#The condemnation of all the Usagis who fall in in love with Leo is to be hated by Donnie
thearoaceshark · 1 year
Miyamoto Usagi
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From the earth 2016-U23, Japan (year 1630).
She/Her (trans woman).
27 years old (going on dates with Lee since they were 19 years old).
She measures 1.66
White fur. Brown black eyes.
She left her clan after her sensei was killed and she became a ronin.
She came to the turtles' dimension after helping them defet Sabanti Romero (again). She was stranded there for a while and decided that she wanted to stay in their dimension with them.
It took her 4 years to learn English (and she's still not good at all).
She loves Lee very much.
Donnie doesn't like her very much.
Usagi was an orphan girl from Feudal Japan. The place where she spent her childhood was not the best, but she had nothing better, she had been there since she was a baby.
Aoki-san, one of the workers, told her to find something to do with her life so that she could get out of there and not end up like them, so she began to think how she could do it. In her child head, she came to the conclusion that the warriors who came to the house must be the answer, the boss said that they had a lot of recognition in the country, so Usagi one day asked one of them what to do to be like them (the man only answered when he got dr0nk).
He told her that to be a samurai one must be good at wielding the sword and winning battles, so the doe started training in the forest every day to become a samurai. One day her training caught the attention of a lion samurai, who asked the boss if he could take her to teach her how to be a samurai. She went with him, and faced many obstacles.
She did well, everyone praised her talent and before long many of them were interested in her progress, until she told her sensei that she was a girl. From that moment on, everyone looked at her very strangely, as if she shouldn't belong there, but her teacher didn't let them get in her way, Katsuichi-sensei accepted her and continued to train her as always, even teaching her to read (the femenines samurais existed and were just as lethal as the masculine ones, but they were not respected in the same way, they always had to be accompanied by a man, and they were not allowed to learn to read and write).
Her life was hard, but she was doing well... Until her sensei died. It was when she was 18 years old, they had been attacked by the enemy, she suffered several damages, her left ears had been cut off and her right had almost suffered the same fate, they also cut off her hair that she had been growing for years (it didn't seem very important but it hurt her), and she earned a distinct scar on her forehead, but what hurt her the most was that her sensei couldn't survive...
After that, during the first few days without Katsuichi-sensei, she suffered harassment from others, and because of that, it didn't take long for her to leave and leave the clan, she became a ronin.
She left her hair short to "close cycles" and began a new journey without destination.
She had been wandering for a year, working as a yojimbo from time to time, when some singular warriors appeared in her path, some... Kappa? Ninjas? She attack them thinking they were enemys.
When they convinced her that they did not want to attack her and they stopped fighting, they explained that there was something called the multiverse, it seems that they had met another version of herself and were looking for him to ask for his help, but for some reason they ended up in her dimension and not in his. The enemy that was attacking them (a VERY strange creature if she is allowed to say, and she has seen strange things) found them and attacked them, and Usagi decided to help.
They managed to defeat... That crazy creature, to tell the truth Usagi would need a few days to process what a crap adventure that was... But she doesn't regret helping that group, they were nice.
She had to stay in the turtles' dimension for a while until Renet and the Time Lord managed to open a portal to her dimension, but, Usagi doubted if she should go through. She had had a lot of fun these last few days with the turtles, aaaand she had liked the kunoichi in blue very much... And she had no reason to return to her dimension.
For some reason Time Lord let her stay. Everyone was very surprised by her decision, because she would stay in a dimension where she has to stay hidden?! Anyway, that was her decision.
Months later Usagi and Lee began dating, and the doe began to grow her hair again.
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