#The opposing team would ALSO topdeck all five pieces of exodia
shitpostingkats · 2 years
I felt like you might be a fun person to consult! We're watching 5Ds and my watch partner is obsessed with Exodia decks and will not stop theorizing.
In a tournament like WRGP, if you pull out Exodia on the first person do you think it counts as a clean sweep?
Hangon I gotta go consult the monks who keep the 872 page mystic tome wherein the secret tournament rulings for yugioh are held.
My gut instinct is it wouldn't give you an automatic win against all three opponents, you'd have to let the enemy team have a turn in between exodia-ing. Which, in 5Ds ruleset, means if you drew all five pieces turn one:
Turn 1: Exodia in hand. Win duel against your Opponent Driver 1.
Turn 1, end phase: Opponent Driver 2 tags in for the defeated Opponent Driver 1. Whoever takes the corner first has the next turn of this "new" duel.
Turn 2: Theoretically, you could win the Turn Turn Priority (<- a name I just made up) and repeat your success against Opponent Driver 1. However, if Opponent Driver 2 takes Turn Turn Priority, they have an opportunity to cast a spell/lay down a trap that negates, removes, or otherwise bungles your exodia gambit!
Granted, the possibility of a this being a non 3TK relies on them both winning Turn Turn Priority, and having something for removal in their opening hand, but hey! If this truly is happening in the world of the anime, don't worry about the odds! Just believe in the heart of the cards and your friends and you should be fine.
I have been informed that Exodia is not a monster effect, it is a victory condition. And, as such, it does not resolve. Meaning it is still an active effect when Opponent Driver 2 takes their place on the track, even if they win Turn Turn Priority. If the player going second has all five pieces of exodia in their hand, they win the duel before the first player enters the draw phase. There is no window for retaliating play, they just. Lose as soon as they go to draw a card.
I’ve pored over the rulings history, and am unsure how a continuous victory condition would interact with the fact that in the WRGP, when a drivers life points reach zero, the duel immediately advances to the end phase and the losing driver can activate card effects in they so desire.
If Opponent Driver 1 activates a card effect in their end phase that lets them draw a card during the end phase (rather than their next draw phase) and they add a card to their hand before they officially have to tag in their teammate, and in their opening hand had four pieces of exodia, and their end phase card effect put the fifth piece into their hand before they pulled into the pit and transferred their hand to Opponent Driver 2.
Opponent Driver 2 would also start their turn with all five pieces of exodia in hand. And the duel would end in a draw!
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