#Wait why did it affect the dogs but not the humans in that scene
shwoo · 1 year
I'm really not happy with how much I've been needing to sleep lately, but I must have really needed it this time, because what were those dreams.
I don't remember specifics, but I do remember interesting facts like that an eagle is a hawk that's exactly north of the speaker. Or true north, as the characters in my dream kept saying.
Then the scene switched to the characters travelling in a fancy airship that I think was inside the balloon somehow, which was also a fancy shape, and while in flight, north was down. Whenever it turned, different walls became the floor. Why would an airship need to turn that much? I didn't think of that at the time, so it was never explained.
My subconscious came up with this whole alternate society that puts heavy emphasis on the concept of north. Wish I could do that when I was awake. Or even remember what I came up with while asleep.
I don't know what was up with the villainous character who calmed her dogs by drugging them with gas from the vacuum cleaner though. Why would I make that bit up.
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too-much-gacha · 5 months
Sweet dreams 1/4
disclaimer: this switches between referring to MC as MC and referring to MC as you, also is this extrovert!MC? I feel like it isn’t but maybe? I’m not sure. Also also, this can be read as romantic or platonic. Except for Luke. Luke is strictly platonic.
It's pretty common knowledge that ever since MC started consciously using magic, their room at House of Lamentation slowly became something akin to a mage’s tower. Though not in a “mansion-size extradimensional space in a kettle” way, but more in a “prevents unconscious use of magic from affecting everything around them” way. In hindsight- a particularly useful feature, when one's aware of how easily magic slips from the human exchange student when they're asleep.
In the beginning, it was small things: the house smelled like melted chocolate, butterflies in the greenhouse would blink at you with their wings or nearby flowers would recite disturbing rhymes. Soon things escalated. House of Lamentation is filled with liquid and everyone jumps at Levi for summoning Lotan again, but it’s not him. The liquid is actually… blueberry jelly? And Henry is outside his tank conversing with Satan’s pencil case about the latest discoveries within curses and hexes and how they relate to raising the prices of brushes for dogs, and after an hour or two it’s gone. Or that one time when suddenly Solomon had to run around Purgatory Hall trying to catch various potion ingredients when they decided to crown Luke as their Princes of The Pot Garden and carry him around. Things got hectic during one of the retreats at Demon Lord’s Castle. The film glitches during one scene and now instead of a dramatic reveal of the murderer there's a seal spinning in circles and a giant goose is chasing Mammon and Asmo and honking about eating cement and stolen homework in the UwU-voice. They are no longer in the Demon Lord's castle but in the car park of a supermarket, or rather the castle is the car park. And Mammon starts screaming bloody murder when the goose catches him in its beak. Then everything vanishes and MC wakes up, assuring they were watching the whole time and didn’t fall asleep. The puzzle pieces started to fall together after that, and that was one mystery solved. But why was MC falling asleep almost faster than Belphie? Well, the poor thing developed something akin to athletic heart syndrome. With so many stimuli, events and tasks happening every day, it became a default to always do something, be somewhere, help someone, play games with Levi, go clubbing with Mammon, pet Devildom cats with Satan bake with Luke, stop Solomon from baking with Luke, tinker with Thirteen, tea at demon Lord’s castle and so many more. Neither of those things bothered MC, they enjoyed each activity, but it became a norm to the point that if MC did something by themselves or just simply did nothing they’d fall asleep. Fortunately, for an identified problem, a more or less optimal solution can be found and everyone has their own idea of what to do when “a wild asleep MC has appeared”.
You were lying on the couch in Lucifer’s study, scrolling through Devilgram, while you waited for him to finish work.
You were planning on playing a round or two of chess after he’s done, but then Lucifer hears a thud. Your phone fell out of your hand.
Lucifer would come and cover you with his coat before going back to his task. He can handle a little unruly magic
But ultimately, when little fire creatures start jumping out of the fireplace and dancing together in circles, he decides that maybe it’s enough for today.
He puts your phone in his back pocket and picks you up, carrying you to your room, careful not to wake you up. Little fire sprites following right behind him.
You get tucked into bed with a little goodnight kiss on the forehead
And maybe just maybe if he will sometimes finish the rest of the documents while sitting in the bed with you
or maybe he’ll just leave them be and fall asleep with you
A lovely afternoon in the cat café by the park, herbal tea, pastries, whimsical cats and…
And you fell asleep, just as Satan was returning with a new bag of treats
Cats were starting to swarm around you as if you were their personal heater
If you were at HoL, reading together in his room or in the common room, he might have waited a bit, but this was the middle of the Devildom, so it was time to head home, but not before he could snap the picture of you surrounded by cats and sending it to the Cats group chat
As he carried you on his back, he felt something drop on his nose. There was no rain in the forecast for today, but that was chocolate dripping from the pink cloud hanging right above Satan’s head in a comically cartoonish way. Great. Just what he needed
He gets you both to your room, both sticky from syrup
the cloud dissipated somewhere around the kitchen, but it didn’t take all the syrup with it
“Did I fall asleep?” you ask drowsy
“Yes, do you want me to wash your hair? It’s all sticky from the chocolate.”
“Yes, please” he wonders if you registered what he said or was the reply purely automatic.
He washes your hair and does the same for himself. You wake up a bit more.
“To be honest. I’m having some munchies.” you hug him as he towels his hair. “Do you want some crackers and hot chocolate?”
Nothing like a little self-care day with you putting on masks, styling each other's hair, painting nail–
“MC darling, you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fi–” a big yawn escaped you.
“Aww, I think somebody is sleepy” he accentuates it with a few head pats “I will run you a nice bath, and we can then snuggle up under blankets” you hummed in approval
He returned to his room to you sitting exactly the same, you even still had a hand raised mid-air like you were waiting for him to apply the next layer of nail polish, but the nail polish was applying itself everywhere but your nails
You fell asleep. You fell asleep!?
In other circumstances, he’d ask someone to carry you so he wouldn’t strain himself (gotta keep up the appearances)
But there’s no time for that if he wants his room and cosmetics in one piece and still useful
He picks you up bridal style and tiptoes to your room
He might then finish your nails, but he’d much rather snuggle up to you. He still needs his beauty sleep
Oh no! You fell asleep, better take the bowl with popcorn from your hands before both of you have a huge mess to clean up
To be fair, Luke almost fell asleep himself. The film wasn’t as interesting as you both thought it would be
But he knew what to do if you fell asleep, he had to ask somebody to take you to your room. Easy!
Except, nobody else was at HoL yet, and Luke heard murmurs from the half-empty bowl. The popcorn people were raising and arming themselves up
He can do it himself. He’s a big, strong boy. He doesn’t need other’s help. If Asmo and Levi can carry you, so can he.
He hooked his arms under your armpits and started dragging you off the sofa. Slowly, carefully so you won’t hit the ground. But the popcorn people started to breach containment, so he picked up the pace
Unfortunately, you were a bit too heavy for Luke and walking backwards did not help. He tripped on the edge of the carpet and fell, and you woke up when the floor met your head.
“Ouch,” you blinked once, twice. The popcorn army crumbled before Luke’s eyes, “Wow, would you look at the time? Come on Luke, we gotta get you to bed or Simeon will have my head”
You took Luke by the hand and started walking away, while he wondered what would happen if you hadn’t woken up. Would he be eaten by popcorn instead of the other way around
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kayla-marie-writes · 9 months
Episode 9 of My Demon:
I'm becoming a Song Kang fan with this one. I plan to watch his other work soon.
But now that they're not running from their feelings, will that affect the power of the tattoo? They're so cute when they're not fighting! (I still adore Seon-hoo, but we know how this works in dramas. If you know of one where the second male leads, I'm curious, though.)
They deserved this after the last few episodes, but we know that the other shoe is going to drop soon.
LMAO her blind date is so weird! Awww, why is he so cute about human customs?! AND WHEN SHE SAID SHE WASN'T GOING TO WORK?! His puppy-like behavior has me in a chokehold. I am not okay.🥹🥹🥹. I feel like he's never got to have fun or live any of his lives, so it's new to him.
I'm glad he got his couple set. That's all he wanted.💕 Now...what is this bitch doing? She's so pathetic.
I love how he's helping her through the trauma associated with the song.🥰
I feel like there's more to the company than we're seeing, because the obsession to have THAT company when they already have a lot is weird as fuck to me. There's more to it than taking it from Do-hee.
I see both sides of the non-argument. She wants to be done with it, and he wants her to live without fear. Ohhh, my Seok-hoon🥰🥰🥰🥰!! (Insert product placement. I do love how dramas write them in). Poor baby is going to get his heart broken more. It's the Second Lead Curse.
(The slide down the bench was cute. I, however, am not above a BL, lol). Wait wait wait. If we get a temporary team up with my boys, I will lose it, okay?! LOSE IT!!
YAAAAYYY!!! MY WILD DOGS!!! IDC I LOVE THOSE ADORABLE, CHAOTIC GANGSTERS!!! They have my heart, all they wanna do is help. Aaand I'm brought down by Stat Jin. The bitch is annoying. THAT'S RIGHT, SHUT HER ASS DOWN!!! BYE!! BUH BYE!!
LOL I'm getting "Backstreet Rookie", and "Clean With Passion For Now" flashbacks as Doo-hee is drunk!😭🤣 I didn't expect Ms.Shin to loosen up so much, she's funny! AYO SHE FINALLY SAID THE NAME JOKE!
Is-is the other sip about to sail?! Ooh, he's found!! Sigh. He's gonna burn the evidence...wait...that's not...who is that?! WHOOOAAAAAAHHH!!!!! Holy shit...did he SET UP THE KILLER TO DO HALF OF THE WORK HIMSELF LATER?!?! I need answers...so the cops will find and identify the scene. I hoped that our demon would get his revenge but. Oh shit...I-so WHO IS HE?! He knows about demons for sure.
Jesus, what a way to go. THEY BETTER NOT FRAME MY BABY!! Sir. Clean up your own shit if you're gonna be a serial killer...ohhh, they wanna frame my Gu-won...they got everything they wanted. I still don't understand the obsession with bringing Do-her down. She was brought in after whatever happened with her parents.
Oh, no!! The deals are dropping!! So what happens now?! WHAT IS GOING AWN?! AYO?! IS SHE A DEMON?! (I loved her in Mr.Queen). 👁️👄👁️ She what. She GAVE HIM WHAT?!
I REALLY HOPE that this is a race against time with a happy ending. OH COME OOON!! I should have known that all the cuteness had a price. (Aaand more reasons to hate Star Jin😒).
...This episode has been a LOT, but a good one. On to the next-
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shummashum · 9 months
Zeus Brundle Ch7 [11~15]
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woah she passed~ but I'm kinda unimpressed
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they're trying to talk about something again very sus
Leaving the two who gave off such a suspicious atmosphere in the Headmaster's office, Liz went out into the hallway. She's not trying to eavesdrop this time (fortunately).
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why are you so upset,,,,,,,,,,,, it's not like you you're simplicity king aren't you aren't you the type of person who gets angry easily and calms down easily I'll tell her to apologize for speaking unpleasantly to you earlier relax and calm down please?
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what wait you're just passing him what oi where are you going
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erm cool off calm down already why on earth are you doing this why get yourself together please??
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em you know, I chose you she just changed my choices on her own I did nothing wrong it's her arbitrary action
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take it fucking take it what on earth is in your head just take it already
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hah for crying out loud I can't understand her
okay, let's sort out the situation
First of all, Liz got pissed off when she saw the cookie scene. Zeus must have been upset as well because, from his pov, she was getting annoyed at him out of nowhere while he hadn't done anything. And when Zeus teased her by asking her if she wanted to know about the cookie scene that much, Liz got pissed off for the second time. In the aftermath of being pissed off + the attitude that he knew she would choose him, Liz chose Klaus, so now Zeus was pissed off for the second time. He was pissed off and he got angry at her, so Liz got pissed off for the third time.
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what the hell was Liz Hart like this kind of character the Liz I saw in previous seasons was a naive but positive queen, not this kind of picky girl huh…what
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what the fuck is this what's happening now is her sanity okay looks like she failed her sanity roll and went into temporary insanity
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that's it temporarily insane there's no other way to explain this situation she failed the sanity roll in the cookie scene earlier but succeeded INT roll, and she went into temporary insanity after understanding the situation this is it now I understand
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oh well it's fucking crisis we're fucked dammit how do we normalize this atmosphere I can't I can't do this you fucking do something about it it's all your fault!!
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why high INT status is not always a good thing when playing coc.png now she succeeded INT roll again and is about to take emo~tional da~maged
That's how the sacrament of penance began.
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what should I do, you say apologize to him of course I'm telling you to crawl up to him tomorrow and offer a sincere apology, doing dogeza or something just apologize don't you know about what is apology
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oh god dammit apologize already before considering a confession why are you thinking about that now isn't it right to first consider apologizing for what you did wrong am I wrong
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you think this is now the time for relationship counseling there's some kind of magic note in this WH sekai, at least try sending it
Just then, Hiro appeared with the sound of a window being tapped.
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this guy goes in and out of the girls' dorm like it's his front yard
Anyway, she followed him outside.
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you got it right it's her fault
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is it my illusion or delusion that his affection for him is dripping from those words I'm scared of him he came without Zeus telling him to, he was just worried about him damn he might be shouting bss countless times in his heart right now no stop such romantic-centered thinking is not good
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She at least realized her feelings to him. Finally.
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hah dammit if Hiro was a girl I might be a sucker for Zeus×Hiro childhood friend (I heard so) + master-servant relationship + an indifferent human being who calms down a mad dog dammit……… there is nothing but delicious elements why is that Hiro guy a man why the world is cruel
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Anyway, after gathering her thoughts, Liz headed to the Night Class to tell her feelings to Zeus. Let's fucking go
but now that I think about it, did she decide 'I like him' after just a week huh it's not good at all
-Ch7 End-
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Remember that Beast!Reader fic with the yandere prince? I loved that one! Can I please request ‘Tears’ from your prompt list for this please?
I was thinking that maybe a few years pass by while the reader is still stuck in beast form, but during that time the person appointed as an alternative caretaker for the reader (obviously the prince can’t be around ALL the time if he has to maintain his kingdom and keep up his image) slowly starts forming a friendly relationship and with even something as small as a forehead kiss to the beast, it is enough to break the curse. But the two don’t get enough time to celebrate before the prince barges in👀
I’m uncomfortable with nsfw and anything too sexual but I enjoy the creepiness and horror that follows a yandere character so I hope you can write it like that please😭🥺 Oh! And please let there be some hope that the reader will either be saved or she saves herself. Even better if the reader decides that she wants to save herself and the boy who broke her curse🤩
Thank you! So sorry if I’m requesting a lot😭🙏
Oh, my sweet little anons, when was the last time I gave you a happy end, huh? But thanks for requesting a continuation, I am glad you all enjoyed it so much ^-^ What a good idea you had there!
Tears - “Sweetie, don’t cry.. they didn’t love you as much as I did.. I’ll help you over the heart break.” 
»»———————— ♡ ————————««
Panting, you urged your legs forward, always one step further than you made at a time. The chilly night air burnt in your lungs, and your bare feet were icy and wet from the forest ground, but neither you nor the person holding your hand so gently in his thought about stopping. Only wrapped in a big rag, you should have been cold, but when he squeezed your hand encouragingly, you believed you could manage it all.
It hadn’t been too long since you started your way on foot down the hill the old castle sat upon. Sooner or later, the prince would find out you escaped, and surely, they would also notice your Beloved having fled the scene. There had been no reason for him to stay. Losing you was enough to get sentenced to death, his lifeless body thrown into a bog rather than buried. So why wouldn’t he leave with you? There certainly was no reason for him to stay in the wretched service of the king. 
But sooner or later, they would come for you, that much was sure.
So, you two had to hurry, but even so, you couldn’t keep from smiling, especially when he looked back over his shoulder, his warm, green eyes shining without any regrets. You two had known each other far too little, but he never once hesitated to show you his affection for you, even when you still were the hideous atrocity that you had turned into to escape the prince for the first time.
Perhaps, everything that happened was fate. Even if it had been harsh and awful, it happened so that you two could meet and start a better life together somewhere new. Even if you wished now that you two could have met under different circumstances, now, you didn’t regret your life from before anymore. Now, you could simply look ahead to the future that waited for you.
Or so you thought; you should have known better.
The soaring of arrows pierced through the silence of the night. One hit the bark of the tree before you, fire spreading from its alcohol-soaked peak. Your eye widened, as did you’re companions, and you soon found yourself ducking as another one flew over your heads.
You couldn’t spare a second to look back over your shoulder as you two urged onwards, picking up the pace. Your legs were tired and shaking, but you knew that you had to go faster and faster, or else you or he would get hit. It were moments like these in which you wished you were still a beast. One which could run faster than any arrow. One that could fight and protect what was important to you. But that was no longer, true love’s kiss having sealed that specific fate already.
It was too late when you realized that the arrows so far had not been to stop you two from getting away. Instead, as they began to light up tree after tree, you realized they were there to banish the secrecy of the forest and make the dark disappear. At the same time, they made you two run into the directions your followers wanted you to go. If you looked back now, you knew who you’d see, no robbers smart enough to roam the forest around the prince’s castle, so there really was no reason for any other armed party to hunt you down.
And yet, you did, too afraid that if you didn’t, things would go way worse. 
The moment you looked over your shoulder, another arrow flew past you, grazing your cheek. You knew where it would hit way before your companion cried out in pain, his hand letting go of yours as a reflex. He sank to his knee for a moment, cursing under his breath as you hurried to his side, seeing the arrow lodged in his shoulder. “Oh god,” you stammered as you sank next to him, hands hovering over the wound. “W-We can fix it, I’m sure, we just have to--!”
“There’s no time!” he interrupted you firmly as if he hadn’t just been shot with an arrow. Without wasting even another second, he got up again, grabbed you by the wrist, and moved forward. You caught a glimpse at his face, determination brimming from his features, but pearls of sweat collected at his forehead. He was clearly in pain, showing it in the way he held his own shoulder with his free hand, but he hadn’t given up yet. He would move on until you two were safe, and though you sympathized with his pain, you were so thankful he didn’t give up yet.
You two ran as fast as you could, but soon you couldn’t ignore the sound of armor behind you anymore, hooves trotting closer while torches lit up the forest more and more. It was almost spooky that no words were muttered, and you expected someone to call orders every now and then, but you had seen the clothes of your followers briefly; you knew who they were. The prince’s guards, clad in the finest silver and trained to the point of being nothing more than human dogs. They ceased speaking if not absolutely necessary, their eyes were soulless, and their hearts without a hint of benevolence. Them being after you could only mean one thing.
The prince wanted you back.
Another arrow getting stuck in the tree you just passed. You knew everything they did wasn’t fun but coldly calculated tactics. They wouldn’t hurt you. They couldn’t. Your cheek bleeding would probably cause one of them to get degraded to a chair for three months at least, so they really couldn’t afford to hurt you more seriously. But they did know who they could hurt you with. Someone whose pain would hurt you more than your own.
The next arrow missed completely, lost in the leaves on the ground. You two were running out of all the adrenaline you had, slowly and surely having exhaustion catch up to you. No! Please no! You begged the entities above that this wouldn’t be the end! There was so much more to live for, so much to see and experience! You wanted to be with your former caretaker, the only one who ever took you and your feelings seriously enough. You two could build a house and keep far away from the hustle and bustle of the cities, farming and taking care of livestock until the end of time. So please! Don’t let this be the end of it!
However, against your expectations, the one to collapse first was him. This time, the arrows didn’t miss, one hitting him in the lower back, one scarily close to his spine. Teardrops pearled from your cheeks as you fell into to mud with him, your hands scrapping along the roots and stones of the ground as you crawled back to where he laid, softly whimpering. Reaching for an arrow, you wanted to pull it out in desperation, but he began to cry out in pain before you could even start pulling.
“LEAVE!” he screamed. “LEAVE AND RUN!”
You couldn’t hold back the sobs hearing these words. “Please...” his hand reached for yours as he tried his best to look up to you. “Go, find a safe place to hide! Leave for another country and never come back!”
“No...” you sobbed, bringing one hand covered in mud and blood to your face. “I don’t want to leave you...”
“They are after you, not me,” he tried to reassure you, but you knew better. The sounds of their heavy footsteps drew closer and closer, and finding him, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill this ‘traitor’. If you went, then he’d die. But if you stayed and got caught, he’d die as well. No choice you could make would end happily for the both of you. “Please, go. I want you to-- ARGH!” Interrupted by his own scream, you began to panic, calling his name and shaking his arm, only to look up as a shadow was cast over you.
“[Name],” the prince sighed, relief showing in his face. He had this small, exhausted smile on his lips, happiness in his features as he looked at you. However, the moment he looked down at your companion, his face began to contort into a hateful grimace, his leg lifting once more to give your Beloved’s back a not-so-gentle kick. “No! Stop!” you cried, latching onto his leg as the kicks came down, your partner’s screams echoing through the forest.
“Don’t worry, I will get rid of the scoundrel who kidnapped you. I will save you! Just like I always do!”
“No! You’re hurting him! Stop it! Please... Please stop!”
Never had you imagined that you’d ever find yourself so low again that you’d beg the prince for something. Before, it had been for your life, but now, it was for the life of the only person that really mattered to you. “Oh, Sweetheart,” the prince cooed, his fingers finding their way under your chin, pulling your face up to meet his eyes. “Don’t cry... he didn’t love you as much as I do. I’ll help you over the heartbreak once we’re done here.”
The prince let go roughly as he pulled his sword from his sheath as you fell to the ground next to your partner. For a moment, time seemed to stop as you stood up in a matter of seconds. Panicked, you decided to throw yourself in front of the sword instead, but a hand grabbed yours before you could. Looking down at your Beloved, smiling warmly and encouraging as he muttered the final words you’d hear from him.
It was like he set you free, even if your definition of free originally included him. “Eh, Darling?!” you heard as you took off in a second spurt of adrenaline, the prince screaming your name after you. But your mind completely shut off the moment you passed the last lit-up arrow, sinking back into the darkness. Everything was blurry, your vision stained with your tears that wouldn’t go away no matter how much you rubbed your eyes with your dirty hands.
Your feet must have started bleeding as you kept running faster and faster, but you gave them no mind, not even feeling the pain. All you felt was the wound in your throbbing heart, something that the prince couldn’t heal no matter how much he believed he could. You wanted to understand your former caretaker’s action, telling you to go rather than defend him. If you had been in his place, surely, you had done the same. But it was as if you were the one who got betrayed by yourself by running away. By giving up on something hopeless, you felt like you were betraying everything you had ever stand for. How pathetic you were, running, trying to get the better future you had hoped to build with him.
Next thing you knew, you stumbled as the ground gave away to a slope before you, your body tumbling down the wet leaves and sturdy roots, your skim getting scratched by the branches of bushes all around you. It was pure luck that your fingers closed around one big tree root the moment they did; otherwise, you surely would have fallen from the cliff that opened up beneath you, instead of just hanging on to it now.
Only now your ears regained their function, the rushing of waves sounding far too deep and far too rough beneath you as to simply be a river. Had you run all the way to the shore? Was it the big sea beneath you? Either it had been closer than you thought, or you did develop some superhuman abilities after changing into a beast.
Groaning, you tried to pull yourself back over the edge, the slightly forward-leaning stone not being any help in rescuing yourself. Even more so, you had to realize the light of torches drawing closer and closer by the second, while you still struggled to escape the death by falling into the unruly water from a great height.
“[Name]!” you heard the screech of your name, genuine worry resounding from it. The prince’s face was the last thing you wanted to see, especially as he looked so damn horrified at the sight of you barely holding on to the cliff. “Don’t move! I’ll pull you up!” he called as he slit down the slope as best as he could without falling himself until he reached you. It was strange. You should have been happy that you wouldn’t be dying. That someone would save you from this horrific fate.
But all you felt was pure despair.
If he pulled you up, then that would be it. He’d take you back, lock you up again and do as he pleased with you. Who knew if you’d ever get a chance on escaping again, especially if he made an example out of your previous companion about what would happen if anyone ever helped you. You’d have nothing left but to live your life as a mere plaything, captured by the prince that was so beloved by everyone, and you didn’t want to think about all the things he’d do to you now that you were human again.
His hands reached out, and you noticed them faintly in your vision. Your decision fell only seconds before he could grab you by the arms. It was too dark to see, too dark to even speculate how deep it was, but you decided it was better than becoming an empty shell of a person if you stayed with the prince.
No matter what would await you in the depths down below, it couldn’t be worse than being a subject to his twisted, self-righteous love, you decide. Letting go was easier than you thought, making you realize your body must understand this situation very well even if it might cost it its life. The face of the prince as you slipped from his grasp was a priceless last sight to see before you closed your eyes, awaiting the inevitable.
Until your back hit the water, engulfing you wholly like the hungry, desperate maw of an animal. Deeper and deeper until it was everywhere, and only then you opened your eyes again for one last glimpse of the blurred light above.
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Bobby’s Playdate Part 3
Part 1, Part 2
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The pandemic is keeping Tom idling in London by himself. One positive is that wearing the mask helps him avoid recognition, allowing him to wander in the park with his dog, Bobby. On one of their walks, Bobby becomes smitten with a dog named Lulu and Tom is equally enchanted by her human. Can the Hiddleston men manage to find a way to see the lovely ladies again?
Tom Hiddleston/OFC
Chapter 2 of4
Rated M - Pandemic, Fluff, Quarantine, Masks, Adorable Puppies, Meet Cute, Fourth and Final Part Will Contain Smut
@yespolkadotkitty @just-the-hiddles @hopelessromanticspoonie @wine-and-whines @arch-venus25 @caffiend-queen @devilish–doll @enchantedbyhiddles @hiddlesholic @i-do-not-fangirl-i-fanwoman @kellatron55 @ladyoftheteaandblood @latent-thoughts @gorgeous1974 @maryxglz @myoxisbroken @nuggsmum @nildespirandum @pedeka @redfoxwritesstuff @sinfully-lustful-darling @vodka-and-some-sass @wrathkitty @kingtwhiddleston @wolfsmom1 @poetic-fiasco @shiningloki @dangertoozmanykids101 @bookworm-christina @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @amwolowicz @delightfulheartdream @frostbitten-written @what-a-flammable-heart @tom-hlover @nonsensicalobsessions @myraiswack @loki-yoursaviourishere, from-hel-i-with-love, @sweetsigyn, @fictiondoesitbetter, @ms-cellanies @evieplease @viviennes-tears @turniptitaness @cynic-spirit @spooky1980 @ghostypau @viviennes-tears @lady-loki-ren @loki-laufeyson965 @ohhhhmarkiloosecontrol @ghostypau @queeftheif @mousee555 @isimpforeveryonee @preferredrealty​
He was being a right arse, and what was worse he knew it.
Tom grimaced as he stirred his bolognaise sauce. So, she knew who he was, and had all along – what did that really change? Why did it make him so uncomfortable that she hadn’t said anything? After all, he had known as well and he certainly hadn’t brought it up. Was he upset that she had known and hadn’t fawned all over him? Could he really be that shallow? He had liked that she was just herself, allowing him to be himself as well. What was it then that was bothering him?
The timer rang for the pasta and he reached over to grab the oven mitt that usually hung by his stove and grimaced. Of course, he had put it away in the closet because it had a big, red Avengers logo on it. All of that running around he had done, stressing out Bobby and working up a sweat, and it had all been entirely pointless. He felt like the biggest idiot of all time.
Which was the problem, of course. Tom was used to being multiple steps ahead of everyone. He wasn’t conceited about it, well, not exactly, but he was quite often the smartest person in the room. He credited his teachers and a topnotch education, as well as his family of course, more than his own keen powers of observation. He had simply been taught from a young age how to think. It was an invaluable tool as an actor. It also meant that he was often left waiting for others to catch up. He was not, decidedly not, used to being the one feeling foolish for being wrong.
Yup. He was a complete and total arse.
Here he had a beautiful woman in his home, when he had begun to despair of such a thing ever being allowed again, much less happening. She was smart, charming, funny, and kind enough to realize that being a celebrity must be exhausting and discussing it could get tedious. And how had he repaid her for her consideration? By running out of the room and leaving her doubtless wondering at his manners, if not his sanity.
Tom dipped a spoon in and tasted the sauce. This had better be the best meal he had ever made if he wanted to make up for the mess he had made of things so far!
“Everything okay in here?” Leia’s voice asked from the kitchen doorway as Tom was using a tea towel to carry the pasta pot to the strainer in the sink.
“Aside from you spending the evening with a complete prat, everything is fine,” he said with a self-depreciating laugh.
“You know, there are things called oven mitts,” she grinned at him. “Maybe we should go online and order you some.”
“I have them,” he sighed. “I put them away for tonight.”
“So you could experiment with first degree burns? Is that research for a role or something?”
“They were… branded.”
“Like a cow?” she blinked at him.
“No… like Marvel. Avengers branded. So, I hid them.”
“Tom,” Leia was obviously trying to hide a grin that tugged at the edges of her mouth, “did you hide all your movie memorabilia before I came over? Is that why your house looks like the display room from an upscale furniture store rather than a lived-in home?”
“Maybe,” he mumbled, face turning red as he looked back at the stove.
“That must have been a lot of work. How long did it take you?”
“Most of the day. What are you doing?” he asked at the strange contortions her face was making.
“Trying to visualize the reverse scavenger hunt. Hold on…” she scrunched up her nose and he could see her picturing his lunacy in her mind. “Okay, that was fun!”
“Glad I could amuse you,” he grumbled.
“As every good host would be!” she grinned at him. “And then Lulu went and ruined it by digging up the Loki toy. Well, leave it to the Trickster God to upset the best laid plans. But really, is it such a big deal that I know?”
Tom closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. She really was being sweet about the whole fiasco of his running into the house. Perhaps, if he could regain some of his own composure, it didn’t have to be the biggest fumble in the history of first dates. He just had to take a cue from her and try to find the situation amusing rather than humiliating.
“It is not,” he said at last. “Thank you for taking it all so well. Now, dinner is almost ready, I just need to put it on the plates.”
“My I use the loo then?” she asked.
“Of course. Second door on your right.”
“Thanks. I’ll meet you back outside. Oh, and be careful – Lulu may look innocent, but she will steal any food off your plate if you turn your back on her!”
“Wonderful, then she and Bobby will have even more to bond over,” he remarked, rolling his eyes.
“Between the two of them we’ll be lucky if there’s any food left for us.”
“Good thing I made extra then.”
“Oh, before I go – there are still hand towels in the bathroom, right? They didn’t get squirreled away for having horns on them or something?”
“No, the hand towels are purely Only Lovers Left Alive, and I assumed that was enough of a deep dive to keep any but the most ardent fan in the dark.”
“You’d be surprised, people love a good vampire flick!” she teased, as she headed off down the hall.
Tom took another steadying breath. So, she not only knew of him from the Avengers franchise, and from the London stage, but she had seen at least one of his indie films as well. Which meant, he suddenly realized, that she had seen more of him than he had realized. Squirming a bit, he plated the food and carried it outside. He would be sure not to bring up high rise, he decided. He had heard rumors about people pausing the playback on a certain scene, and he preferred to stay in the dark about her exposure to that.
By the time Leia joined him out at the table, Tom had managed to calm down a bit. He would have needed to tell her about his job eventually any way; at least now he could enjoy the rest of the evening without the fear of her reaction hanging over his head. The food had served up nicely, and he poured a friendly serving of wine into each of their glasses. Bobby and Lulu were already sniffing around at his feet, hoping for clumsy hands to drop offerings to their greedy mouths.
“Back off you two hellions,” he told them good naturedly. “Haven’t you already done enough damage tonight to the possibility of my getting a second date?”
Leia froze in the doorway, eyes going large. Had she heard that right? Had Tom just used the word date to describe the evening?
She had hoped it was a date, of course. She had even called it one to herself and her dog as she was getting ready. Still, she had not quite been able to convince herself that it was anything more than what he had sold it as – a playdate opportunity for their canine companions. After all, a handsome, charming, world famous movie star such as him could date anyone. Why would he want to be with her when the entire glamourous world was his for the taking?
Looking down, she realized that her hands were shaking. His befuddlement at the discovery of his identity had been charmingly adorable, and it had the wonderful side affect of allowing her to feel less awkward herself to see him so out to sea. It gave her back a modicum of power. That was gone now with one word from him that she was not even meant to hear.
“Oh, hi!” he smiled, seeing her in the door and standing up like the perfect gentleman he was despite their outside, casual location. “Dinner’s served.”
“It smells divine,” she told him, and rolled her eyes inwardly at the gushing word.
“Well, I am a God you know,” he smirked, and then blushed and looked embarrassed.
What was happening? They had been so comfortable outside in the park! Just two regular adults enjoying each other’s company and the relatively fresh air of suburban London. Now though, now that she knew he meant it as a date, and he knew she knew he was an actor it was all awkward.
“So, do you have any mischief in mind for tonight?” she asked.
“I suppose that depends on how the night goes,” he gave her a devastating wink.
Wait, was he flirting with her now? Ack! She didn’t know what to think, but her body certainly responded to that comment. Wanting a distraction, she shoved a forkful of pasta in her mouth and let out an involuntary moan of pleasure at the delicious taste.
“Is it okay?” he asked, despite her clear approval of his efforts.
“It’s amazing!” she told him, as soon as her mouth was empty. “Jesus Tom, on top of everything else you can cook too?”
“Eh heh heh heh,” he laughed, obviously delighted. “I’m afraid I am full of flaws, but I will do my best to hide them from you for as long as possible. I’m glad you like it.”
“You’ll have to give me the recipe!” she demanded, taking a long drink of the wine that paired perfectly with it.
“Ah no. If I do that, what incentive will there be for you to come back?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” she looked up at him over her wine glass. “After all, Lulu is having such a good time, she would never forgive me if I deprived her of more free time with Bobby.”
“Right. Yes. Lulu and Bobby.”
“It’s why we’re here, after all,” she shrugged, not knowing why she was pushing it so hard.
“Oh, I almost forgot!”
Tom shot out of his chair, startling the dogs who both started yipping in irritation. He jogged into the house, and a moment later came out with a beat’s pill speaker in hand. Placing it on the table, he fiddled with it until music straight out of a café in Venice started crooning out of it.
“The perfect final touch!” he said proudly.
“I can almost see the canal in the distance!” she told him with a laugh.
“I would pole you out, but I’m afraid my boat is not handy.”
He suddenly blushed again, and Leia had a quick flash of where his mind had gone. They both turned crimson and occupied themselves with the food for a few minutes in charged silence.
Leia could feel the tension sparking between them, but she had no idea how to act upon it. She could not think of any time in her past where she had been in a similar situation. How could she have been, when she had never met a man in her life like the one sitting across from her.
The song switched to a slower song, still Italian, and she noticed that Tom was tapping his fork against his plate in rhythm with it. He noticed her gaze and chuckled, eyes twinkling.
“You should see me with spoons,” he told her.
A moment later, he was on his feet again (really, he seemed incapable of sitting still tonight) and placing his napkin on his chair. Holding out one hand to her he raised his eyebrows in question.
“May I have this dance?”
As Leia hesitated, he face fell. Stepping back, Tom put his hands behind his back and dropped his head apologetically.
“I am so sorry,” he rushed to say. “I completely forgot. Of course, we are in the middle of a pandemic. The last thing we should be doing is dancing. Hands touching, standing close together. I am so, so sorry.”
“Tom, Tom!” Leia interrupted his contrition. “Stop apologizing! If I was concerned about catching the virus from you, I wouldn’t be eating the food you cooked! We both got tested, remember?”
“Are you sure, because you didn’t look –“
“I was worried about crushing your feet,” she admitted, stepping towards him. “I am not exactly what you would call graceful.”
“Well, I am hardly Baryshnikov,” he demurred. “But if you’ll allow me…”
He offered his hand again, and this time Leia took it. It was the first time they had touched, and she almost jumped at the spark that passed from his fingers to hers. His grip was firm, and he drew her in so that she was held firm against his chest. His other arm came around to rest his hand on her lower back, and she had to remind herself to breath as she was held in his embrace.
“Look at me,” he said as she obeyed instantly. In part it was because it was what she wanted to do, but it was also a reaction to the note of command in his voice. Even though it was soft, there was a note in it that was to be obeyed. “Good girl.”
As he led her around the little yard in what she realized was a waltz, Leia felt her last bit of restraint melting away. She wanted this man desperately and there was no denying it. His hips moving against her, his hand burning a hole through her dress, his low singing along with the song, it all had her ready to drop to her knees and beg him to take her.
“I love dancing,” he said, stating the obvious. “Especially with the right partner.”
“Sorry you’re missing that,” she tried for humor.
“Quite the contrary,” he didn’t rise to the bait, looking her straight in the eye and keeping his voice serious. “I can think of no one else I would rather be dancing with. You must know that you are all that has made the last month bearable. I look forward to our afternoon walks more than I can say.”
“Me too,” she whispered, tongue swiping over her lips. She saw his eyes flicker to them and then return to hers slightly darker.
Her breath caught and she was certain that he was going to kiss her when a loud crashing noise brought them both up short. Spinning around, they saw Tom’s plate laying on the ground, Lulu and Bobby shamelessly sharing the spoils of their raid like a modern day Lady and Tramp.
“Bobby! Bad dog!” Tom barked, advancing on them.
“Oh, Lulu! You naughty girl!” Leia scolded at the same time.
As Tom advanced on them, the dogs took off in the direction of the tree, trailing sauce in their wake. Tom stomped after them, eyes narrowed while Leia picked up the plate and mopped up some of the mess with his napkin.
“Bobby, stay!” Tom snapped, snapping his fingers.
Bobby dropped to his haunches with a whimper while Lulu headed back towards Leia and the remaining food.
“You too, sit girl!”
He snapped again and Leia, on sheer instinct, set the plate down with a clatter and sat on the chair, hands folding in her lap and eyes looking up towards him, Lulu sitting at her feet.
Tom’s face, facing her, went completely still for one long moment. Leia could feel a nervous energy rise in her stomach until a slow, Cheshire cat smile spread across his face. The dogs forgotten, he looked at her with a sparking intensity that made her weak as he crossed to where she sat.
“Well,” he drawled, “isn’t that interesting.”
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black-dragon1998 · 3 years
Ghost Captain chapter 5
Ghost captain masterlist for previose chapters
Chapter 4 here
Warnings: non at the moment
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Natasha and Bucky were left behind dump founded. First, they thought they were going to have to fight but when they found you, you were completely out of it. Then the speedster appeared and took you away within seconds of arriving in the control room, not before taking a drop f their blood. Why would you need that?
“am I the only one confused by that?” Bucky asked. Recovering from her frozen state Natasha walked over to the computer, hoping something was useful was left behind.
“you are not the only one.” She tells Bucky while skimping over the file that was left open, in your hast to get away you had forgotten about the computer. Natasha figured it had something to do with your shocked state. Reading through it she could understand your reaction.
“Bucky I think you’re going to want to read this.” Natasha muttered after reading the whole file. She almost couldn’t phantom the content herself as she waited for Bucky to read the file. The emotions on his face changed when he read through it.
“Natasha, does this mean that she is our…” Bucky couldn’t even finish his sentence, the word sounding so foreign for him but Natasha understood what he wanted to say.
“I don’t know Bucky. I do want to know the answer though. For Stark’s sake, I hope he has the results from that DNA when we get back.” Natasha hissed, being mad at herself. How could she not know she had a child? Not only that but a child with Bucky. HYDRA had done some crazy things but creating a child for the sole purpose of being a weapon they could use for evil took everything they had ever done and multiplied it by ten.
“come on, let’s go back to the tower and start figuring this out.” Bucky whispered in Natasha’s ear, slinging his human arm around her. Even though she would never admit it he knew she could use the comfort right now. Whole her adult life Natasha never thought she would have a legitimate child of her own after the Red Room and then suddenly learning you had a possible child somewhere would put everyone psyche to the test. When the files were put on USB they left the abandoned compound, intend on finding more answers back home and looking for a way to find you.
  You wanted answers and the only place you knew that could give you them was Wakanda. If anybody could amylase those samples fast it would be Shuri, you also knew she wouldn’t lie to you. That is why you immediately set course for Wakanda.
 Wanda stayed close to you the whole flight, Pietro in the meantime informed Zrinka the three of you would be away from a little longer than planned.
“talk to me Lubjeve.” Wanda whispered against your collarbone, cuddling into you to give you the most affection without scaring you. She was afraid if she talked to load she would scare you again. She didn’t like how stiff you had gone the longer the flight took. You got lost in your mind was not an ideal situation for anybody right now.
“I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know what to think right now.” You confess, gaze never wavering from the spot on the wall you had been fixated on for the past hour.
“then tell what you do know, maybe I can help and putting everything in perspective and help you deal with it.” Wanda knew that sometimes you needed some time to put all your thoughts to move through it.
“I want to believe it you know. It’s the most I have ever found about me before the ghost’s experiments. But accepting that means I also have to accept who they list as my parents and I don’t know if I can deal with that.” The words coming out of your mouth didn’t seem to stop the moment you started. Wanda has always been good at making you confront your thoughts and feelings and not letting you bottle them up.
“what does the file say who your parents are?” Wanda asks taking your mind temporarily from your conflict.
“The file says I was created by combining the DNA of the Winter Soldier and The Black Widow” you let the information hang in the air for a bit, both with yourself and with Wanda. Wanda seemed to be faster to accept it than you were.
“Okay that is a lot to take in but would it be so bad of an outcome? At some level, I can see it.” Wanda commented, making you gawk at her, how could she be so okay with this so fast.
“We know they were once a part of HYDRA before they joined the Avengers, they were their strongest assets before deflecting. So it only seems normal that they are your parents to create this beautiful person in front of me.” Wanda smiles sweetly while stroking your cheek. You couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her.
“you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t know what I would do without you.” You whisper against her lips before kissing her again. The moment is broken however when Pietro announces that the jet is about to land at the palace and that T’challa and Shuri are waiting.
“come on, let’s get some answers so when can put your mind at ease and we can figure out what to do next.” Wanda says squeezing your knee, getting up and pulling you up with her. You slump into her, taking in her scent to help calm you down. You wanted to know and you didn’t want to know at the same time.
Before the door opened you put on a neutral face, you may have a good relationship with the royal family of Wakanda, T’challa didn’t have the best relationship with the Winter Soldier after he killed the former king. Things could get awkward when Bucky Barnes turned out to be our father. Walking of the bridge you were immediately greeted by Shuri, T’challa and their mother.
 When Shuri saw the three of you she squealed and ran toward Wanda and pulled her into a tight hug.
“Wanda, Pietro, (Y/N) I’m so glad to see all of you again. That last batch of Vibranium was the last one missing and we have everything back now.” Shuri kept on talking in the same upbeat tone.
You didn’t dislike Shuri, you quite liked her but her upbeat mood was exhausting and you just couldn’t keep up with her for very long because she gave you a headache after a while. Wanda liked to talk to Shuri, she doesn’t have the chance to speak with girls around her age very often. So you liked to give her every opportunity she wanted to have.
Before you and Pietro were acknowledge again by the genius, T’challa and his mother had already left and the four of you were already back at the girl’s lap. She and Wanda were gossiping the entire time. Pietro looked at you and smirked making kissy faces at you, trying to tell you how whipped you were for his sister. Knowing she is the only person I would let you tell what to was Wanda. You punched him in mock anger and soon the two of you were locked into a wrestling matching rolling around the floor.
Wanda and Shuri looked at the scene in front of them and Wanda couldn’t help but shake her head. She lived with children but she loved the both of you and wouldn’t change it for the world.
“Are they always like this?” Shuri asked Wanda as she looks at you and Pietro trading upper position every few moments. Giggling while she did.
“Unfortunately yes. I live with children.” Wanda said chuckling joining Shuri. This made you and Pietro look up, a little offended at her words.
“hey!” Pietro and you said at the same time, looking at the two girls with your best puppy dog eyes. Instead of summoning the sympathy the two of you wanted the two girls just laughed. After composing yourself and hauling Pietro up you went down to business.
“So why have the three of you come here? None of you are known to make social visits, alto I hope you would do it more often. Life is so dull around here.” Shuri says after you settle down next to Wanda, Pietro loitering around.
“I have a favour to ask off you Shuri.” You say in a sincere tone, taking the two drops of blood samples out of your pocket and handing them over to the young genius.
“I would like you to run a DNA test on these drops of blood samples and compare them to mine.” Shuri immediately sobbers up, taking the samples from you and getting to work immediately. Leaving you and the twins to your own devices.
   Natasha and Bucky were anxious to get back to the tower. Even after reading the file, Natasha’s head was filled with ‘what if's. after she had settled down with the Avengers and her and Bucky had entered into a serious relationship, she had wondered what life would have been having she not gone through the Red Room graduation. She had never gotten her hopes up until she read your file.
There was a small possibility that she had a daughter, a daughter with Bucky. It was a thought she hadn’t placed yet, so she did what she did best. She buried her emotions until she had definitive evidence to prove or disprove them.
 Bucky also didn’t know how to feel about the whole daughter thing but he had seen Natasha gone cold on the flight home. Instead of breaking his head over it, he decided to comfort Natasha until they had answers. Then he would see how he felled over all of this. For now, he would look after Natasha by engulfing her in his embrace and pulling him closer into his chest.
“what are we going to do if this information is true?” Natasha's voice sounded gruff with unshed emotions.
“I don’t know Nat. let’s first test the DNA and go from there. If it’s real then we find her. I don’t think she knows herself, HYDRA isn’t big on sharing with their assets. Maybe if we talk to her we can convince them we like to get to know them.” Bucky spoke, even if he wasn’t sure of his own words he had hope.
After he had gotten his memories back, became an Avengers and started something with Natasha he wanted a family. Now that the opportunity presented itself it scared him.
 The moment the couple arrived back at the tower and walked into the building, they were met by an excited Tony Stark.
“what the matter Stark. I’m not in the mood for long scientific explanations right now.” Natasha says, dragging a heavy hand over her face. Feeling the exhaustion of the last hours. Not noticing, or wanting to notice how agitated The Black Widow was tony dragged the two former assassins toward his lab.
There on his 3D monitor are 3 DNA strands projected. Natasha and Bucky take a seat around the projection as Tony takes one of his tablets and starts pushing in buttons.
“Why are we here Stark?” Bucky asked. This seemed to encourage Tony and she started talking.
“So after the two of you left, I and Bruce inspected the DNA we got from ‘The Captain’s ‘clothes. First, we compared it against every known database of SHIELD to see if they encountered her in the past before. We also observed the DNA itself, to see if it was modified and boy was it.” Tony rambled on, getting on Natasha’s nerves the more he talked.
“get to the point Stark.” Natasha cut him off and levelled him with one of her glares. That seemed to sober up the billionaire.
“right. So the databases didn’t match anything. Then I set it to anything lower than 100% comparison. We got two hits.” Bucky and Natasha held their breath as the answer they had been waiting for the whole journey home were about to be answered.
“it seems the match was with the two of you. So I guess you have a daughter, congratulations?” Tony says, making some kind of jazz hands.
  “it seems the DNA you gave me matched you for 50% to Natasha and Bucky from the Avengers. So I guess you are related.” Shuri tells you. Letting you the breath you were holding, not knowing if you should be happy or not.
Chapter 6
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simibraun · 4 years
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Manga theories "Grisha, if you can't do it, we're doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes. Again and again. If you want to save them all.. Mikasa, Armin and the others.. carry out your mission to the end....who knows? Whose memories could these be?" -Eren Kruger Another scene that was not included in the manga, of little Falco being injured, saying some words that may be spoilers for us manga readers for something that is going to happen in the next chapters, who knows, this one is very tricky. There's always something behind a quote or an image that Isayama points out. Let's begin! I've been thinking about some theories regarding the time loop, the memories connected through the paths that Titan shifters are able to see throughout time no matter the era. One of my theories is, that our heroes lived the same history again and again, they were reborn many times, until Ymir would achieve her goals. Each time our heroes lived, there may have been some failures in Ymir's plans, so history must have been repeated, each time a bit differently. One of my thoughts is, that little Falco in another lifetime, may have been in the place of one of the three Warriors (Reiner, Bertolt, Annie) that were sent to Paradis Island and spent 5 years living there, trained to use the ODM gear and fought Titans. So these memories of fighting with swords may have been connected through the paths and reached him in this lifetime. But let's think of another theory. I believe this one connects somehow everything related to Falco's words in the anime and everything that I added in this collage. So I remember that Isayama stated on an interview, that in the scene at the hospital from chapter 97  Eren asked little Falco if that candidate is a girl, and Isayama said that it was not actually Eren who was talking at that moment, it was someone else. I remember myself being a bit confused by that question when I first read it. Why would Eren be interested to make this question? It seemed odd to me for a reason. Could it be that Falco in the future ate Eren? As we know, the Attack Titan has the ability to transcend time, see future memories and Eren also has the power of the Founding Titan, which has the ability to modify the minds and memories of the Eldians. Could it be that grown up Falco from the future was talking to his child self through Eren? That's why he made that question if that candidate was a girl, because Falco is in love with Gabi and he said that he wanted to marry her. It is as future Eren Yeager talked to his father Grisha, through Eren Kruger, before he was even born. “If you want to save them all.. Mikasa, Armin and the others.. carry out your mission to the end.” I also remember reading that, Isayama wants to make an ending which gives a feeling that there is no escape, like nothing is going change. Something like a loop? If you notice, when the s4 anime ep1 begins, there is a loop in the first seconds, we see two times the same image of a falcon flying. It seems that history has been repeated again. Maybe Falco actually died the first time and this was his last image, of that falcon flying and then history was repeated again, he was reborn and the second time he survived, he sees the falcon again and then history continues on, Colt appears and takes him away from the battlefield. Falco later says these words that were not included in the manga: "Who.. are you guys?" his voice had the same tone as Eren's when he talks in a lower tone, for me Falco almost sounded just like him. "Wait.. huh? Wasn't I flying around with a sword just now? Like, whoosh! And there were Titans that I--" Also another part that I find very interesting that may prove that Falco will inherit the Attack Titan, is on chapter 119, when Zeke was about to scream and turn people into Titans, Eren stretched his hand out “Wait--” like he wanted to prevent Zeke from screaming. Reiner seems confused also to see Eren doing this. I found it odd also, why would Eren do this? He knows that this was going to happen, he has seen it though the paths. But what if the one who did this reaction, wasn't Eren, but Falco from the future? Because his brother Colt was about to die moments later. Falco must have been watching from the future through Eren's memories, maybe he tried to change the course of the history at that moment, so Colt would live. I believe that the only way for Falco to have a memories like these and see from the future the past memories, is that he inherited these powers from someone who had the power of the Attack Titan and the Founder, and the one who lives in the same era with Falco having these powers, is Eren Yeager. Even if the final panel says " You are Free" it doesn't mean that the Eldians will be freed, maybe our heroes think that they are finally free after everything that they have been through but in reality they are not. And let me explain you why. Here comes another theory that I connect with the things I wrote so far, on chapter 56 that guy from the Military Police, Djel Sannes, said this to Hange: "One exits.. another enters. The stage always needs someone in this role.. when one actor leaves.. another jumps in to take his place." So keeping this quote in mind, we know that Ymir the Founder was released from the paths, but could it be that someone else will have to take her place? Maybe Zeke who is royal blood? Or could it be Eren the one who will take her place? If Eren dies by Falco, Falco will inherit the Attack and the Founder. Maybe Falco is the next one who will try to change history just as Eren is trying to do in his lifetime. This may also be a meaning of Isayama's statement, that he wants to make an ending which gives a feeling that there is no escape, like nothing is going change. The heroes will never be free even if they think they are, and I will also explain this further. So Eren will continue to live inside the paths, just as Ymir lived inside the paths for 2.000 years and from the day she died, she was waiting for someone to save her. All the Titan shifters that existed, seem to continue living "locked" inside the paths and they can only communicate through memories. "If I inherit the Armored, then.. you'll probably live on inside of me, Reiner."- Gabi said this to Reiner on chapter 95. Eren asked his friends to save him, it seems that he is being controlled by Ymir. Eren seems to be the link that Ymir needed to she can free herself from the paths that she is locked in. This may be the situation now for Eren, that maybe he is the one who is going to take her place. “One exits.. another enters.” "Those actions will follow us until they're repaid. Even if we die, even after we die. In every era, this Titan has always moved ahead seeking Freedom. It has fought on for Freedom. It's name is, the Attack Titan." -Eren Kruger The Attack Titan always moved ahead seeking and fighting for Freedom. But the Founding Titan? Throughout the generations, those who inherited the Founder, seemed to be submissive to Fritz, the first King's ideology. Eren by inheriting both Titans, it seems like he is being captured in a contradiction, of both wanting to fight for Freedom (Attack) but also, he must be submissive to the first King's ideology (Founder). And here comes again the quote of the "role", that when one actor exits, another enters. That the stage always needs someone in this role. The meaning of this quote is similar to what Fritz, the first King said to his daughters when Ymir died : "Eat, my daughters. Ymir's powers will be passed down no matter what. The blood of Ymir must not die out. My Titans will continue their reign. Into eternity, so long as this world of mine remains--" If a Titan shifter dies, the power of the Nine Titans can be passed down even to an Eldian baby without the ritual of inheritance. I'm starting to think that Zeke's ideology may be right, to prevent the Eldians from reproducing, this must be the sole way for the Eldian race to be in peace and free itself from this never-ending curse that has to be passed down from generation to generation and make this never-ending loop stop. "If we'd never been born in the first place...we never would have had to suffer, either."-Zeke Yeager As long as Eldians exist, Fritz's ideology will continue on, "Into eternity, so long as this world of mine remains--".  As Eren Kruger said: “We're doomed to repeat it all again. The same history. The same mistakes. Again and again.” As long as Eldians exist it is going to be like Erwin Smith said: “Humanity will never stop fighting itself.. until it shrinks to a size of one or fewer.” Even if the rest of the world dies and only the Edlian race remains, in one way or another, people will find reasons to fight each other. The inheritance of the 9 Titans will continue, people will be used even as Titan shifters or Mindless Titans and they will be used in wars between those who remained. Now regarding Falco's Titan form. Birds generally symbolize Freedom, because they can walk on the earth, swim in the sea and they can also fly into the sky. A lot of cultures believe that Birds symbolize eternal life and some would say that they serve as the connection between Heaven and Earth. To me, Birds seem one of the most innocent creatures on Earth. For example, when we talk about a Cat's behavior, as an animal it may show affection or aggressiveness. Dogs also, you never know if some are completely friendly or may attack you at any time, that goes for other animals also. We always hesitate to pet them. But the Birds as animals, how do you feel when you see them? We mostly don't hesitate, we always try to make them come close to us, yet they rarely do, they are free and fly away. They would hardly harm us Humans. Personally I find them so innocent, they sing sweetly and we Humans enjoy their voices, we observe them flying into the sky and we also love and dream to the idea of flying. They just search for food to survive and feed their infants. A simple, free and pure being. The Bird seems to be Falco's spirit animal, even his name is a reference, he is just innocent as a Bird, always so kind-hearted and sweet, with no intentions to harm anyone. (I wrote before a character analysis regarding Falco's Titan forms, if you are interested to read it, it's on this post) https://www.facebook.com/.../a.252840145.../876876202809800/ We mostly believe that every time a Bird appears, it is Eren who is looking through it. What if it's not Eren but grown Falco from the future? The outro of Season 4 features only little Falco and it has many symbolisms. Birds flying, the paths, light that appears in his hand, the light could be a symbolism of Life. Everything has to do with him. There's a deep meaning and symbolism in this character, that's why I love the Grice brothers so much, both Colt and Falco are the purest characters in this story. Thank you so much for reading my thoughts, I hope you enjoyed reading these theories!
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ikeromantic · 4 years
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An Uncertain Alliance
A Mitsuhide Akechi fanfic- this scene occurs at the start of Ch. 11 (romantic route- picking one was hard!). Approx 3000 words of fluff and stuff. 
First: Mitsuhide and the Maiden
Previous: Fox Hunt
Mitsuhide took a few more days in Kyoto to wrap up his business. He could have managed most with letters, but he wanted to be here for any reply from Mouri. The madman’s participation wasn’t a requirement to move forward, but his access to men and weapons would make life so much simpler. And it was an excuse to pamper his little mouse.
Not that he let her know that was his objective. To her it was just happenstance that their trip to visit an informant passed by a beautiful garden or a talented street performer. Or that the tea shop they stopped in surprisingly carried her favorite snacks. Her joy was Mitsuhide’s pleasure. He stored every memory of her delighted smiles and happy sighs. The look in her eyes when something took her breath away. 
And so he was almost disappointed the day the letter came, informing him Mouri would meet him at an upcoming festival in Kyoto. Mitsuhide didn’t want to discuss Mouri with his little one. Besides, he wasn’t sure what he could say that would do justice to the man and his reputation. So all he told her was that they’d be going to the festival together. 
It was a good location for a contact. Any city guards would be busy keeping order and no one there would likely know either of them on sight. Plus, the crowds would make it hard to get away with any violent double-cross. Still, it made him uneasy.
Meeting Mouri in a place he chose meant trusting there was no trap. And trusting Mouri was like expecting a rabid dog not to bite. Or, not to bite you anyway. 
“Are you worried about our mission,” she asked him as they walked through the crowded festival avenues. 
Mitsuhide glanced down at her and smiled. “No - not about our mission.” His little mouse looked as if she might squeak up again, so he added, “Let’s not think about it and just enjoy the festival together, hm?”
She frowned. “How can I not think about it? I mean, the sho-ah, shark-eyes, is planning our destruction as we speak!” 
“As we are planning his.” He stopped and faced her. “Right now, I am more interested in plotting a pleasant evening with you.” The half-truth stung, but he needed her to relax. To smile. To be his light. Because he knew he would do terrible, dark things still and without that balance, he would lose this sliver of peace they’d made together.
His little one blinked, surprised by the intensity of his response. “Oh. Well, that does sound nice . . .”
“Look,” Mitsuhide pointed toward a nearby food stall. “Candy sculptures.” The distraction worked as intended. Her gaze lit on the delicate confections, twisted around sticks into all kinds of shapes. 
She clapped her hands together in excitement. “They are so pretty! Can we get one?”
“We can get as many as you like,” he chuckled, letting her lead him to the stall. While she was ogling the display, he asked for two crane candies. Cranes were life-mates. Bonded from the moment they touched. He wasn’t sure she would understand the symbolism, but that was alright. 
Then they walked on, hand in hand, enjoying the sugary treat. 
“I’m glad you decided to bring me here,” she said after a moment.
“Well, it was you that reminded me humans - and kitsune - cannot go on without rest.” Mitsuhide watched her from the corner of his eye. She was finally smiling. Her small, pink tongue darted out to taste the candied crane. It made him want to kiss her. To taste the sugar on her lips, which would be far sweeter than the confection in his hand. He quite suddenly wished they were back in their room at the inn.
“Good.” She grinned over at him and bumped her hip against his leg. “So, why cranes? There were horses and dragons. Those colorful fish ones.”
A slight blush stained his cheeks as he realized she might have caught on to his choice. He cleared his throat. “Did you know that cranes mate for life?” He used the candy to ‘kiss’ her cheek. 
Her eyes went wide and her smile was soft and full of affection. She raised her candy up to give him a kiss on the lips. 
Mitsuhide took advantage of the moment to ‘kiss’ the crane back, which brought a rosy color to her cheeks too. The moment ended all too soon though. He saw the man they were here to meet approaching. Tall, and limned in red-lantern light that stained him blood-red. Motonari Mouri.
“Look,” he gestured toward the figure. “That is one of our potential allies. What lucky -”
“So this is the real reason we came to the festival. I knew it had to be more than a fun night out!” She looked up at him, eyes dancing. “You can’t fool me, kitsune.”
Mitsuhide smiled fondly. “I suppose not. But a nice evening with you is also part of the plan. This is just the part I didn’t mention earlier.”
Her gaze went back to Mouri. “Who is he? What does he do?”
“Hmm. I suppose you could call him an artisan of violence. A creatively murderous fighter. I almost shudder to think of the horrors awaiting anyone that crosses him.” Mitsuhide’s tone was playful, but he was deadly serious about Mouri. He wanted her to understand this was not a kind soul they were allying with, but a killer.
His little one nodded once, squaring her shoulders. She might have asked more, but Mouri was too close now for further conversation.
“I gotta say, Kyoto knows how to have a festival.” Motonari greeted them with his usual swagger. “Nice as it is, this place is gonna be yer funeral if I don’t like what ya got to say. Savvy?” He took in Mitsuhide with a wary glance and then looked to the chatelaine. Where his eyes lingered longer than necessary.
Mitsuhide felt his jaw twitch and did his best to restrain the reaction. 
His little one took a step back, her face going pale. This only encouraged Mouri. 
“Who’s yer little friend here, eh?” Motonari took a step closer to her, raising a hand as if he was going to touch her.
Mitsuhide stepped between them smoothly. “This is my fiancee.”
Motonari grinned wider. “You brought your little lady to parley. With me.” He laughed, a sound edged with madness. “I like a man that doesn’t respect the rules.”
The chatelaine poked her head around to look at Mouri. 
“My love, this is Motonari Mouri. I’m sure you’ve heard of him.” Which he was because he’d given her that lesson himself. 
“Of course.” She came out to stand beside him, putting her brave face on. “You conquered the whole south but . . . I thought you died?”
Mouri laughed again. “I gotta say, the best part o’ that introduction is the bit where yer eyes went wide with horror.” 
Mitsuhide did not appreciate the way Mouri’s gaze swept up and down his little mouse, or the rise of his brows as he tried - in his crude way - to flirt. “Yes, she is a delight isn’t she? Touch her and you’ll leave this meeting with one less hand.” A crude threat for a crude man . . . or so he rationalized.
“That so? Guess it depends on how many parts you plan ta leave behind.” Motonari threw back his head, laughing so hard he shook. 
The chatelaine interrupted with a polite cough. “If - if I may ask - how did you two meet?”
“Until recently, we were both in the service of Shogun Ashikaga Yoshiaki,” Mitsuhide replied. He didn’t want to give Mouri the opportunity to characterize their relationship, such as it was.
Motonari got control of himself in time to nod, adding. “I slipped out before Mitsuhide here. But I promised him a good bloodbath before I left.” He wiped a fleck of spittle from his lip. “So, out with it. Why’d you invite me to meet?” 
Mitsuhide watched Mouri slide his gloved hands into his jacket. He took out a pistol and spun it lazily, waiting for an answer. “Motonari, there’s no need to play coy. You know why I contacted you. You watched my little drama play out at Honnoji, from start to unsatisfying finish.” He pointedly did not look directly at the gun and kept his expression one of thin-lipped indifference.
“Mind-reader. No wonder people get so twitchy around you.” Mouri shrugged one shoulder, his eyes narrowing. “You want help killing the shogun.”
“Very much so.”
Mouri pointed the pistol at Mitsuhide. “Does it get drafty in that big empty space o’ yer head? I didn’t come here tonight to get disappointed!”
The chatelaine bit her lip and looked for a moment as if she might run. Mitsuhide could feel the way her body tensed, but she held still. 
All he did was raise an eyebrow. “Oh? What part of this disappoints?”
Motonari scoffed. “How ‘bout the whole damn thing? Tell ya what - I got one goal. Just one. And that’s ta get you and Kenshin. Shingen. Nobunaga. Hell, anyone worth a damn, into one big, bloody melee.” His lips twitched into a half smile. “If everyone’s not trying to kill each other, then it’s not much of a party!” 
He gestured at Mitsuhide with his gun. “Ya think I’m gonna waste my time with some small fry like the shogun? I should shoot you right here, right now, in place o’ asking fer an apology. In fact.” He stroked the unlit fuse.. “I think I will.” Mouri pressed the barrel against Mitsuhide’s head, digging the iron into his skin.
Mitsuhide knew his little one was contemplating some mad attempt to ‘rescue’ him and rather than reply to Motonari, he first looked at her. Waiting to see a slight nod that meant she understood she was to stay still. He had this handled. In fact, it was going better than he’d expected. Mouri was playing right into his hands.
“I see. You plan to leave the shogun free to roam, ensuring that your long dreamed of bloodbath remains only a fantasy.” Mitsuhide sighed. “I expected better from you.”
Mouri raised an eyebrow. His pistol didn’t so much as twitch.
“Surely you see it.” Mitsuhide waited a beat, then continued. “The shogun will never engage with Nobunaga - or any of his enemies - in open combat. If he did, he might lose. Instead he will seek to assassinate them, one at a time. Subtly. An accident here, a mysterious illness there. Until there are none left to take the field. No celebration. No battle. Only quiet, pathetic deaths. One enemy after another. Who knows, perhaps he would even target you.”
“I’m not afraid of him.” Motonari’s defiant reply was somewhat spoiled by the nervous way he licked his lips.
Mitsuhide smiled. “Of course not. But your bloodbath will be severely lacking when there is no one there to bleed. A good party requires . . . guests - does it not?”
Mouri chuckled. “Ya got a silver tongue. But it’ll be so much viscera on the paving stones when I pull this trigger.”
“Mhmm. I imagine parts of me would travel quite far. Perhaps spattering the food stall there, or some of those festival-goers.”
“They told me you were tricky, kitsune. But no one mentioned you were mad.” Motonari closed the distance between them until he was close enough to kiss. 
Mitsuhide stared into the depths of his red glare, imitating the madman’s own body language. Gold on scarlet glinted in the light of the festival lanterns in this space of tense silence.
Then Motonari started laughing. His breath smelled of sake and tobacco. “Alright. Ya got me. I’m in, just this once.” And he lowered his pistol.
Mitsuhide watched as the madman carefully wiped down the barrel and placed it back in the holster. His hand found the chatelaine’s icy fingers. He gripped her hand tightly. She was alright and so was he. The gambit had paid off.
“The only place I’ll let Nobunaga and the rest die is in a sea of blood and gunpowder. By my hand.” Motonari sounded certain as he said this. As sure as he would be telling them the sun would rise in the east.
“Then I believe we have a deal.” Mitsuhide knew the bargain would only last so long as Mouri saw the necessity of it. And stayed entertained. Hopefully they could locate the shogun quickly and be done with this.
Motonari gave a snort that might be agreement, then gestured to the candy Mitsuhide still held. “Say, why don’t ya treat yer new ally to some o’ that fancy candy, huh?”
“You . . . want candy?” Mitsuhide couldn’t help the ways his eyebrows rose. 
“Yeah. So run along and get some fer me. The lady an’ I will wait fer ya right here.” Mouri took a step toward the chatelaine. 
Mitsuhide didn’t need to be psychic to know what ran through his little mouse’s head. It was written in her face in large, panicked script. ‘Don’t leave me alone with this maniac!’ The kitsune thought fast. “I am sure I could deliver a better token of friendship to you at a later da-”
“I ain’t asking fer a better token o’ whatever.” His voice rasped and his hand moved toward the holster of his gun again. 
That was the problem with unstable allies. They couldn’t be relied on. Even the simplest things could set them off. Any situation could become a violent one at the drop of a pin. But what bothered Mitsuhide the most was this. There was only one reason for this particular request. Mouri wanted to be alone with the chatelaine. Why?
“Yer girl will still be here when ya get back.” Motonari smiled like a shark. A hungry one.
“Go ahead, Mitsu. Get him some candy. I’ll be fine.” She gave Mitsuhide an uneasy smile.
“I’ll be right back.” It made him feel ill to say it but Mitshide knew it would be better to go along with the madman than to fight him on such a small request. And besides, if he tried anything, the chatelaine would scream. Then, Mouri would lose more than his life. So it was reasonably safe to leave them for a few minutes.
Mitsuhide glanced back at them as he hurried away. Mouri was sitting beside the chatelaine now, almost close enough for his hip to touch hers. Bile surged in his belly. No one should be so close to his little mouse. No one but him. Just hurry up, he told himself. Hurry and get back.
He found a closer stall with the same kinds of candy and picked out a fish for Motonari. Then hurried back. His little one was smiling at the madman and Mouri looked . . . confused. Jealousy burned through his veins in a wave, and he almost ran the last few steps, shoving the stick of candy between the two of them. “There. Your candy. Now get away from her.”
The last sentence was almost a growl, and Mitsuhide couldn’t help the way he reached for his little one. Pulled her close. She was his, her smile and her laugh. Her kind eyes. Mouri deserved to be close to none of it. 
Even as the jealousy burned through him, a colder, more logical part of Mitsuhide scolded him for his rash behavior. This was not like him at all. This display. What did it hurt, even if Motonari was flirting with the chatelaine? Nothing, really. Except . . . except Mitsuhide didn’t want her to be anywhere near that madman. She could get hurt. Not just physically - but her heart and her sweet spirit. He had to protect her.
Motonari seemed unaffected as he took the stick of candy and popped it in his mouth. “There’s somethin’ wrong with yer lady friend. She’s crazier’n I am,” he said around the stick.
“There is nothing wrong with her. She is perfect.” The words were out before he’d even had time to consider his response. This was . . . odd. He never spoke without thinking. Never.
“That so? Cause from here it looks like her madness is contagious. Gettin’ worse from person to person.” He chomped down on the candy, crushing the spun sugar figure between his teeth.
Mitshide’s first instinct was to slap the sweet out of his mouth and break his teeth with a well-placed elbow. But he held himself still, rigid. His heart was beating fast and he felt hot - shaky. Acting now would be . . . ill-advised.
Motonari shook his head and stood up. He addressed the chatelaine. “Better hope yer man doesn’t get tripped up by his love-addled brain. If he does,” he took the candy out of his mouth and pointed toward her with the jagged, chewed end. “I’ll fall on you.”
This threat was more than Mitsuhide could stand still for. He pushed his little one behind him and grabbed the hilt of his sword. “You will stay away from her! If you take a step closer to her - now or ever - I will remove your head from your neck.” The words were a barely audible snarl.
If Mouri was worried about this, it didn’t show. He only smiled his shark-like grin. “Where’d your disguise go, kitsune? Your real face is showing now. Barking like a fox in a trap.”
Mitsuhide tried to get control of his breath. To push the murderous rage in his chest back down. To slide his mask back into place. 
From behind him, his little one hugged his back. “There’s nothing to worry about. My Mitsuhide won’t trip up.”
Motonari shrugged. “We’ll see.” Then he was walking away, swagger firmly in place.
Mitsuhide watched him go, and when he was out of sight, finally let go of his sword hilt. He was shaking. He turned to wrap his arms around his little one. Feeling her warm body pressed tight, the steady rhythm of heartbeat and breath, calmed him. She was here and safe and his. 
“Are you alright,” she asked, her voice muffled against him.
“Yes. I . . . I’m fine.” But he wasn’t. This was only the first of several dangerous meetings they would need to undergo in this quest to see the shogun taken down. There would be more meetings with Mouri and others. He had to find a way to control this - this response of his. Otherwise Motonari was right.
Next: Future-Speak
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yinses · 4 years
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salvation and redemption   if you could only save one soul in this wretched world fyodor dostoevsky x reader rating: t  a/n: interrupting our normal scheduled programming for this idea i couldn’t get out of my head after going through my 5th rerun of bsd. i’ve always found fyodor to be an interesting character and he remains as an enigma i can’t shake.
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“you love me right, kroshka?”
your hand paused at the crown of his head, a lapse in both your thought and judgement. it should have been a practiced answer for you, with how often he asked it. your response should have been expected as well, certainly given how his arms-his hands warmed your body. being with him was like living with a bomb inside your chest, a timer with no limit as he teased your existence by his mere proximity. 
everyone assumed you’d been numbed by experience. no one truly trusted a man like fyodor do. so of course you were simply submissive by defeat. you couldn’t escape if you wanted, so why not be pliant and just enjoy the life you were given until he deemed it time for your retribution. 
but in truth, you never feared fyodor in the way others did. 
you didn’t dread what he was, your trepidation stemmed from the person he once was. a child lost in his own ideals and thrown head first into a task bigger than himself. 
for as long as you could remember, it had always been you telling him not to worry. that it would always work itself out somehow. and in the event it didn’t? you would be there to save the day. 
in your youth, due to your ability, you likened yourself as a hero. not the super kind, with all the strength and posture. no, you were more comfortable behind the scenes, the afterthought once all the glory had dispersed. 
everyone liked to think it all happened in a simple swoop. the champion would defeat the adversary, stop the chaos and life would go on. but only for those unaffected by the utter destruction left behind. crumbling infrastructure and a debilitated economy. 
growing up in moscow was just another city under the predation of evils and conflict. it was easy for such a place to worship the one who could bring forth deliverance. yet in the overwhelming relief of the downfall of the perpetrator, they often forgot about the repentance of the souls and atmosphere that was distributed in the process. 
truly what did grieving do for anyone but bandage cracks when they needed to be filled. 
as a child you had more cracks than porcelain should have allowed, yet the integrity remained if only in name. 
“watch out!”
“wait, fyodor don’t!”
but you were too late. with a sigh, you fell to your knees uncaring of the blood that stained your already soiled socks as you cradled the dead canine. it had been made feral by nature, instead of choice. starved due to the lack of substance in his environment and forced to turn on whatever viable option was left. 
you were just children. fleshy but not overly meaty and certainly not part of its diet. he struck out of his own fears of humans, cruelty baring its vulnerability to the world. in search of your own next meal, you’d stumbled unknowingly into its territory. 
already dirty from the streets, fyodor hadn’t seconded his thoughts when he’d darted for the nearest trash can in hopes of salvaging anything to appease your stomachs. he’d been a moment too late to see the dog hidden in the corner, already thrown back by a lunge before he could dare to evade. it had been instinct for him to strike first, a thoughtless punishment executed out of fright. 
rubbing his freshly scraped palms against his ratty jacket, fyodor spared you a sour look. “yes, kroshka, im fine. thanks for asking.” his dry reply went unacknowledged as he rustled through the garbage. 
in the changing seasons of russia, even the newly dead didn’t take long to scum to the cold. despite the insulation, it’s coat already had a chill as you ran your fingers through it’s fur. 
“you’re not actually going to bring it back are you?”
uncaring of the way it stained your clothing, you drew the dog close to your chest as a dull light m encompasses your body. in that moment, time seemed to stop as if altered by a silent command before it backpedaled backwards without regard for reality. at the first shift of life, you carefully disentangle yourself and put distance between you as the animal slowly comes to terms with its restoration. 
not even a drop of blood was present as evidence of its past demise. shaking it’s coat, it stood on unstable legs, gaze filled with trepidation without cognition. a good deed should bare fruits of gratitude. 
so why were you suffering from the sharp pain of fangs tearing into the flesh of your shoulder? your cry was short lived, however, as fyodor jumped back into action, a quick touch of it palm undoing your works. 
in his haste, he’d carelessly knocked over the metal trash bin causing the crash to echo through the night. coupled with your cry of pain and the wail of repeated death, it was no surprise that your commotion attracted attention. 
“not every life deserves a second chance.” 
you don’t fight it when his fingers close around your wrist and he promptly drags you out of sight. whether the police or less honorable citizens, it wouldn’t be good for the two of you to linger too long. your hand grips the curve of your shoulder where the attack had just missed your throat. a second light show reveals a dingy shirt but one without tatter or blood. the pain from the bite gone with it but the sting of your decision lingers. 
“not every deed should be punished,” you whisper. 
you expect for him to stop you then, overcome with the need to debate but he continues to drag you along, making up for your lack of speed with his strength. 
“this world wouldn’t need either if it wasn’t so cruel. maybe then people like us could be happy for a change.”
for orphans, a strive for happiness was best waited out until you could age enough to properly take it from the world at will. eventually the two of you would be able to contribute to society and earn a decent living. 
it was easier to dream of a house. not too big or small. one that sat comfortably on a plot of land away from the dirt and grime of the city. you’d live off your own crops and grow old by your own ambitions. these for the aspirations that manifested in your heart. leaving only room for emotions like acceptance and expectation. 
but fyodor was already sowing the seeds of condemnation and reformation. tired of the mishandling of the world and the path it was on. as a child he promised you a life without faults. you couldn’t have imagined at that age, how many of his own would manifest in turn. 
yet out of obligation- or perhaps maybe it was affection. you stayed with him. slowly the hero of your story became the villain and your backstage presence was pushed further and further out of your inherent role of retribution. 
what good would punishment be if you unraveled the seams of disciple after all? 
salvation and redemption. 
that’s the name given to your ability. 
the ability to reverse the wrongs of the world, at the price of your own soul. for as black as this reality was becoming, at your rate you would have long been swallowed up had it not been for his intervention. 
gradually your hand picked back up its pace, fingers working their way under dark tresses as you scratched at the scalp. for some many years, you’d only known the body lain against you to be cold, shivering against the bricked walls of abandoned buildings. but because of his actions, his directive- now you were both warm, fed and properly housed. 
no, you didn’t need to be the hero. they only ever perished in the end. 
just his salvation. 
his excuse for redemption while he scoured the world for crime and provided the diligent punishment. 
dropping your head, you pressed your lips against the rise of his cheek.
“until the end, fyodor.” 
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spookyheaad · 3 years
Haphephobia talk
BIG TRIGGER WARNING: brief mentions of rape/coercion, mentions of suicidal ideation, self harm, physical and mental abuse, as well as dehumanization. This one is kinda heavy.
Hi again! Currently horizontal on my couch because I have full body aches from the second covid shot and my head is killing me, but I expected this to happen as it’s normal for the second vaccine to knock you out for a day or two.
Anyway, I had a realization earlier that I write both Gild Tesoro of “One Piece”, as well as Death from “Darksiders” with Haphephobia - which is “a fear of touching or being touched”. While I write them with this phobia, it manifests within them differently, and I figured I would share some differences, and headcanons for both characters (it’s been so long since I’ve talked about my sassy depressed Nephilim husband; I miss you, Death ❤️❤️). Also with Death, I ship him with an OC I created, named Zemira. I don’t think I’ve shared a lot about her on tumblr, but I’ll be making a whole post about her another time; just know I’ll be mentioning her occasionally.
So I’ll be talking about Death’s haphephobia first, it’s a little more heavy (deadass trigger warning here for the brief mentions of rape. Skip this part if you need to):
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So I must start out with the obligatory mentioning of that accursed chapter from The Abomination Vault:
Death and War have to seek out Lilith and gain information from her. Death is viciously adamant for War to stay outside & away from that woman, but war protests and wishes to come in with him. Death, nearly resorting to beating his brother into submission, demands him to stay outside, and War finally relents.
When the eldest Horseman goes in to see Lilith, one of the first things she says to him is something along the lines of “this isn’t a social call, is it?”. I truly forget what else is mentioned, but there are a few times where Lilith tries to mention things of a (supposed) sexual nature towards Death, and he abruptly and angrily cuts her off. The one thing I remember Lilith saying to Death was her saying that Death was always a “sensitive boy” which makes my stomach fucking churn.
What is heavily implied in this scene, to me, is that Death and Lilith at some point in the past, had sexual encounters with one another that Death is very much extremely embarrassed and ashamed of, and with Lilith’s ability to seduce any being regardless if they want to partake or not, it’s safe to say that Death could have possibly been coerced into said sexual activity. Lilith’s ability to seduce is described almost like a date-rape drug to me, it causes people to fall under some kind of spell or go into a trance; what is a big uh-oh to me is when Death describes that War would be weak to Lilith’s wiles, or her tricks. So she is definitely capable of coercing people in any way to get what she wants. Also fucking keep in mind that Lilith refers to Death as her SON, which adds a whole new level of “what the fuck” to that situation; it’s just icky.
I feel that Death, because of this run in (or run-ins) with Lilith, developed a massive fear of being touched, which is backed up in canon in Darksiders 2. He does not allow anyone to physically touch him under any circumstance; when Death arrived in the Makers’ realm, Eideard touched his chest where the amulet pieces are embedded. Death recoils quickly and with a venomous growl, states: “Don’t touch me!”
Then of course when he goes to visit Lilith, she touches his chest as well, and he physically pushes her hand away from his body. She also refers to herself as Death’s mother, and Death angrily states: “You are not my mother!” Also from the moment Death sets foot in Lilith’s domain, he is not thrilled to be there, and acts very different towards her; more defensive, more on guard it seems.
So this headcanon stems from all of that; he will not let anyone touch him, it’s just that severe. Where my OC comes in, I actually have a story on AO3 titled “Haphephobia” and it shows how Death & Zemira try to get past this aversion to touch, so 1.) Zemira can give him affection and 2.) Death can allow himself to be loved. I’ll link it here:
Death cannot even bring himself to hold her hand in the very beginning. So Zemira started there, holding his hand, physical closeness, and very slowly, started working to larger forms of touch. Obviously this gave Death massive amounts of anxiety, so this is why the process is extremely slow. It makes it even more important to go slow because Death tries to hide any weak emotions, so the physical and mental stress he puts himself under is tenfold.
I think that’s all for Death. His Haphephobia is extremely severe, from the specific traumas he has experienced, possibly being forced into sexual activity with his god damn “”mother””, as well as hiding his sensitivity and kindness (my headcanons for why he does that is a whole other post waiting to be written) and just not believing he is deserving of such love and care.
Ok, now for Tesoro (specific Trigger warnings here for mentions of self-harm, suicidal ideation, physical/mental abuse)
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So I just recently realized that I wrote Tesoro with symptoms of Haphephobia; also compared to Death, it isn’t as severe or debilitating, but no less harmful to the person going through it.
For Tesoro I think it was sparked by a mix of guilt and insecurity, obviously as well as his past abuse from both his mother and the Celestial Dragons. But in Film Gold it’s obvious that he doesn’t have an issue with being touched, I’m referencing the scene with the pool girls. I think in canon, he’s on high alert when someone goes to touch him, especially if it’s someone he is not familiar with, or does not like. It’s more of an automatic thing that he learned to suppress over time, especially because he absolutely craves attention and affection, and his fear of touch gets in the way of that.
So in a way, he did learn how to work through it, but it wasn’t proper or healthy, and because of that it’s still there in the back of his mind. I also believe that he doesn’t like people pinning him by the wrists/hands/arms or holding him down in any way, or being bound (sexual or non sexual, he does not like it). It triggers severe panic and flashbacks, so, it’s a big no.
In terms of if he were to be around Stella, it becomes heightened. It’s not that he’s afraid of her; he knows her well. He is afraid for her sake, that he would hurt her in some way simply by allowing her to touch him. All through his life, Tesoro was made to feel like he wasn’t worth the space he took up in his existence. His mother did not love him, the one person that could have given him some form of gentle gesture. She instead hurt him, screamed at him, made him feel worthless. Then we all know about the celestial dragons; they didn’t even see Tesoro as a human, and that mixed with the beatings from both the celestial dragons and his mother, he is weary to allow others to get close.
After Stella died, In his heart of hearts Tesoro genuinely thought that he was unloveable, mainly because of his mother. The one woman who brought him into this world didn’t care about his dreams or his well-being, so then how can anyone else? Then, when he found the single person that cared about him, she was whisked away from him without a second thought. Tesoro feels doomed to observe yet never experience the love and kindness that the world had to offer.
That mixed with Haphephobia makes him very cautious of others, and in the case of Stella, vehemently afraid. He loves her, and she loves him in return; Tesoro knows this full well, (we’re headed to the “if Stella survived” AU) after they reunite he is so afraid to touch her and it’s painful to him when she touches his body. It’s another source of frustration and anger because he knows that he is still in love with her, but his own body is trying to push her away. He would tear open his body for the apprehension to leave, to finally feel the comfort he yearned for within Stella’s embrace. No more fear, no more being brought to tears because he felt he didn’t deserve her kindness, no more guilt.
Both he & Death feel unloveable but for different reasons:
Death feels unloveable because of the atrocities he has committed, specifically the Nephilim Genocide & the creation of the Grand Abominations. He feels knee-crushing amounts of guilt for taking part in such events, and he puts up a facade of being an uncaring monster, when he is very much the opposite. He has kindness to give, yet is afraid to show it because of that idea that he is to be seen as nothing but an attack dog for the Charred Council. But this is also the same Nephilim who was so tired of making things that took life, and chose to make something that gave life instead, and gifted said item to his sister, Fury. This is the same Nephilim who took his own life to prove that his youngest brother War did not start the apocalypse. He cares so deeply, has insurmountable love to give, yet feels incapable of doing so.
Tesoro thinks he is unloveable because the world conditioned him to view himself as such. The extreme abuse he suffered told him that he is trash; an afterthought whose only use is as a punching bag or a wasted body to rend flesh from. Ants had more worth in this world than he, and Tesoro knew it. All it took was Stella, one person, for him to see that he is worthy of such a thing, that nothing that went on in their pasts was his fault, and that he does deserve to be given gentle touches, soft reassuring hugs, feather-light kisses, and that he is able to be loved.
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kissinginkitchens · 3 years
You Bring Me Home—Chapter Eight: Don’t Worry Baby
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a/n: hello hello!!! a massive apology for this one being so late it’s been such a hectic week for me, so I really appreciate your patience <3 Thank you for sticking around and for the continued love and support you have shown to this story. It really means the world to me :’) I hope you enjoy this chapter, feel free to chat with me afterwards, I’m intrigued to see where y’all think this story is going now👀 there is certainly much 2 think about... Much love, Mel <3
Pairing: Hawai’i!Harry x Original Character
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4.5k
catch up on parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven
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The faint clanging of pots and pans, Freddie barking, and Pua’s laughter rouses Alani from her peaceful sleep. She sees nothing but pink as her eyes peel open and momentarily thinks that she’s gone blind, but her vision soon focuses on the vague outline of black ink. With a curious dent between her brows, she removes the sticky note pressed to her forehead and turns it over.
♡  H
Her mouth, still puffy with the touch of sleep, curls at the edges as she clutches the note to her chest. One hand slides over to the indentation left in her bed by Harry and it’s still warm, which means that he must not have been gone long. Alani climbs out of the covers and races to the top of the stairs where she can hear him and her sister having a playful exchange. 
“I don’t think you put enough chocolate chips,”
“What do you mean? It’s about 90% chocolate right now,”
“So make it 100%,”
As she creeps down the stairs, she spots Pua perched on a swiveling chair at the kitchen island, Freddie snoozing in her lap, while Harry meticulously sprinkles chocolate chips into a bowl of pancake batter next to the stove. The scene makes Alani’s heart swell, so she silently observes for a moment before interrupting. 
“Is this more to your liking, Your Majesty?”
“Much better. Even Freddie thinks so,”
“I thought dogs couldn’t have chocolate,”
“Must you question everything I say?”
“I think he’s right,” Alani confirms, stepping into the kitchen to tussle her sister’s hair and pet Freddie. Harry lights up at the sound of her voice and immediately sticks his cheek out for a kiss. She gives him a peck and accepts the chocolate chip that he holds to her lips, letting him have a taste as it dissolves on their tongues. 
“Please, don’t stop on my account,” Pua grimaces. 
The pair separate and Alani pokes her tongue out at her younger sister, making Harry chuckle beside her. 
“Hey, no fighting,” he warns. “Or no one gets pancakes.”
“She started it!” both sisters defend in unison. 
They share a laugh and dissolve into their own antics while Harry returns to the stove with a cheerful whistle. He methodically shapes the pancakes into hearts on the skillet, playfully swatting Alani’s hand away from the bag of chocolate every five minutes or so. Freddie waits patiently at Harry’s ankles during the entire cooking process, praying that the human will drop a scrap of food his way. 
“Sorry, Mr. Mercury,” Harry apologizes, reaching down to give the dog a gentle pat. “These aren’t for you. Take it up with Mother Nature,”
Alani fills Freddie’s bowl to relieve Harry of his dog-sitting duties before hopping up onto the counter beside him. He slots himself between her legs, flashing a cheesy grin that makes her giggle, and her fingertips trace over the faint shadow of stubble around his jawline and above his lip.
“Can you grow a beard?”
“Do you want me to?”
Alani shrugs, considering the idea. “I was just wondering if you were capable,”
“Hey,” he pouts. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She smiles innocently, pinching his chin. “Nothing, I like the fresh face. But stubble’s kinda hot,”
“Noted,” Harry winks.
“I like spending my mornings with you,” Alani admits quietly. “And the whole chef thing you’ve got going on is definitely a perk,” 
Harry’s dimple resurfaces and his emerald eyes gleam. “Me too, sweets. Did you like the note I left you?”
“Yes, it was a very nice touch,” Alani confesses, heart still soaring over the sentiment. 
“Didn’t wanna wake you. Looked so peaceful drooling, hair all in your face—”
“Did you know that you kinda talk a little in your sleep?”
“I do not!” 
Harry kisses the wrinkle in the middle of her forehead and it eases. “Do too. It’s cute, though.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Alani grumbles with a small, affectionate smile. “Let’s eat.”
Both Pua and Alani compliment Harry on the restaurant quality of his heart-shaped pancakes, and he accepts the praise with a bow that makes them both giggle. The three of them gather happily around the dining table, sharing jokes and analyses of each other’s dreams from the night before. Of particular interest is Pua’s dream about her teeth being replaced by kernels of candy corn, which Harry explains is a warning to cut down on the sugar before bed. 
“You’re no fun,” Pua teases with her arms crossed. “Only had a pint of ice cream last night,”
Harry snickers. “As opposed to?”
“Alani, can you date a dairy farmer next time?” 
Alani rolls her eyes, but her smile reveals her true amusement. “Be nice,”
“Thought I was your ‘favorite singer,’” Harry sulks. 
Pua’s eyes dart to her older sister. “You told him?!”
“What?” Alani asks innocently. “It was sweet,”
Harry’s brow furrows. “Why wasn’t I supposed to know that?”
“Cause you’ll get a big head,” 
“Too late. I won your sister over, even though she’s way out of my league,”
“And don’t you forget it.” Pua cautions with a friendly tussle of his hair before standing with her empty plate. 
Harry chuckles lightly. “I thought we were friends,”
“Sisters before misters,” Alani shrugs, grabbing his plate and utensils to put in a pile with her own. “So whatcha doin’ today?”
“Good question,” he ponders, tapping his chin. “Get dressed, we’re going out,”
“Where to?”
“It’s a surprise,”
“I don’t like surprises,”
“Tough,” Harry maintains. “And you’re a liar cos everyone likes good surprises,”
Alani traces a heart onto the back of his hand with her fingertip and sighs. “But I need to know what to dress for,”
“Dress for the perfect afternoon with your favorite guy,”
“James Marsden’s coming?”
Harry purses his lips and stands. “Alright, I’m leaving now,”
“I’m kidding!” Alani giggles, offering an apologetic kiss. “I’m sorry, sunshine. Please don’t go,”
“I wasn’t aware that James Marsden made you these pancakes,” Harry dodges her affection.
“Or that he had your face as his screensaver,”
“You do not!” Alani counters, eyes wide. 
She gasps when he holds up his phone to reveal her unflattering selfie. “Why?!”
“Because you’re so cute, that’s why!” Harry explains with a delicate smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Even when you’re mean,”
Alani playfully swats his arm and pulls him closer by the pocket of his hoodie. “I’m sorry, ku’uipo. You’re the sweetest. Thank you for breakfast.”
“Welcome, dove,” he beams. “Now grab some clothes, we gotta stop by my place first.”
Alani slips on a pair of platform sandals and smoothes out her skirt while Harry pulls on a white t-shirt with a blue bandana secured around his neck. The polka dots on her yellow dress bring a fond crease to the corners of his eyes as he swipes a pair of black sunglasses from his dresser and pushes them into his unruly curls for the time being. 
“Give us a twirl,” he requests, whistling when she obliges. 
Alani spins into his arms and her hands smooth over the soft material of his burnt orange button up adorned with white lilies. “Digging the white tee, babe. How very James Dean of you.”
“Only the best for you, doll.” Harry shoots back in his best American accent. 
As they make their way to the back of the house where the Cadillac is parked, he queues up a song that he hopes will bring a smile to Alani’s face. “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini” begins playing as loud as his phone speakers will allow and he flashes a cheeky grin in her direction. “Bit of a theme song for you today,”
“You’re such a cheese ball,”
“Don’t act like you don’t love it,” he teases with a pinch of her thigh. 
“Never said I didn’t,”
“Fair enough,” 
“So, are you finally gonna tell me where we’re going now?” Alani asks, batting her eyelashes. 
Harry shakes his head and tuts in mock disapproval. “Are you gonna try to ruin every surprise I plan for you?”
“I just wanna know what to expect!”
“You’ll like it, promise,”
“A hint?” she bargains. “An itsy bitsy, teenie weenie one?”
Harry captures his bottom lip between his teeth and thinks. “It’s for something in your room,”
“That’s all?” Alani blurts. “That could mean anything!”
“You said one hint and I delivered! So why don’t you just sit back and enjoy the ride now?” he suggests, laughing to himself when Alani crosses her arms with a huff. 
The drive is scenic and the weather is especially nice, which explains why the beaches they pass are more crowded than usual. Alani checks “beach” off her list of possible locations, racking her brain for the items in her room that could have possibly caught Harry’s attention. She wonders if he noticed the various scented candles perched on her nightstand and dressing table, deciding that a candle shop probably isn’t likely. Momentarily, she recalls the pile of books on her desk and her mind flashes back to their conversation about one of their mutual favorite authors, Angela Avery. Getting warmer. Harry remains tight-lipped and merely offers a coy smile or a whistle each time Alani ventures a guess. But just when she started to believe she would wear him down, the two of them pull into the parking lot of Moku Records and draw her speculation to an end. 
“Of course,” Alani surrenders, stepping out of the passenger door that Harry opens for her. “I should’ve known,”
“Came here my first week. The day after I met you, actually,” he explains bashfully.
Alani’s cheeks warm at the sentiment, and she laughs at the way he swings their joint hands softly as they cross the empty parking lot. Harry pulls the door open and she takes a curious step over the threshold, noting the hint of jasmine and sandalwood mixed in the air of the little shop. Her eyes immediately land on the A-B section first where she spots ABBA and The Beatles, and her fingers tenderly run over the cover art. 
“Like a kid in a candy shop,” Harry observes fondly. “Pick out whatever you want,”
“Are you serious?” Alani asks, eyes wide.
He shrugs nonchalantly. “Course. Wanted to make a contribution to your collection,”
“I don’t know,” she smiles sheepishly. “I don’t want you spending a lot of money on me. I really appreciate the offer, though,”
“So what if you pick some out for me, too? Then we can think of it as compensation for your generous musical recommendations,” Harry puts forward.
“You make music for a living,” Alani scoffs. “What do you need my recommendations for?”
“What, you think musicians are born knowing every song that exists?”
“Okay, fine. Who can we credit for your music taste, then?”
Harry mulls it over for a second, a gentle hum vibrating in his Adam’s apple, before he responds. “My mum, mostly. Some friends—”
“—Any exes?” Alani fishes. 
“Yeah,” he confirms shyly. “Some I guess. You?”
“Same, pretty much,”
“Right, well now you’ve gotta tell me where you picked up all of these albums ‘cause I don’t wanna be buying shit your ex-boyfriend introduced you to,” Harry teases to lighten the mood. 
An amused exhale escapes from Alani’s nose and she shakes her head. “No, I meant your exes also inspired me,”
 She holds up a record with the numbers “1989″ and a familiar blonde on the cover, and Harry shoots her an unamused look. “Okay, now you’re just being mean again,”
“Long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt,” Alani sings as he turns to walk away. 
“Keep it up and you’re gonna be buying your own bloody records!”
“Cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style,” 
Harry gives her a sharp side-eye, but the faint curl of his lips betrays the intended message of his glare. “Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because it’s a good song,” Alani giggles. “And you’re just being a hater,”
Alani turns on her heel with Harry’s palm pressed firmly against hers, and continues to sort through the collection of vinyls. The two of them snake through the aisles and pull albums that they think the other person would enjoy. Harry grabs one from Wings that has been in his recent playlists while Alani explains that he absolutely must own the vinyl version of “AM” by the Arctic Monkeys. He picks out a Shania Twain and highlights the track “You’re Still the One,” which Alani counters with The Mamas and the Papas. 
“Wait,” Alani stops, pulling another record excitedly. “You gotta have this one as a starter,” 
Harry accepts the copy of Queen’s “A Day at the Races” and adds it to the growing pile. “A classic, of course,”
“And I already have its sister album, ‘A Night at the Opera,’ so we can share, ” she suggests, turning back to her browsing. 
Harry’s phone rings and he shuffles the albums around in his arms before lifting it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hey,” Jeff’s voice carries through the speaker. “Film crew’s here. Are you on your way?”
“Shit,” Harry curses, eyes shutting tight. 
“You forgot?”
“I’ll be there as soon as possible,”
He had completely disregarded all of his previous plans in favor of spending every possible minute with Alani. One of those plans, however, was a mini documentary following the formation of his debut solo album which would start filming that day and continue over the course of the week. 
“No worries,” Jeff continues. “Might wanna give Alani a heads up if you bring her, though.”
“Thanks, mate. See you soon.” Harry says before ending the call. 
Alani had only been half listening, still admiring the artwork of the vinyl covers. “Everything okay?”
“Music thing I forgot about. Gotta go back to the house for a bit,”
“Okay,” she nods understandingly, though it pains her to do so. “So you can just drop me off at my house and we’ll hang tomorrow,”
“Tomorrow?” Harry repeats. “I can pick you up after work, it’ll just be for the afternoon,”
Alani shakes her head apologetically. “My dad’s picking me up on his way home from the airport. He’s getting back from his trip tonight and he’ll wanna see me and my sister,”
“Oh,” he relents, defeated. “Okay, so tomorrow morning?”
“Well, tomorrow afternoon. I work the morning shift,”
Harry groans. “Twenty-four hours?” 
“We’ll be fine,” Alani chuckles, taking some of the records from his hands to lighten the load.
“Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that,”
“That’s a load of bollocks,” 
“Bollocks? God you’re so British,”
“And you are so American,” Harry pouts over the sudden derailment of his romantic afternoon plans. “God, this sucks,”
Alani offers him a kiss to soothe the sting, which he accepts with a hum. “Majorly. But hey, what can you do? The music calls.”
They check out and she carries the bag on her hip, the temporary relief of retail therapy distracting her from the disappointment of their time cut short. Harry checks the time and calculates that he’ll be a little later than promised, but he’s more concerned with making every second with Alani count. There’s a bit of cloud coverage over his usual sunny disposition, so she tries her best to cheer him up by lifting their intertwined fingers and pressing gentle kisses to his knuckles. 
“Thank you for the most perfect afternoon,” she murmurs against his skin.
“Wasn’t supposed to be over for a few more hours.” 
“Every minute with my favorite guy is like heaven.” Alani admits, watching intently as his smile slowly returns. 
“How’s California?”
“You know, it’s kinda growing on me. My nana and pops send their love,” 
“Aw, miss them,” Alani smiles, shifting the phone to her other ear. She decided to spend her free afternoon catching up with her best friend still on the mainland, though her thoughts occasionally drifted back to Harry. “Any cute surfer boys?”
“Maybe one,” Maleah confides. “But it’s nothing serious,”
“And you’ve been holding out on me?” Alani gasps. 
“His name’s Max, he’s a lifeguard,”
“I demand photos immediately,”
“Sure thing,” Maleah giggles sweetly. “Speaking of boytoys, where’s yours? I thought you two were attached at the lips at all times,”
Alani walks her toes up the wall, a soft grin easing onto her face when she spots the pink sticky note from earlier. She turns her head to Harry’s spot and takes a deep breath to soak in the lingering scent of vanilla.
“Working, kinda,”
Maleah frowns. “Doing what exactly?”
“Some music thing. I guess they’re filming a behind the scenes mini-film or something, I’m not entirely sure. Harry was kind of cryptic,”
“That’s weird,”
Alani sits up. “Do you think it sounds fishy?”
“No way. Mr. Perfect would never,” Maleah assures her. “But you know him best. What does your heart tell you?”
It hadn’t even crossed Alani’s mind that Harry might not be telling the truth, but for a brief, guilt ridden moment she considers it. She quickly closes that door after considering all the things he had already been so open about. “He would tell me if something was up,”
“Then there you go,” Maleah says decisively. “That’s good that you guys are so open. Communication is key as they say,”
“Yeah, absolutely. Mind if I gush for a second?”
“Of course not, spill!” Maleah urges her. 
Alani recaps the events of the last couple of days, from the painting and the heart-shaped pancakes to the record store. The weight of Harry’s absence grows heavier with each passing minute until it forms a lump at the back of her throat, but she swallows it down.
“Wow,” Maleah swoons. “What planet did this guy come from, and are there more of him there?”
“Sometimes I think he’s too good to be true, like I made him up or something,”
“Can you make me one like that, too?”
Alani giggles. “What about Max?”
“Well hey, maybe we can all double date sometime,” her best friend suggests eagerly. “He’s kind of coming to visit when I go back home,”
“I thought you said it wasn’t serious?”
“Yeah, well, I just didn’t wanna jinx it,” Maleah explains shyly. “So whaddya say? Think Harry will be in town a couple more weeks for us all to meet up?”
Alani searches her brain for any mention of Harry’s travel plans and it suddenly dawns on her that she didn’t know how long he planned to stay, or where he would go once he did eventually leave the island. He had said once that he considered London his home, but it hadn’t exactly been a straight answer. The thought of his inevitable departure makes her stomach turn, so she musters up a more hopeful answer than what reflects her worries. “Definitely.”
Harry rushes into the house and runs a hand through his disheveled hair. The voices of his manager and friends mixed with the unfamiliar chatter of another person echo from the kitchen, and he takes a deep breath to steady his nerves. 
“I’m sorry for being so late,” he apologizes with an outstretched hand towards one of the strangers he’d only conversed with over emails. “It’s nice to meet you,”
"Paul,” the man offers warmly. “Paul Dugdale,”
Paul introduces the rest of the film crew that will be following the band for the week and Harry extends a gracious welcome to each of them, despite secretly wishing that he’d never agreed to the project in the first place. Every minute on camera, he realizes, is another agonizing minute away from Alani. 
“So listen,” Paul instructs. “Based on everything we’ve discussed in our creative meetings, we’re gonna approach this very fly-on-the-wall style. Very little intervention, you won’t even notice we’re here,”
“Good deal,” Harry nods. 
“We’ll save the interviews for when you come back to London in two weeks,”
“I’m sorry, what was that you just said?”
Paul’s brows furrow. “About the interviews?”
“The two weeks bit,” Harry clarifies. 
“Oh, right. Well we’re gonna need you back in London in two weeks so we can film the sit-down interviews that will sort of guide the narrative. But don’t worry, we already scheduled it around the Dunkirk shoots so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.”
Harry’s head spins. He had been living in such a carefree bubble with Alani that every other responsibility in his life career-wise had slipped his mind entirely. There was no way on Earth that he could pack everything up and leave just when things had started to fall into place for them. With uneasiness burrowing a whole in the pit of his stomach, Harry musters up a pleasant smile. “Course, sounds great.”
The film crew sets up quickly and urges Harry and his friends to go about their usual business, but nothing feels natural about the clock ticking away inside the singer’s mind. He had always known that he was living on borrowed time in Hawai’i, but he hadn’t planned on finding something worth sticking around for. There had to be something he could do, some way that he could stay even if it was just until the end of summer before Alani would have to return to school full-time in the fall. Despite the uncertainty surrounding his plan to buy more time, one thing is certain: he can’t tell Alani until he has a solid course of action. Harry is fully aware of the risk he runs by leaving her in the dark, but it seems less daunting than the possibility of her ending things because of the sudden expiration date put on their relationship. And no matter how long Harry is able to extend their time together, he knows it won’t be easy to leave Alani and everything they had built together behind. His anxious fingers fiddle with the strings of the guitar resting in his lap as he imagines what it will take to prove his feelings, wishing all the while that he could just hold her in his arms and hear her say that everything would be alright. 
Alani yawns, but she rubs the drowsiness out of her eyes and returns her fingers to the keyboard. She isn’t sure whether she should go through with the Rolling Stone submission, but writing has always been her way of processing her thoughts, so she decides not to let the material that she already has go to waste. Her phone buzzes on the nightstand next to her cup of coffee and she lifts it gently before reading the caller ID. 
“Hey, sunshine,” she murmurs.
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah, just doing some writing,”
A smirk tugs at the corners of Harry’s mouth. “Anything I would like?”
“It’s about you,” 
“Love it already,”
Alani giggles softly on the other end and it makes Harry’s chest ache. “Funny that you called. I’m actually having a bit of writer’s block,”
“Alright, let me help you out,” Harry clears his throat. “Harry Styles: aspiring musician, fashion novice, phenomenal lover—”
“—And the most humble person I know,”
“Yeah put that, too,” he adds playfully. “Hey, what time are you working tomorrow?”
Alani yawns and closes her laptop for the night. “Eight to three,”
“She works hard for the money or whatever Donna Summer said,”
Harry checks the time on his phone—23:39—and he decides to act quickly. “Can you stay awake for another 20 minutes?”
“Yeah, I guess. Why?” Alani questions, taking a sip of her tepid coffee.  
“Just don’t fall asleep. I’ll call you back in a few.”
She assumes that Harry must have gotten busy again and puts on a movie to keep her awake. Fifteen minutes pass and her eyelids are as heavy as bricks, but the ringing of her phone nearly causes her to jump out of her skin. 
“Hello?” she answers weakly. 
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair! Or a ladder, preferably,”
Alani’s face scrunches in confusion. “What?”
“I’m outside, sweets,” 
She quickly jumps to her feet and makes her way over to the window at the opposite side of her room. Sure enough, Harry is waiting below with a thumbs up and she chuckles to herself as she lifts the windowpane up. 
“What are you doing?”
“Climbing this tree I guess, since you’re no help,” he explains, already finding his footing in the Acacia Koa outside her window. 
“We have a front door, you know,”
Harry swiftly maneuvers from branch to branch, which frankly surprises himself as much as it does Alani. When he finally reaches the window and hoists himself inside, a victorious grin spreads across his face punctuated by a dimple on each cheek. “Can James Marsden do that?”
“You’re crazy,” Alani muses, an incredulous look in her eye. 
Harry shrugs and reaches behind his back to close the window gently. “Only about you,”
Alani wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a warm kiss, humming when she feels his strong hands smooth up and down her spine. 
“Missed you,” he whispers against her lips, tickling her sides lightly. 
She giggles and tightens her embrace. “Missed you more,”
Harry kicks off his shoes and follows Alani into her bed, his head tilting when he spots a familiar picture tacked to her ceiling. “Is that—?”
“—An original from my favorite up-and-coming painter, Harry Styles?” she questions, completing his thought. “Why yes, it is. But it’s not for sale, so don’t even think about it,”
“Right next to the O’Keeffe one,” he boasts. “I’m honored,”
“You should be,”
Harry searches his memory to no avail. “Where did you say the original was?” 
“New York Botanical Garden,” Alani murmurs against his neck, fighting the fatigue weighing on her muscles. 
“I’m gonna take you one day,”
“Promise,” he affirms with a feathery kiss to her temple. 
Alani sits up and rests her chin on his chest, peering down at him with sleepy eyes and a sweet smile.
“Can’t wait,”
“I should probably go,” Harry breathes deeply, his own exhaustion settling in. “Let you sleep. I just wanted a good-night kiss,”
“No, stay. I’m not even tired,” Alani pleads. 
“Your droopy eyes say otherwise,”
“So tell me something to keep me awake,”
Harry swallows. He searches his brain for something to say other than the news that he isn’t ready to break yet. “Like what?”
“Liiiike,” Alani sighs. “Why One Direction broke up,”
“It’s not a very interesting story,”
“I don’t believe you, but whatever. Tell me a secret, then,”
“A secret,” Harry leans in close, the tip of his nose brushing agains the apple of her cheek. “I really wanna kiss you now,”
Alani pulls back the slightest bit to steal a glance at his mouth, already parted enough for her to slot her lips between his. She buries her fingertips in the soft curls at the nape of his neck and the taste of Harry’s spearmint washes over her tongue. His hands brace each side of her neck as he plucks needy kiss after needy kiss from her generous lips. 
“I can’t believe we didn’t even make it a whole day apart,” Alani jokes when they pull apart slowly. 
“It’s after midnight,” Harry mumbles against her skin. “So we kinda did.”
She chuckles and plants a delicate peck to his forehead. “I love the way your mind works.”
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livingbythewords · 3 years
(not so) small rant about Theo, Liam and season six of Teen Wolf
I keep hearing on and on and on about how "Liam is the only person who trusts and supports Theo after he came back from hell" and I keep wondering if people who say things like that have been watching the same show as me, or maybe there is some alternative version I don't know about.
In the version of the show I've been watching, Liam's intentions were clear from the very beginning – he brought Theo back for one purpose only, to use him. I mention that, because sometimes I see people acting as if Liam did it from the goodness of his heart. The moment it becomes clear that Theo doesn't have Josh and Tracy's powers anymore, Liam is ready to send him back in an instant. It's only after when Theo asks about Scott and Stiles that he reconsiders, but his motivations don't include any sympathy for Theo. Liam distrusts and despises Theo – and it never changes throughout the course of the show.
Now, I won't argue that he doesn't have reasons for that. He has been hurt by Theo just like anybody else, although here I could argue that from the whole pack he is far from being the one who got hurt the most. Even Mason has more reasons to be distrustful and unforgiving towards Theo as he was a direct witness to Theo murdering Scott at the library. I'm not questioning it – I'm simply pointing out the way Liam is treating Theo, which includes constant threats, insults and yanking him around in chains. That last part is especially disturbing to me, as I've read posts where (apart from the constant "he deserved it", which I am not going to dive into here) people were jokingly claiming that Theo probably "enjoyed" it. Now, I agree that Theo has a significant masochistic streak in him. But the way the scene, which depicts degrading someone and treating him like less than a dog, let alone a human being, got tied here to something which is supposed to be a part of proper and healthy BDSM dynamics, makes me seriously cringe and wonder why people (and the writers) think that it's okay in any context to treat someone this way – especially an incredibly traumatized kid, who developed unhealthy coping mechanisms as a response to having suffered abuse for years – and then frame it as funny for some reason.
After Ghost Riders are defeated, we have Theo appearing at the police station. Liam's reaction – after Theo saved him twice – is that of relief and gratitude, oh hi Theo, good that you are here to help us… oh wait, not really. It's furiously blurting "do you want me to kill him?" to Scott (and I'm not even going into how ridiculously messed up is asking Scott of all people for permission to kill someone, even Theo. I wonder if Liam seriously thought Scott was going to say yes?), despite the fact that Theo already proved that not only he doesn't pose a threat, but is actively helping the pack.
And that continues for the rest of the season. Liam remains hostile towards Theo, constantly hurling insults at him and being violent towards him, which is another disturbing thing framed as funny and somehow 'romantic' (I don't even know what's worse). Even the infamous elevator scene, which people like to bring up as some kind of "proof of love" between Theo and Liam, doesn't offer anything particularly convincing here:
 THEO: Look, I'm not dying for you.
LIAM: I'm not dying for you, either.
LIAM: But, I will fight with you.
That's it. Hardly an acknowledgement of anything, especially any kind of affection. Considering how constipated and bitter Liam looks the entire time, we can safely assume this declaration came out rather from "I don't really see any other options here, so I'll take whatever it is" than "I can see you've changed and I trust you". They do end up saving each other's lives and protecting each other, yes; nobody says otherwise, although it's not uncommon in the show to work together with one's adversaries to defeat the Greater Bad (when it comes to Liam, two examples on the top of my head are him saving Brett's life in Sinema in season 5 and the whole arc with Hayden, who treats him quite horribly in the beginning – see the pattern here?).
Even after the whole scene with Gabe (mind you, Theo is the one stopping Liam from killing Gabe in the first place!) everything that Theo did, all the sacrifices he made, remain unacknowledged. Liam is more willing to make amends with Nolan – the guy who actively tried to kill him many times and who participated in terrorizing him in the classroom trying to make him shift in front of everyone, which most certainly would result in his death – than even admit that Theo might be right in anything or that he changed.
Neither Theo nor Liam's actions at this point are motivated by mutual affection towards each other. Theo's main goal is getting back into Scott's good graces and into his pack. He comes back to the hospital explicitly because Scott asked him to, and there is no reason to believe that he had any additional motivations beyond that. He might have developed some sort of affection towards Liam, but even if so, it remained pretty much one-sided, and the argument here seems to be that Liam not only trusts and supports Theo, but is the only person doing so, which is not the case. Liam on the other hand is pretty much driven by his own enormous guilt, caused by the fact that he – as he himself admitted – not only attacked Scott, but at some point wanted to kill him even without Theo pushing him. Therefore, he is projecting his guilt and self-loathing onto Theo, and again, I'm not questioning that he does have reasons to loathe Theo. But that's not the point here.
Now I want to clarify, again, that the point of this post is not to tell people that they can’t enjoy the ship, or that it’s bad, or that Liam is a bad person. It’s simply to point out Liam’s canonical behavior towards Theo as a way to disprove the claim that Liam was the only person to trust and support Theo, which has no basis in facts whatsoever. 
I get that people have their headcanons and enjoy their ships, and I’m far from telling anyone who they can or can’t ship, or that one ship is better than the other. However, shipping someone and having fun with it is not the same as twisting into knots to try to prove that canon supports something, when it doesn't. Yes, there is a person who acknowledges that Theo has changed. Who trusts and supports him even when they have no reason to. Who is always there for him and tries to treat him fairly even after being incredibly hurt and betrayed.
But that person isn't Liam. 
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10 More Little Details from JATP.
I made this post a few days ago about all the little details I had spotted in JATP and I said that there were probably more that I had missed, well I found more that I missed. Again most of these are probably old news to most people but they are new to me and I always get excited about the details, the nitty gritty of a show and I over analyse everything so I figured I would share all my thoughts with you guys. Obviously there are spoilers. I’m going to start off with some smaller details first just some funny little things I spotted then we can take a trip down the rabbit hole and really go crazy with the whole over analysing thing.
1) Starstruck. 
Hey you remember this truly iconic and amazing scene where Willie and Alex literally fall for each other? 
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Well I think considering how much chemistry was going on in that scene I can be forgiven for not noticing this at first but the star on the ground next to them has the name Dave Hoge written on it and I kept thinking the name sounded familiar. 
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Then I remembered that David Hoge is the name of one of the producers on the show so I think this is in relation to him unless there’s another Dave Hoge that I don’t know about. 
2) Post It’s. 
Speaking of little details floating around in the background. If you’ve read my other posts I talked about how Luke’s missing person poster was behind him when he was eating the hotdog. Well there’s another interesting poster right next to it. Unfinished business at the orpheum. Also note that the date on the unfinished poster is Dec 1994 and we know that Luke ran away from home in december which coupled with its proximity to his missing persons poster makes me think that his unfinished business has something to do with his parents. 
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Also later in episode 3 when Alex and Willie are talking on the bench there are so more fun posters behind them. 
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Ok so if you can pull your eyes away from the beauty of Willex for a moment (I know its hard) you can see that one of the posters says detention and a second that says Small Dark Room and again mentions the orpheum. Obviously this is a throwback to when the boys were detained in a small dark room before being pulled back into the world by Julie. But another thing worth noting is that the Small Dark Room poster has a purple background and you are going to get tired of me saying this but purple is associated with magic, know of any magician’s in the show? I can’t help but wonder if Caleb was actually keeping them detained in that room for some reason waiting until he needed them, the purple could indicate that magic was what trapped them there. 
3) Poisoned Hotdogs? 
One of the theories I had was that the boys didn’t die from food posioning but that Caleb had actually heard them play whilst they were alive and decided that he wanted the band right there and then, so he posessed Sam the hot dog guy and actually poisoned the boys. Since then I have found some evidence that might back up that theory. If you look again at that detention poster above, undeneath in yellow writing is the word toxic. So the posters if you put them all together actually spell out a sequence of events, Toxic as in the boys are poisoned, detention and small dark room as in they were trapped in the small dark room, unfinished business, they come back and are released from that small dark room because they have unfinished business. Still not convinced? Well how about this in the episode when they find out about Bobby, Luke is wearing a shirt that says poison on the back. Coincidence? Hmm I think not.
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4) Tell Me What You’re Longing For. 
So in episode 2 when Julie comes home and finds the boys in her room each of them seem to be obsessing over a particular object. On the surface this just seems like a funny scene but when you look a bit deeper the objects that each of the boys choose actually says a lot about each of their characters and where they are at mentally and emotionally in that moment. 
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Alex for example has fixated on the photo of Julie and her mum and is trying to pick it up. It seems to me that Alex has chosen this particualr object because its what he longs for with his own parents. In the photo its a happy little girl and her mother is kissing her and showing her affection. Also the boys know a little about Julie’s mum at this point and so they know how supportive and loving she was to Julie. We know that after Alex told them he was gay his parents, well Luke says they were never cool again, but we can guess that they didn’t show Alex much love and affection after that. This obviously would have really hurt Alex. Another reason why I don’t think Alex got much affection from his parents is because when Julie was crying after singing Wake Up Alex’s first instinct was to hug her, he also reprimands the boys for not hugging him when he was crying in that room for 25 years, this shows that a hug was something that he wanted. Also he always seems surprised whenever Willie would take his hand like its something he’s not used to. He hesitates before hugging Willie in episode 9 seeming to be conflicted and unsure before he finally gives in and just sinks into Willie, I mean to me it just seemed so desperate like he needed that contact but because he was never really hugged by his parents he is unsure about whether its ok or not. Also the most telling of all is also in episode 9 when he asks if they can try that hug thing again. Basically I don’t think Alex’s parents hugged him enough if at all and so when he sees that photo of a mother showing love to her child he is drawn to it as its something he has always wanted. 
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If we move onto Luke, he is trying to get his hands on Julie’s dream box. Again this is really in line with his character. We know that Luke is all about following your dreams. Also we find out that Julie stores her song lyrics in that box and we all know how passionate Luke is about writing and music. I do find it kinda funny that Luke zeros in on the one thing in the room that’s connected to Julie’s music. It’s like he’s got a radar that could sense that that was where Julie had hidden her music away. Also in my previous post I mentioned the connection between Caleb and Greek Mythology well this could be another nod at Greek Mythology. It could be a nod to pandora’s box. Today pandora’s box has a lot of negative connotations around it, how many times have you been warned not to do something in case you open pandora’s box? It’s this idea that bad things will be let into the world. However in the myth Pandora shuts the box and locks hope inside of it. The myth tells us that its this hope that helps the humans get through all of the hardships that had come from the box so it does kinda have a happy ending or I should say a hopeful ending. It’s interesting to me that Julie says that the box is just full of things that don’t make her sad. Julie has all of the bad things out in the world with her and has locked hope away in that box. Just like Zeus says to Pandora, Julie tells Luke not to open the box, and just like Pandora, Luke ignores her and does open that box. When he does he releases hope and happiness back into Julie’s life. But its not just Julie that locks her emotions up, Luke does too. He is ignoring his feeling about his parents and his regrets, he trys to ignore his feelings about Julie too, however one emotion he does let out is his anger at Bobby. I think when it comes to Luke you could say that he himself is the box but that he is the opposite of Julie in the sense that he’s keeping all of these negative emotions trapped inside and has locked hope out. Julie is the one who opens that box for him and lets those emotions go when she helps him feel connected to his parents, before he thought he had no hope of ever being able to make things right with them again but Julie shows him that he can. She does it again when all the boys have resigned themselves to their fate because they don’t think there is any hope that they’ll be able to play the orpheum and therefore complete their unfinished business. But then Julie shows up to snap them out of it and remind them that there is still hope and not to give up. She comes up with a plan and gives hope back to them just as they did for her. We know that Luke longs for a connection to people through music and this is exactly what he gets from that box he finds a connection to Julie through their joint pain at losing their mothers, the pain that helps them write the songs for the band and eventually find hope. 
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Ok so then we come to Reggie. At first glance it doesn’t look like Reggie is doing anything at all, I mean he’s just laying on the bed. But actually this too can be significant to his character. He’s not just laying on the bed he is stroking the bed sheets and looks very relaxed and content, he’s got his eyes closed and he’s just enjoying the comfort he’s feeling. I think this tells us that what Reggie is longing for is home. Reggie seems to enjoy anything to do with the home. We know that Reggie likes to spend his time more in the house with Julie’s family than he does out in the studio. He also made that comment about liking showers and the occasional bath, I don’t know about you guys but when I think about home I think about warm baths and cozy beds and hanging out with my family, those home comforts so to speak. These are all the things that Reggie is drawn to. Also if you think about the country song he wrote its called Home is Where My Horse Is. Again he’s thinking about home. The scene where the boys get emotional about Ray talking to Rose is also significant. I mean when you think about this is a man who is talking about his home and the memories he made there with his family and who is faced with leaving his home when he clearly doesn’t want to leave. Reggie’s reaction to this is to go back to his own home, to go see his parents. When he gets there its to find his home is gone. We know this hurts him because it comes up again later when they find out Bobby has stolen their songs, after Luke says it’s not about the money Reggie points out that if Bobby has shared with their families maybe his home wouldn’t have been turned into a bike shop. Losing his home is hitting Reggie hard and so when they all return to Julie’s room the thing that draws Reggie in is that feeling you get from being in bed at home.
Each object the the boys choose are representing what each of the boy is longing for most. Alex longs for a loving parent, Luke longs for a connection to someone through music and Reggie is longing for home.  
5) Gone with the Wind.
This is one that is probably really obvious but in episode 1 when julie goes to the studio as she opens the doors a breeze rushes out. We know from the fact that she apologises for not going there that this is likely the first time she has visited since her mom died. I think this breeze is like her mother’s spirit is rushing out and into the world. 
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You can see that the breeze is moving from the inside out from the direction Julie’s shirt is rippling. I like to think that once her spirit was released Rose got to work right away putting all those little clues/ dahlias about the place. 
6) Sunflowers. 
In episode 9 within the first few minutes we get several images of sunflowers.
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 First when Alex is talking to Willie there’s some flowers outside of a shop, then when they go into the Orpheum’s office place there’s a vase of sunflowers on the desk, when they get back to the studio you can see that there is another vase of sunflowers on the unit behind the boys and then finally Julie is wearing a top with a sunflower on it. Sunflowers represent loyalty and are also another connection to greek mythology. The story of the origin of the sunflower goes that a woman named Clytie fell in love with the sun god Apollo. There are different versions of the myth and in some versions Apollo loves her back but then falls in love with someone else and in others he never loves her back. But in every version the outcome is the same Clytie is turned into a sunflower and she is so in love and loyal to Apollo that she continues to watch him fly across the sky in his chariot every day. This is why sunflowers are associated with adoration and loyalty. But the Myth also tells the story of loving or wanting something that you can’t have. This theme comes up alot in the show. First with Julie and Luke, its that star crossed love, they have feeling for each other but one’s a ghost and the other is a lifer. But I actually think the sunflowers are a hint at what was to come in the episode. Afterall the yellow of the sunflower is symbolic of friendship so I actually think Caleb is the one that wants something he can’t have. He wants the band but ultimately he can’t have the band because of the loyalty and friendship they have with Julie. 
7) It’s All About The Accessories. 
Another thing I noticed on rewatch is that several of the characters have necklaces that might have some significance. The first I want to talk about is Luke. Luke is nearly always wearing this necklace. 
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  I think the only time he isn’t wearing it is at the end of episode 9 when he is that suit outfit. Now I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on semi-precious stones because I’m not but I do have an interest in them and their symbolism and properties. I’m fairly sure (though not certain) that this is Agate, or more specifically Black Agate. Now if I’m right and this is Agate then it could have some really interesting symbolism. Agate is used as a grounding stone, it’s suppose to help keep you grounded and balanced. It brings stability. We know that something is grounding the boys to this earth, to be clear I’m not saying its the stone but that the stone is symbolic of that connection that is keeping them here and connected to Julie. Agate is also suppose to help with emotional trauma and black agate is often given in times of bereavement to help ease the pain of grief. We know that Luke is grieving about losing his mother and father and seeing them grieve for him, so its really interesting to me that he is wearing a stone that is meant to help ease that pain as that is exactly what happens, through his song Unsaid Emily he is able to bring some comfort to his parents and ease their pain, in doing so he also eases his own pain. Another propeity of agate is that its suppose to protect agaisnt evil curses. Again this connects to Caleb and the curse he puts on the boys and how ultimately that curse is broken, Julie protects the boys with her love. So I think this stone not only represents Luke but also represents Julie and how she protects and brings comfort to the boys and Luke in particular. Another interesting thing about Agate is that it is closely related to the moon. Why is that interesting you might ask well because of this... 
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Julie is also nearly always wearing the same necklaces, one I think is a saint or virgin mary, the second is her name with a flower, which I think indicates the deep connection she has with her mother and the third has moons. The moon is often associated with magic and like said agate is closely related to the moon, It is another link between Luke and Julie and the ‘magic’ that connects them. I mentioned in that previous post that Julie often wears the colour purple which is also associated with magic but more on that later. Again I think its really interesting that both Julie and Luke wear necklaces that can be connected to the other. 
But I don’t think they are the only characters that wear necklaces that might be linked. The next one I want to talk about is Willie.
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We often see Willie wearing this key on a chain around his neck. The most obvious symbolism here is that Willie is the key to something. It could be that it symbolised how Willie was the key to bringing the boys to the Hollywood Ghost Club or the fact that he was the key to finding out more about the ghost world in general, I mean Alex and by extension the boys learn alot from Willie. I like to think its also because he is the key to Alex’s heart but that’s probs just my shipper heart influencing me. Another thing it could symbolise is maybe Willie is the key to their unfinished business somehow. I am really curious to know what the key goes to I mean keys unlock things. Like...
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 you know padlocks. I do think there might be some connection between one character wearing a key and another a padlock which is opened by a key. It could be a hint that Willie and Flynn will have some kind of connection, maybe they will have to work out a mystery together or act as a team to help the band and the only way they can do it is by working together. I also think the fact that Flynn is wearing the padlock is signifcant. Padlocks to me represent safety and security, you put a padlock on something that you want to protect or keep secure. Interestingly the name William means protector or warrior. I do think that Willie and Flynn will have an important role to play in protecting the band. Ok so next lets talk about Alex. 
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 Alex also has a necklace that he wears often. His is a simple gold chain. But again I think it has some symbolism to his character. Chains have been a symbol of everlasting love and life since ancient times, its the circle that never ends. We are all pretty sure that its the bands everlasting love that saves them from Caleb in the end. Also Willie’s love for Alex (and yes I’m saying love) is what leads to Willie trying to save them too. But chains also have a negative connotation, one of opression. As I talked about earlier Alex has been judged for being gay and likely faced alot of opression due to his sexual orientation. Chains are also symbolic of inprisonment which again links into Caleb’s plan to trap the boys at his club. Gold is also associated with purity as it never tarnishes or rusts and well is there a more pure soul than Alex’s? Something else that is interesting is that in many cultures gold was used in burials as it is said to protect the souls in the afterlife which is similar to Luke’s Agate necklace which is also used during times of bereavement. Another thing that is similar between Gold and Agate is that gold is also said to protect against curses and is often related to magic.  So lastly we have Reggie. 
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 Gonna be honest this one was a little harder and I spent a little while studying the necklace and doing a little bit of research, the reason why this one was harder is because there seem to be three different materials at play here. There’s the light blue beads, the dark blue beads (which I thought were black at first they’re not) and the metal pendant. But lets start with the light blue beads, to me they look the most like blue calcite. Again not an expert but if it is blue calcite it again has some interesting symbolism to it because blue calcite is often used to enhance psychic powers so that you can commune with the spiritual world. I mean obviously this is symbolic of the fact that Julie is able to see and communicate with our ghostly boys. The dark blue beads I think are lapis lazuli, again if I’m correct then this is another stone that is used during burial because it is thought to protect and guide spirits in the after life. It also like gold and agate is said to protect, it protects you agaisnt psychic attack and said to be able to block curses. The metal pendant was the hardest part for me, at first I thought maybe it was silver but to me it looks too dark and dull to be silver. What it could be though is lead. And yup you guessed it lead is also linked to death as well as spells. 
So yeah pretty much every character has a necklace that has some kind of symbolism around it and even more curious than that alot of them can be connected to each other. All three of the boys have stones or metals that are meant to protect and are associated with both death and spellwork. Those stones also link back to the moon. The other thing worth pointing out is that Willie also wears a shell necklace which obviously can be connected to the ocean which is also connected to the moon. Gold can be connected to the sun and Lapis Lazuli is also often connected to the sun, the sun is often connected to the moon as they both represent cycles and opposites, willie wears a key that connects to Flynn’s padlock, basically all of them can be connected to each other in some way. But of course I could be reading way too much into this and they’re really are just pretty necklaces. 
8) Cats and Dogs. 
Speaking of accessories I do want to go back and focus on Flynn again for a moment. One thing I noticed about Flynn is that its not just the padlock that is a consistent thing with her outfits. She is often also dressed in clothing that has cat prints. She also has cats on her backpack and in episode 2 she wears a necklace with a cat on it along with her padlock necklace.   
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Rmemeber earlier when I said I thought Flynn would play the part of a sort of protector to the band well as you can see Flynn often wears leopard print, in African lore the leopard is said to be the guardian of the dead and is said to show the way to the next realm. There is a similar myth in Ancient Eygptian culture through the cat goddess Bastet, whilst she had many forms throughout time and many duties one of which was to protect and guide. Another interesting thing about this goddess is that she was also the goddess of women’s secrets. We know that Flynn is the only one that Julie told about the band. Also leopards are seen as a counselor in the spirit animal world a role that Flynn often plays for Julie. The leopard represents your psychic self and future telling. Again this fits Flynn’s story as it is her who figures out that Julie’s mother is leaving signs and working behind the scenes so to speak. 
But whilst it seems to me that cat’s are more heavily associated with Flynn’s character its not the only animal that can be linked to Flynn. She also is sometimes seen with dog imagery. She sometimes carries a dog purse.
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Since ancient times dogs have been considered to be psychic and also able to see ghosts. This could be a hint that in season 2 Flynn will also be able to see the boys. Also like the cat the dog in ancient greek mythology is associated with the dead and is also a guardian for the afterlife, hades has a three headed dog named cerberus that guards the gates to the afterlife. 
Other cat/ dog imagery can be seen in those posters I mentioned earlier. 
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Of course this could all be just a coincidence and might not mean anything at all. But what else is interesting about these posters is if you look at the cat one again, it’s accompanied by a poster showing someone playing music and what to me looks like a spirit type thing appearing. Then there’s the one with the cat right under it which is interesting because the poster says mammoth offspring on it but that defo looks like a cat to me not a mammoth. As a slight tangent though the mammoth thing could be a reference to the talk about bringing the wooly mammoth back from extiction, its symbolic of that idea of bringing back to life something that has been long dead. Anyway under that there’s a poster of a woman with a moon in the sky and the words acting moon. Cats are often closely related to the moon and both the moon and cats are closely related to witchcraft. What does that matter you might ask? Well...
9) So we’re going with witch?
Remember that hilarious scene in episode 1 when the boys are discussing how Julie got all her stuff in their studio so fast Reggie offers up the suggestion that Julie is a witch because there are chairs floating on the ceiling. Luke is inclined to agree with him at first before Alex shoots them down. I think this is another one of those scenes where you just think its a funny moment but then when you think about it makes perfect sense. I mean I legit think Julie is a witch, or at least she has some kind of magic. There are so many things that link her with magic. I already talked earlier about the moon necklace she wears. But she also has a moon on her jeans in episode 1. 
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Again the moon is heavily linked with magic. Also there is the fact that her companion Flynn seems to be linked to cats and witches often have cats as companions/ familiars. 
As I said earlier the colour purple is representative of magic well the first time Julie makes the boys appear to an audience in Bright the light that the technician sets on her is purple meaning Julie literally glows purple before she does this magical act of making the boys visible. 
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A similar thing happens before their performance for Finally free though its not as intense. But you can see that purple glow around her. 
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And again, whilst its more subtle, for Edge of Great when Julie is coming out of the studio the light in the studio is purple and once again she appears to be glowing purple.  
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Also this would again put her as an equal rival for Caleb. We know that he is a magician so in my opinion it would make sense for Julie to posess some kind of magic, like I said her and Caleb are opposite sides of the same coin. So yeah in conclusion Reggie and Luke are right Julie is a witch.
Edit: Also I forgot to add this one in but in episode 9 she is wearing a top that says ‘Mystic Child’ on it along with flowers and moons and stars. 
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 10) All Eyes On Bobby.   
So the final thing I want to talk about is Bobby/ Trevor. Don’t ask me why because I would not be able to tell you but I can’t help but be intrigued by his character. I wonder why he did what he did, why did he steal the songs and not give the others any credit? Did he grieve his friends? Or are they trying to paint him as like this villian who doesn’t care about anyone? Well I actually think we can get some answers to these questions from a rather interesting place. His daughter’s song All Eyes On Me. If you take some of the lyrics and put them in a different context I really do think they can be linked back to Bobby. There are several connotations to stealing, ‘I'm stealing all the attention’ or another one is ‘Stealing looks, it's robbery’ and another one ‘ I'm taking over your playlist’ I mean bobby really did take over Luke’s playlist in the sense that he took all the songs. So now that we’ve established that this song could very well be hinting at bobby what else can the song tell us about his motives and mindset. Well there is that section ‘ They don't get the shine that I get, Some get jealous, They can't help it, They wish they were me.’ I actually think this part is about Luke. Julie says that whilst the album he released of Luke’s songs did really well his other albums weren’t as good. Now she doesn’t say that they are bad just that they weren’t getting the same attention Luke’s were. This also tells us that Bobby like Luke also wrote songs. But I think that Luke’s songs always got more attention and praise and over time Bobby began to gain some jealousy towards Luke because as the song says Bobby doesn’t have the shine that Luke does and Bobby wishes he was Luke. More evidence in the song that Bobby felt this way comes from the opening lines ‘ Whenever I walk in the room, All the focus on me, The way I talk, the way I move, They all want on my team.’ I feel like this might have happened alot, that Luke would just get loads of attention whenever he walked into a room and everyone wanted to talk to him. Then if you look at these lines ‘ I make an entrance when I don't try, don't try, Cause all I see is all eyes on me, I only lead, I never follow, follow.’ Again this could be a hint at how Bobby was feeling towards Luke at that time like Luke got everything easy, he could get attention without trying. Also I’ve always got the vibe that Luke was the leader of the band and so its possible the line about only leading never following could be that Bobby felt that Luke wasn’t paying enough attention to his ideas and was starting to feel a little bit of resentment towards him. Maybe he was also feeling a little like he was in the boys shadows. It’s worth noting that in the song Now or Never whilst Luke, Alex and Reggie all have solo pieces where they sing Bobby doesn’t, yet we know he must be able to sing, I don’t care how good Luke’s lyrics were if Bobby couldn’t sing he wouldn’t have got a platnium record. I think some of this can be picked up in that beginning scene with Sunset Curve and Rose. Bobby is the first one to approach her but then the rest of the group comes over and despite approaching her first he ends up being the last one to give her his name. Also most of the interaction happens between Rose and Luke, Alex and Reggie with Bobby barely speaking at all. I do feel like whilst all the boys were close Bobby was a bit more of a timid one around the others and didn’t stand up for himself or his ideas like the others do. For example we know that Alex and Reggie will push back against Luke. When Luke tells Reggie to stop putting his country songs in his journal you can guarantee this isn’t the first time he’s had to tell Reggie that, also when he says it Reggie just retorts that its a gift and he should have another look at it. This shows that Reggie isn’t afraid to pitch his ideas to Luke even if Luke says no. Also when Luke tells Alex no dancing and Alex just immediately starts dancing as a retort. I get the sense that it wasn’t the same with Bobby. Now don’t get the wrong idea I’m not saying in any way that the boys bullied or deliberately pushed Bobby out more that Luke, Alex and Reggie kind of have this banter and they bounce off each other but it seemed to me like Bobby struggled with this and just couldn’t keep up with it. During the conversation with Rose you can see that Bobby looks a little annoyed and you can understand why, he works up the courage to talk to this girl and instead his bandmates kind of take over the conversation which is why he reminds them about the hot dogs I think he figured if they were gone he’d be able to have a more comfortable conversation with her.  
Which brings me to my next question, how did Bobby react to his bandmates deaths and did he ever feel any guilt about stealing the songs. Well on the surface his actions right after seem a bit suspect and there is that line in All Eyes On Me ‘Must have won the lottery’ which if we take this song as actually being about Bobby then it could be construed as he was kinda happy that his band mates died that he almost saw it as a stroke of luck. I mean couple that with the fact that right after their deaths he layed low and changed his name plus the fact that he stole their songs it doesn’t look like he cared all that much and I’ll admit for a hot minute there that is the image I had of him. But then I looked closer and actually there are quite a few signs that Bobby isn’t as fine and dandy as he first seems. One example is the fact that he meditates, meditation is often used by people with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety and insomnia. I’m not saying that just because he meditates he must have some metal health issue just that its a possibilty especially when you combine it with the other hints. For example after the guys haunt him and he rushes out telling Carrie that he’s going to see his therapist, Carrie rolls her eyes. I get the feeling from this that seeing his therapist is something that her dad does often which again could indicate that he was more effected by his bandmates deaths than we know. Another subtle hint that he might be still struggling with their deaths is that we see him returning from a run in episode 9 that along with the meditating and the therapist tells us that he cares about his health and wellness which you know good things but its possible that the reason why he cares so much is because his friends died at a really young age which was traumatic for him and made him think about his own mortality and so he maybe becomes a bit obsessed with his health. Also him laying low and changing his name can be explained by the fact that the press were looking for him we know that from the article Julie read in the pilot. Bobby had just lost his friends and I’m sure the last thing he wanted was the press asking him a load of questions and there’s a good chance he knew that they were looking for him. He and Rose probably exchanged numbers at the Orpheum and seeing as the band were going to play there it wouldn’t be a stretch to think reporters would have gone there to see if they could get a way of contacting Bobby. Rose could have called Bobby to warn him and this is why he changes his name not to cover his tracks because he stole Luke’s songs but because he was avoiding the press so he could grieve in peace. I think he then might have then tried to get his music out there after some time deciding the guys would have wanted him to keep chasing his dreams. But he runs into a problem of nobody is all that interested in his songs, I think in a moment of desperation he plays one of the bands songs, he goes back to something familiar and they love it. He tells one little lie and then it snowballs to the point where he can’t take it back without causing irreparable damage to his reputation. I could see him trying to justify his actions to himself by telling himself that the songs belonged to the band and that he had as much right to them as the boys and well the boys weren’t here so what was the harm. As to why he didn’t give credit to the band it was probably because he knew that if he gave credit he would have to explain what happened to them and then their tragedy would haunt him for the rest of his life, the media and fans would all bring it up, maybe he just thoguht he wouldn’t be able to deal with that pain and so he just stays quiet and then he just gets buried in the lie, the record label wants more songs so he records more and more of Luke’s songs and then when he has enough of a name and loyal following of fans he starts recording his own songs. The reason why I think it went down like this is again from the song All Eyes On Me the verse ‘They know my face, They know my name, Reputation on lock, It's not my fault I got the fame, Ain't my fault it won't stop.’  The beginning part about knowing his name and his reputation on lock makes me think that after that first album he had enough of a reputation to secure himself and that he no longer needed Luke’s songs and I think at this point that guilty consious really kicks in and he decides not to record anymore of Luke’s songs. I really do think Bobby chose not record anymore as we know that he didn’t record all of Sunset Curves songs, he didn’t record bright, finally free or unsaid emily (thankfully) and he could have which to me suggest it was a consious decision on his part to stop. If he really was money hungry and all he cared about was fame and money then he would have recorded the rest of their songs. Another reason why I think Bobby has a bit of a guilty conscious is the line ‘It’s not my fault I got the fame.’ That to me sounds like something someone might say to try and convince themselves that they are not guilty of something, like Bobby is trying to justify his actions by saying that it wasn’t his fault that they died and he lived to go on and be successful, that it was just luck, which would circle back to the line ‘must have won the lottery’ this isn’t about celebration a lottery is about sheer dumb luck and he is recognising that. But here’s the thing that sealed it for me and convinced me that Bobby isn’t this completely heartless person who never cared about his friends. 
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Just look at this guys face. This is right after the boys appear on stage in Stand Tall. Look his expression isn’t one of jsut shock to me that is the face of a man who is grieving, who is feeling pain at the loss of someone he loved. I mean he looks devastated and his eyes are welling up, this is pure emotion and you’ll never convince me that this is the face of someone who didn’t love those boys like they were family. 
I do want to say though that I in no way condone what Bobby did, he either should have given them credit or not recorded the songs. I’m just trying to explain what I think his thought process was during that time and point out that this image that he is some fame hungry monster isn’t entirely true. I do think that we could see him getting a redemption arc in season 2 and maybe some rifts can be mended. 
I also think that Carrie will get a redemption arc and will make up with Julie. I do think there is alot of parallels between Sunset Curve and Carrie and Julie. It’s the same story of they were really close friends but then they have a falling out and end up as enemies. I think this is way they use Carrie’s song to tell the story of Bobby and the boys. Another reason why I think they are going to possibly get a redemption arc or at the very least play a bigger part in season 2 is because of the flowers, those little signs that Julie’s mum likes to leave. In episode 9 when Bobby comes in and sees Carrie watching that video on the table is a boquet of flowers, of white roses, white orchids and lilys.
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Lilys obviously have a lot of symbolism of remembrance but they also represent rebirth and renewal. Orchids in some cultures represent unity and white orchids are said to represent hope. The roses I obviously think is a connection to Julie’s mum but white roses symbolise new beginnings. This makes me think that there is hope for a new beginning for Bobby, Carrie and Julie and the Phantoms. I do think it’ll be the memory of Rose that brings them all together after all Bobby knows that Rose/ Julie’s mum is the girl they were talking to in the pilot. I think he’ll tell the boys this and I think each of their connections to Rose is what will help mend the rifts between them all.  
Ok well that’s it for now because this post is getting way way too long. If you have taken the time to read all the way through this then thank you, let me know what your theories and thoughts are I’d love to hear them. I’m definitely going to be posting more about JATP its my current obession right now the next post is going to be about Alex and Carrie and how I think they might have some kind of plotline in season 2 so keep an eye out for that if you think that is something you would be interested in.  
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
Part Two: Claims about NMJ and NHS
Intro - Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4
1) NMJ wished to protect NHS from cultivating with the sabre as a youth.
I don't think he tells us this in quite so many words, but it seems implied by the flashback scenes: his giving NHS the paintbrush, the bit where he takes 修刀 and gives NHS 修心, and course him literally telling NHS that whatever NHS wishes to do, he'd support it.
As far as I can tell there's no evidence of this. Now, to be fair, we don't see them as children in MDZS, but there is not as far as I can tell any sign that NMJ has ever done anything but strongly desire that NHS work on the sabre. Indeed, even at Hejian during Sunshot, the reason he overhears MY and LXC's conversation is because he is bringing NHS' sabre to LXC so that NHS will not be able to escape practicing with it. He certainly does not renew any kind of commitment to allowing NHS to do what he wills before his death. In CQL, we see rather less, but as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to be anything that contradicts MDZS on this front.
2) In his heart, NMJ carried significant doubts about the righteousness of Nie cultivation practices, including both the sabre-curse-inducing sabre cultivation and the practice of balancing the sabre spirits via corpses in the wall
This is quite central to the movie. It's arguably implicit in his desire to protect NHS from cultivating with the sabre, but beyond that, he is clearly extremely uncomfortable at NHS' moral challenge of Nie practices and believes at least partially that NHS has a point; moreover, it's implicit in his confessions to NHS in the tomb:
The Nie family's ancestors created this family foundation with great hardships. Unexpectedly, it was cursed by the sword spirit. I practiced swordsmanship hard and thought I could find a way to solve it, but I just followed the same old disastrous road of the ancestors.
And of course, his moral arc in the movie is about embracing those doubts and rejecting Nie tradition.
There is as far as I can tell no evidence of this in MDZS or CQL; in fact we don't learn anything about the Nie burial traditions in scenes where NMJ is still alive, and he never shows any doubt about the wisdom of sabre cultivation.
3) NMJ used to be "intelligent and wise"; it's due to the effects of the sabre curse that he is "moody and brutal".
We're explicitly told this by NHS at around 32:50: "Da-ge, look at you now, you have changed. When you were young, you were always wise and intelligent. Ever since you practiced swordsmanship, you've become moody and brutal." It's also backed up by the childhood flashbacks. The sharp distinction between NMJ and sabre-curse-affected-NMJ, shown by the way sabre-curse-affected NMJ is visually marked out, also helps suggest this.
Now, in MDZS and CQL, this…is complicated. Again, in MDZS, we don't see him as a child—the earliest we see him is still well past the time he began practicing sabre cultivation. And in ch 26 NHS does indeed suggest that sabre cultivation causes increasing irritability; it certainly seems plausible, indeed almost necessary, that he had less of a temper before he started practicing, and for that matter we see his anger grow worse as time goes on.
Nevertheless, we never actually see any trace of a calm-tempered NMJ in the text. Even by the beginning of Sunshot, his reputation as an angry man is firmly established. Consider the Nie men's reaction to his anger at their shit-talking MY, in the cave:
The entire cave was in a muddle. Everyone knew ChiFeng-Zun’s personality—the more one tried to explain, the angrier he was. Seeing that they probably couldn’t escape punishment and would have to tell the truth, nobody dared to speak a word.
Even his friend LXC says to MY, “MingJue-xiong has quite a fiery personality. It must have been truly difficult for you to have earned his approval.”
And NHS, who very much loves his brother even as he is also to some extent frightened of him, is never shown pining for the halcyon days of yore. Narratively speaking, sabre-affected NMJ is the only NMJ we know. I think…this is something a Nie brothers spinoff could theoretically do something interesting with, but the way it's presented in their relationship is all wrong.
In CQL, the evidence is much the same or just not shown. NMJ generally seems less angry (though even so, we see him be angry at the Nie men for mocking MY (in subjective CQL-Empathy, but still), at WWX for saying maybe let's not kill XY immediately, at JGY for having killed the Nie cultivators, etc.), and if anything his relationship with NHS seems better than it is in the novel, although this too is well after he's begun to practice sabre cultivation.
4) NMJ respects NHS' interests
When picking NHS to lead the other team in the tombs, NMJ tells us that NHS knows most about astronomy in the Nie, and NMJ clearly considers this valuable.
If NHS did actually have significant knowledge of cultivation, NMJ would probably respect that. However, this is what NMJ has to say about the interests NHS canonically has (ch 49):
Nie HuaiSang was absolutely delighted. He greeted Jin GuangYao again and again as he grabbed the fans in haste. Seeing how his younger brother reacted, Nie MingJue was so outraged that he almost found it amusing. He turned to Jin GuangYao, “Don’t send him those useless things!”
In a hurry, Nie HuaiSang dropped a few fans on the ground. Jin GuangYao picked them up for him and put them into his arms, “HuaiSang’s hobbies are quite elegant. He’s dedicated to art and calligraphy, and has no propensity for mischief. How can you say that they’re useless?”
Nie HuaiSang nodded as fast as he could, “Yes, Brother is right!”
Nie MingJue, “But sect leaders have no need for such things.”
In CQL, I believe we just don't see enough to say, although given that again, NHS' isn't actually studying cultivation, it seems likely NMJ' attitudes are much the same.
1) NHS is profoundly morally motivated
NHS is immediately and hugely upset with the practice of using corpses in the walls, explicitly on moral grounds, even though it was the practice of their ancestors, and even once he finds out that they're not (usually) Nie men, but evildoers.
Having been told by NZH that the blades need the corpses to suppress their aggressiveness: "But isn't that just sacrificing people?" "Zonghui, the Nie family have always been righteous. If we give sacrifice to it with life, we will become evil."
And then, to NMJ: "Wait. Let me ask you. Why is here called the Sword Sacrifice Hall? What is to balance sword spirit? I didn't understand before coming what exactly Sword Sacrifice Hall represents. I know it now. This is not balance but sacrificing flesh and blood!"
NZH: Second Young Master, you misunderstood it. Those corpses belong to evil men. The Nie family's ancestors had uses their bodies to balance the sword spirit. We also follow the ancestral instructions."
NHS: (to NZH) Evil men? (to NMJ) Aren't they human beings? Are you qualified for deciding their fate?
NMJ: The sword spirit is extremely dangerous. Generations of the Nie family all balanced the spirit in this way.
NHS: Even if they were wrong, you also follow their way?
In MDZS…I went over the chapters where he shows up, and I'm not actually sure we ever see him express a moral sentiment? I could be missing something, but it doesn't seem to be any kind of fundamental part of his character.
This is his reaction to WWX's first suggestion of demonic cultivation, when they're studying at CR (ch 14):
After thinking for a few moments, an expression of envy and yearning appeared on Nie HuaiSang’s face, “To be honest, Wei-xiong’s words were quite interesting. Spiritual energy can only be obtained through cultivation and taking great pains to form a golden core. It would take I-don’t-know-how-many years to do, especially for someone like me, whose talent seems as if it was gnawed by a dog when I was in my mother’s womb. But, resentful energy are from the fierce ghosts. If they can easily be taken and used, it would be beyond wonderful.”
And—granted this is several years down the line and NHS is keeping up his cover, but when NHS is explaining the sabre tomb to LWJ and WWX in chapter 26, he doesn't seem to have any problem with the practice. In fact, he tells us that he participated in choosing corpses for NMJ's sabre:
Nie HuaiSang was already shocked speechless. Wei WuXian inquired, “Who chooses the corpses that the Nie Sect uses for the Saber Hall?”
Nie HuaiSang replied with a glazed expression, “Usually, the past sect leaders chose and stored them when they were still alive. My brother passed away at an earlier age. He didn’t have enough, so I also helped him choose some… I kept whichever corpses that were complete with all limbs. I don’t know about anything other than this…”
In CQL...mmm. I rewatched all the pre-Sunshot scenes with him in it, and I do think he comes across as, at least, less amoral. We don't have the gee wouldn't demonic cultivation be nice scene, and you could definitely interpret him as being worried about the granny at Dafan, or even the temporary-puppets; he says you have to admire Songxiao's integrity and elegance as they depart; and while we don't see him be part of the initial 'maybe we shouldn't just immediately execute XY squad,' he does go da-ge after NMJ seems irritated at WWX, and after NMJ throws MY out he goes in and is like but why!!!! That said, in both cases where he challenges (and I use the term rather loosely for the da-ge after NMJ is irritated with WWX), he immediately backs down faced with NMJ's opposition. I really don't see any sign of the character who is so morally motivated and so sure of his own correctness he challenges NMJ, /in front of all their men/, and keeps up the challenge despite NMJ's consistent opposition.
2) NHS isn't really interested in JGY's gifts
At no point is he shown delighting over or interested in anything JGY gave him (except of course the flute for treating his brother), and in fact when JGY says that after the journey he will give him gifts he replies "San-ge, I am not afraid of difficult journeys. I'm not craving for toys either." On the contrary, gifts are associated with /NMJ/, who gave him a paintbrush as a child.
In MDZS, we see him explicitly delighted in and interested by JGY's gifts. In ch 49, we see him going over a dozen gold-lined fans, which turn out to be gifts from JGY; when JGY mentions he's going to play a song for NMJ, he expresses interest and mentions "the limited edition" JGY gave him "last time," and then when NMJ shouts at him to go to his room he runs instead "to the living room for the presents that Jin GuangYao had brought him;" when JGY shows up at Qinghe after the stairs incident, NHS "beamed as he got ready to go to Jin GuangYao and see what presents he brought this time." Considering how little time they have together on the page, the gifts show up a great deal.
In CQL, we mostly don't see a lot of NHS and JGY's interactions after JGY's legitimation but before NMJ's death, so it's impossible to directly say. However, he is at least shown to delight in and greatly value beautiful things (see at least the fan flashback in ep 35).
3) NHS is motivated by a desire for his brother's respect and the respect of their men.
This is the argument JGY uses which finally settles NHS on going along on the journey, around 14:30: "Both of you are pillars of the Nie family. You should work together. You can also prove yourself." See also his pleasure with himself at solving the puzzle quickly in the tombs; it's not a purely self-satisfied pleasure, but rather, "It seems I'm not useless" (27:35ish). When NZH replies, "Second Young Master, you are definitely not useless. It's just because everyone has their own will," NHS gives a firm little nod. NMJ's respect for NHS' skills and interests is also made central to their relationship.
In MDZS, NHS really doesn't seem to be motivated by people respecting him. Consider, again, what he says about WWX's idea of demonic cultivation (ch 14):
After thinking for a few moments, an expression of envy and yearning appeared on Nie HuaiSang’s face, “To be honest, Wei-xiong’s words were quite interesting. Spiritual energy can only be obtained through cultivation and taking great pains to form a golden core. It would take I-don’t-know-how-many years to do, especially for someone like me, whose talent seems as if it was gnawed by a dog when I was in my mother’s womb. But, resentful energy are from the fierce ghosts. If they can easily be taken and used, it would be beyond wonderful.”
A golden core was a core formed by cultivators after they had cultivated to a certain point. It can store and control spiritual energy. After the core was formed, the cultivator’s level of cultivation would increase at a rapid speed, and become better and better. Else, they would only be a low-end cultivator. If disciple from a prominent clan forms the core at a later age, it would be a disgrace to tell other people of it, yet Nie HuaiSang didn’t feel ashamed at all. Wei WuXian also laughed, “I know, right? No harm comes from using it.”
Even during Sunshot, he's slacking off, using the excuse of having forgotten his sabre. (ch 48)
And then in ch. 49, after NMJ burns his things:
Nie HuaiSang roared at Nie MingJue, “Saber, saber, saber! Who the fuck wants to practice the damn thing?! So what if I want to be a good-for-nothing?! Whoever that wants to can be the sect leader! I can’t learn it means I can’t learn it and I don’t like it means I don’t like it! What’s the use of forcing me?!”
I'm not necessarily saying he wouldn't enjoy it if NMJ respected him, and certainly it seems a fair read that he would like it if NMJ yelled at him less. But by and large, he just doesn't show any objection to being thought of as useless, even before his Headshaker cover—and there's a reason that cover worked, after all.
In CQL...well, again, he doesn't really show any sign of objecting to being thought useless, as far as I can tell.
4) NHS knows about the sabre curse
JGY explicitly says so at about 13:05: "You know his sickness. He didn't do it on purpose." Moreover, if NHS didn't know, the offer of flute-playing wouldn't really make sense.
In MDZS, NMJ explicitly hasn't told NHS at least as of JGY's visit after the stairs, and there's no indication he told him between then and when he qi-deviated. Indeed, it's JGY who thinks NHS should be told, while NMJ rejects this (ch 50):
Jin GuangYao, “Brother, these days you’ve been stricter and stricter towards HuaiSang. Is it the saber spirit…?”
After a pause, he continued, “Does HuaiSang still not know about the saber spirit?”
Nie MingJue, “Why would I tell him so soon?”
In CQL, we're not told either way; this being the case I tend towards defaulting to MDZS unless I have a specific reason to think otherwise.
5) NHS, though bad at fighting, is skilled in cultivation theory
Again, JGY says so, at around 13:19: "You are good at Daoist magic" (and NHS seems to accept it). Moreover this is continually backed up by the film, with NHS making good use of it in the tomb, and then of course in the last scene having put together the true effect of the corrupted passage.
There is no indication of this in MDZS. He's interested in art and beautiful things, but he struggles with the Lan lectures. When JGY defends NHS' interests, he mentions art and calligraphy, and says his hobbies are elegant; he makes no mention of any kind of cultivation theory. As WWX himself notes, thinking back (ch 21):
In the past, Wei WuXian and Nie HuaiSang studied together, so there were a few things he could comment about this person. Nie HuaiSang wasn’t an unkind person. It wasn’t that he was not clever, but that his heart was set somewhere else and used his smarts on other areas, such as painting on fans, searching for birds, skipping classes, and catching fish. Because his talent in terms of cultivation really was poor, he formed his core around eight or nine years later than the other disciples of the same generation as him. When he lived, Nie MingJue was often exasperated by the fact that his brother didn’t meet his expectations, so he disciplined him strictly. Despite this, he still didn’t improve much.
I'm not saying he couldn't have developed in this direction after NMJ's death, but there doesn't seem to be any indication he was skilled in that way beforehand. Again, there's a reason his cover as "totally useless person" works as a cover.
In CQL, again, we don't really see any evidence of his skill with cultivation. NHS is shown flipping through his book for the answer to the executioner question LQR asks WWX; he doesn't show any evidence of significant cultivation knowledge on the road trip section (although he is shown to have a good memory for things he's actually interested in, and you could argue he has good instincts!); his wish at the lantern festival is that he passes his studies at the Lan. I just don't see it.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Comic-con.”
You guys wanted something fluffier and lighthearted, so I took a suggestion from a group of the Discord server, and did this with it I hope you guys like, and thank you for the suggestions.  “Where are you taking me? And why am I wearing this?”
Adam frowned at her, “Don’t be such a party pooper, I took you to watch MMA last week, and now its my turn to pick the fun activity.”
Sunny held up the glowing weapon --of facsimile of a weapon--, “What is this called again.”
“It’s an energy sword, from a really REALLY old video game.”
“And what are you supposed to be.”
Adam turned to look at her, shaking his head in disappointment, “Sometimes, I am sad for your lack of pop culture education.”
“And whose fault is it for my lack of pop culture education?”
He tapped his chin, “I suppose that is true.” 
“To be fair the pop culture you subscribe to is like two thousand years old.” She looked him up and down. He was wearing a spacesuit and a jetpack. This might have been normal for him were it not for the painstaking hours that he had spent painting the thing and applying decals.
Where the standard issue UNSC space - suit ranged anywhere from white to silver to dark blue, this one was in a gaudy combination of white with green and purple highlights with a blue decal on the front embossed with the outline of stylized white wings. Under that, he had taken the time to dye one of the old undersuits purple, and was now wearing the hood to complete ‘the affect’
“Seriously though. What are You?”
He turned to look at her grinning and patted her on the shoulder, “Just wait.”
She sighed and did as told following him out of the underground parking lot and up into the sun. She threw her hand over her face as they came up into the sun, and when she withdrew her hand, she found herself surrounded by hundreds of humans all walking towards the same destination, and all of them were dressed, strangely… she couldn’t tell which ones for sure, because humans always seemed to dress strangely, but something bout this gave her the feeling that these ones were doing it on purpose..
At her side, Adam was grinning.
Following the line of people her eyes traced up to the large, and spacious building just up ahead. The walls were made out of metal and glass paneling, and across their surface scrolling scenes from movies and comic strips flashed.
Off to her side, a man in a blue and red suit, with a big yellow S on the front went floating past, his hover boots giving him the effect as if he were flying, red cape billowing out behind him.
Someone else to their side was walking a rather large brown dog towards the building. It had a teel collar and a couple of painted on black spots, while he was wearing a  green shirt and brown pants. He looked like he really needed a haircut.
Sunny tilted her head to better read the letters on the building before her.
They were just outside the doors when someone ran up to them. THey looked younger, maybe in their teens, dressed with an elaborately colored wig, and strange colorful clothes, “Holy Shit! Your costumes are awesome, Can I get a picture?”
“Hell yeah.” Adam motioned the kid closer, pulling Sunny down beside them so the kid could grab a picture and then turn to look at Sunny, “How did you make it look so real. You look just like the Drev from that movie.” 
She stared at him before looking down at herself.
Adam laughed, “It looks real because it IS real.”
The kid stared at them in disbelief, “No way.”
“Yeah she's a real life actual alien.”
Eyes went even wider, I...w...wow.” 
Sunny shrugged and waved one of her arms to the kid as Adam dragged her further up the line.
“Here, hold out your hand.” She did as told and he wrapped a small plastic bracelet around her wrist. The letters on the band read VIP
Walking over to the doors they were stopped by a group of people holding up their hands. One of them walked around them, and pointed at Adam’s jetpack, “YOu have a licence for that?”
“As a matter of fact, I do.” 
He reached into one of the pockets on his suit and pulled it out to show them. THey looked it over and then nodded, and he grinned. Tey read off some rules before they were suddenly interrupted.
Voices behind them, and Sunny turned.
A group of people walked up, one of them was dressed like a cowboy with a yellow shirt and blue pants, with a brown hat.
Another human in a blow up dinosaur costume pointed at Adam’s uniform,
“And what does that button do.”
Adam grinned, and Sunny watched him with a fond shake of her head as he approached them, putting on some sort of character voice.
“Ill show you.” Looking around to make sure that everyone was clear, he deployed the wings of the jetpack, striped in red and white.
The group oohed and ahhed.
THe cowboy moved forward, “Oh what, these are plastic, he can’t fly.”
“They are a trillium carbonic alloy and I CAN fly.”
“No you can’t”
“Yes I can.”
“Can’t Can’t Can’t.”
“I could fly around this convention center with my eyes closed.”
Sunny just stood there watching them nervously shifting back and forth. She had a feeling that they were arguing, but it also felt very scripted, though how it could be scripted, she didn’t know. They had never seen these people as far as she was concerned.
The other man moved very close, “Ok then my light beer, prove it.”
“Alright then, I will.”
He held out his hands voice growing a bit more serious as he did, “Everyone step back.”
They did as told, and the cowboy was smiling now instead of frowning.
“Adam, is this legal.” Sunny wondered.
He turned to look at her, “Yes, the convention center has its own airspace just for this. I had to sign a waver.” He turned back to the others and ignited the engin on the jetpack kicking off the ground.
His flight was far more controlled than his original flight, and he flew in a fast circle around the area, dropping in with a flip to land before them to the cheering of an amassed crowd.
He pointed at the cowboy, “CAN.”
“That wasn’t flying, that was falling with style.” The man protested though he was grinning even as he walked over to take a picture with Adam.
“Pretty sure that made my day, your costume is awesome. Is this a real spacesuit.”
“You bet it is.”
“Where did you get your hands on one.”
“Oh I have my sources. Did you make your costume?”
“Sewed it myself. The hat and boots I bought though.”
They parted ways with Adam’s new friend and stepped inside the convention center scanning their bracelets as they went in.
“Welcome, Sunny to the biggest nerd convention ever conceived of by man...ComicCon.”
She turned in a wide circle eyes wide at thousands of booths, thousands of people all talking and laughing. He grabbed her hand and dragged hr further inside, “IF your good, I’ll buy you a sword.”
“Nerds want swords?”
He raised an eyebrow at her, “Of course nerds want swords. Here, lets start over there and movie this way, through the art section first.”
Sunny did as told, following after him.
She never knew Adam being one to spend a lot of money, he had no reason too, but after the first ten minutes she figured out that he was a little bit of a spender when it came to nerdy things. Posters and drawings and other related items.
However, she was surprised to find that they did have leather workers and blacksmiths as they were called, and she did…. In fact… get herself a sword which she recognized from the lord of the rings movie he had made her watch. It was a pretty good sword all things considered as if whoever made it actually knew how to make swords.
They were coming around a corner when they almost ran into another group of people. Adam dropped one of his bags and the other reached down to pick it up. When he stood, Sunny's eyes widened. Blond hair green eyes and an eyepatch, “Sweet Costume!”
She shook herself thinking she had bumped her head or something and was seeing double, but no, when she looked closer she realised that this person couldnt have been more than fifteen or sixteen…. And dressed like Adam.
She looked over at Adam who was standing mouth open eyes wide.
“Can I get a picture!”
Sunny just nodded her head as the kid jumped over next to her and had his friend take it before running off yelling back at her about her amazing costume.
Adam turned to look at Sunny, “Did I just>”
“I think you did.”
He shook himself, “Wow.”
She nodded 
After that it started happening more and more. 
Adam was everywhere, in all stages of life. They had recreated his uniforms, his flight suits, his space suits. They brought their dogs. There were even gender bent versions of him, blond women wearing eyepatches, brown jackets and jeans making it very clear who they were .
It got even more weird when Sunny started seeing herself.
Small children in costumes made of foam.
People wearing onesies that sort of looked like her, and even one costume that had a woman on stilts for her legs, and a complex system of homemade mechanics to allow her to move around.
Adam stood there mouth open just staring at them.
Sunny laughed at the irony.
He was here as a guest, and no one knew.
If only they had any idea that the real deal was here and dressed like a space ranger from a two thousand year old cartoon.
Sunny tilted her head listening to the announcements which said there would be a “Adam Vir look alike contest going on on the other side of the convention.
She turned to look at Adam and they  both began to laugh hysterically. She grabbed his arm. We have to see this.
They wandered over just as the others were filtering in. And there were TONS of them, all dressed like Adam. One stopped next to him, spiky blond hair, clearly dyed for the occasion, wearing a flight suit and aviators.
Adam Tried to avoid eye contact with anyone as they sat down to watch, however no one recognized him, not even close.
They sat, watching the judging.
An adorable little boy with blond hair and a NASA T-shirt won for the younger age bracket.
The jumpsuit wearing kid to their right won for his teenage years.
At the end it was up between two men, one in casual wearing and one in a uniform. The one wearing the uniform had a similar lopsided grin as Adam and she would have chosen him as a dead ringer, and was almost put off when they chose the other man, who was, on the other hand, roguishly handsome.
She snorted, “He looks nothing like you.”
“But he does look like Keith Jenning who played me, so I guess people sort of conflate us as being the same person.”
“This is so unreal.”
They laughed again as they walked away sunny pointing out he probably would have lost the contest if he had tried to enter, and he laughed along with her.
THey were perusing through a booth with a bunch of old vintage movies when another announcement came over the intercom, saying that the cast of Adam’s movie was going to be speaking.”
Adam’s eyes widened, and together they made their way wanting to see what all the fuss was about. There were hundreds of people packed into the large room, and they were only able to get space just along one wall.
Up at the table, he recognized Keith Jenning, Rita. Ortiz, and Adler Handen, the voice actor for Krill and the woman who played Sunny.
Adam leaned back against the wall to watch.
Keith didn’t look anything like Adam at this moment, his hair back to brown like it usually was.
Hands raised in the crowd as questions were shot out, “What was the hardest part of playing Adam Vir?”
Keith laughed and then paused, “I think it might have been the eyepatch. I stubbed my toe like…. What was it Rita, we kept track on set.”
“About 456 times during the course of filming.” She added, and the group of them laughed.
“How accurate is the story to what actually happened?” Someone called out
Adler Handen leaned forward, “You know it was actually pretty accurate because Adam Vir was actually consulting through the whole process, though I think it is glammed up to make him look maybe a little more….”
“Poised.” Rita added, “Ellis gave him a bit of an action hero spin.”
“What is he actually like?”
Keith smiled as did Rita, “He’s hilarious, and kind, and a bit of a clutz I would say.”
Rita laughed, “That is one part of the movie that is inaccurate. I think they should have put it in, but he was like the last man to step onto Proxima B, and when he did he says he actually fell out of the shuttle and landed on his face.”
There was laughter from the crowd.
“Honestly a really modest guy all told.
“He has the personality of a golden retriever…. In a good way obviously.” Rita said
Keith had stood up from his palace at the table and was looking around the crowd for more questions, when his eyes fell on Adam and Sunny not a few rows away leaning against the wall.
The recognition was instantaneous, despite them not having seen for a long time. He pointed his eyes wide, “Adam…. Adam is that you. Sunny?”
The entire crowd turned and thousands of eyes fell on them.
Adam was stuck like a deer in the headlights hands held up.
“No way It IS YOU. Someone grab a chair and get him up here.” 
Rita stood in her seat and waved.
Now people were standing to get a good look at them as two security people motioned them up.
Adam was bright red in the face as he was pushed to come on stage. The people looked confused, but when Adam pulled off his hood, and pulled on his eyepatch the entire convention center began cheering.
“Yeah give the man a round of applause.” Keith said pulling out a chair for him to sit on while Rita did the same for Sunny.
Adam shifted awkwardly in his seat.
“Nice costume, is that from Toy story?”
Adam shrugged, ‘Yeah, or the Tv show I guess.”
Someone hurried over with another microphone as the crowd below continued to babble and point.
Keith leaned forward, “Did I mention he was a raging nerd. Did you wear the costume to hide or….”
Adam shook his head, “No, I've been coming to the convention since I was a kid.”
There was cheering in the crowd.
Hands were raised high into the air for questions, and Adam blinked a bit red in the face still.
“Is it true what they said about Proxima B?”
Adam smiled, “uh yeah I fell flat on my face, right out the door. You see the movie had a ramp, but a ot of our ships don’t have ramps, they have doors because it would kind of be…. Impractical to have a whole ramp opening up into an airlock. So instead it had a door and stairs. And I got so excited that I missed the second stair and just fell.
“How accurate is the rest of the movie?”
He shrugged, still blushing, “They did make me look a little more… heroic, than I actually am. I mean there is a little known fact among members of the UNSC that doing a warp without a warp dampener like we did on the Enterprise was…. How shall we say… extremely hard on the body. About fifty percent of the men on the bridge peed themselves and passed out.”
There was laugher from the crowd.
“Were you part of the fifty percent?”
He snorted, “ I was nineteen of COURSE I was part of the fifty percent. Captain Kelly had a bladder of Iron though.”
More laughter.
“And when it came to meeting with aliens for the first time, I was so excited that I ran after them right….. Well as it turns out, to the aliens it looked really, really bad. Like they thought I was going to eat them.” More laughter, “We are still trying to repair human/Bran relations five years later because of me.”
More questions.
“What is your funniest story, something that didn’t appear in the movie?”
Adam had to think about it for a minute, “Did  I ever tell you about the first time we met Iotins or the Celzex.”
Cheering in the crowd,.
“Ok ok, so The one thing you need to know about Iotins is that they smell good, and I don’t mean your girl’s perfume good, I mean like continental breakfast with bacon and eggs and potatoes and I don’t know what else.” Sunny smiled as she listened to the sound of the crowd’s amusement, “This is the kind of smell that turns you into one of pavlov’s Dogs. Drooling all over yourself stomach grumbling the whole nine. So when we met them for the first time, it was during a GA convention and my men hadn’t eaten since breakfast. It was so bad, I drooled all over my uniform and we scared the Iotin council half to death.”
He smiled as the crowd encouraged him into more stories.
“Then of course there is the Celzex, a very war-like race, very honor bound and very easy to offend. And yet they are about a foot tall rainbow colored, fluffy and with  adorable pig ears. These guys were designed to be cuddled, and yet, not one human has ever done it for fear of pissing them off since they have weapons that could glass our entire planet.”
He was Animated as he told his stories, and the crowd was animated with him
“Sunny, i have a question.” She lifted her head in surprise, “Is it true you grew up in a stone hut/”
She hummed deep in her chest, “Yes, where else would I have grown up.”
“So you didn’t have electricity?”
She shook her head, “No, why would we need it?”
She answered a few more questions.
And then one young man stood.
“So, I was wondering, you supported the LFIL during their protests.”
Adam shifted nervously in his seat, “I did.”
“And it’s because of you that they are in a probationary state of legality.”
.”“So I was wondering, considering all that and considering your relationship with Sunny. Have you tow ever thought about dating.” Adam blanched white and you could have heard a pin drop.
Sunny glanced quickly over at adam. A part of her really wanted him to admit it to people, but another part of her-- the bigger part-- knew that doing it here in front of thousands of people would be a disaster. He opened his mouth to stammer out a question but Sunny leaned forward towards her mic.
“You misunderstand Drev courting customs. He would have to be able to beat me in a fight first.
Factions of the room muttered, and Sunny quickly moved the conversation on to more Funny stories.
Adam turned his head towards her with a look of relief.
With her head turned form the cameras she gave him a brief wink before turning back.
They didn’t exactly get to see the rest of the convention as they were waylaid by people wanting autographs and to talk to him. He of course was good natured and answered all their questions with a smile and gave pictures with enthusiasm.
She smiled
He was kind like that.
Thought some worries gnawed at the back of her mind.
People were beginning to suspect, and that could be a big problem for Adam.
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