. He wasn’t doing this for you, no. He has been at this for hours just because he had missed you. You were only gone for a couple days to see your family. That didn’t mean shit to him. The moment you came in the house he had you pinned against the wall, legs thrown over shoulders as he held you up by your thighs. The way he was moaning and grunting into you it was basically like he was getting off just from being able to taste you again. But no matter how much you push his head back he is just relentless. “Fuck jus’ a bit more baby. Just giv’ me one more then m’ done.” You both know that’s not true but what could you do when he was so much stronger than you?
Hidan, Price, REINER, Zoro, and alucard
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yan-lorkai · 8 months
Alucard being doted on by his vampire wife, perhaps? :)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Alucard is a creature of the night, used to killing and destroying everything he touches, but you see more in him than just that. Being his wife for eons now, you know all the sides he keeps hidden or doesn't even realize exist anymore. He's such a softie with you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You love him very much despiste his possessiveness over you. So often you dote on him, brushing and making littles braids in his hair, planting soft kisses on his cheeks and lips, hugging him so tight that he just melt in your arms after a long mission away from you, stealing his long red coat and wearing it while you hide, convincing him to come found you. You also like to do things for him, as polishing his weapons, bringing his some blood to share. For you he's just your husband but Integra, Seras, and anyone who sees the two of you interacting is surprised by how differently he acts towards you and others.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ And Alucard likes when you dote on him, he like your touch, how close you are to each other. Your touch is welcome, more than this it's a need. He love to have you near him, either suffocating you with his love or being the one suffocated. He doesn't care, he loves either way.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are his beloved, his queen. You are just as strong as he is but Alucard still likes to protect you. The intimacy you offer is something he never knew he would experience before but now that he has, he'll protect you no matter what. He needs you. He even had turned you into a vampire just so your mortality couldn't take you away from him. And you always know how to make his dead heart beats loudly, rapidly.
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just-some-user-hunny · 3 months
Yandere Alucard thoughts...
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'Humans are such fascinating creatures'
. The complexity of his feelings overwhelm him- a feeling he's not ever felt before, and he's stunned to find himself frozen to the spot like he's being engulfed by his own fire.
Burning and boiling and crackling like a cut of meat, he'd fester in the flames and ash as his adoration for you burns more and more till he is nothing but a scorching supernova.
This is wonderful.
You. A mere human, stirring these emotions inside him that he believed long dead, let alone even possible for him to experience...
He can't let this go. He's never felt so alive.
. He'll watch you from a distance, hovering and sticking to you like an oppressive yet protective shadow. Always grinning with his frightening teeth and glittering garnet eyes that seem to pin you down. The Vampire will listen keenly to every word that leaves your lips, delighting in your little quirks and thoughts and opinions. You'll find him oddly passive and gentle, for he never lays a hand upon you. But you could never fathom what lingers in his mind...
. He wants to keep you. Cannibalise you and keep you inside forever, safe and his forevermore. To eat you up till you're only his and nothing else could touch or see your light.
. But this twisted dark obsession love he feels for you... Overwhelm these monstrous feelings.
. The thought of your precious life ending by his hands, or anyone else's, makes him seethe. Makes him want to scream and tear at his hair, to grit his teeth till he gnaws his own tongue off, and his fangs split under the pressure of his tensing jaw. The last split of sanity that's drawn like a taut bowstring will snap- and even he can imagine the wrath he'd ensue. The thought of you giving a little cry as he'd sink his teeth into you, maybe you'd kick a little and sob till you collapse limply in his arms... Disturbs him. And the thought of you getting hurt or dying by the hands of another monster? It settles it for him. Nothing can touch you. At first when he initially protected you, he did out of curiosity and possessiveness for your existence around him- after all, he can't enjoy you if you're dead. But now, it's so much more than that. You've dug your teeth into him, and now he's yours.
. No. You will live. You will live as long as you want, to die how you want. He cannot touch you, no monster can touch you. You're too good. Too precious.
. He knows the pain will come. Your existence will flicker and burn like a candle, and he'll have to watch the wax melt away and deplete till you are nothing but a snuffed wick. It'd been short and sweet and painfully short, But by god, you'd be the brightest light in his life.
. He'd be a wonderful experience. You'd be his everything.
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ninihousebears3000 · 1 month
HR Department! reader X Alucard
A goodnight kiss.
Pulling an all-nighter causes you to hear strange things.
CW: No warnings!
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It's quite late.
You had to agree with the voice in your head. Pulling overtime was necessary considering how your workload suddenly increased. Now you're bookkeeper another responsibility on your plate. Computerizing this ancient system that the organization was barely running on was your mission. But efficiency is your reputation and you wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that things were left in limbo.
Rest, work will be here tomorrow but you won't be here much longer if you keep going on like this.
Morbid but true. Maybe some coffee will give you clarity? After all your computer screen began looking less and less clear. You were certain it was working just fine a moment ago. Standing up you grab your favorite mug off your desk heading to your in-office coffee machine. Walter had refused to use k-cups opting to brew a fresh pot for you every day. But he would cut you off after two cups so for your third and fourth cups you used your K-cups from home.
You placed your mug on the machine instinctively reaching for the box of k-cups. Only to be met with empty space. "What the hell?" You had a full box where did it go? Checking in the cabinets, your bag, and drawers, not a single K-cup could be found. Even your coat pocket didn't have an emergency K-cup. "Perhaps there's some upstairs?" Thinking aloud was your tendency nowadays since this was your own private office. Although, a few more employees and an assistant would be very helpful. Being the head of the human resources department doesn't mean much if you're the only employee.
You thought to yourself as you left your office walking through the basement.
"An office near civilization would be nice."
You retorted walking past the many cells in the dungeon. You know Seras' room is near here. "I wonder what she's up to?" You appreciate her company she seems chipper than most considering her situation. At times you can tell she just wants another person to talk to. It does pain you that she pops in at the busiest of times. It's only been a few weeks since the Police Girl ‘joined’. You did try advocating for her to have a change of uniform and to be at least called by her real name. Those were still ongoing battles.
Then there was Alucard. You're still trying to get a one-on-one meeting about his workplace misconduct. It's difficult to arrange anything with him he has no email! An audible groaning sigh escaped you.
Your thoughts kept you entertained as you finally made it to the kitchen. Normally, there would be servants and other staff members but the only remaining people here were the residents and the perimeter guards. Of course, the ones in the surveillance room which felt weird to think about them watching you right now.
Of course, there was no leftover coffee left so you were having to pull off your lazy slacks and brew some yourself.
Coffee at this hour? Your sleep will surely be ruined. The sun rises in only a few hours. How about lemon ginger tea?
You took your mug and started rinsing out the old coffee stains. Possibly something else for a change?
When you were filling up your mug with cold water to get the last of the stains out. You jolted the mug towards your face splashing your face with cold water. The sensation still shocked you but woke you up for certain.
"My voice is deep but why is my thought voice that deep?" Was delirium setting in? Or was someone truly talking to you? You can see why Sir Penwood said this place can be maddening. Instead of coffee or tea, you opted for ice-cold orange juice and a leftover banana nut muffin. The sugar should help until you find a stopping point. Plus the leftover wetness on your shirt can help keep you awake. Seems like you would be spending the night Walter gave you a ride since your car was practically living in the shop at this point.
Almost three in the morning the voice in your head was right about it being very late. By the time you returned, you finished the muffin and chugged the juice as soon as you sat down. Just one more paragraph to type and you can call it a night.
You've had worse nights from your undergrad years!
Cracking your knuckles your nimble fingers went back to work.
Sugar can't stop sleep deprivation.
There it was again! You can ignore it! Fight on you're the head of the human resources department!
What's the harm?
Just close your eyes for a few minutes.
You never noticed how soothing the baritone voice was until now. An eye break couldn't hurt, right?
That's right little human. Just close those pretty eyes.
The computer screen was looking warped in ways you've never seen a screen do before. Your lids were heavier and you were leaning on your arms at this point.
"But I am not finished yet." Trying to fight this heavy exhaustion was increasingly difficult. Before you knew it your head was using your arms as a pillow and the desk was a bed.
Everything will be fine little human.
"I am six feet." Your eyes closed for the final time. The heat from the cardigan now placed on your shoulders reminded you of the blanket on your soft bed.
Shh, sleep little human.
Wait, your cardigan was on the back of your chair!
Now be a good little human and stay asleep.
Hot breath grazed your exposed neck along with a hissing noise. You reached for the pistol underneath your desk and fired a shot at the source of this strange body heat. To your surprise you found Hellsing's trump card sitting on the ground in the corner of your office. Thankfully, Walter gave you a pistol strangely you asked for a silencer.
"ALUCARD! DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY WORKPLACE MISCONDUCT VIOLATIONS YOU STACKED UP!" Panting and filled with rage you kept your gun aimed at him.
"You know those blessed bullets do hurt." He was bleeding out of his left shoulder. Despite that, his face held an awful grin.
"YOU WERE TRYING TO DRINK MY BLOOD! AND YOU HAVE BEEN IN MY HEAD!" You never thought your first meeting with Alucard was going to be him nearly drinking your blood.
"Shh, you're louder than Police Girl." His nonchalant attitude was getting on your nerves. "Consider it a goodnight kiss little human." Alucard stood to his full height seeing how he still regarded you as little.
"We need to address some misconduct violations." Was this going to be your only chance to talk to him?
"I don't think your department applies to me." He began to walk past you. "Now if you'll excuse me the sun will be rising soon." But your reflexes were being kind to you. Opening your drawer you pulled out a thick binder and flipped to the middle of it pointing at a document.
"You and Seras Victoria fall into this category of employee." He leaned down to read it. His crimson eyes bounced up to yours and then to the book again. "Did you just call me a police dog?" A hint of irritation was in his tone.
"Therefore you must follow the same guidelines as every employee here." You were the head of the human resources department you weren't going to let this misconduct run rampant anymore!
"Please have a seat Alucard." Alucard narrowed his eyes at you and then smirked. "Alright then HR." He smirked while sitting down crossing his legs in the seat in front of your desk. While you grabbed your chair that was pushed across the room after his initial introduction.
You weren’t expecting him to give in judging from what Seras and Walter had told you. But you can’t rest knowing you had the chance.
"Now shall we begin with boundaries."
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autumnaaltonen · 1 year
Could you write some general Alucard x fem reader nsfw headcanons?
Sure <3
General Alucard x Fem S/O NSFW Headcannons (Those Nights)
A gentleman, but also a shit. No in between.
Sex for you and Alucard can be as intense and passionate as the last remaining light of a sunset over a star lit lake, hot, mesmerizing, and utterly feverish.
It's those nights of him pinning you under his weight, rutting into you steadily and without falter as he whispers dirty promises and sweet nothing into your ear, in any language you desire.
It's rendezvous right after missions, when Alucard is still covered in blood and gore, forcing you against the nearest wall and stripping your panties off to have his way with you, while the adrenaline is still spiking through his veins.
And it's slow and tender love-making in your bed during evenings when the nightmares seem too real, thinking he's back in that coffin, buried six feet under with a stake in his heart. Those moments are when Alucard holds you particularly tenderly, too soft to be the touch of a monster, too careful for a creature without a heart.
But there are also moments where he can't help but have fun with you. It's shit-eating grins, and diabolical laughter, using you like a toy and fucking you until you're begging for mercy. That Alucard is one you can see coming from a thousand miles away, just based off of the strut in his walk, and the swagger in his drawl.
You've devised a ritual for mentally preparing yourself for those nights, involving caffeinated tea, skin moisturizer, YouTube yoga, and a couple over-the-counter painkillers.
Integra got suspicious after the second time your bed frame was broken, and if it were not for Alucard's insistence on hearing it bang against the wall while he fucks you, you'd be sleeping in just a mattress on the floor by now.
It's those nights where he cracks morbid jokes while pounding you to oblivion, bending you in half and making you cry from the overstimulation, while he just smirks down at you in satisfaction.
It's long days when you are thoroughly reminded that you are only human, and he is a creature of lust and passion with a stamina that could rival a champion greyhound, and a cock that would make Asmodeous blush.
And it's broken promises that he will give you a break, only to pull you back onto his lap, forcing you to ride him until your legs feel like jelly, or taking you from behind until that damn bed frame breaks a fifth time.
Some days you wish you could just have a week off to heal your poor body, but all it takes is one smile from the handsome bastard, and your panties drop to the ground in an instant. Damn him to hell.
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marble-anime · 1 year
Angel Of Small Death & The Codeine Scene
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Pairing: Alucard x Reader
Summary: Deciding to leave behind your life as a human, you allow your vampire lover to turn you in the most exquisite way possible.
Disclaimer: Minors DNI
Warnings: biting, blood drinking, smut, unprotected sex, creampie
Word Count: 2k
Having lived through multiple centuries, Alucard had seen many changes in society. One of them being the shift in the way women and what they did with their bodies were perceived. Even after breaking free of the shackles men had on them, gaining their own rights, and moving up in the world, they were still burdened by impractical expectations. In this day and age, a woman was degraded for sleeping around but if they were a virgin they were considered a prude. 
When he met you he tried to keep himself from getting too close. But there was something about you that he just couldn’t shake. You were kind-hearted and tender. You were always the first person at his side after he returned from a job. Looking after any wounds he might have with a feathery touch. Expression filled with worry, unafraid to show how much you cared for the vampire despite his quick regeneration.
At the same time, you were also calm and laid back. Giving him space when he needed it, and not taking offense to his crude sentences. Your presence wasn’t overwhelming but gave him a sense of security. To him, you were a breath of fresh air.
He felt an intense urge to protect you. Most women nowadays lost their virginities before they turned 20. He figured you were the same. He couldn’t bear the thought of a vampire getting their hands on you and turning you into a mindless ghoul. He’d discussed it with Integra once, disguising his concern for you as a strategy in Hellsing's favor. With your intelligence, you’d be better suited to help come up with battle plans than aid Seras and himself in wiping out monsters.
But, having known him since she was a child, she saw right through him. Waving off his words and explaining that her decision to put you in the field was utilizing you to the best of your abilities. Adding that if you had been attacked you wouldn’t become a ghoul.
He was pleasantly surprised by her subtle hint at your virginity. Ignoring the joy he felt deep within himself at the possibility of you one day becoming immortal and spending your undying life with him. With his newfound discovery, he allowed himself to fall out of his comfort zone and into love with you.
Throughout your relationship, he anxiously awaited the talk you’d have to have regarding your life. He chose not to read your mind, whether he was trying to respect you or prolong the conversation he didn’t know. Enthralled with the idea of you choosing him over your humanity, yet dreading the prospect of you not wanting to become a monster like him.
Even without reading your mind, he’d known your answer before you did. The day you confessed that you were a virgin, unaware that Integra already told him. Avoiding his piercing stare with pink cheeks, foolishly worried that it would change the way he viewed you. He’d grasp your chin with a softness that was foreign to him and bring your gaze to meet his. Reassuring you that your inexperience was far from an issue. In fact, it saved you both the pain of having to lose each other. Telling you that you were meant for him and everything that happened up until that point was to bring you two together. His precious human.
He practically felt the love radiating from you as you stared up at him, eyes filled with mirth. He knew your decision. You were gonna stay with him forever. Perhaps his words influenced you. Or maybe you had the idea in your pretty head all along. Either way, it didn’t matter, now all he had to do was give you time to prepare for your new life as a fledgling. A few months later you told him that you were ready. Ready to abandon this lifetime to spend many more with the man you loved.
Tucked away in his coffin, there was little to no space between the two of you. Bare bodies pressed against each other, his arms looped around you like a cage. Your hand tugged at his raven locks as his long tongue teased your own. Your plush breast cushioned his own chest as his tall frame towered over you. Leaving a trail of kisses across your cheek, making his way down to your neck. Your breath hitched at the feel of his teeth grazing your flesh. His deep raspy voice distracts you from the sound of your rapid heartbeat thumping in your ears, “Are you sure?”
Sucking in a few deep breaths, you gave yourself a moment to think about it. After all, if you really went through with this your whole life would be flipped upside down. You’d have to adjust to being a vampire, get used to drinking human blood, and most importantly you’d live forever. You wouldn’t be able to settle down with someone, have kids, and grow old with them.
But what was the point of having all that if you couldn’t have it with Alucard? You knew you’d never love anyone as much as you loved him. Even more so, now that you had experienced life with him, you couldn’t imagine living out the rest of your life without him. You nodded, choosing him above everything, “Yeah.”
With your confirmation, he sunk his teeth into you. “Ah.” Your face scrunched up in pain as his fangs pierced your jugular. He hummed in delight, cock throbbing at your taste. While he continued to drink up the blood gushing from your neck, your body tensed. A fire ignited within you, heat running through your veins. Your heart rate accelerated, mind becoming fuzzy. You wondered if this was the transformation starting to take over you or just your body reacting to the pain.
An ache growing in the pit of your stomach, you reached between your bodies to grasp his lengthy cock that was prodding your thigh. You coated his tip with your arousal before lining him up with your entrance. Truthfully, you weren’t sure how this worked or how long you had to wait for your transformation. For all you know, you could be moving far too fast, tiptoeing the line between vampire and ghoul. But that was the farthest thing from your mind. You craved for him to become one with you. Sensing your urgency, Alucard pulled back. Licking away the remaining blood. “Don’t be so hasty. Such things require delicacy.”
His low voice sent shivers down your spine. You wrapped your legs around his waist while he slowly pushed his girth inside you. Filling you up as he buried himself to the hilt. His intrusion left a gnawing pain in your lower half. Your muscles tightened around him causing pressure in your gut. You gripped his shoulder blades at the unfamiliar feeling. He stretched you open with shallow thrusts. Pain slowly melting into pleasure, you arched into him. “More.”
He followed your command to the best of his ability. Picking up the pace but barely using an ounce of his strength, careful not to hurt you. Though the exquisite, long-awaited, feel of your velvety walls around him enticed him to push the boundaries, just a little. Alas, he held himself back. He knew he had to be gentle. Not only were you a virgin but your body was beginning to change in ways you couldn’t quite describe. You felt so full yet so empty. Alive yet lifeless. You were overwhelmed with emotions but you felt so detached.
“Alu,” you moaned, knees banging on the sides of the coffin to the rhythm of Alucard’s hips. Digging your nails into him, you scratched down his back drawing a groan out of him. Gasping for breath as the inside of the coffin heated up from your rigorous movement. You rolled your head to the side to look at your lover whose face was nuzzled into your shoulder. His neck stretched, exposing a thick juicy looking vein. You focused in on the vessel, the world around you becoming still and quiet.
Unable to control yourself, you leaned in. Biting down as hard as you could, determined to break the barrier between you and what you craved. You felt his shoulders tense, hips stuttering, no doubt surprised by your sudden action. Finally breaking through his skin, his blood flooding into your mouth.
Initially, when deciding whether or not to become a vampire, you’d always worried about having to drink blood. Not sure if you would be able to stomach the metallic taste to live off of it forever. However, slurping down Alucard’s blood, the experience was far more pleasant than you had expected. He tasted like rich wine. A perfect balance between bitter and sweet.
You felt as though you’d been jump-started back to life. Your previous confusion to the new sensations flowing through you evaporated. Living in a cruel world where everyone seemed to get the opposite of what they deserved. Divided by constant change and indecision. Suddenly the only thing that made sense to you was Alucard and the way he was fucking you. You began to rock your hips against him. The basement filled with his husky laugh. “My, my. Taking what you want with no regard for anything else,” he teased, “Has my selfishness rubbed off on you, dear?”
“Maybe,” you pulled away from his neck to tease him back. Blood dripping from the corner of your mouth which he generously lapped up for you. His veins left tingling at the idea of his blood circulating through you. Reminding him what drew him to you in the first place. You were the only one who could make him feel like this. He bit into you once again, except this time it didn’t hurt. All you felt was pure bliss. The corners of your mouth stretched into a wide smile, suffocating in the scent of sex.
A mix of moans and whimpers left your mouth. Squirming in Alucard’s arms as his cock reached deep inside you, hitting all the right places. The lack of oxygen, loss of blood, and the sweet pleasure you were feeling, all of it caused stars to cloud your vision. Your hands cascaded through his hair, softly urging him off of you with the request, “Wanna kiss you.”
Lifting his head to look at you, you finally saw his face. Mouth covered in your blood, eyes filled with fondness. A gentle expression framed by his long jet-black hair. He nudged his nose against yours before connecting your lips. The kiss was bloody and raw. Tasting each other's fluids mixing in your mouths. Your faces were covered in blood and saliva.
You tightened your hold on him. Your sounds were drowned out by his lips as you felt yourself coming undone. Shuddering as you felt his warm seed spill inside you. He slowed his thrusts, letting you both ride out your highs before his body went limp on top of you.
You softly massaged his scalp as he rested his head on your chest. As your hazy mind was starting to clear, you felt a laugh bubbling up in your chest. Suddenly overcome with joy, your efforts to bite it back were futile. The bursts of laughter erupting from your throat caught your love's attention. He looked up at you and tilted his head, clearly amused by your actions. “What’s so funny, my darling?”
You shrugged, trying to calm yourself down as you answered, “I’m just happy.”
Though he found your words to be heartwarming, he couldn’t help but wonder if you’d come to regret your decision. “You realize that this isn’t something you can take back, right?”
“Shouldn’t you have said that before you bit me?” You were only joking. As he turned his head to avoid your gaze, you knew the reason. For your envious, caring, lover hidden under the disguise of a cruel and selfish beast, it was easier to comfort you after the fact than to live out the rest of his life in grief after you would’ve inevitably passed on. You gently trailed your fingertips up and down his back, lulling the both of you to sleep while you reassured him, “Don’t worry. I’m more than content with my choice.”
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◤✞ 𝖄𝖔𝖚'𝖛𝖊 𝖓𝖔 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖆
𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝕴 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖇𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉
𝖕𝖚𝖒𝖕𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖌𝖍 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙 ✞◥
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Alucard x female reader
Synopsis : A moment shared between a human, you, and your vampire lover, Alucard, could not go on without a bite or two during a quiet night in your chamber.
Smut : biting, fingering, vampire, blood drinking, in this universe Alucard don't transform the reader for plot purpose, Alucard could be a warning but he's quite soft in this.
1 400 words
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Tonight, your lover Alucard, came as usual to your room, easily getting comfortable on your own bed.
The dark haired vampire was laying on his back with his legs spread lazily, your form on his lap.
And it was an understatement to say that no space could be seen between your warm body and his cold one.
« You know, my dear, over the time of our countless...intercourses, I noticed something fascinating. Aren't you curious? », Alucard deeply laughed at the thought of it.
He found himself touching your pulsating neck with his gloved thumb, pressing lightly on an apparent vein, his eyes turning dreamy at the sight of your quickening pulse due to his intimate actions, a menacing smile appearing on his pale figure.
« Well, it seems that when I'm granting you pleasure, your blood is acquiring such an exquisite taste, akin to ambrosia ».
You struggle to breath properly with the presence of Alucard. His scent was everywhere on you, already marking you as his. All you could do was to let his skilled fingers dance across the side of your neck and his gaze exploring the deepest parts of your soul.
After a short moment, Alucard decided to unbutton your brown shirt, exposing half of your cleavage to his hungry red eyes, allowing you to breathe a little easier.
« Are you scared ?, he laugh when he knows he’s wrong, « I should probably say aroused, am I right ? »
You bite your lips in frustration, Alucard always took pleasure in torturing you this way, like a predator with his prey, not giving you what you want - need - the easy way.
Where was the fun in that ?, he thought.
That’s when the dark haired man decided to remove his white glove with the help of his pointy teeth, his hand soon finding its place between your thighs covered in the short skirt from the Hellsing corporation, your little white cotton panties hiding just below it. His pale hand not wasting any time in tearing off the soft garnement, the last wall between you and him. And his smile grew even bigger at your delectable scent.
"Fuck, I can smell your arousal from here", he breathed deeply while his head rested on the cushions behind him for a second.
« Please Alucard, do something, I need… », you stop yourself from finishing your sentence, not wanting to give in to him. But that’s not like the vampire will let that slip.
« Come on, sweet human, if you say it, maybe I’ll indulge you », he whispered, surprisingly sweet in your ear. Not without a little nip at your earlobe, making you hiss quietly at the sensation of his sharp canines.
« I…need you Alucard, please, please do something », you take his hand in yours to place it just on top of your pussy, « I need you here », you looked at him in the eyes, pleading. That’s all he ever wanted, to know that you needed him.
It doesn’t take long for him to slip inside you two of his fingers, already thrusting them at a decent speed, making you gasp at the sudden entrance and letting your fingers grasp tightly his red ribbon and shoulder.
« You really are a good girl when you want to », you can hear him say directly into your ear.
Alas, patience isn’t a virtue that belonged to Alucard, thus the thrusts of his fingers only grow quicker by the seconds, he’s harsh with his movement, his free hand holding you firmly against his figure, not wanting you to move away from him.
Alucard’s mouth doesn’t take long either to glide across your neck, but he doesn’t bite you just yet. No, Alucard has learned over time to savor his meals, but you’re not just a meal to him, you were more than that. He couldn't explain it nor could he comprehend what that feeling was, but the only thing he knew was that you were different for him.
It’s almost like he was teasing himself with your blood, like a long awaited reward that he could only get when you reached your climax. After all, this said reward only grows in taste with wait. Also because he knew for a fact that even behind the innocent facade that you tried to maintain, you relished in the addicting sensation of his fangs breaking your skin to give him what he oh so crave.
Hence, while Alucard is fingering your sweet cunt in the most passionate way, you can feel him licks at your neck in the first place, letting his tongue tracing random patterns on it or just giving it simple licks to display his never ending hunger for you.
When his fingers begin to apply pressure on your sweet spot, he changes to kiss at your throat, whether it be small innocent pecks or open mouth kisses on your skin, giving you a pretty hickey, colors akin to his vibrant eyes.
It’s when he adds a final third finger into you, increasing your pleasure as well as the volume of your moans, that Alucard begins to nip at your skin, eliciting little whines from your throat when his fangs only graze at your sensitive skin, teasing you for the final act soon to come.
Just as Alucard feels you clamp impossibly tight around his fingers, his thumb circles around your clit to make you reach your peak. Your face hidden in the crook of his neck to cry out his name, warning him that you were oh so close. The signal for him to finally get his present.
His hand that was previously digging into your waist moved to grasp your neck firmly yet tenderly in a way, his cold palm wasn’t forceful but was instead here to hold you still.
His lips found their way once again close to your ear, « I can feel you clenching me incredibly hard right now », he laughed darkly at your whining form, « Stop making me wait and come for me, so I can have my well deserved meal », he finished with a toothy grin.
Alucard doesn't need to wait any longer to feel your release coat his fingers while you whimper in his chest, the vampire quickly digging his fangs into your neck harshly, having waiting so long to taste you, was starting to make him impatient, Alucard could finally enjoy this moment at its finest form.
The bite itself brought you a mix of immense pain and pleasure, extending your climax even longer than it already was.
And Alucard clearly didn't want to hold back.
Your blood was slowly falling between the crease of your chest, while Alucard was drinking from you, audibly moaning at your divine taste, his jaw closing a little harder on your neck to get as much from you as possible, drinking the substance like it was some sort of essence giving him life.
Alucard then wondered what his favorite element was when biting you ? Was it the blood itself ? Your peculiar taste ?
Or maybe all the memories that you’ve shared together that were tied to it ? The ones that were appearing in his head while you offered him a part of your soul. Maybe a bit of everything, he would suggest.
After drinking enough of you, Alucard removed himself from your throat with a content sigh, licking clean all the red substance from your skin, and wiping his mouth and cheeks with the back of his red sleeve.
When he regained his senses, you were still shaking a little in his arms due to your intense orgasm. When Alucard saw this, he took your chin in his grasp to make you look at him, gently capturing your face in his hands, looking at you with gentle eyes and kind smile. You were the only person to see this rare side of Alucard.
« You're the first one where I struggle to stop drinking from, the first one to make my resolves crumbles, and the first one that I care about in this world »
With that, the dark haired vampire put his lips on yours, kissing you with so much force and passion that your trembling form eased into his own while Alucard was holding your body close to his.
And at this moment, you could feel that nothing nor anyone could harm you in any way, when his presence around you was this strong.
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Author Note : I'm incredibly happy to write for my favorite husband Alucard, I hope I did him justice ❤️ There will be more to come about him, I know I've made him a bit soft in this but hey even tho he's a beast (and we love him for that) it doesn't mean that he can't chill from time to time ;) It's my first smut in a long time so I hope I did good, tell me if I did a mistake somewhere, I'm accepting all feedbacks, and wish that you enjoyed 🩸
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xythlia · 9 months
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› alucard x f!reader
› idk if anyone will even see this but i NEED him idc how stupid it makes me look I gotta fuck this man my life depends on it!!
warnings : mdni. mentions of blood and violence. thigh riding. finger sucking. spit. teasing. a lil angst if u squint in the beginning. degradation ish
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"Are you afraid?"
The thunderous rhythm of your heart would betray you but it wasn't pounding through your entire body out of fear, no, it was his intense closeness to you. The way he was all consuming in front of your senses and easily overpowering what little will you had as you stood with your back pressed to the frigid brick wall.
"No." you whisper to the dark, feeling his fingers glide along your jaw with something akin to tenderness.
"Perhaps you should be," he mused, coming into brief focus in your eyesight. Not for the first time you wished human sight wasn't so abysmal compared to a vampires, you bet he was beautiful in the tar black shadow of the manor basement.
It was always like this, this bizarrely passionate insistence that you needed to view him as a beast and your equally spirited push back that no matter how hard he might try that particular point of view wasn't one you'd share. It's not that the bloodshed or violence didn't matter, it was very much a core part of his being but rather that it didn't overshadow everything else that existed in him. No matter how hard he tried to push you away for seeing it.
You recall words you'd heard before regarding him.
A sobbing child that had lost everything.
Wordlessly you shift sideways, away from him and turn to make your way back out of the basement. All you'd needed to do was deliver blood bags, a task that usually fell to you since he enjoyed making other manor employees nearly die of cardiac arrest for the trouble, terrorizing them with various tricks and near psychological warfare. Not that you minded much though, it was an excuse to spend even five minutes alone together.
At first you thought he hated you, detested your presence because each time you'd end up near each other he was far more cold to you than even his baseline treatment of others. Only after being up late one night after a mission that had been a particular bloodbath, tipsy bordering on drunk as you snuck out onto the rooftop that you'd spoken freely to him and he to you. Maybe it was the residual adrenaline, or maybe he felt comfortable with the assurance that in an inebriated state you'd remember less.
He was wrong of course, when it came to him you couldn't help but remember everything in painful detail.
Something vaguely noncorporeal latched onto your wrist before you could make any further move to leave, giving you pause as you glanced down. A tendril of shadow, barely there but enough to almost anchor you in place. Of course he's too proud to tell you to stay, it brings a small smile to your face.
Silently you let it lead you back to him, standing in front of the ornate chair that served as the only piece of furniture in the carnivorous space outside the coffin you were sure was somewhere outside your field of vision with crossed arms once the tendril let go.
"I almost have to respect your insistence," he said, clearly taking in the defiance of your posture as amusing.
"What? Do you want me to call you dog and beast?" You didn't mean for it to come out so testy but his purposefully confusing behavior grated on your nerves. "If I didn't know better I'd say you have a thing for degradation."
That earns you a real laugh, making warmth seep inside your chest. Before you can comprehend it you're in his lap, making you gasp softly in surprise as a sharper, more embarrassed heat floods through your body.
Daydreaming about straddling him and actually doing it are two very, very different things.
"Your stubbornness is unfortunately alluring," he purrs against the shell of your ear, sending phantom fingers down your spine as you stiffen in his light hold. There was an oddly placed note of melancholy in his voice however, despite the intimate position you were in. He didn't give you much time to ruminate on it though.
Alucard was painstakingly mindful of his teeth, much sharper than your own, as his mouth found yours to keep you speechless. It wasn't a difficult task, and your mouth opened eagerly against each swipe of his tongue across your bottom lip. He tasted heady, faintly metallic and it made your hips involuntarily grind down against him.
His fingers dug into your sides, one hand sliding upward to cradle the back of your head as the kiss devolved into a mess of teeth and tongues, bursting with desperation that practically clung to your skin. His other hand only urged the movement of your hips, grinning wickedly against your mouth as your whines reached a louder pitch.
Deftly he maneuvered you into straddling his thigh, clearly enjoying the way your eyes screwed shut feeling him flex the muscles in his leg and push upward, grinding against your clothed cunt.
"You look cute when you're trying not to cum," he teased. It made a high-pitched groan tumble from your lips but before you could utter a word back his ungloved fingers were sliding against your tongue.
Your body didn't even need to do any work, his other hand kept your hips moving at a harsh pace against his leg that made heat pool inside your belly and made your brain feel like it was suddenly made of tv static. If you had any wherewithal maybe you would've felt more ashamed of the position you were in, his fingers jammed in your mouth as your tongue worked spit over them, that same spit sliding from the corners of your mouth to drip against your chest, and the way he had you grinding on his thigh like an obscene toy.
You always thought you were so clever when it came to hiding your feelings for him but knew the moment you laid eyes on him. You didn't stiffen with fear or apprehension, no it was desire that made you turn your eyes away each time. It was such an adorably human trait, to be almost embarrassed for getting caught wanting.
None of that embarrassment was on display now, his hand barely had to guide your movements anymore and the way you sucked on his fingers went beyond pornographic. It made arousal burn in his lungs like a harsh drag from a cigarette, seeing how shamelessly you chased your own end and listening to every salacious moan and whine bounce off the shadows around you two.
Your leg muscles were screaming against the repetitive movement, your breathing coming in short gasps around his fingers and your rhythm fell off into sloppy halfhearted jerks as you felt the pressure inside your gut burst like a dam, the friction against your clit reaching its crescendo.
You grabbed his forearm in a white knuckle grip as you whined and spasmed in his lap, moaning and panting as the orgasm crested over you. Slowly your senses return, and the ache in your legs isn't strong enough to detract from how painfully aware you are of the spit coating your skin and of his smug smile as his fingers stroke along the back of your neck.
"If I had to say, I'd think you enjoy being degraded."
His deep timbre laugh makes you jerk your head to the side, refusing to look in those burgundy eyes.
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sanguinebeast · 1 year
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s1ckh1mb0 · 2 months
I love a man that makes me feel secure enough that I can allow myself to be feminine in the way I want without having to worry about anything🎀
REINER, Orochimaru, Hidan, VEGETA OMG, Dio, CAPTAIN MacTavish, Zoro, Alucard
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yan-lorkai · 21 days
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Head empty, only cuddling with Alucard. I just know, I can feel that cuddling him would be so comfortable. I bet he gives the best cuddle and hugs, y'all have to trust me in this lol
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Alucard's coffin was surprisingly spacious and comfy, lined with velvet as deep and rich as the night itself. The air inside was cool, almost eerily so, yet you found it oddly comforting, wrapping tightly your blankets around you. You lay there, your head resting against Alucard’s chest, feeling the slow, steady rise and fall of his breath as he was on the verge of yet another dreamless sleep.
His arm was wrapped possessively around your waist, holding you close as if you might vanish at any moment, he always held you like this, like if you were ash falling through his fingers, disappearing on the wind. You suppose it's his own way of telling you that he love and miss you.
Alucard’s other hand trace slow, lazy patterns along your spine, a silent reminder that you were his. His to protect, his to cherish — and, most dangerously, his to possess. The thought sent a shiver down your spine, but you didn’t pull away. You were safe here, enveloped in his shadow, where nothing could harm you… Except perhaps him. But you knew that he wouldn't do that. You have know this for months.
But even as the thought crossed your mind, you couldn’t help but relax into his embrace. His touch was both a silent promise, a deadly warning, and despite everything, you found yourself drifting off, your eyelids closing slowly, lulled by the steady rhythm of his breath, the quiet beat of his ancient heart. You fell asleep knowing that, in his arms, you were both the safest and the most vulnerable you had ever been.
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just-some-user-hunny · 3 months
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Alucard and Anderson fighting over you...
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ok but Alucard and father Anderson both pining over the same person...
✧ If having an obsessive bloodthirsty vampire on your trail isn't bad enough, it appears you managed to capture another set of eyes... A set of eyes akin to madness.
✧ Alexander Anderson is puzzled; yet enthralled by your mere existence once he sees for himself the kindness you possess. The way you are so tender and kind to even the lowliest of hellspawn captures his attention. How you smile and treat the Draculina Seras with kindness, like she were a good friend, despite her dead heart and cold body. will earn you a prolonged stare from the towering man himself whenever you are within his presence.
He listens. He watches. Observing the way you confide within the young vampire, or flitter beneath Integra's steel Gaze- and especially how you seem to appear nonchalant despite being shrouded in the no-life kings shadow. It's curious to him, oh so very curious. It's Maddening to him.
✧ Who are you? What are you... You're nothing more than a fragile human, dear and earnest. You may have your obscurities and oddities, but at the end of the day, you're a little thing ensnared within the claws of hellsing.
✧ Through contemplative nights and long days of reading scripture and clutching his cross within his worn palms, he comes to a conclusion amidst a sleepless dream. An angel. You must be! How you exist in this cutthroat world is impossible, how else are you so full of light and joy? A sliver of heaven itself.
✧ Once he has found himself content with his conclusion, he grows frustrated with the fact that his rival- his dark contrasting other half, seems so infatuated. He has no business being so close to you- his mere presence is like an iron cage around a dove.
Father Anderson can see the no life kings obsession with you, the way this beast has formed this 'claim' to you, and it repulses him. To see such an innocent soul in the sights of a monster enrages him to no end. However he can only deny his own hypocrisy for so long. You too occupy a section of his thoughts and heart, often thinking of you in prayer and requesting the lord of your safety and wellbeing. The irony of being no different from the vampire vexes him so.
✧ They already butt heads, ready to tear one another limb from limb. Alucard is possessive and protective of you, and definitely doesn't like how his arch nemesis is hellbent on 'saving' you from the evil soulless beast that sunk its fangs into you.
Just the moment they are in the same room, all you can do is sigh and rub your temples- inbound by the fighting that's about to go down. Like wild alleycats. 'here we go...'.
✧ Father Anderson wishes strongly for you to remain with him, away from the vile twisted hands of Integra- and Ultimately out of the jaws of her bloody hound. You'd be safe in his residence; away from the cold stone hellsing manor walls and the shadows that occupy it. You'd have sunshine, warmth, safety. You'd have no reason to fear; no reason to hunger, nor thirst, nor shiver from the cold. The church will keep you safe within its Holy walls. You will remain a soft soul, kept away from the monsters.
✧ Prepare to be questioned by this vampire hunter whenever your paths cross. 'how are you? Are you being treated fairly? Are you sleeping and eating well? Are you happy?'. Please assure this man's every inquiry, for even a hesitant falter in your words or a deflated expression on your face will warrant an extreme reaction from him. (And by that, I mean he'll hail an onslaught of insults upon integra and her seething vampire). He's so keen to sweep you away, so he'll grasp at anything to justify it.
✧ As you can imagine, Alucard is not a fan of his rivals intrusive nature towards his human. His beloved. Blood red eyes will glare venomously at the priest as he speaks sweetly to you, wanting to laugh at his onslaught of questions. Are you sleeping well? Of course you are, he sees to it himself. Are you safe? The safest place is in the eye of the hurricane, after all. What foolish inquiries.
✧ I think ultimately when your personal safety is in danger, they'll reluctantly team up. They have the same goal in mind- to keep you alive. Perhaps a part in themselves will enjoy the partnership. The contrast of their existences somehow meshing perfectly together when they're doing something they both have their sights on. They're both unstoppable, impenetrable  forces.
✧ Still, they see no other reason that they have to like each other. They still butt heads like possessive alley cats, spitting their snide remarks and wit towards one another like their hail of bullets and blades.
"Really? Now you Don't see me cowering in the shadows of her room watching her sleep. It's rather pitiful, don't you think?".
Alucard finds his taunts amusing. His grin widening at his rivals words, chuckling lowly at his snide remarks. Does this man honestly believe he has any shame? Any embarrassment when it comes to you? This all but frustrated Alexander more, hence the neverending cycle of aggression towards one another.
✧ The boisterous taunts will only ever earn a few array of reactions. Either alucard will give a sharp toothed grin and shamelessly agree with his own infatuation, or snarl and glare. It very much depends on what's said.
"Do you really think that an angel like her will want an evil, soulless creature like you?".
Any prods at Alucard himself are met with deep rumbling laughter and snarling grins. He cannot disagree, father Anderson speaks the truth. He is a monster. In fact, it's frustratingly amusing to him.
"And yet, she is mine. Funny, isn't it, father?".
✧ Him seeing Alucard as a tick in your side.
A disease that refuses to leave.
Nothing good comes out of having a vampire attached to you. It irks him to see an innocent soul in the clutches of the no life king.
The hostility between them turns sour, more intense. It's not just a battle between unstoppable forces anymore- with you thrown in the mix, it's a hellfire of bullets and blades. Father Anderson wants to save you, and Alucard wants this bothersome human to stay away from his human. As said before, they will reluctantly collaborate if it assures your safety- despite their own selfish desires to be your own hellish tormentor and divine protector. An immovable object, and an unstoppable force.
✧ Just know, that no matter who you choose to remain besides, the other will be just as infatuated and stubborn. You'll be caught in a whirlwind, a force you cannot escape nor fight. What will you do? Will you grace the monster with your gentleness, or will you fall into the arms of a mad saint? That power lies within your hands.
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I find their dynamic so interesting, they're the opposite sides of the same coin. I'd love to hear anyone's interpretation or thoughts on them!!!
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stuckinhell102 · 7 months
What if Alucard has his s/o stressed out or overworked themselves
Alucard with an overworking s/o!
He is already used to Integra being an overworker so he knows how to deal with the issue.
He would go through a wall and just grab his s/o and pull them with him into his room.
If you complain that you have work to do he will shush you with a kiss.
He would also use his vampire powers to make you go to sleep.
When u wake up you see that your work has been finished.(Alucard asked Walter to finish it for you)
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autumnaaltonen · 2 years
Here’s an idea of the reader loving all of his forms
Like he would use his other forms to fluster the poor reader
Oh hells yeah. After conducting that Alucard simp poll a couple weeks ago, we now know that the love for Alucard's various forms stretch across the board.
Alucard Using His Shapeshifting to Fluster His S/O
It was common knowledge in Hellsing that there were many shapes and forms Alucard could take on. Sometimes he was shadows in the ceiling corner, spying on guests as they speak with his Master. Other times he could be mist under the dining room table, listening in on conversations between Hellsing staff on the goings-on of the manor. He was unpredictable, and this made everyone hyper aware of what they said while on duty.
You, on the other hand, have been his lover for quite a bit, and when you manage to wiggle into Alucard's dead heart as you have, guessing his patterns and whereabouts becomes a bit of a game for you.
Integra: "Damn that creature, he did not arrive for our scheduled meeting with the Iscariot, again. Where the blazes is he?"
You: "Oh, he was there. He's just hiding in your shadow again."
Alucard, from Integra's shadow on the carpet: "The sun was at it's peak. Why should I burn myself for those Catholic hypocrites?"
Integra: "Why you-get out of there!"
You: "I did advise you to close the blinds, sir."
As clever as you are, Alucard does not find this at all amusing. He lives on being a master of deception and trickery, and you just manage to throw off his whole vibe.
So one day, he decides to turn the tables on you.
You wake up early morning to start the day, and turn to kiss Alucard good morning, as he always joins you in bed before taking his daytime slumber.
To your shock, you turn to find a slobbery black dog cuddled up to your side. Baskerville licks a wet stripe up your face, getting slobber in your nose and eye.
"Hilarious", you grumble sarcastically, before shoving the hound off of you to go wash your face.
Later that afternoon, you go to retrieve a box of Sir Integra's favorite tea from the kitchen pantry, opening the door to find a young girl hanging by her neck from the ceiling. You scream in shock, falling to the ground in terror. But you quickly recognize the coal-black hair and ruby eyes.
"God damn it, Alucard! I nearly pissed myself!"
He giggles wholeheartedly from the makeshift noose, before you grab the tea bags and slam the door in his face.
You stay on guard after that, constantly on edge for the rest of the evening.
Catching onto his game, you consistently point him out from every nook and cranny you know he frequents, raining on his parade before he can get the jump on you again.
By the time you are getting ready for bead, you think he's finally given up, but then you feel the mattress and sheets shift.
"Don't even try it, Alucard. I know you're there," you grumble, just wanting some shut-eye.
But then you feel two strong hands grip your shoulders, and long legs barricade against your hips, pinning you down on the mattress.
"But why end the fun when the night is still young, my love?" a deep and sultry accented voice whispers in your ear. You look up to see the unmistakable face of Vlad staring you down, the best 'do me' look shimmering in his lustful gaze. He's stripped down to his underclothes, wearing a loose peasant shirt that gives you a welcome view of his hairy, muscular chest.
"Always keen on the element of surprise, eh Drac?" you hum.
"And there are many more surprises to come," he chuckles, before leaning down and kissing you, beginning what would turn out to be a very long night for you both <3
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plushverse · 11 months
Alucard taking care of his sick s/o
Because I wasn’t feeling the best at the time of writing this and need some soft Alucard
*Alucard could tell something was wrong when he couldn’t find you while sneaking around the Hellsing manor as he usually did
*so when he couldn’t find you, he didn’t panic, but he was a little concerned.
*Seras had told him that you were sick and not coming in today/were in your room
*his initial response is to make his way to your room to check on you, which caught you a bit off guard. He tells you not to worry since he wouldn’t be able to catch what you had.
*Alucard has never seen you so… weak looking, which he didn’t like at all.
*You told him that it was just a simple cold and that you would be fine within a couple days.
*however, that didn’t seem to make things any better.
*Alucard barely left your side except to bring you things to help you feel better (after asking Seras for help as he’s never really had to take care of a sick person before now)
*he would bring you anything you needed to help feel better, along with other things such as extra pillows and blankets, maybe a game or two or something to help entertain you, as he will not allow you to leave your bed unless you absolutely had to
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Alucard x sick!reader
Since I’ve been rewatching Hellsing. Also based off some headcanons I wrote earlier!
Alucard could sense something was not right when he couldn’t find you while sneaking around the Hellsing manor as per usual. Where were you? Had something bad happened to you? No, that couldn’t be, he always made sure you made it to and from your destinations safely. He couldn’t bare to let anything happen to his beloved Y/n now. He was going to find out what was happening, even if he had to pry information from someone, but his thoughts were caught off by a familiar voice calling out to him.
“Master Alucard? Are you looking for Y/n?” It was Seras.
“I have not seen them around, do you know where they are?”
“Yeah, they’re at home, sick. They called me to tell you that they won’t be in today, and also told me to tell you not to worry, that they would be fine.”
“I see…” and before either could say anything else, Alucard disappeared into the shadows. He was going to check up on you.
You groaned a bit as you pulled the covers more onto your body, shivering from the cold, and you knew it wasn’t even that cold in the room. You hadn’t been feeling well since last night, when you started feeling achy but not sick, but when you woke up you were definitely not well.
You were brought back from your thoughts as you felt a familiar presence in your room, glancing around the room for a moment before your gaze landed in one particular spot in the room.
“Alucard?” You asked, but didn’t move from your spot in bed.
“Indeed, my beloved.” You heard him chuckle in response as he appeared from the shadows before making his way over to your side. Alucard had never seen you look so weak, and he did not like it one bit.
“What are you doing here? Not that I don’t like your company or anything, but I won’t be much help with anything or much company.” As you finished talking, you turned your head and coughed into your elbow, groaning a bit from the soreness in your throat.
“Am I not allowed to check up on you, Y/n?” Alucard moved to sit by you. “Besides, I won’t be able to catch what you have.”
“If you say so.” You moved your arms back under the blanket to keep them warm.
“Stay put, Y/n. Well, not like you have much of a choice, I’m going to get something for you.” And with that, he was gone. You shrugged in response and closed your eyes. May as well try to get some rest while you waited for him to come back.
What seemed like a few hours may have only been about thirty minutes when you heard shuffling around in the room. You slowly opened your eyes to see Alucard setting a few things on your nightstand, such as a couple of water bottles, a bottle of medicine, what looked to be a thermos with what you could guess was soup or something along those lines, and something else you couldn’t really see as the room was dark.
“Alucard?” You mumbled, sitting up a bit.
“Ah, apologies if I have woken you up, Y/n. It wasn’t my intention.”
“No, it’s okay, I didn’t really get much sleep while you were gone. I mean, I fell asleep, but not into a deep sleep.”
“You need all the rest you can get, my dear Y/n, but I did bring you a few things that will also help.”
“…let me guess, you had to ask Seras and Integra for help?”
“…you know I could have grabbed a leech and put it on you, right?”
“I would rather you not do that.”
“That’s what I thought.” Alucard chuckled a bit and handed you the thermos. “Here. This will help. I’ve been told it will help.” You nodded and took the thermos from him, opening it up, and it smelled delicious.
“Thank you, Alucard.” You looked up at him, a faint smile on your face as you took a careful sip from the thermos, as to make sure it wasn’t too hot before drinking the rest and setting the thermos onto your nightstand.
“You are welcome, Y/n.” He lightly pats your head and moves to be beside you once more. “I do want you to get better, of course.”
“Well if I have you by my side, helping me like this, then I should get better in no time.”
“Of course. I would never leave you to fend for yourself when you’re like this. Now, please, get some rest. I’ll be here when you wake.” You nodded in agreement and lie back down, closing your eyes. Before you fell asleep, however, you heard him say:
“Sleep well, my love.” Which made you smile softly as you fell into a deep sleep. Alucard kept true to his word and rarely left your side, unless you were in need of space, or if Integra needed him. He made sure that nothing would happen until you were back to your normal self.
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