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👀 I am missing SEO industry stickers! 👀
So I got this new company Mac 🍎, but somehow it looks naked. Where are all those cool SEO industry stickers, where are those SEO tool 🦾 companies 🐸 providing such stickers? Which are the stickers that I should really have? 🥳
I'd like to get them from all around the world ... the cooler they are, the higher the chance getting put onto the lid of my new Mac
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General Meta Protection Spell against Black SEO Magic. Just place the counterspell meta lines from the image in the header of the web page.
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William Gibson's #Neuromancer was the first #Cyperpunk style novel I read like 30 years ago - found it by accident. Afterward, I was hooked and I bought the Cyberpunk PnP roleplaying game. That was before I got in contact with the internet for the very first time. The description of the #Cyberspace shaped how I wished the internet was like.
Now I am listening to it as audiobook from Audible.
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Can chatPGT write legit Chinese text copy for a website? With all the the hype around AI texting tools like Frase, GPT-3, chatGPT, Jasper and alike with incredibly good text copy in English (and also in German language) with the ability to write okayish code in several coding languages, I was wondering how good these tools are in writing Chinese content. I tested it. Of course I am not a native Chinese speaker (and I am far from reading Chinese), so I took the part of creating the content and sent it out to my Chinese colleagues to let me know of "my" Chinese skills and if they would put it onto client's websites. Actually - they were impressed, that I managed to produce any "goodish" Chinese text at all that is more than 你好 and 谢谢你 - but they still wouldn't let me write the copy for our clients. https://www.jadegital.com/chinese-ai-content-any-good/
#ai #like #chatGPT #chinese #chinabusiness #artificialintelligence #writing #language
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I managed to transform a chatGPT created text to pass the huggingface GPT-2 Output Detector Demo with one little trick: 1. Copy the AI created English text into
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🇬🇧 #Tumblr is somehow not made for me. I can't get the news stream to bring me anything that I find interesting in any way.
Do you guys have any tips on who I should follow to get an interesting SEO / online marketing news stream?
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Now all I need is a data base of all past lottery numbers of Germany's "Lotto am Mittwoch". Then I'll be the next lotto millionaire.
Who will help me? We could split 50/50.
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I am thinking of adding a new AI pet to our new Chinese family home. What is the newest AI pet generation and who produces it? Preferably from a Chinese company - but if you can recommend other countries' AI pets - that's fine as well.
Looking forward to your recommendations!
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I will be the next J.K.Rowling ... so if you find a new Harry Potterish story happening in China - that was me 😉 😎
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Positive Culture Shock in China: The regular movies tickets are 80RMB per person. Taking popcorn and a drink with the tickets makes it less than 100RMB for two tickets.
I understand the marketing strategy of lowering the ticket price when buying snacks and drinks together with it. But how come the total price is even reduced?
I love China !
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GPT3, chatGPT, content seems to be the holy grail of so many agencies nowadays. And with all the uncertainties how Google and other search engines might react - how are you guys checking if the content (a new) text agency delivered is 100% of human mind, 50% assisted by AI or even totally AI created? Which tools, scripts, ideas are you using to ensure highest possible quality you get for the good money you paid?
Any suggestions?
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It's incredible how many e-cars I see on the road here in China. And so many brands that I don't know at all - and therefore of course not on the screen.
I plan to walk through my neighborhood next week and write down all the cars that are standing (or driving) around. I'm already very curious to see exactly what the ratio is between e-cars and gasoline cars. I'm also very curious to see how many of the car brands I actually (don't) recognize.
What do you guys think? Would you like to give any tips on which e-car brand I will find most often?
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I just joined the Chinese digital marketing company Jademond Digital Agency in Guangzhou, China - currently working remotely from my Tianjin based home office self made desk (wooden plate + 4 adjustable table legs from IKEA), computer + Xiaomi Technology widescreen monitor. On the walls some German SEO people to know posters from 2010 (the Simpsons style one on the left), 2011 with 188 German language SEOs (middle) and from 2019 (right) + a poster from JD.com 京东 about this year's double eleven #1111 marketing festival and some inspirational cards (Just do it ..., Now! - Not somewhen, The best day? Today!) two of them by TARGOBANK.
I am so thrilled to bring some German employee-ship to a company already having a German word ("Mond" - the German word for "Moon") in the name. In total the company name is made up of two words: "Jade" the Chinese gemstone and "Mond", which means moon in German.
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The moon shines through the window Illuminating the jade statue within Her beauty glows in the silvery light A vision of grace and elegance She stands, a testament to the power of the night The moon, the window, and the jade A beautiful trinity of light.
This poem is #AI created by #ChatGPT. The image is AI created by #DALL·E2 using #Nightcafe.studio
Why am I posting it? It is kind of a spoiler to what I will (most likely) post tomorrow (kind of depends on how the delivery service handles a parcel I am waiting for).
I am looking forward to your ideas, what this poemy spoiler might mean 😎
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🇬🇧 Which of these Shirts do you know? I think must say I am missing a few. Which shirts would I need to have but don't have them yet? Please state your guesses of which (Online Marketing / #SEO #SaaS ) companies these shirts are from - and which shirts I should have in the comments (and maybe tag the company 😉😇).
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🇬🇧 In March 2013 I started working for Searchmetrics in their own SEO consulting unit called DSG (Digital Strategies Group). I had the honor to work with extremely capable colleagues. Not only in the DSG, but also in the DSG. Searchmetrics has been a magnet for talented SEOs since it was founded by Marcus Tober (mentioned here only those I had the honor to work with) Björn Darko, Malte Landwehr, Markus Klöschen, Martin Gaulke, Lukas Krawieczek, Svetlana Stankovic, Tina Lange, Boris Wartenberg, Thomas Rudolph, Alessandra Olianti, Felix Oey, Lillian Haase, Sarah Chaya Presch, Kathy Alice Brown, karl kleinschmidt, Tyson Stockton and many others with whom I had less direct contact as well as many other wonderful and extremely talented people in their respective fields like the wonderful Marlene Borst, Katharina Lübke (who could almost pass for a technical SEO today), Patricia Meißner, Christina Eurich, Heike Neu, Philipp Vaßen, Martin Voigt, Ingo Vetter, Daniel Furch, Christian Broscheidt, Stephan Jantz . .. there are so many that I can't name them all adhoc in this post, I shouldn't have even tried - please don't take it amiss if you personally didn't get a mention - I've actually only worked with extraordinarily great people and I don't like to leave you behind. I had some contact with other pre-Ex-Searchmetricians like Moni, Rico, Sebastian, Kevin Indig - now I belong to you (it feels a bit sad).
I was lucky to have been blessed with really great clients - if you are one of my ex-clients - YOU were one of those great clients - and you will continue to be really well taken care of - I really had not only great clients but also damn good colleagues!
Besides my work as SEO consultant, Baidu SEO study creator, input provider to Product and author of various Searchmetrics publications I was also allowed to get in touch with Searchmetrics software customers - e.g. in the context of the Black Belt Certification where I was allowed to meet Andor Palau, who took the photos above.
But my path must continue. 11/30/2022 was my last day as Searchmetrician. Since 12/1/2022 I am pursuing a new challenge. Over the next few days and weeks, I'll be sharing more and more about my new employer, my new workplace, and my new living environment here in Tianjin, China (even besides work, because I know many of my friends, acquaintances, and ex-clients here are interested in how I'm doing here).
I'm insanely happy that after years of hope, planning, anxiety, CV19-troubles, … finally together with my family I can make the step back to China.
Kind regards, Marcus
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Have you ever wondered how the Chinese Great #Firewall might impact websites hosted outside of #China? That is one of the important questions when looking at #SEO for #China.
I used the German World Rankings list of Searchmetrics and picked randomly 2500 domains from the Top 100K visible domains in Germany. I identified with some help from Thomas Rudolph the homepage URLs returning a status code 200 in Germany.
Those URLs I crawled from China using Screaming Frog with a Chinese local IP, to find out how these Domains can be reached.
Nils Horstmann, I think that was the kind of statistic you wanted to look at the other day .
Here is what I found out (as you can not see numbers in the chart):
- 92.4% of these domains were reached without any problems
- 5.5% of these domains could not be reached because the connection timed out (or DNS look up failed)
- 2% of these domains could be reached, but the status code (which was 200 checked from Germany) was either redirecting, or refusing connection (403 or similar)
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