#The softness joshua have for jote is so sweet
moonilit · 1 year
more rambling about Joshua and Jote and clive
tw: mention slavery
the topic is heavy, but in a story where they try to change the world were people live and die free it ties in thematically that one of the protagonist, the heir to the throne, the archduke, end up loving and caring for this bearer girl who the world considers a slave class
what Joshua already knows as wrong now he get to be even more involve with it’s horrors, Clive was branded and enslaved for 13 years, he have seen it first hand, Joshua on the other hand had to see his closest companion, his childhood friend live in constant fear of being discovered
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moodrose · 9 months
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me after spending 5 months filtering out shuate content and being convinced that it's my notp vs. me after writing 6k of shuate smut & thinking it's the hottest stuff i've churned out in a while
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cosmic-metanoia · 17 days
The Ruler of Life and Death
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***Spoilers for Final Fantasy XVI*** Over time, I have written several FFXVI character analysis posts and intertwined Joshua throughout them.
But I held off on writing a full post because frankly...there is just too much to say. As Johnathan Case (English VA) once said, Joshua is "full of contradictions."
But the Tumblr world deserves more Joshua so...here we are!
The angle of approach - I will choose one word that encompasses many of his astounding qualities - self-possession.
(You got it! It's a word that Jote uses in her inner voice about a different character.)
Self-possession doesn't just mean "control over one's emotions." Afterall, "control" can imply that it can be lost.
Self-possession refers to mastery over one's destiny and being the fixed center point within the chaotic storm. Instead of being reactionary and allowing life's waves to pull you under.
As a child, Joshua understandably had imposter syndrome. Makes sense considering who stood beside him - a highly admired and heroic teenager who, for reasons unknown, was passed over by the Phoenix. The Eikon of Fire, instead, chose the sweet and frail little brother.
Thirteen years later, we witness in awe as a well-travelled Joshua confidently strides into Drake's Head to protect Clive and Jill. Everything about him emanates self-possession - his gestures, his stance, his diction, his facial expressions. HE is the shield now and he knows exactly how this game of chess with Ultima will end. Every move is intentional.
Five years after, we see self-possession during the scene with Jote when he kindly turned away Kihel's offer to heal him of his blood-ridden coughs. He would rather she save her medicines to help others. Despite the couple of times we see him doubt his abilities to keep Ultima sealed, Joshua presses on with grace and determination.
He demonstrates another instance of self-possession BEAUTIFULLY when he emerges uninvited in Dion's tent. The man who was supposedly dead now stands before all with complete composure and authority. Through his subtle but monumental gestures, it is plain that Joshua holds absolute conviction that Dion will not harm him or turn him in - despite the fact that Dion's loyalties lie with the very same nation that destroyed Rosaria.
Another example of self-possession is when Joshua reveals the extent of his dire situation to Clive and Jill in the infirmary after the fall of the Crystalline Dominion. Notice how he revealed it with a soft smile and gentle tone in contrast to Clive and Jill's horror and outrage. Joshua knows the consequences of his actions and chose that path willingly without a single regret.
Joshua is far from weak. He is the only Dominant that could seal Ultima and continuously heal himself - and still wake up each day to fight alongside his brother and slay every beast in their path...all with a kind smile and words of wisdom. Always mindful, always demonstrating self-possession in the midst of pain.
While fighting alongside Clive on his many adventures and side quests, especially in Waloed, Clive expresses concern for Joshua's ability to take on the ambush. Joshua's answer is one of acknowledgement and even humor. He is in command of his situation - the situation is not in command of him.
Naturally, Joshua is patient and not easily aggravated....but when he does snap, you freaking watch and listen. (I'm talking about that infamous Clive-gets-a-hook-to-the-face-from-lil-bro scene that was felt around the world.) But even in that context, Joshua was still thinking about Jill and standing up for her.
We also see a heart-breaking example of his self-possession - Joshua foregoing romantic attachments in order to spare them the inevitable suffering if he doesn't make it in the end.
We also see several emotional scenes throughout the game where Joshua is spiritually and emotionally the steadfast center in Cilve's tumultuous world as symbolized by the phoenix feather.
In the end....
Despite so many fans thinking Ultima would puppet his body and/or mind, Joshua demonstrates his mastery of self-possession - literally until the moment he dies in Clive's arms.
Joshua had every reason and opportunity to be spoiled (former little prince of Rosaria), self-centered (messiah of the Undying), haughty (like Anabella), unforgiving (Phoenix Gate incident), greedy (he's a Dominant), and hateful (a mix of traumas in his lifetime).
But this man OWNS his trauma and processes it to make him strong in the spirit and self-sacrificing for those he loves.
Perhaps that self-possession is something we can all apply to our own lives.
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Joshua Rosfield x fem reader Minor spoilers, I guess? Fluffy fluff. Inspired by this request.
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An exaggerated sigh comes from behind you, intent to draw your attention. You smile but continue to read, turning the page with minimal fuss.
You’ve been reading at the desk for a little while now, in the chambers the two of you have been assigned in the Hideaway. You’d be happy enough in the bunks, but Clive truly doted on his younger brother and he had organised a room formerly being used for storage to be repurposed – a bed, desk and chair quickly sourced and put in place.
Joshua is on strict bedrest under Tarja’s and Jote’s instructions. You hadn’t escaped orders either, been given a stern warning to leave Joshua in solitude– as if you’d want to delay him regaining his strength. You’d easily preoccupied yourself, having arrived at the Hideaway a few days prior with Jote and helping with various jobs. You were midway through bringing supplies in off the skiff when Clive had called your name on the pier, asking you to please go and keep Joshua company. It turns out Ifrit had found the Phoenix bent over on the staircase, coughing, a weary hand on the wall, determined to seek you out after being separated for so long.
It had been nerve-wracking to meet Clive in Tabor, Joshua’s sworn First Shield, especially with the unique courtship you and Joshua had. You weren’t betrothed or wed for that matter, but you lived as if you were, and you were sure the brothers would have so much to catch up on that Joshua might not have even had time to mention you. You’d heard so many tales of Clive over the years, knew how special the brothers were to one another and so desperately hoped to make his approval.
You shouldn’t have worried. As soon as Joshua stepped foot in the building, he’d strode directly over to you, pulling you into a deep, brief kiss, before taking you by the hand over to Clive and Jill.
Though a little surprised, Clive had been nothing but kind, considerate and welcoming in the time you’d spent with him after their return from Kanver and bout with Odin – the reason as to why Joshua was confined to his bed. 
“Darling, come here.” Joshua demands, softly. “Please.”
“You, my love, are meant to be sleeping.” You chide, eyes not leaving the page.
“Resting.” He corrects. “Which I would do far better at if you were by my side. Nay, in my arms, actually.”
You look over your shoulder to roll your eyes – he’s propped himself up against the pillows, his black shirt unlaced, hair a little mussed and looking so beautiful. You realize as soon as you meet his soft blue eyes that engaging with him had been a mistake. You can never resist that face. He could tell you to walk straight into the mouth of a Morbol in his loving cadence and, by Founder, you’d do it.
You must steel your resolve. He needs to rest. The colour’s only started to return to his complexion in the last day or so and you do not wish to hamper any semblance of recovery.
You try and regain your composure. “I do not wish to be at the wrong end of Tarja or Jote’s wrath when-”
“My sweet one, I beg you.”
Mothers, you can’t resist that – even if you’d downed many a tonic. You pick up your book and get to your feet, before toeing off your boots, and make the short walk over to the bed to climb in besides him. He instantly takes your free hand, pressing his lips softly against the back of it.
“Thank you.”
“Mm-hm.” You hold your tongue, not wishing to encourage him further, though you know when it comes to Joshua and his affections he needs no influence to shower you in loving words and sweet gestures. You go to return to your book, assuming he’ll rest now as you read besides him. That, however, turns out not to be his intention as he plucks the tome out of your hand with nimble fingers and places it down alongside him, just out of reach.
“It has been so long since we could just enjoy each other’s company, although I know that was at my behest. And now we are here… Well, I admire and respect Jote greatly, but to be truly alone in your company has become all too rare an occurrence.”
The Phoenix’s attendant was nothing but loyal, but sometimes her presence grew a little… suffocating, through no fault of her own. She was tasked with Joshua’s protection – his healer, his blade, his warden – and you were nowhere near skilled as her in those areas of expertise. You greatly admire her for her patience with him too – it was certainly hard to rein Joshua in at times.
“No, you are right. It has been a while.”
It felt like you’d been trekking across the continent non-stop the past while, poking around Fallen ruins, researching where you could, before he’d, reluctantly, sent you to Tabor to reside under Cyril’s watchful eye as set out to infiltrate Prince Dion’s camp to seek his aid. Your reunion in Tabor had been all too brief – he’d then sent you to the Hideaway alongside Jote to offer assistance there whilst his new party set forth to Kanver.
And Odin.
You don’t like to dwell on that – that Barnabas had split the sea with a swipe of his sword.
How easily could he have split Joshua in two?
“We should savour these moments.” He says, softly.
He draws shapes on your palm – it’s a nervous habit, you’d noted. He used to dance flames between his fingertips before he discovered this settled him just as well.
“You are thinking too much.”
Often, you would catch him standing or sitting in place, an arm across his chest, his other arm balanced upon it whilst he cups his chin, deep in contemplation. Sometimes so deep in thought, you’d resorted to peppering his face in kisses to get him to return to you.
You’re too used to this particular look, the responsibilities of the Phoenix resting too heavily on his shoulders.
“I disagree.” You place a tentative hand on his chest, hovering over that burden encased within. “Are you in pain?”
“No.” You stare at him for a moment, gauging whether it was a white lie across his tongue. His eyes seem sincere as he meets yours – he could never truly lie to you.
You scoot forward and swivel, carefully placing yourself across his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck loosely and in returns he brings you in closer.
After all this time, his cheeks still flush a little to have you pressed against him.
“And to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“You need to rest and, to do so, you must take a respite from thinking of Ultima.”
He opens his mouth to protest, but you press your forehead against his before he can utter a word, and you move a hand to caress his cheek.
“And rather than exhaust yourself further chasing answers you cannot currently seek, mayhaps for now you can think of my touch and of how much I love you.” You whisper, tenderly.  
“Sweet one, that thought has never once strayed from my mind - this is all because I love you. I want you to have the world.”
“I already do. You are it.” You tilt his chin up, pressing a soft, tender kiss to his lips. There’s a phantom taste of iron – too many times had you kissed your Phoenix’s bloody mouth in relief. “So, please, rest.”
He buries his head into your neck then, pressing a kiss or two to your throat, making your heartbeat quicken. “Can we stay like this?”
“Of course, love. Just close your eyes, mm?”
He nods, nuzzling in softly, the tip of his nose tickling your skin. You smile, closing your eyes, being close to him, being held like this is always so relaxing, your worries evaporating. It isn’t long before your breathing synchronizes and the two of you are slowly lulled to sleep, feeling content, safe and loved.
Clive doesn’t knock, forgetting himself, forgetting he’d sent you to sit with Joshua earlier too, and opens the door in a hurry. He has a vial of freshly brewed medicine from Tarja to deliver, but the scene before him stops him before he can voice his intentions.
Joshua is asleep, for one. He hadn’t even stirred at the sound of door opening. The Phoenix is propped up against the pillows and you are still wrapped in his arms, one hand spread flat over his heart. Joshua’s head is against the crook of your neck whilst yours lays upon his, both deep in slumber. The two of you look so peaceful.
“It’s rude to stare.” Jill jokes softly, wrapping an arm around Clive’s waist. He smiles down at her lovingly before he presses a kiss to the side of her head. How sweet it was that he and his brother had been blessed with you and Jill.
“Yes. I forgot they’d be together – I was tasked with delivering Joshua’s medicine, but…” He trails off, it goes without saying he does not wish to disturb such a tranquil scene.
“It can wait.” Jill smiles at the two of you. “Joshua has all the medicine he needs.”
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atopearth · 11 months
Final Fantasy XVI Part 3 -  To Live is to Hope
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I'm glad they addressed the anklet on Torgal's leg, I've been curious about it. Nice to know it was from Cid. I'm glad the kids helped stand up for L'ubor because I was just about ready to leave this town to die. But of course it's better for everyone to be alive because then that can truly change the situation of the people and the Bearers. I liked the quest following in the will of Archduke Elwin. I'm sure he must be really proud to see both his sons living as he would have wanted them to, unwavering in their beliefs for a world where Bearers and everyone can live as they will. I like Isabelle, she's very strong, mature and cool. Her story was very bittersweet too, it's a common story but you could really feel how grateful she was towards Northreach and the Veil for taking her and her lover who was a Bearer in when no one else would, and how much they treated her like family and kin that she's willing to give everything to protect this town and it's people. Her strength and resolve throughout the game in caring for this town goes to show how beautiful Northreach is and also why I have a soft spot for this town too.
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It was really sweet to know that Clive tried to take Jill to see snow daisies when they were young because she was sad. He didn't get to show it to her back then but at least now he's been able to fulfil that promise. It's not as romantic as the flower scene in FFVIII before the end but not many things can top the feelings I had back in the day. Anyway, I'm really glad we got this scene because I was like, what about Jill the whole time I was doing all these side quests haha. Glad she got a bit more screentime and it really warmed my heart seeing them hug each other so comfortably and happily. I'm happy that we got the Dion side quest, I think he and I really needed it. Harpocrates also needed it I guess since he never got to watch over Dion any more than the brief time he did when Dion was young, but the fact that Dion remembers and respects him goes to show his importance in his heart. It was cute how Mid also hugged Dion before they left for Origin and he was so surprised haha. But what about Terence? Did he die? I really wanted Dion to get a proper farewell too. I really like Gav's relationship with Clive, so when he started crying, I wanted to tear up too😭 What?! No Torgal for the final battle? That's ridiculous, we've never separated from him, how could we go without him? What is life without Torgal? I mean I should say the same for Jill but I have to admit that I feel more incomplete without Torgal than Jill lmao.0
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I knew it was basically impossible for Joshua to live until the end but having to watch him die and Clive absorbing the Phoenix just makes me sad. Little Joshua knighting Clive was the cutest thing ever. As for Ultima, honestly have no feelings for him because he's a pretty typical JRPG villain lol. What, I couldn't believe that was the ending because it was so anticlimactic, I wasn't sure what to feel even when I got back to the title screen. And honestly, what I hate most aren't endings I dislike but inconclusive endings and this is one. It reminds me of Gantz and I'm still salty to this day. I honestly don't care if our main characters really died or not, I don't care if the ending is sad or happy, but I hate that they showed nothing that was an "ending". Everything was just the aftermath of the final battle and then the end. Even that book is just a cop out to make you feel better or something, is it written by the real Joshua resurrected? Clive in his name? Jote in his memory? It could be anything but because they refuse to show it, I don't think I really care either. Just seeing Jill and Gav cry as they welcome in a new life is very unsatisfying. I felt bad for Torgal. How many people he cared about died before him? Anyway yeah, I have no doubt that a world with L'ubor, Martha, Byron and Isabelle and them will be perfectly fine but that doesn't mean I spent 60-70 hours on a journey with Clive just to not see a proper ending for him and I'm just disappointed in this decision. Maybe they're trying for DLCs again or a sequel (EDIT: DLCs coming as expected I guess) but seriously, it leaves a bad aftertaste considering everything that's happened. Dion's implied death was the worst. And the battle where we couldn't play with Bahamut or Phoenix was lacklustre considering how great the battles with Titan and Bahamut were. Anyway, it's crazy how the Bahamut fight was so long, but the ending to an entire game was so short and meaningless.
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Overall, I still enjoyed FFXVI. The highlights of the game are definitely the Eikon fights and the side characters. I'm not one to fall for the sway of graphics considering I grew up with the blocks in FFVII but I can very assuredly tell you that the fight against Titan was great, and the fight against Bahamut was pretty freaking cool despite how terrible of a situation it was. In terms of Eikon fights though, I was quite disappointed that Shiva never really got to shine considering how beautiful she was and how cool Shiva always is. Even Garuda had better screentime. Odin had his splitting the sea moment too. As for the side characters, honestly the side quests were tedious at times because running around was annoying and there's only so many times we can kill bandits and fetch materials that are super far away.
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I'd say the side quests were worth doing because they really helped towards world building and giving me a better view of how towns and people were. I won't say I liked all of them but Martha and Wade, Isabelle, Eloise and Theodore were great. In terms of main story characters though, my favourites were definitely Joshua, Dion, Gav and Cid. It's funny but this is one of the rare times where I actually loved the younger brother more than the older brother hahaha, I guess I just loved how even though Clive was Joshua's shield, Joshua turned out to be the one to protect him more than he did once they got older. I loved the sibling love and care for each other. I loved Dion's story the most because it was very straightforward and understandable. He was a good guy who cared about his people and his father but wasn't able to stop the destruction caused by Ultima because of these feelings he had for them. Gav and Clive is my favourite relationship because their trust and heart to heart to each other just makes me happy to watch all the time. Cid was cool and a great role model, charismatic and strong in his beliefs, a good way to show what Clive was to become as he continued his journey.
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However, I do have to say I probably have more negatives than positives for this game. Personal preference but I wasn't a fan of the combat system. I can understand why there's no "magic system" but the utter lack of debuffs and status changes etc really makes battles quite one dimensional in that your focus is really to combo and dodge/block. Attacks from enemies are basically meaningless because the only difference is how much damage they do and not what they do. Weapons and accessories aren't any better because weapons can only have better damage and stagger but nothing else, and accessories don't really add much change to make me really care what I was using. I mean as I've said, I was using the accessory that does attacks for me so you can take my words with a grain of salt lol but I was just so disinterested in the combat, I couldn't bring myself to bother. Oh and the non-existent party system was disappointing because it never really mattered if you had a party or not, it was just more characters on screen but really, I always felt alone in battle and completely forgot their existence. Anyway, as I was disappointed with Shiva's lack of screentime, I was also disappointed with Jill's presence in the story because her character fell flat for me. She and Clive were cute at times but I kinda wish she had more of a character if that makes sense. Barnabas was also disappointing considering he was closest to Ultima and that he was Odin, so he could have brought more insight and development to those things but nope. I have to say though, the story was very average. I thought the story was going to be more "mature" and go for the exploration of politics, Clive's revenge and fight for forgiveness etc but instead it went down the JRPG killing god route which was very disappointing to me especially considering how boring Ultima was. Oh well I guess. Despite my grievances, I'd still give it a 7.5, it was a nice ride but nothing really hit me, it basically met my expectations which was that even if I don't like the game, the Eikon fights should be cool, and I'd say the game definitely delivered in that aspect with Bahamut, which is kinda ironic because when I first saw Bahamut, I thought he was the ugliest out of all the Eikons hahaha! Who would have thought I'd like his Dominant Dion, and the Eikon fight the most in the end? Odin was the most beautiful but also the most disappointing. Anyway, I'd say the game is worth playing just to see the Eikon fights haha, they are just that visually stunning!
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phoenixd0wner · 4 days
Temp bio that may be subject to change until I can find the time to pick FFXVI back up again and also write a proper bio
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Joshua is alive and he kicked Ultima's ass with Clive, Jill and pals and everyone lived happily ever after. Except Barnabas. He's alive too but probably still an asshole. However, after Ultima was defeated and Joshua escaped Ultima's lair before it could crumble into ruins, Joshua noticed Clive was missing, and later Clive was considered "missing in action", so is this really a happy ending Joshua also refuses to believe his brother is dead.
Joshua currently resides at the hideaway that Cid had built. He works as a housekeeper there, hoping he’ll have enough gil someday to afford his own home, despite being someone of royal blood. To expand on this, while yes he did live in a nice castle, that was very long ago and it all fell into ruins, thus him not exactly having a place to call that he can return to, so yes he has been living at Cid's hideaway and he actually quite enjoys it, though he does miss living the luxurious life sometimes with comfy beds, nice rooms, etc.
He is 28+
He is almost as tall as Clive, but maybe a few inches shorter but not all that short
Since Clive has been "missing in action", Joshua tries to keep Jill and Torgal company at the hideaway
He probably has a little crush on Jote He trains his sword skills and magic with Jote sometimes, though of course he also tries to be careful with his skills since he wouldn't want to hurt Jote or anybody (unless absolutely necessary of course)
He hopes to outskill Clive and Cid sometimes
Joshua is a soft boy in which he has this sweet and caring personality. Sometimes he can be a pushover and then Jote tries to stop him from being such a pushover, especially since Joshua's illness was never cured. Do not let his "soft boy" personality fool you though, because he won't hesitate to bark a few words back that might be hurtful (or taunting)
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flamesofrebirths · 1 year
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@heartsurpluss said: ❛ your heart is beating so quickly right now. ❜ - last one from jote 💕 SOFT AND SWEET SENTENCE STARTERS | ACCEPTING
Yes, Joshua can also feel his pulse in his wrist right now, and he hates it. For 18 years, he always focused on his duties and on his missions, but the perspective of finally getting reunited with his brother makes him feel NERVOUS. What if Clive is mad at him ? After all, he could have told him earlier he was still alive. He would deserve it, if Clive pushed him away. But this possibility scares him so much. It's like the little Joshua is slowly coming back to him.
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He shakes his head and offers Jote a smirk. "I need to remain concentrated, for the time being." That's what he's telling her, but the truth is that it's probably him that needs to remember that.
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drabblesandimagines · 11 months
[400 requests] congrats btw!! i adore how you write for joshua so may i ask for a joshua rosfield x reader.. extremely tooth rooting fluff.. kinda domestic fluff as well.. just a soft morning with joshua.. literally can be anything! from in bed or a nice stroll around the hideway.. a picnic breakfast somewhere.. anything!
Thank you, anon! I hope you enjoy this one. I feel I can't help but write Joshua so suave. Please, please drop me an inbox to let me know what you think x
Lazy Mornings Joshua Rosfield x reader, fluff
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You cannot pinpoint exactly when it had started – hazy memories of your eyes meeting his blue ones across the sanctum, followed by deliberated brushing touches, chance meetings in the library at late hours turning into deliberate meetings in the Phoenix's bed chambers. Joshua had been away for a few weeks, conducting research, and you’d been worried in his absence. As he and Jote had returned the previous evening, his eyes had only met yours for a moment but you didn’t need words to know what he was after, and so you had snuck into his chambers later that night with all intentions of slipping out before the morning had come…
You wake up, slowly at first. You’re warm, relaxed and content, but the feeling is swiftly lost when you clock that the sun is a little too high in the sky for your liking and you need to get moving. Preparing to roll out the bed, you find two arms determined to keep you held snugly in place. You tut, taking hold of one and tug in an attempt to move it, but the limb holds stubbornly firm, though you cannot miss the flicker of a smile on your captor’s face.
Silence – his blonde hair mussed up around him as he lays on the pillow, almost angelic.
Nothing – obviously determined to keep up his pretense.
“I know you are awake, Joshua.”
He nuzzles his head into your neck then, making you squirm a little as it tickles. “No, I am not.”
“You have never been one to talk in your sleep, so I disagree.” You tug again, but his arm remains heavy in place. “I need to go.”
“Mm. You do not.” His eyes remain closed, determinedly so.
“I do, though”, you stress again, trying to sit up to see if that will help you gain some leverage. “I’ve stayed too late.”
“Not late enough. Go back to sleep – you’re still tired too, sweet one.”
You’re glad his eyes are still closed as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks from his term of endearment and sigh – dramatically so - before dropping back against the many pillows that adorn the Phoenix’s bed. “You are being a little childish.”
Joshua opens his eyes then, looks up at you with a coy smile. “Mayhaps I would admit a little bit of selfishness, but why are you in such a rush to leave me?”
“That’s not fair,” you protest at his wording. “You know I wish to stay, but if Master Cyril were to catch me in here, he’d…” You trail off. You can’t comprehend what he might do, to be honest, but it wouldn’t be anything good. Of course, Cyril isn’t blind to the looks that you and Joshua share across chambers, but it was only mere speculation on his part – nothing that he could note down in his work of the Phoenix’s life and duties.
“Cyril would not dare to enter my private chambers without permission.” He sits up, though keeping his hold firm on you as he does – afraid you might vanish from his sight if he does not.
“But he will surely visit them to check on your hea-”
Warm lips cut you off mid-word. Your eyes meet Joshua’s blue ones, yours wide with surprise as he closes his, places a palm on your cheek to coax you to reciprocate his kiss. You close your eyes then, careful to exhale through your nose, and kiss back, matching his pace. Moments pass as you settle into a steady rhythm, but something pushes you forward, placing a hand on his thigh, swiping your tongue across his bottom lip and-
Three knocks at the door in a familiar pattern.
You jerk out of the kiss in alarm, almost toppling off the bed itself were it not for Joshua’s quick reflexes pulling you back towards him.
“Who is it?” He calls, smiling at you all the while.
“It is I, Cyril, Your Grace.”
“One moment.”
You look around the chambers in alarm – the window is too small to crawl through, the door is the only exit you have, but that’s right through the thoroughfare of the sanctum at this hour, not to mention the man standing at the other side of it. “Joshua, what do we do?”
“I will deal with it. You, however, should lie back, relax…” he whispers, pushing you down gently, kissing your forehead, “..and stay quiet.” He gets to his feet then, throwing the soft red knitted blanket over you, before you hear his soft footsteps head over to the door, the oak creaking as he opens it enough for him to pop his head out to greet the Bearer of the Burning Quill.
“I am sorry to disturb you, Your Grace, but as I had not seen you this morn I wanted to check everything was all right.”
“Fine, Cyril. I am just a little weary after the last few days of travel – I think I will take today to rest if matters can wait.”
“Very well, Your Grace.” Cyril nods, though steps to the side a little, trying to see behind the Phoenix. “Would you like me to send for Lady Jote to assist you?”
“No, no - that is quite unnecessary,” Joshua waves off, “I know she is tired from our travels also. If you could arrange for some sustenance to be sent up so I can break my fast, that would be appreciated.”
“At once, Your Grace. Will that be all?”
“Yes. Thank you, Cyril.”
Cyril bows, takes a step back and the door is swiftly shut behind him.
You feel the mattress dip besides you before the blanket is pulled down from over your face – a boyish grin on Joshua’s face. “See? The day is ours.”
You stare up at him, your heart pounding from your nerves – realizing what had scared you so. It wasn’t so much being caught by Cyril, but the idea of being caught and forbidden from seeing Joshua again.
“Have I lost you, sweet one?” The Phoenix questions, laying down besides you, tilting your chin to meet your gaze.
“I love you.”
The smile on Joshua’s face is as bright as the sun in the sky.
“I love you more.”
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