#Pretty proud of the little lollipops on her tights. I got the idea from her character profile
tadpolebobatea · 7 months
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Happy birthday to Miss Kururu! Our genre confused idol queen! 
Manifesting some plot for her soon, even Lucy has done more plot stuff than her TwT 
i mean her ability is  really interesting (even if it was mostly set up for a cute AnFuu moment). i think it’s fun it doesn’t work on attraction, just the pose (i had upsetting asexual thoughts about this, more should be made of free will being overwritten. You don’t even need to like girls (yeah i was projecting onto Tella))
(Yes tozuka is too filled with light and joy to go that route but I think about it)
(to me, unchastes previous activation was seeing the users ankles. Repressed Victorian you feel?) 
(you’ve heard me mumble about kururu enough that I think you deserve a drawing)
Timelapse babie 
Me before making this drawing : love kururu, goober
Me while drawing Kururus hair : I’m gonna hurl this girl into the sun. Immediately.
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danddymaro · 4 years
My Only  | Tatewaki Kuno x Reader
Thoughts are italics in quotations = ‘Example’
Flashbacks are in italics = Example
Word Count :  4325 
I decided to finally post this since it was a little idea i had a long time ago, and never really finished. Kuno was headass...but cute nonetheless.
My Only
Walking along the halls of her new school, (f/n) held on tightly to her leather bookbag strap, biting the inside of her left cheek in anxiousness.
‘I’m late,’ she thought worriedly. ‘So...maybe I shouldn't go in at all… Maybe I should just wait till tomorrow.’ She added with a worried crease to her (dark/light) brow.
‘ Everyone is going to be staring…’ she grimaced at the thought of having all eyes on her staring at her with expectancy and wonder. Just the thought of it made her palms sweaty and legs go overwhelmingly wobbly.
‘I’d never miss any days anyways,’ She argued, ‘Just one… the first shouldn't really matter…’ She went on, but as she contemplated the decision of just leaving it all for the next day, she found herself already at the door to her new classroom.
Looking down at the small index card she looked back up at the number a second and third time for good measure.
“This is the right classroom…” she said swallowing hard, already feeling her heart going into full gear and pounding restlessly in her chest.
Her hand nervously rose to tap on the door, but stopped inches before she could reach it as her nerves got the better of her. From the window on the door, she could see her new instructor already giving a lesson, writing on the chalkboard with quick swift movements, completely leaving behind a couple of scrambling students on important notes, those who bothered to pay attention at least.
Everyone else stared on with glazed looks, present, but not truly there.
She realized that if she walked in then, she'd be interrupting an ongoing lesson, and the professor didn't look lenient at all from his stern look and obvious frustration.
“I would have been here earlier,” She defended herself, “ But my alarm is busted,” she went on, knowing that even if she had an excuse, it really didn't matter. She’d had a hard ass instructor before, and unfortunately had the luck or getting one just about every year.
Hanging her head, she sighed deeply. “I can't do this,” she said defeated, backing up.
With that one step, rather than a quick retreat she found herself bumping into another body. As an immediate response, she jumped away from the new person in fright and stared at them wide-eyed, (e/c) eyes fully rounded and alert.
Before her stood another student, evident by the furinkan high uniform that was identical to hers. Her hair was a silky brown color, the longest strands not even reaching past her chin. Hime styled bangs hid her eyebrows, stopping in a curved cut right over her eyes, framing the entirety of her face nicely in a precise cut. And between her two closed, peachy lips was a small white stick which she brought out, revealing it to be a red-colored, cherry-flavored lollipop.
The brunette trained her eyes on the shaken girl and sized her up, studying her with keen eyes before she spoke, “You're the new student.” she started, showing a slight smirk, an almost permanent expression she found herself making, but not that the new girl knew that.
Eagerly nodding, (f/n) stared at her feet, embarrassed to be called out so easily.
She probably stuck out like a sore thumb…
“ boy, you’re real shy aren't you?” The bowl cut female said chuckling, finding it amusing and well, just plain cute enough to make her interested in the flustered girl. She was so used to the usual strong personalities and craziness that the meek girl before her actually seemed interesting... dare she say out of this world.
In Fact the only softer person she could name was her sister Kasumi, but Kasumi was more modest than meek.
(f/n) raised her eyes up at the comment, seemingly taken back. It wasn’t to say the brunette was wrong but wasn't it reasonable for (f/n) to be nervous?
This was the first day of school for her, her first day meeting people, moving to a new place, a new world, and life, wouldn't anyone else be just as nervous?
‘Day 1 and I’m already labeled’ (f/n) thought shrinking back, ‘I don’t want to be known as anything else but my name. And I don’t want some dorky name to follow me around !’ she thought with a grimace, shaking her head in denial. But before she could defend herself, the other girl spoke, interrupting her upcoming protest,
“ You already got good points for being cute, acting all shy like that, the guys here are gonna swallow you whole,” she said as a matter a fact, placing a hand to her hip.
At the blunt comment ( f/n) did a double-take, forming a horrified expression.
“Wait, wait ! what do you mean?! Swallow me up whole?”( f/n) said gasping, finding it hard not to stutter at such a comment.
“ This school is full of some real hounds… if you act like that all the time, I'm positive you won't survive and trust me, there are some persistent guys here...I know some personally.” The brunette stated, lifting her chin up with a grin, almost like it was something to be proud of.
“Oh no,” (f/n) said worriedly, “ that’s troublesome,” she added, not being able to imagine such a scene, not being able to handle the thought of having to have to actually have to fight guys off.
Back at her old school there wasn't much of a conundrum, for the most part, it was the usual boring school days filled with even boringer lessons and homework, but at the very least she hadn’t been harassed.
‘Maybe I should skip the whole school year,’ (f/n) thought deadpanned. ‘Not show up at all,’ She added, her shoulders slumping.
“Where are my manners,” the brunette said shaking her head. “ Nabiki Tendo,” she said extending out an open hand to the (e/c) eyed girl. Smiling, albeit in a troubled manner, (f/n) took the greeting with welcome, taking Nabiki’s hand.
“(f/n)( l/n)” she responded with placid kindness.
“So, you gonna walk in?” Nabiki said pointing her chin to the closed door, receiving a tight smile from the other teen.
“If you want me to be honest, I'm not even sure if I can...or want to,” (f/n) admitted sighing, receiving a simple, small ‘ah.’ from the other student.
Nabiki seemed to stop and think about something before snapping her fingers together suddenly.
“Say, You wanna ditch this class?” she offered with a bright-eyed twinkle to her eye.
“ You're already late, actually missed over half the instruction,” she said shrugging, “so what do you say, wanna skip?” She offered smiling brightly, hoping to convince the girl and find something to do other than sit through a boring lecture.
“After the first half we usually sit down and stay shut, The teach doesn't like noise,” Nabiki said rather annoyed, “So we’d just be in there doing nothing,” she said with an eye roll. “So yeah?” She asked with a coy grin, hoping to convince the girl.
“Skip?”( f/n) repeated worriedly, “but...won't we get in trouble?” she asked in a hushed tone.
Nabiki shrugged, “I never have.” She said without an eyebat. “I’m what you call a repeat offender,” she said smirking at the look she received, which was one of astounded surprise.
“ So you do this a lot don’t you?”( f/n) asked raising a brow, her tone being lingered with a sense of judgment.
“Hey, don’t judge, weren't you gonna do it just a few minutes ago?” Nabiki said with a challenging look, crossing her arms and staring down at (f/n). (f/n) backed down sighing, “ i was only thinking about it,” she muttered embarrassed, “not like I was gonna pull through with it.” she added.
“Well, I’ve decided for you,” Nabiki said as she smiled, grabbing the other girl's wrist and pulling her along.
“ Listen goodie two shoes, it’s nice to let loose once in a while,” she said, offering advice, “ be bad for once,” she added, making (f/n) roll her eyes playfully, a gleeful, little grin coming over her.
‘First day and I'm already skipping,’ she thought feeling slightly excited, being dragged by the other girl. ‘This is actually the baddest thing I've ever done!’ she inwardly squealed, almost shaking.
Feeling the grip on her wrist fall, (f/n) looked to the side to see Nabiki walking beside her nonchalantly, like she wasn’t roaming around with the risk of being caught.
“ so what should we do first? “ (f/n) asked excitedly, making Nabiki's eyebrows rise and her face blossom with amusement, “ so I was right, it’s your First time?” She said chuckling.
With an enthusiastic nod (f/n) confirmed.
“Well, sorry to disappoint, but It's not a big deal, not that exciting,” Tendo said chuckling, “i was just gonna go see a classmate of mine, he got his butt handed pretty bad by this other kid this morning,” she said shaking her head at the memory. The present excitement faded from (f/n)’s face and a look of concern settled onto her instead. “Is he being bullied?” she said worriedly, feeling bad for the poor guy already.
At that, Nabiki almost choked on the hard candy, pulling it out harshly to save herself.
“ if anything the idiot deserved it!” she said laughing, using her other hand to give (f/n) a pat on the shoulder, “trust me, he had it coming, so don't feel too bad.”
“But isn’t he your friend?” (f/n) asked with confusion.
“Loosely, “ Nabiki said flatly.
She wasn’t friends with Kuno. But at the same time, she wasn't not friends with him either...if that made any sense.
He’d been her associate before, if she could call him that.
...Or her customer if that was more fitting.
Between both Akane and Ranma, Nabiki was able to get enough pictures to sell to the doofus, making easy cash, so of course, she’d care just enough.
‘You do seem to care… even just a bit,’ (f/n) observed. ‘Even if you don’t want to show it,’ she added, watching Nibiki’s defensiveness.
“ oh Alright, “ (f/n) said nodding, offering an amused chuckle at the response,
“can’t wait to meet him then,” She added.
“If he's even awake,” Nabiki interjected, “ come on I’ll lead the way,” Nabiki said walking ahead, knowing the direction by heart, having the other girl trail behind, taking in everything she could.
“Well, we're here,” Nabiki said throwing her candy’s white, little stick in the trash bin as they entered the open room.
“And there he is,” Tendo muttered, outstretching her hand to the unconscious male. “Still out cold i see,” she added with a snicker, jabbing her finger to his cheek.
“Not even a noise, “ she observed, looking back to her new friend, waving her closer.
“This right here is Kuno, Tatewake Kuno,” Nabiki said with a shake of her head. “That’s one name you’ll hear around here pretty much every day,” she informed her.
As (f/n) glanced down to the sleeping boy, she felt a dust of pink touch her cheeks, crawling up to the tips of her ears, making her face match the color of ripe, little cherries.
‘He’s really cute...’ she thought to herself, her hand absentmindedly going to lay over her warmed cheek.
He wasn't even awake and was making her blush a few shades of red, her heart racing like a wild stallion at his close presence. Nabiki noticed the obvious change, and stared wide-eyed, her dark chocolate eyes filled with shock,
“No way…” she mumbled not sure whether to facepalm, or succumb into a large fit of laughter. “There’s no way, “ she muttered, going unnoticed by the other girl as all her focus lay on the teenage boy.
‘ The girl could not have possibly gained a crush on that enormous moron,’ Nabiki tried to reason. She hadn’t even thought it possible, but once she saw the notable affection glittering in (f/n)’s eyes, she sighed,‘ She's got it bad for him already.’
It hadn't even crossed her mind that it was a possibility...It was just that stupid.
But now what was she to do?
‘I guess the idiot is kinda cute,’ Tendo argued, though she felt a bitter taste in her mouth as she admitted it. ‘It’s not like i haven't noticed, but…’ She trailed off, shaking her head, ‘I guess there is someone for everyone,’ she mused, ‘That is if he can stop being such a dog,’ She added, uncertain on him even being capable of it.
The school nurse came from her small office and took notice the two extra students in her little room and smiled at them, not at all bothered or concerned by the extra people,
“You two don't have to worry about him, he should come to soon enough.” She said placing a hand over both of their heads, making them look up at her.
“He's a pretty stubborn headed one, so I don't think a little knockout is gonna get him to stop walking around like he usually does,” she said eyeing Tatewake with an amused gleam in her brown eyes.
“You mean like he owns the place?” Nabiki said flatly, not being the least bit willing to hold back her remarks.
The middle-aged woman didn't answer, only giving the younger a knowing look, rolling her eyes. She didn't want to say it out loud, but since the teen already did, she had no choice but to agree silently.
Bending down to the mischievous teen, the chummy nurse pinched her cheek,“ Nabiki Tendo, you look out for this boy,” she advised, pulling at the caught bit of flesh with a frown, “He comes in here about every week! You know, you should really talk him out of those silly fights with that Saotome boy.” she said for what seemed like the umpteenth time, pestering the Tendo female.
(f/n) could tell it was almost rehearsed at this point with how much it had probably been stated before, meanwhile, Nabiki shrugged, pursing her lips.
“Aww, Then how would I get out of instruction Mrs. Ito?” She said pouting, making the elder woman give her a halfhearted glare.
Shaking her head, Mrs. Ito sighed,
“You little devil.” She muttered, then focusing her eyes onto the other girl, a new face she hadn't seen before.
She smiled in welcome, shooting the new girl a flashy smile,
“ Hey, don't let this one get you into too much trouble,” she advised jutting her thumb to the smirking girl, “ Behind that sweet little face is a little demon,” she said ignoring the halfhearted glare shot at her by the so-called demon.
“Don't look at me like that kiddo, how about you come here and help me if you're going to cut class again, do something productive,” she said beckoning the short-haired girl with her index finger.
Groaning Nabiki stood up and walked over to the nurse,
“Ahhhhh work,” she said in a flat voice.
“I don't want to hear it.” Mrs. Ito said laughing at the obvious display of displeasure.
As Nabiki and Mrs. Ito disappeared to the back, (f/n) trailed her eyes back to the sleeping teen.
Quietly approaching him, she stood before him and stared down at his sleeping face as she did before, this time taking time to really study his features.
Before she had tried to be discreet, knowing more than one person would call her out on the ogling, but now she could feel unashamed.
In her preoccupation, she failed to notice Mrs. Ito peer over from the doorway and give her a grin, watching her fluster over the unconscious boy.
“ She wasn't kidding,” The nurse said shaking her head.
As soon as she walked into the back with Nabiki, the girl didn't waste time in voicing her suspicions, all with an amused grin.
“ care to change the cloth on his forehead?” she said out loud, surprising the daydreaming teenager. (f/n) turned to her immediately, stepping back from the unconscious boy, like she’d been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to,
“ I've got my hands tied back here sweetie, is it too much to ask?” The nurse said offering her a pleading look. (f/n) shook her head, “No trouble Mrs. Ito, I'll get right to it!” she said sparing another glance at Tatewaki before making her way to the sink.
Wringing a cloth, she carefully brushed the dark, lightly curled hairs covering his forehead aside with gentleness, placing the white towel on his forehead. Absentmindedly, her touch lingered as she ran her fingers through the brunettes soft, wavy strands, easily passing through them and feeling the dark hairs slip in between her fingers.
Before she could retract her hand his two eyes open to reveal blue tanzanite’s staring back up at her with a piercing gaze, making her gasp in surprise.
“ I must have died, “ he said softly, training his eyes on her, not seeing anything but the lovely face above him.
“ Only there could I see such an angel glance down upon me,” He added, almost too smoothly.
With a softly formed smile, he stood straight up and turned to her, capturing her small hand in his. He seemed to pull himself together quickly, the injury he had a thing of the distant past like it had never even been there.
It was then that an obnoxious, loud laugh cut through the room, Nabiki walking forward, shielding her tearing eyes with a hand.
“ no, no, no, Kuno baby, no! You didn't just say that!” she said snickering. meanwhile (f/n) was left tongue-tied, her brain going fuzzy as she took in his words.
Tatewaki on the other hand glared at his short-haired classmate, his eyes immediately finding her and narrowing,
“ well if it isn't Nabiki Tendo again...with you here I wouldn't imagine it being heaven. Perhaps a hellish world instead.” he said less than pleased, “ But such judgment from you Tendo... Could it be your envious?” he asked smirking in her direction, to which the girl shook her head, visibly gagging.
“ Kuno baby, I wouldn't touch you with a 10-foot pole,” she said smoothly, placing her hands on her hips, sticking her tongue out at him childishly.
“ I wouldn't care if you did, for I have no interest in you bothersome girl!” Tatewaki said immediately, turning back to (f/n). Whilst still taking hold of her hand, he stepped off from the bed, standing at his full height, leaving the teen even more surprised with the difference.
“ Forgive me, my sweet angel,” he said, offering her a charming smile. “I would have noticed a lovely girl like you… may i assume your new here?” he asked her.
Nodding furiously, (f/n) answered him, “ Y-yes, (f/n) (l/n),” she uttered out breathlessly, staring deeply into his blue eyes.
“ Tatewaki Kuno,” he introduced himself, lifting up her hand to lay a kiss on the flesh, “It is a pleasure to me-” He was cut short as (f/n) was pulled away,
��� Oh look at the time,” Nabiki said suddenly, whisking his new infatuation away.
His first meeting with her had been interrupted, leaving him even more intrigued with the girl. Determined, he pursued her, though admittedly straying in other directions from time to time.
But he argued It wasn’t his fault, something no one else seemed to understand, not even the (h/c) haired girl he’d become so close with.
After months of friendship, his ways put a damper in their growing relationship, becoming something he couldn't bear,
And it was then he made his decision,
“My eyes no longer wonder!” he assured her, taking a hold of her hand in his, pulling her back. With the force she came towards him, nearly crashing back to him.
He was quick to take the other hand in his opposite one, lifting them up to his lips at the same time.
Kissing the tips of her knuckles gently, he took a large breath, kneeling down before her, falling to one knee.
Her eyes nearly popped right out of their sockets as she stared at him, her stomach dropping in that very instant. Aside from that, she felt embarrassment, knowing they were at the center of a scene, fallen beneath all of Furinkan high’s population.
“(f/n), my love, I assure you that I only breathe for your existence now my sweet. “ He started, “ Akane Tendo, nor the pigtailed girl are as beautiful as you, or as captivating. In fact, no other woman alive could compare to you! You single-handedly have stolen my heart, ” He said smiling up at her with complete adoration.
‘ A true Goddess, of not one, but all realms and lifetimes, my (f/n)!’ He thought with a soft sigh, an arrow wedged within his heart, pointing right at the (h/c) haired young girl.
He knew that anyone that could wash away the pigtailed girl, and above all Akane Tendo had to be the one. Anyone that had made him tear down their portraits without regret was the one to own the entirety of his being.
Withdrawing her hand from his, she placed them over her face, hiding her two blazing cheeks from him.
“ st-stop saying stuff like that! ” she squealed, shaking her head with denial,“You can’t be serious!” she said stunned, but also on edge.
He couldn't really be so ‘ in love ’ as he claimed
… could he?
She’d known him for ⅔ ‘s of the school year, considering she arrived later than the had year began. It hadn’t been enough time to basically declare such a thing,.
But then again…
‘We’ve gone out together….’ He’d taken her out many times, but of course, just as friends, that being the ruse.
‘ Friends don’t go out alone for fancy dinners… Friends don’t buy roses…’ She thought to herself immediately afterward.
‘He hadn’t mentioned Akane… of Ranma in months…’ She contemplated, ‘In Fact… this is the first time he even talks about them…’ She went on.
‘Is he really... really done with them...all for me?’ she pondered, shaking her head with denial,
‘ No … He’s an idiot!’ she thought with tightened fists, looking away from him, turning with a cold shoulder.
If he didn’t care about Akane, then why was he arguing with Ranma to begin with? The only reason would be his feminine form or Tendo...
Seeing (f/n) turn away from him, Kuno immediately stood up with worry creased brows, trying to find the words to sway her,
“I know I have been a scoundrel... my eyes have wandered far too many times, as my heart
- but my love!” he started, crying out to her. “ I swear to you that I would never stand before you and spew lies!” he swore.
With an eye roll, Ranma stepped forward, shoving Tatewake, “ As much as I hate this idiot… he’s not lying.” Ranma said with assurance. “He wanted to pick a fight with me because he thought I was trying to steal you away,” he said with annoyance.
“ Steal me away?” (f/n) murmured dumbly, struck by absolute disbelief.
‘He was fighting over me?’ she went on, her heart going it’s fastest it’d ever gone, her (e/c) colored eyes glazing over at the gesture.
“My dear, are my words and declaration of love too much for your gentle heart? Have they finally reached you?” he asked worriedly, truly showing a face of concern, an unmistakable look of genuine worry, but deep down within being joy-filled.
“The fire within my passionate heart blazes and burns for you, I could not ever give you anything less than my full affection,” he said somewhat dejected, unable to show her any less than his 100%. “And I will fight for you, every day of my life, so long as you know i am yours,”
‘ oh god...he's such a cornball, but a stupid sweet…. Cute.. cornball! ’ she thought not feeling her blushing die out. Instead, she launched herself towards the chocolate haired teen and placed a gentle kiss onto his soft lips, feeling a rush of excitement coursed through her veins at doing so.
She hadn't even thought it out, simply gone ahead and done it, her body moving to get a taste of the craving her heart’s been dying for.
From her closed eyes, she didn't see his own touch of red on his cheeks or the way his blue eyes sparkled with desire and affection.
His arms locked around her small body and hold her up, raising her to come up to meet his height with an effortless swoop.
Her feet dangled above the ground as she was lifted up, the two swinging with happiness as she was pouring all of herself into the loving smooch. Her hands came to his shoulders and wrapped themselves around his neck tightly as he spun her around once, all while joyous laughter arose from his chest.
“Now that you are mine,” he started, “ I have nothing more to hide,” he continued on, giving her sweet eskimo kisses, brushing his nose on hers. He grinned wildly as he watched her cherry-red face while she returned his affection.
He could openly love her, and have his endearments returned…
“ Oh, My darling angel… I love you, I love you so, so very much,” he said softly, a glazing look washing over his eyes making them seemed like polished blue stone.
With a quick snap, Nabiki sighed, “Well, I guess that's the last of them,” she muttered to herself with disappointment, though with a small smile drawn over her that was both genuine and happy for the two.
“This one will be on the house,” she said to herself, looking down at the couple's first, official picture together.
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alycosworld · 4 years
Dekusquad with a reader who shoplifts because they have no money
I didn't know if it was the whole dekusquad platonically or every individual in the dekusquad romantically but I tried and I hope you enjoy it anyways!
The first HC! Because I couldn't think of a flowing short story.
Dekusquad with a Shoplifting S/O
You were far from wealthy as a kid, and although you didn't steal anything too big, you were very accustomed to snagging small portions of food from a convenience store, or the occasional shirt.
Of course, you were aware that stealing was a crime but...anything's legal when the cops aren't around, right?
Your family was always a little tight on cash, so not spending a couple bucks on a (usually thrifted) hoodie seemed acceptable.
And you didn't want to be a hero, so you used your powers to steal instead of to save lives.
Your quirk was called "cube". With a simple touch, anything you wanted would turn into a tiny cube, no bigger than a marble. You'd "cube" your objects in the store, walk out with them in your pocket, and "un-cube" them when you got home.
Izuku Midoriya:
"(Y/N)! That's stealing!"
Initially, he didn't understand why you did it. For the thrill? You wanted to use your quirk?
You didn't want to tell him that you had some small financial issues, but eventually, he got it out of you.
You burst into tears, embarrassed and ashamed of yourself. Sure, shoplifting was kinda boring since you had done it for so long, but it's not like you enjoyed it!
He tried to make you stop and let you use his money despite your vigorous refusal, and you taught him a couple tricks to shoplift efficiently without quirks.
Izuku Midoriya is a terrible thief. Good thing it's not the first time you've had to charm your way out of a police station.
Tenya Iida
I'm not even gonna put in the dialogue here, because he just started ranting about how shoplifting impacts the economy.
When he went on that rant, though, he had no idea what kind of financial situation you were in. He just thought that you were having some fun (bc ur a bad bitch in his eyes).
He found out the real reason when he followed you home one day. It wasn't creepy, he was just confused as to why you kept refusing when he wanted to come to your house.
When he saw it, well, it wasn't in complete shambles but it was far from luxurious. And then everything clicked, the reluctance to let him come over, the shoplifting, the shyness. It all made sense.
He felt bad for jumping to conclusions and tried his absolute best to make you stop. And you did...mostly.
So, you'd rarely snatch a pack of gum or candy bar, but that's as far as you'd go! You wouldn't want to upset your hero in training.
Tsuyu Asui
"So that's why you have an unlimited lollipop supply."
You were sheepish after being caught "cubing" a bag of lollipops. Asui shook her head, before making you "un-cube" them and paying for them herself.
She disapproved of it, but when she saw you convince a security guard that you had indeed paid for what you had bought without ever showing him a receipt, she was very impressed.
Did she want you to stop? Of course. Did she want to join in (just a lil bit)? Hell yeah!
She offered to pay for most things even though you told her there was no need, and since she was always pretty frank with you, you were okay with telling her about why you shoplifted (though you tried to avoid it).
But that one time where she launched her tongue out, covering up the perfect spot on the CCTV feed, you couldn't help but wonder if she did it on purpose. Thank you, Asui!
Ochaco Uraraka
"You really shouldn't do that...but I do understand..."
Since she also wasn't from a very wealthy family, she knew where you were coming from. She knew about your situation beforehand since you weren't too hesitant to share it with her, since she was in a similar spot (you weren't that keen on it either, though).
You once really grilled her and she blurted it out: "Yeah, okay, I shoplifted once! But it was the only time and I just wasn't thinking and--!"
You couldn't care less. In fact, you were proud. Come to the dark side, Ochaco!
You weren't necessarily evil or "dark", but since she was so pure and sweet, it just made sense.
She wasn't in a position to be buying everything for you like the others, so instead, she implemented some tips to save money when the two of you went shopping or on a date.
Shoto Todoroki
"What? Why? You can always ask me if you need anything."
You almost choked while he just sat there, utterly confused.
He didn't understand why you didn't want to rely on him. You kept telling him that you would feel bad using his money since you did nothing to earn it, but he just kept coming back with "but we're dating" to retaliate.
Eventually, he grinned and told you that it was fine to use his money. When you asked why, he just grinned even more.
So what was the reason? To piss off Endeavour. It was actually his money, so that was a good enough reason to spend all of it.
How'd he get you to stop? He just ended up paying for everything so often that you didn't even think about shoplifting until you were out of a store. You were too busy apologising for spending his money, even though he didn't care.
And then there was that one time when you did shoplift something, and ended up hiding at his house while his father was home...you started running again.
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