#The rebels soundtrack is CRIMINALLY underrated
Song title (episode title), if you aren't familiar with one, do yourself a favor and look it up because they're all absolute masterpieces
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miroana · 3 years
Hidden gems in Star Wars music
Okay, so we already know that the music in Star Wars is incredible and John Williams is a genius — think the Force theme, Across the Stars, Imperial March, etc. However, there are some criminally underrated parts of the soundtrack that simply need. more. appreciation, and I’m here to provide that. *uses force mind trick* you will listen to these themes immediately. Enjoy, and may the force be with you!
Satine’s theme — Hauntingly beautiful and melancholy, it encapsulates her character perfectly, from her dreams of peace for a war-torn society to her ill-fated love with Obi-Wan. Also, the broken version that plays at her death will shatter your heart in 10 million pieces.
Jyn Erso Hope Suite — A spin-off of the classic Star Wars theme that echos the spirit of Rogue One brilliantly and nails the theme of despair grappling with hope. Be prepared to get in your feels about the Rogue One crew. It’s by Michael Giacchino; you know, the guy who already punched you in the gut by writing the devastating music in Up.
Lira San — As soon as I saw this scene Rebels, I fell in love. Say what you want about the series animation style (*thinks of Rebels Yoda and shudders*) but this scene is visually gorgeous and the swelling strings absolutely transcend it. I don’t even know what the episode was about I was too busy being 🤩 at the music.
Rise of the Resistance — a rare sequel mention (sorry, not my favorite movies ever, but John Williams always pulls through). For lack of a better word, this theme slaps. It certainly gets you hyped to, as Poe so eloquently put it, “jump in an x-wing and blow some stuff up.” That scene of the resistance ships rising from the forest in TROS with this blaring? *chef’s kiss*
TCW S7 trailer music — Literally nails the vibes of this amazing show, absolutely epic through and through. I can’t get enough. A mix of multiple themes and motifs from the entirety of the show, it’s completely epic and heartbreaking at the same time. The force theme layered into it just makes me sadder about the fall of the Jedi Order, and the way it ends with Ahsoka Leaves parallels the end of the series perfectly. I. Love. This. Music.
Victory celebration — (aka the Ewok song). How could I not add this? This song symbolizes so much to me. It’s played over a perfect happy ending, the celebration of the triumph of good over evil and the fall of the evil empire after so many years of fighting, but the music is bittersweet, since our heroes lost so much along the way. It’s a little controversial but only nostalgia goggles could convince someone that Yub Nub is better than this masterpiece of an ending (and adding Hayden in was 100% the right decision, come on now). I actually only listen to this on special occasions — only big turning points, where I’m leaving something behind and moving forward to a (hopefully) better future.
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