#The Wydham Witches
momoception · 5 years
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A year ago (or so) I started playing with a small household. They were the Wydhams, a family of two witches and their cat, Bastet. Victoria, the matriarch, and her daughter, Crescent. Both with an ancient bloodline of only witches, no warlocks. Their lost their husband and dad, Mikhail Griffin, a mortal human after a rival coven of warlock set their house on fire in Windeburg as a revenge to Victoria for marrying a mortal an have a baby with him. After the dead of Mikhail, and during the collection of his mortal soul, the Grim Reaper's scythe scratched Crescent's face, leaving her with the death's mark when she was just a kid.
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momoception · 5 years
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                      𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓮𝓷𝓽  𝓥𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮-𝓦𝔂𝓭𝓱𝓪𝓶
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Crescent's story begins in November 22nd, in Windenburg where she was born. Daughter of Victoria Wydham and Mikhail Griffin, a witch and a human, and since she was a girl, she was gifted with the same powers of her mother, grand-mother, great grand-mother and every other woman in the Wydham family.
Crescent was raised as a witch by her mother, and as a common person by her father. Victoria and Crescent were the last of the Wyndham witches, the rest of them were murdered, or they disappeared in order to stay alive, and nobody else knew about them. Even if in their family only were witches, Crescent's mother told her that warlocks existed, and witch and warlocks should stay together to conceive magic children. And witches and warlocks shouldn't be with human, it was forbbiden. Victoria ran away from her coven to be with Mikhail, and marry him.
Crescent's existence was secret. A magic child who was half human, who ever of any coven who knew about her would try to kill her. She was seven years old when someone saw her with Victoria and told her old coven about Crescent and Mikhail.
Fire to kill the traitor! Drown the hybrid child! Get the human's heart!
In no time there were a crowd of witches and warlock out of the Wydham's house, with torches and ropes, ready for a witch hunt. Mikhail took Crescent out of her bed and ran with her while created a distraction.
Fire. Someone set the house on fire, Victoria ran away to find her daughter and husband. But it was too late, Mikhail was dead. Crescent was next to her dad, crying to the Death itself to forgive his father's life, but it was worthless.The Grim Reapper's scythe took Mikhail's soul out of his body, and made a scar in Crescent's cheek, who let her dazed and finally she fainted. Three bodies in the ground: Mikhail, Crescent... and the warlock who killed him and tried to kill Crescent too, but even if she was half human, she was also a witch, a really angry witch.
Eight years running away. From city after city, and finally they get to Forgotten Hollow. Crescent was fifteen by that time, and with a serious depression. She went to different schools and anytime her classmates made fun of her scar, her mother (an excentric lady), her eyes, she was a weirdo without a father.
Forgotten Hollow was perfect. No witch will step in vampire land, except for them of course. It was a quiet town, not even a soul would dare to knock their door, or any other door in there. Crescent and her mother finally found a peaceful place. And in high school nobody even noticed Crescent, the only thing they knew about her was about her being first in every single class, no magic tricks I swear. Crescent was a genius, and Victoria was really proud of her.
Crescent's life was getting better, she even adopted a sphinx cat, she named her Bastet, after the Egyptian goddess.
It was girls night at Forgotten Hollow bar, and Crescent’s best friend, Devon, insisted. Of course her mother wont let her go alone at night, plus she was minor. Anyway, Crescent scaped from the back door and met her friend at the bar, that was really close to her home. Crescent was having a great time, she even met new people: the Vatores, Lilith and Caleb. A couple of mysterious and attractive siblings, every time Crescent looked at them she found a new attractive thing about them.  At midnight they both walk home with Crescent, also the found out they were neighbors. Crescent was so happy that she completely forgot about her angry mother waiting for her at the back door. You can't tease a witch like her. Crescent was grounded for a month. But that night no one could erase Crescent's smile from her face. And after that night she and her mother wouldn't be alone again, because even if she didn't noticed at the first time, she was being protected not only by Victorias spells around the house.
Crescent was a naive teenager, who fell in love with her close friend, a master vampire with thousands of years... and she was seventeen. She kept her love as her family kept her for seven years... as a secret. Every time she met Caleb she only had admiring eyes for him, he was like a hero for her, and Lilith became her confident, she couldn't hide her feelings from her, Lilith was smarter than her brother.
It was a hot day in Forgotten Hollow, Crescent's 20th birthday. And at her birthday dinner she confess her feelings to Caleb, and told him she waited all that time because she was a little girl... also that she knew he was a vampire, Lilith told her when she was eighteen.
Long story short, Crescent rejected Caleb's first propose because she thought it was a joke. Caleb explained her a thousand of time that it wasn't, and he tried again, with a possitive answer this time. They got married in a unholy temple, as her witch part dictated. Her mother was there, also Lilith and Devon. In their wedding night, Caleb turned her into a vampire.
They moved out to a new house and Caleb started training Crescent as a new vampire, it took her years of hard training with Caleb beating her ass many times. An when they finally felt like it was a good time they tried for a baby, and it wasn't that hard, when Crescent told Caleb she was pregnant, and will probably be a girl. Then she was born, little Dandelion Vatore-Wydham, with red hair and pointed ears, and a pair of pointed fangs. It was vampire, but as a girl, she was also a witch. By that time, the adopted a dog. A bull terrier called Sparky.
Their home in Forgotten Hollow was getting small for the three vampires, even more when Crescent got pregnant again, and Dandelion was a toddler. With pain in their heartless heart, they decided to move out... to Windenburg, which did it mean a danger for Crescent and her new family, a child who was an hybrid like her, and another two coming... they were Myria and Mikhail, the twins, and Myria was also a witch. They both were born at Windenburg.
The move out a lot, until they finally found a castle-like house, it was enough for all of them, and it was in good time because Crescent was pregnant with her fourth child, Caleb was more than happy. Margrette was born, another vampire-witch child, and when she was a teenager, her brother and last of Crescent's children, was born, Lyssander, who is now a kid.
Crescent quit her job as freelance programmer in order to take care of her elder mother, Victoria, who actually resurrected because of her daughter, because her half-brother, Andrew, was a teenager when Victoria died, and she didn't want him to be alone.
Crescent's unique vampire gift is clairvoyance.
Last update 072619
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momoception · 5 years
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              𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓥𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮-𝓦𝔂𝓭𝓱𝓪𝓶
She was born at the end of fall in Forgotten Hollow. Ginger hair as her mother, icy blue eyes as her father. Small body, very fragile, very loved. Dandelion is... maybe... the most planned of Crescent and Caleb's children. Since she was the first born, her parent gave her all the attention she needed from them, she was also the only one who met her grandmother before she died.
Dandelion was raised to be almost perfect: smart, graceful, humble, kind and beautiful, the last one without planning it. She was always the first in her school, she was class president and also founded the "Study cave" a friendly club for those who really wanted to learn and be better students, they usually reunited in the Forgotten Manor's library.
After Crescent got pregnant again Dandelion felt a little left over,she was a kid when Myria and Mikhail were born. When she saw them crying in their cribs, her feelings changed, she was happy to be a big sister, and she promised her parent to be the best example for them and look after both.
When she was a teenager she started dating one of her best friends, Caelum Cooper, a man who eventually would be Dandelion's husband. Dandelion, Caelum and his twin brother, Castiel, were (and still are) the bestes friends of all. Castiel was also pretty smart, he was the second of the class and also a member of The Study Cave. They were inseparable, but when Dandelion and Caelum started dating, Castiel felt left over, and their friendship cold down, part of that was because Castiel had a crush on Dandelion, and maybe if he would confess first... It took a while for the three of them to rebuild that trust and friendship.
Dandelion's future was bright, but as many other brilliant minds... she felt lost. She really wanted to go to college, but... what career would she choose? She was good a pretty much everything, and nothing really disgusted her. She visited the school counselor many times that last year of high school, asked her parents for advice, also talked with Caelum and Castiel and their parents,. Everyone told her the same thing: go for your true passion. She liked everything, but her true passion?
Looking at the ceiling from her coffin, Sparky jumped in to rest next to her. The calm breating and warm body of the beloved family dog stole her cold heart. It was like a signal, of course, Dandelion should be a veterinarian, and help all the fluffy friends.
Dandelion was very happy, and after her graduation she moved out to Strangerville and with her savings she build a vet clinic in Shady Acres. After some months living there, Caelum came to ask her if he could move out with her, he was missing her. Dandelion made a room for him, since she was sleeping in her basement mausoleum. It was nice life but something was missing... yes... a dog. Dandelion's house was register as a foster house for cats and dogs, and after their receive the first dog, Chester they fell in love and adopted him quickly. They also adopted Sam, Andrew's old fox, to take good care of him since he is an elder.
Dandelion's vet is successful, she is loved in Strangerville for helping all pets, don't matter if they are domestic or street, she always do her best for all of them. She recently got married with Caelum, and as her parents did, during their wedding night she bit him. Also... she also discover she was pregnant! Dandelion wanted to plan her family as her parents did, but that doesn't mean she's not happy and excited about being a mom.
Dandelion's unique vampire gift is healing
Last update 072919
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momoception · 5 years
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             𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝑒𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒟𝒶𝓎
—You are trembling like a blood clot
—I’m sorry mom... I can’t stay still, I’m totally freaking out... I need a drink
—No drinks before the ceremony. Besides, today you re going to drink Caelum’s blood for the first time
*uncomfortable sounds* —That doesn’t make me feel better, ugh...
—I’m sorry, my dear. I tried my best, I remember how I felt when I get married with your dad. Your grandma was here talking about her wedding. You know my dad was a regular human while my mom and all women in her family are witches, so they relationship was forbbiden. In order to be together they scaped from Windenburg and get married in Sulani next to the volcano
—That’s beautiful... but very dangerous for a wedding. Can I ask you something?
—Sure, sweetie
—How grandma reacted when she find out dad was a vampire? And that you would be one after getting married?
*sighs* —It wasn’t easy. Your grandma and I are witches, like you and your sisters. But witches are still alive, my mother didn’t want me to die, but it was just a little price to be with Caleb forever. And the look at you... look at your siblings, it wouldn’t be possible without dying alive. I’m 80 years old right now... I guess *chuckles* Devon and I were the same age, we were teenagers when we met at school, she’s old now and she’s gonna die soon, that would be me without the conversion. You’re worried about Devon and Tristan, right?
—Mmmhh... but... mostly about Castiel. I talked about this with Caelum the day he propose to me...
—And what he said?
—He said it was okay but I don’t really know...
—Dandelion listen to me. Caelum is int he same place I was in my wedding, he has a larger family than me when I was human and he made his choice already. He’s ready to pay that little price to be with his true love for eternity... don’t make him feel bad about, and you don’t need to feel bad too. 
—I just can’t help feeling like this about his twin brother...
—You don’t have time to think in Castiel right now. You’re ready... 
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— Well... how do I look?
— ... *sniff*
— Are you crying? Oh, mom... don’t cry you have makeup on
— I don’t care... you look beautiful. I’m so happy, Dandelion, I can’t believe what’s going to happen.
— Me neither, mom. But I’m also really happy, I was waiting this moment for 10 years *both laugh*
— Your dad it’s going to be here soon. Take your bouquet now.
— You mean your bouquet? I’m so happy to use something yours
— Since you didn’t use my dress... which it’s okay because yours is way more beautiful, I wanted you to use at least that.
*door sound*
— It’s your dad. I’ll be down stairs... I love you...
— Mommy... I love you even more...
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momoception · 5 years
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º 50 Questions for your Sim º
I saw it from @northernlightz​ so thank you for the tag 😂
Since Crescent is my favorite sim EVER, I wanted to make this about her ♥
1: How old is your sim? She's 80 y.o. 
2. When is your sim’s birthday? November 22nd
3. What is your sim’s zodiac sign? Sagittarius
4. What is your sim’s ethnicity? She is a converted vampire, but she was born as a witch ♥
5. Does your sim have any nicknames? She doesn't. She really likes her name so she ask people to not put her any nickname
6. Do they have a job? If so what is it? She is a freelancer programmer
7. Where does your sim live? In a huge castle-like house in Windenburg
8.Who does your sim live with? With her husband, Caleb Vatore, three of her five children, Mikhail, Margrette and Lyssander, AND THE CUTEST DOG EVER, Sparky!! ♥♥♥♥ Also the ghost of her dead cat, Bastet, who’s always looking at Margrette for some reason.
9. What environment did your sims grow up in (strict, loving, cold etc.)? Weird (?) I mean, she was born as a witch, her mom is also a witch and she saw her father’s death so... yeah (?) when that happened they move out to Forgotten Hollow so it was kinda dark too, but always full of love.
10. What are your sim’s favorite food? She can’t eat human food :( but she used to love hot dogs
11. What is your sim’s favorite drink? Blood (?)
12. If they have one what is your sim’s favorite color? Wine red
13. Does your sim believe in any clichés (like love at first sight, etc)? Maybe some of them, like yeah, love at first sight, karma...
14. What is your sim’s sexuality? Straight
15. What is your sim’s gender identity? Female 
16. Is your sim type a or type b? I didn’t get this one 😂
17. Is your sim introverted or extroverted? When she was teenager she was very very shy, also because her classmates always made fun of her scar. But after meeting Caleb and Devon (her best friend) she gained that confidence and with the years Crescent is someone totally different from her teen years, she loves to talk to strangers, even dead ones.
18. What is your sims favorite woohoo position? She just like to do it in the coffin (?)
19. Is your sim a pet person? If so what is their favorite animal? She’s actually a dog lover, right now she owns a Bull Terrier called Sparky, he’s old now and she used to have a sphyx cat, Bastet, she died of old age and her ghost is rounding the house. But she screams everytime she sees a dog.
20. Does your sim have a best friend? Yes, Devon (Parker) Cooper. They know each other since teenage, but now Devon is an elder, and Crescent is really sad about that.
21. What is/was your sim’s favorite school subject? History, she has a really good memory. .
22. Is/was your sim a high, mid or low achiever in school? She was a high. She was a perfect A student ♥
23. Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? If so, what would be or what was their major? Crescent did not go to college because after her 20th birthday she moved out to Strangerville to solve the mystery ♥
24. What are your sims political beliefs (if they have them)? None
25. What is one thing your sims wants to do before they die? Well, she can’t die (?) but it would be leave her children with great power and wisdom, especially the girls since they are also witches.
26. Does your sim have a favorite TV show (cable) and/or movie? She doesn’t watch a lot of TV
27. Is your sim a Netflix viewer? If so what are their top 3 shows. Yes! She loves Lucifer, OITNB and Grimm (she hated the end)
28. Does your sim like books? If so what’s their favorite one? She reads a lot since a kid. Her favorite books are and always will be Henry Puffer’s
29. Does your sim enjoy video games, if so what is their favorite one and do they play on PC or console? Her favorite is Alice Madness Returns, but she plays on PC because she hates console controls
30. What is your sim’s personal style? Dark most of the time, but she also enjoys pastel colors, she uses them in summer.
31. Does your sim have a lucky charm? Yes, the Vatore family ring
32. Is your sim religious? No
33. What kind of music does your sim listen to and who is their favorite artist? She actually enjoys pop, and she’s a good dancer!!
34. Is your sim a festive person? If so what’s their favorite holiday? Y.E.S. She loves EVERY SINGLE HOLIDAY, she’s so happy when is Christmas or Easter. But her favorite is Halloween!! ♥
35. What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? She loves autumn weather, not too cold and not too hot, and is always windy ♥♥
36. Does your sim prefer to start fights or finish them? Finish them, and if it’s possible ignore them... but sometimes.
37. Does your sim have a dream job? She wanted to be actress as a kid, she even went to acting club, but then she realised it was just a dumb dream
38. Does your sim have any siblings? She has a half-brother, younger than her. His name is Andrew and he was born after Crescent’s mother, Victoria, got married again.
39. Does your sim get along with their family? She loves her whole family more than anything in life and death. She actually wants her mother and brother to move up with her.
40 What is your sims favorite hobby? Cooking and programming. She’s really good at it ♥
41. What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? She’s already married, but she fell in love with Caleb because he was always a good and supportive friend, he help her when she moved to Forgotten Hollow with her mom, he always protected them from the not-so-friendly vampires, even if he knew about her linage, her always appreciated Crescent even with her scar. (Even so, Crescent rejected his first marry proposal)
42. What is a secret about your sim? She killed Caleb’s first wife 😵
43. What is a wish your sim has? See her children all grown up into grand master vampires, powerful witches and very human-like people. Also she wants to renew her vows with Caleb ♥
44. What is a flaw your sim has?  She’s a sadic
45. How do others generally perceive your sim? Like a strong woman that you better be careful with, strong personality, and low patience. Also a fierce mom and wife, that can do anything if it’s for her family. Like a matron (?)
46. Does your sim have a greatest achievement? If so what is it? Bring her dead mother to life
47. If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Give her first daughter, Dandelion, a better education and more attention than any other of her children.
48. Does your sim have a favorite emoji? 🙄
49. Does your sim use simstagram? If so what’s their @? She doesn’t have one
50. What is the last text your sim sent (and who did they text)? “Look Margrette, if that console is not turned off right now I'll take it away from you. Is that clear?”
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momoception · 5 years
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Me when I see a good boy
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momoception · 5 years
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Mama Wydham just moved with the clan Vatore, she took Dandelion’s old room, and Andy took Myria’s. Margrette went straight to say hi to her grandma, the house feels really warm now that she is there, and Mikhail and Caleb are getting well with Andy.
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momoception · 5 years
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Only one day left for THE WEDDING!!
Dandy decided to work in the vet while Caelum was at work. She was happy, also her employees congratulate her for the wedding, Dandelion was really enjoyed her night.
Back in home Dandy did some excercise to clear her mind, thinking about the wedding, the honey moon, and most important, Caelum's conversion to a vampire.
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momoception · 5 years
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My everything, my sweet baby My everything, my sweet baby Crescent was an awkward teenager witch (originally with purple eyes) she was the first sim that I fell in love at first sight. She was weird looking but something about her got me crazy
Then as a young adult, powerful witch, grand master vampire, mother of five, incredibly smart, beautiful and kind (kinda sadic tho). She loves her family: her husband, children, half-brother and mother. I make a lot of sims but no one as my baby Crescent.
I think all simmer have their favorite sim child, Crescent is mine.
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momoception · 5 years
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omg 😂
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momoception · 5 years
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         𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝑒𝒹𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒟𝒶𝓎
Caelum’s vows
“You know I’m not really good with my words... I express myself better with lyrics”
↳ And I know you all are expecting for me to sing but that’s not gonna happen *everyone laughs* sorry for not being that romantic, Dandy.
*sigh* You talk about me like if I were some kind of king when we were in high school, but the true is that you were quite popular too. You know, the smart and beautiful ginger girl, who’s afraid of the day but not of maths. The only reason guys didn’t dare to invite you to go out is because I didn’t let them. I told everyone I would fight your boyfriend, and no one wanted that.
We know each other almost since we born, our mothers tought it was a good idea to get pregnant at the same time. But thank you for that mom and miss Vatore *laughs*
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Ever since I know you I tought you were the perfect woman. You are incredibly smart, amazinly beautiful, you care about animals, about other people, you love your family and mine too. Yes, I dated a lot when I was a teenager, but let’s be honest, I didn’t see myself with you. You were closer with Castiel and I always thought you and him would be together someday.
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But surprisingly you accepted my invitation to go out, and I'm not gonna lie, that night I couldn't sleep. I was too worried about how Castiel was gonna take it, and if it would be okay to kiss you, I really wanted to kiss you... *chuckle* mostly, if our friendship wouldn't end if the dated were bad. My head was a mess.
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But I was relief everything went well, even our first kiss, that was amazing. You felt bats, I felt like elephants kicking my stomach *laughs* oh god, I'm so in love with you, Dandelion. Every moment with you since we became a couple was more than perfect, and I know it took me ten years to propose to you but I knew I was gonna do it the moment we moved out to our new home in Strangerville and I saw you being so happy about your new vet clinic and our new life together.
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momoception · 5 years
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✧ Founders CAS Challenge ✧
by: @volcano-pasta
I was tagged by @hushthots thank you so much! I wanted to do this challenge.
Rules: Post all of your founders together to compare and contrast them! Share some details to see how similar or different they are. This can be done in CAS, or you can jump in game, or you can share old screenshots!
I don't play legacies a lot because I drop them really easy lol but here are my four founder of my four legacies.
· Sooyoung Kim ·
Sooyoung was the first sim I played seriously when Get Famous came. She wanted to be an actress and she reach four stars and got married with Kai (yes the one of EXO bc that's my bias) and they had a daugther called Sowon. I played a lot with her and it was before I even knew what was simblr. She got a makeover for that picture because all the cc she used to have is no longer in my game (she was maxis mix)
· Crescent Vatore-Wydham ·
Crescent is a witch as all of her female ancestors. After her normal father was killed by the witches of her mother's coven, her mother, Victoria, and her ran away until they stepped on Forgotten Hollow. Crescent was a teen when she met the Vatore siblings and she made really good friend with them. As you can see in her surname, she married Caleb and he turned her into a vampire during their wedding night. They had five children, three or them were women so they are half vampire and half witches. Fun fact, I played the StrangerVille GP when it came out with her, so she has the Hero of StrangerViller trait.
· Serein McIntyre-Ember ·
Serein was created when Realm of Magic came out. She's a spellcaster as all of her ancestors. She moved out alone to learn more about her magic skills and during her journey she made really good friends with the three sages, that's a wholesome friendship. She also fell in love with her instructor, Morgyn. And after dating for a while they got married and had a baby girl called Wisteria. She reach the virtuoso level of spellcaster, she is better at untamed magic and her familiar is a dragon called Draco.
· Snow White ·
My most recent founder, Snow White. She's the first gen of the Disney Princess Challenge. She lives in Glimmerbrook and is a gardener. She fell in love with a Literature and Language student called Advik and the had seven children. They are going to get married soon.
You can check out Crescent, Serein and Snow’s tag if you want to know more about them 💕
I tag @thealienships @kimhanji99 @thesimsters-stories @desysimmer @pixelchalk @mimirue @kinha402 if you already did this feel free to ignore me 😅
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momoception · 5 years
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The Bachelor: Andrew Gil
I’m so happy (and nervous) to announce that my baby, Andrew, is going to be the main character for this, my first bachelor challenge! I’m excited for this so let’s start by getting to know this cutie ❤
Andrew was the second child, and first boy of Victoria Wydham, a well known powerful witch who ran away for many years with her daughter, Crescent, after a group of warlocks set fire to their house in Windenburg and killed her human husband inside the house. When Victoria remarried after Crescent did, Andrew was born from that second marriage. He was born in Newcrest, where her parents moved out after getting married. His father was part of the army and served for many years until he died of old age.
Even if Andrew has a ancient bloodline, he’s not able to use magic because he’s a man. In his family line, only women inherit the powers. And since her sister married Caleb Vatore, her nieces and nephews are vampires (and the girls are part witches too). Being (basically) a normal human he often feels like the black sheep of the family, like he's left behind sometimes. He can't use magic, he's afraid to ask his sister to turn him into a vampire, and his only ability is just being more long-lived than a normal human being. For many years his confidence has being on the floor, even if his family continuosly reminds him how much they love him.
Andrew has wanting to start a family just as beautiful as his sister's. He want to meet the perfect woman for him, and have beautiful children. He's been waiting for a long time now and he doesn't want to spend anymore time without being in love.
· sum facts ·
· He’s been 25 for almost twenty years, he has tried pretty much eveything except for falling in love · He lives in Windenburg in a small house, a few blocks away for her sister’s big mansion · He’s a little jealous of Crescent’s good life · He has a... is that a dog? idk but he’s cute and his name is Marshmallow · His current job as musician is his favorite one so far · Can’t stand the smell of fish · Not a drinker actually, neither a big party guy · His best friend is his niece, Dandelion, since they were born almost at the same time · He’s what you would known as squib · Yes, big HP fan · A huge dog lover.
· Andrew is straight so only female sims, please · Only one sim per person. If there’s more than one people using the same account, you can make a sim each one *coughlikemoonandsuncough* · Supernaturals are more than welcome, even encouraged! They don’t have to be EA ones, you can make another occult sims! (i.e. fairies, werewolves, dragons, etc etc) · I’m not sure if I’ll be able to portray accents. I’m sorry TT · I’m okay with any cc but I would only request for alpha hair please. If you don’t want to download any alpha hair that’s okay, only please allow me to change their hair later. Also if you want to use alpha skin too, I would highly recommend the ones for obscurus-sims, ddarkstonee and remussirion. (This is just an advice, you can use any skin you want) · I’m going to pick only 7 sims · If you could make an outfit for every category that would be amazing. You can make more if you want · Tell me a little about your sim! Tell me as much as you want, I love to read ❤ · Keep their traits a secret! Also no romantic nor outgoing traits please. And no romantic aspiration. I’m accepting cc traits and aspirations, and even you can add your sim some reward traits from the game. But again nothing that can give her an advantage (i.e. the good kisser one)
⚠ I play with WW attractiveness system (and animations but that’s something I won’t show ofc)
I hope you submit a girl for my baby ❤
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momoception · 5 years
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Primrose Vatore-Wydham
Daughter of Dandelion Vatore-Wydham, granddaughter of Crescent Vatore-Wydham and great granddaughter of Victoria Wydham.
Half human, a quarter vampire and a quarter witch.
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momoception · 5 years
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By the time Dandelion was a teenager, she started dating one of her best friends, Caelum Cooper, the son of Crescent's best friend, Devon. His twin brother, Castiel, has a crush on Dandelion too, but she followed her heart, and she knew Caelum was the right one. They moved out to StrangerVille so that wasy Dandelion could open the first vet clinic in there. After marrying Dandelion turned Caelum into a vampire and also they notice that Dandelion was pregnant. Since the baby was conceived before Caelum transformation, Primrose Vatore Wydham was born half human, and since she's a girl, quarter vampire, and a quarter witch.
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momoception · 5 years
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The love bloomed between Caleb and Crescent and after she graduated from high school Caleb proposed to her, and after the wedding ceremony he turned her into a vampire. After training so Crescent could be not only a powerful witch, but also a strong vampire, they decided to have a baby. And so their first child was born, Dandelion. After her came the twins, Myria and Mikhail, Margrette, and last but not least, Lyssandre. The five Vatore-Wydham children.
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