#The proportions are fucky
bugflies00 · 1 year
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hey guys
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homoquartz · 9 months
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lazy gigolas scribble
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maulfucker · 11 months
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Star Wars oc time part 4!!!! Long grandpa
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princema-k · 2 years
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bad news: still going thru art burnout
good news: my homosexuality does not care
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i think i made ada's ass too phat in that drawing but oh well
deal with it
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blackholefriends · 8 months
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Progress shot for the next piece!
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invinciblerodent · 1 year
I'm barely a third of the way through this playthrough and already I'm planning the next one...
I'm thinking an elf- or half-elf ranger or fighter, who used to be a monster hunter but then decided that there's no money in that? Someone a little more morally flexible than the literal lawful good cleric I'm playing now (but keeping some narrative SPICE in there with them being trained to kill roughly 2/3rds of the party, the projected love interest included).
I've not decided their sex or gender yet, but we might be looking at a she/they here
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maretriarch · 1 year
okay guys for my upcoming derpy fig which wings should I go with
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lihim-oa · 10 months
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Trying to draw Elias Bouchard + a little baybayin practice
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kai-selfships · 10 months
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Taking a selfie w my boyfriend but he gets distracted (closeups under the cut 🌝)
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fooltofancy · 10 months
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cries in built this room three feet too wide
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
What kind of drawing tablet do you have and what drawing program do you use? Do you ever sketch on paper to transfer to digital (or do full on paper pieces) or do you exclusively do digital?
Right now I have a microsoft surface, which is a tablet PC with a pressure sensitive pen and which I switched to years back when my desktop died-- before that I had a wacom bamboo. the PROBLEM with the surface is that I really really love it, but every one I've had has had Problems... my first one had display and touch issues almost right away so I got a replacement for free, but then THAT one ended up with an expanded battery after only a couple of years, and now this one has crashed a couple of times recently for reasons I can't divine... they're really expensive, so if the shelf life on these little bastards is really only like two years I'm gonna have to stop getting them, which sucks, because when it WORKS I do love it a lot and I dunno what I'd end up doing instead :') I like having a display tablet, and I love the portability of not being tied to the desktop to draw
These days I'm pretty exclusively digital, which, honestly I should try to make an effort to do more traditional art because it just feels really good and I don't do it enough anymore :'D I've digitally colored a few pencil sketches before, but mostly I'm either working completely digitally or completely traditionally. Generally speaking, if I'm gonna Do A Drawing of something imaginative it'll be digital, but if I'm sketching or drawing from life it's traditional (not that I've done that much at all lately... but IN THEORY I like to sketch journal or nature journal with pencil/ ink/ watercolor)
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hot-cocoa-addict · 2 years
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i forgot it was 2/2 tomorrow, so instead of doing anything for that i digitized a sketch of a miman i did in my digital photography class earlier today. i really like the cheery dancing ones so i just sketched what i remembered and pulled up a reference for the coloring. i think the feet are supposed to have an odd number of distinct toes but honestly i couldn’t be fucked to draw those.
all things consider, i think it looks nice. i’m glad to have finished something, it’s been a while since i’ve finished a drawing.
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sensenotsense · 5 months
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wip i need to figure out background or something, but gorls
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fawnydoe · 9 months
i think rauru's design is sooo so good but i can safely say now that i've ruminated on totk for a bit. he's really boring lol he doesn't really get an interesting character arc and just remains a pretty stagnant character the entire time, which is really disappointing
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vullcanica · 2 years
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Constance and The Tower are based on one of my favourite horror tropes. Architecture. Strange, terrible architecture
A building that's fundamentally built wrong; tilted, looping, with dimensions that make no sense both outside and in. A living, breathing space with a mind of its own - that's what The Tower of Equilibrium is. Fundamentally, it's a liminal space and those tend to be neutral, which it is, geared towards accomodating itself first and foremost. Yes, it moves around, adds and substracts things as it sees fit, makes extra floors and rooms on a whim, then takes them away, it can inconvenience you greatly for its own gain, it holds a whole endless realm within its walls. But all of this isn't necessarily horror. An impossible feat of abstraction may give you pause of disbelief or unnerve you, but the place's shallows limit themselves to fathomable shapes and proportions for the sake of camouflage. An optical illusion isn't inherently scary, it's just confusing. But since it is a creature, a deity with its own sentience, The Tower can form opinions on its inhabitants, can judge them and, as follows, its treatment of them varies. And it takes shape accordingly.
One trope that's fun to explore is the Tower as 'the perfect home'. What would you do if you entered a place that liked you? It's overjoyed you're here, it warms and brightens at your presence, and will do anything to make sure you're comfortable. What does your favourite room look like, where do you sleep best, what do you like to eat or listen to. which view would please you more: ocean or mountaintop? Endless sky perhaps? You ask how can a room hug you with its walls and floor, how can it express its affection to you? Imagine you walk into a house and it shapes itself like home around you.
And then there's the polar opposite. The place that hates you. The house that wants you dead. A great big god made up of concrete and anti-matter, whose foyer you've dared tread upon. The door as a mouth. The room as a stomach. The Tower can love, and it can hate. And it can chew. So what is the shape of hunger? Is it an endless hallway whose walls narrow as you walk? Is it a door that opens to brick? A window with nothing but the darkest black beyond it? A looping corner? A flooding bathroom? A holed floor? A crumpling ceiling? The unlit maze of The Catacombs or the bottomless pit of the Tower itself? It all bears little importance. If a maw you've willingly walked into wants you dead, you die. It tips its room-head and slides you into its wall-mouth, yawns the mattress open and gnashes its spring-teeth, pinches you with a groan between cracking plaster, metal and wood, pops you like a grape and wipes away the remnants.
The Tower is a dimension unto itself. One whose borders are unknowable. End is beginning in here, time means nothing, the hallways loop and loop and loop. The place exists to store everything from the very dawn of this world to the very end of it, an infinite archive not just for files but for living things, equipped to imprison atrocities that should not die but should not be allowed to live either. Its very architecture allows for exile. There is always a jail cell in the form eternity available, should one trangsress within the Tower's borders. And just as it bends around those it likes, it does the same with those it hates. For some, hell is shaped like a bedroom, for others a kitchen, a living room, a porch. Mostly, the jail cells rarely ask for personal preferences, nor bother with proper geometry. They have no one to impress or fool, unless you've earned some intimate torture. The walls and floors are softer down here, less trustworthy, the slopes steeper, stairs less linear. The rooms collapse on themselves if they are even whole to begin with. From whence you've come, you often return. There is nothing but darkness and solitude. You are all alone. This house hates you.
Constance is not the god of equilibrium. He's a small, replaceable piece of human geometry who can walk, talk and blend in, allowed a measly chunk of the vast consciousness of a deity, meant to serve as its surrogate. And as its diversion. Because humans are vain things who always look for gods in human faces, who will walk in and look at the bellboy, unaware they stand atop the tongue of a behemoth. Within the cavity of a mouth that can chew. Still, Equilibrium is not a body. It is a Tower. It is an angler. It is a house.
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