chickenpanic · 2 years
currently obsessed with this guy right here.
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chickenpanic · 2 years
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hwichan bf material lockscreens!! please like or reblog if you save it! 🍢
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chickenpanic · 2 years
Actor quest and actor mc play love interest
And quest confess that he never acts when it's a love scene with mc, because he is actually in love with them
"Darling," Quest murmurs. His hand cradles your cheek and you peer up at him through your wig.
"We can't do this," you respond half-heartedly.
"We can," he replies in an instant. His eyes flash with something -- you aren't sure what. "All you need to do is let me."
You swallow. His lips part and your eyes fall to them for a moment.
"Let you... let you do what?"
He smiles softly, tilting your head a bit and leaning in closer.
The microphone above you adjusts to make sure it catches every whisper -- but you barely notice it as you get sucked into this scene. Into the hungry gaze of your costar.
"Can I?"
You pause for a moment, acting out your character's brief deliberation, then hesitantly nod.
Quest surges forward and locks your lips with his, hands roaming your body. He breaks the kiss to nip and lick down your neck, and you allow the two of you to fall back to the bed behind you.
His hand touches a particular spot on your body that he hasn't grazed before and a soft cry escapes you. "Eric-!"
He pulls himself up. Something has shifted in his gaze -- it's gotten a bit... darker? Your heart pounds as he stares down at you.
His jaw clenches and then in an instant the darkness is gone, cleared away and replaced with the charming character Eric Wright.
"My name is a dream on your lips," he whispers, and kisses you again.
That night, there's a knock on your dressing room.
"Come in!"
In the mirror, you see Quest open the door and close it behind him. You smile and turn.
"Hey! Still tired?"
"No, I'm good now," he waves his hand and takes a seat next to you.
"You seemed pretty drained after the scene today, so... I'm glad you got some rest." You turn back to the mirror and rub some moisturizer into your skin. "Haven't been getting much sleep lately?"
"Eh, it's alright. Some bad days recently, I guess."
"Yeah, there's been--"
"I need to talk to you."
Your fingers pause and your eyes slide back to your costar -- he's got that familiar look on his face. That I-have-to-get-this-off-my-chest-for-moral-reasons look.
"Okay, sure." You turn fully to face him again and take his hand. "What is it?" You trust him in these moments. Quest has always been good, and the things he says in these moments only heighten your opinion of him.
He bows his head and brings his other hand up to fold over yours. "I'm really... I'm struggling with the, uh... love scenes."
"Struggling?" You blink. "You? Are you joking?"
He shakes his head. "Not joking."
"But, everyone loves your work. Hell, I love your work."
His hands tighten a bit.
"You pull me into the scene so smoothly," you continue. "I've always wondered how you do that. Generate that instant chemistry."
"I don't generate it."
Your brow furrows. "What do you mean?"
He lifts his head with a sad smile. "I don't. It's all just... here. Always."
At your confused expression, he leans in, lifting your hand and placing it over his heart.
"It's... I'm not..." he struggles.
Your eyes search his. "You're not... what?"
"Acting." He chokes out the word, and you can see his jaw tighten again. "I'm not acting."
"... H-huh?"
You can't look away from him, and neither can he from you. The room is electric now, and you're acutely aware of the sound of your own heartbeat.
"Every night, I see those scenes, replay them..." A faint blush paints his cheeks as he forces himself to continue. "But I see you with me instead. In my room. Saying my name. My. Name."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I want you. Bad. And not just... for one night." He swears under his breath and grips your hand tighter over his heart. "I want to be with you every night on this earth."
He lets one hand drop from where he holds you to settle on your thigh, tracing up.
"I don't know when it happened. Genuinely, I don't. But I need you. I want you. But I won't pursue anything if you don't feel the same--"
You lean forward and press your lips to his, cutting him off. He freezes in place -- he's waiting.
You tilt your head and open your mouth. His arms wrap around you then and pull you closer.
He pulls back for a moment. "Are you sure?" he breathes.
"Stop thinking. Of course I'm sure."
His blush deepens as he nods, carefully leading you back to him.
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chickenpanic · 2 years
Honestly out of all of the LI's + Onion, who would be the most likely to cry watching movies like 'me before you' and 'marley and me' 👀
QUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WOULD BE QUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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chickenpanic · 2 years
all the feminism disappears from my body when quest . periodt
“not all men” you’re right… quest from blooming panic would never treat me like this…
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chickenpanic · 2 years
Long-distance HC
Headcanons on how the BP LI's deal with a long-distance relationship.
Masterlist right here
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Nightowl reminds me of myself, and my friend so this is mostly based on that
He loves to spoil you with packages.
he sees something that reminds him of you he's getting it. Whether it's a free rock or something that way out of his budget.
His adrenaline is high and he doesn't think things all the way through, he spent too much money on a large plushie, and now he needs to send it to you, which cost even more money, money he doesn't have yet.
Most of the things he gets for you are random and require an explanation.
Now he plans to send it all out, a nice crazy care package but almost every time it gets sent out later than intended. Like you'll get a package in May labeled “valentines package”.
Oftentimes he likes to send a hoodie, he asks you to send him one back. The sleeves are embroidered with special messages. ILY. Breathe. You’re cute. My cutie.
As soon as he sends the package off he's texting you. He constantly asks if you got it yet, even though he has tracking.
When you do get it, you’re required to get on a call with him so he can see your reaction to what he got you, along with explaining wtf he got you cause it's so random.
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It's been mentioned that quest likes writing, specifically poems so you can expect that from him.
He doesn't have much free time but he does his best.
Most of the letters are things Quest struggles to say to your face but doesn't feel messaging is personal enough.
Sometimes he'll send a letter with sticky notes, every sticky note has a time, date, signature along with a message, the messages vary but they're all simple thoughts he had at the moment.
An example, he's too busy to respond on the server but he's watching it, he notices you mention only getting 2 hours of sleep, Quest writes down. Sleep more.
Or you're on a call with him, he said something, and your laughing he jots down. I love your laugh.
“What are you doing?”
“You'll see.”
“Is it one of those sticky notes? Why not just tell me?”
“Cause it's hard to get the word out of my mouth.”
You smile at his shyness, you know you'll love whatever he wrote so you let it slide.
On the rare occasion, you'll get a poem, their mostly happy ones, ones where Quests explain how you make him feel, how he compares you to a colorful sunrise, because not only is the dark gone but the future is dull but full of beautiful colors.
In conclusion, he is a sap who can be a little shy, And you need to buy him a fancy pen and paper cause he won't indulge himself but he wants them.
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He likes playing online games with you. They don't mind what game, he just likes having that time with you.
There is also a spoiler, mostly on the game world. You want something in a game that costs real money, it’s yours.
Often he’ll tease you before, he is on the purchasing screen as you whine that you need this item and he hits buy as he says.
“Sounds like a you problem.”
And if you ever mention that you're hungry or you haven't eaten he will doordash you food, half the time they don't even tell you.
You'll be playing a game with them as someone knocks on your door, you discuss yourself. You first deny that it's yours, then the person says it's from .
“A naked…toaster”
You take the food and close the door, returning to your game.
You yell as they laugh with blush on their face.
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He hates it.
If he didn't have so much work he visit you at least once a month.
He's tried to ask you if you fly over every month but you decline, you can't do that, you are also busy.
So he sticks with calls as often as the two of you can.
Even if it is just a 15-minute lunch break he doesn't mind teasing you while you eat.
He also sends memes, a lot of them. Most of them are things he thought were funny but on the special occasion, you'll find ones that basically say, I love you.
Similar to Toaster, he buys you things. Not really food or online stuff buy stuff from amazon. It's not even just stuff you want but needs.
One day you complained that you needed a new stool, you got home from work and there was a package with a stupid joke on it.
You have received those pajamas that are covered in Xyx face, he thought it was funny, then came underwear, pillowcases, blankets. Anyone that enters your house would think you're obsessed with him, so you hide it all.
Xyx was disappointed when he visited and couldn't find any of his “merch”.
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chickenpanic · 2 years
Random headcanons
just headcanons that popped in my head for each of the love interests. some will have slight spoilers for certain aspects of the characters and their respective routes
I feel like reading the newspaper is just part of his morning routine
along with going out on a jog before work
was trying to get into yoga for awhile but he just isn't a yoga person
when he got out of jail he destroyed everything that reminded him of his old self
besides one skateboard he just keeps there
he only wears solid coloured shirts and sweaters
robo mentioned that he writes poems and I imagine he has filled 1 and a half note books with them
it's how he copes
really has the most generic wardrobe
the bloomic server is his pride and joy
he literally takes so much pride in being a mod
his coworkers kinda avoid him bc they have heard one too many calls
severely allergic to peanuts
carries an epipen and one of those bracelets saying his allergy on it
also would rather die then tell the group about his allergy
really would like to go ballroom dancing with his future partner
he thinks the pre-made refrigerated sandwiches from 7-eleven are disgusting but can't stop eating them on his lunch breaks
he has frequent nightmares about the way he was before
super disorganized
once a semester he vows to keep everything tidy but ends up breaking it within a week
was in gymnastics
he sometimes whips out some back handsprings to impress people
also feels like he needs to impress everyone he comes across
he is terrified of skateboarding bc he had a real bad fall and his mother berated him for hours after it
dyed his hair red before but absolutely hated it
is thinking of getting an industrial piercing but still undecided
fits a size 5 mens
kinda insecure about his small feet but not that much he's got bigger problems😩
has a couple dresses that he wears to parties sometimes
also enjoys wearing skirts
gets seasonal allergies
he can not swim
drop this bitch in the water and he is sinking
hates flip flops
loves slides tho
actually played FFXIV once but could not understand the controls for the life of him
I feel like they had a crochet phase
he still wears the ponytails he made
really hates lasagna
like even thinking of it makes them gag
on the other hand they are a big fan of pistachios
I'm talking straight up munching on those bad boys
enjoyer of FFXIV fanarts and cosplay
went to a con once in 2014
has never had a cavity
his dentist is honestly quite confused about it
speaking about teeth, they had braces for 2 years in highschool
actually kinda likes twilight but is taking that to the grave
has scoliosis and flat feet
they are rich tho so they get really cool custom shoes designed for their feet
sometimes writes letters to his parents but doesn't actually send them
in their grad photos they brought in a GameCube controller as a prop
like nightowl, they are a skirt fan
he isn't a big fan of dresses tho
playing wordle is apart of his morning routine
always gets the newest IPhone (lawyer money)
his home is just so techy
like I'm talking decked out with shit in every room
despite his kitchen being a chefs dream he isn't the best cook
used to play the trumpet
he loved annoying his sister with it
when he visits his parents he always brings tupperware
his dad makes the best spring rolls and he just fucks them up everytime he's there
knows how to break dance for no reason at all
is buddy-buddy with his coworkers
when XYX isn't presenting a client he paints his nails
it's usually black but sometimes it's dark green or white
only gets cat the best food
yet the man claims that cat isn't his😒
when he was 13 he learnt he was allergic to strawberries
he just somehow developed it out of no where
actively makes fun of people who are lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts
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chickenpanic · 2 years
like a prayer (angel)
A really self-indulgent Quest imagine/drabble/what-have-you I wrote while feeling intense brainrot after I finished his route. Lord, forgive me ,,,
dear lord, imagine having quest on top of you, his usually gentle eyes lit up by a deep ferocity as his gaze trails down your body. he whispers under his breath, voice deep and wanting, that you're beautiful, the angel pet name tumbling out of his lips like the most sacred word.
his touch is soft, at first, tracing down your body as if you were fragile, as if he wanted to be careful with some precious being, and it fills your heart to the brim to see the naked awe in his eyes as he looks at you.
you lean up to kiss him, and you fall into each other. he grunts at the back of his throat as you push your hips up against his, and his grip on your waist tightens, making you arch your back. you bodies are getting closer and inevitably more intertwined as the kiss deepens, as his tongue meets yours.
"i won't be able to hold back, angel," he murmurs against your lips.
"then don't," you say, and an animalistic growl comes out of him before he's clambering down and putting his face between your legs.
you gasp when his tongue flicks at your clit, once, twice, a hundred more times –– your grip on his hair tightens as he makes you feel electric waves of pleasure rip through your body. as kind as he is it feels like his tongue was sent from the devil, intending to rip you apart and pull you deeper and deeper into pits of lust and desire. your hips buck up uncontrollably as he eats you out, but his big hands are strong as he holds you down easily.
you come against his tongue, hard, feeling as if the wind has been knocked out of your lungs as you lie there, trembling and shaking and jolting with the force of pleasure running through your body -- but as you're still coming, he immediately lines up against your dripping pussy and rams straight in, sliding in so easily with how wet you are. your moans are uncontrollable as he thrusts into you hard, without mercy, his cock as big and beefy as he is, filling you up in a way that makes you see stars.
your breasts bounce as he rams inside you over and over again, your high pitched moans and whimpers mixing with his deep groans in the air. the sound of skin slapping on skin is incredibly obscene, and when you open your eyes to see quest's face contorted with pleasure, his big arms flexing as he pins your thighs almost to your chest, you curse out loud, babbling about how hot he looks.
"not as gorgeous as you, angel," he groans, cursing out as he fucks into you like an animal, like he's never going to be able to do this again.
he's a bit of a dirty talker too, his smooth, velvet voice trapping you like chains to the bed  –– "do you like the way i'm filling you up, angel? like the way my cock's splitting you open? god, i didn't think an angel would allow herself to spread her legs so wide like this for me."
he pulls out, then quickly flips you over to have your ass up in the air -- his favorite position. "gorgeous," he moans, before he fucks into you again.
you grip the bedsheets, moans incoherent as his cock rams to the back of your pussy, going in so deep you feel him everywhere inside you. his hands are gripping your ass so hard you're sure he's going to leave bruises –– and you don't mind, it's so hot thinking he's left marks on you after a wild night of sex, especially when he's usually so gentle and amicable. you love this duality in him -- one moment, he's kissing the palm of your hand and saying he'd never want to leave you, and the next he's ramming into you from behind like an animal and slapping your ass so hard you see stars.
"you're being a real good girl for me right now, baby. huh, you like that don't you? i can feel you tightening even more around me whenever i call you a good girl. is my good girl going to come for my cock? will my angel come for me?"
your second orgasm crashes onto you like a tidal storm, and you feel like you can barely breathe as you shake and tremble around quest's cock still fucking into you as your whole world turns white.
"jesus christ, you're going to make me cum so hard."
"yes, use my pussy, please," you scream.
quest chuckles darkly behind you, then says, "you're going to have to take responsibility for your statement, angel."
his thrusts become even more brutal, more intense, more desperate, and when he pulls out of you, pulls your face towards his cock, and comes all over your open lips, he's watching the way your eyelashes flutter as the strips of white paint all over your face. he's never seen anyone as gorgeous and sensual as you, and he can't take his eyes off you as he spills all over your pretty face, cursing underneath his breath and chanting the word "angel" as if it was a prayer.
someone douse me in holy water QUEST HAS ME IN A CHOKEHOLD ‼️‼️🥵‼️
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