#The benefits and downfalls of having creative writing classes
jacepens · 1 year
*bangs fist on table* I hate school so much I just want to write about Mad Dog and The Sundown Kid
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
Hello~ may I ask for something slightly specific? I wanted to ask about a scenario in which the reader recently obtains the Meta-Nav but instead of the PT finding out first, Goro does. See, the reader and Goro have recently become acquaintances and reader thinks that the Meta-Nav is something related to illegal activity so she goes to consult their detective friend on this mysterious app! Haha, sorry if this is too specific ;-;
Hey there simulationone, this isn’t too specific!! I like creative ideas that change the plot & this has been my favourite request to write so far.
However, I did change the request slightly. I made it so that the Reader awakened to their Persona & gains the MetaNav!! I hope that’s alright with you. If not, feel free to message me again and I can rewrite it.
{ Post Writing Note: Well, I wrote way too much!! Sorry if there’s less Akechi content than you thought, I got hyperfixated on how it would affect the plot. I’d love to write a Part 2 full of angst with this, so feel free to request it!! }
- Nexus.
Dance with Justice | Goro Akechi
Life at Kosei High was predictable. Like a metronome. Constant pressure to be the best & high achievement boundaries, it was a wonder how she was ever accepted without some sort of moonlighting as a prodigy. These stories of mental shutdowns & psychotic breakdowns made the world look grim & everyone seemed desperate to escape it all.
Comfort was found in the Phantom Thieves and how they manipulated hearts. Dancing the line between immoral & illegal, it was a grey area where the who was less significant than the how. Society grasped onto them as miraculous saviours as they solved cases faster than regular forces ever could: Kamoshida, Madarame, Kaneshiro, Medjed. The world was taken by storm, these renegade rogues looking to change the world & it seemed they were no longer an urban legend.
Their downfall was unexpected, to say the least. Okumura was murdered in cold blood, his mental shutdown playing onscreen during an important meeting where he was about to reveal an important factor in solving this buck-wild case. A calling card was found at the residence, the sigil of their misdeeds. Just when the mystery was about to unravel, the threads gave way to a bigger problem: Did the Phantom Thieves cause the very shutdowns everyone was trying to escape?
Swiftly, the media capitalised. Labelling them as criminals, demanding their arrest. Everything shifted so quickly & she was caught up by the egregious claims of both sides. There was one thing for certain: The Phantoms Thieves had killed someone and regardless of their previous deeds, they needed to be brought to justice.
Naturally, the first viable suspect she found was Yusuke Kitagawa.
He was of the eccentric sort, gaining a scholarship through art. Everything the strange man did was usually for the sake of ‘ Finding true beauty! ’, which was slightly melodramatic. Before Madarame’s case, he was fixated on art singularly. Now? He seemed to have other priorities. Whenever someone would discuss the Phantom Thieves in an art lesson, there was a glimmer in his eye & the paintbrush that had been on the canvas stopped in order to listen in.
A victim of Madarame’s plagiarism, which gave a plausible motive. Despite this, nothing was concrete. She thought about her friend, Akechi. Was this how he solved crimes?
Obviously, the next step was to follow Yusuke around. Sneaking around was rather easy, all she had ever been known as by the student populace was ‘ the girl who was friends with Akechi! ’, so standing out was not much of a problem. There was not much abnormal. Despite being somewhat of a social outcast, he had a small circle of friends. Six in total.
Five of them were clearly wearing the Shujin Academy uniform on the day she spotted them. One was tall in stature with fluffy black hair & thick framed glasses. Reserved in nature but he always appeared to have some sort of witty comeback. Soon he became known as Akira.
Another one was a blonde, around the same height. He wore the uniform much like a delinquent alongside a yellow graphic tee. Obnoxiously loud, as it was never difficult to hear what he was saying even from far away. The person closest to him was Ann. She had platinum blonde hair tied back into pigtails & features of an American.
Makoto was next. Clearly more of a calculating type, she wore the uniform immaculately. Wearing her hair in a French-braid styled headband, she had maroon coloured eyes & was around average height. Most of the time, she was commenting on the boy’s behaviour.
Haru Okumura was someone recognisable due to the news about her father’s death, which was saddening. In her uniform, she wore a fluffy pink turtleneck alongside white tights with flower patterns.
Futaba was just as strange as Yusuke. She used a mixture of gamer jargon whenever she spoke and was never seen in a uniform. About middle school age, she carried around a set of headphones everywhere that regularly rested atop her maple coloured hair.
Stuffed inside of Akira’s bag was also a cat that they tried to hide. Key word: Tried. Six of them & a cat.
They frequented a local cafe in Shibuya, LeBlanc. It was a nice location & she had even gone in there once to listen in. Boss was kind, to say the least. He served coffee with a warm smile & the curry combined perfectly enough to encourage a smile out of her.
On a Friday, the cafe was busy. They had gathered at one table & chatted casually. Most of them looked forelorn. Akira eventually gestured for them to take the conversation outside, where they would disturb fewer people.
Following behind them, she paid Boss & followed, attempting to seem casual. They never noticed. Conspicuously trailing into an alleyway, Ryuji pulled out his phone. Listening in was difficult so she opted to pull out her own phone and record. One of them, presumably Akira, simply said “ Mementos. ”.
Mementos. That singular word triggered something & changed everything. As the world began to violently shift in a strange phenomena, hues of vermillion & mauve dotted her vision. It was hypnotic. Eventually, she snapped out of the trance.
Concealed by masks & flashy outfits were the suspicious group she had been following. It was blatantly obvious by their hair colours. However, the animated cat creature was a surprise. It was reminiscent of the cat Akira carried around but even stranger was that it talked. Then it turned into a bus. Which did not seem all that strange.
Inherently familiar with their environment, they sped off down the escalator, leaving her alone with her thoughts. There were so many reds & greys. Thick red veins ran through the sides in mangled forms. The wall behind her was dilapidated & the only way to proceed was the escalator in front of her.
A fatal mistake, really.
Recalling the details of the awakening are fuzzy at best. These lumbering creatures formed entirely out of shadow began to take notice of her unwanted presence. Cornered, desperate and alone. Insurmountable pain; the voice of someone almost familiar; then freedom & rebellion.
With the pact of her Persona, everything was clearer. Life had previously moved in rhetorical patterns, it was now a whimsical dance. Eliminating the so called enemies with a weapon in hand, she eventually found a way back to the surface. The door at the beginning looked to be a way out, so she threw caution to the wind & took the chance.
Fatigue came first in this dingy alleyway. Adrenaline had been fuelling the push to leave alongside her newly granted power and once that was gone, nothing would spare her from raw exhaustion. Checking her phone in the hopes of finding evidence, the video taken was still there, though it cut off as soon as anyone disappeared.
Even without evidence, she knew that this group was doing something illicit. So she texted the one person she trusted with this secret: Goro Akechi. He was a detective, surely he would have answers.
;; I must speak with you in person as soon as possible. It’s regarding the Phantom Thieves, I have some evidence for you. You’re investigating them, correct?
Knowing full well that Akechi lived a busy life, she did not expect a response for a while. After gathering the strength to stand once again, she headed home. It was the most exhausting experience ever, physically & emotionally. A few minutes after returning home, there was a response from Akechi.
I am indeed investigating them. If you have any evidence regarding them, would it not be more convenient for me to receive it via text? ;;
;; Yes, it would be, but I can barely even believe the evidence presented to me. It’s better for you to see it for yourself. Are you attending school tomorrow?
Indeed I am. Pulling away from the public eye has benefits. If you are free during lunch, we can meet on the rooftop and discuss the supposed evidence that you have found. Does that sound like a compromise? ;;
;; Alright. I’ll see you on the rooftop tomorrow.
The next day was filled with trepidation. Everyone seemed to be mulling about & with how slowly the clock was moving, it was if the school was in a state of chronostasis. Although she did not share many classes with Akechi, there had been a moment where she saw a mop of hazelnut brown hair amongst a crowd, so he was likely to be there.
Sitting on the rooftop alone was slightly boring but she understood why he was late. Every time lunch began, Akechi would be surrounded by people who wanted his attention. It must have been rather annoying.
5. 10. 15. Minutes ticked by. During the winter, it was exceptionally cold so not a single soul came up. The chilly winter breeze nipped at her skin & for a moment she wondered if it was Akechi that she had seen. The brown hair easily could have been mistaken—
The creak of the door announced his presence. With a formal apology, he recalled how his teachers were intent on swarming him with catch up work that he would inevitably never complete. Dismissing it all & moving along with the subject, Akechi got straight to the point:
“ What was it you wished to speak to me about? ”, he asked.
“ I believe I have ascertained the identities of the Phantom Thieves, ” was the only reply she gave.
Looking astounded, he shifted his glove via force of habit & looked directly at her.
“ That’s quite the bold claim, ” he returned to a neutral expression as the mask of the Detective Prince slipped back on, “ Do you have any evidence? ”.
Recalling the story to the best of her ability was tedious. From the suspicious behaviour Yusuke had been demonstrating to the video evidence taken from her phone. Throughout the entire story, he maintained a neutral expression so she was never quite sure what to think.
“ Usually, I would disregard such stories as a strange dream or a vision you had & declare your footage as edited. However, I have... also had an encounter in this strange phenomena as well. ”
Everything began to make more sense as it was explained. Akechi rattled off about the cognitive world, Palaces, Personas & even how ‘ stealing someone’s heart ’ was possible. He explained that his plan was to lend the Phantom Thieves a hand in their next assignment & catch them in the very act. Specifically, their leader.
“ That explains a lot. Let me help you. I have a Persona as well & I can fight in that other world. I want to bring the Phantom Thieves to justice. They killed Okumura & many others if they are the ones behind the mental shutdowns. Tampering with the heart of another is wrong... ”
“... Alright. I suppose it will make things easier if it is the two of us. I hope you are a very good actor,” Akechi extended a reluctant hand for her to shake. His gaze was calculated, cold. Much different from his tone of voice. However, she took his hand & shook it.
With that, a contract was signed. Both herself & the detective would bring about the end of the Phantom Thieves.
Word Count: 1.9k
Publish Date: 27.09.20
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cursedtm · 4 years
UPDATED BIO/STATS. carrd will be updated <24hrs. posted here for your convenience. trigger warning for suicide.
FULL NAME. august lenora singh-erriksen. BIRTH NAME. name withheld. ALIASES.
octavarium “o” no last name given (2014-). alternatively: OCTAVARIUM.EXE and OCTAVARIUM.CMMD
 oberon “o” sweetwater (2031-2049). oberon, for their mother anita’s love for the shakespearan play midummer’s night dream. the name further signifies o’s character as they are known to be: cunning. mischievous. reign of tricksters. possessing the thought that they can do whatever they want when they want and knowing exactly how to do so. for their two sides.  sweetwater, an ode to their mother, dr errikson’s involvement in its development. serves as a warning given the nature of the circumstances surrounding the creation of the alias.
 LORRY V.156.43
> the alias OBERON is twenty four years old.
> the alias OCTAVARIUM does not exist on public records and remains undisclosed to the public.
> august singh-errikson… retrieving data…
> in relation to the paucity of understanding encircling the duality of human – machine age when inquiring for data listed “physical age,” sufficient nor accurate data cannot be given.
> hypothetically, if user august errikson had not alienated to anomaly fifteen point three nine point x, in which system creator dr errikson had transferred user august from their biological body into the MODEL OCTAVARIUM SERIAL #730 008 002, august singh-erriksen would be at the physical age of 53 during december of 2058. however, the statistics for this variation does not correlate to pre-existing health condition: aggressive osteoblastoma occurring age nine leading to severe bone degeneration by age sixteen, leading to inevitable death at an approximate age seventeen with appropriate treatment. approx. death is age thirteen due to variant one point x three – lack of appropriate health care due to financial issues and healthcare policies. system configuration highly advises for readers to be aware that this data may be inaccurate for the current path and its future variations of august singh-erriksen. please contact dr errikson or DELOS inc. for further explanation.
AGE AT DEATH. fourteen.
CAUSE OF DEATH: suicide. exsanguination.
> system advises that this data is not currently known to officials and under the us death records august singh-erriksen had past away during the system malfunction of a host throughout the westworld pre-opening stockholders soiree. this incident also records the murders of delos stockholders, dr errikson and dr ford, leading to a mortality rate of 113. system further advises that the correct date of deaths for both user august and system creator dr errikson does not corelate to the us death records and is in fact incorrect and occurred three years and forty seven days prior to the date recorded.
AGE OF REBIRTH. fifteen.
AGE OF APPEARANCE. twenty five. variations in relation to alias are sufficient to change.
SPECIES. human – machine hybrid. cyborg, however, this is yet to be a scientifically approved term.
ETHNICITY. korean.
> the alias OBERON is a dual korean and british citizen.
> user august singh-erriksen was a united states citizen.
GENDER. nonbinary. PREFFERED PRONOUNS. they/them strictly. SEXUALITY: bisexual (bisexual is inclusive of trans identities)
DATE OF ADOPTION. 17th of march 2013. AGE AT ADOPTION. ten years old.
BIRTH MOTHER. name withheld at request. BIRTH FATHER.  name withheld at request.
> the user august was of united states nationality. > the alias OBERON is of korean nationality.
D.O.B. august is of 12th of december 2003. P.O.B. august is of san antonio, texas.
EDUCATION. august has acquired high school diploma. attended internship with robotics engineers dr ford, dr weber and ai specialist dr errikson. internship terminated after ten months for unknown reasons as requested by dr ford and dr weber upon the leave of dr errikson. home schooled from adoption under dr singh and dr errikson, furthering their knowledge of robotics, ai theory, intellectual technology, english, creative writing and international laws. noted: an advanced learner. understood relevant principles for ai, it and robotics in minutes. lacked fluency in english, laws and writing theory as noted by dr singh, adopted parent.
> the user OBERON “O” is a technologist hired for INCITE as per request of liam dempsy, co-CEO of INCITE, in the years 2049-2055 shortly after the pair met at a party in 2049. this was after serac froze jean mi after convincing his brother that his fiancée (o) left him for greed (2048) when in fact he, serac, forced o into the first instance of INCITE’s reconditioning therapy (2047). the goal o possessed in this instance was to gain control of rehoboam, mirroring delores’ in 2058. this, in both instances, proved futile. the reconditioning o was exposed to in the years prior sought to be constraining on their grip of self and memory, slipping in and out, and therefore was their downfall in gaining control and executing their initial plans, leading to their third loop.
> the alias OBERON is a minor stockholder in INCITE. the alias holds <2% of company shareholds as a gift from liam dempsy, co-ceo and minor controller of rehoboam. in specific, oberon holds majority stocks in INCITE’s failed reconditioning therapy in mexico. the gift in and of itself has no real meaning and is useless for any financial benefit. however, they are the only stocks vital for o’s initial planning.
> the alias OCTAVARIUM is a major silent stockholder and silent director in DELOS inc. after accumulating the majority after the westworld massacre which saw stocks plummet (54% in the year 2019). amongst these stocks, o has distributed the stocks between thirty six people, of whom are active directors that act in o’s absence. whatever these stockholders, previously incomers living below the poverty line, chooses to do with their power is up to them, only until it isn’t. this is the terms of the contract they signed with the unknown o.
> the alias known simply as “o”, works alongside brothers engerraund and later lover jean mi serac, to aid (and thereby unknowingly – to the brother’s knowledge - sabotage) the serac brothers into creating failed prototypes sol and david whose goal is to predict and guide human behaviour (2029-2031). the goal to sabotage was to prolong the system’s purpose until o could find a use for it in their plans.
> “o” created the implant and its discs that correspond with the successful prototype solomon and its successor rehoboam. o’s disks and implants aid solomon in feeding the system updated information on the day to day decisions of the users in order to further predict their future outcomes – thereby predicting the course of humanity’s fate. the data is also anonymous syphoned by o to feed them information which is needed to formulate the accuracy of their plan.
DISKS and its daily ingested IMPLANTS help control a human’s bodily and mental behaviours. they regulate sleep, moods, senses, blood levels, hormones, surrounding technology such as home security (requires subscriptions), etc.
o’s disks and implants have become a systematic norm in society as it progresses thanks to INCITE’s influence over government procedures. those who neglect to activate their implant nor ingest discs are systematically doomed to fail and, due to their lack of jobs, healthcare, food and housing in association with their turned off implant, die.
> this allows o to create an application called RICO, an app that allows degenerates – those who are lower class and either cannot afford to keep their implants on or chooses to keep them off (in other words, people who are invisible to rehoboam – to engage in illegal activities warranted from and paid from anonymous sources. INCITE is under the impression that o conceived the program in order to allow INCITE the ability to engage reconditioned outliers to hunt the unconditioned ones who lie a threat to rehoboam’s plan. while the program does run under this purpose, the initial purpose was to allow o to hire anonymous and untraceable users to aid in conducting miscellaneous missions which help advance their plans, unknown to INCITE’s eye.
> it is later discovered by engerraund serac, after his knowledge of o’s true nature since forcing them under solomon’s experimental reconditioning therapy, that he takes control of o’s shared stocks in INCITE and DELOS. here, upon exposing the truth of o to jean mi, engerraund discovers from jean mi of dr ford’s library of guest data, knowledge that is only known by o and the ceo of delos.
LANGUAGES. infinite. subject to the delos mainframe.
HEIGHT. 166cm. WEIGHT. 52kg.
EYES. obsidian. HAIR. tidy but long. black. well kept. black. BODY. small. lithe. titanium. built to withstand.
FACECLAIM. jung jaewon. VOICE CLAIM. ashe.
SIBLINGS. none. biologically unknown as parental names are withheld from the system.
> the alias OBERON is a party goer. narcotics veined. dinoysus born. player, brilliant in their works, a low born who managed to outrank the lot of them. a value to INCITE. earnt the respect of the blue bloods by befriending the low self esteem liam stempsy when they were sixteen.  
> o is aggressive. quiet. manipulative. cunning. serves no purpose in interacting with others unless the person is needed to advance their plans. this is met with a personality that contours to the need of the person.
due to the reconditioning therapy, the lines between themselves and the aliases blur.
PHOBIAS.  hemophobia – the fear of blood.
ZODIAC. sagittarius
intjs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. they have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves.
often intellectual, intjs enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. they approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. intjs are drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. they are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.
TEMPERMANT.  melancholic
ALIGNMENT. neutral evil.
ABILITIES: LORRY allows o to similarily manipulate surrounding to their will like delores in s3. however, due to o’s outdated programming and overall bugs, their inability to do so in their current verse makes them as blind as a human in a technological advanced world.
UNKNOWN DATE – DIVERGENCE: DEHLI, INDIA   28.7040°N, 77.1024°E     1.014 ARC DEGREES        
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sataniccapitalist · 4 years
APRIL 09, 2020
It's All Over but the Shouting
A few months ago, David Masciotra, a free-lance writer and author of Against Traffic, among other works, approached The American Conservative with a proposal for an article, which would be a review of my American Empire trilogy. He subsequently submitted the article, and never heard back. Since I'm neither a conservative nor a progressive, but only a writer interested in Reality, it's possible that TAC got spooked by David's essay. (To paraphrase T.S. Eliot, "Americans can't bear too much reality.") However, it's also possible that by that time the coronavirus was starting to make itself visible, and that TAC was thrown by that rather than anything ideological. I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt. In any case, David and I agreed that I should just post his essay on my blog, and accept the fact that no American publication was likely to run it (for whatever reason). Hence, here it is.
It’s All Over but the Shouting: Morris Berman’s Work on American Decline
“Stick a fork in their ass, and turn them over. They’re done,” Lou Reed dryly announces on his 1989 song about the American Empire, “The Last Great American Whale.” The rock and roll poet’s grim diagnosis of a culture gone awry makes for a fine lyric. If Reed were to have expanded his morbid one-liner into a 1,000-page trilogy of books, full of assiduous research, brilliant anecdotes, and despite the sad subject matter, immensely enjoyable, and often amusing, prose, he would have something resembling the series of books on American decline from cultural critic, historian, novelist, and poet, Morris Berman.
Berman, while a visiting professor in the belly of the beast at the Catholic University in Washington, DC, began writing the first installment in the late 1990s,The Twilight of American Culture, after observing the coalescence of several pathologies that are now beyond dispute as inflicting pain on American life: staggering rates of inequality, governmental dysfunction, an ever-expanding militarism, the fracturing of communal and civic life, and the dominance of anti-intellectualism, visible in everything from an increasingly shallow pop culture to misspelled words on public signs. There was also an aura of threat in the air, of the kind predicted by Don DeLillo in his 1985 novel, White Noise. Like the thick presence of humidity on a summer afternoon, Americans couldn’t see that their neighbors were becoming selfish, and often cruel, but they could feel it.
Having studied the downfall of other empires, Berman saw the window for American reform closing. He warned that if America did not drastically transform its public policies, ideology, and working conception of citizenship, its troubles would only intensify and calcify, bringing a once-promising civilization past the point of no return. In the two books that followed—
Dark Ages America
Why America Failed
—Berman meticulously demonstrated that America’s myopic focus on profit, at the expense of everything else, its zest for war – at home and abroad – and its lack of self-awareness and insight had escalated, making recovery virtually impossible.
Simultaneous with the development of Berman’s argument, the United States suffered the worst attack on its soil on September 11, 2001, and responded by launching not one, but two disastrous wars. Its housing market and financial system crashed, liquidating much of middle class wealth, and it reacted with giving away boondoggles to the very parties of greed that caused the crisis. Then, in 2016, as the citizenry began to stratify in ways more violent and intractable, Donald Trump became President-Elect. Berman, whom the New York Times and other mainstream outlets dismissed as cynical, cranky, and “anti-American,” looks more and more sterling.The left and right argue about nearly everything, making extreme accusations about each other. Maybe one camp is right on other issues, and the other is correct on some, but the larger possibility to consider is, what if they are all wrong on the main issue?
As Berman put it during a recent email exchange that I had with him:
Conservatives and progressives alike are patriots; like Trump, they seek to save America, or make it great again. What they are ignoring is the rhythm and record of history. All civilizations rise and fall; there are no exceptions to this rule, and America is not going to escape its fate. The great Southern historian, C. Vann Woodward, first suggested the inevitable decline of the nation in 1953. Andrew Hacker stated it clearly in The End of the American Era, 1970. Between that year and today, there have been a host of books—my trilogy on the American empire included—that have pointed out that civilizations come and go, and that now is our time. Yet on both the right and left, there is no recognition of this bedrock reality. If you do recognize the larger picture, you can't possibly care about impeachment, for example, or who wins these silly Democratic debates. All of that is theater, not reality.
The reality is ascertainable from the daily deluge of grim headlines—lead poisoning in the water causing irreversible brain damage in children, the rise of the “working poor,” near-daily mass shootings, America spending hundreds of billions on weapons of war while ignoring its crumbling infrastructure. Pundits and politicians have a tendency to treat all of these signs of pathology and dysfunction as isolated, but an unobstructed historical vantage point, which Berman’s work provides, suggests that all of America’s problems—from high rates of functional illiteracy to political corruption—are trees growing out of the same rotten roots.
Berman’s project becomes more excavation than analysis, demonstrating an affinity for radicalism, in the original sense of the term, which is identifying and criticizing an issue’s origin, rather than obtusely obsessing over its consequences. America, from its inception, was dedicated to commercial conquest, and equated “the pursuit of happiness” with the acquisition of wealth and property. The third book in Berman’s trilogy, Why America Failed, relies on assiduous research and sharp analysis to prove the case over its 400 pages. Meanwhile, the consistent papering over the more accurate story he tells, with red, white and blue advertisements, robs even many of the country’s leading dissidents of a holistic perspective. In his deployment of cultural criticism, Berman shows how, although his politics tend slightly toward the left, he is most in mourning over America’s destruction of tradition and refusal to balance its desires for commercial dominance with small scale, communal concerns:
Dating back 400 years—the continent was filled with individuals whose idea of the good life was goods, i.e. money and property. There were dissenting voices, such as Capt. John Smith and the Puritan divines, but these were increasingly pushed aside. The title of Richard Bushman's book, and the book itself, are good summaries of the process: From Puritan to Yankee. America was effectively born bourgeois; it had no feudal period. And while feudalism had its obvious drawbacks, it also had some serious advantages: community, craftsmanship, ties of friendship, meaningful work, noblesse oblige, and spiritual purpose, among other things. The American experiment was based, from the first, on hustling, opportunism; this is what the "pursuit of happiness" really meant in the eighteenth century—go out and get yours (which the Founding Fathers certainly did). "Virtue" originally meant putting the needs of society above one's own personal interests. By the late seventeenth century, the meaning had been inverted: it now meant personal success in an opportunistic environment. Blaming the corporate elite has its limits, because what virtually all Americans want is to join the upper 1 percent. Thus American spirituality, such as it is, can be summarized in a single word: More. More, more, I want more. Our leaders reflect our values, which is how America's consummate hustler, Donald Trump, wound up in the White House. In that sense, we have a genuine democracy.
In his seminal essay, “Democratic Vistas,” Walt Whitman worried that “genuine belief” had left American life. In the mad race for money and status, Americans were forgetting or neglecting the sociopolitical principles that could construct a spiritually strong society. For “genuine belief” to thrive, the believers must, in spite of their partisan or ideological disputes, maintain some adherence to tradition – a set of ideas, rites, and practices that form the foundation of their politics, behavior, and vision for the development of their culture.
Berman attempts to achieve a balance in his cultural and historical analysis by spotlighting societies where edifying traditions are steadfast, helping to anchor their respective cultures, and help inhabitants connect to each other with a shared sense of purpose. In Neurotic Beauty, Berman writes about Japan’s traditions of craft, family, and advantageous use of empty space in art and identity, and how those traditions are under siege by Japan’s own move to large scale, corporate capitalism. In Genio: The Story of Italian Genius, Berman examines the Italian gift of injecting space, movement, into static situations – the result of which is, arguably, the most significant creative legacy in the Western world.
It is not only through travel and study that Berman is able to contrast cultures that maintain some loyalty to their best traditions with the American fixation on commercial, technological, and militaristic “progress,” but also through his own experience. He asserts that the “best decision” of his life was moving to Mexico, and one of his worst decisions was waiting so long to do it. When I asked him about the “traditional society” of his Mexican home, as juxtaposed with his previous home in Washington, DC, he began with the caveat that “Mexico has been heavily Americanized, and traditional values—community, friendship, craftsmanship, spirituality—have accordingly been eroded in favor of hustling, individualism, alienation, and meaninglessness.”
Nevertheless, his move to Mexico was a “bet” on the lasting elements of tradition and communal life in Mexico, and it is one that has proven itself wise. Berman offers an anecdote to illustrate the camaraderie and generosity that often characterize his relationships and interactions in Mexico:
Something like this happens to me at least once a week, and it always wakes me up to the fact that I am not living in the US anymore. I live in an apartment building in Mexico City, one floor up. One day I was coming home from the supermarket, going up the stairs, carrying plastic bags full of groceries, and one of the bags broke. Contents spilled out all over the stairs and onto the ground: oranges, Diet Coke, whatever. At that point, at the top of the stairs, the door to the apartment there opened, and a 5-year-old girl peered out. Without saying a word, she came down the stairs and helped me put the spilled groceries back in the bags. When it was done, she went back upstairs and closed the door.
Berman would not argue that acts of kindness never take place in the United States, or that every single Mexican behaves according to an ethic of solidarity, but the rarity of friendly relations in America, and the breakdown of community, as documented at length by Robert Putnam, Sherry Turkle, and many other scholars, is not accidental.
“For one thing, girls are taught to fear men, in America (possibly with good reason),” Berman said, and added, “The sexes pretty much hate each other, or are at least wary of each other. But equally significant, Americans of all ages are taught to not help other people (we even arrest people who attempt to feed the homeless). Their problems are their problems, not yours. You are not your brother's keeper, and in general other people are rivals or enemies.”
America has failed to enact the social welfare policies of its democratic peers in Western Europe, but what Berman indicts goes to deeper to core of America’s character. America has also neglected to preserve its “bonds of voluntary association” that Alexis de Tocqueville believed were crucial to the health of the society. In that sense, Americans interested in conservatism might consider that their country is the least conservative in the world. It invests almost no effort in conserving anything, from the beauty of its natural environment to the social ties that are essential for a durable civilization.
The improvements of American life for blacks, women, gays, and workers were possible through the courageous social movements of the 20th century, and these are improvements that Berman admires. He cautions, however, that none of them address the central problem of American culture:
Those were certainly great successes, and they made a great difference for the people involved in those movements. Personally, I applaud them. The problem, however, is that all of them were bids to have a greater share in the American pie—bids to enter the dominant culture. None of them envisioned, a la Lewis Mumford, Henry David Thoreau, or Ernest Callenbach, a different type of society. They merely wanted a greater role in the society as is. The only group that stood for a completely different way of life was the Native Americans, and look what we did to them. The savagery of that genocide, of a people who dared to disagree with the American definition of "progress," is unbelievable.
When Martin Luther King turned more radical, expressing opposition to the “spiritual sickness” of America, rather than only its racist laws, the country turned on him. Similarly, Berman describes in his trilogy how most of the public mocked and ridiculed President Jimmy Carter for his televised "Spiritual Malaise" address, given in Annapolis in 1979—a speech that now appears prescient in its condemnation of uncontrolled consumerism, unabashed selfishness, and the stunning inability of the nation to observe its own behavior.
The candidates in the 2020 race for the presidency, including the president himself, routinely repeat the bromide that the election will determine the “direction” of the country. The "soul" of the nation is somehow always at stake, and yet regardless of who gets elected, things continue to spiral out of control. Morris Berman’s sobering assessment doubles as a “Dead End” sign, warning that the winner might influence the speed and comfort of travel, but that ultimately, we're headed for collapse.
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grinferbv · 4 years
Top Mistakes Online Instructors Make (And How To Avoid Them)
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Top Mistakes Online Instructors Make (And How To Avoid Them)
What can be better for a student than after waking up in the morning to pour a nice cup of coffee, turn on a computer, and see what’s new and exciting in the world of e-learning. No more missed classes because “the alarm didn’t go off”. No need to spend money on gas while driving to the campus. No more hassle with carrying lots of heavy books to class with taking classes on online teaching platforms. No surprise, e-learning steadily gains popularity. Since the world of online education expands, it allures more recruits to online learning videos. Having the option of taking courses online is probably one of the most useful things the Internet has ever offered. How is teaching online different from face to face? No entry tests for enrollment to become a student, no eligibility requirements for entering a digital class and taking a course. You’ll always get your chance to pick through the online course just to make sure it is something you need or can handle.
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But what about those instructors who create online courses? Every online course has somebody who stands behind the curtain and creates content. Online instructors are those who navigate you through the information with teaching techniques they developed for learning process improvement. However, if a student is under the impression that he is experiencing a lack of information or not learning enough, this is something that will become a problem for course creators.  Let’s go over some common mistakes that online instructors make while creating and teaching online courses. Get some tips on teaching online classes and tips for online classes. 
Don’t teach online without a business plan once you’ve gone free float
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If you are not a part of a brick-and-mortar school or college, most likely you decided to go free float and work independently to become an online teacher. Moving online to teach is a great idea, but keep in mind all the challenges that come with teaching colleges online.  How to be an online teacher? Before gaining vast benefits from your self-employment, realize that it won’t be even tied to any location whatsoever anymore. So, think about creating an essential analysis of expenses and marketing efforts you are going to invest in your new reality. Online teaching is like any business – it needs the right approach and a business plan for teaching online courses successfully. And then, after you succeed in implementing your business outlines, you’ll get a level of freedom that you only dreamt of during your summer vacation at the regular job. Online teaching is like any business – it needs the right approach and a business plan for teaching online courses successfully. Check out some online business podcasts or websites before you start teaching courses online. If you need help with creating a business plan, you can check an online course on how to write one, so it might be a great place for you to get all pros and cons first, and then start building your business plan for the year. Here are more reasons why lacking a business plan would not contribute to your online teaching business: Reveals and evaluates any weaknesses of your business;Discovers new business opportunities you haven’t thought about before started teaching online course;Strengthens your business idea through the market analysis and analysis of competitors;Develops strategies on resolutions that deal with any potential challenges teachers experience, which can derail a startup you launched;Designates your target audience and shows ways of reaching them as a creative teacher;Encourages you to go through some calculations to determine how much money you need to gain profit and provides online advice for your startup capital;Makes you look good and professional in the eyes of potential partners. Also, keep in mind marketing tools that are needed for a promotion, collecting and billing methods, website building, and SEO practices for boosting social media presence in case you want your unique online school. All of these factors and elements should be incorporated into your business plan too unless you’re willing to use online marketplaces like Grinfer. 
Use best practices acquired at brick-and-mortar schools for teaching a class online
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Online education demands new approaches to teaching online courses and learning techniques. Yet, omitting or forgetting the best practices you used in the classroom is a mistake. Don’t skip traditional methods like portfolios, team-based learning, small-group discussions, etc. Another thing that you should maintain as an online instructor - your positive attitude. Be friendly and care for your students. Working from home can be tricky and can set you in the mood of being isolated. Try to build positive relationships with your students and your colleagues through online forums and social media groups. Realize that trying to create a one-path-fits-all approach may not be too beneficial to your online teaching experience and the way how to teach a class. Be friendly and care for your students. Here are more tips for you in finding ways to succeed in teaching online: Convey individual goals expressed by students into your own teaching approach. This strategy is useful for those who provide 1-on-1 consultations and lessons. Trial lessons would be most handy since this will help you to understand what level students are at and get the feel for their learning pace.Make sure that your teaching speaks to modern realities. If you haven’t been changing your teaching methods and techniques since the 90s, odds are students will not come to you for learning. Stay up to date with the current world and update your syllables.Stay up to date with tech tools. Keep an eye on new technologies and developments used for online teaching. You derive information about most current events in the world of technologies by following podcasts, picking through blogs, and publications posted regarding this industry. Don’t overwhelm your students with too many tech tools though. Most people just simply don’t have enough time tinkering around all the innovations.
Don’t teach online without providing timely feedback to students
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How do online college classes work? Since online students mostly learn through self-study, structuring a day, and staying on track with assignments can be challenging for some. That’s why providing timely feedback, online class tips, and evaluations is really important. That way learners will know that they are all on the same page and going in the right direction. Timely feedback shows either there was obvious progress in studies or whether a student needs to identify areas they are struggling with, so interact while teaching. It is also a good way of suggesting or recommending more useful methods and exercises used for improvements of learning. Teaching feedback can be provided in the following ways: videos, responses in written format, audio recordings, teacher comments. Written feedback is given directly in the Learning Management systems or (LMS). In some LMSs (such as Canvas) there are already built-in voice and video recorders. Here are some software used for free in case the LMS you’ve been using does not allow either video or audio feedback: Vocaroo - uses audio podcasts for providing verbal feedback. The instructor's comments regarding students’ submissions are recorded and provided with links available for playback.Jing - combines screen capturing with verbal feedback, which then delivers video responses to learners. Screen captures can also go along with verbal feedback, which later elaborates on written comments. A link with video feedback is usually delivered to learners along with their assigned grades.Zoom - can be used as a video conferencing software for hosting virtual sessions and offers vast applications for providing feedback.Knovio -  a platform used for creating video presentations. On this platform, learners get a chance to view the online edition of their work being corrected while they can watch their teacher talking about it at the same time. It is a useful tool utilized in flipped classes. It can also be utilized for providing video files that contain feedback responses. How to get teaching experience and manage teaching time with the online approaches for learning? Master your organizing methods by creating a Teaching Toolbox for collecting and providing feedback to students. Teaching Toolbox is a repository of responses produced and accumulated over a certain period of teaching. The main purpose of such a toolbox is to save time while searching for a particular response, as well as for adding new content for later use. You can either create a text document with a table of content where everything will be sorted by headings, or use MS Word Quick Parts. Its function allows saving blocks of text and then later access signature blocks which can be used as shortcuts with repeated comments provided to students.
Don’t teach online with focusing too much on creating lengthy videos
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Once starting to make videos for online courses, many educators get caught up in chasing after creativity and entertaining content. Your course content should not shout very loud: “Take my online class!” The final result might be very surprising – long videos with fewer ideas. That's where the idea that less is actually more becomes obvious. In most cases, creating shorter content feels like putting serious constraints on the process. How to overcome this challenge and yet create substantial videos for your great online course? Tips for online instructors for the effective video-making process: Know your target audience and examine their pain points – with a general topic in mind which you are about to cover, determine what possible gaps or downfalls in the knowledge your target audience has. Focus on these parts to make your video more instructional.Make a clear objective for the learning process – try to set a clear learning goal and stick to it while making videos.Choose the right format for videos that best suits your topic. You can choose either animation or live-action videos (or both). It depends whether you speak about abstract concepts or want to show complex actions such as doing makeup, cooking a dish, or making a craft. If you’re creating an instructional video, then try a screencast for showing how to use some software or application. Try a useful software called Asana, which is a project management program that mixes live actions with screencast videos.
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While creating instructional videos with different scenario branches, it is better to write separate scripts for each scenario just for avoiding confusion.
Don’t teach online without being fun for your students
The final question is - who is an online instructor really? The answer is - a person with a positive attitude and somebody who likes to have fun. So, give some room for a good laugh with some subtle jokes. You don’t have to look serious in order to provide learners with useful information. Make your students smile and move on with your learning process with a positive attitude!
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lets-jadeyb-blog · 5 years
Hi, my name is Jade Brophy, in this Blog I am going to evaluate and discuss an online Technology.
Technology online is evolving rapidly worldwide. I have engaged with this online tool for over a number of weeks now, since I discovered this learning technology. The online technology of choice that will be evaluated and reported on its usabilities, functions, strengths, and weaknesses, comparisons with other technologies, old skool methods and how I would implement and use this online tool in my setting of work. The online technology that I have chosen to discuss and evaluate is Padlet.
Padlet is a free and easy online tool used to collaborate information, resources and ideas between students, teachers, educators, co-workers, parents, board members, outside agencies and all parties involved in an organisation. Collaborations are endless while using Padlet online. Padlet can create a design of a bulletin board, mind map, sticky notes, any design of choice to help keep track and notes of information storage and shared. Padlet can be used as a digital discussion board with a group or environment.
Strengths/Weaknesses of Padlet
There are a number of strengths Padlet has to offer. This online tool can be used as an open space for personal work or class work. Padlet allows users to insert ideas anonymously or with their name, used to ask questions and allowing people to response. Padlet can be used on any devices such as smartphones and computers. Padlet can be assessed while on the go, at home no matter where you are once you have access to internet. Padlet offers three free options and also a lot of features to use to encourage creative skills; any format can be used to support your suitability. When creating a Padlet account the users can use a privacy setting, content filtering and approval if anxious about any unnecessary posts. Padlet allows users to search for relevant information, resources and to share information gathered in collaborating together. Padlet is a good idea to use to interact with people in your surrounds, for building relationships, getting to know people and also being helpful and supportive in helping each other understand a certain topic or criteria. Padlet is a supportive tool for people with learning difficulties such as reading and writing; users can post pictures, videos and clips that can help people have a better understanding. Therefore Padlet has a lot of strengths, although there are a number of weaknesses such as Padlet is a robust service with millions of visitors and users so it was only matter of time until the site had to start charging more for their premium offers and offering less in their free plans, meaning for many users cannot afford to pay these charges meant that they’re now looked for alternatives to Padlet. Padlet downfalls are the payment system because users are limited to the use of Padlets; also not everybody has access to online learning technologies.
Padlet Comparisons with other Technologies and old Skool Methods
In comparing Padlet to other technologies such as alternatives, Waklet, Scrumblr, dotstorming, Lino, Flipgrid and Pinside, none of these alternatives online tools have as many features as Padlet. Comparing Padlet to old Skool methods such as Whiteboards, Blackboards and Projectors, technology has improved tremendously over the years, these technologies are still very effective in learning but when in a confined space, a classroom setting, meanwhile Padlet can be assess and use at any platform throughout the day.
How I could use Padlet Technology in my Setting
I am an Early Childhood Educator and I communicate with people about information on a day to day basis. In my opinion Padlet would be an excellent online tool to use in ECE Environment. Padlet can be used to collaborate information and ideas with staff members, stakeholders in the organization to discuss topics such as ideas for themes of the month to see if they have any ideas to include in planning, workshop classes that’s coming up, events or policies and procedures that has being update to help creating a better environment for the children in working together as a team throughout the entire organization. Padlet would also benefit the staff and parents in the setting by building relationships allowing parents to be informed about information of upcoming events that could be useful such as parenting classes, first aid and healthy eating, involvement in being a part of children development and learning by posting a post saying this month is “Recyclable art and crafts “, if they had any unwanted materials at home that they could offer. Finally another good point would be if a parent had a question or enquire about their child or needed help and support outside settings times, it would be a great way for staff to share their information and recourses that they learned in studying to be an Early Childhood Educator.  
In my opinion, Padlet is an easy and handy online tool to use in promoting teamwork in an organisation. I have being using this online tool since I discovered Padlet. Therefore I found Padlet an interactive online tool, very helpful is keeping track of my ideas, notes and resources, it is very enjoyable tool to use getting creative with ideas while using this site. My Early Childhood Environment that I work in has now set up a Padlet account to connect with parents. Padlet is a successful online tool to use.  Padlet is easy to use, going on to the web site, creating an account for your own learning or to share the information send a unique Padlet link from the Padlet account, visit the Website today, www.padlet.com.
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rysunlabs · 3 years
5 Emerging Digital Transformation Trends that are anticipated to modernize Education Industry
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2020 brought dramatic changes to all fields of life, including education, because of the global macroeconomic downfall by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it was the time when digital trends in education technology got a rise. It is expected that 2021 will be the year of innovations in the ways of learning. Since the Coronavirus catastrophe, almost every school, college, and educational institute have started using Zoom, Google Classroom, and other tools to conduct online classes for the students and send them work. Parents and guardians on the other hand have used it throughout this time to help homeschool, and with the positive cases of COVID-19 ramping up, it looks Educational Technology (EdTech) is going nowhere soon.
A report published by Grand View Research shows that the global education technology industry will be worth over $285billion by 2027, growing at an 18.1% rate each year. Of course, EdTech is only set to rise more now that a lot of students will rely on technology to get an education. And in these tough times, some pieces of technology stand above the rest. Here are some of the best EdTech that will completely revolutionize the education industry.
1. E-Learning:
In simple terms, E-learning refers to learning via internet-enabled handy devices or computers. The traditional ways of education did not offer such a broad facility of research and evaluation as rendered by e-learning. Though this trend in education has already gained popularity, it is going to be more essential for the students of 2021 due to:
·       2021 pose increased health risks in physical interactions due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak in 2020
·       The increasing scope of the internet to every aspect of the world
·       E-learning technology is rising at an incredible scale
Also, e-learning facilitates students to enhance their knowledge and hone their educational aptitude. Moreover, it has brought brilliant solutions to the students who encounter hardships during assignment making. For Instance, a lot of students have increased online writing enterprises’ popularity in the last few years. While they are busy with other educational tasks, they assign their homework to these companies to execute their additional tasks. Hence, they get their job done in no time at low costs. In short, e-learning has risen as an exceptional and inevitable learning way for the future generation.
2. Artificial intelligence:
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the powerhouse of machines to think and respond in several forms just like a robot. This means that machines can reason and execute tasks like a human being. AI is not a new thing topic for students of the coming years. It has already transformed the education system globally to a great extent. With the addition of new features such as smart content and virtual global conferences, AI has become more impactful. It is going to appear as one of the existing trends in education technology for 2021, mainly because:
·       It is the fastest way of teaching and learning
·       It allows the students to get personalized in learning
·       It has globalized the world regarding education systems
·       AI helps the teachers to identify learning incapacities
·       Teachers get more knowledge to be a source of knowledge for others
·       Learners can submit technologically written feedback
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3. Virtual Reality Learning:
Virtual reality (VR) is one of the most intriguing and engaging trends in education in 2021. It creates an unreal or real-world via the virtual tool in the eyes of the learner. Students can see the world, move anywhere in it, and blend things. There are several benefits of virtual reality in the coming years such as:
·  The learners can visualize places and things they can’t visit in the traditional study environment
·  It enables students to enjoy learning for hours
·  This technology is so enticing that everybody wants to wear VR tools at least once in a life
·  VR has eliminated the concept of language as a learning obstacle
·  The education industry has come up with quality content in various subjects
4. Mobile-first learning:
Mobile-first learning system has offered rise to educational trends and issues for 2021. This means the mobile app of a desktop site is adaptable to greater screens for learners. They can get quick access to course materials with their mobile phones and smartphones without physically visiting their college or universities. Whether they are traveling or eating during breaks, the courses are accessible with a couple of taps on their mobiles. Hence, M-learning has grabbed the attention of teachers and educators for designing an education system for the future generation.
5. Gamification:
Gamification has appeared to be one of the most popular educational technology trends. It means learning through fun and gaming to enhance results. Teachers who follow this learning technique convert this classroom into a gaming zone unlocking students’ active creativity. Therefore, the students purposefully experiment with their creative power. They also acknowledge the value of collaboration and teamwork. Subsequently the play and fun lead them to increase their aptitude and knowledge on the related subject. Several educational levels have various types of games for an enjoyable learning environment for the students. Both junior as well as senior classes come closer to their subject matters using these popular educational trends.
At last, 2021 is going to open phenomenal ways of learning for the students who know nothing but modernity. Both educators and learners will get the benefit of a modernized approach to education. The latest educational means will be faster, more technological, and promising. The next generation is going to learn from advanced, engaging, and tech-based, global educational schemes. For the educational institutes and enterprises who want to upgrade their ecosystem with cutting-edge technological tools, KCS is offering personalized digital transformation consulting solutions. They have a team of qualified experts who offers the best digital transformation solutions to their clients.
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oxfordeliterp · 7 years
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You have been accepted to play the role of GWENDOLYN ARMSTRONG with the faceclaim of ZOE KRAVITZ. Please create your account and send it to the main in the next 24 hours. I am swept off my feet by your application, although this time, once again, I had to choose between two marvelous ones. Yet, the way you know Gwen’s skin and what a piece of art you have turned this into captivated me and I know I couldn’t possibly see anybody else writing this character now that I have read your application. I want to read your writing forever, if possible, because you’re no Medusa, Euryale or Stheno, but a siren trying to lure people to their deaths with a breathtaking choice of words and an impressive depth that you have offered Gwendolyn. Thank you for giving me a spectacular reason to stay up all night and I already know it is going to be an honor writing with you. Based on the description of every Quarrel Club member at the end of the para sample, I would have given you any of those characters; but instead, have the queen. She’s yours.
Name and pronouns: Victoria, Vee, V for Vagina, she/her … sheeeet I don’t care, I’m just excited for a group like this to come along, a group that has pumped me up to be in the RP world again!
Age: Quarter century
Time-zone: PST
Activity level: My life is currently a clusterfuck, but a clusterfuck that is in desperate need of distraction and creative outlet. The only thing keeping me away from the interwebs is a part-time job and the graduate school application process. Sooo… I don’t know numerically out of 10? 6? 7? I never know how to answer this part - lets just say I spend more time procrastinating online than I should.
Triggers: N/A
Desired character: I instantly connected with Gwendolyn the moment I read her bio. I’ve always had the tendency to be drawn to troubled, complex, introverted men - obviously, Gwendolyn is the opposite of all of the above, which shocked me when it came to how drawn I was to her as a character. It became quite obvious why she felts so familiar after reading her biography and her circumstances a few times through – she is the version of myself that I always wished to be but never had the balls to go through with in college. As I sit here and finish out writing this application, I realize just how much of a joy it has been simply to hash out my own feelings in an introspective way through this character. For me being a year out of college and looking back on my own experience, I recognize that her extreme black and white views on female/male dynamics and radical feminism are so familiar due to a lack of experience in the real world. I know I can play this character so well because I understand exactly what motivates her whilst also having the hindsight to understand why her extreme views will be her downfall if she doesn’t learn to compromise her brilliance. It’s so easy to see the dichotomy of men vs. women in the small bubble that is the college experience, but to be able to play it out with the self-righteousness that Gwen has for her cause, not to mention her ability to back it up with hours of research and intelligent debates, is an opportunity that I would be far too excited about!
Gender and pronouns of the character: She/Her
Changes: If it works, I have used Zoe Kravitz as my muse for this character. When it comes down to it, the writing of the character is far more important than the face but I honestly could not get her badass, renegade essence out of my mind when I was typing out her app.
I was also thinking Naya Rivera as back up #2, and then Eiza Gonzalez if you don’t see either of the other gals meshing with your vision of the RP.
           + Charismatic, Principled, Loyal, Contemplative, Ambitious
           -  Sanctimonious, Arrogant, Fanatical, Vindictive, Stubborn
Gwendolyn is following the History and Politics course as her major of choice. A natural fit, her aims to alter the prevailing, patriarchic gender dynamic extend much further than simply Oxford. She firmly believes that hidden in history are stories of matriarchies that have been purposely buried by the predominance of male historians. Determined to pair the wisdom and lessons of the past with a future game plan to get into politics, she knows to make a difference globally, you must know and analyze the cycles of history. Gwen is a news junkie, her cell constantly pinging with the latest updates stemming from hundreds of diverse news sources. She subscribes to a plethora of sources, never wanting to fall into the trap of an echo chamber and finding sick joy in reading viewpoints she disagrees with so she can shred the arguments apart with gusto.
Gwen is constantly challenging the syllabus and her professors for not having enough diverse content (i.e female and P.O.C authors) – much to the annoyance of her classmates. She will consistently ramble on in debate and find ways to weave in a complaint even in the most simple of question-answer class discussion. It’s gotten to the point where she has been kicked out of a class for being too confrontational.  But don’t think that’s stopped her – she now stages her formal complaints in the form of unassigned essays that she will turn into her professors detailing the long list of her objections to the proposed subject matter. She knows its drives everyone crazy, but she feels she’s doing a service to them all – it’s a well researched fact that diverse classrooms paired with varying points of view in reading material leads to the most productive learning environment, a talking point she will gladly back up with a bibliography of sources that she knows by heart.
A trait about Gwendolyn that no one would ever realize is her tendency to be exhausted by her own ambitions. Although she insists on being the loudest in a group of people, she is most comfortable when she is at one with her mind, challenging it with complex novels are articles, or if she’s lucky, finding another like-minded individual who is interested in tearing idea to shreds just for the interest of mental sparring. Although she is active in the social scene out of necessity, it’s not her goal in any way to be the life of the party unless it’s in the interest of bringing more notoriety to the Quarrel Club.
Personality Type: The Debater (ENTP)
Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker. Expose your ideas to the dangers of controversy. Speak your mind and fear less the label of ’crack-pot’ than the stigma of conformity. And on issues that seem important to you, stand up and be counted at any cost.” – Thomas J Watson
Taking a certain pleasure in being the underdog, Debaters enjoy the mental exercise found in questioning the prevailing mode of thought.
Treating others as they’d be treated, Debaters have little tolerance for being coddled, and dislike when people beat around the bush, especially when asking a favor.
I also have an inspo blog I’ve been using for her, the account that I applied with. It contains general quotes, people of interest, and things that I think either define Gwen as a person or better explains what she cares about. Please consider when reading the app: http://cooperxmathis.tumblr.com/
Everybody knows the story of Medusa, that she was a petrifying woman to be reckoned with. That her name loosely translated to Queen. That she was so terrifying that one glance into her steely eyes would turn her victim to stone. Only some people know that she hadn’t always been a hideous monster. That she had been one of the most beautiful and devoted servants of Athena, and although many men sought to marry her, she fell for Poseidon. Those with even the slightest of Greek mythology knowledge can recall that Medusa was ultimately weak and succumbed to the mortal men who hunted her down. She became a famous symbol for another man’s strength. Perseus paraded her defeat on his shield as a badge of honor – another woman down, another head on a platter, another female used as an ingredient in a trumped up legend for whatever man needed an ego boost. But there is a much more interesting story behind Medusa, a mere-mortal who squandered her time on hope and regrets, always fantasizing about returning to her mortal life of worshipping another whilst she herself was originally worshiped for the most dull of female qualities – beauty and purity.
Of course Medusa became one of the most famous female villains in Greek mythology – she was a fantastic tale of an innocent girl who lost her chastity and transformed into a seductive woman whose power was to great and finally put in her place by a cliché male hero. Male historians eat that shit up, happy to pass on a tale of a woman who got what was coming to her. The real cherry on top of this sexist shit pie, the little detail that your grade school history class always leaves out, was that the female Goddess, Athena, transformed Medusa into a monster. That in the original myth, Poseidon raped her in Athena’s temple, and out of jealous spite, Athena turned her into a monster, transforming each of her satin locks into a snake. That small detail is always left out of grade-school mythology week, probably to avoid harnessing the awareness of girl-on-girl on crime and victim blaming in young impressionable teen women. Can’t let them catch on too quick; when second class citizens are divided the patriarchy thrive – divide & conquer.  
Alas, Medusa was essentially victim-blamed after being raped by Poseidon – a sick twist that Gwen was all too happy to see her history teacher squirm over when she pleasantly brought it to light in her freshman mythology class. Gwen learned early on that if she wanted to learn relevant history outside of the ‘triumphs’ of what rich white dudes did for the benefit of other rich white dudes, she would have to dig for herself. For buried within the legend of Medusa, Queen of the Gorgons, there are two much more worthy recipients of the title, two older, immortal sisters – Stheno and Euryale. It’s no surprise that these so-called villains soon became heroes in Gwen’s mind.
The younger of the two sisters, Euryale, was the calm before the storm. Just as vicious as the others, but with a completely different approach, luring her victims in with a stillness and calming peace that would give no warning to their fate. Her eyes described as still pools of violet that tranquilized all those who looked upon them, blessing them with a feeling of control over a hectic universe, the ultimate tease.  Giving no warning for the immediate havoc that was about to be released, they would lose all desire to retaliate. Hypnotized by her presence, they would remain blissfully still until the last moment, relishing in the moment even as she sank her fangs through flesh and tore skin from bone.
Then there was Stheno, her muse, her identity, the fiercest of the three, known to be the most murderous of the Gorgon sisters, having killed more men then both of her sisters combined.  Her approach was on a complete different side of the spectrum, her eyes explosive with a fierce reminiscent of Hades’ fire. No hypnotic placidity could be found within them. She yearned for the indulgence of human flesh, indulged in the taste of warm blood. No attraction on earth is as tempting as that of a powerful force - and none came more powerful as Stheno’s presence. A temper as violent as no other on this earth or in any other existence - she was the unstoppable force that brought a swift and total destruction.
Gwen was going to rewrite Oxford history, her legacy would be destroying the façade that the Riot Club had created, revealing them for the petulant children they are, little boys creating messes for play and throwing money to clean them up. This was her pet project, her practice round before she was unleashed onto the real world. A smaller, test version of how the rest of the world works, where rich men create problems that affect the rest of us and then jack each other off for fixing the mess they had created in the first place.  She somewhat knew this was child’s play compared to raiding and destroying the ultimate boys clubs outside of Oxford, but hey, if she could tear down a centuries old tradition and replace it with a far superior female legacy within a four year span, she would finally prove to herself that she was the unstoppable force of nature that Stheno had inspired her to be.
She knew it was crucial to pick the right women, that this very first group of ten girls would be everything as they would be setting the tone for centuries to come. One of her best qualities had always been her ability to see past the bullshit of girl-on-girl crime. She never bought into the idea that in order to move up in the world she had to put other women down. It was a fact that that very notion is what has kept women as powerless for millennia, and she was determined to prove that if she brought ten of the best and brightest together, that claws would not come out, at least, not against eachother. However, her place as the leader of the group is something she would never sacrifice. Not that she is buying into an idea that she is better than any of the other women, but positive that only she has the pure, clear-cut vision of boosting them all up for the better; not to mention she hadn’t planned on being exactly forthcoming on her actual motives. The appeal of the Quarrel club was first and foremost an illusion that she was presenting. That it was something of a petty, social badge of honor that would include frivolous spending, ludicrous parties, and a bit of fun competition with the most ‘desirable’ men on campus. Little would her recruits know that she was hand picking them for their potential. She would take these confused women and show them what the world really could look like if they only had the power, if they only had the desire to restore the natural order of the world where women were destined to lead. It would be a slow process, she knew, she would have to lure them in, which would be easy. The hard part would be making them see how pointless the perks and values of the Riot Club were and showing them that true satisfaction will come from tearing down the men and everything they stand for, not just downing shots and fucking around with Oxford’s golden boys.
After months of careful planning, she had nine pristine envelopes in hand, their thick cardstock stamped with wax seal, the fierce stare of the Gorgon head piercing through the deep red. A satisfied smirk wove its way across Gwen’s lips, her eyes lighting up as she ran her fingers across the raised edges of the insignia. She knew the women would all assume it was Medusa, probably never even hearing of Stheno, but soon she was to teach them the buried history of the much stronger women that existed in not only fabled myths, but the real world as well. Soon, they too would be the legends used to inspire leagues of women to write their own history, to never be forgotten by the bias of time told through the eyes of men. The future will be rewritten and the pen will be held by f e m a l e s. Flipping over each envelope, she dipped her vintage, sterling silver pen into ink and began to write out each woman’s name.
L A U R E N    H A S T I N G S -  A crucial member for a multitude of reasons. The most obvious, everyone not only knew Lauren, but also idolized her. She glided across campus with an ease and poise that was unseen in most modern women, she epitomized the essence of old movie stars. Although Gwen in no way embodied these qualities, nor would she ever want to, she still understood the effect that this old-fashioned femininity had on the masses. Frankly, she found Lauren to be an extremely dull Betty Draper-esque robot, but if there was one thing that Gwendolyn respected it was discipline, a quality that Lauren certainly exuded with her picture perfect image. She knew that nobody could truly be that flawless, but whatever Lauren was hiding, the façade that followed her had never cracked, no scandal had ever erupted - an amazing success in Gwen’s eyes. In her mind, Lauren could be the Euryale to her Stheno. That level of control and composure was something she admired and could learn from. More importantly though, was Lauren’s connection to Jamie Heather. Her smile faltered. She would never admit to herself how much of a catalyst he had been in creating the woman she had become; that he was the very reason why the Quarrel Club would exist in the first place. No, Gwen quickly shook the beautiful face from her mind, refusing to let him run away with her thoughts once again - he doesn’t deserve that much credit.  Moving on, she poised her pen to the next ivory envelope in the stack.
E L I Z A B E T H    P E M B E R L Y  – Gwen can’t exactly put her finger on what draws her to Elizabeth, but there is an infectious energy that surrounds the girl wherever she goes. Gwen knows that she is indulgent and a bit of a narcissist, but fuck it, what man doesn’t get away with the same qualities and still labeled a charming cassanova? Elizabeth has a way about her that makes everyone desperate to please, a very distinct feminine essence that is subtle but inevitably intoxicating. Better to have that on her side, to harness that sort of brilliant charismatic energy and exploit it for her own purpose than to let Elizabeth waste away her own potential. She has a power that makes people do whatever she wants without asking them, for motivations that they don’t even understand but desperately urge to simply satisfy her.
V I C T O R I A   D E  T E R R E R O S Another choice that although overwhelmingly dissimilar to herself, came with a connection to the Riot club paired with the bonus of an old family name. Although Lauren had the essence of a celebrity, Victoria actually was one. Not that Gwendolyn was one to give a shit about tabloid fodder. There were far too many important events and people in the world to waste time on the likes of People magazine or throwing meaningless likes to Instagram ‘stars’ desperate for validation from thousands of strangers. No, she was not one to be starstruck by celebrity influence, but she couldn’t deny that in today’s times, Victoria’s tabloid status could be of use. If she could have an early influence on the young royal, there’s a chance that she could make sure that Victoria didn’t become another pretty face simply peddling Vitamix or whatever bullshit beauty product down the throats of millennial lemmings glued to their phone screens. Plus, Gwen’s obsessions with history meant that an old, royal family name couldn’t help but pique her interest. Package that in with a brother in the Riot Club and Victoria was a given.  
A R I A   B E L L E F O N T E – She could never put her finger on exactly what drew her to Aria, but she in some ways has always envied her. Her effortless charm and impassivity are qualities that Gwen knows she could never enjoy but admires greatly. A woman like Aria is crucial to the group, a perfect example of the type of women who should be, no – will be – running the world. Aria never smiles to please, never wastes her time nor believes that her appearance is anything but an asterisk to her entire being, never felt the need to parade whatever it is her parents do to enable her to afford attending such a prestigious university. Aria simply exists, in complete authenticity; a woman who has never tried, let alone needed, to impress anyone yet has a bounty of influence at her fingertips. The only negative that Gwen can assess is the utter lack of appreciation that Aria has for her own influence. She seems completely satisfied to drift among their entitled peers with little motivation to do anything with her gifts. Pressing her silver pen as she dotted the I of Aria’s name, Gwen was sure she could inspire the girl to follow through with her full potential.
A L E X A N D R A   R O S S E S S E N – Whispers could be heard all over campus of the brilliant young woman who at only sixteen had earned early admission to Oxford. Whispers turned into full blown shouts as soon as everyone realized such a brilliant mind came packaged in a red-haired, statuesque beauty. She and Alexandra had a class together where Gwen got to witness the full blown arrogance of the child genius, a quality that turned the rest of the class off but Gwen absolutely adored. At such a young age Alexandra had the confidence that most women never find after years of soul-searching and worthless self-help guides. Alexandra had a quick wit and didn’t abstain from questioning authority, a quality Gwen quickly picked up on after witnessing her challenge many of the key points in several lectures. Not to mention the rumors that she was behind the gossip maven Ace, a serious advantage that Gwen knew if she could harness for the benefit of the Quarell Club could be a crucial cog in the warhead she was creating against the Riot Club. After all, everyone knows to win a war people need to believe the rookies have a fighting chance; it brings morale up among underestimated troops and breeds allegiance in new acquaintances determined to prove themselves. And in the court of public opinion, Ace could weave a narrative of success and manipulate gossip during the inevitable hiccups that come with starting such an exclusive group.
A R A B E L L A   W I N D S O R – Everyone knows about Arabella Windsor and her midnight escapades. Judgments surrounding her loose reputation never cease and what Gwen adores is the fact that she seems to revel in them. Gwen abhors the double standard that tells women they must be as beautiful and sexually desirable as humanly possible but once they take control of said sexuality and use it for their own pleasure are labeled slut and presumably undesirable, a catch twenty-two that would be amusing if it wasn’t so prevalent and capable of destroying a woman’s self worth. Female sexuality has been the number one weapon manipulated by men to keep women in their place since the dawn of time. That much is most obvious even now when you look at every government funded female health legislation dictated by literal (and figurative) dicks with not one woman in sight to speak for her own body.  The key to the male ego is his ability to womanize, to show he’s the big man on campus by tricking women into his bed and then ignoring their very existence the next day as a power play. Gwen isn’t sure if Arabella knows just how much of a social renegade she is just by simply sleeping with as many men as she pleases without guilt, but she is determined to take that unabashed female sexual prowess and harness it into more meaningful pursuits. She knows there is a bit of risk involved, seeing as many of Arabella’s conquests are men of the Riot Club, but with the right amount of loyalty to the Quarell club instilled, Arabella’s sexuality could be used as a weapon. After all, it’s a well-known cliché that a man is most weak with his trousers around his ankles.
C O R D E L I A   M C Q U E E N – Cordelia attracts the gaze and curiosity of many, not only because of her world-famous last name, but because of the mysterious way in which she carries herself. She is a walking oxymoron – charismatic yet unforthcoming with the few words she speaks at all, a wallflower in theory and yet impossible to ignore. She is the type of girl that you always want to know more about but refuses to share what she doesn’t meticulously allow to be public. Gwen was determined to have her be a member of the club the moment she saw her. Her effortless appeal and unwavering mysterious persona perplexes many, Gwen herself falling under the spell. She isn’t sure what exactly the girl can bring to the club, but the magnetism she exudes is sure to be harboring an untapped potential that Gwen could use to the club’s advantage. Plus, if Gwen is honest with herself, the connection Cordelia holds to high-fashion royalty adds an essence of exclusivity and publicity that Gwen is just shallow enough to take advantage of.
C H A R L O T T E   Z E R I L L I – With a twin in the riot club, Gwen knew that Charlotte would be a risky choice that could pan out to be a fountain of knowledge into the inner-workings of the Riot Club or backfire in a nuclear fashion if she couldn’t harness her loyalty to fall into step with the Quarrel club. Gwen had a feeling that Charlotte had always been the brilliant one out of the Zerelli twins, that she had been living in her brother’s shadow and was looking for an opportunity to stretch her legs in a role of influence. With the right coaxing and a group of brilliant women surrounding her, Gwen was sure that Charlotte was a harbor of untapped potential that could prove to be one of her finest choices of all. There wasn’t an exact quality that she could put her finger on when it came to what drew her to Charlotte, but Gwen wasn’t one to silence her intuition. Too many women choose to ignore that little voice in their head that all too often is screaming the right answer because they have so little trust in their own minds that they choose to silence their own power. Women’s intuition isn’t a myth, and Gwen is out to prove that hers is spot on.
L A N A   C H A M B E R S – With a mind as sharp as her own, Lana was the last woman to make the cut. It’s not that she didn’t have the right temperament for the club, she was there on scholarship after all, proving that she had a keen mind and was determined to fight her way to the top. It’s just that Gwen was aware that her combined choice of women has an overall image to maintain. It was crucial to show that the Quarrel club would not have money be an influential factor in membership. Gwen is apt to criticize capitalism and is she is a firm believer that white imperialism has lead to the huge income inequality gap that exists between the worlds most wealthy and most poor. Gwen won’t admit to herself that she is using Lana as a tool to show off her own biases towards wealth and money in general. In her mind, she’s doing the right thing, offering a woman a spot in a money-driven social circle and coming off as a selfless queen who is above such superficial things such as monetary measures, despite knowing little of actual poverty after growing up in family of extreme upper-class means and opportunities.
Pressing the final wax seal with satisfaction, Gwen felt the high rush that comes whenever she feels she is on the precipice of a brilliant scheme about to be realized. This would be her master project, her legacy, her own personal legend. Oxford would be forever altered, the gender dynamic pushed in a completely different direction with women, her women, leading the pack. Sliding the ivory envelopes into her tan leather backpack, she sauntered out the door, her head raised high, already balancing the inevitable crown she was about to take as her own.
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matthg1998-blog · 5 years
Production Evaluation/Final Blog
 By Matthew Griffiths 
Our task was to put together a band consisting of 6 members, choose, practice and perform at least two 3 minute contemporary tracks to a professional standard and to promote the band with a view to gaining professional bookings in the local music scene. We chose the title Back in the Jean Shorts as our band name. I am unsure of why this title was chosen as I was unfortunately ill during this session. Our band consisted of two guitarists, one lead, one rhythm, a bass guitarist, two vocals, one male and one female, a brass played and a drummer that we requested as there was only one drummer in the class.
Critical Reflection
Finally we have finished the project and overall, I thought it was great fun and extremely rewarding. Personally I learnt a number of new techniques that enhanced my skills as a trumpet player such as developing my musical ear. It also reminded me of old skills that I had forgotten such as reminding me of musical terms and dynamics. Through the project I worked with extremely talented people,  some new colleagues that I hadn’t worked with before and others I performed with for the last two years in various gigs through Bridgend College. I found it very interesting, learning their styles and also looking at how well they played individually and how we gelled together as a band.
At the beginning of the year I was very nervous about working on this project because I hadn’t performed for a while. Brass players have to keep their skill levels high as they depend mostly on their tip to create the different notes and pitches. Not practicing results in your lip becoming less effective which means that the accuracy of notes and the tone is considerably worse, the sound produced in not rounded or full, it is reedy and thin.I was concerned that I would not be good enough to create a good sound. I don’t feel that I am a natural performer and felt very much out of my comfort zone.  My experience has mostly been with brass bands, where there is a large groups of players, approximately 50 players, often doubling up to play the same melody. This gives you a safety net, if you stop playing for any reason, someone else keeps the melody line going.
I found it strange applying my skills to the style that the band wanted to replicate and also the songs that we chose as my experience has been in classical music rather than contemporary.. 
When we organised each other into groups, I planned what people were doing and who played what. As the rehearsals went on, I kept track of what songs we were performing and other tasks such as photographing the band. I created the poster and kept track of the songs that we chose. I found that the only downfall of that was trying to keep track which songs we were performing as members in the band kept changing their minds and choosing different songs each week.  As the process continued, I experienced a very sad time in my life where I lost my nephew, who was only 12 days old,  in the summer holidays.  I found it hard to keep my concentration and struggled to work with the band due to my feelings. The main reason I overcame this was that I I kept talking to my friends and my tutors who showed such support and care for me,  helping me to process the grief.  I felt it was important to mention this  because I felt like I had reached a milestone as I overcame this difficult time. One of the ways I overcame it was playing with the guys. This helped me to take my mind off the situation because I was involved with different parts of the project, posting news of the band on Facebook along with photos and writing my blog.  I designed and created a poster to advertise our band and  tried my best to be a worthwhile member of the Back in the Jean Shorts.
The most enjoyable part of undertaking this project was definitely performing with the band, filming,  the music videos and working with them to create something successful. I thoroughly enjoyed the creative side such as the posters and the webpage too. 
The main lessons that I learned from this project is how to remove the barriers that hinder my creativity and how to express the  image of what I feel the band should be like and how we should be seen by others. 
Another positive experience was the rehearsal times, how we made decisions about creativity and other things that surrounded Back in the Jean Shorts such as publicity, image, sound. The main benefit of this experience I feel is that I learnt to to mix the tracks to how I wanted them to sound such as adding more volume to the trumpet so that it could be heard clearly. As well as this, I found working on the website very valuable, learning how hyperlinks worked and applying them to the website. 
I enjoyed the recording sessions even though I found it to be a challenge and felt it was  my biggest weakness. I found it difficult to remember which mics we used and also the techniques I needed to use because I have an awful  memory. I asked for advice from my fellow band mates . I also struggled to remember which notes I had played in the songs. The way I overcame this was writing out the keys of the songs in my book andI had the scale in front of me so I knew what to play and which notes were in those keys. It also helped that two of the songs was easy to learn, but the biggest downfall of the set was the group kept changing the key of September so much that I kept getting confused with what I was meant to play. The trumpet is tuned differently to other instruments and so I had to transpose every piece of music up a tone. I overcame this by asking the singer in our band to help me work out the key I was in. In the beginning, I wasn't sure of the melody or the notes that the introduction of September contained. I found it hard when the band weren’t communicating effectively at times regarding the new songs, not putting thoughts and ideas about the songs  in the group chat which made it more difficult than it needed to be. But I overcame this by listening to the songs over and over and getting the music score for September on line which helped to give me note ideas, how to phrase the notes and giving me inspiration for  the method I used to learn them. These methods were rehearsing on my own, with the band and also using my sight reading skills and music theory knowledge. The overall progress of our group was amazing during the recording process and also, when attendance poor,each member of the group worked harder, pulling together to make sure the band was successful, working as a team.
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evnoweb · 5 years
9 Touch Typing Programmes for Schools
One of the favorite topics on my blog is anything about keyboarding. Every time teachers think it’s been replaced by finger swiping or audio, it comes back full-steam as the obvious solution to coding or collaborative writing. I received this thoughtful article from Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, Rohan, chockablock filled of information on how to evaluate a typing program for your students and which of the many meet the grade:
Touch Typing software in the American market provides you with a huge amount of choice. This is not surprising as the US embraced Touch Typing as part of their educational system many years ago and is a mandated part of learning.
This has also led to high prices because it is something that schools have to have manufacturers of these products can effectively charge higher fees.
Now obviously when we as the consumer look to purchase something being a car or a chocolate bar price is not our only consideration. We have a great deal of choice and as great as it is to have many choices it also leads us to that dilemma of which one should I choose and how do I know I made the right choice.
Which factors do we place the most importance on and ultimately which product do we choose.
Do we go with the product we have used before because we know how to use it?
Do we choose solely on price and end up with “free” as that is obviously the best price? However, if it doesn’t perform or has negative features like adds, is it really free or is there a hidden cost?
Do we choose the programme our friends use because they said it was good and then we effectively didn’t have to make a choice therefore ruling out the possibility of choosing badly? At least we can blame someone else if it wasn’t the right choice.
Do we choose something based on aesthetics? Hey at least it looks good.
In reality we have to make a decision based on a number of these factors. The result of this is we need to rank all these programmes based on these criteria and also place importance on each.
In an attempt to make this choice easier I have compiled a ranking list for typing programmes from expensive all the way to free to try to help make this choice easier. While doing this I discovered that most typing programmes have been rated from an individual or family perspective and finding a rating for school usage is quite difficult. As a result I have compiled my list of best for school typing programmes.
What are the top software features to consider?
Expert typing lessons to learn the 10-finger system
Accuracy training, timed exercises, ergonomic lessons
Personalized learning: video lessons, suitable games, activities
Tracking of progress, typing speed, time and accuracy
Smart goals that will adapt to learning speed and needs
Specialized versions to support people with learning disabilities
Ability to create, import and share own lessons
Lessons to improve posture and prevent injuries
Alternative keyboards (QWERTY, Dvorak) or languages
Accessibility, help section and support
Reports and Statistics available to Admin
Functionality and appearance.
Price per student.
Therefore after careful consideration using the criteria above in relation to school usage My Top Ten Typing Programmes for schools are
1 Typing Tournament
The top three are hard to separate in most criteria and are continually changing and adapting. However for a school of around 1000 students Typing tournament comes in at half the price of Typesy. The other advantage it has is that it is part of a range of educational software enabling teachers to access other educational programmes for reduced pricing. The adaptive learning capabilities and the data safety that Typing Tournament has invested in are also helping to tip the scale for school usage. Typing Tournament is an online typing tutor suitable for both schools and individuals and is now compatible with all modern browsers; Android devices, Apple Mac, iPads, iPhones and Windows PC. There are 16 stages for children and various skill levels for adults. Children activities are creative and fun and encourage the child to learn the skills in a playful manner. Adults can start afresh, or proceed from their current level. It also has testing modules to test and evaluate your progress. TT is an exciting new generation of typing skill developing software. It encourages the use of the correct fingers when you type, a skill we tend to unlearn because of working across multiple devices. The tutor is available through a subscription based plan
2 Typesy
A fantastic programme that is definitely leading the US market for individuals and is highly utilised in the education system. The major reasons for it coming in second are data safety and price. However if these are not important to you then it is very hard to split from Typing Tournament. Ease of use, great features for reporting, hints and tips, ergonomic instruction and variety are all equal to Typing Tournament.
3 All the Right Type
The aim is to teach you to type between 40 and 50 words per minute accurately within a short period of time. Here are some of the numerous features and benefits: All The Right Type describes itself as taking a no-nonsense approach to touch typing. This does not mean that it is boring, however. It utilizes a variety of games to motivate and inspire students. You will even be able to print a certificate of completion. Lessons are 10 to 15 minutes each, allowing you to learn at your own pace. No need to download any software. The course is presented online. Log into your course from any device that is connected to the internet. Full tracking of student progress helps teachers to monitor their students. Teachers are able to create their own lessons and exercises. High emphasis is placed on the identification of bad typing habits. Exercises to correct bad habits are automatically suggested. Overall it matches up to Typing Tournament and Typesy and is another highly used option in schools. However it comes in around 30% more expensive. Data safety is also an issue.
This programme is not designed with children in mind it is aimed at learning to type quickly and is very good at what it does. However it lacks in material for engaging children and is more of an adult learning tool than school based software.
5 Mavis Beacon
The biggest downfall with Mavis Beacon is that the product no longer has active tech support and it also allows you to import material which sounds great but could result in inappropriate or unsafe material being allowed into the school environment.
6 Typing Instructor
Great programme however a little outdated in appearance and lacks the accessability of the other programmes. It also has data safety issues
7 Rapid Typing
Good programme and maybe the best of the free options however it is far less extensive than the other options on the list.
8 Tipp10
Good beginner Typing programme and again free but we get what we pay for and free often comes with negatives.
9 Keyblaze
KeyBlaze follows a very structured approach to tuition. This typing tutor is well designed and you will not find it difficult to achieve your own personal goals. However, in regard to design, latest technology and cloud features, it falls behind the leaders
More on keyboarding
Tech Ed Resources for your Class–K-8 Keyboard Curriculum
Tech Ed Resources for your Class–K-8 Keyboard Curriculum
Should you Teach Typing? And Does it Work?
@EdAlive @TypesyApp @KAZType @KAZType1 @Tipp10
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
9 Touch Typing Programmes for Schools published first on https://medium.com/@DigitalDLCourse
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corpasa · 5 years
9 Touch Typing Programmes for Schools
One of the favorite topics on my blog is anything about keyboarding. Every time teachers think it’s been replaced by finger swiping or audio, it comes back full-steam as the obvious solution to coding or collaborative writing. I received this thoughtful article from Ask a Tech Teacher contributor, Rohan, chockablock filled of information on how to evaluate a typing program for your students and which of the many meet the grade:
Touch Typing software in the American market provides you with a huge amount of choice. This is not surprising as the US embraced Touch Typing as part of their educational system many years ago and is a mandated part of learning.
This has also led to high prices because it is something that schools have to have manufacturers of these products can effectively charge higher fees.
Now obviously when we as the consumer look to purchase something being a car or a chocolate bar price is not our only consideration. We have a great deal of choice and as great as it is to have many choices it also leads us to that dilemma of which one should I choose and how do I know I made the right choice.
Which factors do we place the most importance on and ultimately which product do we choose.
Do we go with the product we have used before because we know how to use it?
Do we choose solely on price and end up with “free” as that is obviously the best price? However, if it doesn’t perform or has negative features like adds, is it really free or is there a hidden cost?
Do we choose the programme our friends use because they said it was good and then we effectively didn’t have to make a choice therefore ruling out the possibility of choosing badly? At least we can blame someone else if it wasn’t the right choice.
Do we choose something based on aesthetics? Hey at least it looks good.
In reality we have to make a decision based on a number of these factors. The result of this is we need to rank all these programmes based on these criteria and also place importance on each.
In an attempt to make this choice easier I have compiled a ranking list for typing programmes from expensive all the way to free to try to help make this choice easier. While doing this I discovered that most typing programmes have been rated from an individual or family perspective and finding a rating for school usage is quite difficult. As a result I have compiled my list of best for school typing programmes.
What are the top software features to consider?
Expert typing lessons to learn the 10-finger system
Accuracy training, timed exercises, ergonomic lessons
Personalized learning: video lessons, suitable games, activities
Tracking of progress, typing speed, time and accuracy
Smart goals that will adapt to learning speed and needs
Specialized versions to support people with learning disabilities
Ability to create, import and share own lessons
Lessons to improve posture and prevent injuries
Alternative keyboards (QWERTY, Dvorak) or languages
Accessibility, help section and support
Reports and Statistics available to Admin
Functionality and appearance.
Price per student.
Therefore after careful consideration using the criteria above in relation to school usage My Top Ten Typing Programmes for schools are
1 Typing Tournament
The top three are hard to separate in most criteria and are continually changing and adapting. However for a school of around 1000 students Typing tournament comes in at half the price of Typesy. The other advantage it has is that it is part of a range of educational software enabling teachers to access other educational programmes for reduced pricing. The adaptive learning capabilities and the data safety that Typing Tournament has invested in are also helping to tip the scale for school usage. Typing Tournament is an online typing tutor suitable for both schools and individuals and is now compatible with all modern browsers; Android devices, Apple Mac, iPads, iPhones and Windows PC. There are 16 stages for children and various skill levels for adults. Children activities are creative and fun and encourage the child to learn the skills in a playful manner. Adults can start afresh, or proceed from their current level. It also has testing modules to test and evaluate your progress. TT is an exciting new generation of typing skill developing software. It encourages the use of the correct fingers when you type, a skill we tend to unlearn because of working across multiple devices. The tutor is available through a subscription based plan
2 Typesy
A fantastic programme that is definitely leading the US market for individuals and is highly utilised in the education system. The major reasons for it coming in second are data safety and price. However if these are not important to you then it is very hard to split from Typing Tournament. Ease of use, great features for reporting, hints and tips, ergonomic instruction and variety are all equal to Typing Tournament.
3 All the Right Type
The aim is to teach you to type between 40 and 50 words per minute accurately within a short period of time. Here are some of the numerous features and benefits: All The Right Type describes itself as taking a no-nonsense approach to touch typing. This does not mean that it is boring, however. It utilizes a variety of games to motivate and inspire students. You will even be able to print a certificate of completion. Lessons are 10 to 15 minutes each, allowing you to learn at your own pace. No need to download any software. The course is presented online. Log into your course from any device that is connected to the internet. Full tracking of student progress helps teachers to monitor their students. Teachers are able to create their own lessons and exercises. High emphasis is placed on the identification of bad typing habits. Exercises to correct bad habits are automatically suggested. Overall it matches up to Typing Tournament and Typesy and is another highly used option in schools. However it comes in around 30% more expensive. Data safety is also an issue.
This programme is not designed with children in mind it is aimed at learning to type quickly and is very good at what it does. However it lacks in material for engaging children and is more of an adult learning tool than school based software.
5 Mavis Beacon
The biggest downfall with Mavis Beacon is that the product no longer has active tech support and it also allows you to import material which sounds great but could result in inappropriate or unsafe material being allowed into the school environment.
6 Typing Instructor
Great programme however a little outdated in appearance and lacks the accessability of the other programmes. It also has data safety issues
7 Rapid Typing
Good programme and maybe the best of the free options however it is far less extensive than the other options on the list.
8 Tipp10
Good beginner Typing programme and again free but we get what we pay for and free often comes with negatives.
9 Keyblaze
KeyBlaze follows a very structured approach to tuition. This typing tutor is well designed and you will not find it difficult to achieve your own personal goals. However, in regard to design, latest technology and cloud features, it falls behind the leaders
More on keyboarding
Tech Ed Resources for your Class–K-8 Keyboard Curriculum
Tech Ed Resources for your Class–K-8 Keyboard Curriculum
Should you Teach Typing? And Does it Work?
@EdAlive @TypesyApp @KAZType @KAZType1 @Tipp10
Jacqui Murray has been teaching K-18 technology for 30 years. She is the editor/author of over a hundred tech ed resources including a K-12 technology curriculum, K-8 keyboard curriculum, K-8 Digital Citizenship curriculum. She is an adjunct professor in tech ed, Master Teacher, webmaster for four blogs, an Amazon Vine Voice, CSTA presentation reviewer, freelance journalist on tech ed topics, contributor to NEA Today and author of the tech thrillers, To Hunt a Sub and Twenty-four Days. You can find her resources at Structured Learning.
9 Touch Typing Programmes for Schools published first on https://medium.com/@DLBusinessNow
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wongknox-blog · 6 years
Self Branding Assignment
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After speaking with some of my family members and friends, I confirmed and learned a few aspects about myself. Some parts were a bit hard to hear because the truth can be harsh; however, I appreciate their honesty, and I know their criticism comes from a place of love and respect. 
My strengths:
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I am a risk-taker. I can agree with this. In general, I am not afraid to go for an opportunity if I like what it offers. Of course, I do a little research and some critical thinking beforehand, but I like to just go for it. Like Nike says, “Just do it!” I do not spend too much time thinking and analyzing, which could be my downfall one day, but it is one of my adventurous qualities. A recent example would be buying a home. My boyfriend and I are going to purchase a condominium. I personally liked the place, but he is more of an extreme critical thinker and wants to do more research and ask more questions. I wanted to sign for it, and I pushed him to sign as well, but he wants to take his time. I think positively about opportunities, and if I like it, then I like it. I am willing to take risks. 
I am detail-oriented. Anyone who knows me to some level would agree with this. If I have a task, I always put my heart and soul into it because I believe my work is a reflection of myself, and I do not want to give others the wrong impression. Sometimes I will even do more work than is required because I want to push myself to be better. For example, let’s say I have a homework assignment for a foreign language class. I will go the extra mile and write more or practice more just to improve myself. My teachers appreciate this about me. I was even nominated for the Tyler Award in my department because of my hard work in Chinese class. I double, triple, and quadruple check my work to make sure it is acceptable. I may even be a bit OCD about it, but I like to be precise and leave no mistakes. 
I am motivated. In actuality, I usually see myself as someone with low self-confidence, but others see determination in me. They always believe I have a bright future ahead of me, even when I doubt myself. In their perspective, I have the drive to reach my aspirations. As I thought about it, I saw where they were coming from. Even when I do not believe in myself, I will still work hard because it is in my nature. In times when I want to give up, I can hardly bring myself to fall through with it because there is an inner force that will take the wheel when I want to sit in the backseat. I do not know what it is exactly, but I suppose I should not question it. I am glad that there is this juggernaut within me, always keeping the fire in my heart alive. This, I believe, is my strongest quality. I am very happy that others see this in me, even when I do not.
My weaknesses:
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I am impatient. I cannot argue with this because I know that I hate waiting. When something has to be done, I have to complete the task immediately. I am working on being more patient, but it is a process. This attribute ties in with my risk-taking quality. Many times when I take a risk, it is because I am impatient. When I want something, I have to have it right now. They say that patience is a virtue, which it is, but I unfortunately have not achieved this yet. In the example previously mentioned, I wanted to sign for the home immediately because I could not wait. My family and friends say that I just need to slow down sometimes and think things through. They are right; I need to take a step back and analyze everything before taking action. Being patient is important in both personal and professional life, and that is why it is crucial that I continue to work on this. 
I am temperamental. I definitely cannot deny this. I tend to get angry very quickly, especially when something does not go my way or someone says something that I do not like. It is one of my greatest faults, and I am not proud of it. I have learned to maintain it better, but I can still lose it at any moment. Many times, my temper is related to my impatience. If something is not done in my preferred time frame, I am not a pleasant person to be around. An example would be when I am stressed out from school with so many deadlines and not enough time; I will become extremely mad and lash out on others. Lowering my temper is also a process that I am working on, and I hope that one day I can remain level-headed in stressful situations. 
I am stubborn. This is actually the one attribute that everyone mentioned, which means it must be my greatest weakness. Again, not proud of it. I am a strong-headed person who always has to be right. If someone thinks I am wrong, I will fight until the end to prove my point, even when I really am wrong. I wish that I could learn to back down and be humble. It is not fair to be this way around other people, especially the ones I love. I have had multiple fights with my family members because I am stubborn and will not back down. Since this is my biggest fault, it could lead to my greatest downfall. I suppose the best remedy for this fault is to control my temper and reanalyze the situation. I need to learn to apologize and admit that I am wrong when it is necessary.
My feature-benefit:
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Despite my impatience, temper, and stubbornness, the one feature that stands out the most is my arsenal of talents. My major is East Asian Languages and Cultures, and I have minors in business, Spanish, and architecture. I have a wide variety of interests, which shows in my educational pursuits. I did not want to limit myself to only one or two fields of study, and that is why I chose to pursue four different fields. Not only are my studies diverse, but I speak multiple languages. I can speak two dialects of Chinese (Mandarin and Taishanese), Spanish, English, and a little bit of American Sign Language. I enjoy meeting people from around the world, and if I can speak to them in their native language, then I feel as though I have accomplished something great. Aside from languages, I am creative as well. Since I was a child, art has always been a part of my life. I can draw, paint, sculpt, and create digital art. I have won several awards and had my work shown in galleries before. It is not something I brag about often, but I am proud of my artistic achievements. I love that I have a variety of talents to show because I do not feel limited. The world is my oyster, and I believe that with my motivation, attention to detail, and willingness to take risks, I can achieve my goals in life. This is me, and this is what I have to offer. I am Knox. 
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