#The recent mikayuu ones killed me I had to do this
princettegil · 7 years
They say if you say "Laamgarnas" 3 times in a row at midnight that you'll hear a voice saying "Please say it again."
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rev3rb · 3 years
Hi! It’s me again, here to ask you how you felt about the most recent chp. I genuinely appreciated the background info given/refreshed by reading it. However, I am SOOO bitter about them switching from what’s going on with the main crew + MikaYuu. Waiting another month to maybe get back to the demon world/fight is gonna kill me after being excited to see it in this release. Also the feeling that I can’t pin Rigr’s motive. Idk if I just missed it somewhere, but I’m still pretty confused on the goal for our main antagonists (if he’s considered one). Ik it’s somewhat purposeful with the 1st to keep it under wraps but at this point my brain just sums it up as them wanting power for power’s sake?? I’d like a lil more info in order to be engaged with that plot line so I’m hoping Rigr does reveal stuff.
Welcome back anon! So yes, let me start off by saying that the fact that we're swapping focus in this chapter is SUPER annoying. I was trying to recall if this had happened once before, and I realized that the exact same thing happened when Ferid and Crowley actually caught Rigr. That chapter came right after Mika exploded.
The way I see it, this is an important perspective and Kagami likely needs us to know what's happening here with the vampires simultaneously as whatever is going on with the rest of the cast. I can't imagine that what happens here won't hold any significance to what's happening over there. After all, Rigr seems to be one of the only characters that actually has an inkling as to what Sika Madu's plan actually is. HOWEVER. God, does it feel like they pick bad times to swap perspectives. It's like every time we hit a climax and are going to get some juicy content, the perspective swaps on us. I wish it flowed better.
Enough complaining though. It's not like it'll change anything, so let's just focus on what we got.
Rigr's motive. It's another thing that's super in the air. If memory serves, he's stated he wants to stop Sika Madu, but beyond that, we have no idea. Rigr has been a very mysterious character and still is. I haven't the slightest clue what he's actually trying to do past what I already said. Hell, the Resurrection at 19 novels show that Rigr had some influence on Guren picking up Yuu from Sanguinem. It was his plan in the first place. However, it didn't work out the way Rigr planned it since Guren didn't get Mika as well. It brings into question just how involved Rigr is in Ferid and Guren's plans. It doesn't seem like they're working together, but who the hell knows how this all works. So many questions. So few answers.
I really enjoyed getting some back story. I don't quite want to call Urd and Rigr flat characters, but unlike a lot of characters, they really haven't had a ton of time in the spotlight, so it's nice to see their characters get expanded upon, even if just a little. This chapter gave Urd some good emotion. Yes, I know vampires aren't supposed to have emotion, but you can't tell me that Urd and Rigr weren't feeling things in that scene. Where are all my angsty Urd/Rigr fics now? I mean come on.
"I liked the face you made when you won, so I always let you win." "I'm sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you." "I didn't care if you hurt me, but if you leave, what do I have to live for?" "If hating me gives you a reason to live, then go ahead and hate me."
LIKE?? What kind of fanfiction bullshit is this. Maybe I'm just a sap, but that scene did play with the heartstrings a little. Not too much mind you as I was pretty neutral about them prior to this scene, but this is the exact kind of angst I love to see. It was good stuff. I can't wait to see what it's like when Rigr and Urd properly confront each other.
As this is getting long, I'll try and wrap up the rest of my thoughts succinctly. 1. I was always wondering if Kiseki-o and Noya were 3rd progenitors since they have that young appearance going on, but brushed it off as I thought there were only 3 3rd progenitors. I can't remember whether it was stated that each progenitor level only had that many progenitors (so like there are only 2 2nd progenitors), or I made that up in my mind. Either way, it's wild to find out that Byakkomaru, Reimeiki, Gekkouin, Noya, and Kiseki-o are all 3rd progenitors. 2. Nice to see Lest Karr and Ky Luc back. Doubt Rigr will kill them as he probably already would have if he wanted to, but I hope they don't die. Also where’s my art of tiny but powerful Lest Karr physically holding back a Ky Luc that is doing his damnedest to take a swing at Rigr? 3. I'm not surprised the prison didn't hold. It's no fun if it did huh?
Overall, it was a pretty good chapter.
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ficletdumps · 5 years
Kimetsu no Yaiba AU (Mikayuu ver.)
Yuu panted as he trudged through the deep snow, the cold wind freezing his face and eyes with every step he took. He didn’t care though, he needed to get Mika help. Mika was the only one of his family that was still warm, the others were cold and lifeless, so if he had any chance to save anyone, it was Mika.
“Hang in there Mika, I promise I won’t let you die!”
Part of him hoped for a response from his friend, but he wasn’t surprised when he heard none. Mika’s silence only spurred him forward however, he wouldn’t fail him again! He’d let him down once, he’d left him and the others to die such a horrible death, while he slept peacefully in Mr. Kaji’s house!
“Please don’t die! Please... I’m going to get you help Mika!”
The mountain they lived on had never seemed to far from the village before, but now it felt as if it would take years to even get to Mr. Kaji’s house. He’d get there though! He had to! He had to!
Movement on his back made Yuu pause, he looked over his shoulder towards Mika, only for his foot to slip on the snow. Both of them were sent tumbling down the sharp incline next to them, the thick blanket of snow breaking Yuu’s fall.
The raven haired boy groaned, his head spinning. Luckily nothing hurt, so he could keep going, but Mika-
“Mika!” Yuu’s head snapped up and he looked all around him, searching for his blond friend amongst the snow. Mika was hurt! He needed to check if he was ok!
Yuu’s eyes then caught sight of something between the trees, not too far from him. He stood up, the white and blue of Mika’s kimono coming into view. Yuu stepped closer, glad to see Mika was well enough to stand up, but the other’s head was dipped, perhaps he was in pain.
“Mika, are you ok?” Yuu stepped forward, the action causing Mika’s head to snap up towards him.
In the blink of an eye Mika was on him, his hands grasping Yuu’s shoulders painfully as he pushed him into the snow once more. Yuu’s eyes widened, hands coming up to push Mika’s face instinctively. It was then he saw his friend clearly, and his heart began to beat frantically.
Mika’s blue eyes were wide, crazed, and the pupil in the center was slanted, much like a cat’s. His mouth was open wide in a snarl, showing sharp canines that rivaled a wolf’s. The vein on his head protruded on the skin, showing the effort he put into trying to sink his teeth into Yuu. Then Mika opened his mouth, growling like an animal as he pushed his head closer to Yuu’s face. It was then the raven felt the sting of claws digging into his skin, and it all clicked into place.
Yuu wasn’t sure how, but Mika had been turned into a demon. His eyes widened, this couldn’t be happening. Why Mika?! Mika was the kindest person he’d ever known, he gave everything for his family, leaving himself for last. How could this happen?!
“Mika listen to me! You can fight this!” Yuu tried gauging a reaction from his friend.
But Mika made no indication he could hear, simply snarling and digging his claws further into Yuu’s skin. Yuu ground his teeth and pushed Mika as best as he could, he wouldn’t give up on him, he was the last of his family!
“I know I abandoned you Mika, I know how much pain you must’ve all been in... and I’m sorry!” Yuu blinked away the tears that gathered in his eyes, “But please fight back, I promise I’m going to help you, don’t let this thing take control!”
For a few seconds Mika didn’t react, his mouth coming closer to Yuu’s face, but he wouldn’t give up.
“Mika please! Remember!”
Then something wet landed on his face, and when Yuu opened his eyes to look he saw Mika’s eyes full of tears. His eyes were no longer crazed, but full of sadness, his entire body was shaking, trying to fight the urge to devour his friend.
Yuu almost sagged with relief, seeing that Mika had regained some of his self. But that was all broken however when a figure came up behind Mika, and the glint of a sword against the light urged him to act. Yuu pushed Mika aside, rolling them both out of the way as the sword cut into the ground where they previously lay.
Both of them crashed against the bark of a tree, Yuu’s back hitting it as Mika landed on his chest. Yuu looked up, seeing a man wearing a black and green kimono staring at him. The man was tall, clearly an adult, and had dark hair not unlike his own, he also wielded a katana, which he brandished in their direction.
“Why did you stop me from killing that demon?” The man asked.
Yuu held onto Mika, who trashed in his grip, trying to get away. “Mika’s not a demon! He’s my friend!”
The swordsman scoffed, “You call that thing your friend?” He pointed his blade at Mika, who snarled and bared his teeth at him.
Before Yuu could come up with a defense for Mika the man rushed forward, Yuu curled forward to shield his friend from the attack but when he brought his arms around him he caught empty space instead. Yuu gasped, looking up at the sound of more snarling.
“Look at him.” The man was holding both I Mika’s arms behind his back with only one of his, his other arm on his sword still.
Mika trashed violently, but it seemed helpless as the man didn’t even flinch, keeping him firmly in place. The blond turned his head to try and bite at the swordsman, but his position wouldn’t allow it.
“This is nothing but a beast, he’s not your friend anymore.”
Yuu gasped as the man raised his sword, “Wait! Please don’t kill him! Mika- Mika is all I have left! My family was killed by a demon, but it wasn’t Mika, their scents were different! Mika wouldn’t hurt anyone!” Yuu stood up.
The man seemed to contemplate Yuu’s words, but ultimately shook his head. “This boy may have not killed your family, but his injuries were infected with demon blood, which turned him into this. Perhaps he wasn’t the culprit of this crime, but if left to live he will commit many others.”
“Now look away. I am a demon slayer, which means I will need to kill him.” The man raised his sword towards Mika’s neck. Yuu sprung into action.
The raven pulled out the hatchet he had on his back, running through the trees and picking up stones as he did so. He threw them at the swordsman in between the gaps in the trees, watching as he blocked each one easily. Then, just before he went behind the cover of the next tree, he threw the hatchet into the air, hoping the man didn’t see. Yuu rushed at the swordsman bare handed, hoping his rush would be enough of a distraction for his hatchet to strike true.
“A forward assault fueled only be emotion... how foolish.” The man raised his arm just as Yuu came into reach, bringing down the side of his palm between his neck and shoulder.
Yuu dropped like a dead weight, landing face first into the snow. He was out like a light, eyes closed in utter defeat. Before the swordsman could continue however something dug itself into the tree behind him. The man turned, seeing a hatched imbedded into the wood, dangerously close to his head. He looked back at Yuu, he couldn’t believe he’d conjured such a plan that almost worked.
Before he could ponder the plan any more the demon in his grasp wrenched himself free, kicking him away with ease before turning towards the unconscious boy. Crap! Because of his carelessness the demon was gonna kill that kid!
The demon didn’t do that however, he stood in front of the boy protectively and snarled at him. No way... demons don’t do that. He’s seen newly turned demons devour their family and loved ones without a second thought. And this demon who just turned, that was injured and should be dying to feast, was wasting the small amount of energy he had on protecting that boy.
These two boys definitely weren’t normal.
The demon rushed at him, his blue eyes wide in anger as he swiped at him with his claws. He dodged each attack left and right, ducking low as the boy threw a kick at his head. He knew by experience that demon’s blows we’re strong enough to tear your limbs off so he made it a point to dodge or block them with his sword.
The man raised his hand as the demon rushed at him, bringing the side of his palm between his shoulder and neck just as he had done to his friend, knocking him out cold. It was an easy battle, a recently formed demon that was injured and starved was no threat to him. Still, this situation was unlike anything he’d ever dealt with before, a demon that remembered their past and protected someone, a human no less.
It was unheard of.
Yuu woke up with a start, a gasp tearing itself from his throat as he sat up from his spot on the ground. He looked beside him to see Mika there, eyes closed and wounds treated. There was something over his mouth however, much like a gag that covered his mouth completely. It seemed to be made of bamboo, and it was tied on the back of his head.
“So you’re finally awake.”
Yuu turned towards the sound of the voice, seeing the swordsman resting against the bark of a tree. He pushed himself from it and crossed his arms, looking down at the raven haired boy.
“Your friend is different from other demons, so I let him live.” He explained, “But what exactly do you plan to do with him?”
Yuu blinked and looked back at Mika, who slept peacefully, “I’m going to turn him back into a human.” He have the man a hard stare, unwilling to back down.
The man chuckled, “I won’t say it’s impossible, however... the only ones who can turn demons back into humans are probably demons themselves, powerful ones. You’ll need to become a demon slayer if you ever hope to find a cure.”
Yuu listened intently, nodding along to the swordsman’s explanation. “How can I become a demon slayer?”
The man seemed to like his answer, he smirked, “Go to the next town down south. At the base of the mountain that greets the sun you will meet a man that wears a mask. Tell him Guren Ichinose sent you.”
Yuu nodded, grinning at Guren before standing up. He heard something move and looked down to see Mika had opened his eyes, and was staring blankly at him.
“He should be fine for now since it’s cloudy, but never let him into the sunlight again. Even the slightest ray will burn a demon alive.” Guren crossed his arms, watching Yuu help Mika up.
“Thank you Guren! You won’t regret this!”
“I better not. Cuz if your little boyfriend ends up killing humans I’m going to be the one to put him down. Got it?” Guren’s eyes narrowed, but Yuu met the threat head on.
“Got it. But don’t worry, Mika wouldn’t do anything like that, right Mika?” Yuu asked, turning to his friend and squeezing his hand.
The demon still seemed out of it though, for he nodded his head a few seconds too late. Still, any response was better than nothing, it meant the boy was somewhat sentient.
“Good. Now I gotta go, make sure you don’t die out there.” Guren turned and waved lazily, but deep inside he wondered if he’d made the right choice.
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