#Their m/f couple but making it so obvious that the gay people were gonna date
rooolt · 2 years
Hardshine, to me, are soulmates no matter what way you look at it. i dont even necessarily mean romantic, like the fact is whether they kiss about it or not (which i dont even think has to be inherently romantic) they are so much for each other. moonshine is so intrinsically tied into hardwons identity and moonshine will live thousands of years and will meet so many people, but no matter who those people are, hardwon will always be special. its not even just about the big things of “i worship the ground she walks on” or “i cant imagine bahumia without hardwon surefoot” but everything else in between. its also about both of them crushing on luna and competing for her attention while also pushing each other forward. its also about moonshine burning so many spells so hardwon is good at sex the first time and hardwon talking her up to jaina. its about so much at the same time, two people who met by chance and even took a teen with them on the way being such a dramatic force in each others like. i dont quite know what im saying here, except i do know what im saying and thats RELEASE THE FUCKING LETTER JAKE
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graphicabyss · 3 years
I watched The Falcon And The Winter Soldier and I liked it more that I expected, although frankly I didn't expect much. Overall, I love the setting, the cinematography and the character development. The director and the writers did an excellent job. But it also sent me down an emotional roller-coaster and that's the thing I really need to talk about.
I know there are countless rants about TFATWS, Endgame, queerbaiting and poor MCU narratives but I've never really been hanging out in the fandom until recently so for me it's my first one and I need to get it off my chest. It's gonna be long.
It was interesting to see where the show's gonna take things but start to end there was an elephant in the room. It doesn't sit well with me the way they completely sidestepped the Steve Rogers issue. Like, "we didn't make this mess, so we're not gonna go there". And it's just wrong. You can't just avoid the subject altogether and pass it on for future writers to handle. Also, you see Bucky so sad and lonely it breaks your heart. And this inevitably made me think about Endgame and Cap's storyline. I didn't feel like writing it all down after Endgame but now all these thoughts and feelings came up again and I need to get it off my chest. If they ended it all at Endgame, and I thought they did, it would have been fine, sort of. We'd forgive some loose ends. But they didn't end it there and that makes them fully responsible for this mess. I mean, I didn't hate Cap's ending. After all, it could have been worse. Steve could get together with Sharon like in the comics and they probably considered it at some point but the reactions were so bad they backed down and dragged Peggy along. Still, the ending just felt forced, no matter how you look at it. The thing is, if I knew about it after the first movie, I'd rejoice. But at this point, after everything that went down after, it just doesn't feel right.  I love Peggy and I can't deny the dance scene made me flutter a little but now I wish this was Steve's way to keep his promise before going back. In the end, Peggy would be fine without him. She had a good life, she made a career and a family. We know that thanks to Agent Carter. And we got many cues that Steve and Peggy's relationship, as important as it was, was over. Her saying goodbye to him by destroying the serum, him carrying her casket... Yet, Endgame effectively undermined that basically erasing all of these events from existence and making Peggy just a prize for Captain America.  On the other hand, Bucky needed Steve the most. And the show made it clear how bruised and broken he was. Bucky and Steve's relationship was the closest of any relationship in the MCU. At that point it was clear Bucky was everything to him, the only one who could truly understand him. Steve lost him many times and every time he fought to bring him back, no matter how impossible it seemed. When Bucky was captured Steve went into an enemy base alone on a suicidal mission and saved him and everyone else. That's basically how he became Captain America. Then Bucky got killed in the war and it devastated him. Bucky returned as Winter Soldier and there was hardly any Bucky left in him but Steve nearly let himself be killed because he needed to save him and he trusted that James would not hurt him. When Bucky finally got to his senses, there was an ultimate war going on and in the Snap James fell to dust in front of Steve's eyes. It took 5 years to get him back. And as soon as Steve succeeded, he left him, along with the rest of his traumatized friends and the world in deep chaos, to be with Peggy in 1940's, thus throwing 12 years of his life away. It just didn't feel right. That does a disservice to both Steve and Peggy's storylines. But it's not just about Peggy or Bucky. Steve going back and living his life to return to that park as an old man has opened a rift with a host of questions. I tried to get to the bottom of it but it got me nowhere.  According to Russo, when Steve went back he created an alternate reality. He also retired as Captain America. First off, I think he just made that up after to cover up the mess. If that was the case, Cap would return to the designated spot and not be sitting on a bench like he was waiting there all along. But, like, even if it was alternate reality, it could not be that different, right? He wouldn't just live in Peggy's basement, would he? He knew about the things to come like, you know, the HYDRA thing, and being the man that he was, he couldn't just sit and do nothing. Especially when Peggy was one of the founders of the SHIELD. Captain America or not, Steve would do everything to make this world a
better place. Also, if Steve went back after he crashed that plane, that means there's another Steve still locked in ice, which Russo confirmed. Even more importantly, in Steve's timeline Bucky is still with Hydra being tortured. There's no way he could leave him there. So much for the 'quiet life'. Then there are the writers of Endgame who claim that Peggy's two children are fathered by Steve. Really? That directly contradicts the earlier version that the father is a soldier Steve saved, which is shown in Agent Carter. Seriously, guys, if you're gonna make up random bullshit at least get your stories straight first.   Fans love to make all sorts of theories to try and patch up the holes but the truth is, MCU is not just one mastermind's creation and the comics weren't either. It's bound to be a mess because it's created by dozens of writers and directors and each phase gets increasingly messier because it has to fit in with the 547 previously released movies and shows. I get that and I applaud the effort of Endgame but they really can't expect us to get involved with the characters only to see them being treated as an afterthought. And the thing is, I thought that it might be just me but after a quick survey of the fandom I realized that a lot of people feel the same way. If you look at the comment section of nearly any relevant video, you're gonna get top comments saying all these things. If Marvel listened just once maybe things would make more sense. And all these thoughts aren't necessarily what I wanted to see, but what would be right for the characters. And while I do love Stucky, I'm a reasonable shipper and I really didn't expect them to be canon gay or anything, I just wished they had at least spent some time together not fighting, just healing and catching up on their lives. Honestly, I don't always like the way people ship m/m characters in every show but this time it was really more than justified. The whole storyline going through Winter Soldier and Civil War was just massive queerbaiting. It was undeniably a love story, romantic or not. "Why do you ship male characters?" some people ask. Idk, maybe if the writers put half the effort into developing m/f relationships as they do m/m ones and not just randomly throw them together I might care about them. And MCU was terrible with romance. That traumatic kiss Steve had with Sharon Carter? In the comics, Steve did love Sharon but who cares? In MCU they met, like, twice. Mostly after Peggy's funeral. Peak romance. If they had to pick a new love interest they could go with Natasha. They cared about each other, they bonded in TWS and they were both dealing with some difficult issues. But they became just good friends, which I loved. Instead, Natasha got together with Banner? And then there's Wanda and Vision, which seemed like the most random of pairings with no buildup whatsoever. The wonderful world of heteronormativity where a witch/robot couple comes before a gay one. And the thing is, I only recently learned that there's some legit leverage to portray Bucky as gay. Bucky is based on two characters from the comics. Bucky Barnes was Steve's teen sidekick, kinda like Robin, so this origin was too weird for MCU. Instead, the writers used the origin story from a character named Arnie. It was a boy Steve grew up with, a boy who protected him from bullies, and a boy who kept inviting Steve to these double dates. A boy who was gay. Which wasn't explicitly stated but was pretty obvious. And this was in 1984. So making Bucky gay would be neither woke nor against 'canon'. It would be way overdue.  So with TFTWS it was nice to see Bucky recover and bond with Sam but to me the whole ending also felt a bit excessively positive and this time the queerbaiting felt even more intentional, almost as if the writers wanted to distract the discontent fans with a new shiny ship so they forgot all the things they were mad about. Like, of course I want Bucky to be happy but also I hate the way the show's pushing the idea that he just needs to get over losing Steve and move
on with his life already because surely all his problems come from his inability to trust people and not trying hard enough, and not from being brainwashed and tortured for 70 years and then losing the only person who loved and cherished him.
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Hurt/comforting prompts thing: Number one, drarry. Draco contacts Harry, he's at some sort of pure blood event and suddenly can't stand pretending anymore (maybe even pretending he's not gay or smth, or people talking shit about muggle borns or... Idk, maybe you'd come up with smth better) I love your blog 💕
thank you love !
and wow i’ve never written drarry before, and i’ve read only one fic with them two o_O so sorry if it sucks but here ya gooooo
Harry was sitted on his velvet couch, reading a Quibbler article about some new magical creature discovered in Antartica. He was home alone, and could enjoy the quietness of tea and reading for the first time in weeks. Between his Auror training, his therapy for his PTSD after the wizarding war and his love life, he had few occasions to relax.
As he started to consider taking a warm bath, his phone started to ring. Reachig for it, he saw the name on his screen and frowned. It was Draco. And Draco, good little pureblood as he was, almost never used his phone, claiming owls were far better. Usually, he only called when he needed help. And he was supposed to be at a family dinner with his parents. This was deinitely worrying.
“Draco ? What’s -” He was about to ask what was happening but he heard loud sobs on the other side of the line. He felt his heart heavying in his chest. Draco Malfoy didn’t cry in public. Even if he was definitely more open about his feelings since he had started to date Harry, he still didn’t like to show tears.
“H-Harry ? Fuck, did I use it the p-proper way, can you he-hear me ?”
“Yes”, Harry quickly answered, “I’m here, now tell me what happened.” He knew Draco didn’t like to be pressured like that, but he had to if the matter was that important.
“I... I left the dinner. I think I’m near a restaurant in the muggle village near to our house but... I c-can’t really describe more...”
“Sh, it’s okay. What happened, love ?” Harry tried to sound as comforting and reassuring he could, pushing his own fears and concerns in the back of his mind.
“T-They started to t-t-talk about... m-muggleborns and they said... they said stuffs ab-bout mixed blood couple l-like us and I...” Draco interrumpted with another, louder sob, before to continue “And then I excused myself to the loo and I left the house. F-Fuck. They are going to k-kill me.”
“Like I would let them. Sh, it’s gonna be alright. We’ll make up some excuse.”
“No ! I’m tired of excuses !” Draco shouted. “I just... I need to... Fuck, I don’t even know... Can you please come and get me ?”
“Of course”, Harry answered, all thoughts of baths and relaxation long gone. It was obvious Draco was too upset to do any magic, let alone Apparate. “I’ll Appear in a second and then I just need to find you, okay ? You can stay alone for a few minutes ?”
“Yeah, I... Thank you.”
“No need to thank me, love.”
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