#The most important takeaway for every B2C sales strategy is
globalfintechseries · 3 months
4 Strategies to Unify Sales and Marketing for Sustained Growth
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Sales professionals today are up against rising customer acquisition costs and a highly competitive environment, making prospecting increasingly difficult. Improving the alignment between sales and marketing is one crucial strategy to overcome these obstacles. Yet, sales and marketing teams often work in silos or only communicate on an ad hoc basis, resulting in higher costs, longer sales cycles, and lower conversion rates that stifle a business’s growth potential.
More than ever, sales and marketing teams need these four key strategies to unify their work and establish robust communication channels, routines, and joint planning sessions for enhanced collaboration. By synchronizing strategies from brand awareness to lead gen to closing deals and retaining customers, both teams can meet their objectives and work towards shared success and business growth together.
1. Align On Shared Goals and KPIs
A pivotal step in sales and marketing alignment is collaborating on shared goals, including KPIs that are crucial for both teams. This includes setting joint targets for customer acquisition, revenue, lead generation, and retention metrics. It’s important to work together on establishing criteria for marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and sales qualified leads (SQLs), metrics that are likely independently on each team’s radar. This helps ensure both teams can take joint responsibility and credit for the sales process and outcomes.
Lead quality will improve when marketing performance is tied to sales conversions. Similarly, your sales team can leverage takeaways from marketing campaigns to better resonate with its leads and understand their decision-making process, which can help improve the lead nurture process. Tasks may be divided along departmental lines, but working toward shared KPIs and reporting outcomes to the C-suite reinforces joint accountability over the sales cycle and results.
2. Collaborate On Buyer Personas
As a sales leader, you and your team know better than anyone that understanding your buyers is paramount. And that work never ends, as there is plenty of data to capture, analyze, and work from at each level of the sales funnel. This is where marketing and sales alignment can really shine. Whether your business is B2B or B2C, both teams should understand the total addressable market (TAM) or marketable universe and work together on co-creating detailed buyer personas. Working together on buyer personas benefits marketing, too, as they need accurate, detailed information to get their campaign targeting and messaging right—and there’s little room for error as lead acquisition costs continue to rise.
To create these profiles, your sales team should work closely with marketing to combine intelligence and distill the prospects’ firmographics, demographics, pain points, decision-making habits, preferred content, online behavior and more at every stage in the buyer journey.
Both teams bring something different to the table here. Sales colleagues will contribute valuable qualitative data from direct customer feedback and on-the-ground insights, while marketing will have quantitative data from social, website and content engagements and primary targeted research campaigns or secondary research. This joint effect will allow you to focus on the buyer segments most likely to convert and identify personalization strategies to attract and nurture the right leads effectively.
Read More: SalesTechStar Interview with Laura Zwahlen, Chief Revenue Officer at NextRoll
3. Champion Sales Enablement
Sales enablement is another area where marketing and sales can collaborate. Typically, sales enablement materials are created by the marketing team as a way to highlight a brand’s valuable owned content and media wins. Marketing teams will package these up as easy-to-personalize sample emails or social media posts with trackable links driving back to the website. The sales team can use the template as an engagement point for prospects or to help maintain existing customers.
If your marketing team already provides sales enablement materials, champion them and encourage your colleagues to use them. If not, talk to your marketing team about the potential. Emphasize how these tools can help achieve mutual goals by driving website traffic and boosting engagement with marketing materials while also enhancing the sales and nurture process.
4. Prioritize Ongoing Collaboration
The overarching lesson to be learned is that the work between sales and marketing should never stop. You should have continuous feedback loops to discuss progress from high-level goals to specific campaigns, leveraging the unique vantage point that both teams have in the sales funnel.
For example, when kicking off a content campaign, your sales team can advise on certain messaging that resonates well with that audience group to help guide the content creation. Then, once the campaign is live, you can share timely feedback on the quality of leads, how the nurture process is going, and any pain points that have been shared by the prospects. Marketing will be able to share insights into market trends, customer preferences and helpful data on audience engagement.
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vembroid · 2 years
4 Reasons Why Lead Generation Is Vital To Business Growth.
The way that people shop has drastically changed in recent years. Customers are no longer drawn by cheap advertisements. A few years ago, aggressive sales pitches and advertisements were fruitful. Nowadays quality content is becoming increasingly important for engaging customers.
Let us understand what drives people to convert.
What is Lead generation?
It is the first step in building your client base and converting them into customers.
For example, if someone goes to your website and fills out your contact form, they become a lead. This is called a qualified lead because they've expressed interest in buying something from you and have permitted you to contact them about it.
The key to making lead generation work for your business is to know what kind of leads you're looking for, how to best capture those leads, and how long it will take to generate enough traffic to make a real difference.
53% of marketers have spent 50% of their budget on lead generation
If half of all marketers are spending a lot of money on lead generation, there could be some reasons why. Here are some of the reasons:
1. It helps build brand awareness
Awareness = Trust = Leads = Action = Revenue.
Well, one of the vital things that help in building a brand is Awareness.
Businesses need to be known about by the public. If you are not known, then people will not know about your product or service. To build brand awareness, it is important to use lead-generation techniques like email marketing and social media marketing. 
These techniques help in building up a brand image which is essential for any business to grow in size and popularity. The more people know about a company like yours, the more they trust it, which increases its chances of getting their business done by you.
42% of companies believe email to be one of their most critical lead-generation channels and 66% of marketers create leads from social media after spending only six hours per week on social media marketing.
2. It helps in generating more sales
People who are aware of your products or services are more likely to purchase them because they want to try them out personally or as gifts for loved ones or friends who may also require such products at some point in their lives. Lead generation helps in generating leads for your business in the form of emails or phone calls from interested people who want to buy something from you or simply want to learn more about what you do and what benefits your services can offer them in their lives and businesses in general.
3. It helps you avoid wasting time and money on unqualified prospects. 
If you're trying to sell something, whether it's a service or an offering, and you're not sure who will buy it, lead generation can help you weed out the people who are not interested in what you have to offer, saving you time and money. This means that every time someone signs up for a free trial of your product or service, that person is one step closer to becoming a paying customer.
79% of marketers around the world prioritize generating more high-quality leads. 
4. Lead generation gives you more visibility into how your business is performing. 
By getting in touch with potential clients and asking them questions about their needs and interests, you'll be able to see where opportunities exist for growth within your industry (and maybe even beyond). You'll make sure that whatever services or offerings are being offered are truly valuable enough to justify spending time on them.
Takeaway: If you own a company, you should be generating leads. If you aren't generating leads, you are losing potential customers. One of the best things about marketing is that it is unpredictable, even experts can't predict where the next big break-out brand will emerge. Lead generation has long been a key component of a strong online business strategy, but it can be especially impactful if you're in a B2C business in today's increasingly digital world.
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Online Marketing for Yoga Equipment in China - Baidu Search or Tmall & WeChat?
🇨🇳 #ecommerce #socialmedia #search #SEO 
Maybe some of you remember that I asked in summer for some B2C topics, that you thought one might be better off focusing on Ecommerce platforms and Social Media in China than on organic & paid Search (= SEO & SEA)?
Well, I have been a little busy - so I couldn't follow up in time.
But I finally did look at some numbers. Spoiler Moonie Zhu - you were right: There is so much more to gain on E-commerce platforms and Social Media in (for this) B2C topic.
But there is also a little twist to this story - in the end.
Let me summarize the numbers for you:
I looked at around 3,300 keywords from the Yoga industry.
I gathered them using some different tools (including Searchmetrics of course - but some others as well) plus some input from my friends Jademond Digital.
For you to better understand them, I auto-translated them using Google Translate (you'll see that in one column in the screenshots).
For those Chinese keywords I got the Baidu Search Volume from Baidu Keyword Planner, the monthly searches of China's biggest ecommerce platform Taobao / Tmall and the monthly Wechat Index numbers to cover the most important Chinese Social Media app. I could have surely added some more values like those of other ecommerce platforms and further Social Media channels - but I think for this quick view, that should be enough.
In the first three screenshots you can see the top keywords by Search Volume (for Wechat the Monthly Index) in descending order for those three platforms.
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I color marked transactional keywords in green and informational keywords in blue (if the search intent is mixed, it would be green for transactional).
The most important takeaway for every B2C sales strategy is, that Wechat is the most impirtant channel, followed by Taobao / Tmall and then Baidu Search.
- Wechat: 120 Million
- Taobao/Tmall: 34 Million
- Baidu Search: 319 Thousand
So definitely any company wanting to sell Yoga equipment like Yoga Mats, Yoga Leggins, Yoga Balls, ... should get on WeChat for reach (and maybe open a Wechat store as well) and onto the ecommerce platforms for sales.
But does that mean, that Organic Search on traditional search platforms like Baidu Search should be neglected? 
Well, I looked at some further numbers:
I (auto)translated the same 3.3K keywords into English and into German.
I checked the Google Search Volumes for (English) for US, UK and Australia.
I checked the Google Search Volumes for (German) for Germany and Austria.
Given that apart from Social Media and Ecommerce (Amazon, Ebay,...) Google Search is still an important channel for B2C companies in the west, I figured it might be worth comparing the Chinese search numbers to those western search numbers.
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Without having confirmed with any Yoga supplies trader in the west, I do believe, that SEO / organic search traffic is one important traffic channel for many to sell their goods (if you work for such a company - please comment below, if I am right or totally off track).
Here are my findings (last screenshot):
in UK there are 47% more people searching for Yoga topics on Google than in China on Baidu
in US there are 617% more people searching for Yoga topics on Google than in China on Baidu
in Australia there are 20% less people searching for Yoga topics on Google than in China on Baidu
in Germany it is about the same amount of people searching for Yoga topics on Google like in China on Baidu
in Austria there are 87% less people searching for Yoga topics on Google than in China on Baidu
While most of these numbers show, that there is so much more demand on traditional search in the West compared to China, we can also see that in Germany the amount of people is even the same as in China. Sure, in China there are massivly more people living than in Germany, which makes the people searching on Baidu for Yoga just 0.03% of the population, while in Germany it is 0.4% of the population. But still there are traders selling Yoga equipment to people in Germany and earning quite some good money from that.
Now - my take on this:
YES, it definitely makes a lot of sense to focus on Social Media and Ecommere platforms first, when trying to sell Yoga equipment in China.
But leaving the sales potential of Germany untouched in China, because not paying attention to Baidu SEO and Baidu PPC, is something I would like to reconsider. Sure, the percentages of the revenue on Tmall might be much higher - but the money one can earn through an own ecommerce platform (or through redirecting visitors from the website to Tmall) in the same amount one could reach in Germany (and more than one could reach in Australia and Austria) would make this strategy worth for me trying as well.
Now many people might want to say, that much search volume for Baidu / Google search lies in informational search queries. While this might be true - to me as a full time SEO consultant, helping with SEO strategies for many Google-SEO and some Baidu-SEO clients, it is important to not only target those transactional keywords that lead to a sale right away. It is even more important to build a holistic search strategy for exposing the Brand to as many people as possible - to help a brand becoming an important brand in the heads of the people, to attract people to visiting the website, understanding the brands philosophy, learning new stuff, facts and tips and tricks from you as a brand, for them to remember who made them know more about their favourite topic. So hell yeah - it does make sense to produce a traditional Yoga guide with nice imagery, videos, ... (could all be reused for Social Media) do a Beer Yoga special (maybe not trendy and strange enough for becoming viral - but maybe Baby Yoga? StarWars Yoga? Space Yoga? Qigong Yoga combination? ...).
Looking forward to your take.
Cover Image Credit: Dall-E Mini
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devontroxell · 4 years
What Is Product Marketing and Why Is it Important For Success?
A guide to the key principles of product marketing, what it involves, and how it delivers for organizations.
In the past few years, a relatively new discipline has emerged, bringing together aspects of product strategy, sales, customer success, and marketing. Product marketing is being embraced by B2B, tech, and—increasingly—B2C organizations. In this article, we’ll explore what product marketing involves, why it has taken off, and the essential steps to build a strong product marketing strategy.
The rise of product marketing
Product marketing has gained prominence, especially in B2B tech and software-as-a-service (SaaS) companies, in response to a real and pressing need.
Brand marketing teams were doing a great job of focusing on overall positioning and brand strategy. Content marketing provided a strong ongoing pipeline for attracting prospects and nurturing leads. But as the market evolved, it became clear something was missing.
Companies were developing ever more sophisticated offerings and ramping up their product development. The need grew for a hybrid function that was focused on individual products, to give each one its best possible chance of success in an increasingly crowded market.
What is product marketing?
A simple enough question. However, the answer is a bit more complex than just ‘marketing a product’
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Product marketing actually starts with the customer. It is closely concerned with understanding the buyer and their journey, using this information to build a blueprint for positioning, targeting, launching, promoting, driving demand, encouraging adoption, and ensuring success of a product.
“Product marketing, when done correctly, is usually in charge of three things: Deciding a soon-to-be-released product’s positioning and messaging; launching the product and making sure users (in B2C) or customers and salespeople (in B2B) understand its value; driving demand and usage of the product.” Casey Winters, Chief Product Officer, Eventbrite
A useful way to think of product marketing is that it sits at the intersection of four functions:
Product development and strategy
Customer success
Now, let’s look at how product marketing is relevant to each of these.
Product development and strategy Product marketing helps to shape the product strategy by building an intimate knowledge of the target personas, their goals, needs, and challenges, and how they are using existing products.
Marketing Defining and researching the target market, and developing the most appropriate positioning and messaging, and building a go-to-market strategy are central to product marketing.
Sales Product marketing is closely aligned with sales, ensuring teams are fully equipped with the knowledge and sales enablement assets they need to sell the product effectively.
Customer success Product marketing goes beyond getting the product out there; it keeps a close eye on how customers are using it, gathering insights to optimise and improve continuously.
Why is product marketing important for success?
Launching new products successfully—and marketing existing ones—is more challenging than ever. In a crowded and competitive market, strong product marketing often means the difference between fading into the background, and creating an impact.
Paul Connor of We are Product Marketing, a collective sharing insights from within the product marketing professionals, maps out three vital roles played by the discipline:
Product marketing supports the Sales-Customer relationship
Customer research and development
Sales training on customers
Buyer personas
Go-to-market strategy
Positioning and messaging through marketing and sales collateral
Competitor research
Product marketing supports the Product-Customer relationship
Customer insight and user interviews
Validating product market fit
Gathering customer feedback on product
Positioning and messaging through website and product
Externally facing communications on product updates and changes
Competitor research
Product marketing supports the Product-Sales relationship
Sales training on product
Sales insights for product teams
Gathering sales feedback on product
Internally facing communications on product updates and changes
So as we can see, product marketing provides an essential bridge between aspects of product, sales, marketing, and customer experience.
However, it is far more than just a go-between. Product marketing is a highly effective approach that puts the buyer and the product firmly at the centre of the process. All efforts are configured around the successful launch, promotion, sale, and adoption of products, giving product marketing a pivotal role in delivering commercial success.
Essential steps for effective product marketing
So now that we’ve covered what product marketing is and why it’s important, how do you build an effective product marketing strategy?
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Hubspot identifies seven essential steps that an effective product marketing process should follow, after establishing the fundamental groundwork, which is a detailed understanding of the buyer persona:
Product research Bring product marketing together with the product development team to test and research the product both internally and externally.
Product story Develop strong positioning and messaging to tell the story of the product: who it helps, what problem it solves for them, why it is different from anything else on the market.
Product-focused content Create the content assets that will best communicate and promote the product, including marketing copy, web content, case studies, landing pages, emails and sales collateral.
Product launch plan Document the launch plan in detail, creating a roadmap of actions, roles, and responsibilities so that every step is clear and ready to be set in motion.
Product launch Focus efforts on making sure the ‘big reveal’ goes smoothly. Bring the team together to coordinate activities and troubleshoot any emerging issues.
Community engagement Engage with partners, influencers, existing customers, and online commentary to amplify ‘buzz’ and drive greater awareness around the product launch.
Sales enablement Make sure the sales team is fully briefed on all product messaging, positioning, and strategy, as well as equipping them with product-focused assets and collateral to support their efforts.
Conclusion: Product marketing answers the question
In today’s competitive environment, every company, whether B2B technology, SaaS, or B2C, faces the pressing question: How do we give each of our products the best possible chance of achieving sustained success?
Effective product marketing is the answer. It starts with developing a detailed understanding of the buyer personas, builds an insight-driven go-to-market strategy, launches the product, and then works to enable sales, encourage adoption, and drive ongoing customer success.
Key takeaways
Product marketing has emerged and grown as more crowding in the B2B technology and SaaS space made it harder for individual products to cut through the noise.
Product marketing is about understanding the buyer and their journey, and using this to build effective go-to-market strategy.
Product marketing lies at the intersection between product development, marketing, sales, and customer success.
Product marketing supports the Sales-Customer relationship, the Product-Customer relationship, and the Product-Sales relationship.
An effective product marketing process incorporates research, positioning and messaging, content production, launch planning, product launch, community engagement, and sales enablement.
What Is Product Marketing and Why Is it Important For Success? published first on https://wabusinessapi.tumblr.com/
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
How COVID-19 Could Shift Holiday Shopping Behaviors This Year [New Data]
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/how-covid-19-could-shift-holiday-shopping-behaviors-this-year-new-data/
How COVID-19 Could Shift Holiday Shopping Behaviors This Year [New Data]
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In 2020, B2C businesses all over the world pivoted their strategies as consumers dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Not only did the pandemic force people to live and work strictly from home, but it also put a financial burden on many households and businesses.
Now, as the holidays approach, both physical and online business owners are wondering if they’ll still get the same level of booming business they saw last year.
Because we (unfortunately) can’t predict the future, we decided to survey a sample of nearly 300 general consumers about their holiday shopping plans.
Specifically, we asked, “Compared to last year, how will COVID-19 impact your holiday shopping plans?”
As part of the Lucid survey, participants could check all the boxes related to how their holiday shopping would be impacted.
While you’ll see that some of the responses align with research-backed shopping predictions, the overall results of the survey might surprise you:
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While you might not be shocked that many respondents are planning more online shopping than last year, you might be surprised that nearly one-third of them still plan to go to physical stores.
Additionally, with 41% of respondents planning to spend less money or buy fewer gifts this year, you might wonder if budget-conscious consumers will still spend money on your products.
Remember, this is just one small poll of general consumers. Had we zoned in on a specific audience target or location, the results might have been very different.
However, these responses are still worth keeping in mind as you navigate the holiday season. It also hints at potential trends that could continue in 2021.
Below, I’ll walk you through the three biggest holiday shopping pivots consumers plan to make this year, as well as a few business takeaways for handling each shift.
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3 Pivots Holiday Shoppers are Making in 2020
1. Despite online growth, physical stores won’t be vacant.
As you might expect, the number one holiday shopping change, cited by 47% of survey respondents, was, “I plan to do more online shopping.”
This makes sense. In 2020, consumers who weren’t tech-savvy learned how to buy almost everything they needed online. Meanwhile, those who already made purchases regularly online embraced it more heavily. Additionally, with holiday shopping seasons known for closely packed quarters stores, some consumers might opt to stay at home this year to avoid the crowds.
However, it doesn’t seem like foot-traffic will cease completely.
To learn more about how abundant ecommerce would be this season, we asked, “Where do you plan to do your holiday shopping this year?”
As it turns out, lots of people still plan to shop in-person this season:
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While 33% of consumers plan to shop “mostly” or “completely” online, 34% plan to do an “even mix of both online and in-store shopping.”
On the other hand, 33% percent plan to shop “mostly” or “completely” in-store this year.
Although this survey is just one small piece of data, and these results might vary by location, the responses hint that physical stores might still get business despite increased online shopping.
Takeaways for Business Owners
Ultimately, online shopping is growing — and we see more online purchase revenue with each new holiday season.
Even if our survey results show that people still plan to shop at least partially in stores, you should consider building an online presence and — potentially — an ecommerce strategy.
When it comes to building an online presence, you could start with a business page on Facebook or Instagram, or a Google My Business listing to help internet users learn more about your brand and where you’re located.
If you’re ready and able to sell your products online, many digital tools, like HubSpot and Shopify, can help you create a simple, but effective online store.
For example, if you already promote your brand with a Facebook Business Page or Instagram Business profile, you could highlight and sell a few of your most popular products in a Facebook Shop. This will allow you to test the waters with ecommerce by selling a few select products online. Then, once you feel confident in your shipping and supply chain, you can launch a full ecommerce site with one of these tools.
2. Shoppers might not splurge — even on gifts.
Due to the uncertain financial times caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, shoppers were already tightening their budgets and protecting their assets. Now, with plans for in-person holiday gatherings uncertain for many folks, there are also fewer reasons to purchase gifts and other holiday items.
However, since holidays have been known to encourage people to splurge more than usual, you might think that this time of year could be an exception to current shopping trends.
When polling general consumers, 26% percent said, “I plan to spend less money.” while 15% said, “I plan to buy fewer gifts due to limited holiday gatherings.” In total, 41% of consumers indicated that they plan to spend less or buy fewer products this year.
The data above, although unsurprising, still reaffirms consumer predictions that might be concerning to business owners.
Takeaways for Businesses
By now, brands have already seen consumers tighten budgets and limit non-essential purchases. Not to mention, studies from McKinsey and other organizations predict that consumers will continue to spend more frugally through 2021.
But, even if you’re up to date on the current market research trends, you might not be sure how to grapple with these consumer behavior shifts.
Right now, buyers need extra motivation to buy expensive or non-essential products. While the holidays might give them a reason to splurge a bit more than they have throughout the year, consumers will still want to invest in products with the best value — whether they’re buying for themselves or their families.
Because people are looking for essential products they need or items that offer the best bang for their buck, focus your messaging on answering questions like:
“Why does the consumer need this product?”
“How does this product or service solve one of their problems?”
“Why is the product worth its price?”
Aside from adjusting your messaging, you can also adjust your content to help you answer the questions above. For example, you can post content that highlights sales, deals, and promo codes that people with more stringent budgets might use.
If you can’t offer a sale or deal, you could alternatively use testimonials, reviews, or user-generated content from your current customers in your marketing. When you share a happy customer’s review or testimonial, you allow prospects to hear stories of people who benefited from your products. This can build a sense of authenticity and brand trust that ultimately leads to purchases.
3. Shoppers will take social distancing seriously.
Above, we noted that our respondents still want to shop at least partially in stores this year. But, many of them might also want to avoid bustling crowds that have historically been seen during holiday shopping seasons.
Because of this, the third biggest holiday shopping change — which 33% of respondents cited — was, “I still plan to shop in stores but will be more cautious of social distancing.”
Takeaways for Businesses
While small business owners would love to see crowds line up to enter their stores during the holiday season, it’s clear that things will be very different this year. Not only will customers be mindful about social distancing, but other research shows that they might be more concerned about their health and safety when shopping than ever.
If you want to embrace in-person foot-traffic opportunities this holiday season, it’s important to know that people might be fearful of crowds or getting too close to others. Because of this, you should invest in PPE for your staff, while also considering protective barriers, one-way aisles, and other solutions to keep people far apart.
While this will not only make customers feel safer in your store, it could give you a competitive advantage over shops that take fewer precautions. After all, customers trust brands that care about them and their safety.
Navigating a Unique Holiday Season
While we can offer suggestions and basic data on how holiday shopping will change this year, it’s important to keep in mind that results could be different for every business — whether physical or online.
Although planning a holiday strategy in a pandemic can feel daunting or nearly impossible, keeping a few tips in mind could still help you get sales and intrigue consumers who are ready and able to shop.
Market your product’s value: Now — and in the near future — consumers will need to be persuaded that your product is valuable, better than a cheaper option, and worth investing in. If your messaging, reviews, or online content fail to convey those things, a budget-minded shopper might very well buy something from a competitor — or avoid buying any product in your industry at all.
Build an online presence: Even if you plan to rely on foot-traffic this year, you’ll still want to develop an online presence so people can learn about your store, where you’re located, and any deals you offer. If you’re ready to step into the world of ecommerce, many easy-to-use tools can help you launch a scalable online store.
Care about your customer: This year, customers are paying extra attention to how brands treat them. When a brand makes an effort to ensure a pleasant and safe experience, shoppers will remember and trust them more. Even if your business is mostly online, you can still show customers you care through helpful and responsive customer service, answering customer questions on social media, and offering deals or content that solve for your ideal customer.
To learn more about how COVID-19 has impacted the overall business landscape, check out our six-month retrospective fueled by data from thousands of HubSpot users.
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45 Best Brands on Social Media (Based on Niche) & What We Learned From Them
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Social media users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes per day multi networking across an average of 8 social networks and messaging apps.
Around 74% of people follow brands on social media, and 96% of those who follow brands also interact with them on social media.
But what the stats don't tell you is that not every social media user is interacting with all the brands online, only the ones they love, or the best brands on social media.
Not all brands are amazing online.
"The best brands on social media" this phrase is one of the most coveted titles that brands online consistently aim to prove.
So what makes a brand "the best" on social media?
Today, we'll break down 45 best brands on social media (based on niches) and what we learned from them so you can do it too!
45 Best Brands on Social Media (Based on Niche) & What We Learned From Them
You can go through our entire list or jump to the niche you're most interested in; however, there's a lot you can learn from each brand and niche for your business.
Best App Brands on Social Media
Best Art Brands on Social Media
Best B2B Brands on Social Media
Best Beauty & Makeup Brands on Social Media
Best eCommerce Brands on Social Media
Best Entrepreneurship Brands on Social Media
Best Fashion Brands on Social Media
Best Fitness Brands on Social Media
Best Food & Restaurants Brands on Social Media
Best Hotel Brands on Social Media
Best Real Estate Brands on Social Media
Best Travel Brands on Social Media
Best App Brands on Social Media
1. Slack
Slack is the collaboration hub that brings the right people, information, and tools together to get work done. One social media slack doesn't focus on how great they are (well, only 30% of the time).
Instead, they share helpful tips for remote teams and SME's including their own team. If you take a closer look, Slack is simply highlighting and placing their brand culture in their social media content.
Help an exec champion an AMA, or a manager own their own office hours. With this easy Workflow Builder template, anyone can reign over live Q&As. ? https://t.co/qkwcy8C3Dc pic.twitter.com/PsN8riAYgS
— Slack (@SlackHQ) September 17, 2020
So what does brand culture have to do with anything? Slack is about maintaining company culture online, whether your team is in the office or separated by different countries.
Simply because of this, Slack can connect with brands looking to accomplish this task. This is authenticity in action. Check out this guide on Culture Marketing 101: How to Turn Brand Culture into Content.
2. Hootsuite
Hootsuite is one of the best social media brands that dominate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube in the social media app realm.
Hootsuite makes this list because it prides its premium educational content for its social media users and customers alike. They mainly utilize video content and repurposing their best blog articles into videos, tweets, and posts.
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3. Tinder
Yup, Tinder made it on the list of one of the best social media brands in the app industry. There are very few brands that have thrived off of meme marketing and culture.
Meme marketing is one of the most powerful social media marketing strategies out there today. With social media continually rising, meme marketing has transformed hundreds of brands' social media market strategies.
me making another online purchase #SwipeNight pic.twitter.com/B93X9hy9KD
— Tinder (@Tinder) September 13, 2020
Since Tinder's demographic is purely millennial, they've made it their mission to master all that is meme. Tinder not only repurposes popular meme's but they also share meme's from their Tinder content creator partners and their online series #SwipeNight.
4. Duolingo
Duolingo is a language learning app that has an actively engaged community on social media. They regularly post fan art, updating users on new features, and congratulating them along with every milestone. Another key takeaway from Duolingo is its consistent use of seamless branding. It's hard to miss the green owl and brand colors.
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Marketing your brand doesn't have to be hard, whether it's on social media or online. Check out these Wishpond articles on how you can improve and boost your app's brand:
E-commerce Mobile App Marketing Hacks to Improve Customer Engagement
4 Mind-Blowing Ways to Promote Your App with Video Content
App Marketing Strategies Proven to Help You Acquire Customers
Best Art & Design Brands on Social Media
5. Art Basel
Art Basel is a well-known art magazine that highlights upcoming and famous artists in the art world. What makes Art Basel one of the best social media brands in art is that they translate their magazine writing style onto long-form captions and storytelling.
Long-form captions on specific social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram may seem impossible, especially when there's a word limit involved. What they lack for in-text they make up for in content.
As a blogger or magazine, it can be hard to put a massive story in just a few words instead of video, GIFs, or Instagram Stories to tell your tale in long-form.
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6. Juxtapoz Magazine
Juxtapoz Magazine joins our list of the best brands on social media with over one million Instagram followers and over thirty-three thousand subscribers on Youtube.
Juxtapoz Magazine has a niche audience. They provide graffiti, underground and experimental pieces from artists. Using it's Youtube channel to share their story and keep their audience engaged. Around 80% of people who said they watched a YouTube video related to a product and not to mention YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine and second most visited site after Google.
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7. The Futur
The Futur has a massive multi-platform influence in the art and design industry. Creatives make the best content, but what makes them so memorable is that they've mastered making education content exciting, engaging, and eye-catching with the help of branding. What sets them apart is their powerful branding in their content. It allows followers to identify and connect with their brand easily.
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8. Boooom
Boooom is an art community that thrives on its community. The Canadian based art brand showcases global arts & culture platforms fostering a community of tomorrow's talent. They not only share content from well-known brands but thrive on sharing, tagging, and engaging with artists. When it comes to social media and being the best, it's not always about sharing content but it's also about striking up a conversation that drives people to engage.
Beautiful yet haunting visuals in this experimental dance piece about contemporary isolation and our desire to reconnect by New York City-based director Charlie Mysak. Watch "Corners": https://t.co/Fv0cvkv3LS pic.twitter.com/yR5SHlyszp
— Booooooom (@Booooooom) September 25, 2020
For more on building a community around your brand, it's important to focus not only on the content but also on engagement and community. Here are some helpful social media guides on driving engagement for your social media brand:
Instagram Engagement Strategies to Beat the Algorithm
Increase Engagement: 7 Reasons Why You Need Facebook Contests
Social Media ROI - How to Achieve: User Engagement with your Brand
8 Sure-Fire Facebook Post Formulas That Drive Engagement
Best B2B Brands on Social Media
9. Salesforce
Salesforce is a well-known B2B software and app that helps companies manage, maintain, and grow sales. They win with social media by using branded content and video content. They share tips on how to master sales, solve problems, and, of course, how to get the most out of their software.
Often brands forget that social media is for being social, so hold off on the heavy self-promotion and start using your content to help and educate instead.
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Cisco is a B2B technology brand that provides connectivity for business. They use their social media to highlight their current customers and brands, making shifts in the tech industry.
They share the latest news, whether it's directly related to their brand or discovered by someone else in the field. This social media strategy helps you keep your content flowing without figuring it all out on your own.
When the current crisis hit, @honeywell shifted their efforts to produce much-needed #PPE. Learn how their network allowed them to deliver other critical supplies and services for their communities. https://t.co/9jzTh9P9oz
— Cisco (@Cisco) September 28, 2020
11. IBM
IBM doesn't share the same post across all of their social media accounts. They've properly identified what each platform is best used for and created a strategy to ensure that they get the most out of each one of them.
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12. Wishpond
What would a list of the best social media brands be without a little shameless plug on our own blog?
Wishpond provides content that helps business owners navigate through their DIY marketing strategy—using our social media platform to share "How to "guides, ebooks, and curated blog content.
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Creating content and managing a B2B brand on social media can be challenging. You have to learn how to balance being professional yet approachable, not to mention the content structure is a tad bit different from that of B2C brands on social media.
Here are some social media guides explicitly made to help B2B brands like your own:
B2B Social Media Marketing: 33 Strategies, Ideas, and Examples
16 Mind-Blowing B2B Video Marketing Tips to Increase Sales
25 B2B Lead Generation Ideas to Try in Your Marketing Funnels
Ready to increase sales with your social media marketing campaigns?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you to create high converting social media marketing campaigns today.
Best Beauty & Make-Up Brands on Social Media
13. Herbivore
Herbivore has an amazingly stunning social media account on Instagram. It's visually stimulating, and a great example of how using creative product images can allow your brand to stand out against posts' feed.
Here are eight types of social media marketing images all brands should use for your next post.
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14. Sephora
Sephora is a major beauty and makeup brand that caters to make up lovers and skincare lovers. They have a massive following across all their social media platforms. This brand makes this list because their social media was a hub where professional, aspiring MUA's and users can learn how to do the most complex or simple makeup tips.
Youtube isn't the only place that social media users are going to for tutorials, IGTV and Facebook are also a hub for DIY content and product information. Ensure that when you do post tutorials or videos that they fit the social media platforms requirements.
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15. Harry's
Harry's Instagram page is a sparkling example of answer comments on social media. Responding to social media comments can improve your social media presence. Whether the comments are good or not customers expect fast customer service on social media, but how fast?
Most likely, they expect a response in a shorter period than you would think. Around 42% of customers complaining in social media expect a 60-minute response time.
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16. Fenty Beauty
Fenty has gotten into the good graces of social media users with their stunning UGC and influencer content. Afterall 84% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is successful.
Influencer marketing works because people trust influencers. Around 65% of people discover a new brand or product through an influencer at least once a week (24% say they find one daily!)
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Best eCommerce Brands on Social Media
17. J Crew
J Crew has mastered Pinterest to push sales on their latest sales and collection launches. It's an active hub of pins, sales, and instant updates on everything J Crew
Pinterest has grown as a rising contender to Instagram when it comes to social selling. Pinterest is listening to the needs of their business users and continuously adding better functionality for you and your business marketing.
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18. Shien
Shein has grown it's social media with a healthy content mix. A content mix is using more than one type of content on your social media pages or website.
You want your content to strike the right balance between being informative and entertaining while also making sure it supports a larger company strategy. With the right content mix, you can accomplish just this and more.
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19. Forever21
Has always found its name on the list of the best brands on social media because it's consistent in providing content its followers love. It's also a great profile to watch seamless CTAs in your social media captions.
CTA is a call-to-action that you want customers to take once they engage with your content. This can be as simple as "Shop now" or "Click the link in the bio."
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20. MissGuided
Missguided shows brands how to use branded hashtags to track, increase, and show off their social media mentions. A branded hashtag aren't just for big brands, as long as you've got an Instagram account, you can create a branded hashtag with your business name, slogan or after a contest or marketing campaign.
Introducing: the new coat your wardrobe has been waiting for ⚡Hit the link to shop everything you need for the new season https://t.co/MiPqzsWAPr #missguided #ootd pic.twitter.com/eJmpWGmt9W
— Missguided (@Missguided) September 28, 2020
At Wishpond, we know how hard it is for eCommerce brands to master social media. It's not just posting product images but using it as a main pillar of your marketing strategy. So we created a few guides to help eCommerce owners with social media:
10 Amazing eCommerce Instagram Accounts and Examples We Learned From
Ecommerce Social Media Marketing: Building Trust and Engagement
5 Social Media Tactics E-commerce Stores Should Forget About
Best Entrepreneurship Brands on Social Media
21. Inc Magazine
Inc Magazine's social media page is an entrepreneur's go-to for the latest in business, tech, and industry developments. They're also one of the few Instagram pages that use long-form captions to share details and interviews. Usually, visual platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram aren't popular for long forms of captions.
However, over the years, Instagram seems to be slowly accepting this statement. Magazines have now made use of the 1000+ characters that Instagram provides. The key, ensure that your first line hooks your readers in, as such, the same rules of copywriting apply. Use them wisely, and you'll see engagement.
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22. Hustle and Deal Flow
Hustle and Deal Flow was created by Matt Gottesman is a podcast/blogging brand that's aim is to allow entrepreneurs and experts to share their tips and experiences.
On Instagram, IGTV is their main distributor of content, interview, and engagement. Instagram announced that IGTV videos' views have skyrocketed across the board, increasing by ~300-1000%, providing a strong indicator that IGTV isn't dead yet.
For more on IGTV, check out our guide on The complete guide to IGTV dimensions & best practices you need.
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23. Huffington Post
Huffington Post quickly pivoted online and took hold of social media faster than long-standing household names. It's a consistent pivot to be agile in social media has proven how important it is to always keep up to date with the latest news and social media trends.
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24. Foundr
Foundr is the go-to resource for helping today's entrepreneurs build tomorrow's leading businesses. They're popular across all social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
They use influencers and their community to share their stories and social media following, proving that you can showcase your products and services to an audience willing to buy and connect with you with the right influencers.
For more tips on how to market your brand as an entrepreneur, check out the articles below:
What Are The Best Tools for Entrepreneurs?
8 Best Business YouTube Channels to Sharpen Your Entrepreneur Skills
60 Essential Tools We've Used to Build a Successful Startup from Scratch
Best Fashion Brands on Social Media
25. Vogue Magazine
IG LiveVougue regularly uses Instagram Live to showcase projects, runaway shows, and photoshoots of the latest fashion trends and designers. Vogue's IG live allows followers to have a live and first-hand experience with fashion week activities making them the source for fresh and up to date content.
Instagram Live is an awesome avenue to explore if you have the fanbase to do it. It's a great way to interact with your followers on a more personal level. If you're interested in using IG Live, check out our guide on How to Run an Instagram Live Marketing Campaign: The Complete Walkthrough.
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26. Repeller
Formally known as Man Repeller, Repeller is an Instagram that highlights the odd and beautiful fashion. They curate content created by the rising talent and beloved brands. Their community of followers is die-hard advocates for the brand. All this from years of nurturing and building a brand community on social media.
Having countless followers might be something to aspire to, but it's all about the loyalty that you build with followers that matters the most. Repeller actively engages and invites its followers to be a part of its ongoing content and contributors, giving followers a sense of belonging and ownership in the brand. Remember, it's called social media for a reason.
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27. The Cut
The Cut makes out the list with its amazing use of fashion and pop culture memes. Earlier, we spoke about how meme marketing has become the norm, and now brands of all industries can benefit from its positive effects. After all, meme marketing is a low-cost way to create engaging content that professional marketers, creative pro's, and even entrepreneurs can stand by.
For professional storytellers—digital marketers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and creative pros—meme marketing can be an extremely low-cost way to create engaging content that attracts a following.
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28. BOF (Business of Fashion)
The Business of Fashion is another fashion magazine that has used social media to help boost their readership. They're active across all their social media platforms. They use long-form captions and video content to share their updates and stories.
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Best Fitness Brands on Social Media
29. Aria Crescendo
Aria is a yoga teacher, and mom and her content say it all. It's no surprise that most of her audience are mom's who love yoga and her brand sponsor is a yoga clothing line. Try to stick to your niche, whether it be yoga, kickboxing, weight training, or even martial arts. A niche is what followers use to decide if a fitness brand is perfect for them.
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30. GymShark
Social media isn't only for posting content but showing off and promoting your in-person events. GymShark has mastered fitness when it comes to social media. Often they'll host pop-up gyms with famous influencers in the area hosting challenges and showing workouts.
Sharing social media via events helps to build anticipation for your next event and allows your followers to see the recap if they missed it. You can either go live during the event or publish a video recap like GymShark did below:
31. Kayla Itsines
One of the biggest mistakes some fitness accounts make: posting more about being fit rather than showing followers how to get fit. Share your workout routines on social media for followers to try. People aren't just following because of your looks. They want to see the work that goes on behind your success.
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32. Taylor Hill
Fitness Influencer Taylor Hill goes live during her workouts to show her fans how it's done. She actively is in motion, whether it's going live, using a gif, or sharing stories on her page.
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Here's a quick tip: at the end of your Instagram live, save it to your story and add fitness hashtags, stickers so that Instagram users that follow these hashtags can discover your content.
If you're a fitness brand or influencer, below are some social media guides you should start using to increase your following today:
How to Start a Bomb Fitness Instagram Account (With Examples)
12 Bold Ways to Sell Online Fitness Training
14 Timeless Fitness Giveaway Ideas Your Customer Will Love
Need help launching your eCommerce store or products?
Book a free call to learn how our team can help you to generate more eCommerce sales.
Best Food & Restaurants Brands on Social Media
33. Ubereats
Ubereats shines when it comes to eye-catching food images and content made for hashtag holidays. "Hashtag holidays" have found a permanent place in your customers day to day and should be acknowledged. The biggest hurdle that social media and content marketers have is to churn out new content ideas for your brand.
Social media holidays break up that monotony and allow you to step outside the box with new content ideas to post on your social media platforms.
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34. Red Lobster
Red Lobster is known for its endless shrimp and biscuits, but it's also known for its mouth-watering pictures on social media. The attention to detail and food layouts make their content shareable and market their deals and menu.
Foodies follow restaurants on social media because of the great food content. It's also the images of your food that sets apart from other brands online. SO take time to invest in your brand's social media photography and content.
Tuesday’s NEW! Daily Deal is #TwoForTuesday: Get 2 delectable Lobster, Shrimp and Salmon feasts for only $49.99. So invite a friend and make a whole night of it... ? pic.twitter.com/fdqScUmqew
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) September 29, 2020
35. Dominos
Instagram is ideal for humanizing your restaurant brand. Food photos are great, but people really want to connect with your brand, so humanize your restaurant by sharing real-life photos and videos of the real-life people who work in your restaurant.
Dominos shows off its delicious pizza toppings, but they also show off the people who enjoy and endorse the brand well.
36. Buzzfeed Tasty
Buzzfeed Tasty is a mouth savoring YouTube channel that provides easy to make and fun DIY recipes. Tasty has over a million followers on Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. But before they branched out on other social media platforms, Youtube was their home base.
What you can learn from Tasty is, apart from cooking, that consistency is key when it comes to content and growing your social media content.
For more ways on how to use social media to grow your food brand or restaurant, check out our niched social media guides to help you do just that, and then some:
Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: 21 Tips
29 Restaurant Giveaway Ideas & Examples You Can Use Today
8 Steps to Master Instagram Restaurant Marketing Like a Pro
Best Hotel Brands on Social Media
37. Protea Hotel
When it comes to a hotel's social media, visuals speak louder than your captions. Protea Hotel captures its beautiful hotel with images giving followers a 360 outlook on what they can expect before they reach the hotel. They use their social media profile to share experiences and moments to attract new customers all year round.
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38. Castleknock Hotel
Castleknock Hotel is a rising brand on social media you should be following. With it's insta-worthy UGC content and persuasive captions, it's a hotel where you can learn a thing or two.
Castleknock proves that hotels need social media as an important asset to their marketing strategy as it grows a loyal following that's willing to share and engage with them regularly on social media.
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39. Loews Hotels
Loews Hotels marketing team created an Instagram Story series called Travel Tuesdays. Every Tuesday they share and save stories that feature fun destinations surrounding the hotel displayed like a virtual scrapbook. Viewers learn about popular tourist attractions along with local trivia and special offers from the brand.
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Marketing your hotel doesn't have to be hard, whether it's on social media or online. Check out these Wishpond articles on how you can improve and boost your hotel's brand presence:
14 Best Hotel Social Media Marketing Tips to Help Increase Bookings (with examples)
Hotel Trends in Marketing You Need To Know
Social Media Marketing for Hotels and Resorts: 10 Tips
Best Real Estate Brands on Social Media
40. Allison L. Chiaramonte
Allison is a popular real estate agent that uses Instagram to share listings and educate her buyers. By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. Don't get left behind; start recording some videos.
Not only is using video an essential part of any marketing plan, but social media posts with video have 48% more views than static images. The more views your listing has, the greater it's chance to catch a potential buyer's eye.
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41. Priscilla Izumi | Realtor
Priscilla Izumi is a popular Bay Area Influencer who is a real estate social media rockstar. She has an active and growing following of buyers and sellers who look to her for real estate wisdom.
New sellers and buyers are always hesitant to take the first step because they're afraid of following bad advice; that's where you come in, with your amazing real estate tips. Think of fun and educational real estate infographics that you can share on Instagram.
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42. Century 21
Century 21 has been around before social media existed. Over the years, the company has adapted and now has one of the best real estate brands on social media. They highlight their top agents and showcase their community of realtors on Instagram and their "Relentless Podcast".
As a rule, they recreate their podcast episodes into a series of published content on Instagram, either as gifs, quotes, video snippets, or engagement posts and IG stories. Doing this helps them to make the most out of their brand and content team.
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Book a free call to learn how you can get unparalleled support 24/7 with access to designers, ads specialists, content writers, and more for your brand.
For more using social media as a real estate brand or realtor, check out these real estate marketing guides and articles below:
20 Tips For Amazing Real Estate Instagram Posts
Social Media for Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips
How to Create a Modern Real Estate Sales Funnel
20 Tips For Amazing Real Estate Instagram Posts
Social Media for Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips
How to Create a Modern Real Estate Sales Funnel
Best Travel Brands on Social Media
43. Airbnb
Airbnb is known for its captivating images of user-generated content, in fact, almost all of Airbnb's social media content is UGC. The only time you'll see something fully branded from Airbnb is in its ad campaigns.
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44. Expedia
Expedia is another travel brand on social media you should add to your watch list as it's also mastered sharing UGC from travelers. They also work with wanderlust influencers by reposting their best adventures using Expedia as their booking and travel agent.
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45. Travel + Leisure
Each post speaks more about the customer, their mission, and the results of supporting the community that surrounds them. Scroll through each post, and Travel + Leisure services are never really mentioned—only the customers they serve. When a brand is more social rather than selling, people are more likely to buy from them as they've become a solution and brand that they've invested in overtime.
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The Ingredients for Good Social Media
These brands have mastered social media basics and have simply elevated and consistently recreated these basics over the years.
From each brand you could see that they had two or more of the following:
Creating content that their target followers would love (even if it excludes the brand)
Crafting eye-catching captions
Using branded and popular hashtags
Being consistent across all social media platforms
Creating content that fits the social media platform
Using influencers or user-generated content
Using the latest trends in social media, for example, IGTV and video content.
Which brand caught your eye on this list? What brands do you think should have been added? Comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
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altekmediagroup · 5 years
Nuts-and Bolts approach to digital marketing
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How to create winning digital marketing campaigns?- The Nuts-and Bolts approach (with real examples)
The tough competition in the digital sphere makes it an uphill task to market your brand online- especially if you are a start-up or a small business. Just creating your website isn’t enough. You also need to be active on social media. It is equally important to post engaging content on a regular basis. However, the most vital thing- to get a competitive edge- is to design well-focused digital marketing campaigns with clear objectives and takeaways. No matter, how big or small your brand is, you can enjoy tangible benefits by creating a smart digital marketing campaign using RoI (Return on Investment) method. But we are sure that our readers are already aware of the same. The real question is – “How to create winning digital marketing campaigns?” So, in this blog, we are going to share a nuts-and-bolts approach to design excellent digital marketing campaigns by some of the major brands that helped them achieve phenomenal success. To make it beneficial for you, we would also share the major takeaways and how could you localize the approach to meet your specific marketing/branding needs:
Coca Cola- Taking personalization to the next level
Coca Cola is the first name that springs in the mind when we think of cold drink and the major credit goes to the wise branding strategies adopted by the company- right from the famous all-red huge belly Santa Claus portrayed by Haddon Sundblom in its advertisement in 1931- to the most intriguing digital campaigns in this internet era.
Campaign Name: “Share a Coke” Campaign details:
In one such campaign – “Share a Coke”, the Coca Cola allowed the ubiquitous coke fans to stamp their own unique identity on their coke bottle! They could personalize their own bottle either on the company’s website or by visiting a vendor point and searching for the bottle that already carried their name. Of course, this strategy also turned a cold drink into a memorable, fully personalized gift to someone you really cared about! Now, this is simply phenomenal- to see your name printed and branded on the bottle of your favorite cold drink which also happens to be the cult drink with a colossal dedicated community across the world! As expected the campaign got a record-breaking success and numerous customers literally painted the net Coke by sharing their lively images with vivid expressions, proudly holding their personalized drinks!
What can you learn from “Share a Coke” campaign?
The brand made this campaign as easy as possible by simply personalizing each unit with a country-specific common name based on the targeted markets. Coca-Cola also made it the point to ask or rather encourage the consumers to share their pictures holding their personalized coke bottles. It certainly gave an impetus to the campaign and a massive social sharing multiplied the impact (on, and on…on and on!)- Thanks to the peer-pressure and influence. Moreover, it also gathered different consumers into a single privileged community of coke fans with a personalized bottle!
How can you localize the “Share a Coke” campaign to suit your business and budget?
As you already have guessed it the campaign highlights the importance of personalization in branding strategy. There are various ways you can localize it to suit your own brand and budget restrictions- no matter how big or tiny your brand is! Send personalized email messages to your customers tailored to suit their personal and individual personality (periodically and on every special occasion) Deeply observe the buying habits of your consumers and actively (not aggressively) offer them the matching product recommendations The customer community shares a specific emotional connection with the brands- depending upon the category of the product they purchase. Wisely find what is the single strongest emotional link that keeps your customers adhere to your brand. Search the innovative and unique strategies to highlight, nurture and further strengthen that emotional link.
 General Electric: Allowing the digital audience to sneak a peek into their factories
The role of social media and influencer marketing in B2C campaigns is widely known but General Electric set a unique example by using this strategy for marketing their B2B products with a very focused niche- wind turbines, jet engines, etc.
Campaign Name: #GEInstaWalk Campaign Details:
Six major influencers of Instagram were formally invited to visit their manufacturing facilities and enjoy the privilege to experience the manufacturing process and capture it with their cameras. All these awesome images got shared by influencers on their respective social Instagram handles with the common hashtag #GEInstaWalk. It naturally attracted the attention of their followers by tapping the natural curiosity to sneak-a-peek inside the legendary GE manufacturing facility while manufacturing colossal wind turbines and ultra-powerful jet engines. It garnered colossal results at unreasonably low- almost negligible- budget! Here is the data to prove that- every single tour widened its reach to 3 million people and the brand’s page got 8 million views.
What can you learn from #GEInstaWalk campaign?
As opposed to the common notion the B2C sector is not that boring or insipid. In fact, a few aspects of B2B products appear really interesting to the public- like experiencing or seeing what happens behind the scenes, how those colossal machines, massive engines (or even tiny ball pen nibs with precise dimensions- for that reason) are manufactured and explore the faces, hands & brains behind such products. It also highlights another strategy- offering some merit-based privilege rights to a specific class of people that encourages them to spread their “achievement” with a large community – organically publicizing the brand during the process. We also see how GE used the smart yet simple hashtag that helped in building a huge well-connected community on Instagram. Along with the widespread popularity of the brand it also resulted in user-generated content, creating new fans, acquiring new followers and keep on cementing the bond, each time someone uses the hashtag to share the post!
How can you localize #GEInstaWalk campaign to suit your business and budget?
Formally inviting top influencers can be expensive and a bit tedious for the small and medium brands, So, work with micro-influencers and instead of starting out with a commercial contract, try to find the casual methods- like creating contests, quizzes, or offering free takeaways! Another better and budget-friendly strategy is to personally encourage your consumers to share their pictures and videos using your products on your social media page. You can either run a contest or (better still) offer an RoI-focused reward to them- like offering free products based on the number of shares, likes, retweets, and comments on the post! However, as a small or medium company or a Start-up, you need to keep on evaluating the returns throughout the strategy and modify it accordingly for maximum benefits. Some key questions to ask you are- Is this strategy helping in increasing sales? How much am I investing in distributing freebies or what is the total budget of the campaign? What is the RoI of the campaign so far? Does it look encouraging? Are the comments, shares, and likes, etc. converting into some tangible long-term benefit (branding or marketing)? How can I keep on multiplying the impact of the strategy?
Hootsuite: Ethically using trending/popular media to widen your reach
To be frank the Hootsuite had the privilege to work in the relevant sector and gather a huge industry experience. This social media post sharing tool was naturally attracted to the power of social media to promote and market their products but was adamant to keep it really unique!.
Campaign Name: Game of Social Thrones Video  Campaign Details:
The team adopted the popular Game of Thrones and created a video around it (for the campaign) with an interesting name “Game of Social Thrones”. The title sequence was kept almost similar to the legendary series but Hootsuite just replace the warring kingdoms with various social media channels. It concluded with a remarkable tagline saying – Hootsuite- Unite your social kingdom!.
What can you learn from Game of Social Thrones video campaign?
It was the perfect example of a creative and engaging visual content where the excellent special effects and a simple yet memorable brand message was used to make a strong emotional bond with the existing users as well as the targeted audience. Here we also see how a brand can ethically utilize the fan-value of another industry/category to gain organic publicity. If done the right way it can help you a great extent in quickly multiplying your audience base. Instead of just getting puzzled on how to design social media strategy for your product it could be much better to opt for a strategy that smartly links your brand with some popular concept or trend. In most cases, the media, celebrities or some digital trends can be the best choice. Timing plays a vital role here. Ensure that you adopt something that is (possibly) highly popular with your targeted audience. For instance, if you sell youth-focused products (targeting men) then it is best to concentrate on the latest action series and for the vendors of children's products, it would be rewarding to link their digital strategy with popular cartoon series.
How can you localize Game of Social Thrones Video campaign to suit your business and budget?
You need to be mindful of the demographic-specific goal. If you want to increase your sales in, say, tier-II towns and suburbs then it would be better to first explore the individual aspects that attract the local attention. The presentation matters a lot here. Offer the due respect to the original character and theme of another brand you want to employ in your strategy. For instance, the Hootsuite kept the entire presentation and affects almost the same, just changing the titles.
BBC: Dynamic content and audience interaction
Inviting a general audience for active interaction is another strong way to design a successful digital marketing strategy. BBC perfectly mastered the art with its interactive infographic.
Campaign Name: Your life on earth  Campaign Details:
BBC created rich infographics with lots of facts and stats revolving around how the world has changed for many years. The users were asked for their birth date and height which were incorporated in this engaging infographic to show the various changes this world has gone through during their lifetime. The infographic was equipped with a huge and impressive set of figures, stats, and facts that not only attracted the audiences but also kept them engaged for long. Moreover, these rich media and content were utilized to create videos and other creative formats.
What can you learn  from Your life on earth campaign?
It is a great example of how can you use the power of interaction by creating the content that adapts itself to the personalized responses of the users.
How can you localize Your life on earth's campaign to suit your business and budget?
It is always best to keep your strategy simple and straightforward and ask for the details that users would frankly share with you (or publicly) without any reservations It is even better to link your content closely with the stats or details entered by the audience For the better rewards, you can even encourage the users to share such personalized content with others as it can help your post go viral soon While all the above mentioned digital marketing strategies can help you building a huge community and marketing your brand, it is likely that you are looking for some regular, simpler strategy that can easily be incorporated into your daily business activities/culture. So, here is a leaner, less-demanding, evergreen strategy that can help your brand in multiple ways. The best thing is that you won’t need to dedicate extra hours, efforts or dollars for creating one-time strategies that need collective efforts on multiple aspects.   All you need to do is to just improve your daily blogging and content schedule- like the IT giant IBM:
IBM- Offer the content that highlights your brand character and benefits readers
IBM is a brand that is synonymous with leadership. So, it perfectly reaffirms its USP trait by creating in-depth and insightful blogs, whitepapers and other useful content in various formats. To ensure maximum visibility the brand also uses various platforms to popularize the content through various mediums.
Content Strategy: User-oriented content with tangible benefits
The brand has wisely categorized its posts in specific categories- Impact blog, social business blog, smarter planet blog, and impact blog. Along with offering knowledge-based, write-ups on different matters assuring tangible benefits to the readers, the company also present engaging content on various technological initiatives in blogs like Smarter planet which also helps in creating an emotional bond! The company has even gone a mile further and offered a massive resource library comprising various ready to use formats to meet the readers’ needs like datasheets, analyst papers, white papers, executive briefs technical documentation, and consultant reports. It has allowed the company to attract the attention of the readers with more content-specific and immediate intentions like research students, technology journalists, media and other relevant audiences. This massive array of highly valuable content has not only allowed the company to build a huge community of subscribers (with a fairly good chance of converting into customers) but has also helped it to gain wide respect in its industry. It is great to publish content on your website but you should be mindful of what are you publishing. In fact, publishing volumes of generic content does not help your brand much but it is the value of the content that really matters. Make sure that your audience should be able to get some tangible advantage from your content- something that they can practically use in their daily life or real-time activity to achieve better productivity, reduce costs, save time, etc. Categorize your content type in different ready to use formats like data reports, charts, graphs, infographics and FAQs
Cutting through the tough competition on the digital landscape isn’t a small feat- especially for small businesses with limited resources and reach. However, adopting smart strategies can help a great way. Various digital marketing strategies adopted by different brands and their effects could act as a great inspiration for the smaller brands. By wisely scaling down/localizing such strategies to suit their brands, audience, and objectives, the new and growing businesses can also enjoy positive growth amidst the increasing competition in the digital landscape.
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Articles By Jitendra Bhojwani [email protected]        
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lucyariablog · 6 years
13 Fresh Ideas to Get More Content Marketing Zing From Employees
Involving employees in the company’s content marketing strategy isn’t a new idea.
Employees already are asked to share content on their social channels. C-suite and subject matter experts often collaborate on thought leadership content.
And you likely know the value of connecting with your sales and/or customer service teams to get frontline insight into what your brand’s prospects and customers want to know.
But employee-involved content can be much more than that. I put out a call to learn more about how marketers involve their non-marketing coworkers in their content. While many responses reflected the typical examples, several brought a unique perspective and others offered some fresh approaches.
The inherent takeaway through all the ideas? Employees can give your content marketing the zing it needs to stand out, be remembered, and build relationships.
Employees can give your #contentmarketing the zing it needs to stand out & build relationships. @AnnGynn Click To Tweet
Now, let’s get to the ideas, tips, and examples.
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Have fun with them (and relevant news)
We’re a merged real estate team with a marketing department that handles five brands across many digital platforms. Over the holidays, our team came together to stage a Christmas parody video about Amazon’s HQ2 arriving in Arlington sung to the tune of Santa Claus is Coming to Town. We had dancing elves, agents dressed in Christmas pajamas, a large inflatable reindeer costume, and more.
Nick Tozier, content specialist and copywriter, Keri Shull Team
Employees @KeriShullTeam used the Amazon HQ news to make an innovative video: http://bit.ly/KeriShullTeam. @AnnGynn Click To Tweet
Connect with their contacts
When looking for content partnerships, such as guest blogging, we leverage employees for their contacts. Your first- and second-degree connection list becomes much bigger when you’re able to tap multiple networks instead of just your own. Because of this, we’ve partnered with platforms that would normally be difficult to reach.
Catherine Giese, SEO associate, Fundera
When looking for #content partnerships, such as guest blogging, we leverage employees’ contacts. @cathrinegiese Click To Tweet
Use their external education
If staff members attend a seminar, symposium, workshop, or some other type of skill-building (or industry) event – ask them to document their experience. Then you can work with their notes to create a lessons-learned piece based on the event. We did this with one of our developers when he attended a security conference, and it was interesting to see the amount of positive feedback the content received from our staff, other conference attendees, and people interested in the topics covered.
Colton DeVos, marketing and communication specialist, Resolute Technology Solutions
Employees attend an industry event? Ask them to create a lessons-learned piece of #content. @ColtonDevos Click To Tweet
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Write about their day
Employees at CIENCE help our marketing efforts by participating in day-in-the-life pieces. We’ve produced a number of these to inform future customers about what it’s like to be a researcher, sales development representative, customer success manager, etc.
These in-depth articles have helped our sales team relate to customers the future experiences they may have when hiring CIENCE.
Eric Quanstrom, chief marketing officer, CIENCE
Employees at @ciencecom help #marketing efforts by participating in day-in-the-life articles, says @EQuanstrom. Click To Tweet
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Make them your personas
At Prep Expert, we use some of our employees as customer avatars because of their roles as parents or guardians of children within our consumers’ age range. Our consumers are a specific niche – high school students between their junior and senior years. That’s tough to track.
That’s why we’ve looked to our employees who are raising children and know what issues their kids have when studying for these college-prep tests and the common questions that come up when tackling our course.
Shaan Patel, founder and CEO, Prep Expert 
Show them
To boost our recruitment marketing, our 100% remote team at Worldwide 101 invented a video series called “Meet the Team” where we interviewed our team members on why they chose to work with us and what their day to day looks like.
Each video is personal to the employee and highlights their life and work story in two to three minutes. The videos are now a major driver in us attracting new talent.
Audrey Fairbrother, marketing manager, Worldwide 101
Employee #videos are a major driver in attracting new talent, says @audreywwide101. #recruiting Click To Tweet
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Capture employees as real people
I’m at Davines North America now and previously at Estee Lauder, Unilever, Nestle, etc. The rapid rise of social media – and the current trend towards, raw, “transparent” content – plays to companies finding a way to ‘open up’ further to the consumers.
At Nestle Purina, employees have been featured in videos to show how Purina is passionate about pets by filming employees at home or work with their pets.
At Aveda, our head office employees would often be models for our social media hair photo shoots. A wider program #AvedaArtist enables employees in retail stores and stylists in salons selling Aveda to showcase their artistry and share within the community.
Let this red color melt warm up your day!
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Hair by Alexis at Gordon Salon in Wilmette! #avedaartist #stylesbyalexis pic.twitter.com/76oi5G4CyM
— Gordon Salon (@GordonSalon) January 10, 2019
At Davines, our employees get involved in our community events in New York to help bring the brand to life and capture content at the event, we’re often hair models too.
Hannah Dixon, marketing director, Davines North America
Get involved in community events to help bring your brand to life & capture #content. Hannah Dixon @DavinesOfficial Click To Tweet
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Send them to Quora (and more)
Employees can help answer queries and create awareness on social media platforms such as Quora. Employees can run Twitter chats or ask-me-anything sessions where they can interact with the customers and potential customers. These interactions also can be used in content.
Sumit Bansal, founder, Craft of Blogging
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Use your products
Each year starting mid-January we do a piece on weight loss with one or more of our employees. We are in the health and supplement industry, so it matches up with exactly what we sell.
We will have two employees doing the weight loss challenge this year along with many of our customers. We include blog posts, videos, social media posts all about their process, their progress and, of course, the supplements they are using. This not only helps us get involved with our community of customers, but also helps us sell more products.
Jeff Moriarty, digital marketing manager, Best Price Nutrition
Communicate the culture
I’ve found it’s as important to talk about the culture of your people who are often doing plenty of interesting and noteworthy things that companies can share on their blogs.
If you have an employee involved in a lot of volunteer work, a showcase about that person and his or her impact in the community builds goodwill for the business. I’ve found these posts get a lot more engagement than you might expect, which builds your awareness audience for retargeting later.
Derek Bryant, director of content marketing, EZMarketing
Go to staff meetings to find ideas
At weekly or monthly staff meetings, dedicate a few minutes to sharing a little bit about the work each person is doing and how that could tie into a larger content piece. You never know what could come of a good old-fashioned team brainstorm.
Danni Dichito, sales and marketing manager, North Carolina Theatre
Find #content ideas from attending staff meetings, says @ddichito. Click To Tweet
Ask what they think and encourage them to answer questions
Our employees act as sounding boards for content ideas. Our development team has the freedom to point out a trending question and contribute blog posts whenever they see fit.
Readers aren’t looking for “thought leaders” or executives to answer every question they have. The people with the most authority to answer questions are the ones engaging with and solving problems every single day.
Shelby Rogers, content marketing manager, Solodev 
Don’t say stupid
We involve employees in team meetings and brainstorming sessions. The most important aspect to a creative session is to remember that there’s no such thing as a bad idea, just poorly executed or insufficiently fleshed-out ideas.
There are “no-go” words, such as “dumb,” “stupid,” “no”, etc. that everyone agrees are unhelpful to the process. If you can keep your employees’ creativity loose there’s no telling what they can accomplish.
Never use words like “dumb” or “stupid” in a brainstorming meeting, says Nate Masterson of @MapleHolistics. Click To Tweet
Nate Masterson, chief marketing officer, Maple Holistics
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Get that employee zing
To gain the many benefits of employee-involved content – improving brand awareness, lead generation, and ultimately sales – go beyond the traditional tactics. Make your employees the differentiator in your content marketing strategy. Consider one of these 13 suggestions or perhaps let them spark new ideas for your company.
Let us know what you do to get employees connected to your content in the comments.
Put some zing into your inbox every weekday with the Content Marketing Institute newsletter. Subscribe today.
Cover image by Joseph Kalinowski/Content Marketing Institute
The post 13 Fresh Ideas to Get More Content Marketing Zing From Employees appeared first on Content Marketing Institute.
from https://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2019/01/fresh-ideas-employees/
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justinjslone · 5 years
3 of the Most Successful B2B Social Media Campaigns
You've heard it time and time again: Every successful business needs a robust and engaging social media presence. And you’re probably already using social media in your marketing — but are you actually using it effectively?
Most of the time, B2C brands get all the attention on social media, but B2B social media use may surprise you. It's easy to fall into the perception that B2B marketing is boring and unfit for social media and, ultimately, many B2B brand gets overlooked (or under looked). But this is wrong!
Social media is an extremely effective tool for B2B marketers because it can help you:
Increase brand awareness
Humanize B2B companies
Establish your company as a thought leader
Connect with prospects, clients and industry influencers
Increase lead conversion rate
Don't believe me? Let's take a look at three brands with the most successful social media campaigns for B2B:
1. Drift
Drift, the first conversational marketing provider, has always been incredibly vocal about the care, effort and focus they put into their customers — and they show that care through their engaging use of social media.
Facebook Tagline: “Drift is changing the way businesses buy from businesses.”
Twitter Tagline: “Connect your sales teams with your future customers NOW.”
Campaign Strategy: By using a mix of questions, quotes, images, videos and links, Drift creates posts that are relatable and easy to digest by their audience. They frequently showcase their own customers in their social posts and shares, including this retweet that commends a user for their creative use of the Drift bot:
Additionally, they always take the time to respond to comments, questions and reviews left by their followers.
Why They Work: As Drift puts it, one of the core principles that directs everything they do as a company is to be “customer-driven, not company-driven.” By using their social media to emphasize their care for the customer, respond to reviews, offer advice for troubleshooting and optimizing their product and engage with both customers and prospects, they’ve infused their entire company philosophy into their social engagements.
In other words, Drift’s social strategy works because it’s:
2. WeWork
WeWork is a creative company that provides shared workspaces and business services for entrepreneurs, freelancers, startups, small businesses and large enterprises. As they say on their website, “Community is our catalyst,” so it should come as a shock to nobody that they’ve used their social channels to build an authentic community of like-minded people.
Facebook Tagline: “WeWork is the platform for creators. We provide beautiful workspace, an inspiring community, and business services to thousands of members worldwide.”
LinkedIn Tagline: “Make a life, not just a living. Share your stories using #wework.”
Campaign Strategy: Focusing greatly on insights, tips and case studies, WeWork’s social posts offer 30-second educational videos demonstrating how to maximize your office space, beautiful images of their customers’ workspaces and a mix of non-product-related motivational posts like this one: 
Why They Work: Similar to Drift’s, WeWork’s social presence is less about their pushing their product and more about spreading their mission and helping their customers grow. They encourage their customers and prospects to engage by sharing their stories with the hashtag #wework, creating a thriving community based on shared values. As Michael Fitzsimmons, WeWork’s VP of Creative Strategy, puts it, the content on their social channels “represent[s] real challenges that a lot of businesses deal with on a daily basis."
In other words, WeWork’s social strategy works because it’s:
3. IBM
International Business Machines Corporation is a global information technology company that provides hardware, software, cloud-based services and cognitive computing to businesses. IBM has become somewhat notorious for their powerful social presence, and after taking a quick tour of their social media channels, it’s easy to see why.
Facebook Tagline: “Learn more about AI, cloud, data, security and systems and discover what’s possible. https://ibm.com”
Twitter Tagline: “Together with our clients, we're using technologies like AI, cloud, blockchain & IoT to transform business, industries and the world. Let’s put smart to work.”
Campaign Strategy: Using a mix of high-quality photography, videos, employee profiles, trending hashtags and more, IBM showcases their brand values and mission in every aspect of their social media campaigns. They often share interviews with their own employees, adding a human element to their brand, and they build their social community by emphasizing shared values and “togetherness.” Their campaigns are always highly unique, engaging and reflective of their mission, such as the post below:
Why They Work: IBM’s social strategy stands out because it connects each post with their brand values and mission, frequently tailors its content around current events and other trending topics, showcases the people, processes and progress that make up their company and creates a compelling brand identity that encourages users to join their community. As they say on their website, “IBMers believe in progress — that the application of intelligence, reason and science can improve business, society and the human condition,” and everything they post on social reflects this mission.
In other words, IBM’s social strategy works because it’s:
The Takeaway
Even in the oversaturated social channels, each of these companies have managed to build social presences that truly stand out. All of their social content is relevant to their ideal buyers, consistent with their brand identity, reflective of their people and true to their values.
Images and video, of course, are more important than they’ve ever been, and each brand includes a healthy dose of these elements in their social campaigns as well. Lastly, by taking the time to engage with their followers and act more like a human than a business, they’ve been able to connect with their followers on a one-to-one level.
Keep in mind, it's not about B2B or B2C, but rather H2H, human-to-human, marketing. At the end of the day, whether your products or services are used by individuals or businesses, you're still selling to people — and including that human element in your social campaigns is what really makes an impact.
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cameronwjones · 6 years
In honor of International Women’s Day, we hosted two events spotlighting women in business, leadership, and marketing. Here’s a look at some of our biggest takeaways.
EMPOWER NYC 2019 was an incredible event with over 100 attendees and 20 speakers—all focused on highlighting diversity, inclusion, and the power of in-person connections. Our speakers shared many interesting insights about marketing, personalization, and event success. Alongside EMPOWER TLV 2019, the NYC event has given us a lot to think about as a company. 
Here's a look at just a few of our takeaways:
Takeaway: Transparency and open discussion is key for combatting workplace inequality. 
Kathryn Minshew, CEO at The Muse
I have been very encouraged by the fact that large companies have started to become public about pay gap. Making the data public is a huge step. By putting data around it, it’s making the problem visible.
Diana Solash, VP of Inclusion and Diversity at Infor 
Using our technology we found that we have a lower time to hire, higher performance, higher retention, and higher ethnic and gender diversity. And for me, I was like, No really you have to show me the numbers because I don’t believe this.
Reham Fagiri, Co-Founder & CEO at AptDeco
People don’t realize, from a diversity perspective, when we talk about ‘why aren’t more diverse people joining startups or starting companies?’ It’s because you don’t even know that you can do this. It’s about changing the narrative and sharing that with the world.
Mita Mallick, Head of Diversity and Cross Culture Marketing at Unilever
The advice I would give is to look past the human tendency of bias. That is, "I like me and people like me" who you attract unwittingly. 
Adi Eckhouse Barzilai, Co-Founder & CEO of Realface
One of the amazing this about building a small company is that you get to choose who comes on board with you. In finding your co-founders and partners, the most important thing for me was finding someone with same value system, which can come in many diverse ways. It helps to build a company that is around those values.
Linda Kozlowski, Former COO at Etsy
The diversity of thought makes every business better. The numbers show it. You see that in the empathy of customer needs throughout the product.
Takeaway: Having cross-departmental alignment on marketing goals and can help organizations drive  
Julie Mossler, EVP Global Marketing at Sportradar 
My role is to centralize marketing and marketing means something different to each department. I've found that learning about what marketing means [within different departments] is important.
Einat Weiss, VP of Global Marketing at Nice
In the B2B space, every company and competitor looks the same. For Nice to differentiate, we use B2C tactics.
Maya Prosor, VP of Business Development Partnerships at Lemonade 
How do we make your brand unique? We do that through transparency. We share our failures. For our demographic that makes us relatable. It’s something deeper, more meaningful. 
Takeaway: Events are more common than ever before, driving organizations to develop more personalized and well-documented event strategies.
Chardia Christophe, Marketing Director at ForbesLIVE
At Forbes we produce over 40 events a year. What we find is that, especially for the Under 30 community, they want to connect and they want to engage with the brand. Finding our most authentic voice has been a big win for us. 
Kira Willner, Executive Director of Brand Experiences at Dow Jones
Three years ago there were none. Now we run 60-75 events per year...We’re laying a foundation for a new conference business and showing how we can build a business from scratch.
Melissa Yahre Goldberger, VP of Global Marketing at Argyle
It’s not just about creating a party. It’s about creating personalized experiences...We're making more and more investments in data in order to show the ROI.
Lindsay McKenna, VP of Revenue Marketing at Yext 
We do internal case studies about prospects that come to an event and become customers. We share that with the sales team. We try to show them the importance of getting face to face interactions. 
Colleen Bisconti, VP of Global Conferences and Events at IBM
The saturation of events is very important to recognize. If attendees choose to invest in you then they expect to get something back. At IBM we focus a lot on the data to make personalized data-driven decisions.
That's all for this recap. Stay tuned for more event updates! 
from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/empower-nyc-2019-recap
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martechadvisor-blog · 6 years
Who’s in Charge of Customer Experience? with David Clarke, Global Chief Experience Officer at PwC
Who owns Customer Experience? Everybody does…but who really needs to be in charge? A recent report from PwC had us musing about CX ownership, with a little help from David Clarke, Global Chief Experience Officer at PwC.
Customer Experience is the key to Brand Success. Always has been, but all the more so, in today’s hyper-competitive, crowded marketplace. Sounds like a cliché but it’s undeniably true. Every other positive effort can evaporate – great packaging, marketing - even pricing – with one negative experience. And while there is no ‘one fixed definition’ of CX (it is about the ‘how’ of what you offer and deliver versus the ‘what’) – the space is also ripe for disruption from anyone, anywhere.
Whether you offer products or services, whether you are B2B or B2C, whether you are big or small - the fact is – perfectly non-disruptive, traditional products or services that would otherwise struggle to compete can now create and leverage disruptive CX to win – and keep - customers. Technology advancements can help do that consistently, at scale.
Customer & Employee Experience: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Of course, operationally, Customer Experience is not customer service alone; it is not digital alone, it is not the job of any one person alone. It is an organization-wide approach to delivering what the customer truly wants, how the customer truly wants. But it has found new wings in the digital age. In a recent Digital-IQ report released by PwC on winning digital strategies, it was no surprise that 65 percent of respondents see customer experience as critical to advancing business performance. But 70 percent see it as crucial to also achieving digital transformation. I thought that was intriguing, and so we checked in with David Clarke, Global Chief Experience Officer at PwC, on what he thought that meant. In his words, “When it comes to digital transformation, I think executives understand how hard it is to get an organization to always be adopting new technologies. It obviously takes a lot of time to make the decision to make a large investment in say, a new ERP tool, but people also underestimate how hard it is to reap the benefits of that. You have to make sure people actually use it in order for it to have an ROI.” In other words, you cannot be successful at digital transformation without a focus on customer experience.
That seems connected with the concept of Employee Experience as well. So, which of the two - employee experience or customer experience – is more urgent for CEO’s today? David seems to believe it all begins with employee experience. “I believe great customer experiences begin with great employee experiences. If employees have the leadership, environment, and tools they need to be happy and productive, they’ll create and do things that delight your end customers. This is true from the back-end developer writing code, a UX designer, all the way to the associate who is greeting and interacting with customers in a storefront.” The useful takeaway there is that whether you are investing in tools/ technology to help drive more delightful CX; or in product development or solutioning; its crucial to ensure your people are equipped to own it and drive it from the start.
To that extent, ‘people-centric’, CX focused business strategies - digital or otherwise - have to be about the people inside and the people outside.
The top CX challenge: Lack of Ownership
So, who is in charge of ensuring success? In the same report, ‘lack of ownership’ comes up as among the biggest barriers to CX success. 40 percent ranked a lack of ownership by affected functions as the 1st and 2nd most important reason for issues with customer experience. So, who should own CX? Marketing or Technology, individual business functional leaders or a specialist role such as David’s own (David is the Chief Experience Officer at PwC)? We didn’t get a prescriptive response from David: “The reality is that everyone owns CX - everyone has a role to play in delivering superior CX. It’s not something that you can budget in a silo, the product strategist needs to own it, the technologist needs to own it, and the sales team owns it too,” but the report shows us that 91 percent of top financial performers have an executive in charge of employee experience; and also that 27 percent of respondents believe that CX is owned by a Chief Experience Officer. (22 percent believe CX is owned by the CMO, and 17% believe it is the responsibility of BU leaders).  
Lack of ownership is clearly one big obstacle to succeeding with a CX-first strategy. CX today operates in a complex, dynamic environment. We ask David how he – as a Global Chief Experience Officer – would recommend a business leader approach the challenge of building a consistent brand experience for audiences across the complex online + offline touchpoints. What is the starting point? “The biggest challenge is breaking down silos and helping others understand that they play a role in delivering employee and customer experience. My biggest recommendation is to talk to each other! Spend time with people outside of your group, and work on something together. At PwC, we call that the BXT (Business- Experience – Technology) method. Our methodology is rooted in the belief that diversity of thought produces better results up front.
Why shouldn’t the finance, operations, product, and marketing functions co-create together?”
That makes perfect sense of course, except ‘interdepartmental boundaries/hurdles’ were also noted as critical barriers to a focused CX approach (17 percent ranked it number 1, while 20 percent ranked it number 2). In spite of that, 76 percent respondents said they have an executive in charge of customer experience (not necessarily a Customer Experience Officer); 32 percent said they manage CX through a department; 31 percent said they manage it through a specialized team; 11 percent said they manage it by product/product line, and  5 percent said that they lack a consistent approach. The danger with everyone owning something, of course, is that no one owns it. That may explain the gap between what Brands think of their CX versus what customers think of the same experience(s), and that, of course, shows in the numbers. As it turns out, 43 percent of respondents also cited a lack of clear ROI as the most or second most important reason for challenges with CX.  While a CX focused approach seems like a no-brainer, MarTech Advisor will be tracking how it’s being operationalized; who owns it; and how it translates into either competitive advantage or business growth.
More about David:  David Clarke is a principal at PWC where he leads the firm’s Experience Consulting work and 40+ Experience Centers worldwide. He is an ex-agency CEO that acts as a chief marketing, strategy, innovation, and digital officer.
In 1997, he co-founded digital agency BGT, which was acquired by PwC in 2013.
This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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brianobrienny · 4 years
The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Mastering Digital Attribution
Accountability is something that is incredibly important in order for the departments within a company to work well together. Unfortunately, in a corporate environment, in this age of “consensus,” it is not easy to assign or accept.
The lack of rightful accountability is often quite prevalent in marketing and sales. Since most B2B organizations use a wide range of digital strategies to generate leads and convert customers, it is hard to say which approaches are working better than others. This can also make it quite difficult for marketing teams to be totally honest with themselves and identify weak strategies.
This is just one reason why accurate digital attribution is so important. It helps marketing teams to understand just how much their efforts play into the customer journey, which can help to make their efforts more effective and guide their budget spending towards the strategies that bring the greatest returns.
IAB defines attribution as “the process of identifying a set of user actions (“events”) across screens and touch points that contribute in some manner to the desired outcome, and then assigning value to each of these events.”
In digital marketing, proper attribution can be a total game-changer and help businesses reach their end goals. However, there are some things that even the savviest of B2B marketers need to understand before applying this approach to their own strategies.
Quick Takeaways:
Today’s customers go back and forth along the marketing funnel, which resembles a conveyor belt.
Marketing tools and channels generate huge amounts of data today. You need to know how to make sense of this data.
Do experiment with attribution models. A multi-touch model with more weightage on the first and last touches is good to start with.
The Modern Customer Journey is No Longer Linear
Gone are the days when customers follow a simple three-step path towards a conversion. Since consumers are interacting with brands from multiple sources each day, the path is more like a spider’s web than a straight line. There are twists and turns and some customers even backtrack before they make a final purchasing decision.
Moreover, businesses today are using numerous methods and channels to reach customers wherever they can. Most B2B organizations use a marketing mix of multiple strategies, the most common being email campaigns, content marketing, and in-person events.
All of these strategies have an important role to play in the buyer’s journey – and some will be more influential than others. Demand Gen’s Content Preferences Survey Report examined how content affects customers at various stages in the buying process; it found that 79% of B2B buyers read case studies, 71% viewed white papers and blog posts, and 69% used third party reports to research a business before making a purchasing decision.
Since customers are using multiple content resources, it can be extremely difficult to create an accurate attribution model – but it is not impossible.
Mapping the Customer Journey with Data Analysis
In order to start to put the pieces together, you need to pay close attention to the influence that each of your marketing strategies has on the results. This can only be done with accurate, real-time data that monitors customer behavior so that you understand what role each touchpoint played.
First, you will need to configure digital campaigns so that each view, click, and tap can be tracked.
Say a large portion of your website traffic is coming from a marketing email that is sent out to all potential leads. A cursory look at the analysis might lead you to assume that this is the strongest touchpoint for acquiring customers. However, with deeper analysis, you might find out that only about 2% of those clicks actually convert. Another channel might be funneling in a smaller number of leads but have a higher conversion rate, and therefore, deserve more attribution.
By tracking these clicks, you can also start to connect the dots and create a more accurate buyer’s journey map. Look at the data on your digital strategies and see if you can answer questions like:
After customers click on an ad, are they likely to read your blog?
After they read several blog posts, do they reach out to a sales rep?
How many pieces of content do most customers consume before reaching a final purchasing decision?
If the initial click comes from a social media post versus a targeted ad, does it change the behavior that follows?
The Connections and Transitions between the Stages of the Funnel
There two main types of digital marketing attribution models that are important to understand: Single-tough and multi-touch. A single-touch model is much easier to use, but slightly less accurate and precise. This approach gives all the credit to a single action which can be the first click, the lead-creation click, or the last click.
In many cases, this approach is more appropriate for B2C businesses to use since the customer’s journey is typically shorter and can be easily attributed to a single interaction with a consumer.
The B2B buyer’s journey tends to be longer and more complicated. Here, the multi-touch attribution model fares better. There are several models that a multi-touch approach can follow:
Linear models, which provide equal attribution to all channels that a customer engages with
Descending or time decay models, which give the majority of the credit to touch points that occur directly before a conversion
U-shaped models, which attribute 40% of conversion credit to the initial touchpoint as well as the lead-creation touchpoint, with the remaining 20% split evenly among all other interactions
W-shaped model which splits up 30% of the revenue credit to the three main interactions (initial, lead-creation, and opportunity-creation) with the remaining 10% attributed to all other touch points
Full-path models, which more or less evenly distribute credit to the first, lead-creation, opportunity-creation, and closed-won touchpoint at 22.5% each, with all other touch points making up the remaining 10%
Each of these approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is far easier to attribute the majority of credit to one or two touch points rather than trying to evenly distribute it among multiple interactions. Only experimentation, in conjunction with quick changes in budget allocation, will give your team a totally accurate depiction of the most effective channels.
Getting into the Minds of the Audience
Failing to attribute revenue correctly will take your marketing campaigns off course and result in a colossal waste of time, money, and organizational resources. Therefore, it’s very important that you
Map your brand messaging and content to your customer journey
Build a model that quantifies the collective and individual impact of marketing touch points
Record every interaction with your audience and feed it into your model
Nudge and guide customers from one stage of the funnel to the next with appropriate calls to action
Data and analytics are critical components of digital attribution. Get them right and marketing success is bound to follow. Over and above that, aim to get a better understanding into the interests, intents, and motivations of your customers from the insights that your attribution model delivers, in order to set up a virtuous cycle of increasing sales and revenue.
The post The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Mastering Digital Attribution appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
The B2B Marketer’s Guide to Mastering Digital Attribution published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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45 Best Brands on Social Media (Based on Niche) & What We Learned From Them
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Social media users are now spending an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes per day multi networking across an average of 8 social networks and messaging apps.
Around 74% of people follow brands on social media, and 96% of those who follow brands also interact with them on social media.
But what the stats don't tell you is that not every social media user is interacting with all the brands online, only the ones they love, or the best brands on social media.
Not all brands are amazing online.
"The best brands on social media" this phrase is one of the most coveted titles that brands online consistently aim to prove.
So what makes a brand "the best" on social media?
Today, we'll break down 45 best brands on social media (based on niches) and what we learned from them so you can do it too!
45 Best Brands on Social Media (Based on Niche) & What We Learned From Them
You can go through our entire list or jump to the niche you're most interested in; however, there's a lot you can learn from each brand and niche for your business.
Best App Brands on Social Media
Best Art Brands on Social Media
Best B2B Brands on Social Media
Best Beauty & Makeup Brands on Social Media
Best eCommerce Brands on Social Media
Best Entrepreneurship Brands on Social Media
Best Fashion Brands on Social Media
Best Fitness Brands on Social Media
Best Food & Restaurants Brands on Social Media
Best Hotel Brands on Social Media
Best Real Estate Brands on Social Media
Best Travel Brands on Social Media
Best App Brands on Social Media
1. Slack
Slack is the collaboration hub that brings the right people, information, and tools together to get work done. One social media slack doesn't focus on how great they are (well, only 30% of the time).
Instead, they share helpful tips for remote teams and SME's including their own team. If you take a closer look, Slack is simply highlighting and placing their brand culture in their social media content.
Help an exec champion an AMA, or a manager own their own office hours. With this easy Workflow Builder template, anyone can reign over live Q&As. ? https://t.co/qkwcy8C3Dc pic.twitter.com/PsN8riAYgS
— Slack (@SlackHQ) September 17, 2020
So what does brand culture have to do with anything? Slack is about maintaining company culture online, whether your team is in the office or separated by different countries.
Simply because of this, Slack can connect with brands looking to accomplish this task. This is authenticity in action. Check out this guide on Culture Marketing 101: How to Turn Brand Culture into Content.
2. Hootsuite
Hootsuite is one of the best social media brands that dominate Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube in the social media app realm.
Hootsuite makes this list because it prides its premium educational content for its social media users and customers alike. They mainly utilize video content and repurposing their best blog articles into videos, tweets, and posts.
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3. Tinder
Yup, Tinder made it on the list of one of the best social media brands in the app industry. There are very few brands that have thrived off of meme marketing and culture.
Meme marketing is one of the most powerful social media marketing strategies out there today. With social media continually rising, meme marketing has transformed hundreds of brands' social media market strategies.
me making another online purchase #SwipeNight pic.twitter.com/B93X9hy9KD
— Tinder (@Tinder) September 13, 2020
Since Tinder's demographic is purely millennial, they've made it their mission to master all that is meme. Tinder not only repurposes popular meme's but they also share meme's from their Tinder content creator partners and their online series #SwipeNight.
4. Duolingo
Duolingo is a language learning app that has an actively engaged community on social media. They regularly post fan art, updating users on new features, and congratulating them along with every milestone. Another key takeaway from Duolingo is its consistent use of seamless branding. It's hard to miss the green owl and brand colors.
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Marketing your brand doesn't have to be hard, whether it's on social media or online. Check out these Wishpond articles on how you can improve and boost your app's brand:
E-commerce Mobile App Marketing Hacks to Improve Customer Engagement
4 Mind-Blowing Ways to Promote Your App with Video Content
App Marketing Strategies Proven to Help You Acquire Customers
Best Art & Design Brands on Social Media
5. Art Basel
Art Basel is a well-known art magazine that highlights upcoming and famous artists in the art world. What makes Art Basel one of the best social media brands in art is that they translate their magazine writing style onto long-form captions and storytelling.
Long-form captions on specific social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram may seem impossible, especially when there's a word limit involved. What they lack for in-text they make up for in content.
As a blogger or magazine, it can be hard to put a massive story in just a few words instead of video, GIFs, or Instagram Stories to tell your tale in long-form.
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6. Juxtapoz Magazine
Juxtapoz Magazine joins our list of the best brands on social media with over one million Instagram followers and over thirty-three thousand subscribers on Youtube.
Juxtapoz Magazine has a niche audience. They provide graffiti, underground and experimental pieces from artists. Using it's Youtube channel to share their story and keep their audience engaged. Around 80% of people who said they watched a YouTube video related to a product and not to mention YouTube is the world's second-largest search engine and second most visited site after Google.
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7. The Futur
The Futur has a massive multi-platform influence in the art and design industry. Creatives make the best content, but what makes them so memorable is that they've mastered making education content exciting, engaging, and eye-catching with the help of branding. What sets them apart is their powerful branding in their content. It allows followers to identify and connect with their brand easily.
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8. Boooom
Boooom is an art community that thrives on its community. The Canadian based art brand showcases global arts & culture platforms fostering a community of tomorrow's talent. They not only share content from well-known brands but thrive on sharing, tagging, and engaging with artists. When it comes to social media and being the best, it's not always about sharing content but it's also about striking up a conversation that drives people to engage.
Beautiful yet haunting visuals in this experimental dance piece about contemporary isolation and our desire to reconnect by New York City-based director Charlie Mysak. Watch "Corners": https://t.co/Fv0cvkv3LS pic.twitter.com/yR5SHlyszp
— Booooooom (@Booooooom) September 25, 2020
For more on building a community around your brand, it's important to focus not only on the content but also on engagement and community. Here are some helpful social media guides on driving engagement for your social media brand:
Instagram Engagement Strategies to Beat the Algorithm
Increase Engagement: 7 Reasons Why You Need Facebook Contests
Social Media ROI - How to Achieve: User Engagement with your Brand
8 Sure-Fire Facebook Post Formulas That Drive Engagement
Best B2B Brands on Social Media
9. Salesforce
Salesforce is a well-known B2B software and app that helps companies manage, maintain, and grow sales. They win with social media by using branded content and video content. They share tips on how to master sales, solve problems, and, of course, how to get the most out of their software.
Often brands forget that social media is for being social, so hold off on the heavy self-promotion and start using your content to help and educate instead.
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Cisco is a B2B technology brand that provides connectivity for business. They use their social media to highlight their current customers and brands, making shifts in the tech industry.
They share the latest news, whether it's directly related to their brand or discovered by someone else in the field. This social media strategy helps you keep your content flowing without figuring it all out on your own.
When the current crisis hit, @honeywell shifted their efforts to produce much-needed #PPE. Learn how their network allowed them to deliver other critical supplies and services for their communities. https://t.co/9jzTh9P9oz
— Cisco (@Cisco) September 28, 2020
11. IBM
IBM doesn't share the same post across all of their social media accounts. They've properly identified what each platform is best used for and created a strategy to ensure that they get the most out of each one of them.
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12. Wishpond
What would a list of the best social media brands be without a little shameless plug on our own blog?
Wishpond provides content that helps business owners navigate through their DIY marketing strategy—using our social media platform to share "How to "guides, ebooks, and curated blog content.
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Creating content and managing a B2B brand on social media can be challenging. You have to learn how to balance being professional yet approachable, not to mention the content structure is a tad bit different from that of B2C brands on social media.
Here are some social media guides explicitly made to help B2B brands like your own:
B2B Social Media Marketing: 33 Strategies, Ideas, and Examples
16 Mind-Blowing B2B Video Marketing Tips to Increase Sales
25 B2B Lead Generation Ideas to Try in Your Marketing Funnels
Ready to increase sales with your social media marketing campaigns?
Book a free call to learn how our team of marketing experts can help you to create high converting social media marketing campaigns today.
Best Beauty & Make-Up Brands on Social Media
13. Herbivore
Herbivore has an amazingly stunning social media account on Instagram. It's visually stimulating, and a great example of how using creative product images can allow your brand to stand out against posts' feed.
Here are eight types of social media marketing images all brands should use for your next post.
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14. Sephora
Sephora is a major beauty and makeup brand that caters to make up lovers and skincare lovers. They have a massive following across all their social media platforms. This brand makes this list because their social media was a hub where professional, aspiring MUA's and users can learn how to do the most complex or simple makeup tips.
Youtube isn't the only place that social media users are going to for tutorials, IGTV and Facebook are also a hub for DIY content and product information. Ensure that when you do post tutorials or videos that they fit the social media platforms requirements.
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15. Harry's
Harry's Instagram page is a sparkling example of answer comments on social media. Responding to social media comments can improve your social media presence. Whether the comments are good or not customers expect fast customer service on social media, but how fast?
Most likely, they expect a response in a shorter period than you would think. Around 42% of customers complaining in social media expect a 60-minute response time.
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16. Fenty Beauty
Fenty has gotten into the good graces of social media users with their stunning UGC and influencer content. Afterall 84% of marketers believe that influencer marketing is successful.
Influencer marketing works because people trust influencers. Around 65% of people discover a new brand or product through an influencer at least once a week (24% say they find one daily!)
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Best eCommerce Brands on Social Media
17. J Crew
J Crew has mastered Pinterest to push sales on their latest sales and collection launches. It's an active hub of pins, sales, and instant updates on everything J Crew
Pinterest has grown as a rising contender to Instagram when it comes to social selling. Pinterest is listening to the needs of their business users and continuously adding better functionality for you and your business marketing.
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18. Shien
Shein has grown it's social media with a healthy content mix. A content mix is using more than one type of content on your social media pages or website.
You want your content to strike the right balance between being informative and entertaining while also making sure it supports a larger company strategy. With the right content mix, you can accomplish just this and more.
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19. Forever21
Has always found its name on the list of the best brands on social media because it's consistent in providing content its followers love. It's also a great profile to watch seamless CTAs in your social media captions.
CTA is a call-to-action that you want customers to take once they engage with your content. This can be as simple as "Shop now" or "Click the link in the bio."
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20. MissGuided
Missguided shows brands how to use branded hashtags to track, increase, and show off their social media mentions. A branded hashtag aren't just for big brands, as long as you've got an Instagram account, you can create a branded hashtag with your business name, slogan or after a contest or marketing campaign.
Introducing: the new coat your wardrobe has been waiting for ⚡Hit the link to shop everything you need for the new season https://t.co/MiPqzsWAPr #missguided #ootd pic.twitter.com/eJmpWGmt9W
— Missguided (@Missguided) September 28, 2020
At Wishpond, we know how hard it is for eCommerce brands to master social media. It's not just posting product images but using it as a main pillar of your marketing strategy. So we created a few guides to help eCommerce owners with social media:
10 Amazing eCommerce Instagram Accounts and Examples We Learned From
Ecommerce Social Media Marketing: Building Trust and Engagement
5 Social Media Tactics E-commerce Stores Should Forget About
Best Entrepreneurship Brands on Social Media
21. Inc Magazine
Inc Magazine's social media page is an entrepreneur's go-to for the latest in business, tech, and industry developments. They're also one of the few Instagram pages that use long-form captions to share details and interviews. Usually, visual platforms like Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram aren't popular for long forms of captions.
However, over the years, Instagram seems to be slowly accepting this statement. Magazines have now made use of the 1000+ characters that Instagram provides. The key, ensure that your first line hooks your readers in, as such, the same rules of copywriting apply. Use them wisely, and you'll see engagement.
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22. Hustle and Deal Flow
Hustle and Deal Flow was created by Matt Gottesman is a podcast/blogging brand that's aim is to allow entrepreneurs and experts to share their tips and experiences.
On Instagram, IGTV is their main distributor of content, interview, and engagement. Instagram announced that IGTV videos' views have skyrocketed across the board, increasing by ~300-1000%, providing a strong indicator that IGTV isn't dead yet.
For more on IGTV, check out our guide on The complete guide to IGTV dimensions & best practices you need.
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23. Huffington Post
Huffington Post quickly pivoted online and took hold of social media faster than long-standing household names. It's a consistent pivot to be agile in social media has proven how important it is to always keep up to date with the latest news and social media trends.
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24. Foundr
Foundr is the go-to resource for helping today's entrepreneurs build tomorrow's leading businesses. They're popular across all social media platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
They use influencers and their community to share their stories and social media following, proving that you can showcase your products and services to an audience willing to buy and connect with you with the right influencers.
For more tips on how to market your brand as an entrepreneur, check out the articles below:
What Are The Best Tools for Entrepreneurs?
8 Best Business YouTube Channels to Sharpen Your Entrepreneur Skills
60 Essential Tools We've Used to Build a Successful Startup from Scratch
Best Fashion Brands on Social Media
25. Vogue Magazine
IG LiveVougue regularly uses Instagram Live to showcase projects, runaway shows, and photoshoots of the latest fashion trends and designers. Vogue's IG live allows followers to have a live and first-hand experience with fashion week activities making them the source for fresh and up to date content.
Instagram Live is an awesome avenue to explore if you have the fanbase to do it. It's a great way to interact with your followers on a more personal level. If you're interested in using IG Live, check out our guide on How to Run an Instagram Live Marketing Campaign: The Complete Walkthrough.
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26. Repeller
Formally known as Man Repeller, Repeller is an Instagram that highlights the odd and beautiful fashion. They curate content created by the rising talent and beloved brands. Their community of followers is die-hard advocates for the brand. All this from years of nurturing and building a brand community on social media.
Having countless followers might be something to aspire to, but it's all about the loyalty that you build with followers that matters the most. Repeller actively engages and invites its followers to be a part of its ongoing content and contributors, giving followers a sense of belonging and ownership in the brand. Remember, it's called social media for a reason.
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27. The Cut
The Cut makes out the list with its amazing use of fashion and pop culture memes. Earlier, we spoke about how meme marketing has become the norm, and now brands of all industries can benefit from its positive effects. After all, meme marketing is a low-cost way to create engaging content that professional marketers, creative pro's, and even entrepreneurs can stand by.
For professional storytellers—digital marketers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, and creative pros—meme marketing can be an extremely low-cost way to create engaging content that attracts a following.
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28. BOF (Business of Fashion)
The Business of Fashion is another fashion magazine that has used social media to help boost their readership. They're active across all their social media platforms. They use long-form captions and video content to share their updates and stories.
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Best Fitness Brands on Social Media
29. Aria Crescendo
Aria is a yoga teacher, and mom and her content say it all. It's no surprise that most of her audience are mom's who love yoga and her brand sponsor is a yoga clothing line. Try to stick to your niche, whether it be yoga, kickboxing, weight training, or even martial arts. A niche is what followers use to decide if a fitness brand is perfect for them.
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30. GymShark
Social media isn't only for posting content but showing off and promoting your in-person events. GymShark has mastered fitness when it comes to social media. Often they'll host pop-up gyms with famous influencers in the area hosting challenges and showing workouts.
Sharing social media via events helps to build anticipation for your next event and allows your followers to see the recap if they missed it. You can either go live during the event or publish a video recap like GymShark did below:
31. Kayla Itsines
One of the biggest mistakes some fitness accounts make: posting more about being fit rather than showing followers how to get fit. Share your workout routines on social media for followers to try. People aren't just following because of your looks. They want to see the work that goes on behind your success.
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32. Taylor Hill
Fitness Influencer Taylor Hill goes live during her workouts to show her fans how it's done. She actively is in motion, whether it's going live, using a gif, or sharing stories on her page.
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Here's a quick tip: at the end of your Instagram live, save it to your story and add fitness hashtags, stickers so that Instagram users that follow these hashtags can discover your content.
If you're a fitness brand or influencer, below are some social media guides you should start using to increase your following today:
How to Start a Bomb Fitness Instagram Account (With Examples)
12 Bold Ways to Sell Online Fitness Training
14 Timeless Fitness Giveaway Ideas Your Customer Will Love
Need help launching your eCommerce store or products?
Book a free call to learn how our team can help you to generate more eCommerce sales.
Best Food & Restaurants Brands on Social Media
33. Ubereats
Ubereats shines when it comes to eye-catching food images and content made for hashtag holidays. "Hashtag holidays" have found a permanent place in your customers day to day and should be acknowledged. The biggest hurdle that social media and content marketers have is to churn out new content ideas for your brand.
Social media holidays break up that monotony and allow you to step outside the box with new content ideas to post on your social media platforms.
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34. Red Lobster
Red Lobster is known for its endless shrimp and biscuits, but it's also known for its mouth-watering pictures on social media. The attention to detail and food layouts make their content shareable and market their deals and menu.
Foodies follow restaurants on social media because of the great food content. It's also the images of your food that sets apart from other brands online. SO take time to invest in your brand's social media photography and content.
Tuesday’s NEW! Daily Deal is #TwoForTuesday: Get 2 delectable Lobster, Shrimp and Salmon feasts for only $49.99. So invite a friend and make a whole night of it... ? pic.twitter.com/fdqScUmqew
— Red Lobster (@redlobster) September 29, 2020
35. Dominos
Instagram is ideal for humanizing your restaurant brand. Food photos are great, but people really want to connect with your brand, so humanize your restaurant by sharing real-life photos and videos of the real-life people who work in your restaurant.
Dominos shows off its delicious pizza toppings, but they also show off the people who enjoy and endorse the brand well.
36. Buzzfeed Tasty
Buzzfeed Tasty is a mouth savoring YouTube channel that provides easy to make and fun DIY recipes. Tasty has over a million followers on Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. But before they branched out on other social media platforms, Youtube was their home base.
What you can learn from Tasty is, apart from cooking, that consistency is key when it comes to content and growing your social media content.
For more ways on how to use social media to grow your food brand or restaurant, check out our niched social media guides to help you do just that, and then some:
Social Media Marketing for Restaurants: 21 Tips
29 Restaurant Giveaway Ideas & Examples You Can Use Today
8 Steps to Master Instagram Restaurant Marketing Like a Pro
Best Hotel Brands on Social Media
37. Protea Hotel
When it comes to a hotel's social media, visuals speak louder than your captions. Protea Hotel captures its beautiful hotel with images giving followers a 360 outlook on what they can expect before they reach the hotel. They use their social media profile to share experiences and moments to attract new customers all year round.
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38. Castleknock Hotel
Castleknock Hotel is a rising brand on social media you should be following. With it's insta-worthy UGC content and persuasive captions, it's a hotel where you can learn a thing or two.
Castleknock proves that hotels need social media as an important asset to their marketing strategy as it grows a loyal following that's willing to share and engage with them regularly on social media.
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39. Loews Hotels
Loews Hotels marketing team created an Instagram Story series called Travel Tuesdays. Every Tuesday they share and save stories that feature fun destinations surrounding the hotel displayed like a virtual scrapbook. Viewers learn about popular tourist attractions along with local trivia and special offers from the brand.
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Marketing your hotel doesn't have to be hard, whether it's on social media or online. Check out these Wishpond articles on how you can improve and boost your hotel's brand presence:
14 Best Hotel Social Media Marketing Tips to Help Increase Bookings (with examples)
Hotel Trends in Marketing You Need To Know
Social Media Marketing for Hotels and Resorts: 10 Tips
Best Real Estate Brands on Social Media
40. Allison L. Chiaramonte
Allison is a popular real estate agent that uses Instagram to share listings and educate her buyers. By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. Don't get left behind; start recording some videos.
Not only is using video an essential part of any marketing plan, but social media posts with video have 48% more views than static images. The more views your listing has, the greater it's chance to catch a potential buyer's eye.
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41. Priscilla Izumi | Realtor
Priscilla Izumi is a popular Bay Area Influencer who is a real estate social media rockstar. She has an active and growing following of buyers and sellers who look to her for real estate wisdom.
New sellers and buyers are always hesitant to take the first step because they're afraid of following bad advice; that's where you come in, with your amazing real estate tips. Think of fun and educational real estate infographics that you can share on Instagram.
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42. Century 21
Century 21 has been around before social media existed. Over the years, the company has adapted and now has one of the best real estate brands on social media. They highlight their top agents and showcase their community of realtors on Instagram and their "Relentless Podcast".
As a rule, they recreate their podcast episodes into a series of published content on Instagram, either as gifs, quotes, video snippets, or engagement posts and IG stories. Doing this helps them to make the most out of their brand and content team.
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Get the world’s easiest marketing platform and the team to do it for you!
Book a free call to learn how you can get unparalleled support 24/7 with access to designers, ads specialists, content writers, and more for your brand.
For more using social media as a real estate brand or realtor, check out these real estate marketing guides and articles below:
20 Tips For Amazing Real Estate Instagram Posts
Social Media for Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips
How to Create a Modern Real Estate Sales Funnel
20 Tips For Amazing Real Estate Instagram Posts
Social Media for Real Estate Agents: 21 Tips
How to Create a Modern Real Estate Sales Funnel
Best Travel Brands on Social Media
43. Airbnb
Airbnb is known for its captivating images of user-generated content, in fact, almost all of Airbnb's social media content is UGC. The only time you'll see something fully branded from Airbnb is in its ad campaigns.
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44. Expedia
Expedia is another travel brand on social media you should add to your watch list as it's also mastered sharing UGC from travelers. They also work with wanderlust influencers by reposting their best adventures using Expedia as their booking and travel agent.
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45. Travel + Leisure
Each post speaks more about the customer, their mission, and the results of supporting the community that surrounds them. Scroll through each post, and Travel + Leisure services are never really mentioned—only the customers they serve. When a brand is more social rather than selling, people are more likely to buy from them as they've become a solution and brand that they've invested in overtime.
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The Ingredients for Good Social Media
These brands have mastered social media basics and have simply elevated and consistently recreated these basics over the years.
From each brand you could see that they had two or more of the following:
Creating content that their target followers would love (even if it excludes the brand)
Crafting eye-catching captions
Using branded and popular hashtags
Being consistent across all social media platforms
Creating content that fits the social media platform
Using influencers or user-generated content
Using the latest trends in social media, for example, IGTV and video content.
Which brand caught your eye on this list? What brands do you think should have been added? Comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you.
Related Articles
8 Actionable Tips to Use Social Media for eCommerce Sales
How to Make a Social Media Checklist (Free Template)
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5 Effortless Tips to Create a Hashtag strategy for Social Media
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minnievirizarry · 6 years
All about connection: Sprout’s Agency Partner Summit fosters what it preaches
It’s that time of year, where a global community of agency partners, experts and transformative industry pros join Sprout Social in one inspiring space. We get to the heart of the buzzwords, get to know one another, and ultimately, walk away with the knowledge to help our organizations thrive.
Last year’s Agency Partner Day was such a success that we decided 2018 needed to see more—more speakers, more partners, more food, more drinks, more space.
Amazing setting for the #sproutpartnersummit! @sproutsocial we like your style. 👌👌👌 pic.twitter.com/dUPlaXKLzk
— Project1421 (@project1421) October 17, 2018
Partners traveled from far and wide for this one.
All the way from Perú 🇵🇪 for the #SproutPartnerSummit 🙂 @TCCPeru #Chicago pic.twitter.com/GAybJ1w6Sl
— Lucho Cornejo (@LuchoCornejo) October 16, 2018
View this post on Instagram
#sproutpartnersummit Here we come! Looking forward to meeting everyone! @sproutsocial
A post shared by Spokeology (@spokeology) on Oct 15, 2018 at 10:54am PDT
In case you missed it, or if you just want to relive all the goodness, we’ve compiled all the biggest takeaways from our 2018 Agency Partner Summit.
Day 1: It’s a human to human world
Our industry has never been just a B2B world or a B2C world, it’s always been a human-to-human world. No community understands that more than agencies.
This event embodied that concept. The big themes throughout the day were connection, trust and evolution. We heard it from our speakers, we saw the words lit up against the backdrop of the Art Institute, but most importantly, we felt it in the camaraderie of coming together to share in the talent, intelligence and humanity behind the work we accomplish everyday.
The big idea amongst so many of the speakers was connection—it may be a buzzword, but what does it really mean to agency professionals?
The biggest takeaway from the #SproutPartnerSummit can be summed up in one word: connection. What are you doing to make meaningful connections on #socialmedia? pic.twitter.com/P7ewzLx9XS
— Elizabeth Michael (@LizzyMichael) October 18, 2018
Diana Helander, Head of Marketing, Twitter Data & Enterprise Solutions, broke it down with a simple example for us: Serena Williams—yes, the tennis record-breaker—created a moment with Twitter that exemplified why connection in the social landscape is so important.
Williams missed her daughter’s first steps. And the first place she turned to lament was Twitter. A true moment of connection everyone can relate to—moms, dads, sons, daughters reached out to the tennis champ to share their encouragement, not because she’s Serena Williams, but because she’s a mom.
Tennis story? I am here for this @dihelander…AND OMG IT IS SERENA GO HOME DIANA YOU HAVE WON #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/Hehohw9iIX
— Jonathan Jacobs (@JonEJacobs) October 16, 2018
A worldwide moment of human connection. That’s the power of social.
For agencies to put that concept into action, Helander advises to start with the people themselves. People on social aren’t passive passengers, they’re active, driving the conversations that shape culture.
The value of a social audience lies in their influence, their receptivity, and the results they drive for brands. The conversations are already happening out there. The insights you can glean are what connect your business to them.
Thinking about the power of networks
In her presentation on navigating the complex landscape of social, LinkedIn’s Ty Heath, Global Lead of Marketing Development, built off some of Helander’s points, noting that trust plays the most important role in what we do.
The most successful individuals build networks. B2B success is marked by how strong and authentically connected your employee network is.
Heath drove home one salient point—If you want to go far, build a team. Broaden your horizon and connect beyond the c-suite.
@tyrona of @LinkedIn on why you should invest in audiences 😉📈 #linkedin #b2bmarketing #sproutpartnersummit #socialmedia #digitalmarketing pic.twitter.com/3OmIE63RyB
— Hannes Kirchbaumer (@hkirchbaumer) October 16, 2018
How did Warren Buffet get so fantastically rich? Undervalued assets. Marketers aren’t exactly investing in assets, but rather in audiences. Are there undervalued audiences? Yes. They’re individual contributors—55% of current tech buyers are individual contributors.
Ignored audiences influence buying decision. It’s those ICs that will be making the buying decisions of tomorrow. And all this time you haven’t been talking to the customers of tomorrow.
Flywheel > funnel
The good old marketing funnel. Have you ever thought it needed an update? Our speakers did.
Both Sprout’s Director of Customer Success, Claire Schlafly, and HubSpot’s Global Marketing Director, Angie O’Dowd, had strong opinions about how today the funnel we know and live by more accurately resembles a wheel, with customers at the center.
#Marketers, it’s time to move from the funnel to the flywheel. via @angieodowd from @HubSpot #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/yURn5LrTsu
— Brooke B. Sellas (@BrookeSellas) October 16, 2018
Customers and clients today have all the power. They’re at the center of your strategy. The flywheel reminds you that your customers aren’t just an output, they’re a part of the engine.
Other speakers and panelists echoed this thought throughout the day, reinforcing the importance behind “customer-centric” marketing.
“It’s no longer a funnel, it’s a 360 degree circle” 👏👏👏
Preach, agency owner panel, preach #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/EYcAtRMLPJ
— Luke Reynebeau (@LukeReynebeau) October 16, 2018
O’Dowd identifies as a full-funnel marketer, but didn’t want us to forget that the funnel isn’t the whole picture. That seam between marketing and sales is where opportunity lives. It’s the handoff there that is the most important place to focus, yet so undervalued.
Did you know 69% of buyers expect an Amazon-like experience? And 70% of customers say connected processes—like seamless handoffs or contextualized engagement during early interactions—are important to winning their business.
No pressure to every other company in e-commerce. #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/uXh1cGl5nz
— Helen Todd (@helenstravels) October 16, 2018
O’Dowd is intimately familiar with the untapped value between marketing and sales. The marketing director admits that five years ago she, as a marketing manager, didn’t know her sales team very well and didn’t realize how important it was to work side by side with them. This is illustrated with a photo of her and a sales rep she didn’t know at the time in the same frame, completely unconnected.
“That sales rep turned out to be my fiance,” O’Dowd said. “But I didn’t meet him until I was leaving my company.”
Congratulations on your engagement @angieodowd 🎉🎉🎉 #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/tFJGKbq4Z7
— Sarah Dorrance (@SarahDSkis) October 16, 2018
“If I had been better aligned with my sales team I could be married by now!”
Getting real with agency and brand leaders
In the midst of such great speakers, we featured two panels where brand experts had a moment to pull back the curtain on agency culture, partnership and how to avoid surprising your clients.
Quote of the day “don’t be Kanye West” …. don’t come out of left field and surprise your clients!! @MilahJones #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/nfwHHIOBBK
— angieodowd (@angieodowd) October 16, 2018
To kick the panels off, Sprout’s own Kelly Marberry moderated our agency owner panel, featuring Marie Hale, Co-Founder and CEO of @revenue, Elissa Nauful, Founder and CEO of Ballywho Social, and Beth Newton, Partner and Chief Content Officer at alpha | BRAVO.
The #SproutPartnerSummit has been fantastic. Learned some new things and had a few sneaking suspicions confirmed (in a good way!) pic.twitter.com/oGkdCoxOTD
— Chad Richards (@chadrichards) October 16, 2018
“You have to be professionally in love with your clients,” Hale said, stressing the importance of seeing how you play together before producing a strategy.
“If you’re begging them to finish content month after month, simply say, ‘no, we’re not in love with you.’”
The spirit of the conversation turned to the importance of digital education, with Nauful making the chief point that the rapid and constant change in social means agencies have to be 15 steps ahead to hire for positions that didn’t exist before.
Newton touched on the idea that there comes a point where it almost feels like do or die with agencies, and that’s where a blended workforce model comes in handy— to strike a balance hiring carefully and creatively, it’s good to have freelancers.
Hale sees agencies eventually moving into full-service, doing all the implementation and being there to be accountable for the results you’re seeing.
“Once [clients] start to get it, they see the possibilities and turn to someone they trust to execute,” Newton said.
Lizz Kannenberg, Director of Brand Strategy at Sprout, uncovered similar takeaways during the brand panel, where we heard from Pooja Van Dyke, Associate Director of CreativeWorks at ESPN, Kamilah Jones, VP of Marketing at New Teacher Center, and Becky Chandler, Senior Director of eCommerce at U.S. Cellular.
From high tech to digital UX to ecommerce, the panel came together from varied backgrounds and disciplines and made it clear that brands are looking for agencies who cut clutter and are willing to partner.
The group agreed that a lot of what agencies do lies in digital education.
“You need to be a trusted source. Nine out of ten times you’re going to have folks that don’t speak the digital language,” Van Dyke said of her experience.
There’s a strong theme of partnership threaded throughout the conversation, as each panelist spoke to the idea that the client and agency relationship can feel “othered” at times, as though the client is just a problem to solve. But there’s an appetite for true partnership. The only complicated agency partnership is perhaps working with other agencies.
“The dirtiest word in agency life is ‘inter-agency team,’” Kannenberg said.
That said, the panel stressed the importance of diversity of thought. You never know what you’re going to learn from other agencies that support the brands you work with.
“A successful piece of content isn’t the most impressive part of the client agency relationship, it’s how we got there,” Van Dyke said, emphasizing process.
Chandler cites setting clear guard rails and finding how each agency’s skill set compliment each other as solutions toward success when working with other agencies.
The panel was finally asked if there’s anything on their mind they haven’t solved yet.
For Jones, one of things they’re moving toward is having a diverse organization with both promotion and development strategies. She hopes that agencies will start to think about how they’re really increasing the diversity of staff, voices and structures.
Honored to hear from these panelists at @SproutSocial #SproutPartnerSummit – Thanks for sharing your candor on how we can be better partners to our clients! #faithandtrust @Brooklynpbjs @ESPNCreativeW @MilahJones @NewTeacherCtr @ChandlerBecky @USCellular pic.twitter.com/DoeOVs1BFx
— Spokeology (@spokeology) October 16, 2018
Happy hour, happy partners
Partners kept the momentum going at Sprout HQ after day one. But not before they fit in some quintessential Chicago sights.
Took myself on a little scavenger hunt after #SproutPartnerSummit. AND got my 10K steps visiting iconic #Chicago sites! pic.twitter.com/3MeBGFD3m0
— Sincerely Jennie (@JennieSzink) October 16, 2018
And amidst the good food, good spirits and good conversation, we were all waiting for one thing: Partner Value Awards!
.@SproutSocial Happy Hour be poppin’! #SproutPartnerSummit pic.twitter.com/EKvS2ZyC1x
— Sarah Dorrance (@SarahDSkis) October 16, 2018
Sprout’s second annual agency partner summit saw a fresh batch of talented submissions for this year’s awards. From the ‘Cultivate’ award to the coveted ‘Social Campaign of the Year’ award, our winners spanned every type and size of agency, hailing from across the globe.
Cultivate: This award is for a partner that went above and beyond on behalf their clients. Winner: Firebelly
Always Be Growing: This award recognizes a partner who has taken advantage of the partner program’s resources and has seen or laid the foundation to see remarkable results. Winner: RyTech, LLC
Sprout Partner MVP: This award will go to a Partner who excelled at their advocacy efforts. Winner: 123 Internet
Social Media Campaign of the Year: This award is given to a partner who submitted one of their or their clients’ campaigns that was creative and strategic in achieving the clients’ stated objectives. Winner: Chatterkick
A big congratulations to everyone! You’re changing an industry we all love.
Day 2: Putting learnings into practice
One day wasn’t enough. On the second day of the summit, we came in inspired and refreshed, ready to put our learnings into action on behalf of our clients and our agencies. Agency practitioners and owners were ready to go all in to build better social strategies and client services.
But first, donuts.
Kicking off Day 2 of the #SproutPartnerSummit with Data + Donuts (And Coffee)… two of my favorite things! 💻 + 🍩 ☕️ #DataAndDonuts pic.twitter.com/6Q3bqFsyPN
— Jared DiVincent (@JaredDiVincent) October 17, 2018
View this post on Instagram
Day 2 of the Sprout Social Agency Partner Summit. #dataanddonuts @sproutsocial #sproutpartnersummit #baconmapledonut
A post shared by Communicators Group (@communicatorsgroup) on Oct 17, 2018 at 6:17am PDT
Rules of engagement
Willie Mullen, Sprout’s Senior Manager of Agency Sales, and Lindsay Mullen, Co-founder and CEO of Prosper Strategies—both a couple in real life and a dynamic duo in the agency world—spoke to the rules of engagement when finding a fit during client discovery.
The trick to finding the right fit is in understanding the power dynamics from the beginning and leaving yourself the room to adapt.
Lindsay made it a point to say that when it comes to budget, money shouldn’t be uncomfortable to talk about. Embrace the conversation to assess fit.
“What this really comes down to,” Lindsay said, “is that I have not been stressed about a client in a year.”
That’s how you know you’re getting the right clients through the door.
One-on-one time
Finally, the speakers and panels and fireside chats came to a close. But there was still work to be done. Sprout set aside some 1:1 time in the afternoon for partners to connect with their dedicated success and channel managers, or just generally chat with the Agency Partner Program team.
Among many things, Sprout’s second annual Agency Partner event was an opportunity to see how vastly different people, with different professional experiences, philosophies and goals along their journeys work toward the same finish line.
That’s real connection.
Had a great time at my very first #SproutPartnerSummit Excited to add these new tips and tricks to our #social toolbox. Until next time @SproutSocial! pic.twitter.com/Nu3Zj7sXHk
— Mayra Mesina (@mayramsna) October 17, 2018
Just returned from an incredible two days in Chicago for the @SproutSocial #SproutPartnerSummit to find a package waiting… Best. Swag. Ever!Thank you to all my friends at Sprout! It was an honor to speak on the panel. Learned so much in just 2 days! pic.twitter.com/fI4P6t4uv4
— Beth Newton (@a1972bmw) October 18, 2018
Interested in learning more about the Agency Partner Program? Let’s chat.
This post All about connection: Sprout’s Agency Partner Summit fosters what it preaches originally appeared on Sprout Social.
from SM Tips By Minnie https://sproutsocial.com/insights/sprout-agency-partner-summit/
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orphans-forest-blog · 6 years
How To Get People To Like SEO 2019
Good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION articles increase a website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION traffic because articles are found online. 55 The difference from SEO is many simply depicted as the distinction between paid and unpaid concern ranking searching results. I get into much more detail in SEO Titles on pages: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands, which explains the right way to work in relevant keywords that will accurately reflect the page content material. Are good nevertheless SEO potential may be reduce when compared with single links. The training behind our SEO expertise has been developed from years and many years of learning from mistakes marketing and advertising with our other businesses. The in-depth guide contains the most recent SEO best practices so a person can improve how your content articles appears in search results, plus get more traffic, leads, plus sales. Keyword study definitely belongs to the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics. I'll start by stating that social press and SEO are heavily linked to each other. Black head wear SEO attempts to improve ranks in ways that are disapproved of from the search engines, or even involve deception. This particular is more tedious and tasking than inorganic SEO because this particular is how all the key phrases get a full blast associated with attention. SEO: It stands for Lookup Engine Optimization. Within this post, we will break this down in the complete first timers guide to SEO: what SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is, how it works, exactly what factors affect search and exactly what sorts of changes you may make today to improve your own search optimization. The no follow hyperlink has been contradicted many instances over where SEO is included and it depends on the particular web owner concerning if they will allow them on the web site or not. A greater number associated with people will stick to tone of voice search, so SEO specialists may need to adjust to this particular relatively new kind of lookup. Seo or SEO will be a powerful method to generate targeted traffic to your internet site and hopefully increase your bottom part line. Whilst many marketing tactics rely upon you reaching out to your own audience, SEO gives you the particular power to achieve people whenever they are actively searching away information related to your solutions and products. White colored hat SEOs the actual suggestions of Google and other research engines like google. As Google's search engine outcomes become increasingly monetized and some other platforms such as Amazon plus YouTube gain more SoV plus search volume, I think we are going to overdue for the focus associated with SEO to shift far through Google. Traditional SEO will be focused on building (keyword relevant) links and (keyword relevant) articles. The main reason they may sometimes misunderstood is because which whole Internet underbelly of alleged SEO companies that you may pay to link to your own site on their networks associated with low-quality articles. However, before we obtain to our main event, I actually must note that after the 2017 edition of SEO tendencies launched last year on Research Engine Journal, we heard the couple of complaints about simply how long it was. After that your boss tells you most likely accountable for search engine marketing (SEO), too. Michael jordan Harling, SEO Specialist at Roman Blinds Direct, agrees with the particular consensus that voice search can be the trend in 2019. Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that really provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts can ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks without having using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could create short-term spikes in the home page's ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to spend penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here is usually that if you might possess LOTS of location pages helping A SINGLE business in a single location, then those are really probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and most likely old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will observe them classed as lower-quality -- or even - spammy webpages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or items that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and needless redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you a go at rank for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality articles then win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key phrase research. The traditional strategy to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via lookup engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 can still use many of these kinds of newly implemented tactics, but look for engine optimization experts are in addition suggesting there will be a lot more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile products, and the number will surely move up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few textbooks that will help you conceptually understand the history of lookup, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the yrs. There are several methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for plenty of companies because if individuals find you with a web lookup and find what they're searching for, you can receive a lot of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword analysis for the specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website.
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Erase all duplicated articles; it will increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking. Long-term: as discussed over, you'll ultimately get more research traffic from better usability, actually though you don't squeeze every single last drop from the SEO-trick lemon. However, to accomplish all this particular, web-developers use SEO custom providers, that have long-lasting SEO Search engines rank. That being said, companies usually have little or simply no time for you to maintain up with the latest advancements in SEO techniques. Social search motor optimization is largely built on user-generated content. Keywords are at the coronary heart of SEO, but they're in fact not your first step in order to an organic growth play any longer. Obviously, reviews are a powerful kind of customer content that has massive implications for SEO and improving organic traffic. With right seo and with the help associated with an SEO expert however, your own website can give you a good increasing number of visitors plus exposure. Just keep in mind to pay attention to strong content creation and copywriting basics, engage your viewers deeply, plus stay abreast of technical tendencies such as backlinks, SEO health, site rate, and schema. SEOmonitor pricing is based on the particular number of websites and key phrases you track. So, We would say that 2018 is usually a challenge for Google, simply because much as it may be for SEOs. The SEO Reserve Keyword Suggestion Tool aggregates lookup data and provides volumes, associated terms, and more.
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This free marketing device is really a long-term technique and can be time intense but it will worth this. A good user experience is definitely the key to satisfaction and also a powerful SEO. 1 SEO might target different kinds of lookup, including image search, video research, academic search, 2 news research, and industry-specific vertical search motors. Many of us are in the fourth fraction of 2018, it is typically the right time start thinking regarding the year ahead and brand-new changes SEO realm might assume. We've long known that client opinions, input, and sentiment regarding a brand deeply impact SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION rankings, but we wanted the particular information to prove it. Off-page SEO means using action to build trust, expert, social signals and inbound hyperlinks. How video affects SEO actually depends on your goals whenever using video in your advertising campaign and which video system you use. LSI is not really what most SEO professionals claim it to be. This is certainly not a idea that can be used simply by the average web designer or even webmaster to improve their research engine listings, and it is definitely not what many people, which includes myself, has written it in order to be. Nevertheless, first some history. This particular video walks you through the particular specific steps you have to get increased rankings in 2018, including launching speed, technical SEO, content, hyperlinks, and more. Due to the fact it is, all across the particular year companies specializing in SEO were occupied improving and finding new procedures to optimize the search motor even better than what their own competitors were doing. Based on SEO software program company Moz's bi-yearly survey upon search engine ranking factors, the particular titles on your page are usually one of the nine nearly all important considerations a search motor makes. Having an SEO technique that effectively promotes your pictures business, driving new traffic and even taking into consideration the requires of the site visitors although you concentrate on perfecting your own art is a really effective tool. SEO is Research Engine Optimization and it is usually required for make a site view-able. And you will see the section on exactly where to use keywords for even more information on integrating these key phrases into your SEO content technique. 22. Use social media in order to boost local SEO. SEO is the acronym for Seo. Even though certain techniques of SEO content material Why SEO 2019 Had Been So Popular Till Now? remain the same, like not really compromising on quality; there are usually definitely techniques which have advanced from the past and a person should find out whether your own SEO articles writing services are usually very well aware of that will or not. SEO service suppliers are specialized in increasing the particular traffic to your site simply by increasing your position in the particular search engine ranking positions. Appeal to international people to your web sites with these SEO tips. The top challenges within organic SEO are link constructing (easy-to-get links no more possess much value) and keyword analysis (the low-hanging fruit is lengthy gone). For illustration, the word ‘SEO tips' is furthermore included inside the less competing phrase ‘SEO tips 2019', which usually is searched for too. The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 styles in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices is usually going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't end up being a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you are usually a marketer, webmaster or company owner, it is very crucial invest in voice SEO optimisation to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that cultural media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even talking about it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, keep in mind that take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the lookup engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search technology and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on the web using SEO and paid marketing. The Technical Audit Checklist Produced For Human Beings — Within this post by Distilled, a person will find a link in order to a Google sheet that offers an technical SEO audit directory and links to resources upon how to complete each checkbox. Then each time the phrase SEO appears on your web site, it's automatically changed into the link you specified. Keyword Study for SEO: The Definitive Guidebook — This comprehensive guide simply by Brian Dean teaches you the number of strategies for obtaining keywords and determining intent regarding your target market. On-page and off-page SEO function together to improve your research engine rankings in complementary style; however, SEOs generally advise obtaining your on-page SEO ducks within a row before focusing as well much on off-page SEO. Within 2019, web-based businesses will embrace more voice-to-text technology to raise engagement and search activity. There are many SEO internet sites suggesting that they can offer a service to make our own website LSI friendly, or satisfy ‘LSI requirements'. The particular art of web SEO is situated in focusing on how individuals search for things and knowing what type of results Search engines wants to (or will) screen to its users. Social press SEO would encourage your present customers to come back whilst helping you develop authority intended for potential ones. He is an expert in SEO, Content Marketing, plus Pinterest Marketing. An SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION expert plays a huge function in helping companies build their particular businesses and attract new clients through website traffic.
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Businesses with multiple websites and SEO-agencies can set up report layouts. Its search engine marketing group provides expertise in Pay-per-click marketing services, organic SEO and sociable media optimisation. The particular ads that you often notice on various web pages demonstrated and those that also show up on the rightmost side associated with search engine results are inorganic SEO examples. While I nevertheless see this trend in have fun with with many enterprises still within the midst of their electronic transformation, the convergence in the particular MarTech space is creating several synergies and opportunities and this particular should be seen as the welcome development for brands plus agencies who are looking with regard to an edge in regards in order to their SEO driven content marketing and advertising or outreach strategies. Along with the only complete certainty that SEO's, Website owners may have several adjustments to make to internet sites under their care in the particular mobile and voice search scenery. The basics of GOOD SEO hasn't changed for years - although effectiveness of particular elements provides certainly narrowed or changed within type of usefulness - a person should still be focusing upon building a simple site making use of VERY simple SEO best practices - don't perspiration the small stuff, while all-the-time paying attention to the essential stuff - add plenty of unique PAGE TITLES and lots associated with new ORIGINAL CONTENT. Keyword research is usually THE first step of any kind of SEO campaign.
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SEO is really the shortened phrase for search motor optimization. I believe SEO within 2019 will largely be such as SEO in 2018, with the particular exception of some big” Search engines update that wipes out sufficient websites to make people think the algorithms have grown significantly smarter. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION works by optimizing a home page's pages, conducting keyword research, plus earning inbound links. The organization offers excellent SEO packages that will help rank the clients' internet site within top three pages associated with search engine pages. That can make SEO an ideal lead era tool, because when searchers adhere to links back to your web site, you have the chance in order to convert them to leads, plus later make sales. Whenever asked to point out ideas that are unique towards the particular web, most people will arrive up with two main types: SEO and social media. How many links do a person need for good off-page SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION? If you are performing a professional SEO audit for any true business, you are going in order to have to think like the Google Search Quality Rater And also a Google search engineer to supply real long-term value to the client. 44. Give your own social media profiles an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION boost. 10% of our experts believe that will there's likely to be the lot of focus on cellular in 2019, as older SEOs realize optimizing for desktop will be pointless. White hat SEO is not really just about following guidelines, yet is about ensuring that the particular content google search indexes and consequently ranks may be the same content the user will see. Search engines regard metadata plus meta keywords as less essential than they used to, thanks a lot to many years of dark hat misuse, however the name of your page and the relevancy towards the content can always be a highly essential factor in SEO. SEO is important because this helps you get found simply by improving your ranking on the internet research results. Inorganic SEO will be good for populating links regarding your website, even on some other websites which signed up intended for online ads to be proven on their web pages. Of course, finding the period for you to write your own SEO articles every single day can become difficult in light of the particular fact that you still possess a company to run. Social media provides its perks aside from SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value. So when you think about it, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is really just a procedure of proving to look engines that will you are the best web site, probably the most authoritative, the most reliable, the most unique and fascinating site that they can provide to their customer - the particular searcher. SEO professionals employ the variety of different ways associated with make websites appear higher inside your list of results and create it much more likely that will you'll click on them in order to find what you're looking intended for. SEO more usually talk regarding domain trust and domain expert in line with the quantity, type and quality of inbound links to a site. SEO entails attaining a higher ranking within search engines via changes in order to your site content and program code to make it more appropriate and therefore more search motor compatible. If you understand you might have VERY lower-quality doorway pages in your site, a person should remove them or think again about your SEO strategy if a person want to rank high within Google for the long phrase. One of the difficulties engines like google and Bing have often attempted to overcome is knowing which external links exist exclusively for SEO purposes and which usually links represent a true sign that the source content is definitely of value to the visitors. 2018 has currently seen some particularly significant SEO paradigm shifts from Mobile First” in order to the ever-advancing Rankbrain machine-learning protocol. Content marketing will be a bigger approach which along with SEO forms a part associated with your digital marketing strategy. What You Should Know: Typically the future of search engine search engine optimization is Semantic SEO. Links plus technical SEO are the biggest pieces of the pie, yet multimedia efforts such as video clip, photos, and podcasts will end up being the game changer and differentiator in many competitive markets. Occasional, and We do more occasional and not really frequent, usage of keywords plus keyword phrases in these hyperlinks may also help very somewhat in your SEO processes. Excelling at SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION means serving your visitors—not simply search engines. Here arrives the idea of SEO or even search engine optimization. The particular fact remains that SEO solutions assure clients that even in the event that the site will not position among the top search motors like google, the money can not be a waste expected to the refund. You may generally see outcomes of SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efforts once the webpage proceeds to be crawled and listed by a internet search motor. Possibly the best form of interpersonal media to pay attention in order to when turning to SEO will be Google Plus. 1 of the most successful approaches to ensure your clients get your photography business is by simply implementing an SEO strategy, this kind of is more than just producing it to number 1 about Google, it means ensuring the fact that a varied and steady steady stream of traffic is planning to your site, over and even above that of your rivals. If you are usually willing to improvise your web site search and boost up your own Google ranking, but do not really have time or resources with regard to doing that, hire an SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION specialist for the same objective. Mobile SEO is usually mobile search engine optimization or even optimizing content for a much better search ranking. Titles on pages and explanations affect what people see within search results, so it's important to check these out within any SEO audit. Search motors give some guidelines for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION, but big search engines maintain result ranking as a business Blog9T secret. Along with $80 billion forecast to turn out to be spent annually on SEO — and content marketing set in order to be considered a $300+ billion industry simply by 2019 — it might become tempting for stakeholders to notice SEO and content marketing because cost centers rather than profits centers. While that will theory is sound (when concentrated on a single page, when the particular intent is to deliver energy content to a Google user) using old school SEO methods on especially a large web site spread out across many webpages seems to amplify site high quality problems, after recent algorithm modifications, and so this type associated with optimisation without keeping track associated with overall site quality is self-defeating in the long run. It's maybe not an ideal SEO page title because of the multiple distinct services, however the structure might give rise to rankings for some long-tail keyword phrases. SEOs will have to collaborate carefully with designers and developers in order to prioritize technical SEO and functionality search engine ranking factors to achieve a competitive edge. Further SEO Smart hyperlinks allows you to set upward your own personal keywords and set associated with matching URLs. In case search engine optimization SEO will not involve ethical practices, the particular website may have low presence on Google and even be eliminated from the Google index. An SEO technique is definitely considered white hat if this conforms to the search engines' guidelines and involves no deceptiveness. As an SEO, which indicates that you have to considerably raise your standards around high quality content and links in purchase to achieve top search motor rankings. Most SEO focuses on enhancing for Google's search engine, which usually dominates the overall search marketplace with a share of more than 90%. 7. Social indicators may even become more essential to SEO with time. Solitary Grain is really a electronic marketing agency that helps businesses like Uber, Amazon and Salesforce grow their revenues online making use of SEO plus paid advertising. This will certainly be a growth chance with regard to content marketing-specific agencies and the necessary and justified budget collection item for in-house SEO groups. SEO includes both technical and creative components needed to improve rankings, drive visitors, and increase awareness in lookup engines.
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unlovedaddict · 6 years
Understanding The Background Of SEO 2019
Good SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION articles increase a website's SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION traffic because articles are found online. 55 The difference from SEO is the majority of simply depicted as the distinction between paid and unpaid concern ranking searching results. I get into much more detail in SEO Titles on pages: 15-Point Checklist for B2B and B2C Brands, which explains how one can work in relevant keywords that will accurately reflect the page articles. Are good nevertheless SEO potential may be decrease in comparison to single links. The education and learning behind our SEO expertise has been developed from years and yrs of learning from mistakes marketing and advertising with our other businesses. The in-depth guide contains the most recent SEO best practices so a person can improve how your content articles appears in search results, plus get more traffic, leads, plus sales. Keyword study definitely belongs to the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION basics. I'll start by stating that social press and SEO are heavily linked to each other. Black head wear SEO attempts to improve ranks in ways that are disapproved of by search engines, or even involve deception. This particular is more tedious and tasking than inorganic SEO because this particular is how all the key phrases get a full blast associated with attention. SEO: It stands for Lookup Engine Optimization. Within this post, we'll break this down in the complete first timers guide to SEO: what SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is, how it works, exactly what factors affect search and exactly what sorts of changes you may make today to improve your own search optimization. The no follow hyperlink has been contradicted many periods over where SEO is included and it depends on the particular web owner regarding if these people allow them on the web site or not. BrightLocal offers been helping local businesses, multi-location businesses and SEO professionals realize and enhance their positions in the particular local search market since yr. That is where search engine optimization, or even SEO, is available in. Right here are the best conferences in order to learn more about SEO (and digital marketing) in 2018 plus 2019. Every little or multi-location company can develop their business and attract even more customers using Local SEO methods In this article we clarify what local search optimization is usually, and why using a regional SEO company can help enhance your online visibility. It provides an introduction in order to the basics of search motors and SEO, and then grows into more advanced topics. Black hat SEO is the group of unethical practices in order to improve rankings of the site in the search engine outcomes page. SEO Wise Links provides automatic SEO advantages for your site in add-on to custom keyword lists, from it and much more. Detailed with this Bruce Clay SEO tutorial are reliable strategies that aim to enhance both internal and external aspects that influence search ranking. To demonstrate, if you we're seeking to become found locally when users appear for SEO services in your own area, and you're based within Wales, one such search expression you might look to optimize for may be "SEO wales". Search Engine Optimizers (SEO's) are people who optimize internet sites to make them show upward higher on search engines plus gain more website visitors. Ultimately, simply by the end of 2018 or even mid-2019, we'll see a golf swing back to natural” content created by real humans who may produce valuable content that really provides value. Hiring experienced SEO experts can ensure that your website climbs the search engine ranks without having using any illegal practices or even short cuts that could create short-term spikes in the home page's ranking, but eventually lead in order to your website having to pay out penalties. Official Site Associated with BlowFish SEO - Professional Search Motor Optimization Services operated by Robert DiSalvo SEO Located in Hand Beach Gardens, Florida. The takeaway here is definitely that if you might have got LOTS of location pages helping A SINGLE business in one particular location, then those are quite probably classed as some type of doorway pages, and most likely old-school SEO techniques for these types of type of pages will discover them classed as lower-quality -- or even - spammy web pages. CRAWL this, like Google does, with (for example) Screaming Frog SEO spider, plus fix malformed links or items that result in server errors (500), broken links (400+) and unneeded redirects (300+). SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION gives you a go at rank for the terms which your own customers use, so you may do better business. The job of the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is to create high-quality articles then win the attention, the particular love as well as the particular link from a blogger or even editor. The keyword difficulty or even keyword SEO difficulty is the very useful metric for key phrase research. The traditional strategy to SEO has been devoted to creating excellent content that will is easily searchable via research engine bots. To realize SEO, you'll also need in order to know how Google search functions. 2019 can still use many of these types of newly implemented tactics, but lookup engine optimization experts are likewise suggesting there will be even more. Currently more than half associated with searches account for mobile gadgets, and the number will surely proceed up in 2019. Within the remaining 2018 quarter, a person need to invest in mobile-first content that will rank a person higher in mobile search within 2019. The vast majority of your SEO learning ought to come from online resources, yet there are a few publications that will help you conceptually understand the history of lookup, search engines, and how SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION has changed through the many years. There are a lot of methods that webmasters use within order to entice potential clients to their site—one of the particular most important and effective associated with those being Seo (SEO). SEO is important for a lot of companies because if individuals find you using a web research and find what they're searching for, you can receive plenty of new web visitors that will can help you earn even more money. Good SEO follows guidelines that Search engines determines are best practices in order to have your articles ranked upon top. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION services do thorough keyword analysis for any specific website, and after that optimize the information on the particular basis of these keywords plus theme of website. Erase all duplicated content material; it will increase your SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking. Long-term: as discussed over, you'll ultimately get more lookup traffic from better usability, actually though you don't squeeze every single last drop from the SEO-trick lemon. However, to accomplish all this particular, web-developers use SEO custom providers, that have long-lasting SEO Search engines rank. That being said, companies usually have little or simply no time for you to maintain up with the latest advancements in SEO techniques. Social search motor optimization is largely built on user-generated content. Keywords are at the coronary heart of SEO, but they're really not your first step in order to an organic growth play any more. Obviously, reviews are a powerful kind of customer content that has massive implications for SEO and enhancing organic traffic. With right seo and with the help associated with an SEO expert however, your own website can give you a good increasing number of visitors plus exposure. Just keep in mind to pay attention to strong content creation and copywriting basics, engage your viewers deeply, plus stay abreast of technical styles such as backlinks, SEO health, site velocity, and schema. SEOmonitor pricing is based on the particular number of websites and key phrases you track. So, We would say that 2018 is definitely a challenge for Google, mainly because much as it could be for SEOs. The SEO Guide Keyword Suggestion Tool aggregates research data and provides volumes, associated terms, and more. This free marketing device is really a long-term technique and can be time rigorous but it will worth this. A good user experience is definitely the key to satisfaction and also a powerful SEO. 1 SEO might target different kinds of lookup, including image search, video research, academic search, 2 news lookup, and industry-specific vertical search motors. Many of us are in the fourth one fourth of 2018, it is the particular right time start thinking regarding the year ahead and brand-new changes SEO realm might assume. We've long known that consumer opinions, input, and sentiment regarding a brand deeply impact SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION rankings, but we wanted the particular information to prove it. Off-page SEO means having action to build trust, power, social signals and inbound hyperlinks. How video affects SEO actually depends on your goals whenever using video in your marketing and advertising campaign and which video system you use. LSI is not really what most SEO specialists claim it to be. This is certainly not a idea that can be used simply by the average web designer or even webmaster to improve their lookup engine listings, and it is definitely not what many people, which includes myself, has written it in order to be. Nevertheless, first some history. This particular video walks you through the particular specific steps you have to get increased rankings in 2018, including launching speed, technical SEO, content, hyperlinks, and more. Given that it is, all across the particular year agencies specializing in SEO were hectic improving and finding new procedures to optimize the search motor even better than what their own competitors were doing. I believed it as simple as a good example to illustrate an element of onpage SEO or ‘rank modification', that's white hat, totally Google friendly plus not, ever going to result in you a issue with Search engines. So when you want to get began which includes basic SEO, the particular first thing that I would certainly recommend would be choosing the set of keywords for every page on your website. Away page, SEO has contrasted along with it. Undoubtedly, off page marketing is all about link developing, but the quality links plus content. Via a direct incorporation of Google's Search Console, Siteimprove SEO helps you understand how the particular world's most popular search motor and its users see and—more importantly—find your website. On Page Ranking Factors — Moz's on page ranking aspects explains the different on web page elements and their importance within SEO. Surprisingly enough, some sort of lot of SEOs out generally You Should Experience SEO 2019 At Least Once In Your Lifetime And Here's Why there do tend to underestimate typically the power of Google Trends Typically the tool has a separate "YouTube search" feature, which hides underneath the "Web search" option. An SEO agency may work together with a firm to provide an added viewpoint, when it comes to knowing and developing marketing strategies intended for different sectors and various varieties of business websites. Given the ranks and search volume, SEO may drive considerable traffic and network marketing leads for Grainger. SEO stands for research engine optimization - that very much has stayed the same. But they keep on modifying their algorithms making it tough to rely on one specific tool for SEO optimization Plus today you could have a good appropriate rank which may not really last in the coming 6 months. The much better you get at SEO, the particular more traffic - and even more leads - you're likely in order to attract over time. To find away more read our 2019 tendencies in SEO marketing report. Are voice searches plus it's expected that by 2019, 67 million voice-assisted devices will be going to be in make use of in the U. S. These types of kinds of changes and provide on your website shouldn't become a problem logistically — the particular overall practice among the greatest web companies nowadays is making sure that websites are flexible sufficient, especially for SEO purposes. Whether you will be a marketer, webmaster or company owner, it is very crucial invest in voice SEO search engine optimization to reap benefits in 2019. We said earlier that cultural media isn't a direct SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ranking factor, so you're most likely wondering why we're even talking about it. The particular effects of Black hat SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION are temporary, it will not take the particular search engine long before this spots these illegal strategies plus then penalizes you; the research engine may spam your hyperlinks and if you continue making use of these malpractices the search motor will altogether block your web site and links. Algorithmic chasers, technical SEOs, plus Google Doodle followers should develop their technical skills to concentrate on emerging voice search systems and AI applications. Single Grain is a electronic marketing agency in order in order to companies like Uber, Amazon plus Salesforce grow their revenues on the internet using SEO and paid marketing. The main stage of SEO is to become friendly both to users plus search engines. Based in Colorado springs municipal airport terminal, CO, SocialSEO has been the particular preeminent digital marketing firm within Colorado since 1996. Although the SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION experts provide great SEO solutions for their clients, there are usually a few who ruin the particular internet design industry through their own greed in marketing efforts plus manipulate search engine rank. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION may target different kinds associated with search, including image search, regional search, video search, academic research, news search and industry-specific up and down search engines. The benefits of powerful digital marketing plans are fairly much proven over the board yet when it comes to companies within the photography industry this SEO components of the marketing method really do make all regarding the difference to helping a new photographer stand out from the particular crowd. HISTORY LESSON: Old SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION advice suggested you connect along with websites and trade links along with each other True, a huge legitimate site linking to you may boost up your ranking, yet, it's not going to assist your relevancy score when the particular linked content isn't related in order to the website sharing it. 10. Quality back back links need to be built upward to your site for efficient SEO. SEO is about attracting individuals to your site to start with by making sure this shows up searching queries. Businesses with multiple websites and SEO-agencies can set up report themes. Its search engine marketing group provides expertise in Pay-per-click marketing services, organic SEO and interpersonal media optimisation. The particular ads that you often observe on various web pages demonstrated and those that also show up on the rightmost side associated with search engine results are inorganic SEO examples. While I nevertheless see this trend in have fun with with many enterprises still within the midst of their electronic transformation, the convergence in the particular MarTech space is creating several synergies and opportunities and this particular should be seen as the welcome development for brands plus agencies who are looking with regard to an edge in regards in order to their SEO driven content marketing and advertising or outreach strategies. Along with the only complete certainty that SEO's, Website owners may have numerous adjustments to make to internet sites under their care in the particular mobile and voice search surroundings. The basics of GOOD SEO hasn't changed for years - although effectiveness of particular elements offers certainly narrowed or changed within type of usefulness - a person should still be focusing upon building a simple site making use of VERY simple SEO best practices - don't perspiration the small stuff, while all-the-time paying attention to the essential stuff - add plenty of unique PAGE TITLES and lots associated with new ORIGINAL CONTENT. Keyword research will be THE first step of any kind of SEO campaign. Our six experts discuss their favorite SEO tips in addition to tactics for building big visitors in 2018. Yes, all of us know it's still June plus we know it's only 2018 but if you haven't began planning and researching key developments which will affect you SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in 2019 you could currently be falling behind. We furthermore take a look at just how new technologies like AI plus Voice search will begin in order to impact more on SEO because we move nearer to 2019 and beyond. Whenever every nation across the entire world is busy in making their particular due contribution within the advancement sector in their own method by taking the route associated with SEO service and online advertising, Singapore cannot stop stand nevertheless in one point. By 2019, content material marketing is set to turn out to be an industry worth $300 billion dollars. Off page SEO relates to the strategies performed past your website that can become used to improve your research engine rankings. Due in order to the success of inbound marketing and advertising and SEO, more marketers are usually dedicated to improving their position over other tactics. The best way to focus on these customers is by supplying high-quality SEO content that offers genuine and useful information toward the readers. Another method provides a different page based upon whether the page is becoming requested with a human customer or a search engine, the strategy known as cloaking An additional category sometimes used is greyish hat SEO This is within between black hat and whitened hat approaches, where the strategies employed avoid the site getting penalized, but do not work in producing the best content material for users. Search engines regard metadata plus meta keywords as less essential than they used to, thanks a lot to many years of dark hat misuse, however the name of your page and the relevancy towards the content may always be a highly essential factor in SEO. SEO is important because this helps you get found simply by improving your ranking on the internet research results. Inorganic SEO is definitely good for populating links regarding your website, even on some other websites which signed up with regard to online ads to be proven on their web pages. Of course, finding the period for you to write your own SEO articles every single day can become difficult in light of the particular fact that you still have got a company to run. Social media offers its perks aside from SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION value. So in case you think about it, SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is really just a procedure of proving to look engines that will you are the best web site, probably the most authoritative, the most reliable, the most unique and fascinating site that they can provide to their customer - the particular searcher. SEO professionals employ the variety of different ways associated with make websites appear higher within your list of results and create it much more likely that will you'll click on them in order to find what you're looking intended for. SEO more usually talk regarding domain trust and domain expert in line with the quantity, type and quality of inbound links to a site. SEO consists of attaining a higher ranking within search engines via changes in order to your site content and program code to make it more related and therefore more search motor compatible. It helps your SEO attempts to ensure that your key phrases are added to the traguardo description and it will provide you a ranking boost in the event that your specific terms are obvious in this area. Moreover, a Google Penguin update drastically changed the function of backlinks on SEO, producing it more difficult to find link juice to a web site. Gone are the times of traditional SEO techniques, on the internet content is changing. The cognitiveSEO Rank System offers accurate country, language plus city precision for all your own tracked keywords. Even if your URLs normally are not pretty, ” if you avoid feel as though they're adversely impacting users and your company in general, don't change all of them to be more keyword concentrated for better SEO. ” In case you do need to modify your URL structure, make certain to utilize the proper (301 permanent) type of redirect. In this particular post, we've broken down the particular very best SEO techniques to assist you skyrocket your rankings plus boost your number of regular monthly visitors. An accessible URL is usually an important SEO ranking aspect. Heidi Cohen: To increase 2018 SEO results, marketers will proceed moving away from disposable, when and done content. They concentrate on SEO Internet marketing targets and provide top search motor rank like Google and Bing. Collectively, these developments are plus can continue to have the dramatic impact on the method in which we search optimize our websites in 2019 plus form the core of the newest SEO 2019 update briefing. If your business does not have SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Internet marketing strategies, she or even he will need help through SEO experts. One of the particular most commonly asked questions, Light hat SEO in layman's vocabulary is applying the right strategies along with a legal method to boost your ranking plus increase your popularity. To help our own client's future-proof their businesses plus maximize online Return on Investment decision (ROI), we have caused our own global partners to develop a good SEO methodology that aligns along with Google's recommended best practices. Off-page SEO will assist make your website most well-known and visible on the internet, so you can get even more traffic and users for your own website and product. You might be the proprietor of a growing and flourishing business, the webmaster of the dozen sites, the SEO expert Blog9T inside a Web agency or the DIY SEO ninja passionate regarding the mechanics of Search: this particular guide is meant for a person. On their organization blog, Demand Wave also offers a great article about 2016's tops trends in B2B electronic marketing and SEO. Let's take a explore some roles that cultural media plays in SEO. You will craft your current SEO strategy around the keywords and phrases that will lead customers for you to your most profitable products. Google for example, states that will the no follow link end up being taken literally as well because the link will not become followed at all however within reports done for SEO reasons it shows some conflict in order to this. You discuss core SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION strategies and tactics used in order to drive more organic search qualified prospects to a specific website or even set of websites, as nicely as tactics to avoid in order to prevent penalization from search motors. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Smart links allows you in order to specify a word, like 'SEO' and then link it in order to a post on your web site. It's great for SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION to feed the search motors a good amount of keyword-rich links. Sites making use of organic SEO in the strict sense is going to become much like organisms, meaning they will will grow, expand and adjust over time according to readers' desires. No matter the business, the age of business, or even status of competitors, every company should at least implement simple SEO strategies to help their particular offerings get found on Search engines. So your SEO if your own thinking mobile, needs to end up being either responsive or app-store technique with the right dimensions, style, user-friendly, UX experience. Dark hat SEO methods, such because the use of keyword filling and link farming, can furthermore boost organic SEO. SEO is usually important in every area associated with advertising, marketing, design, optimization, movie, content, mobile and e-commerce, regarding without SEO all is untuned in need of synchronization, as an orchestra of musicians without a good experienced conductor. Unfortunately, 95% of links through SEO link building never provide a single new visitor in order to your website.
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