#The game of which egg would bonk phil on the head was fun
Yay! Yipee!
Codebreakers again :) couldnt have seen that coming. "Etoiles sparring with someone else and Phil is very obsessed with and distracted by etoiles" <3
- barbietoiles
Here you go! It takes a bit to get there, but then Philza is trying very hard not to be distracted!
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Etoiles is sparring with Roier. Philza knows this is an absolute fact, can hear every blade clash and every goading comment - from both parties. He is supposed to be helping the eggs practice axe crits, and he is doing that!
It's just even the eggs can tell he is distracted.
He has already turned his class around, put his back to the match, but its just over his shoulder...
"Alright, Pepito, you're doing great! Let's stop hitting Pomme now, though! We'll swap around partners in a second."
Both little ones burst into giggles, so they were probably just playing.
Either way he starts rearranging the class, shuffling who is with who. He tries to keep either the smaller kids together or with the more sensible older kids, but it is not always possible. It is also not a full class - Leo has something to work on - but still busy.
Pepito swaps to work with Em, Chayanne with Sunny, Tallulah with Pomme, Ramón with Dapper (they'll probably be fine, right?)... and then Richas with Philza himself.
"Alright kids, same again," he tells them.
And the kids are always willing to beat each other with axes, even if their technique is a little off.
Philza checks over them, turns to Ramón, catches Etoiles and Roier from the corner of his eye...
At some point since they last looked, shirts were abandoned. Code crackles along one of Etoiles' arms, and the other...
Philza thinks very hard about not lookingnat the other arm, only for Etoiles to swing and - and it is only normal for a warrior to be so impressed by the muscles of another warrior's back, right?
There is the dull thud of someone hitting him over the head with a training axe.
"Okay, Richas, I get it. Great aim, but I get it."
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