sueboohscorner · 7 years
#TheGifted S1 E6 "Got Your siX" Recap & Review
Got your siX sends a team of the mutant on a mission to retrieve information in the Louisiana Federal Building. The episode begins with a flashback where Johnny recalls the days when he and Purge were attempting to raise money for those injured in the Dallas incident. The group of mutant vets is attacked by vigilantes who toss a bomb at the group. People are injured in the attack, but Johnny saved the lives of women who would have been killed.
In the present time, Johnny is confronted by Blink regarding his participation in her memory manipulation. Despite his apology and statement that he was unaware of the incident until after she is bitter and unforgiving. She blames him for not telling her and decides to leave the base and portals away.
In the base office, Reed and the mutants were preparing a plan to infiltrate the office of the Judge in the center of the mutant trials. They believe he will have information relating to Pulse and what happened to others that have disappeared. Eclipse, Reed and now Andy will be the team sent on the mission. Andy became necessary to the mission after Blink left the base. Johnny Polaris Lauren and Kate will remain at the base to help maintain order as the more mutant keep arriving looking for safety.
Meanwhile, at Sentinel HQ Agent Turner returns with an even more significant hatred of mutants. At first, he is told he is not ready for duty, but we learn strings have been pulled allowing his return. Dr. Campbell returns to the story and agrees to help in Agent Turner's return in exchange for being able to examine the Strucker teens. Agent Turner driven by hatred will agree to any deal that allows him to return to the hunt.
The mission team embarks on the road in the trailer of a semi for the federal building. While on the road Reed attempts to connect with Andy and learn more about how his new power is affecting him. Unfortunately, the group is stopped by a State Trooper looking for fleeing mutants. Eclipse was able to bend the light in the trailer to make it appear empty to the trooper, and they are allowed to continue. The driver though had given a story to the officer that they were going to Denver a fact that will come back to haunt them.
Back at Base Polaris begins to train Lauren and other young mutants intoning their powers. This leads to a confrontation with Kate who is still not convinced kids should be prepping for battle. She pulls Lauren from the class and wants her to assist in plans for teaching the kids safer and more normal life skills. Kate is gathering books and school materials for the kids.
Upon arrival at the Federal building, the initial plan hits a snag. Sentinel troops now guard the building. They alter their plan to break in through the adjacent parking garage wall using Andy's power. He shatters the wall and Reed, and Eclipse enters and searches for data on the mutants.They retrieve computer drives and files then Eclipse torches the Judge's office over Reed's objection. They do successfully make their escape back to the truck.
We are introduced to Wes at camp a teen mutant who has the power of creating illusions.  He arrives just in time, and it is lucky for the group he has a crush on Lauren because the mission is about to break down. Interstate Highway cameras picked up the truck by the Federal building after the trooper entered the information of their route to Denver. They are now being followed and heading for a roadblock.
Polaris Lauren and now Wes head for the roadblock to assist the team. Polaris tells Eclipse to trust her and drive straight for the roadblock. Polaris will divert the police bullets while Lauren creates a bridge over the roadblock using her power. Wes will the create an illusion that keeps the police from trailing the truck. Polaris convinces the teens to focus as this will be pushing their abilities to new limits. Lauren and Wes come through, and the Eclipse trio are able to avoid capture and make it back to base. The escape makes Agent Turner even angrier who then orders the surveillance of all cell phones within 50 miles of the site.  We also see the continuing element that the stronger a mutants emotions are, the stronger their power will be.
The closing scene has a number of elements, Johnny and Dreamer study the documents obtained in the raid. Kate and Reed reunite she gives him a ring found in one of the storerooms to replace his wedding ring he lost in prison. Reed then attempts to talk to Andy about his feelings but instead, the two end up playing Monopoly. The final sequence has Eclipse awoken from a phone call from Carmen. She tells him she is calling in one of her chips and that he must come or she will call Sentinel. UNTIL NEXT EP
The show continues to have strong acting and dialog. The special effects and action remain steady and amaze. I would give this episode an 8.        
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#TheGifted Season 1 Episode 5 "boXed in" Recap & Review
Episode 5 begins with Agent Turner's flashback to the Mutant incident in Dallas four years prior. We learn that he was at a picnic when his daughter was killed by an explosion coming from a mutant protest. We still do not know what led to the explosion, but it was the catalyst that propelled him from Dallas cop to Sentinel Agent.
Meanwhile, on current time the Struckers and Mutants continue to flee Sentinel Agents and attempt to reach their base. After Thunderbird informs the others about Pulse's return, they agree Eclipse and Polaris will lead a Sentinel drone on a diversion while the others return to base. Eclipse and Polaris combine their powers to destroy the drone on the decoy run. They continue driving and discuss their baby and future. The name of Aurora for a girl is proposed by Polaris, but she shoots down Rory for a boy. The couple has at least a few moments of relaxing normalcy before the next crisis. 
At base camp, the parents are reunited with the teens and learn that Harry was shot in the rescue mission. Blink also realizes that her memory of Johnny may have been altered by Dreamer. Reed is confronted by Tex who calls him out as a traitor to the Mutant cause based on his wearing a wire during the previous meeting at the bar. There is an extreme increase in mutants at the base as pressure by Sentinel agents has caused all of them to flee as a result of the attack during the rescue.
On the road, Agent Turner has established roadblocks to recapture Polaris. When the duo hits a block, the plan backfires as a ticked off Polaris quickly dispatches the agents and captures Turner instead. The duo then takes him prisoner and move to a safe location for questioning related to Pulse's conversion. They are unable to gain information with force but do learn about his daughter. Polaris contacts Dreamer is seeking her assistance in the questioning.
At base, Johnny jumps in to stop the attack and hostility on Reed. Reed attempts to apologize and offers his assistance in defence of the base. He also asks Kate and the twins to help treat Harry who appears to be on the brink of death. Reed joins Sage and Johnny in the base center where they are monitoring Sentinel communication. Kate and the twins work to save Harry who is in need of surgery to remove the bullet and stop the internal bleeding.
Blink and Dreamer join the duo to question Turner. Dreamer uses her powers to enter his memories which verifies Blink's idea that Dreamer had altered her mind. Unfortunately, before obtaining the information, the hideout is surrounded and attacked by Sentinel Agents.
Back at base Reed discovers in the radio calls a pattern indicating Sentinel will be closing in on the base via a grid search. He volunteers despite Kate's objection to lead Sentinel away by going into the city and being seen on police camera. Tex unenthusiastically agrees to go with and be Reed's escape driver. Meanwhile, Kate performs surgery on Harry to remove the bullet.
At the hideout, Dreamer is forced to break out of the mind link with Agent Turner. Blink has opened a portal to the Home base as the others are unable to repel the Sentinel assault any longer without killing agents. Dreamer warns that she has broken to rapidly from Turner's memories and he appears to be in extreme pain. They do portal back home despite a tear gas barrage and Sentinel assault.
On the street Reed's plan to be seen on camera works but he now must escape police capture. Tex, of course, is not at the meeting place and Reed flees upstreet amid police bullets. He runs into Tex's invisible car, and Tex relays that he had to see Reed's loyalty. The two then escape and head for home as Sage monitors Sentinel communication which indicates the success of the plan.
Kate manages to remove the bullet from Harry but is unable to stop a ruptured artery. Lauren then jumps in using her power to place pressure around the artery saving Harry while Kate sews the damaged artery together. The Struckers work saves Harry and is witnessed by the other mutants at the base. This combined with Reed's actions has made them welcome by the others.
The final scenes involve all the results of the day's actions. Blink confronts Dreamer, and after her admission to mind-altering Blink's memories, Blink warns her to stay away from her. The Struckers sit together for a meal and agree to stay at base and help the mutants with their operations. The episode ends with Agent Turner returning home to his wife, and sadly we hear that he believed his daughter was still alive. We see how destructive Dreamer's powers can be if they go wrong
The show continues to thrill I would give this episode a 9.  
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#TheGifted S1 Ep 9 "outfoX" Recap & Review
The episode starts with the Strucker kids having a flashback to one year before. The siblings grab hands and realize they might have powers. Then we return to a family conference where Reed explains to Kate all he learned from his father. He tells her that he to had the mutant dream but his father created a serum that made it dormant in him. He thought he had had Leukemia as a child, but it was his father's experimentation on his mutant gene in reality. 
We next see the twins discussing their family history and their great grandfather's acts of mutant terrorism with his sister. The Struckers worry that they might be corrupted as well if they have the same gene. They will find out as Kate plans to test the sibling's power.
Meanwhile, the telepath Esme who entered the group last week is attempting to sway the mutants into attacking the Trask lab to free the mutants being held including her family. She claims she found this information when she confronted the dying mutant last week. Polaris is skeptical, but Esme guilts Johnny into support by mentioning what happened to Pulse. Sage locates the lab, and the mutants attempt to devise an attack plan.
That night Polaris has a nightmare that the group along with her baby are all imprisoned by Trask. She is awakened by Eclipse who was jolted by the metal collapsing in the room. The intensity of the nightmare had caused Polaris's power to disrupt all metal in the room randomly. Strangely Esme was lurking outside the room while this took place. Throughout this episode, she is seen spying on the other mutants. She also seems to have much stronger telepathy than she had told the group. We do not know for sure, but she may have even caused the nightmare. We do see her instantly read Polaris's thoughts later in the episode.
Kate and Reed decide to test the kid's power in a vault in the basement of the base. At first, it appears they are not going to activate their power, but then it starts. The power just like their the twins fuses their power when they hold hands. They say they can see as one and have the ability to bring down the entire base. Reed breaks up the two before disaster strikes.
The family has a meeting to discuss the power. Reed then insults Andy who had wanted to explore the power by telling him he has failed to control the power he already has. Andy walks out of the meeting, but Lauren goes after him to calm him down. She tells Andy that she wants to test the power again since it was such an intense rush of energy. 
The day after her nightmare Polaris tells Eclipse that they must save the mutants Based on the info provided by Sage Polaris and Dreamer meet the head security guard for the lab at a bar. Polaris clocks him with brass knuckles and Dreamer uses her skills to gain his security codes. Sage then provides the team with info to create a plan. Blink Dreamer and the Struckers will knock out the power plant for the lab to set the attack. Once the power is out Johnny Eclipse Polaris and Esme will strike the lab and save the mutants. Unfortunately, this would have been the perfect time to tell the team about the kids new power. Kate and Reed insist on going to monitor safety for the kids.
Sentinel meanwhile has been reeling from the losses while attempting to capture Reed at his father's house. Agent Turner predicts the mutant attack at the lab and searches for clues to the mutant attack. He finds the information on the security guard Dreamer and Polaris worked for intel on the power plant and sends troops into a trap. Blink Dreamer and the Struckers are heading straight for a net.
Johnny Eclipse and Esme set up for an assault on the lab once the power goes down. Esme appears very jumpy and drops a detonator, but Polaris catches it with her powers to save the two. Esme then searches Polaris's memories and uses the memory of her capture by Sentinel to make a connection. We see Esme's eyes turn radiant blue as it appears she has intensified her telepathy.It seems she might not be a faithful ally.
The Dreamer team enters the power plant but is confronted by a guard. Dreamer is able to wash his memory, and he allows them to pass. Unfortunately, while Kate is watching via a security camera hack Sentinel agents arrive on the scene. They flood the plant with agents and security robots which have been improved since the last encounter with the Struckers. Kate calls them to run, but it is too late. Blink is captured first the Dreamer who does help the Struckers make it past a security door before she is caught. The kids are all that are left.
The siblings prepare to make a stand and Lauren tell Andy that if they join hands their power will let them escape. The two start to generate the power as the Sentinel team arrives. Andy then breaks the connection and tells Lauren that everyone in the building would have died had they continued. Sentinel then takes the kids into custody. Reed had to restrain Kate from running into the plant as she witnessed her children being born.
While this was happening Johnny's team sees a rush of security pour out of the lab.At first, they think they were discovered, but Johnny hears about the power plant team capture. They decide to scrub the mission which causes Esme to break down. Johnny has to subdue her and carry her from the scene as she still wants to attack the lab. Judging her loyalties at this point is difficult. One thing for sure is she is unstable.
It was a less than par episode for the series. The failure of the Struckers to tell Johnny and the others about their power risked lives and probably led to their capture. Esme conduct is extraordinary although Trask was not expecting an attack until Agent Turner found the plot. He also fails to mention anything about a spy, so maybe Esme is just crazy. I thought the story was a little heavy on the Strucker kids power which they needed but didn't use. Overall I would rate the episode as a 7,5
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#TheGifted S1 Ep8 "Threat Of eXtinction" Review
This week gifted delved into the Strucker family history while attempting to learn more about Sentinel. We also were presented with a new threat a mutant traitor that infiltrated the base.
The episode began with a scene set in 1952 London. The brother and sister mutant duo that Dr. Campbell spoke of are shown escaping authorities. The two appear to have extreme power when holding hands which intensify their power. We later learn that the brother is Reed's grandfather and the siblings had the same power as the Strucker teens.
The Base starts with a mission sending Johnny Eclipse and Blink to pick up some mutant refugees at a church. Polaris refuses to go due to the tension on her relationship with Eclipse stemming from last week. He has apologized and explained why he worked for Carmen but she is not convinced that he is still not attracted to the life. The group then leaves without her.
Reed informs his family of the information that He and Data found in the Federal files. They did not learn the actual method of how the mutants were converted but saw the name of a defense contractor that was involved Track Industry. Reed's estranged father worked for this company for 35 years. Reed tells his family about this and explains that he has not seen his father in over 20 years.Reed plans to see his father when Johnny returns from the mission.
When the group arrives at the church, they meet some mutants. One is a telepath that senses that one of the others is a traitor. Johnny confronts the girl, and she attacks them with lightning speed and strength. Johnny restrains her with the help of Eclipse and Blink. It is an exciting battle where the three must combine their powers to capture her. She does injure a number of the other mutants in the attack including the telepath. Blink also meets a young blue mutant girl who appears to be in shock. Once the traitor is detained, they return to base.
Johnny and Reed head out to see Reed's father who is now retired and owns a clock shop. Otto at first is hostile to Reed and Johnny but agrees to speak with them He denies any knowledge of mutant experiments until he hears about his grandchildren's powers. He then admits that he was involved in a plan to cure or rid the mutant gene. If this sounds familiar, it is basically X-Men 3. He and Reed then go upstairs to talk alone so Otto can give Reed the details.
Otto tells him about his mutant father and aunt and their extreme power. He also tells Reed that he was able to cure one mutant him. It turns out Reed was a mutant, and the serum took away his powers. Otto warns Reed that the teens may follow in his father's and aunt's path if they combine their powers. We actually know to some extent they already have. We are not sure what Reed actually believe but based on his past he will probably believe the Otto/Government version. Unfortunately, Sentinel agents with Dr. Campbell arrive at the store.
Sentinel brings Pulse who takes out Johnny's power, and it appears they may be captured. Otto goes downstairs to speak with Campbell and the agents while Johnny and Reed look for an escape.Otto attempts to delay the agents, but they insist on a search. We then see the extent of the Stucker power as Otto uses his mutant power and create an explosion despite Pulse. When Johnny and Reed come downstairs, they see that Otto has been shot and killed by agents. The explosion also took out some agents and Pulse. Pulse apologizes to his Marine buddy before he dies and Johnny vows revenge.
At base, Polaris Dreamer and Eclipse are attempting to question the mutant prisoner. Her speed has kept Dreamer from using her skills and the look for another plan.Polaris still really in a bad mood threatens to impale the prisoner with knives. When Eclipse stops her, it leads to another fight when she confronts him with being an enforcer for the Cartel.Kate intercedes in the couples spat with a plan to drug the prisoner. Eclipse had noticed that she seemed to be going through a drug withdrawal. Earlier we had witnessed Dr. Campbell had to give Pulse some shot. They come up with a plan where the teens will restrain the girl and Kate will drug her. The plan works, and they attempt t question her.
The questioning does not work, and the girl appears to be dying. Kate asks the Telepath to attempt to reach the prisoner. They find out her name is Chloe and she witnessed Sentinel killed her family. She does not remember what that did to her, and sadly they see her die from the drug. Watching a mutant pass away makes Polaris forget and forgive Eclipse for his betrayal. 
Meanwhile, Blink has been attempting to reach the young mutant girl they brought back from the church. Blink connects with her because in the mutant world there are even cases where that does not look human are set apart. Blink has Avatar eyes and Elfin ears, and the girl is blue. She finds out the girl was raised in the same foster home as Blink and witnessed the murder of their Foster parents. Blink is crushed and thinks she is to blame for the girl's nightmares. Blink thinks her portals may have led Sentinel to the house.
Johnny and Reed bury and say goodbye to Pulse and Otto. They return to base to tell the others of the ordeal. Reed is barely able to say hello to his family when Kate realizes something horrible has happened. The family hugs as the father tell them of his loss.
The final scene has Blink looking for help but also eating some crow. She must apologize to Dreamer and asks for her help in making the girl's memories of the murders go away. Dreamer, of course, is willing to help and removes the horror from the girl's mind.
It was a good episode that I would rate an 8.5. I still do not trust Reed because he seemed way to ready to believe his grandfather and aunt were terrorists. I also was unclear about Otto if he escaped from his aunt and father where his mother was.  
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#TheGifted S1 E 7 "eXtreme measures" Recap & Review
I have to apologize for this review because it may seem not in viewing order. I watched the episode three times, but because of my dyslexia and the story bounce backs, I can not do it linearly. It was a solid episode with four stories.
When the last episode ended, Carmen was calling in her chip on Eclipse. She needed his help to destroy rival Russian drug shipments. He agreed to meet her and help as long as he did not have to kill anyone. We also saw a flashback where Johnny and Polaris recruited Eclipse and took him from the drug world. Eclipse agrees to this deal meanwhile Polaris and Dreamer follow him in an attempt to stop his actions.
At camp we have a Lauren and Wes love story turning into Romeo and Juliet. Reed finds out his daughter's boyfriend has been a criminal. This story seems really odd since the kid is accused of some jewel thefts in a world where the government penalty for mutants is death. Regardless he apologizes and leaves the camp.
Eclipse continues to training, the new young new recruits preparing them for a fight, I must say Andy's abilities are improving and by this is mean he is learning to control his unbelievable strength. 
We also have the search for Blink. Johnny left looking for her hoping to stop her capture; He convinces her that he is sorry an that she needs him on her quest, The two embark attempting to find Blink's vision from episode 2. We learn that Sentinel killed her family and she will return for revenge.
The fourth story involves Agent Turner and his mutant search. He and Dr. Campbell continue on their mutant hunt including giving a stroke to a DOJ Attorney. Agent Turner appears to be questioning the tactics finally.
The final scene is the confrontation between Polaris and Eclipse; he is trying to explain that he did it for them but Polaris is not buying it mainly because she saw him in person and he looks like he enjoyed it. She and Dreamer went to save him but witnessed him helping and kissing Carmen. 
I guess the episode might be lost, love. Wes is leaving Polaris is mad, and Dreamer and Blink are confused. I would give the episode 8
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