#The Wetlens post
cannibalcreeps · 2 years
Man crawled out of his swamp to tell you something important
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The Winners Of The 2018 Underwater Photography Competition Will Take Your Breath Away
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The Winners Of The 2018 Underwater Photography Competition Will Take Your Breath Away
Underwater photography opens up a dimension of Mother Earth we don’t normally see. Blackwater diving and shallow reef paddling would be incredibly hard to explain if it wasn’t for the vivid images people brought from beneath the surface. Celebrating the beauty of waters from all over the world, the 7th Annual Ocean Art Underwater Photo Contest has just announced its winners, and the pictures speak for themselves.
“The purpose of the [competition] is to find and promote the world’s best underwater photographers and their work,” Underwater Photography Guide’s Managing Editor Nirupam Nigam told Bored Panda. “We’d also like to bring public awareness to the beauty of marine life and the necessity of its conservation. Ocean Art is about discovering and putting a spotlight on new/innovative photographic techniques, amazing animal behaviors, and the beauty of the world’s oceans.”
The judges evaluated thousands of entries from 70 countries before deciding which of them deserved to receive the over $80,000 in sponsor prizes across 16 different categories. “The 2018 competition was our most competitive year to date with a record number of entries. Images from this year’s competition show just how far underwater photographic technology and innovation from underwater photographers have come. As this innovation continues, we have seen a shift in preferred subjects for underwater photographers. It would seem that more photographers are now confident in shooting large pelagic subjects such as sharks, rays, humpback whales, and crocodiles. Although these are impressive subjects by themselves, we looked for the very best photos regardless of the subject. This year we saw an increase in entrants from Asia.”
Scroll down to check out the best images from the competition and read the stories behind them!
#1 1st Place, Wide-Angle Category, “Gentle Giants” By François Baelen
This unique encounter happened in September 2018 in Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) where the humpback whales come here to breed and give birth. The mother was resting 15 meters down, while her calf was enjoying his new human friends. Trust : this is what came to my mind, when this close to 30 ton-animal, still hunted today by mankind, allowed me to freedive behind her and take that shot. From…
This unique encounter happened in September 2018 in Reunion Island (Western Indian Ocean) where the humpback whales come here to breed and give birth. The mother was resting 15 meters down, while her calf was enjoying his new human friends. Trust : this is what came to my mind, when this close to 30 ton-animal, still hunted today by mankind, allowed me to freedive behind her and take that shot. From down there, everything seemed unreal: that huge tail centimeters away from me, the calf, my friend free diving symetrically. I knew I would not get a shot like this one again. The post production was all about getting a good white balance and reducing noise, because this photo was taken with natural light only, 15 meters deep.
#2 Honorable Mention, Portrait Category, “Curiosity” By Kyler Badten
My freedive parter and I were surrounded by green sea turtles feeding on algae that washed out from the rocky shoreline on Oahu’s North Shore. I turned to see this turtle swimming directly at me, which was a truly remarkable behavior that I have never experienced before. As I set up to capture the unique encounter, the curious turtle saw her reflection and continued to slowly approach until nearly bumping…
My freedive parter and I were surrounded by green sea turtles feeding on algae that washed out from the rocky shoreline on Oahu’s North Shore. I turned to see this turtle swimming directly at me, which was a truly remarkable behavior that I have never experienced before. As I set up to capture the unique encounter, the curious turtle saw her reflection and continued to slowly approach until nearly bumping my dome!
#3 Honorable Mention, Nudibranch, “Sheep On The Shot” By Chun Ho Tam
My dive master showed me this cute sheep during a dive in Lembeh, Indonesia. Its rouge face attracted me and I decided to take a face shot with snooting it to create a spot light effect.
#4 5th Place, Wide-Angle Category, “Eclipse” By Edwar Herreno
From August to November, golden rays migrate in large numbers in Costa Rican Pacific waters. No one knows the exact reason, but it can be to protection from predators or as a social/mating behavior. I was looking for this picture for years and after several weeks searching and working with biologist specialised in rays, I spotted a good place using my drone. I did several dives in this area and…
From August to November, golden rays migrate in large numbers in Costa Rican Pacific waters. No one knows the exact reason, but it can be to protection from predators or as a social/mating behavior. I was looking for this picture for years and after several weeks searching and working with biologist specialised in rays, I spotted a good place using my drone. I did several dives in this area and waited patiently, then When they came on top of me, I was shock and forgot that I had a camera in my hands. Any effort I did for this encounter, word it! Simply magic moment.
#5 1st Place, Macro Ocean, “Ancistrocheirus” By Jeff Milisen
One of the things that makes guiding a blackwater dive so rewarding is the chance to spread my passion to the 6 eager customers. But even guides have to let loose, and for that we find empty boat seats and tag along to hone our skills. On this night, I was going holo holo (for pleasure) when I found this sharp-eared enope squid just under the surface. Most enope squids…
One of the things that makes guiding a blackwater dive so rewarding is the chance to spread my passion to the 6 eager customers. But even guides have to let loose, and for that we find empty boat seats and tag along to hone our skills. On this night, I was going holo holo (for pleasure) when I found this sharp-eared enope squid just under the surface. Most enope squids are small and thus difficult to shoot. As they mature, the difficult paralarva comes into its own. Every detail in the arms, organs, and chromatophores blasts to life in radiant color. Such was the case with this gem of a specimen. At around 3 inches in length, it was easily the largest and prettiest sharp-eared enope squid I recall finding. I caught the guide’s glance and let him show it to the nearby customers, but soon the animal fled down, so I followed where the guide couldn’t. We descended past forty feet, fifty feet, sixty feet while I continued watching, studying, and shooting. Anywhere else and these would be shallow depths, but the middle of the ocean at night is a lonely place. I cruised slowly by seventy feet, the guide’s torch watching me. At eighty feet the kraken’s dancing and squirming still entranced me. Finally, at ninety feet deep, it was time to leave my new little friend at peace.
#6 3rd Place, Wide-Angle Category, “Two Inquisitive Friends” By Celia Kujala
The Australian sea lion is one of the most endangered pinnipeds in the world. One place they can be found is Essex Rocks in the Jurien Bay Marine Park. I was in shallow water, when two Australian sea lion pups swooshed in my direction. They were playing and zipping around each other in what appeared to be a beautiful underwater ballet. However, what happened next was even more special. As…
The Australian sea lion is one of the most endangered pinnipeds in the world. One place they can be found is Essex Rocks in the Jurien Bay Marine Park. I was in shallow water, when two Australian sea lion pups swooshed in my direction. They were playing and zipping around each other in what appeared to be a beautiful underwater ballet. However, what happened next was even more special. As they neared me, I must have piqued their interest because the two playful friends became two inquisitive friends and swam to check me out. I was able to capture them at the exact moment they were perfectly posed and staring at me with their curious eyes. I love observing wildlife underwater, but the moments when one connects with wildlife are even more extraordinary. I hope to share with people the magic that I felt.
#7 Honorable Mention, Mirrorless Macro, “Face To Face” By Rafi Amar
When I took this picture, a lot of sharks were walking around me, and my Buddy did not understand why I was diving with a macro lens, but I had to photograph this shy fish. For more than an hour I waited for this picture but finally it was worth it.
#8 3rd Place, Marine Life Behavior, “Love From A Father” By François Baelen
When it comes to clownfishes, we can safely say that Daddy does everything he can to make sure the next generation is safe. He takes care of the eggs by making them breathe with his fins; he removes dust, debris and dead eggs from the nest. This was a really lucky shot as I was trying a new wetlens (+20 diopter). It is pretty hard to use because its depth…
When it comes to clownfishes, we can safely say that Daddy does everything he can to make sure the next generation is safe. He takes care of the eggs by making them breathe with his fins; he removes dust, debris and dead eggs from the nest. This was a really lucky shot as I was trying a new wetlens (+20 diopter). It is pretty hard to use because its depth of field is so shallow that I had to focus manually. What a surprise it was to get this lovely behavior and the clownfish eye in perfect focus!
#9 Honorable Mention, Portrait Category, “Nemo” By Matteo Visconti
The relationship between the ocellaris clownfish that dwell among the tentacles of Ritteri sea anemones is a good example of mutualism. The territorial fish protects the anemone from anemone-eating fish, and in turn the stinging tentacles of the anemone protect the clownfish from its predators.
#10 2nd Place, Novice Dslr, “Smile Of A Friend” By Antonio Pastrana
In my photo dreams I always had the idea of capturing a wild crocodile. But even when I have seen many in the wild, I have never been able to get in the water with one. That morning we saw this crocodile called El Niño. I was told he was nice enough to let you get close to him. He was watching us for quite some time and, when we…
In my photo dreams I always had the idea of capturing a wild crocodile. But even when I have seen many in the wild, I have never been able to get in the water with one. That morning we saw this crocodile called El Niño. I was told he was nice enough to let you get close to him. He was watching us for quite some time and, when we decided to go in the water, I was nervous but excited. I approached him close to 10 feet when he started to move towards me, I got more nervous than before but he moved gently so I knew he wasn’t mad. He came towards me but dived underneath, so I turned around to follow him closely. When he turned around to face me, I had the opportunity to take this picture with a big smile. After getting the shot I edited in Lightroomma bit of exposure, less contrast, some highlights and less shadows and some clarity cropping the image on the right bottom side to get more close and giving the shot more balance.
#11 1st Place, Cold Water, “Grey Seal Face” By Greg Lecoeur
#12 Honorable Mention, Portrait Category, “Roar” By Jinggong Zhang
This kind of species chaenopsid blenny was found in rocky reefs around Japan, in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. It features a Mohican-like “haircut,” which is usually in red, yellow, or black. This photo of blenny cleaning up its lair was taken in Kanagawaken, Japan.
#13 2nd Place, Wide-Angle Category, “Paddle Boarders Sunset” By Grant Thomas
Stand up paddle boarders were out exploring the shallow reefs at sunset. I wanted to demonstrate the innate bond humans have with the ocean, whether we are physically in it or floating on the surface. Our inherent relationship with the ocean is eternal and we must care for it in a way that ensures sustainability for the future.
#14 2nd Place, Underwater Art, “Two Worlds Collide” By Jordan Robins
‘Two Worlds Collide’ is an over under photo captured of a vivid sunrise at Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay. Above the water is clouds in the sky bursting to life with colour from the rising sun. Below the water is a series of parallel lines of sand formed by the continual rise and fall of the ocean.This photo took nearly six months to capture with multiple failed attempts along the way….
‘Two Worlds Collide’ is an over under photo captured of a vivid sunrise at Hyams Beach, Jervis Bay. Above the water is clouds in the sky bursting to life with colour from the rising sun. Below the water is a series of parallel lines of sand formed by the continual rise and fall of the ocean.This photo took nearly six months to capture with multiple failed attempts along the way. I wanted to capture vivid colours in the sky contrasted with the crystal-clear water and unique formations in the sand below the water’s surface. On this particular morning, I was rewarded with an amazing sunrise and crystal clear calm water.I used my two inon-z240 strobes to light up below the water and balance the exposure with the sky. During post processing I added a little bit of blue to the water to create a dynamic contrast with the fiery reds in the sky, creating an almost psychedelic like scene.
#15 Honorable Mention, Underwater Art, “Light Beam” By Alexandre St. Jean
Cenotes are sacred places to the Mayans. They are doorways to Xibalbá – the Mayan Underworld. On an expedition through the Yucatan Peninsula, Professional Freediver Carlos Coste and I were brought to a very beautiful and remote Cenote by our friend and local guide, Pedro Castillo. There, we were privy to a beautiful, clear and unoccupied Cenote. As we got our gear on, a light beam appeared in the water…
Cenotes are sacred places to the Mayans. They are doorways to Xibalbá – the Mayan Underworld. On an expedition through the Yucatan Peninsula, Professional Freediver Carlos Coste and I were brought to a very beautiful and remote Cenote by our friend and local guide, Pedro Castillo. There, we were privy to a beautiful, clear and unoccupied Cenote. As we got our gear on, a light beam appeared in the water from above. For a couple hours each day, the sun peaks through the hole of the Cenote and shapes the light into a perfect tube. Needless to say, we used every second of light to capture photos of this wonderful phenomenon in order to show its mystical beauty. The sense of awe and tranquility felt in Cenotes are enrapturing. You can definitely feel the energy of Xibalbá.
#16 4th Place, Portrait Category, “Eye To Eye” By Shane Keena
A curious and quite playful humpback whale calf comes in for a close look in an amazing few seconds between two sentient beings. This calf was rolling around as its mom slept then swam towards me, turning and slowing down just long enough for us to make eye to eye contact.
#17 5th Place, Marine Life Behavior, “New Life” By Flavio Vailati
I usually dive in Capo Noli Italy. One morning in July I met a beautiful specimen of an octopus in a tube that was caring for its eggs.
#18 1st Place, Marine Life Behavior And Best Of Show By Duncan Murrell
Spinetail devil rays, (Mobula japanica) engaged in rarely observed or photographed courtship behaviour with two males pursuing one female.
#19 1st Place, Nudibranch, “Inside The Eggs” By Flavio Vailati
During a dive in Anilao, Philippines I found this nudibranch and I waited for the best time to make this shot.
#20 2nd Place, Compact Macro, “Red On Green” By Kate Tinson
North Sulawesi is Kate a wonderful go-to dive vacation spot. This shot was taken on our first day of the trip at Bunaken Island in June 2018 after arriving at 1am that morning. The colour of the coral and the beautifully symmetrical patterns are always attractive, and I was lucky enough to capture a very co-operative coral goby who posed like a real professional which produced these wonderful complementary…
North Sulawesi is Kate a wonderful go-to dive vacation spot. This shot was taken on our first day of the trip at Bunaken Island in June 2018 after arriving at 1am that morning. The colour of the coral and the beautifully symmetrical patterns are always attractive, and I was lucky enough to capture a very co-operative coral goby who posed like a real professional which produced these wonderful complementary colours.
#21 2nd Place, Portrait Category, “Croc In The Mist” By Christina Barringer
“Croc in the Mist” was a fierce shot. As quick as this young croc made its appearance, it charged towards my dive partner. With no camera to use as a barrier, she was vulnerable. As it kicked up the sand, visibility became poor. So I quickly pushed myself in front of my dive partner and dove down, using my large camera as a barrier. But first, I just had to…
“Croc in the Mist” was a fierce shot. As quick as this young croc made its appearance, it charged towards my dive partner. With no camera to use as a barrier, she was vulnerable. As it kicked up the sand, visibility became poor. So I quickly pushed myself in front of my dive partner and dove down, using my large camera as a barrier. But first, I just had to snap this shot!
#22 2nd Place, Marine Life Behavior , “The Fight” By Anders Nyberg
Me and my dive guide were looking for some Ghost Pipefish and other small critters, so I had prepared my Nikon D500 with a 105 mm macro lens. Swimming around and looking for small stuff, suddenly we saw these two two beautiful male Anthias fighting and spinning around. I was aware of my camera gear would be quite wrong for this to Anthias but I had to try to take…
Me and my dive guide were looking for some Ghost Pipefish and other small critters, so I had prepared my Nikon D500 with a 105 mm macro lens. Swimming around and looking for small stuff, suddenly we saw these two two beautiful male Anthias fighting and spinning around. I was aware of my camera gear would be quite wrong for this to Anthias but I had to try to take some pictures. The hardest part was that I needed to be a bit far from the Anthias because my macro lens, so there was a lack of light from my strobes. Despite that I managed to catch these two anthias fighting by using a long exposure so it has given the image an ethereal glow and energy. Neither me nor the dive guide had seen anything like it and it was a fantastic experience. For post-processing I used white balance, contrast, shadows, clarity, sharpening and dehaze
#23 4th Place, Macro Ocean, “Dance Of Love” By Jinggong Zhang
Sea horses usually have a long dance of courtship before mating. They will move in sync and swim around each other. After a few seconds, the female puts the eggs into the males’ pouch through ovipositor to complete the fertilization. Unlike most species, the birth of the sea horses are done by males. This mating photo was taken in Minamatashi, Kumamotoken in Japan. This species sea horses was officially recognized…
Sea horses usually have a long dance of courtship before mating. They will move in sync and swim around each other. After a few seconds, the female puts the eggs into the males’ pouch through ovipositor to complete the fertilization. Unlike most species, the birth of the sea horses are done by males. This mating photo was taken in Minamatashi, Kumamotoken in Japan. This species sea horses was officially recognized in 2017. To hide from natural enemies, sea horses usually swim out of hiding seaweed and mate at sunrise in the morning. After mating, they hide into the depths of seaweed immediately.
#24 2nd Place, Mirrorless Macro, “Bubble Life” By Owen Yen
When I saw this green nudi in Boergeseniaforbesii(Siphonocladales), I felt that it looks like the HULK but more cute. It ate the chlorophyll and stay in Boergeseniaforbesii to make its own BUBBLE LIFE.
#25 2nd Place, Cold Water, “Burst” By Tyler Schiffman
: I was diving the break wall in Monterey bay and this week in particular had over 40 foot vis for 3 days straight. I had been shooting kelp bursts all day as the light was exploding amongst the canopy above. I had framed this shot waiting for a sea lion to swim by. After 5 minutes, one swam up and paused for a few seconds, I took…
: I was diving the break wall in Monterey bay and this week in particular had over 40 foot vis for 3 days straight. I had been shooting kelp bursts all day as the light was exploding amongst the canopy above. I had framed this shot waiting for a sea lion to swim by. After 5 minutes, one swam up and paused for a few seconds, I took 3 photos and as rare as it was the moment left in a blink of an eye.
#26 3rd Place, Nudibranch, “Frosted Pearl” By Bettina Balnis
Beside giant jellyfishes, octopuses, and seastars – all subjects too big for my macro lense – I suddenly saw this beautiful creature crawling on a kelp leave. Fantastic. I watched it until the end of the dive. Never saw such a beautiful nudibranch again
#27 4th Place, Wide-Angle Category, “West Coast Flowers” By Geo Cloete
Each year during the early spring, the normally barren looking West Coast landscape of South Africa undergoes a magnificent transformation as millions of wildflowers bloom and decorates the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colours as far as the eye can see. When I stumbled upon this scene of sandy anemones (Aulactinia reynaudi) whilst exploring the West Coast coastline, it immediately reminded me of the yearly flower season of the region. Only…
Each year during the early spring, the normally barren looking West Coast landscape of South Africa undergoes a magnificent transformation as millions of wildflowers bloom and decorates the landscape in a kaleidoscope of colours as far as the eye can see. When I stumbled upon this scene of sandy anemones (Aulactinia reynaudi) whilst exploring the West Coast coastline, it immediately reminded me of the yearly flower season of the region. Only in this instance nature treats us to this beautiful display year round and a wonderful reason to appreciate and give recognition to the wonders of our coastline much more. In order to capture as wide a field of view as possible, I relied on my trusty fisheye lens and applied a lens correction function.
#28 2nd Place, Nudibranch, “Polycera Quadrilineata Posing” By Fredrik Ehrenström
This image was taken in the early spring 2012 at 10 m depth in the algal belt surrounding the old ferry dock of Bremsnes in Norway. Spring time is nudibranch time along the coasts of Scandinavia. The one-year-old adults spawn and large amounts of fully grown adults (3-4 cm) can be seen on the leaves of Oar Weed (Laminaria digitata), together with their curtainlike eggmasses. Some individuals raise their bodies…
This image was taken in the early spring 2012 at 10 m depth in the algal belt surrounding the old ferry dock of Bremsnes in Norway. Spring time is nudibranch time along the coasts of Scandinavia. The one-year-old adults spawn and large amounts of fully grown adults (3-4 cm) can be seen on the leaves of Oar Weed (Laminaria digitata), together with their curtainlike eggmasses. Some individuals raise their bodies in search for something, maybe another nudibranch for mating? This behavior has been utilized to get an image with a clean composition.
#29 3rd Place, Macro Ocean, “Speedy Cuttlefish” By Fabio Iardino
During a night dive, I met this cuttlefish. Intrigued by his way of moving, I tried a technique of slow sync flash to get a shot with an effect of movement.
#30 1st Place, Mirrorless Wide Angle, “Spotted Dolphin” By Eugene Kitsios
Before you enter the water with a pod of dolphins, you never know what the interaction will be like. Sometimes you may have a great encounter, where the dolphins will curiously swim around you or show you some kind of playful behaviour. Other times they may leave you without interest. The best way to interact with them is to let them decide. Times where you are accepted by the pod…
Before you enter the water with a pod of dolphins, you never know what the interaction will be like. Sometimes you may have a great encounter, where the dolphins will curiously swim around you or show you some kind of playful behaviour. Other times they may leave you without interest. The best way to interact with them is to let them decide. Times where you are accepted by the pod are truly a magical experience. These intelligent creatures display so much interesting behaviour and in this case they playfully and curiously swimmed by me.
#31 6th Place, Marine Life Behavior, “Cleaning” By Liang Fu
A white-banded cleaner shrimp hopped into the mouth of a grouper to have some leftover food. While at the same time, the grouper has its mouth cleaned by the shrimp. This cleaning behavior ensures both species mutually benefit from this symbiotic relationship. I am fascinated by this behaviorbetween the grouper and the shrimp. To capture this moment, I tried to use a snoot with side-back lighting to create a strong…
A white-banded cleaner shrimp hopped into the mouth of a grouper to have some leftover food. While at the same time, the grouper has its mouth cleaned by the shrimp. This cleaning behavior ensures both species mutually benefit from this symbiotic relationship. I am fascinated by this behaviorbetween the grouper and the shrimp. To capture this moment, I tried to use a snoot with side-back lighting to create a strong shadow of the body of the grouper while at the same time lighting up the mouth. Lucky enough when a shrimp jumped just on the edge of the mouth, I got the photo that I was hoping for.
#32 1st Place, Underwater Art, “Disco Nudi” By Bruno Van Saen
I was trying to create an image right out of the camera using special own-made backgrounds. But at the end, it was the photoshop filter ‘swirl’ which helped me a lot to end up with this creative image.
#33 1st Place, Mirrorless Behavior, “My Babies” By Fabrice Dudenhofer
Read more: http://www.boredpanda.com/
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
Gorv can totally be the guy from "cover them up slut" too!! Match with his papa!
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Like many of the large Wetlens, Gorvrick has them hairy pillows UwU Alton is not impressed
-- Tho I'm not sure if you are asking for Mark, whose the two boys father, to show his more smaller tits as well or if you mistook his Uncle Hog as his father 😅
But yes UwU he can match Hog and be apart of the big tiddy Wetlen club
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
What’s the Wetlens exactly? Are they ocs? Or is it a movie? Because I would love to know 😭🙏
They my ocs, as much as I would love for them to be a movie
They're a large cannibal family, I've got a wip family tree I need to fix up but all together there are around 33 blood related members
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I sadly haven't been posting as much about them as I used to but the main generation of the family we follow is the 4th and 5th generation.
The 4th being Cherri and his siblings (not so much their cousins)
And the 5th being their kids.
When I get the chance and I'm not at work I'll have to go more in depth 😅
But here's a pic of the 4th gen from eldest to youngest.
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
Welcome to my new followers who I know came from twitter, as a heads up on what to expect  I mostly respond to asks about the Wrong Turn and The Hills Have Eyes characters, as well as my own OCs The Wetlens  But there is still art posts here and there  I do answer a lot of nsfw written requests, I range between:  Wrong Turn, THHE, Castle Freak, Timber Falls and can do more popular bois like TCM Bubba/Thomas, but I mostly stick with WT Hilliker Boys and THHE Jupiter Clan.   So hopefully you enjoy the content here! 
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cannibalcreeps · 2 years
The "cover them up slut" guy for Hog or Slough
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Man's got them pillow tits
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
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Decided to fix up Addie and Del a bit : Get rid of the excessive red birth marks on Addie and just have a few, removed the marks from Del all together they don’t need them, fixed up their hair and face shape to be more like Cherri  Both get their fathers eyes and brows still, but Del got that honey-brown single colour from Liz  And of course they get that recessive Wetlen butterfly ears UwU  Making Del the taller younger sibling (like the idea of them getting mistaken as the eldest) 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
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(is quickly sketched but) 
Cherri relieved when Liz comes to pick the kiddos up from their day with daddy while Liz thinks its the funniest thing ever 
“Co-parenting is tough” - Cherri Wetlen 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
I NEED to see Slough holding tiny baby Moss
It sounds so fucking adorable
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Just a giant cannibal holding his teenytiny baby UwU
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
When your siblings a literal giants 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
I love the wetlens especially Lurfi she's babe
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Gonna make her blush UwU
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
First sketch designs of new Wetlen addition : 
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Born with an intense fetal lacerations from an attack on Lurfi while she was pregnant with him, the rest being burns he received as a child (the boy is accident prone) and the usual Wetlen deformities. 
A wild child and is suited to be around Moss, Gorv and Rueb the most.  The crazy trio turning into a quadsquad 
I still have to figure out if I want to give this boy short or long hair 
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
If the Wetlens were animals, which one would they be??
Hmm~ If the Wetlen's were animals, I'd say they'd be:
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Moss is so pretty
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Thank you 😘
I'd say she got her pretty looks from her mother, but the Wetlen genes do produce some lovely looking cannibals.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
Have they played UNO?
I have completely forgotten who this ask was for its been so long. So imma just answer for both Hillikers and The Wetlens xD.
They have the cards, they've played with the cards but they haven't played it the way it's meant to be played cause sadly those three boys have no fucking idea how Uno is played. No one in the family can read that small print on the back, not that it tells you the full on rules.
So instead they play go fish with the cards, they know that game thanks to when they were in the sanatorium. They don't tend to play with their niece or nephew only cause those two have a tantrum when losing so much.
Three-Fingers always wins go fish, but sometimes One-Eye has those surprising wins. Saw-Tooth doesn't care to win, it's a simple thing to pass the time with him.
They have it as well, but unlike the Hillikers, the Wetlens have Cherri who can read very well and though he did go over the ripped up rules as much as he could, he found them to be stupid and to complex for his siblings and so outed for the more simpler version of Uno. Everyone gets to play, though if Mibbi or the Twins start acting up cause they're losing or trying to make Slough upset they get sent outside as a time out.
most the time the winners are Lurfi, Cherri and Hog, with Slough sometimes winning and the other three siblings usually losing because of either their impatience or temper. Lurfi and Hog like to help Slough win every so often, being the baby brother he gets a bit spoilt.
When Elizabeth eventually joins the family she is surprised that the Wetlens know most card and boards games despite the cannibals never leaving their swamp.
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cannibalcreeps · 3 years
I would ride Alton so hard I would break his hips
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Alton's really lovin' all this attention 😏
So much he's rubbing it in his cousin's faces
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