#The vacuum cleaner thing I think is too ludicrous to really qualify as animal abuse but it was meant to be that in my dream
shwoo · 1 year
I'm really not happy with how much I've been needing to sleep lately, but I must have really needed it this time, because what were those dreams.
I don't remember specifics, but I do remember interesting facts like that an eagle is a hawk that's exactly north of the speaker. Or true north, as the characters in my dream kept saying.
Then the scene switched to the characters travelling in a fancy airship that I think was inside the balloon somehow, which was also a fancy shape, and while in flight, north was down. Whenever it turned, different walls became the floor. Why would an airship need to turn that much? I didn't think of that at the time, so it was never explained.
My subconscious came up with this whole alternate society that puts heavy emphasis on the concept of north. Wish I could do that when I was awake. Or even remember what I came up with while asleep.
I don't know what was up with the villainous character who calmed her dogs by drugging them with gas from the vacuum cleaner though. Why would I make that bit up.
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