#The outfit is just her default but i made the skirt poofier and gave her a huge fuck you bow
tadpolebobatea · 7 months
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Happy birthday to Miss Kururu! Our genre confused idol queen! 
Manifesting some plot for her soon, even Lucy has done more plot stuff than her TwT 
i mean her ability is  really interesting (even if it was mostly set up for a cute AnFuu moment). i think it’s fun it doesn’t work on attraction, just the pose (i had upsetting asexual thoughts about this, more should be made of free will being overwritten. You don’t even need to like girls (yeah i was projecting onto Tella))
(Yes tozuka is too filled with light and joy to go that route but I think about it)
(to me, unchastes previous activation was seeing the users ankles. Repressed Victorian you feel?) 
(you’ve heard me mumble about kururu enough that I think you deserve a drawing)
Timelapse babie 
Me before making this drawing : love kururu, goober
Me while drawing Kururus hair : I’m gonna hurl this girl into the sun. Immediately.
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