lostboysmate4ever · 3 years
Arne Johnson x Fem!reader (Soulmates)
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|| pairing: Arne Johnson x fem!reader
Plot: Soulmates can hear their soulmate singing in their head. If a person were lucky to meet them then they would be able to sense their soulmates emotions and read their minds. Y/n is working with Lorraine and Ed Warren. She has the same powers like Lorraine. The Warrens, Drew (Y/n’s ex) and Y/n are investigating a family in Connecticut, the Glatzels. In Connecticut, Y/n finds her soulmate.
Y/n were working with the Warrens to investigate the Glatzels. The eight year old was being possessed. It’s been days since meeting the family and Arne Johnson. The crew was setting up for evidence to get an exorcism for David Glatzel. 
Y/n heard her soulmate singing and started quietly singing. She walked into the living room singing her soulmates song. She had headphones on and didn’t notice everyone staring at her.
 Y/n felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around. She looked puzzled “who just tapped my shoulder?” She asked. “No one.” Drew said. She saw a shadow but ignored it. 
“Y/n, sweetheart are you okay?” Lorraine asked. “I’m fine” she said. “Oh n/n your terrible at lying” Drew said. “Shut up” she said grinning. Drew and y/n were best friends and stay as friends after the breakup.
 “Drew get your ass up and help” Y/n joked. The entire time Arne was staring at her. Y/n was his soulmate. “Debbie let’s talk in private” he whispered to his girlfriend. “I agree” she said. They both walked out.
(Later that night)
We were going to wait until the next morning to do the exorcism. Until David, the possessed child stabbed his father in the leg. We all were holding down David. I had to look away. I was feeling sick. “Y/n are you alright?” Ed yelled over the loud noise. I nod “I-I’m fine” I mumbled.
I hold my head when suddenly I got a vision. I saw a goblet that had fire inside it. I screamed when David knocked me into a wall. “Y/n!” I heard a male voice yelled.
I looked up when David jumped on Ed. “Ed!” I yelled. I realized Lorraine was getting a vision. The others were also on the floor. I felt rage hit me and grabbed the boy from on top of Ed. “Your a coward! Leave him alone and .. take me!” I yelled.
 “TAKE ME” I yelled. Suddenly David’s eyes turned back to normal and y/n dropped the kid to the floor. And something entered her. Ed looked at y/n, gasping “no!” He yelled.
Y/n slide down the wall and gasped in horror. The Glatzels and Arne rushed to David. Y/n stayed frozen. The Glatzels were on the stairs, holding David.  Arne looked at her with concern. Y/n snapped out of it and rushed to Ed’s side “Ed!” She cried.
Lorraine rushed to them “Ed!” She yelled. Lorraine placed her fingers on his pulse and he went limp. Y/n placed her head on his chest and his heart was beating too rapidly.
“Call 911!” Lorraine yelled. Debbie rushed to the kitchen. Y/n was shaky. She felt different and cold. Arne was still staring at her with concern.
She leaned against the wall “y/n are you okay?” Drew asked, crouching in front of her. Y/n didn’t feel okay. 
“I-I’m fine. That was insane” she stuttered not telling him what happened. Drew helped her up.
Y/n got up and helped the priest up. What have I done?! I just invited a demon inside me!
Of course she didn’t regret it because David was just a kid. He doesn’t deserve this torture. He was just eight years old. 
Ed was taken to the hospital and Lorraine came with him. It was just Drew and her there now. “Let’s wrap the equipment up and get out of here” Drew told her.
She slowly nodded and started packing up. Y/n felt like something was wrong with the house.
This wasn’t just a demon possession. Something seems wrong... Arne was debating on talking to y/n because she seems shocked and terrified.
He was shy because this girl was his soulmate. Debbie and Arne broke up after learning y/n was his soulmate.
They just want to be friends. Now all he needs is courage to talk to her. Y/n was feeling sick to her stomach “L-let’s get the equipment tomorrow” she told Drew.
“I’m not feeling that well” Y/n told him. He nodded “Mrs. Glatzel can we get the equipment tomorrow? We want to head to the hospital to see if Ed is alright” she asked.
 “That’s fine my dear. I pray that he’s alright “ she told her. Mrs. Glatzel gave her a hug, which made y/n smile.
“See you guys tomorrow “ she told Arne, Debbie and Mr. Glatzel. Drew and y/n walked out. 
Arne felt upset that y/n left. He was too much of a pussy to talk to her. “She will be here tomorrow. You can talk to her then” Debbie told him. Arne felt grateful for his ex-girlfriend. She was supportive and understanding.
“Let’s head to the hospital and then head home” Y/n sleepily told Drew. They both went to the hospital. Lorraine had tears in her eyes and looked scared. She told them that it was a heartattack and it was serious
“Ed is a fighter. I know he will fight through this Lorraine. He will be fine” Y/n told her, hugging the crying women.
Lorraine pulled away from the hug “Drew, Y/n you should go home and get some rest” she told them. Y/n agreed and left the hospital.
Y/n was worried for Ed but also felt sick to her stomach. She invited the demon in and she was most likely going to hurt someone.
She refuse to let that happen. She headed to her house telling Drew goodnight. Also told him to check her updated. That night, she had terrible nightmares and remembered the exorcism.
“Coward! Take me! TAKE ME!” she continued to hear. She woke up gasping and sat up in bed.  
Y/n felt her stomach flip and rushed to the bathroom, puking into the toliet. She puked for five minutes when finally stopped vomiting.
“Ugh” she said when she heard a noise. Y/n walked into the living room, looking around. She realized the demon followed her home.
Y/n turned around and a lady in a priest outfit was behind her. She screamed when the lady grabbed her head.
She fell to the ground and no one was there. She gasped and felt scared. A vision hit her and words pop up in her mind.
“Curse... ram... demon... need soul... suicide... murder...
She grabbed her head and checked the time. It was 5am. “Ugh seriously! Why wake me up this early” she groaned.
Y/n got a snack and ate it before heading back to bed. She walked back to her bedroom.
Y/n fell onto her bed. Her place had lots of activity and it was bugging her. It was hard to fall asleep due to the activity.
Y/n put her headphones on and listened to rain sounds. It relaxed her and she finally fell asleep.
Part 2 anyone???
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