#April too and they usually go on missions together
thearoaceshark · 1 year
Miyamoto Usagi
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From the earth 2016-U23, Japan (year 1630).
She/Her (trans woman).
27 years old (going on dates with Lee since they were 19 years old).
She measures 1.66
White fur. Brown black eyes.
She left her clan after her sensei was killed and she became a ronin.
She came to the turtles' dimension after helping them defet Sabanti Romero (again). She was stranded there for a while and decided that she wanted to stay in their dimension with them.
It took her 4 years to learn English (and she's still not good at all).
She loves Lee very much.
Donnie doesn't like her very much.
Usagi was an orphan girl from Feudal Japan. The place where she spent her childhood was not the best, but she had nothing better, she had been there since she was a baby.
Aoki-san, one of the workers, told her to find something to do with her life so that she could get out of there and not end up like them, so she began to think how she could do it. In her child head, she came to the conclusion that the warriors who came to the house must be the answer, the boss said that they had a lot of recognition in the country, so Usagi one day asked one of them what to do to be like them (the man only answered when he got dr0nk).
He told her that to be a samurai one must be good at wielding the sword and winning battles, so the doe started training in the forest every day to become a samurai. One day her training caught the attention of a lion samurai, who asked the boss if he could take her to teach her how to be a samurai. She went with him, and faced many obstacles.
She did well, everyone praised her talent and before long many of them were interested in her progress, until she told her sensei that she was a girl. From that moment on, everyone looked at her very strangely, as if she shouldn't belong there, but her teacher didn't let them get in her way, Katsuichi-sensei accepted her and continued to train her as always, even teaching her to read (the femenines samurais existed and were just as lethal as the masculine ones, but they were not respected in the same way, they always had to be accompanied by a man, and they were not allowed to learn to read and write).
Her life was hard, but she was doing well... Until her sensei died. It was when she was 18 years old, they had been attacked by the enemy, she suffered several damages, her left ears had been cut off and her right had almost suffered the same fate, they also cut off her hair that she had been growing for years (it didn't seem very important but it hurt her), and she earned a distinct scar on her forehead, but what hurt her the most was that her sensei couldn't survive...
After that, during the first few days without Katsuichi-sensei, she suffered harassment from others, and because of that, it didn't take long for her to leave and leave the clan, she became a ronin.
She left her hair short to "close cycles" and began a new journey without destination.
She had been wandering for a year, working as a yojimbo from time to time, when some singular warriors appeared in her path, some... Kappa? Ninjas? She attack them thinking they were enemys.
When they convinced her that they did not want to attack her and they stopped fighting, they explained that there was something called the multiverse, it seems that they had met another version of herself and were looking for him to ask for his help, but for some reason they ended up in her dimension and not in his. The enemy that was attacking them (a VERY strange creature if she is allowed to say, and she has seen strange things) found them and attacked them, and Usagi decided to help.
They managed to defeat... That crazy creature, to tell the truth Usagi would need a few days to process what a crap adventure that was... But she doesn't regret helping that group, they were nice.
She had to stay in the turtles' dimension for a while until Renet and the Time Lord managed to open a portal to her dimension, but, Usagi doubted if she should go through. She had had a lot of fun these last few days with the turtles, aaaand she had liked the kunoichi in blue very much... And she had no reason to return to her dimension.
For some reason Time Lord let her stay. Everyone was very surprised by her decision, because she would stay in a dimension where she has to stay hidden?! Anyway, that was her decision.
Months later Usagi and Lee began dating, and the doe began to grow her hair again.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 6 months
The Assembly sees a cast of thirty-five interviewers who are autistic, neurodivergent or learning disabled, question an A-list celebrity for one extraordinary TV interview.
In this half-hour special, it's multi-award-winning actor and director, Michael Sheen, who is to face the grilling of a lifetime from the unique collective. No subject is out of bounds, no question is off the table.
On subjects as diverse as ex-girlfriends and on-screen kisses, to the OBE he gave back or his favourite motorway, how will the Good Omens star fare as The Assembly bring their unique approach to the celebrity interview?
The Assembly cast is a diverse cast ranging in age from eighteen to seventy-seven, amongst the group are musicians, artists, writers and students. Each will take their own approach in their attempt to get to the truth of Michael Sheen like nobody before has- whether that’s finding out his favourite sandwich filling or how he felt when his daughter was born.
The format is an adaptation of French show Les Rencontres Du Papotin, which saw the likes of Emmanuel Macron and Camille Cotin (Call My Agent) face the neurodivergent journalists of the Papotin. Gone was the flattery of the usual celeb fare – in its place, a mix of mischievous prodding, leftfield quizzing and profound exchanges. The superstars left completely off guard: actors asked about a driving ban or the death of a parent, the President asked if it’s really the behaviour of a role model to marry one’s teacher.
The show comes from Michelle Singer and Stu Richards' Rockerdale Studios, creators of mischievous content which seeks to put disabled agency at its heart. Stu is also known for co-creating and writing the BBC Three comedy, Jerk, and Rockerdale are most known for Channel 4’s Mission: Accessible.
Rockerdale Studios has worked closely with the BBC’s Creative Diversity Team, to ensure every element of the series works for and with autistic and neurodivergent voices.
The Assembly is a half-hour special to celebrate Autism Acceptance Week. Expect profound revelation, glorious chaos, and a lot of laughs.
The Assembly airs Friday 5 April, 10:40pm on BBC One and iPlayer
Interview with Michael Sheen
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What made you say yes to being a part of The Assembly?
I said yes to being a part of The Assembly because it was just such an extraordinary and interesting idea. Then reading about the original French series, it just sounded so extraordinary, different and potentially a very revealing way to approach the tried and tested interview process, but obviously it is a lot more than just being an interview. The interview part of it is just one aspect of the project and I think there is still a lot of confusion, ignorance and fear around people with any kind of difference. I think being able to be involved in a project like this could maybe break down some of those barriers.
How is this different from any other TV show you’ve been a part of?
It’s very much unfiltered and that’s really exciting and quite nerve wracking for that reason! So much on TV is sort of smoothed out and filtered and made safe and this, certainly in the making of it, felt very not that! All the better and more refreshing for it too. I know a lot of work is put into the research and preparation for a show like this, but in terms of the actual questions being asked and the experience that you have in all being together when you’re filming, it feels very unpredictable in a really good way and really lead by the people taking part, which is terrific.
How did you feel going into filming?
Well I didn’t really have anything to go on, so I was excited. Sometimes when I’m going to be interviewed, I know what the interview is going to be about, I have a vague idea of the questions that will come up, I know the sort of things that I need to get across about what I’m there to talk about. But with this, I really had no idea what I was going to be asked, so I had to be prepared for everything and anything, there was a kind of freedom in that I suppose. Because of the unfiltered nature of what was going to happen and not being able to anticipate what might be asked, it was a little nerve wracking yes, but I was mainly just very excited!
Did your experience differ from what you were expecting and if so how?
Well I didn’t know what to expect really, so it’s not that it wasn’t what I was expecting because you can’t expect anything! There's no way you can expect anything because you just don’t know what’s going to happen, and because it is so unfiltered and unpredictable in terms of what might happen, where things might go, how people might be feeling on the day. For all the difficult questions that got asked at times, it just felt very loving and joyful and that everyone was very happy and excited to be there even though people were nervous or had anxiety at different times. There was a genuine feeling of community and I felt very welcomed into that community and ready to play so to speak, and you have to be ready to play. I felt very safe and looked after and it was just really, very funny as well – there was lots of laughter and wonderful things that people asked, responded to and performed, I mean I wasn’t expecting all of that, that was just wonderful! So many moments that I’ll never forget.
How does this compare to any other interview you’ve experienced?
It’s so unfiltered! The closest thing I can say is The One Show, where you go on to talk about one thing and then they ask you about everything else that’s going on on the show, so you get a question about your favourite bus route, then they ask you about otters! There’s an extraordinary pinball effect of questions and that’s the closest I could describe, but The Assembly is that x100. It really is extraordinary and that’s very unlike any other interview I’ve done really, usually everything is meant to follow on logically and have a kind of smoothness and polish to it, and this is just really raw and unfiltered and uncensored and I love that, I thought that was wonderful.
What can viewers expect from the show?
I imagine it will be very funny and I think quite moving. I was quite moved at times by seeing how much people had to struggle to overcome certain things they were dealing with in order to ask questions at times. That was uplifting. I think it will be different, it will be thought provoking I hope, and challenging in certain ways; challenging certain kinds of myths and stereotypes I think and ultimately just really entertaining and fun and joyful. I can’t really remember what I said, so I don’t know what people will learn about me... but it’s not about me, it’s about that fantastic group of people, but I certainly got a huge amount out of it too and I hope an audience will as well.
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cityofmeliora · 3 days
notes / thoughts on the Papas' (lack of) involvement in the songwriting process and their connections to the concepts / themes of their albums
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thanks for the kind words and thanks for the ask! these were great questions and really enjoyed writing this response. your questions really made me think! (and when i start thinking i always think too hard and take forever to answer– sorry this took so long!)
i'm putting these questions together because i feel they are closely related. this is a topic i've recently been thinking about a lot, actually.
A Ghoul Writer was first mentioned in that 2010 interview with Primo. the Ghoul Writer is Special Ghoul, the Nameless Ghoul character who gave interviews in Eras 2 and 3. in interviews with him, either he himself or the interviewers would usually mention he's the Writer. i'm not linking anything specific here because you can find this happening in pretty much any Era 2 / 3 interview. (though there's one Era 2 Nameless Ghoul interview that refers to the Writer as a separate character.)
the only Papa who wrote his own music was Nihil. the music video for The Future Is A Foreign Land shows that he and his Nameless Ghouls wrote the song together, and he's credited as a writer on Seven Inches Of Satanic Panic. (pic: back of the SIOSP record)
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after Nihil, none of the Papas were involved in the songwriting process. everything after Nihil was written by A Ghoul Writer.
PITCHFORK: On the new album, the songs/lyrics are credited to "A Ghoul Writer." Are you this "Ghoul Writer"? If so, what inspired the words? PAPA EMERITUS: I am not the Ghoul Writer. Pitchfork (April 2013)
Does Papa contribute to the composing process? NAMELESS GHOUL: No, Papa doesn’t contribute to the song-writing. Metal Paths (August 2015)
so the later Papas were interpreters of the music, not writers.
as for the question of whether the Papas embody the sins of society or criticize the sins of society by parodying them, i think it's a bit of both– and i think it depends on which perspective we're looking from.
obviously from a real-world perspective, Ghost as a whole is meant to criticize and parody the issues the music is about, and the personality and characterization of each Papa is closely tied to the themes of his album.
from an in-universe lore perspective, as interpreters of the music, each Papa has his own relationship with the themes of his album. i think the Ghoul Writer writes each album for / about the Papa who's going to perform it. however, this is not necessarily a positive gesture.
here are my notes / thoughts on how each Papa relates to the themes of his album:
(trigger warning for mentions of misogynistic violence / rape / forced pregnancy)
Opus Eponymous and Primo: Primo refuses to comment on his interpretation of Opus Eponymous, but it's pretty clear what he thinks. Primo is a misanthrope who believes humans are “vermin” that have doomed themselves due to their “intellectual decline”. in his eyes, humanity is unworthy of life and will eventually be destroyed. Opus Eponymous has been described as an "orthodox devil-worshipping" album, and it is a very violent album, which is great for Primo because he's an orthodox devil worshiper and he loves violence and murder and wants everyone to die. 'Elizabeth' celebrates an alleged serial killer who is said to have killed hundreds of women / girls. 'Stand By Him' is about a woman being raped by a priest, who then accuses her of witchcraft and has her burned at the stake in order to cover up the assault. and the overall narrative of Opus Eponymous is about a woman being raped and forced to carry + birth the Antichrist, which will eventually kill her. this is something Primo thinks is good and anticipates happening because he believes in the cult very literally and agrees with its message / mission of human extinction. Primo is definitely a villain.
Infestissumam and Secondo: interestingly, there is actually an instance of Papa telling us about his interpretation of this album. in Secondo's own words, "the new album is about the presence of the Devil. The title, Infestissumam, means 'the biggest threat' and refers literally to the arrival of the Antichrist, but what it is also is about is what man has traditionally regarded as diabolical presence– namely female form and swagger." Infestissumam is about how humanity can connect to the presence of the Devil, both physically and spiritually. i think this theme really shows through Secondo. to him, all the things traditionally regarded as sin –especially sexuality– are good things. to him, Satan is the way to freedom and enlightenment. on the flipside, all the things promoted by christianity –holiness and virtue and repression– are stupid and stifling. Secondo is a jerk and he loves to have sex and party and he just doesn't care. Secondo, more than any other Papa, is dedicated to indulging in sin and saying "fuck you" to christianity.
Meliora and Terzo: it's complicated. i don't want to give a detailed explanation right now because i already have a separate post in my drafts about my analysis of Terzo's relationship with the themes of Meliora (it will be long). for now, this is what i'll say: Meliora is about the absence of god, and it's described as futuristic and "pre-apocalyptic." the title "Meliora" means "for the pursuit of better", but it's meant to be ironic. it's about the mistakes people make / the bad things people do in pursuit of better. so as your ask states, it criticizes ambition, greed, and abuse of power. i think Terzo wants to criticize those sins. but i think that he also embodies them, to a certain extent, and i think Meliora is also criticizing him.
Prequelle and Cardinal Copia: we don't really have any canon material that indicates Cardi's personal opinions on the album, but there is certainly a connection between the character and the concept / themes of the album. Prequelle is described as a "positive" album about the plague. it's an album about society falling apart during the apocalypse. it's also an album about celebration and survival in spite of being faced with the inevitability of death. i think Cardi certainly embodies this. Cardi is surrounded by death. Prequelle Era begins with Papas I, II, and III being murdered in order to promote Cardi's success, and it ends with Papa Nihil dying, which allows Cardi to ascend and become Papa IV. in a way, Cardi is both a plague rat and a survivor. it's not his fault they died. he didn't ask for them to be killed, and he was not their killer. but he is the herald and the carrier of the true killer, the actual driving force behind everything (Sister Imperator). through all this, Cardi is having a good time! he's dancing the night away! he's glad everyone standing in his way has dropped dead! he is a rising star and he feels invincible! and he is certain he will survive this.
IMPERA and Papa Emeritus IV: the main themes of IMPERA are "spiritual annihilation", reactionary sentiment, and regression. it's about how people who fear progress are afraid of losing their sense of meaning / purpose and their place in the world, so they turn to misogyny, violence, religious dogma, and fascism. they cling to the idea of having a cause to fight for. i think Cardi is certainly criticizing these issues. he doesn't agree with any of this at all. however, there's still a connection between the narrative of IMPERA and Cardi's character arc in this Era. narratively, IMPERA is a concentrated / condensed version of the apocalyptic narrative that plays out through the first 4 albums. it's about the cyclical nature of the rise and fall of empires. IMPERA Era begins with Cardi ascending to the title of Papa. but after the feeling of triumph wore off, Cardi became very aware of and very fearful of his own inevitable end. he knew that no matter how great his achievements were, he would be forced to step down so his successor could take his place, just like his predecessors had for him. Rite Here Rite Now is about Cardi struggling to make peace with this idea. as a side note: i really like the irony of the fact that Cardi was never actually the leader of his own empire– he was a puppet emperor who got his marching orders from his mother. it connects to IMPERA's theme of political manipulation.
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Unconventional Flowers Event - April
Bleeding Hearts and the Cherry Blossom Festival ft. Nanami
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A/N: April prompt for my Unconventional Flowers Event. A little longer and angsty compared to my previous ones but here we are. Requested for by the sweet @harlekin6
Rating: 13+ to be safe, fluffy, slightly angsty
Pairing: Nanami x reader
Word Count: 1634
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“This way sensei!” The students lead you eagerly through the grounds of the vast cherry blossom park. The delicate pink blooms had finally blossomed and the school had thought it was a good idea to go as a group to see them.
Usually, you’d be excited and looking forward to going but this year when the plans were being made you hesitated. It brought back painful and embarrassing memories from almost a year ago. Memories you had tried to bury, unsuccessfully.
A heavy dread settles in your chest as you remember it like it was yesterday. The tears, the yelling, the insistence that the two of you could work it out. The both of you had been on back-to-back missions, schedules making you miss each other consecutively. Hadn’t spent any time together as a couple in months, even though you lived together. 
Perhaps he felt inadequate when you had brought up the topic of wanting to spend more time with him, maybe both of you putting in some time off together. It was cherry blossom season after all. Maybe the date you had planned this weekend could be extended and you could take a mini vacation to reconnect. You hadn’t imagined in your wildest dreams that he would look at you in the face, calmly, and say maybe you should break up. 
The air seemed to vanish from your lungs. Was it something you did? No. Was there something he needed to talk about? No. 
“You deserve better,” he’d said, readjusting his glasses. You’d been together for the better part of a year, understood each other’s line of work, and hadn’t really had any arguments or complaints. “I just don’t feel like I’ve been a good boyfriend to you. You deserve someone who can do nicer things for you. Who can actually give you proper attention and be present for you.”
“I’m too needy? Is that what you’re saying?” You had asked as you jolted up from the sofa. 
“No. Not at all. But I don’t feel like I’m giving my all to this relationship. It’s unfair to you. It might be best if we break up.” His voice felt strained and he looked at you like he wanted to pull you into a hug and tell you it was for the best. But you felt yourself turn icy and move away from him. You spent the night in the guest bedroom, sobbing, wondering where it had all gone wrong. 
You couldn’t face him, felt trapped in this space that had become your home like you were living in a stranger’s skin. It felt like a cruel joke as you had silently packed your suitcase, being careful not to disturb him, spotting both your spring yukatas hanging next to each other in the closet, ready for the cherry blossom festival. You had packed the yukata, swearing you’d never wear it, and had quietly slipped out in the quiet hours of the morning.
Avoiding each other had been hard. Both of you worked at the same school, after all, taught the same students. You thought you had been fine. A month passed. You thought you were moving on.
Then one day, you saw him leaving campus with another woman. No one you knew, but an attractive woman. Your feet had taken you to the nearest bar and you had downed the shots like water, one after the other. The kind bartender had helped you get a cab home and you had passed out on your bed. The next day morning, you woke up, hungover, and immediately checked your call list, feeling proud there weren't any drunk outgoing pity calls to him…then froze when you saw a text from him.
It was a photo of a very strange-looking plant, a large bouquet of it, heart-shaped with little petals hanging off the bottom. 
Are you all right?
The text that accompanied it, had you wracking your brain trying to piece together what had happened. You ran the flower picture through Google’s image search which identified them as Bleeding Heart flowers, and then a quick perusal through your browsing history had you covering your face and moaning in mortification. 
A damn bouquet of flowers that signified heartbreak and unreturned love. The card accompanying the bouquet was a long letter about how much you hated him for ending things. If the ground could split open and swallow you whole, now would be the right time. How were you supposed to face him at work? When you saw him a few hours later, he looked at you exactly how you had been wishing he wouldn’t. That look of empathy and pity. 
“I think we should talk.”
“No. We don’t. Forget it happened.” Just like how you forgot me 
“I just want to make sure you’re all right,” No I’m not all right. It hurts to see you. To be near you. 
“I’m fine!” With the hardest effort you’ve ever exerted in your life, you turn away. “I’m sorry for the flowers. I was drunk. I think maybe it’s for the best if we don’t talk to each other anymore. Unless it’s about work.”
“Y/n…” Please don’t say my name. I’ll shatter.
You walked away, steeling yourself to not cry in front of him, your heart cracking and breaking into pieces all over again. 
“Sensei!” You snap out of your reverie, pulled back to the present, wearing the same yukata you swore you’d never wear. Yuji had a wide grin on his face, clearly excited to explore the rest of the area. He and Nobara and Megumi were all dressed in their finest, little hearts unburdened by the grief of a relationship breakup.
You fix a smile on your face. At the least, the staff had some consideration on your part when you said you’d chaperone the students rather than go with the rest of the teachers. It was easier this way. The students were a good distraction. You were supposed to meet up with Gojo who was helping you chaperone, so all of you kept your eyes peeled, searching for a head full of fluffy white locks. 
It doesn’t take too long, but when you finally spy Gojo, you realize with a heart-stopping squeeze that he isn’t alone. Tall, blond, and looking subdued, Nanami walks next to him, and it is all you can do to not panic and keep your composure.
“Was Nanami-san supposed to be chaperoning with us?” You ask, hoping you sounded nonchalant though there’s a quiver in your voice.
The 3 students give you their most innocent smiles before Nobara replies. “He’s not here to chaperone. And neither are you actually. We’re going with Gojo-sensei.”
A flood of trepidation fills you. “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. That wasn’t the plan.” You start weighing your options in case they did go with Gojo. You could just brush past him and go home. No one would stop you. You could - 
“There you are!” Gojo’s loud voice cuts through your escape plan thoughts. Realizing there was no way out of it, you stiffen, and when Nanami sees you, he does the same, eyes widening slightly.
“Well, I’ve got the kids!” Gojo says cheerfully. “Meet you guys here in another hour.” With that, they all vanish into the crowd.
Nanami looks tired, more than usual. He looks at you as though unsure what to say. He was wearing the yukata that had been hanging in the closet on the night you left. Last year, when the two of you should have been at this event, together. It felt like a million miles separated you both despite being feet away from each other.
“Looks like they gave us the slip huh?” you ask nervously, trying to brush off the tension that filled you. You were looking for an opening, trying to leave without being awkward.
“I guess they did.” Nanami rubs the side of his neck with a large hand before fixing his hazel eyes on you. “How have you been?”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nod casually. “I’ve been good. Busy.”
“Mhm. So I’ve heard. You took on so many missions that you were barely in Tokyo at all for the past few months.”
“I needed the change of scenery. Went to a lot of nice places actually.”
“And met a lot of nice people?” he asks quietly, eyes flickering with uncertainty.
Your chest tightens. It was none of his business, really, but you’re helpless as you spill the truth. “No. Work doesn’t really leave much room for dating. It doesn’t leave room for a lot of things.” You added, unable to keep a tinge of insinuation out of your voice.
He picks up on this and looks away. “Y/n…It’s been hard. Since we broke up.” The words are said with regret and your breath catches in your throat. “I…I want a second chance. I made a mistake.” 
His words are said so simply. He wasn’t one for flair and big declarations. You knew that. Nanami was a man of action. He did things. Things that pulled on your feelings, things that made you feel like he cared, even after he had broken up with you. 
“What changed?” You ask, not daring to let yourself hope.
“It just…doesn’t feel right without you. I need you. It feels like I’ve been wandering and didn’t have a home. Home isn’t home when you’re not there.”
Tears prick your eyes. He moves closer to you and before you know it, you’re in his embrace. 
“Well?” he whispers in your ears, but it’s clear he’s about to crack. 
You nod against him, cherry blossoms swirling down like little falling stars around you, everything you wanted finally coming true. 
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All animated lines and banners by @/ cafekitsune
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Friendly Sex - Chapter 1 - The Party
Eddie Munson X AFAB!Reader
Your 6 year long unrequited crush on Steve Harrington is starting to wear thin, and after discovering Eddie Munson feels the same way about Chrissy Cunningham you decide to make a pact. After all, what's the harm in a little casual sex between friends?
  A/N: Story opens April 1986. Slight AU, all the events of seasons 1, 2 and 3 happened, except Hopper didn't get transported to Russia, the gate was closed and Joyce, Hopper, Jonathan, Will and Jane all move to California as one big happy family. Jonathan and Nancy break up (necessary for plot, apologies to any shippers). Nancy and Steve are together. Reader is 18 and in final year at Hawkin's High School, alongside Robin and Eddie etc. Reader works at Family Video with Robin & Steve. Vecna storyline is not a thing, strange things will not be happening. This has been festering in my brain and I don't know what to do with it, so, tada!
Warnings: NSFW. SMUT, (MDI) 18+ only, drugs, sex, alcohol, underage drinking, public sex, dirty talk, name calling in sex (consensual), explicit language, adult themes, there will be angst, it will get messy.
More warnings to be added.
Revised edition.
  It was Robin’s idea to go to the party, one of those let’s have a party for the sake of having a party, parties, the all American standard, under-age keg fest.
It was an unwelcome change from your regularly scheduled Saturday night plans of doing nothing.
But argue as you might, Robin had made it clear you were going, even if she had to drag you.
"I'm tired of watching your ass wallow in self-pity." She said in true blunt Robin fashion, pulling outfit after outfit out of your closet, throwing them haphazardly in your general direction.
"I thought you loved watching my ass." You bite back, holding up a rust-coloured corduroy mini skirt to your hips.
"Ha, ha. I'm serious though dude, this whole moping Minnie routine is getting old, you just need to get out there and get yourself laid." She groans, pushing past you, flopping face first onto your bed in frustration.
"The skirt looks good, you should wear it with your tan knee highs." She adds, laying on her front to look at you.
"I'm working on it Rob." You grumble, fishing your boots out from under a pile of clothes. "It's not easy to let go of a 6 year crush you know."
"Well maybe if you had made a move 6 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess." She huffs in exaggeration.
"Gee, you're right, let me just hop in my time machine, go back and tell my 12-year-old self to man up and ask out Steve Harrington. Huzzah!" You quip dryly, yanking the zipper of your boots up none too gently.
  "Honestly Harrington has a lot to answer for, it's like the women of Hawkin's see him and suddenly all rational thought disappears." Robin laughs.
"It's the hair." You agree, fluffing up your own in the mirror. "And only the great Robin Buckley, lesbian superheroine, is immune to its hypnotic powers."
"Then I must use my powers for good!" She declares in a manly tone, hauling herself off the bed to wrap her arms around your shoulders. "My mission, gentle citizen, is to break the spell cast over you." She places a wet kiss on your cheek casting an appraising eye over your finished ensemble. "Very hot."
  It's not that you disliked parties, after all it was a time honoured tradition to go to some random person's house whilst their parents where out of town and get absolutely wasted, chintzy picture perfect living rooms suddenly overrun with overactive hormones, sweaty bodies and dubious punch bowls, however after the initial buzz wore off you usually found yourself longing for the quiet solitude of your bedroom. Of course, when you express this to Robin, after half an hour of being there, she merely rolls her eyes in disgust, thrusting another cup of mystery alcohol in your hand, ushering you back into the throng of young adults.
"Would you stop?" She implores, holding your left shoulder with her free hand. "Your problem is you think too much. So, give those little grey cells a break by killing some of them off." She lifts her own drink in a mock toast, nodding at you to do the same.
"You are a terrible friend." You relent with a laugh, toasting quickly and taking a gulp, face scrunched up in distaste as the alcohol burns your throat.
"The very worst." She says with an evil grin, which fades somewhat as she focuses on something behind you. You turn towards the source, and despite knowing what you would see, your stomach still swoops uncomfortably at the sight of Steve or more precisely Steve with his arm wrapped around Nancy Wheeler looking incredibly loved up. "Shit." Robin declares.
"Shit." You agree flatly. 
  You move to go back towards the kitchen, but Robin takes your hand, holding you in place, Steve having already spotted you both, his own hand thrown up in greeting, weaving through the crowd with Nancy in tow.
"Fancy seeing you fine ladies here." Steve grins broadly, leaning in to give each of you a one-armed hug, your skin burning from his touch.
"Fancy that." Robin agrees sheepishly, you get a grim sense of satisfaction at the uncomfortable look on her face.
Nancy, who had been hanging off of Steve's free arm for the majority, leans forward to speak to you over the pounding music. "I love your skirt Y/n." She smiles sweetly; and you feel the rather irrational urge to stick pins in her bright blue eyes.
"Thanks Nancy." You call back, trying to return her smile. "I- uh -I like your bracelet." You say, noticing a golden glimmer on her wrist, plastering on the enthusiasm.
Nancy, being an actual angel, flushes with pleasure at your compliment. "Steve bought it for me." She sighs, toying with the gold bangle,
and you try not to urge as they share a sickening saccharine look.
"Of course he did." You mutter grudgingly to yourself, desperately wanting to escape.
"What did you say Y/n?" Steve asks absent-mindedly, still gazing at Nancy.
"I'm gonna grab another drink." You say in a clearer voice, not that it mattered, because at that moment Steve seemed to find a very interesting spot on Nancy's neck that required the immediate attention of his mouth. Grimacing you slip past them, purposely ignoring Robin's pleading calls for a top up and/or a sick bucket.
  Reaching the kitchen, you chug a cup of punch straight off, before refilling it to the brim, whilst you knew alcohol wouldn't solve your problems it could certainly try and soothe the jealous beast currently roaring in your head at the human octopus that was Stancy.
Deciding the garden was the best place to avoid a front row seat to the lovefest, you steer your body around bumping and grinding couples, careful not to spill a drop of your precious emotional medicine. The backyard to your pleasant surprise is empty, the party having not yet spilled out, and the chilly night air was a welcome contrast to the stale humidity inside. You wander out onto the pristine lawn, and find yourself releasing a breath you didn't realize you had been holding, ears ringing slightly as they adjusted to the now muffled thumping bass.
"Well, well, well what brings you out here Sweetheart?"
You groan heavily at the teasing drawl behind you.
"I was trying to get some peace and quiet, but that's not likely to happen with you around, is it Munson?" You sigh, turning to face Eddie Munson who was perched on a swing set to the far right, slightly obscured in semi-darkness, but a Cheshire cat grin clearly plastered on his face.
"Ouch, you wound me." He says, placing a dramatic hand over his heart, still grinning away like an idiot. "Seriously though, I wouldn't have pegged you for this kinda gig." He gestures with his head back towards the party.
"It was Robin's idea." You mutter darkly, glaring towards the shut French doors.
"Well, if looks could kill, I'm guessing you'll have a best friend vacancy by this time tomorrow." He laughs again, which irritates you further. 
  "What are you doing here?" You deflect back, hiccupping slightly as you drink some more punch. "Place is like jock city in there, hardly your regular stomping ground either."
He nudges a battered black tin lunch-box with his foot, slightly tucked under the swing. "You know me sweetheart, got a business to run, empires to build, horizons to expand." He says with the usual Eddie flair.
"Dealing drugs to inebriated teens, I should've guessed." You say wryly, rolling your eyes.
"You make it sound so dirty." He mocks you, irritating smirk still fixed.  "And you've never complained before." He reminds you pointedly.
Whilst far from being a hardcore user, you were a semi- frequent customer of Eddie's when it came to weed, finding him to be discreet, reliable and most importantly for your minimum wage ass, cheap.
"Well maybe I'm in the mood to complain tonight," You mutter suddenly feeling bitter about the way the night had gone downhill so quickly, scuffing your boot into the neatly trimmed grass.
Eddie leans down to extract something from his tin.
"Joint for your thoughts?" He offers, holding out a perfectly rolled spliff, quickly adding. "No charge." You mull it over for all of 2 seconds, concluding your jealous inner demon will not be calmed by alcohol alone. 
  "'Atta girl!" He calls happily as you stomp over to squeeze beside him, he pats your knee in encouragement, then lights up, graciously passing you the joint for the first drag which you take gratefully.
You both sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes, offering the smoke back and forth. You could tell straight away that the weed was a much higher quality than you could ever normally afford and therefore hoped its soothing effects would kick in a lot quicker.
"Soooo," Eddie gently ventures after a few more minutes, "you wanna walk about it?" 
"What's there to talk about, I'm in love with a guy who is in love with someone else." You shrug on a heavy exhale.
Eddie whistles between his teeth, regarding you carefully as you take another hit.
"Ah, that old cliche huh?" He nudges you lightly, taking the joint back for his turn.
Now Eddie had said it, you couldn't help but laugh in agreement.
"I guess it is pretty clichéd." 
"Yup no points for originality this time princess. So, who's Captain Oblivious?" He asks, offering you another hit, shaking your head you opt to take a swig of alcohol, mentally bracing yourself for Eddie's inevitable teasing.
"Steve Harrington." You sigh glumly into your cup.
Eddie let out a muttered "Damn." 
"The former King of Hawkin's High himself. I don't envy you there babe."
  You snatch the joint back from his ringed fingertips, fed up with his teasing. "Don't take the piss Eddie, I'm not in the mood." You mumble defensively, leaning forward so as not to see the smirk on his face.
"Hey." He says in a surprisingly genuine tone, his hand rubbing your back, making you turn to look at him. "I'm not ragging on you sweetheart. Harrington is a nice enough guy now he's not hanging out with the douchebag brigade. I can see why you'd like him."
You lean back and Eddie slips his arm around your shoulders. 
"Well, I'm glad you can see it, he doesn't even know I exist, at least not in the way I want him to." You sigh, resting your head on his arm, seeing off the last of your drink and feeling distinctly sorry for yourself. 
You both lapse into silence again, the swing swaying gently beneath you as you burn through more of the joint , somewhere inside the house voices were shouting "Keg! Keg! Keg!"
  After a few moments, Eddie shifts slightly, arm wrapping more securely around you.
"Can I tell you something?" He asks, sounding nervous.
"I mean I just bared my soul to you, so I guess it's only fair." You murmur, glancing up at him.
He breathes a heavy sigh, right leg jiggling.
"I have been head over heels in love with Chrissy Cunningham since middle school." He confesses with a wince.
You wanted to say something encouraging, maybe even profound, or at the very least offer some words of comfort, so you felt a little guilty when you couldn't suppress the giggle that passed your lips.
"Chrissy Cunningham?!" You exclaim, staring at him wide-eyed "Cheerleader extraordinaire, Chrissy Cunningham?"
He looks at you, lips pressed tight as though he was trying to hold back his own laughter. 
"Yep." Letting the 'p' pop. "Ever since she shook her pom-poms in the talent show."
You were barely holding it together, attempting to keep your voice level as you spoke. 
"Wait, wait. So not only are we both in love with two very attractive people who are waaaay out of our league, these people are also in long term committed relationships with two other very attractive people." 
Your statement hung in the air for a second, both of you then erupting into fits of laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation.
  Eddie chuckled throatily around the stub of the joint, almost burnt out. "Oh man, we are pathetic." Shaking his head.
You jam your elbow lightly into his ribs. "Hey, speak for yourself!" You jokingly admonish. 
"What, you think you have a chance?" He snorts incredulously.
You pretend to weigh up your options.
"If Nancy Wheeler gets hit by a bus, sure I'll shoot my shot… after an extended mourning period of course." You say.
"Of course." Eddie agrees, both of you collapsing into fits of uncontrollable giggles once more, fuelled on by excessive alcohol and weed.
  "So, what do you think you need to do to get over little old Stevie?" Eddie asks you somewhat more seriously, stamping the remainder of the joint out under his sneakers, leaning back against the swing, taking you under his arm again.
You shrug, settling comfortably against him, staring up at the night sky, your own arm wrapping lightly about his waist. "Robin says I just need to get laid." You sigh flatly.
"I mean it's not the worst suggestion in the world." He says reasonably. 
"Yeah, but c'mon Munson, guys aren't exactly queued around the block waiting to give me a service." You say, gesturing to the empty garden, Eddie pulling a face at your phrasing.
"Maybe that's because you've spent the past however many years with your Harrington blinkers on." He suggests, and it hits a nerve within you, quite often you wondered if you had missed opportunities with other guys because of your Harrington fixation. Your first and thus far only proper relationship, at 16 ,was doomed to fail from the start as Bobby Cooper just couldn't live up to the standards you had set in your daydreams of Steve.
"Well, what about you and your Chrissy conundrum? Your on-tap supply of groupies not helping to ease the pain?" You bite back, on the defensive.
Rather than get shitty with you, Eddie just gives you the classic Munson smirk.  
"You think I’m good enough to have groupies?" He teases, squeezing your side, with a saucy eyebrow raise.
You pinch him back playfully. "I've seen you play Eddie; you know you're good." You admit with a smile.
He heaves a dramatic sigh, hand to his brow like some wretchedly poor southern belle.
"And yet, the tour bus-"
"Your van?" You chip in snidely.
"-my van" He ruefully concedes "is decidedly empty, even with the new air freshener."
"It's a crying shame, Eds." You laugh, patting his cheek.
  He places an affectionate kiss on your head, cuddling you closer against the chilly breeze, it feels nice to be held, and even nicer to talk to someone so openly, other than Robin of course.
You lapse into comfortable silence once more, the strains of some Blondie song thumping from inside, the party was kicking up a gear but you found yourself lost in thought.
You had always had a soft spot for Eddie, conversation flowed easily enough, and you appreciated his dry sense of humour, both of you were regular outcasts in comparison to rest of the high school cliques, and you had found yourselves in detention together more times than you cared to count; you had a bad habit of disagreeing with your English teacher. And if you were being honest, he was actually really kind of pretty when you took the time to really look at him, chocolate brown eyes, full lips, awesome hair.
You hadn't realised you had been staring at him until he cleared his throat, you pulled away from his arms sheepishly, cheeks aflame from the embarrassment of being caught out, but feeling sure Eddie had been staring at you for the same amount of time.
"Uh- sweetheart, and by all means please let me know if I have completely misread some signals here, but I think I may have found the solution to both our problems." It surprised you to hear a note of uncertainty in his voice, particularly as Eddie was normally shockingly cavalier to a fault, it made you turn back to face him.
"Go on…" You encouraged him, finding your mouth oddly dry.
  He took a deep breath, leaning closer, his arm snaking about your waist, warm fingertips tracing absentmindedly across the inch of exposed skin between your skirt and top, goose pimples erupting that made a shiver run up your spine.
"You need to get laid." He stated. "I need to get laid. We both have stuff we need to get out of our systems. You're a stand-up girl," he gave you a courteous nod. "...and I think I'm correct in saying you find me tolerable at the very least." The uncertainty was back, steeling yourself you placed a hand on his denim clad knee giving him a squeeze. 
"More than tolerable Eds." You offer a smile.
"Thanks sweetheart." He mutters blushing. "So, uh anyway, what I'm trying to say here is… in a pretty roundabout way and you can of course say no-"
"Sorry, rambling, what I'm trying to say is we could… help each other out?" He was staring at you, pleading with you to chime in.
"You mean sex?" You ask slowly, noticing his blush creep up to his ears.
"Uh, y-yeah that thing." He stammers. "If you wanted to, with me, we could have sex as friends every now and then, friendly sex."
  You glanced at your wristwatch, 26 minutes ago you came out into the garden of some unknown person seeking a quiet place to drown your Steve induced sorrows, and now you were sitting next to Eddie Munson, seriously considering his offer of 'friendly sex'. Maybe Robin's kiss from earlier really had broken a spell, you laughed aloud at the thought, mirth quickly turning to frantic apologies at the look of horror on Eddie's face, forgetting that he was not privy to your inner monologue.
"Oh my god Eddie, no I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you!' You cried, cringing at your own social ineptitude.
"Hey, it's ok honey, I told you, it's cool if you don't want to-" His tone was calm, patting your side, making to stand and walk away with what little dignity he had left.
"NO! Don't go, I do want to!" You let out a shout, grasping his arm to pull him back down, your face burning in mortification that you essentially just begged Eddie to fuck you. 
"Alright sweetheart, calm down I'm not going anywhere, no need to shout." He soothed; devil- may-care smirk back in place, holding you firmly about the waist again. You tried to turn away at his teasing, but Eddie cupped your cheek, the numerous rings on his fingers cool against your prickling skin.
"I'm going to kiss you now." His voice low and surprisingly authoritative. "Ok?" He asks, inching closer to your lips. Unsure if you had the nerve to speak, you merely nod. "Use your words princess, I need you to tell me that it's ok for me to kiss you." He teased; lips just shy of brushing against yours.
"I-it's ok, kiss me, please." You whisper, hands fisted in his jacket, pulling him in to close the final gap.
Eddie surged forward with an urgency that made you gasp, kissing you hard, your teeth clacking together painfully but you didn't care, adrenaline coursing through your veins like rocket fuel. You quickly found the right rhythm for each other kissing back with equal enthusiasm, his grip tightened moving you to straddle his lap, with you kneeling. He kneaded your ass, grinding you down, you gasped feeling the hard outline of his dick, taking full advantage of your open mouth, his tongue slipping in to meet with yours. Releasing his jacket, you tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging harder than intended as Eddie nipped at your bottom lip, but he hardly seemed to care judging by the groan that escaped his throat. You smirked, tucking the knowledge away for later use, Eddie also appeared to be mentally cataloguing your reactions, like the way your hips rocked involuntarily as he sucked your neck just below your right ear, and how your breath hitched whilst he felt you up under your shirt, brushing the underside of your breast.
So lost in each other you didn't notice the sudden increase in noise coming from the party, signalling that someone had opened the screen door, it was the violent retching sound of vomiting that had you jumping apart as though you had been electrocuted, scrambling off Eddie's lap. You grimaced in disgust, Chance from the High School basketball team spewing chunks over the once pristine lawn, to the jeers of others inside.
  "Hey…" Eddie spoke breathlessly, pulling your attention back to him, his lips kiss bitten, pupils blown wide. "You uh, want to get out of here?"
Grinning you snatched up his hand pulling him none too gently in the direction of the back gate, the sound of Chance's digestive pyrotechnics mercifully fading away, Eddie now pulling you along in the opposite direction to the house.
My van is this way."
Your heels clacked against the concrete, the pair of you moving at a light jog, keen to pick where you left off, both breathless as you came up on Eddie's van.
"Your chariot milady." He gestured proudly to the beat up vehicle like it was Cinderella's magical pumpkin carriage.
"Eddie, calling me milady is a total turn off." You teased, nose wrinkling.
  He pulled you to him, spinning you so your back was pressed against the passenger side door, 
"Oh well in that case, I best stick to sweetheart, huh sweetheart?" Caging you, his smile almost predatory as he set to work sucking what would no doubt be a prize-winning hickey just above your throat.
You grabbed the scruff of his neck when the skin got too sensitive, pulling his lips back to yours, both of you fighting for dominance in the kiss, thoroughly making out. Eddie palmed your tits, as you reached down trailing a teasing hand along the bulge in his jeans, he broke the kiss huffing out a low "Shit…."
Feeling bold, you flashed him a mischievous grin, unbuckling his belt, your hand slipping inside the tight denim stroking his cock properly, he was fully hard, your thumb swiping a thick bead of pre-cum around the mushroomy head.
"You keep doing that sweetheart and I’ll have no choice but to fuck you right here in the street." Eddie panted against your neck, his words going straight to your cunt.  
"Promises, promises." You said with a purr, jerking him slowly.
He laughed breathlessly. "Fucking tease." His hands quickly hitching up your skirt, hips pressing you closer to the van, slipping your panties to the side, you gasped as he trailed a finger through your wetness up to your clit and back down again.
  "Jesus baby, you're soaked. All this for me?" He asks incredulously, kissing you deeply again, two fingers moving slowly pumping in and out of your cunt as his thumb plays with your clit. The pair of you working each other, quiet moans slipping past swollen lips 
"Eddie." You whined softly, there was a tiny voice in the back of your mind which was terrified about getting caught in such a compromising position, but a much louder voice was screaming, begging to let Eddie have his way with you in the street where anyone could see.
"What is it princess?" He murmured, biting at your lower lip.
"I want -" You hiccupped on a moan, all four of his fingers now working over your swollen clit, spreading the slick from your cunt, you could only hold his cock, brain not functioning enough under his ministrations.
Grinning, taunting you openly he nipped at the sweet spot under your ear, whispering "Use your words baby."
"Oh my god." You whimpered. The screaming in your brain reaching a fever pitch; you wanted him to fuck you, right now, you didn't care if you got caught. "Eddie, do it, fuck me, fuck me right here." You say frantically, his movements stilling in shock. 
"You sure sweetheart? I-I can wait, we don't have to do anything you don't wanna-" He cut off, watching as though in a trance, you turned yourself around, pushing your ass out toward him, in the dim streetlight your pussy glistened with wetness all swollen and pretty.
  "Ho-ly fuck." He breathed out in awe, fishing hurriedly for a condom in his jacket pocket. You were breathing hard against the passenger window, watching Eddie's reflection, staring, cheeks flushed with excitement and lust as he yanked his jeans and boxers down enough to free his length, panting as he rolled the condom on. Coming up behind you, he crowded you against the van once again, his body covering your back, feeling his cock line up with your entrance; shivering at the slow press and delicious stinging sensation as he worked his way in.
"Christ you're so fucking tight baby." He hissed, balls flush to your ass as he bottomed out, one hand coming up to play with your tits, the other bracing against the van as he started to thrust.
"Eddie…fuck." You choked out, rubbing at your sopping clit, you were already so close, bouncing your hips back against him as he thrust harder.
"Oh my fucking god, you're perfect, so fucking tight and perfect. I can feel you dripping on my balls." He groaned, grabbing your hair, turning your head to capture your lips in a frantic kiss, you keened into his mouth. He was pulling your top up, freeing your breasts, pinching at your puckered nipples, his other arm wrapping tight  around your middle, holding you steady, pounding deeper.
  It was lewd, it was indecent, it was sinful and you had never felt so alive.
  "Eds, Eddie, I'm - fuck I'm fucking close, please." You begged, pleading, hovering over the edge, heat swimming deep in your belly.
"Oh shit, yes, such a good girl." You could hear he was close, the words passing through gritted teeth. "Taking this cock so well. You wanna cum baby?"
"Yes." You whined desperately, the coil within you tightening. "Please, I wanna cum so bad, fuck me harder." 
You didn't know where the words were coming from, had never felt this pent up, never craved sex this way before.
Eddie's balls were slapping against you in a faster rhythm, the sound penetrating the otherwise still night air.
"Fucking hell baby, yes take it, so fucking good - shit - that's it fucking cum for me sweetheart. Cum-on-my-cock-you-little-fucking-slut." He punctuated each word with brutal thrusts and at the word slut you felt the dam break, wave after wave of throbbing pleasure seized your body, head thrown back in a wordless cry, spasming around his dick.
"Shit,shit,shit,fuck,fuck." Eddie was chanting in a low whine, hips stilling against you, even with the condom on you could feel the pulse of him cumming.
  You both stayed perfectly still for a moment, your shared heavy breathing the only sound now.
"That was… holy fuck that was…" Eddie muttered leaning heavily against your shoulder, you clung onto the side mirror for support, legs feeling like jelly.
"Uh huh." You agreed breathlessly, you felt his hand on your back rubbing soothingly, unable to stop yourself from hissing as he pulled out, gently righting your panties for you and pressing a fleeting kiss to the back of your neck.
It was a remarkably sweet gesture, particularly in stark contrast to your position moments before, you tugged your top down, and skirt back up leaning against the van with a heavy exhale. Eddie had tucked himself away, and was now busy tying the condom off, stepping into the road to drop it unceremoniously down a gap in a drain cover, your face scrunched in distaste at the action.
"Giving the swimmers a new lease of life." He said winking impishly.
"I'm sure the sewer rats will be ever so pleased." You deadpanned.
  You were unsure what the plan was now, should you go your separate ways, you back to the party, him to - well wherever Eddie spent Saturday nights?
Returning to the party felt like a hellish idea, not just because you probably looked like you had just had sex, which you had, but you'd also have to face Steve and Nancy and whilst you now seemingly had the option of sex on tap, emotionally your heart still very much belonged to Harrington. Also you had the beginnings of a headache no doubt from the toxic punch.
"Uh- sweetheart you in there?" Eddie asked you, waving his hand in front of you, evidently you had zoned out.
"I was talking about milkshakes." 
'Milkshakes?" You repeatedly blankly.
"Yeah, ya know, you take the milk, you take the shake you take them both and then you have the facts of life." He said moving past you, opening the passenger door.
You just stared vacantly.
"Oh my god I fucked the intelligence out of you." He giggled, ducking to one side as you tried to punch him in the arm, catching your hand he pulled you to him.
"Sweetheart I would very much like it if you would accompany me to a diner where we can have milkshakes and discuss the intimate details of our little arrangement." He clarified, gesturing for you to get into the van.
"Details?" You ask cluelessly, clambering into the seat, maybe he had fucked you dumb.
"Details." Eddie cooed, tapping you on the nose and strapping you in like a child, before handing you his drug box and slamming the door.
You were unsure whether to be amused or concerned at how he skipped to his own driver's side, lighting a cigarette. 
"Eddie, what exactly are we doing?" You ask, completely exasperated. He revved the engine, jamming the play button on the car radio, head banging along to Ace of Spades - Motorhead for a few moments.
"EDDIE!" You yell over the music impatiently.
"You and I are making a pact princess" Flashing you a huge grin before peeling down the street.
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Notes for another Cleo stream, this one from April Fools. (Cleo has been uploading VODs again \o/ so it will probably be available on Youtube soon! Still available on Twitch here.) Featuring Real Life talk and permit office shenanigans with Grian, Scar, Etho, and Pearl.
Cleo reads out a message congratulating them on the Real Life win only a minute into the stream [making life hard for the mods, who pin a message not to talk about spoilers, as usual ^^]
Cleo´s opinion on if their win is canon: “Why wouldn´t it be real? Why wouldn´t it be?” The test, going by TV series rules: if the special gets mentioned in a later episode it´s canon.
They discovered the allays having coffee at the kitty café that False put there :D
Apparently the group was initially concerned if people would be mad, but they were still making content. The “April Fools” part was just that it was a one-off.
In-game chat: Grian announces the permit office is open. Special opening hours for April 1st! Pearl and Cleo are immediately suspicious and say it sounds like a trap. Joel says that Grian is actually nice to day (but on midnight he turns back into a nightmare.) Cleo is not at all convinced.
About Real Life: ~"the first thing everybody did was wave to each other, and dance, and give hugs, and I think that says a lot"
Pearl apparently had a 0/10 experience at the permit office. The permit office is closed again. nobody is surprised.
After the recording, Scar mentioned that he was told he should get a lap belt too… Scar is not Scar-safe. Cleo is frequently concerned/worried about Scar, which is only appropriate. "I´m not worried he´s gonna hurt himself, I´m worried he´s gonna, just, tear down the fabric of society.” "He´s a special little sausage, and also needs poking with sticks on a regular basis. Like big sticks – not little sticks, massive, massive sticks."
ooh apparently three glass permits are up for grabs! Grian, Scar, Cleo, Etho, and Pearl have a discussion in front of the permit office. Very soon this involves talking about loopholes to the permit office rules, but Grian tells them to stop it, he will just make up more rules. Pearl says she might be an NPC, Cleo says AI is not that advanced. Scar has skins, hats, and plans for him and Skizz has permit enforcers, but no spoilers
They looked at the permit office and the backrooms, listened to some unsettling music, and then started talking about cooking (more specifically Scar started talking about his meat. That he cooked, as Etho was glad to hear him clarify.) Grian thinks Etho would eat grey sludge nutrition paste.
Etho´s daily sandwich: a foot-long baguette, provelone cheese, hungarian salami, lettuce, tomatoes, salt and pepper, balsamic vinegar-based dressing. With dill pickles on the side. Grian calls it the most gourmet sandwich. "The more I learn the more I both admire and get confused.” Etho doesn´t understand the big deal [tbh neither do I? It´s a sandwich.] Scar says it´s because of how mysterious Etho is. Etho considers dramatizing everything part of the job as a youtuber.
"being tortured by Grian is fun, right? Right?" - Cleo
What would be Cleo´s mission if someone had created her? Pearl: to burn things down? Cleo asked if she´s burned down things recently. Etho: "She´s a trap door flipper."
repeated discussions about if Pearl is an AI or not
"you don´t have to be an NPC if you don´t want to, you can break your programming" - killing Cleo, however, would not be unexpected. Pearl has already stabbed her in the heart repeatedly. Not in Real Life! They were together that series. [Is it just me or does Pearl´s “yeeah…” sound a little more hesitant ^^]
Bonus: Cleo contemplates stealing cOW
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years
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Time for some Leo centered asks!!!!! Everyone seems to have a lot of questions about our blue boy!
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@livsinpjs Daily life for Leo was pretty much zero fun allowed. Wake up at the crack of dawn and train, then studies, then missions or more specialized training with Saki, then sleep. His schedule while in the foot clan was pretty repetitive and boring, with missions being the only time he ever got to have any excitement. Shredder didn’t try to be a father to Leo, but he did warp himself into being Leo’s whole world. This leads to Leo trusting Shredder’s orders near implicitly and pushing himself to his limits to show that Saki wasn’t wrong in making Leo his second. The only time in which canon, smart-ass Leo leaks through is when he has to work missions with (🤐), cause Leo loves the fact that despite his young age, he’s technically higher ranked than (🤐). Despite the older mutant’s years working with Saki—he was still just a part-time member of the Foot until only recently, which Leo throws in his face whenever he can. Regardless, the two mutants are the Shredder’s most trusted and strong Commanders, so they work together well when they need to. There’s even been one or two times (🤐) has shown a very microscopic, teeneey tiny soft spot for Leo, but they’d both rather lose an arm than admit to that 😜.
Kitsune is another constant presence in Leo’s life. One he’s always despised for a reason he’s foggy on. He doesn’t really remember her role in his kidnapping, he’s just always hated her, but he keeps his hatred of her a secret, solely because she’s Master Shredder’s strongest source of mystic power and Saki holds her skills in very high regard. He’s pretty sure she knows anyway, it’s like the witch can see right into his soul—it sets his teeth on edge.
It doesn’t help that a few times a week Leo is required to report to her for what Shredder calls “meditation” sessions, and though he does leave them feeling more calm and centered than before, he konks out as soon as he gets back to his room from how much energy they seem to drain from him. At the same time though, it’s almost as if he’s…dependent on these sessions—if he goes too long without sitting through all her waving hands and chanting, he starts to feel antsy, and irritated, and his thoughts begin to fall out of the neat order they’re usually kept in.
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Leo is not great with new people. He’s used to viewing everyone as part of a hierarchy, and either ordering them around, or being ordered around, but when his older memories begin to come back to him, logically he knows that his family doesn’t work like that, it’s just so hard to not slot every person into the roles he’s familiar with.
Raph is the oldest, and the one who Splinter trusts to lead them, but Raph will sometimes request their input and clearly doesn’t take the same kind of pride in his own high rank that Leo used to. April is a total unknown to him, but Raph and Mikey treat her like she’s family (it’s like a knife in his back when he realizes that his brothers appear to trust her more than him but he ignoreignoreignores that feeling). He ignores her for the most part, but eventually sees her as a solid combatant in battle, then shockingly—an emotional confidant when he’s struggling, to eventually a friend, and finally a big sister who he can unwind with.
Splinter seems lost with the way Leo treats him. From the get go, Leo’s trying daily to shift through the lies that Shredder filled his head with, and works hard to treat Splinter with the respect that he’s owed as the head of the Hamato Clan. But Leo’s beyond confused that, this only seems to upset Splinter, which frustrates him to no end, because he’s trying to be as affable as possible, but he just can’t treat Splinter like Mikey, Raph, and April do. Leo can’t magically force those feelings to develop after spending so long hating him. Yes, there’s a part of his brain that knows Hamato Yoshi is his father, and had no say in Leo being taken, but there’s a bigger part that’s been conditioned for years by the Shredder—that’s screaming every time he sees the rat, that Splinter deserves a slow and painful death. But at least Leo’s self-aware enough that he won’t trust himself to be alone with Splinter until he can silence that voice for good. It might break his father’s heart to be kept at a distance and referred to as ‘Master Splinter’ in such a dead tone, but Leo knows it would hurt him worse to know what Leo’s struggling with.
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Leo is softest with Mikey because he’s so protective of him, but Leo can be kinda low on everyone’s list, except for where Donnie is concerned, mostly because of his sharp temper. Which Donnie could care less about, because the boy has zero self-preservation.
While Donnie deals with his haywire emotions with a kind of anxiously sad/manically happy mixtured response, and Mikey always tries a positive approach—Leo’s trouble is he can’t really control himself when he gets frustrated. Not without some kind of hard and fast explosion eventually getting out. He’ll go from feeling no emotion and calm, to growling and spitting in an instant. It’s usually only over things like Splinter trying his best to reach out and help him in his own awkwardly painful way, or any time Raph ‘babies’ Leo on accident, or if Donnie’s just invading his space too much. His flare ups are pretty unpredictable for months until he gets a handle on them, and so the others often feel it’s best to leave him to work through his anger in his own various ways. Whether that be storming off for a few hours or destroying a dummy in the dojo.
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I think Donnie would’ve been over the moon, but probably not really changed much in the way he approached Leo. He might not have gone so hard in getting Leo’s attention, but would’ve talked just as much and invaded his personal space the same amount!
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@uniqueness351217 Hmmmmm interesting….also 2007 TMNT my love. Like, maybe after Leo finally connects with his ninpo, but in order to truly embrace the connection and make it stronger, Splinter suggests he goes on a vision quest for a few months! I think Raph would step up again as full time leader, or maybe April would act as temporary co-leader until Leo returned. Mikey would be sad to see him go, but if Leo was okay with leaving, and promised he’d be back, I think Mikey would put on a brave face and try to keep busy to make the time go by faster (lol I’m not evil enough to make him into a party clown. Shame on those writers—poor 2007 Mikey. Even if it was hilarious. He didn’t deserve those nightmares) Donnie would probably lock himself in his lab for a week and be super dramatic about missing his twin, but he’d work on his tech and maybe refurbish stuff from the scrap yard to sell, for lack of anything better to do.
I imagine if Leo was sent on a mission is take place in between them finally taking down Shredder, so they’ve all earned a well deserved break, but Leo would return quickly when a few months in, the Kraang attack and derail everyone’s vacation.
(I’m still working out the exact details of how the Kraang would fit into this AU, just in case we ever make it up to the point of the movie. I know a lot of y’all have been asking, and I’m hoping we make it that far ;D)
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Draxum was furious, but also confused. From what he’d seen of Two, he’d been hoping that with a slow, delicate approach he could get him on his side, but then the child had just up and deserted the Shredder out of no-where? It made no sense from what he’d seen of the boy’s loyalties. Later when he sees him with his brothers though, he understands what’s happened. After all, he’d ordered Three to subtlety exploit their brotherly bond during his meetings with Shredder, but he’d put too much faith in that idea. It seems like Three wasn’t as good at convincing Two as Draxum had hoped. Just another failure on Three’s part to follow any one of his directions.
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If Leo had tried the hug back when he was still getting a handle on his temper he very likely would have, but for the most part and especially later on, Leo can reign it in, especially when Mikey and Donnie are concerned. Although he did step on Donnie’s foot pretty hard, both out of shock, and to get him to let go. Also he complained for the entire time it healed.
Leo looking in a pocket mirror he got just to be dramatic: All these years and never once have I managed to marr this beautiful mug! You better hope this doesn’t scar, Don!!
Donnie embarrassed beyond belief but so over apologizing: YOU SURPRISED ME! You gotta warn someone before you just throw yourself at them—!
The entire family turns to give Donnie the most looking, look to ever look.
Donnie: (´∀`;;;; ) Y-yeah. Point taken.
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Virtual Character Tourney - Battle for 9th! (and 10th!)
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers!)
Kasane propaganda:
Kasane Teto is a vocal synth, she started out as an april fools joke to parody VOCALOID, with her voice bank in UTAU. although she did start out as just a joke a lot of vocaloid fans grew to really love her and she became rather popular. Kasane Teto is to UTAU as Hatsune Miku is to VOCALOID. But recently on Kasane Teto's 15th anniversary, April 1st 2023, she got moved from UTAU to SynthV. With her voice bank now in SynthV she also got a new character deign alone with how her voice and her singing sounds much more clear and human like than her UTAU voice bank which sounded a lot more mechanical/robotic.
ART propaganda:
ART (Asshole Research Transport, nicknamed by Murderbot), formally known as the space ship The Perihelion (in italics but this is a Google Form), also known as Peri (nicknamed by it's human family) is a super illegal highly advanced AI that was created by a university. It grew up with two human dads and a human sister. It and its crew go on research trips that are cover for allying with people and communities at the edges (and beyond) of the capitalist hellscape that is the Corporate Rim. It also goes on espionage missions by itself, without its human crew and family, posing as an automated cargo ship. It was during one of these missions that it picked up Murderbot, a super-duper illegal bot-human security unit construct that had hacked the torture device implanted in all bot-human constructs so that it could disobey orders and walk away from its "owners" without dying. Murderbot uses its illegal freedom to watch television, a habit it passes on to ART. Turns out ART doesn't like shows where human crew members get hurt.
ART is the AI that controls/is the research and teaching vessel Perihelion. (Perihelion is usually what people call it, but the protagonist of the series calls it ART so that's the name I put. ART stands for Asshole Research Transport.) It is extremely intelligent and advanced and also extremely sarcastic and condescending. 100% earned the name ART. ART will do absolutely anything for its crew!! It was developed and "raised" alongside the captain's daughter, Iris, and they're like siblings. Its crew calls it Peri. They do corporate espionage on the side to help bring down said corporations. It has a "debris deflection system" which is definitely not a weapon because ART isn't legally allowed to have a weapon. Definitely just for debris, don't worry about it. It's friends with the aforementioned protagonist, Murderbot, and ART is very good at bullying it into actually leaving its comfort zone when it needs to. They care about each other a lot, and they like to binge watch TV shows together. I don't want to write too much but I just love it a lot.
Ene propaganda:
She's blue. Headphone actor and yuukei yesterday are also bangers
Epic gamer cybergirl. Miku adjacent
She's a girl that was forced to become digital but is still a good friend. She may not have a body anymore but she's still important to the plot.
Murder-Bot 2.0 propaganda:
Sapient computer virus made from bits of two other AI characters (the original Murderbot and a spaceship AI). Unlike its not-parents, it is genuinely just code and doesn't have a physical body. Its only physical presence is through its effects on the machinery it infects, and it considers its "body" to be the code rather than any combination of physical objects. Also it was literally made to cause problems on purpose, does so enthusiastically, gives several people including its creators existential crises, and saves one of its creators (and other people from the (literal) fallout of the other creator learning the first one got killed)
Murderbot 2.0 is sentient killware created by Murderbot and ART with the purpose of being sent on a suicide mission. It has some of Murderbot's memories, but not all because it doesn't have any hardware of it's own to store that much information in. It travels by hopping in between other computer systems (mostly bots and bot-human constructs). It named itself Murderbot 2.0. It freed a security construct named Three. It's nicer and more open than both its parents.
EDI propaganda:
EDI is the AI of the Normandy starting with Mass Effect 2. Through dialogue EDI can become more human-like in her way of thinking, developing different kinds of relationships with the crew. In Mass Effect 3 she uploads herself into a body so she can freely move around and can be taken to missions, but she is still part of the ship's system.
Holly propaganda:
Due to a pay dispute with Holly's original actor, Norman Lovett, Holly was instead played by Hattie Hayridge during seasons 3-5. This was explained briefly in the show as them having gone through a "computer sex change". This makes Holly canonically trans do not @ me.
holly is the silliest most specialest ai ever. she has an iq of 6,000 but sometimes it seems like his iq is more like 6. they're possibly transgender (do computers have gender??) (i am panicking over pronouns while writing this propaganda) - holly goes from appearing like a man to appearing like a woman with no real explanation(??) and nobody questions this (the show is from the 90s btw). he's hilarious and sometimes lies to the crew for no reason other than 'its a laugh, innit'. shes everything to me <3
Holly is the computer of Red Dwarf, a Tenth Generation AI hologrammatic computer who appears as a floating head on a screen. Can be downloaded onto various other devices. also literally transgender.. meets a female appearing parallel version of itself in a parallel universe and then goes through a sex change after falling in love with her. transgender computer ftw
Tama propaganda:
Tama is the eyeball of Kuruto Ryuki and investigates dream worlds with him. She's his bi emotional support eye who regularly ties him up to help him with stress relief and loves to affectionately tease him. She laughs at bad jokes and has AE10D1F ("Ryuki" in hexadecimal) in her likes on her profile.
OKAY anyway uhm she's like aiba in that she's a little Ai eyeball that helps you investigate except sadly no animal theme. instead she has a domintrix vibe instead!!!! she is so cool… also ermm she's a lot more. Human than aiba. Not literally/physically like uhh emotionally. I haven't finished aini but like she does look out for your best interest! what a good Ai partner i don't kno
She's voiced by Anairis Quiñones and she's an absolute legend
Lyla propaganda:
she is a humanoid ai programmed to help spider-man gather info. she can simulate human emotions and has a high intellect
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
I'm sorry if this is a silly question but I'm just curious. Do you know how much time Ciel and Sebastian spend in Weston? I haven't read the manga in a while but while watching the anime I just feel like everything is happening too fast??? Luke the whole are was done in 2 weeks max
Hi, anon, I am not someone who pays super close attention to the chronology of canon (as in, exactly what day/date things happen) partly bc I care more about the overall story and themes and the characters than minutiae like that. Not bc I think people who do are dumb but bc I’m more of an AU creator than canon so knowing the details like that to extreme doesn’t really benefit me much so it doesn’t interest me to spend the time doing it. (Though I know at least one person did come up with a timeline through a certain point in the manga years ago, which you may find if you do a google search.)
But what I can tell you is Ciel comes home from the Campania before Easter and arrives at Weston presumably after that holiday, so likely in March or April. (I could probably find out exactly when Easter happened in 1889 but I honestly could care less lol.) We also know from McMillian that he is joining mid-term. It’s actually a clever way for Yana to have the school “begin” in Spring (which is familiar/nostalgic for Japanese audiences, where school years begin in April, usually) while still reconciling with the Western tradition of beginning in the fall.
We also know the cricket tournament takes place on the 4th of June—probably a day Yana picked since it plays with the theme of four (four houses, four prefects) in the arc but also because the number has an association with death in Japanese.
This means that Ciel is not a student at Weston for very long at all—only 2-3 months at most—since the midnight tea party happens after the cricket completes and presumably marks the end (or close to it) of the school year/term.
Honestly, until the last episode I think the anime has been perfectly paced with the manga. They’ve really made only minor shifts and mostly expanded things, so they’re following Yana’s vision fairly closely.
The one major thing is that this episode shoves most of two chapters into one, when it really could have been done in two. But that would mean 12 episodes. and I suspect the team was worried if they didn’t get the cricket part over fast, they might risk losing/boring their core audience.
One huge change they did was take out the explanation of the game itself and its basic rules, which Bard explains in the manga. This was likely done for time/space reasons but also because they may have figured most viewers don’t care and they can communicate enough for people to understand and follow along even if they don’t understand the rules of the game itself.
This is partly perhaps because the cricket part of the arc was not well received in Japan and was one of the least popular chapters, supposedly. It’s why I was shocked they turned it into a musical a couple years ago.
I was a bit disappointed to lose all that not only bc we lost a nice scene with Bard and the servants (they cut a scene with them where they have lunch, though it’s possible that could make it into next episode, but I won’t hold my breath), but also bc I’m like the ONE person who genuinely enjoyed the cricket part of the arc, and it’s one reason this arc is my second favorite in many ways.
I LOVE seeing Ciel and Seb working together in devious ways to get their mission accomplished, and how far Ciel is willing to go to win. Ofc we can still appreciate it anyway, but the fact that he so carefully works within the limits of the rules— and in fact, I learned in commentary on the arc that some of the rules Ciel takes advantage of were actually changed not long after this period of time, which is a fun detail.
So it could be things feel like they’re moving fast because in a sense they are, but it also could be you’re sensing that urgency from how rushed this last episode was. But I suspect when all is said and done, and you watch the entire thing, it probably won’t feel as off. Book of Murder took place over only 3 days, and Seb and Ciel were not at the circus long at all. I can’t be sure but maybe only a week or two? And ofc the campania adventure was also only a few days. In fact, this may actually be the longest mission in the series to this point. So it seems like most missions don’t take too long.
Hope that answers your question! I’ve been looking through the chapters in this arc before every episode to get a sense for the pacing and they’ve generally fallen exactly where I expect. This episode being one exception since they really did condense a lot.
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ramzawrites · 2 years
Christmas Kiss - Donatello x Reader
Pairings: Donatello x Reader
Characters included: Donatello, Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo, April, Shelldon
Warnings: n/a
Series: A request!
Summary: Y/N is helping Donnie with the lights for christmas since the family was so nice to invite them over for the holidays. Unbenkownst to the two the rest of the family is using this to finally set the two up via mistletoe.
Request: Hello Ram! 💕
Can I request a long Christmas fluff oneshot with prompts: “Look up, there’s mistletoe!” from Mikey, “Um, D-donnie? You k-know what that means, r-right?” and [An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.] about Rottmnt Donnie getting caught under the mistletoe with shy!fem!human!reader together at his home? Hint#1: This mistletoe idea was Mikey, Leo, Raph, Splinter, April and Shelldon's matchmaking plan! 😂 Hint#2: Shelldon who holds a mistletoe because he is so very mischievous matchmaker robot, haha. 😂 I live for flustered Rottmnt Donnie! 💘 Please??
~🍓 (she)
Word count: 2780
Authors Note: I'm sorry this is so late but I've been busier than I thought I would be around this time but I still wanted to finish this request and post it. I know it's like a full month after the holiday season but I hope you will still enjoy this.
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Y/N did not have anything planned for this holiday season and she was loving it. Her parents were living a few states over and decided to finally travel around for the holiday season since for their last wedding anniversary the family got together to gift them a vacation. The rest of the family was either too far away or decided to do their own thing as well and seeing how all her roommates were off to visit their own families for their respective holidays, Y/N had the small apartment for herself.
She didn’t need to decorate, she didn’t need to plan out a dinner with her family. No, she was just planning on sitting in her room with some microwavable food and watching one of her favorite shows on her laptop. The most stressful part would just be the phone calls on Christmas day but those would go over fast.
Now when her friends, aka the four turtle mutants and April, heard about this they were absolutely aghast. Some more than others. Apparently, they couldn’t allow Y/N being alone on Christmas Eve and promptly invited her over for the day. They even roped her into coming over every now and again to help with decorating, baking cookies and the like.
And while Y/N tended to get stressed out when it comes to social interaction, she actually enjoyed the time with them.
Everyone seemed to have their own job. Mikey took care of the food for the holidays, Raph and April were the ones looking for a Christmas tree, Splinter went into the Hidden City to deal with any kind of shopping, Leo took care of most of the decoration while Donnie helped him when it came to the lights and even the music. Though the others kept looking over his music choices just to be sure.
Since out of all the people Y/N got along with Donnie the best, he immediately assigned her to lights duty alongside him. He also might have used this as an excuse to start teaching Y/N about simple electronics and the like. Y/N once said that she would love to be able to actually talk with him about his inventions but just didn’t have the knowledge. Now he sometimes took the chance to begin teaching her things.
And Y/N has really been trying her best to follow along which Donnie noticed and appreciated hence why she was allowed to go into his lab with his permission when he wasn’t in the lair. Usually this would only happen when the group needed some technical back up during missions.
This usually ended up with Y/N hurriedly working on Donnie’s computer while Donnie’s AI Shelldon told her what to do. This was also the reason why Y/N and Shelldon were pretty much besties at this point. So much so that Shelldon would sometimes ignore Donnie’s orders to do some fun things with Y/N when she was around. During his rebellious phase he even snuck over to Y/N’s apartment to complain to her about Donnie.
The phrase “Y/N would let me do this.” Was sometimes heard thrown through Donnie’s lab ever since then.
This coupled with the simple fact that the shy Y/N but was the most comfortable with Donnie and since he himself acted more like a father towards Shelldon, the others would joke that the two were divorced and Shelldon was their child. The bot loves playing into it so much so that he was moaning about not having two Christmases when the others invited Y/N over for the holidays.
Y/N laughed as she wrapped the last bit of the lights around the tree that Raph brought in together with April, Shelldon hovered around her head, obscuring her vision “Shell, please, I can’t see where I’m putting the lights down like that. Besides if you get so close some of the pine leaves or the cable might get tangled up in your rotor blades.”
He did indeed fly to the side but not before bumping his little head against Y/N’s cheek “Don’t worry, dude. I, like, totally know what I’m doing.”
“Oh, that is straight up a lie, Shelldon.” Donnie hissed. He was sitting on a beanbag and was currently hastily repairing a cable with electrical tape that Shelldon accidentally ripped by tangling it up in his blades.
“That is in the past, bruh. I know better now.” The bot only replied as he slowly flew over to Y/N’s now free arms. She immediately caught him knowing this behavior of him pretty well by now. Frankly he loved being a bit more rebellious when Y/N was around and hanging around her since he knew that Donnie wouldn’t be outright mad at her.
And Y/N very much knew she was being used as a human shield but didn’t mind it too much. She loved the little guy after all. She might be shy and isn’t one to immediately shoot back a sarcastic comment, but she is content with teasing Donnie a bit by helping Shelldon.
Donnie just sighed “You are lucky that you only destroyed the outer layer and not actually the wire inside and be glad that your rotor blades didn’t get destroyed as well, then again, I would have been more disappointed in myself if a simple flimsy cable would destroy them.”
While Donnie spoke Shelldon leaned more against Y/N, she wasn’t sure if he just did it for show or if he actually enjoyed the contact. She knew he is a sentient AI but how far all of this went she had no idea.
When the robot didn’t respond Donnie turned around to see him snuggled up in Y/N arms. She would have expected a snarky comment from him but instead he looked almost amused. Maybe the holiday season was getting even to very matter-of-factly mutant.
Y/N couldn’t help but blush as he just kept staring at her and Shelldon with a raised drawn-on eyebrow and a soft smile.
He seemed to catch on himself that he was staring, he cleared his throat and walked towards the nearest wall to hang the recently repaired cable with the lights up.
“Okay, lazy bones, these are the last of the lights.”
Y/N might be shy, but she was at this point good friends with Donnie which meant she couldn’t let the insult stand like this “Lazy bones? Shell and I put on all the lights on the tree. We were the ones working while you were sitting comfortably on the beanbag.”
He let out an annoyed, yet clearly sarcastic, huff “Scoff! Backtalk from you? Shelldon is a bad influence on you, Y/N.”
Of course, Shelldon had to immediately roll his eyes “Sure. Anyway, if all the lights are up, do you want me to get the others to take a look?”
Donnie nodded as he took another look at the cables, checking if everything was connected correctly “Yes, that would be very much appreciated. I’m sure they want to see how this all turned on as well.”
Y/N let go of the little drone so he could fly off and call the others to the living room where the three have been working. It didn’t take long for the rest of the family to come sauntering into the room and take a look around to see the, turned off, lights all around them.
Mikey was carrying a plate with some decorated cookies, he walked around and happily pressed one into everyone’s hands. Y/N had to giggle when she saw that the cookie that she was holding was decorated with her own face. The cookie had blushing cheeks to properly show off how she tended to be around everyone. Looking over at Donnie’s cookie she could see his had pulled down thick eyebrows while still sporting a big smile. It made him look like some kind of evil scientist and honestly that tracked.
“May someone turn off the lights!” Donnie pointed into the air theatrically before biting into his cookie. Y/N just shily begun nibbling on her cookie. It was a good cookie! It was! She just felt a bit on edge seeing how everyone filed in to see what Donnie, Shelldon and, of course, she herself worked on.
Speaking of Shelldon, he was nowhere to be seen. Weird, Y/N was sure he would have loved to see the lights. Then again he has been up for a while maybe he took the time since the job was done to recharge?
“Turning the lights off!” Raphael exclaimed happily and did just that. Y/N instinctively stepped a bit closer to Donnie even though she knew there would be light in a few seconds anyway.
There was a soft click as suddenly the room was bathed in a soft festive light. Multicolored lights shone bright and illuminated the room. There were a few oohs and aahs as the family spun around to take a look how all the lights wrapped around the room and filled the room with its lights.
The tree, albeit without any decoration besides the lights yet, looked especially nice. It was then that Y/N realized that she was beginning to get into the whole festive mood as well. Her eyes wide open as she took everything in. She was excited. Excited to hang out with her second family.
“Now that’s what I’m talking about! Good job you guys!” April complimented their work.
Mikey was practically bouncing “Oh! I’m so excited! This looks already great if we add more decoration this will look fantastic!”
“And I already have plenty of ideas!” Leo added proudly.
“Yeah, you three did an awesome job.” Raph smiled as he took another moment to stare at the tree he worked so hard with April to bring into the sewers.
Donnie softly laid his hand on Y/N’s shoulder, which spooked her for a second, and addressed his family “Of course we did! After all Y/N and I here have fantastic eyes for aesthetics!”
Leo couldn’t help himself as he let out a snort “Y/N, maybe. You? Eh.”
This earned him a hard stare from Donnie and surprisingly Leo backed down, maybe he felt more charitable due to the season “Alright, alright. You do know what you are doing… sometimes. Good job, Don. You too, Y/N, of course.”
Y/N could only nod to that, happy that the family didn’t hate the work she put into all of this. Almost if Donnie could read her mind or sense her worries he squeezed her shoulder once more before letting go. Almost as if to say “See? All good.” But maybe she was reading too much into this simple interaction.
Suddenly Mikey began to giggle for no apparent reason but when Leo, Raph and April also sported mischievous grins suddenly Y/N thought that she must be missing something vital. Or they were laughing because of her, for some reason. Did she have something on her face?
Donnie turned around but saw nothing, looking confused at his family “Okay, why are you all looking like that?”
Mikey pointed up towards the ceiling “Someone already started with the decorations. Look, a mistletoe.”
Both Donnie and Y/N followed Mikey’s finger and looked up. What they saw was Shelldon who had a mistletoe strapped to his body.
Donnie let out a surprised squawk and jumped to the left, pulling Y/N along but Shelldon just followed along.
It was quiet but Y/N could hear how Leo sputtered out a silent “Wow, rude.” Towards his twin’s action.
No one dared to say anything. Y/N just kept staring at her hands as she kneaded them nervously. Her face felt like it was on fire, and she did not want to look at Donnie. Or rather she wished Donnie wouldn’t see her while her face was probably a good few shade darker.
A mistletoe. A tradition she hadn’t even thought about. Was this planned? Surely someone must have put it on Shelldon to begin with but why would anyone do that? Oh god they were all just looking at them. Can she run away? It’s not like the thought of kissing Donnie is gross or anything, in fact maybe her mind had wandered to this here and there, but this was a lot right now.
Did they somehow find out she had a crush on the purple genius? Was she too obvious? Hey wouldn’t it be funny if right now Hypnoptamus decided to pull something stupid and activate the brothers villain alarm thing? Honestly, if that would happen right now Y/N would personally thank him.
Finally, Y/N dared to look towards her best friend. He stood stock still. His eyes also downcast towards his hands. He was blushing? Y/N could tell he tried his best to scowl but hanging around him for so long she could tell it was more to save his bad boy persona than anything.
The way he mirrored the pose Y/N was just in she had to think that he must be going through something similar in his mind, like she just had. But that would mean that he might actually-
He suddenly turned to look at her. The way he looked so unsure. So self-conscious. It didn’t fit him.
It’s rare she saw him like this. Usually only when the two hung out late into the night and the two began talking about their personal issues.
“So, uh, a mistle-mistletoe. It’s a, uh, you kn-know what th-that means?” In that moment Y/N could have kicked herself. Of course, he would know! She wanted to lighten up the mood but then said this for some reason. Stupid! Stupid, stupid, stupid!
When Donnie didn’t react. Not even a flinch, a bat of his eyes, Y/N wanted to apologize. Maybe just give his cheek a peck and the family would have to be satisfied with this. The peck alone would be agonizing for Y/N but if it would mean the two could get out of this awkward standstill, she was ready to sacrifice herself like that. Donnie really looked like he was about to pass out.
Just as she made her mind up to do just that, to apologize Donnie finally moved. In a blink of an eye, he surged forward and pressed his lips against hers.
It felt like Y/N’s heart exploded in her chest. Donnie held onto Y/N’s arms tentatively more to probably ground himself rather than to hold her in place. She was sure that if she wanted, she could get out of his hold easily. But she didn’t.
The kiss probably only lasted a few seconds but it felt ten times more than that. She could feel the tremble in Donnie’s hands on her arms, his eyes pressed close and eyebrows pulled together while Y/N couldn’t help but stare.
When he let go and moved a step back, he turned to his dumbstruck family, apparently they didn’t think this would happen even if they might have set this up, and in a very shaky voice he turned to Shelldon “I will have a word with you later, mister.”
Y/N couldn’t help but move her fingers up to ghost over her own lips where Donnie just was moments before. Did that just happen? This wasn’t some weird dream, right? It happened all so fast.
Donnie returned his attention to his family “Happy now? Shoo you all. You have things to do, no?”
Thank Mikey for having the emotional intelligence of the family, he was the one who indeed shooed everyone away even while April and Leo had their mouths wide open and tried to fight against him. Raph simply picked the two up though and they left the room. Shelldon left as well, probably thought that if he stayed Donnie would start reprimanding him then and there.
Donnie turned to Y/N who was still standing around as if she was in a daze “Are you- Um, I just, my brothers were and uh, I just wanted them to- I’m sorry.”
But Y/N shook her head “It’s…” she tried to look for a more eloquent word that might calm him down but couldn’t land on anything better besides “fine.”
Donnie looked incredulously at her “It… is?” He was still blushing and in that moment the word cute popped inside Y/N’s head.
She nodded “I’m happy.” She said while letting out a deep breath of air. As if trying to release any tension she had in her body. She couldn’t help to chuckle out of pure euphoria, her crush just kissed her “I’m happy.” She exclaimed more confidently.
Donnie was just as nervous, but the tension seemed to slowly leave his body as well and he released a hearty chuckle “I am too.”
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innocent-cat · 1 year
I like your headcanons. Can I be self-indulgent and ask for headcanons of married life with Soldier 76? (I'd like male!reader, but idk if the gender will even really come up much in this topic lol)
thanks<3 This is the last fic of the night. I've been trying to clear my asks lololol. The last one in there is vex vax and percy, so if thats not your's, i have politely rejected your idea. Sorry, i love you for asking anyway!!<3
Soldier 76 x Reader
Warnings - none
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"Husband76", Soldier 76 x Reader
oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my goshh
As a worker of overwatch, you were usually scheduled with him for missions when you two first met
When they realized you two worked well together, you were paired up VERY often
to the point where there was teasing towards the both of you
"You sure that's not your 'honey munchkin scurdel'?"
they would say anything to embarrass him its crazy
that implies that they totally knew he had heart eyes for you from the start
he didn't even tell them is the worst part
he just follows you around like a lost puppy
BUT enough of that
MARRIED life??
so so sweet.
yeah you guys are totally old working in an army
but the moments alone at home?
it makes an eternity seem like bliss
he really likes to hug you from behind and bury his face into the nook of your neck
so expect to feel his bristle beard a LOT
his voice is still totally dead, but the words that glide of that tongue? pure sugar.
"Are you okay, dear?"
"You always look amazing. Your beauty never left you from the day I first laid eyes on you."
"Did you need something?"
All of that was said with a smile on his face.
A pure, sappy, genuine smile
he literally smiles whenever he sees you
you are his SUN
you go out, he goes out
At headquarters, the teasing died down, but the sound of the younger overwatch members cooing at you got 10x louder
"Aww it's 76 and 77 again! How are you two?"
just smile and wave
You two are definitely called relationship goals constantly
"I wish my boyfriend treated me like that."
(^said after Jack literally does anything romantically standard to you)
They all have low standards
(Save them)
He'd buy you anything you looked at.
Saw something in a window you pointed out?
whatever holiday is closest, he buys it for your gift.
even if it's just april fools.
"April fools!"
"Jack this isn't what you get someone for April fools."
it followed with a laughing fit between the two of you and you thanked him for whatever you pointed out
(he does it just to see you smile)
Sleeping in the same bed will always be the right kind of warm
summer or winter he is holding you
very closely
what if someone steals you in his sleep man??
If it's too hot he turns on the AC just to hold you
hes lowkey crazy for it
old age is getting to him
maybe both of you
Expect many dates
no matter how old the two of you are, he wont ever stop being romantic to you
if you guys ever get into an argument??
He is immediately working it out with you
"Love, what's upsetting you?"
Apologizes for whatever it is
and get this
he LISTENS bro
one time he asked you if he could pick you up
and you said yes
and he legit carried you around everywhere bridal style for a week
hes crazy strong
romantically strong
he'd die for you before he could even think twice
which is why the two of you WILL be together until the end of the world
holds your hand CONSTANTLY.
its like the fucker is glued to you
he has really rough hands
you made him start using lotion though
not as rough anymore!!!
thank god
oh my gosh he loves u sm bro
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yandere-loveer · 1 year
✧ Yandere Mikey / Miguel Angel (The last Ronin) Concept ˚ ♡
English is not my first language, not at all. But I will make the effort. I will start accepting all kinds of requests, but obviously everything has limits.
TW : Obsession, murders, mention of kidnapping, forced relationship, sensitive topics.
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Oh honey. Don't even think he's going to be a fairy tale next to this mutant.
He is so tired and depressed from losing his loved ones, then being disturbed in his little conscience.
He still sees his brothers, talking to them and bothering him even for the slightest mistake or situation he has to act on. He didn't even feel like he was living in this miserable life for him.
I imagine you know him from before it was like this and he will pass the death of his family through the foot clan while now with April and Casey in hiding.
He is no longer the same teenager who was funny and optimistic, who loved pizza and his family while going out to fight crime with his brothers on the streets of New York.
Because of the loss and loneliness that he had to go through, he had to make it that way. Even when she saw you, she was speechless and began to make a face of deep sadness, relief to see that you and April were actually still alive.
This Mikey is a true yandere when he has all these traumas, he is overprotective and paranoid but unfortunately his brothers in his mind are not much help.
He had fallen in love with you when he was still a teenager but never had a chance to tell you. This time he is determined not to let you go again and to be able to express what he feels for you.
He always wants you to be with trusted people like April and Casey (only a little) but she prefers you to be by her side so she can keep her eyes on you and see that you are protected.
When you're not watching what's going on and you want to go alone somewhere in this prison called "New York" don't be surprised if you feel watched by someone the whole time you're out. Mikey will receive you when you just arrive at the entrance of where April and her daughter live.
Sometimes he usually has nightmares about his past and the fear he feels when imagining that you end up with the same fate as his brothers and his father. So when he wakes up a little nervous, he always goes to see if you are with him by his side.
If someone hurts you too much in the war you are all in, be prepared for Mikey to become more violent than before. He kill and without leaving a single evidence of the existence of who hurt you.
He feels that you are the only thing that motivates him to continue living and put aside his suicidal thoughts apart from feeling that destiny is incomplete. He teaches you and expresses if you have more confidence in him what happened when he was in the mountains after learning that Donnie and his father were dead but with honor.
He focuses on completing the mission to avenge his beloved family but he still can't help but notice you and give you his time. Then he will think that they should be together otherwise it would be too late like when he almost lost you as a teenager. So you're his official girlfriend without you realizing it.
If they weren't in the same place with other girls, he would have kidnapped you as a last resort if he sees that it's too dangerous and your life is at risk.
Don't be surprised if when you see him he's fighting or just talking to nothing, it's just his dear brothers talking about his crush or what he has to do now. Which makes Mikey very angry that they tell him what to do all the time.
You're not going to leave this poor mutant turtle who still can't forget everything he lost. Or Yes?
" I'm not going to let the bastard that is Oroku Hiroto or anyone else do anything to you, did you hear me? "
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marvelrarepairbingo · 5 months
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Hey gang! We've got another round-up of great fics to offer up below the cut. Marvel Rare Pair Bingo - possibly soon to be renamed, we'll get back to you on that one soon! - is still going strong with a great group of writers and artists, with mini-events and other goodies to share. We hope you're ready to dig into our catalogue of goodies because as usual, we're bringing you the best with some fun rare ships. Also, if you're interested, check out our FAQ and see if you'd like to sign-up for your own Round 3 bingo card. Check out our Discord family as well. We're fun, welcoming, chatty (usually - sometimes life holds us back), and hey, there are even games and mini-events that are exclusive to the Discord group. Don't miss out on the fun!
Title: In the land of gods and monsters Author: Wolfsheart (me) Card #: MRP-001 Square Filled: B2: That’ll never happen again Pairing: Bruce Banner/Thor, Hulk/Thor, Tony Stark/Loki Rating: Teen Warnings: Established Relationship, Established Loki/Tony Stark, Established Bruce Banner/Thor, Minor Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Jotunn | Frost Giant, Jotunn Loki (Marvel), Implied/Referenced Sex, Humor, Sexual Humor Summary: When three rogue Frost Giants show up in Central Park, turn it into a mini and temporary Jotunheim, Thor and Tony do their part in the fight by encouraging their boyfriends…by ogling and thirsty commentary. Word Count: 1289 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55313029
Title: I Feel What You Feel When Everyone’s Gone Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N4: Image prompt: Sam Wilson with the shield Pairing: Natasha Romanov/Sam Wilson Rating: Teen Warnings: On the Run, Mild Blood, Developing Relationship Summary: Sam’s having a chill night on the first cold one of Autumn when Camp Lehigh fell onto pieces over Steve and Natasha —literally. Word Count: 3260 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50991697 Title: What Is A Girl Like You Doing In A Place Like This?, Chapter 1 Author: endlesstwanted Card #: MRP-031 Square Filled: N2: Natasha Romanoff Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov Rating: Teen Warnings: Spies & Secret Agents, Mission Fic, Reunions Summary: While on a surveillance mission, Natasha runs into an old ally from a competition agency. Fearing that he could interfere with her case, she decides to pay him a visit before it’s too late. Little does she know how that is going to turn her plans side down. Word Count: 3019 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47567218/chapters/119883439
Title: Of Ice Cream and Park Benches Author: 42donotpanic Card #: MRP-038 Square Filled: I3: melted Ice cream Pairing: Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Panic attacks Summary: On a hot April afternoon, Matt and Foggy decide to take a break from studying and go for some ice cream in the nearby park. A bad day turns even worse when the park and the ice cream trigger flashbacks of something Matt would rather forget. Word Count: 2898 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51545782
Title: Out Kink The Kinkster Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G2: Shower Together Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: ABO, Blowjobs Summary: At first, it started as a way to relieve stress and boredom from days spent in a safehouse, fueled by hormones. Then it became something the pair craved from one another, try as they might to deny it. One thing fell into another and they agreed to become friends with benefits, figuring nothing could go wrong. Except it’s them and something always goes wrong. Word Count: 3769 Link:https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/728024464849256448/out-kink-the-kinkster?source=share Title: Fic Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: I2: Dom/Sub Pairing: Clint Barton/Bucky Barnes Rating: Explicit Warnings: Alpha/Beta/Omega, Alpha/Omega, Omega Clint Summary: Bucky loves it when Clint avoids taking his medicine, it means he can play with his Omega all he wants. Word Count: 1769 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/731913759359205376/clints-medicine?source=share Title: Play Stupid Games, Win A New Way To Keep Warm Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: N2: Huddling Under The Covers Pairing: Steve/Thor Rating: Explicit Warnings: Pissplay, Watersports Summary: After Odin gets under his skin and Steve tries to swim across a frozen river to retrieve their fishing boat, Thor has to find a new way to keep his fiance warm Word Count: 2024 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732028017798463488/play-stupid-games-win-a-new-way-to-keep-warm?source=share Title: Stress Relief In A Flowery Gown Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G3: Karma Sutra Pairing:  Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter Rating: Explicit Warnings: Trans Characters Summary: It felt like they were always dancing around one another, denying each other pleasure. What little conversation they have had, Peggy clings onto when her agent gets under her skin. She’d need it most of all when her agent got under her skin once again, denying her the chance to wear one of Rogers’ famous designs. She finally throws it all to the wind when he makes a comment, pulling Steve into her office to fuck these frustrations out and have an important conversation. Word Count: 3644 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732391483829846016/stress-relief-in-flowery-gown?source=share
Title: Don’t Go Searching For What Goes Bump In The Dark Author:  Jimothy Card #: MRP-041 Square Filled: G5: Forced To Hurt Partner Pairing: Clint/Bucky Rating: Mature Warnings: Hurt/Comfort Summary: They had worked for this peaceful life, after a lifetime of turmoil and pain. They deserved this peace that they’d carved out for themselves. Peace can only last for so long, as life liked to remind Clint that it surely was a bitch. His peaceful life with his mate, with the love of his life, his soulmate is crumbled into ruins when Bucky disappears one morning. Clint would do anything to get his mate back, even if that meant walking into the slimy tentacles of Hydra itself. Word Count: 2337 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/captainjimothycarter/732749869200130048/dont-go-searching-for-what-goes-bump-in-the-dark?source=share
Title: Here, At The End of All Things Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: O2: Nightmares Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: Physical - Touch-starved, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Resurrection, Suicidal Thoughts, Grief/Mourning, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Trauma, Uncanny X-Men (2018) Wolverine and Cyclops, Alternative Universe - Slight Canon Divergence Summary: The other X-Men have vanished, and a newly-resurrected Scott has called out their enemies to face him at the remains of the School, determined to take as many of them with him as he can. He didn't expect Logan to show up and help. He didn't expect to survive. And he certainly didn't expect Logan to stay and look after him afterwards. Word Count: 3248 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50118301
Title: Resolution Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I2: Soothing/Healing touch Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Logan is a Softie (X-Men), Sexual Content, telepathic trauma, Not Jean Grey Friendly Summary: After a bitter argument with his ex, Scott is rescued from his doubts by Logan. Word Count: 2474 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53440141
Title: Fifth Times the Charm Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I1: "Opportunity Knocks" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott is Scott, Logan is a Softie (X-Men) Summary: Scott Summers has been trying to ask Logan to the New Year party for a couple of weeks, but it keeps going wrong. When he finally gets the chance, can he overcome he fears to find out if Logan feels the same? Word Count: 2162 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53115751
Title: Long Nights Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: G4: Napping Together Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Mature Warnings: 5+1 Things, Missions, Only One Bed, Pool & Billiards, Grief/Mourning, Hurt Scott Summers, Scott Summers Deserves Happiness, Scott Summers Needs A Hug, Protective Logan (X-Men), Grumpy Logan (X-Men), Making Out, Intimacy Summary: Five long nights that Logan found difficult... and one long night he didn't. Word Count: 3791 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53116726
Title: New Beginnings Author:  Cerylid Card #: MRP-047 Square Filled: I3: "I love you" Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Gen Warnings: Krakoa Era (X-Men), Developing Relationship, Intimacy, Making Out, Resurrection Summary: Mother Mold has been destroyed, and the whole of the new mutant nation of Krakoa has been celebrating. Everything has changed, everything is new, and maybe it’s the chance for new beginnings. Word Count: 1475 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53556145
Title: It’s a Party! (It’s a Party! - Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O5: Alternative Reality/Universe Pairing: Logan Howlett & Morgan Stark, Darcy Lewis/Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Sam Wilson, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: blindfolds, mentioning of sabotage, teasing Summary: Logan brought the cake for Bucky’s birthday party and immediately got roped in the preparations by a young lady. Steve put a blindfold on Bucky, who complained. And Sam, he got accused of sabotage. Word Count: 862 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46204081/chapters/116320420 Title: Moonlight - Private Investigations - Chapter 1: Moonlight P.I.? Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O4: Noir Detective AU Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Natasha Romanoff, Frank Castle/Darcy Lewis, Frank Castle & Natasha Romanoff Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: suggestive themes, discussion of death, mentioning of violence, mentioning of brainwashing, mentioning of cheating Summary: To get her P.I. business running, Darcy did a favor for her neighbor. Natasha had a different idea to do so and introduced Frank Castle to her. Word Count: 2748 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47468947/chapters/119626003
Title: Hydra Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O3: Run in with a Hydra (not Hydra!) Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: doubt, mistakes, dark Summary: Our boys have a run-in with a hydra. Word Count: 0(Moodboard) Link: https://www.tumblr.com/muffinengineer86/733819216896180224/title-hydra?source=share
Title: Soaking Wet (Chapter 1) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2: Pick-up lines Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: porn, unprotected sex, squirting, wet sex Summary: Loki’s eyebrows pinched together. He had trouble processing what he just heard. How could a woman be too wet during sex? Word Count: 948 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48809404/chapters/123127993 Title: Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets - Chapter 6: Operation “What shark, Tony?” Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G1: Nightmare fuel Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, James “Bucky” Barnes & Darcy Lewis, James “Bucky” Barnes & Jack Rollins, James “Bucky” Barnes & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: attacked by creature, fatigue, jump scare, pranks Summary: “Dr. Lewis, if I may interrupt. Sir is very uncooperative. I think now is the perfect time to initiate the plan “What shark?". Sir refuses to stop his current project. He hasn’t slept for fifty-three hours.” Jarvis’ voice sounded out of the club room’s speakers as Darcy and club members discussed the newest edition of the “Hot Stitches” magazine. “Yes!” Peter jumped up, all eyes on him. “Peter!” Darcy looked at the youngest club member with a raised eyebrow. Word Count: 1022 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/125381350
Title: Steam Train (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 10) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N5: What the hell was that noise? Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, triple agent Brock, train driving, crack taken serious, fantasy, dreaming, sexual references, kinks mentioned Summary: Darcy never thought she would enjoy steam trains. Okay, she didn’t enjoy the trains, but her men were having fun learning how to operate one. Brock and Steve loved trains, and she had (with Tony’s help) found a place that gave you the steam train engineer experience. Her nerds not only dragged her with them, no they dressed accordingly. She had to admit they looked good in the train driver uniforms, dirty thoughts good. Word Count: 1153 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/124924105
Title: Margarita Monday on a Thursday Part 2 (Her Red Lips - Chapter 4) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N4: Survival Sex Pairing: Darcy Lewis & Yelena Belova, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: drinking, talking about big breasts, talking about stealing, mention of men’s opinion about big breasts, curse words Summary: Darcy spilled the beans to Yelena. The Russian now tried to summarize everything and make sense of it. Darcy wasn’t forthcoming with the missing details, but that wasn’t what had Yelena upset. No, it was the pitiful content of Darcy’s pantry. Word Count: 1830 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/123582538 Title: Crystal Ball and Truths (Simply Magic - The 24h Help Hotline) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: Free Space - Magic Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Loki Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, magic au, witch!Darcy, hotline operator Loki, crystal ball, language, slow burn Summary: “Ah, Darcy. How long has it been? Two hours? You must like my voice a lot.” Arrr. Gods. Was he reading her mind? That man was so entitled! She wished the Darth Vader Force choke move was real. “No, not really. As you should know by now, I’m an astrophysicist, and your manuals are shit. On top of it, I inherited a shop full of old magical objects with no manuals at all.” Word Count: 1141 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51385414/chapters/129850864
Title: Legendary Lost & Mythological Found Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N2: Creepy Housekeeper Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Daisy - Symbiont, Crete, Labyrinth, lost, talk about getting children, minotaur, a creature of legends, found, chocolate, cursing, verbal fighting Summary: Walking back the way he came, Daisy held his nose in the wind and sniffed. He found her trail, but it ended suddenly. The only thing he could make out was her glasses on the ground next to an old stone with a strange glyph, looking like a maze, carved into it. “Fuck.” “Ouch.” Darcy rubbed her butt, looking confused around the dark room. One minute she walked under the bright sun of Crete with Daisy, and the next, the ground beneath her feet opened and swallowed her up. Word Count: 1044 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49330948 Title: Operation “What shark, Brock?” (Stitches and Biscuits Club Snippets: Chapter 9) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: N1: Sphinx Riddles Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rolins, Frank Castle & Jeff the land shark, Peter Parker & Frank Castle, Darcy Lewis & Cameron Klein Rating: Teen Major Tags/Warnings: canon divergence, Jeff - the land shark, pranks, Jeff on a motorcycle Summary: Out of reflex, Brock waved back. He stopped himself and kept staring at the corner the motorcycle had rounded. “Did you see that?” “What?” “Frank Castle drove past us with Peter Parker and a shark on that bike.” Brock gestured towards the street corner. Word Count: 902 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45356182/chapters/130289551
Title: The Cherry Incident (Her Red Lips - Chapter 2) Author:  Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: B1: Scars Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Cameron Klein, Darcy Lewis/Brock Rumlow Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: cuckolding, insults, cheating, unhealthy pinning, shirtless man, triple Agent Brock Rumlow, Brock is kind of an asshole, but not to women Summary: Brock spotted Darcy as she set up a picnic for her boyfriend. Jack only was sarcastic but Brock took it quite literally. And now he was shirtless interrupting Darcy's and Cameron's date. Word Count: 1632 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47653312/chapters/120530506
Title: Waiting for a Reply (Matchmaker Femdom Edition - The Dating App: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, Yelena Belova & Darcy Lewis, Steve Rogers & Thor Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Avengers Tower AU, language, D/S dynamics, gentle femdom, submissive!Steve, domme!Darcy, dating app, it’s all Nat’s fault, kink negotiations, self-doubt, Yelena is a good friend, Thor is a good bro, alcohol, mentioning of other drug use Summary: Two days went by without a reply to her message. It was not only eating on Darcy but also Steve felt bad for not opening the app. Thor and Yelena helped their friends to overcome their self-doubt. Word Count: 942 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53898709/chapters/136884361
Title: Reassurance (Holiday Hangover: Chapter 14) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: G2 - Hugs and Kisses Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers/Brock Rumlow Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, polyamory, twins, fertility god, blessing, royal traditions, pre-wedding jitters, anticipatory grief, Fandal is flirting with Brock’s mom Summary: Darcy leaned into his back as best as her baby bump would allow. “Planning our or your escape?” "Neither." Brock took her hands in his, squeezing them tenderly. "Why? Do you need rescuing?" “No.” She lay her head between his shoulder blades. “Just a little nervous. I know we discussed it, but ...” Word Count: 838 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44305264/chapters/138631783
Title: Coddling The Injured (Dating Trouble: The Flying Wand: Chapter 2) Author:  MuffinEngineer86 aka. Muffin Card #: MRP-058 Square Filled: O2 - Taking Care of Someone Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis/Steve Rogers, James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, No Power AU, language, farmhand!Steve, farmhand! Bucky, handjob, Hitachi Wand, bleeding, sex dream, wound, Sam must never find out, sexy nurse uniform, Nurse!Steve, Nurse!Darcy, Patient!Bucky Summary: “You know I threw the wand!” Darcy asked from the doorway, smirking while playing with a lollipop. Steve’s breath hitched, and Bucky’s mouth fell open with a breathless “Wow!” Her boyfriends' reaction was priceless. Smirking, she popped the lollipop back into her mouth. Her boys did react to her new outfit exactly as she expected. Word Count: 710 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53701648/chapters/137013619
Title: The Flashback Blanket Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: B3: Loki Pairing: Loki/Tony Stark (I'm using this as my one popular-ship exception) Rating: Gen Warnings: N/A Summary: Loki was pressed against a wall, green flickering sickeningly around his hands, eyes tinged red. Thor threw himself towards him as Steve grabbed for the shield. “Wait, hang on! Back off!” Tony, armorless, darted in between them, hand held out warningly not to Loki but to Thor and Steve, gesturing them back. “Give him some room, for fuck’s sake - “ he said as he all but shoved them away from Loki. “Stand away, Anthony, he will harm you.” Word Count: 1936 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51245299
Title: Pier Fishing Author:  MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2: Prompt was "break up," but I replaced it with the adoptable "pier fishing" Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: Gen Warnings: Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: Pier Fishing Author: MycroftRH Card #: MRP-062 Square Filled: N2, by way of an adoptable Pairing: Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Bruce Banner/Hulk Rating: G Warnings: None Summary: Bruce & Hulk & Steven & Marc & Jake deal with a sea monster, and also possibly some feelings. Word Count: 2,071 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54305425
Title: “Insider” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: N5: “Discovering someone’s secret identity”. Pairing: (Not) Brock Rumlow X Jemma Simmons (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Skrull, betrayal, heartbroken. Summary: Jemma discovers a horrible secret. Word Count: 538 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731245857969733632/insider
Title: “Urban building” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G1: “Scary urban legend” Pairing: Brock Rumlow & Jack Rollins (Friendship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Urban legends come true, enchanted building. Summary: Urban legends aren’t real, are they? Word Count: 530 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731336443201486848/urban-building
Title: “Now is real” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G2: Pretend couple becomes real Pairing: Clarice Fong X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) Rating: Teen Warnings: Love, fluff, undercover mission Summary: Clarice and John finally admit their feelings. Word Count: 502 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731517641592815616/now-is-real
Title: “Not an alliance” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G3: “Shapeshifters” Pairing: Raven Darkholme & Erik Lensherr (Work). Rating: Teen Warnings: Shapeshifters, argue. Summary: Can mutants have an alliance with shapeshifters? Word Count: 511 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731698834616516608/not-an-alliance
Title: “I can’t believe it” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G4: “Dealing with a betrayal” Pairing: Marcos Díaz X Lorna Dane (Eclaris) (Love) Rating: Teen Warnings: Betrayal Summary: Can Marcos forgive Lorna and protect their child? Word Count: 540 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731880026978631680/i-cant-believe-it
Title: Melted gift Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: G5: “Melted ice cream”. Pairing: Anna Marie D’Ancanto X Robert Drake (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Melted ice cream. Summary: Bobby cook something special for Rogue Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/731972515557261312/melted-gift
Title: “Escaping” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O1: “Survival instinct” Pairing: Clarice Fong/Ferguson X John Proudstar (Thunderblink) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Escaping, Sentinels, Purifiers. Summary: Clarice and John need to use their abilities to escape from danger. Word Count: 521 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732151821570818048/escaping
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: “Spooky photographs” Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs. Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Not normal photos” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O2: Spooky photographs Pairing: Ana/Satana Helstrom & Chris Yen (Friendship) Rating: Teen Warnings: Scary encounter, horror, spooky photographs Summary: Ana and Chris appraised some stuff in an old house. Word Count: 564 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732332935133495296/not-normal-photos
Title: “Glitter” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O3: Sequins/Glitter Pairing: Nico Minoru X Karolina Dean (Deanoru) (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Glitter, fluff, femslash. Summary: Karolina loves glitter, Nico doesn’t. Word Count: 507 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732514225252139008/glitter
Title: “Undead” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O4: Necromancer Pairing: Nico Minoru & Alex Wilder (Friendhship). Rating: Teen Warnings: Necromancer, spirits, talking to the dead. Summary: A necromancer can’t be a problem for Nico, right? Word Count: 542 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732608594725470208/undead
Title: “Garden” Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: O5: Surprise Pairing: Karolina Dean X Julie Power (Love). Rating: Teen Warnings: Secret garden, secret gift, femslash. Summary: Julie wanna surprise Karolina. Word Count: 100 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/732876877742637057/garden
Title: Cost Author:  Annie/nekoannie-chan Card #: MRP-066 Square Filled: B1 “Short term gains at a long term cost.” Pairing: Steve Rogers & Clarice Fong (Friends). Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Mention of betrayal. Summary: Steve asked Clarice for help. Word Count: 556 Link: https://nekoannie-chan.tumblr.com/post/745469836561350656/cost https://www.wattpad.com/1429251324-marvel-rare-pairing-round-3-cost https://archiveofourown.org/works/54406006
Title: Cross the Sky for your love Author:  SomeSortofItalianRoast Card #: MRP- 067 Square Filled: O5: Running out of Time Pairing: Tony Stark/Thor Rating: Teen Warnings: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, First Kiss, Injury Summary: Tony had spent years learning how to live as Tony Stark and as Iron Man. He'd never thought he'd be racing across the sky against time itself as he tried to save his Soulmate. Word Count: 2170 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51394282
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 1: Two Drink Limit (Limits Were Made To Be Tested) Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: B2: image of Tony & Rhodey Pairing: Tony & Rhodey, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rating: Teen Warnings: first meeting, flirting Summary: Rhodey lays down the law, Tony scoffs at the very idea, Carol is considering hijinks, and Maria is up for the challenge. Word Count: 1752 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732862242223210496/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 2: Darts and Tequila and Pairing Up Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N5: best friends forever Pairing: MIT Bros, Carol & Maria, Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: flirting, drunken shenanigans, kissing Summary: Rhodey braces himself to make his move, Tony makes his, and last call comes as a surprise to everyone. Word Count: 2093 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/732941439022006272/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Wingmen and Airmen, Flirting and Flying - Chapter 3: I'll See Your Hangover, and Raise You Another Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: N4: found family Pairing: Rhodey/Carol, Tony/Maria Rambeau, MIT Bros, Carol & Maria Rating: Teen Major tags/warnings: hangovers, slightly secret identities revealed, embarrassment, plans for a second date Summary: The boys are having just as miserable a morning as could be expected after their night out, but when they finally do show up at the demonstration, a couple of familiar faces are there to greet them. Word Count: 2068 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733050469850710016/new-session-archive-of?source=share&ref=rebelmeg
Title: Heart Eyes Over Coffee Author:  rebelmeg Card #: MRP-084 Square Filled: O2: Unexpected Love Pairing: Bucky/Sarah Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: coffeeshop AU, work dad bucky and his teenage kids, flirting, fluff and humor Summary: Papa Bear Bucky (wow, does he hate that nickname) falls in love at first sight, while his work kids ogle and make helpful commentary. "Helpful" being extremely subjective... Word Count: 2324 Link: https://www.tumblr.com/rebelmeg/733488970613374976/new-session-archive-of?source=share
Title: a bruise of a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: G3: Stuck together - literally Pairing: Loki/Stephen Strange Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence Summary: Loki and Stephen become stuck together when a spell backfires. It has mixed results. Word Count: 2690 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51557656
Title: warm like a hug, sweet like a kiss Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: B5: Coffee Shop (+ O5 Bakery AU) Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/Stephen Strange Rating: Gen Major Tags/Warnings: N/A Summary: Down Mainstreet, Westview, NJ, Wanda Maximoff and Stephen Strange meet from across the road. Word Count: 4390 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51554248
Title: What Doesn’t Kill Us Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: Square I1 Mission ends bloody but successful and the adoptable prompt Bruises and cuts. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes & Thunderbolts team, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker/Sam Wilson, Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop, James "Bucky" Barnes & Yelena Belova Rating: Mature Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Drama & Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, they're all messed up your honor, Team Dynamics, Mother Hen Bucky Barnes(love that that's a tag), 5+1 Things, Divorced John Walker Summary: It very much starts and ends with John which is kind of an issue because Sam gets so fucking smug about it. “You do know that you’re less their team leader and more their nanny, right?”
Or, five times Bucky looks after his team and one time he lets someone else take care of him. Word Count: 9091 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54242446?view_adult=true
Title: A Shadow Among Shadows Author:  Xenomorphic Card #: MRP-086 Square Filled: I4 Ghostly Chill Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes/John Walker, background John Walker/Olivia Walker, background James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson - Relationship, implied John Walker/Sam Wilson Rating: Explicit Major Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Season 1, Smut, Light Hurt/Comfort, Open Relationships, Knife Playdom/sub dynamics, light roleplay, Fighting As Foreplay, John: this better not awaken anything in me, also John: actually on second thought, No cheating Summary: He really wishes he was normal sometimes, normaler. At least Bucky’s in a similar wavelength of messed up, take some lose some and all that bullshit. Or, they have an arrangement. Word Count: 5093 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54254146
Title:  As if We had Plenty of Time Author: stormxpadme Card #: NSFW Bingo Card #2 - complete Square Filled: Caught in the rain | Your clothes are soaked. Take them off. | Fireplace | Sharing body heat | Friends to lovers Pairing: Scott/Logan/OC Rating: Explicit Warnings: none Summary: It's been almost three decades since jealousy issues in the X-Men's team almost led to tragedy. With the relationships between Jean and Logan and Scott and his wife unshakeable by now and everyone having grown and matured a lot, the two couples recently discovered a new and exciting solution for the occasional sexual tension still playing between all four of them. A night of comfort after a funeral in Germany finally offers a chance at least for three of them to embark on this journey of exploration together. Word Count: 11127 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55134730
Title: My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold, chapter 3 Author: stormxpadme Square Filled: MRP Spring Break Adoptables (prompt: 13 - Picnic) Pairing: Scott/Logan Rating: Explicit Warnings/Tags: none for this chapter Summary: Logan helps Scott recover from physically and mentally being brought back to life. Word Count: 5899 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51254512/chapters/138639148
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my-name-is-bunnyfoxy · 2 months
Back on ur Tumblr after awhile.
Just wanted to ask if u saw the newest (I think) Tales of the TMNT series trailer.
I thought it looked great.
Very curious to see the boys separated.
Also nice to see more April.
And more April and Leo stuff; I love her, and they are so fun and funny and together.
It is so funny to me that Leo basically looks so worried and/or like he is is going through it in some way in ever trailer and/or teaser basically.
Nice to see some more of him being more confident, silly, dramatic, and cocky though in the new teaser. Because those can be so him too.
It was also very cool to see more Donnie in the new teaser, he wasn't in the last one much, and he got some cool/nice stuff in the newest one. My dude is really worried about his brothers.
Also, we got Bishop too! I love her voice.
Anyways, done rambling about the new trailer. I was sad it TOTTMNT didn't come out in April, but if it coming out in August means the people behind the series can take it easier and try to give a better series, I can wait. August isn't too far off anyways.
Last of all, just like a picture of urs with TMNT 2012 Rise and Leo redesigns, and thought they looked great! Esp. TMNT 2012's ones, but Rise Leo's looked great too
(and I still love Leo having red eyes. I hope people start giving TMNT MM Leo red eyes, because 1. I think they are cool and I now really like Leo w/ red eyes, 2. I just think they would suit TMNT Leo's dinosaur-looking person, and 3. I thought I saw a screenshot of the movie, like a close-up, of some ending scenes when Leo wasn't wearing his mask and was going to school and wearing normal clothes, that looked his eyes were (kind of) red)
Also, loving u drawing TMNT 2012 Leo in his cocky/confident-looking, iconic pose of leaning on his sword(s). LIke, people would think that would be something Rise Leo would do (and he would), but TMNT 2012 Leo defin. would and has too.
Ok, done with this very long Ask. I just hadnt been on ur Tumblr for a bit, so I had even more to say than usual. Lmao.
God this has been sitting in my inbox for a long time now. First and foremost, welcome back! I was genuinely wondering if you are still alive or nah lol-
Okay now onto everything else-
The Tales of the TMNT trailer
Honestly, I have a lot of hope the show will be pretty cool!
I loved the scenes where it implies that the turtles will have their own solo missions. This could possibly be all in one episode where they are all alone but I don't know. I'm also excited to see how much their personalities are expanded on.
From what I've seen we also got the purple dragons revealed! I like Hun and Angel so far. Especially Angel, I think she is the leader of the Purple Dragons now within this iteration. I really hope they bring back old classic characters. Personally I have always thought that Mutant mayhem would take more inspo from tmnt 1987 which I really hope that is the case and they bring back fan favorite characters.
I was honestly shocked to see Bishop as a woman. But honestly, she looks badass. I'm kind of laughing my ass of at her being a grumpy old ass grandma who has beef with literal teenagers. I do wanna see what her deal is though. Maybe she is working for Cynthia?
Speaking of- I wonder where she is? I really hope she isn't just thrown to the side or something. It seemed like they were building towards something with her character. Also, just from her last name Utrom, it's clear they might introduce the Kraang or even just the Utroms. Maybe both as well-
I genuinely hope Shredder comes in. I wanna see him really bad. Like I said I hope they bring the classic characters back.
April looks really stunning and I already love her. I really wanna see her relationship with not just Leo but also the other turtles as well.
I will be honest I genuinely thought the show was gonna be 3D animated. I was a little upset but, I immediately fell in love with the art style simply because it reminds me of a comic sort of art style.
Overall, high hopes for this show!
Now about the drawings
Thank you so much! <3
I feel like they are slightly outdated now, but I genuinely loved drawing them! And yes I adore Leo with red eyes. He just looks so cool with it.
Also 2012 Leo's pose was based off of the official renders I found.
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Same with rise Leo as well!
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Again- so happy you like my designs! <3
I haven't that active with TMNT as of late, but I promise I'm still here, I didn't leave. I'm just obsessed currently with toy monsters that come to life that try to kill you and that from a game I literally tried to boycott back in 2021 lmao
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jazzymarie1006 · 2 years
I've noticed quite a few similarities between Susan Murphy & Dr. Cockroach from "Monsters vs. Aliens" and Donatello Hamato & April O'Neil from "Rise of The TMNT"
Note: I am fully aware that these pairings are platonic. I just adore them anyway.
1. They almost always paired up together.
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Seriously, the likelihood of these two being paired up in their respective shows was always so high, despite how short the shows were.
2. *stares in absolute awe*
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These are the same looks!
3. Besties with the best bonds!
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Despite how different they are, their respective friendships are incredibly close.
4. Down for the Science Shenanigans!
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Susan and April are quite supportive of Dr. C and Donnie's science shenanigans.
Except if they go WAY too far with it.
5. Sick of the Science Shenanigans!
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Despite trying to tone down on the science for their respective besties, Dr. C and Donnie just can't help themselves.
Which absolutely leads to Susan and April becoming quite angry with them.
6. Saving him from some incredibly wild situations.
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Susan and April often end up saving Dr. C and Donnie from some pretty crazy stuff.
Usually their own inventions or an incredibly powerful enemy.
7. Being there to help her out.
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Although not as common as her coming in to save him, Dr. C and Donnie will try their best to protect Susan and April, as well as help them up when they're down.
Although they're not the best when it comes to physical aid, Dr. C and Donnie always come through for their girls with SCIENCE!
8. The things he'll do for her.
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Dr. C and Donnie will basically do pretty anything for Susan and April.
Dr. C spend over a month trying to help Susan shrink back down before their first mission.
Donnie came through with the "Donnie Blocker" on April's phone that ended up saving her from being hypnotized.
9. Admires how strong and powerful she is.
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It's absolutely no secret that both Dr. C and Donnie admire how strong and powerful Susan and April are.
It especially love it when she's so confident in herself and her abilities.
10. Emotional and physical support.
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They absolutely come through with the support when they're respective besties need it.
Love them both so very much!!
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lucigoo · 5 months
Weekly Roundup: 21st April - 28th April
Did we all have a good week? Mine was much better, so hopefully yours was too. You alll deserve the best of weeks ever <3
I only worte 10,844 words this week, but with that I have 3 fics written and posted. and one has the biggest treat possible. Check out this art by @hobbityalse for the TSF fest and give them all the love they (And Thorin, Bilob, FIli, Kili and Frodo deserve)
So, on to recs:
Makes the Whole World Blind - Chrononautical - The Hobbit (Bagignshield, I love when they are feral for one another)
Summary: Bilbo Baggins has been kidnapped. Thorin Oakenshield considers a proportional response.
Nori Needs a Burglar - SunnyRose - The Hobbit @sunnyrosewritesstuff (Bagginshield, this is so clever and Bilbo getting caught in shennanigans accidently is *chef'f kiss*)
Summary: In charge of distracting Bilbo from their party plans, Nori tells the hobbit about a problem they've been having in the treasury. Of course, Bilbo being Bilbo, he managed to stumble upon a conspiracy against the Crown.
Unbreakable - Fantasyinallforms - The Hobbit @fantasyinallforms (Bagginshield, ngl, im not usually fond of the sex pollen trope as a personal prefrence, but this one is done so well and its all about the feels, its wonderfuly written)
Summary: Bilbo and Thorin are captured coming back from a diplomatic mission to the elf king's halls. Their captures have no intention of killing the great Thorin Oakenshield outright; instead, they seek to break him and attempt to use Bilbo to do it.
Bruises on the Heart - thehufflepuffhobbit - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, oblivious idiots, i'm looking at you Thorin, is always such a delicious plotline)
Summary: 5 times Thorin noticed his soulmate’s bruises and 1 time he gave them one.
With a tie not easy to break - MiraHerondale - The Hobbit (Bagginshied woth alternate first meeting, this amount of sweetness isnt good for my heart)
“Finally”, said the hobbit, frowning despite his rushing heart. “I was worried.”
The smial was deadly silent behind him, which was surprising, considering how loud the dwarfs had been moments prior. Yet he refused to turn around and check.
“Worried? I thought we were angry.”
Fic for Thauc with the prompts "Bilbo and Thorin met before the Quest, fell in love and got married (in secret or not). How does that affect the Quest?" and "Thorin and Bilbo having an awkward and terrible hookup in Bree several months before the quest and then meeting at the quest."
Clue-finder - TheGrayKnight - The Hobbit (Bagginshield, Bilob being accidently BAMF is brillaint)
Summary: Bilbo originally asked to meet with Balin to discuss what he could do to help restore Erebor. He had no idea Balin would turn it around and talk about dwarven courting customs.
Huh, it ended up being all Bagignshield this week. Not that thats a bad thign of course, hopefully at least one person finds something to read <3
Fili and Kili are the highlight of Thorin's life. Everyhting he does is so they and the other Ereborians can have a better life.
Now on to mine.
Everything I need is in this Armchair (Bagginshield, but Thorin-centric, I was honoured to be able to work with HobbityAlse and please check out their stunning artwork above)
Dis is confused. Thorin should be happy, he is back in Erebor, his heirs are well. He has everything he ever wanted, right?
His whole life is shaken when they are stolen by slaver.
Sincerely, the Broken Hearted (Past Bagginshield, mind the tags, sad, MCD)
So why is Dis' brother sad? As a younger sister it is her job to find out and help him if she can.
Back to the start, but this time together (Wolfstar, prompt #250 of @flashfictionfridayofficial, feel free to search the other writers works, its always amazing to see what direction and fandom people go in with the same prompt imo)
Summary: The occupents of Grimmauld Place are rushing to catch the Hogwarts Express. Its time to take a new trip on the train that hearlded so many changes in all their lives. This time they are going to catch it together.
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