#Thena does order extra detailing for the night
softquietsteadylove · 7 months
Hello love! May i ask for a spicy one but this time Gil teases Thena and gets it back at her. 🩷
Thena glares at Gil as he picks up the phone.
"What?" he growls into it. "Right...yes."
Thena goes so far as to cross her arms at him, raising her brows. Is this really the time?
He chuckles, resuming what he was doing while still on the call. "No, I can talk."
Thena slaps her hand over her mouth as he resumes thrusting, literally completely inside of her as he takes the business call. This is revenge for earlier that morning.
"Right," he grunts, only sounding slightly out of breath as he continues to move his hips against hers, their skin slapping together as he fucks her on top of his desk. He looks down at her, "I'm not available right this second."
Thena glares at him more, but then he hits that sweet spot and she has to close her eyes because fuck! She tries to sit up and support herself with her elbows but that takes too much energy.
Gil moves his hands and pounds into her even harder, "hang on."
She puts both hands over her mouth as she lets out a loud mix of both a moan and a curse. Fuck this man. He moves with that same intensity until he knows damn well that she's getting close to coming. Then, in a flash, he's out of her.
"What was that?" he asks into the phone, completely absurdly with his suit jacket still on and his cock out and rock hard. "Yes, I see."
Thena slams her fists on his desk at the absence of him. She will get him for this. She sits up again, panting for breath and flushed scarlet rouge. "Get back here."
This man - this complete bastard - holds up a finger to shush her with a wink and the cockiest smirk she has ever seen. He is having far too much fun with this.
"Uh-huh, yes," he continues on in his conversation as he comes closer again. "Right."
Thena moans loudly as he kisses her, hoping that it will urge him to put the fucking phone down and resume fucking his impatient partner.
But Gil holds the phone away from them, dampening the sound of her pleasure for those who aren't privy. When he pulls away from her he brings the phone back, "walk me through that part again?"
Thena bares her teeth at him, ready to take matters into her own hands and tell whomever is on the other end of that call that they are keeping her from a very important orgasm.
Gil half turns away, only for his fingers to immediately resume what work he had been doing before. "Right."
Thena moans again, leaning back on his desk with her breasts settling in her new position. This is the kind of thing she used to dream about. Back when she hadn't been working for him for long, and then she would avoid him so her boss wouldn't somehow find out she was having positively filthy sex dreams about him.
"I think that's reasonable," he continues to speak so normally as he hooks his fingers inside of her, stroking that spot with ease. "It's a perfectly acceptable proposal."
"Fuck," she whimpers as, once again, he drags her all the way to the edge before stopping. She could scream, "Gil!"
"Sweetheart," he puts the phone to his shoulder and croons at her, "not much longer--promise."
Fuck this man.
Thena bites her lip. She's so close. She's been close since the moment he called her into his office and proceeded to kiss her until she couldn't think. When he first bent her over his desk and then helped her lie back on it, tits out, skirt hauled up to her waist.
"Hm," Gil pulls his hand back and licks his fingers one by one, "hmmmm."
Thena tries to kick at him, but he catches her ankle and hooks it into the crook of his elbow. He's enjoying the view; she flushes scarlet.
"Let me see," he chuckles into the phone again before turning to face her. He braces himself on the table again. "I'll get back to you."
Thena lets out a shriek as he drops the phone receiver down the same moment he pushes into her again. "Fuck!"
"When did you become so impatient, Naekkeo?"
"Fuck you," she snarls, and sounds just like him when she does. But she's so wound up, and she wants to come so bad. "You owe me."
"On the contrary, Yeobo," he pulls her hips so he can angle himself better. "This is payback for this morning. Now, we're even."
Oh, they would not be even for a long time for this.
"Fuck, Gil, please," she whimpers, positively feverish with need for him. She reaches for his hand, and not only does he hold it, he also uses it for leverage to fuck her even harder. "I wanna come!"
He all but roars as he pounds into her, their hips meeting in a hard and messy conjoining of bodies writhing together. "Fuck!"
Thena comes first, finally free after a very drawn out lead up to her crescendo. Warmth engulfs her completely and she finally lets go of everything that had been coiling within her. She flops back down to the leather deskmat beneath her, hair everywhere, completely exposed. She feels amazing.
Fuck--this man.
Gil comes barely seconds after, hunching over her and his hips giving a last few jerks as he lets his own ecstasy overtake him. He leans over her until he's close enough to kiss her, both of them kissing and gasping for air on different rhythms.
Thena moans as he slips out of her. His office is going to be a mess (and reek of sex for hours). She finally pries her eyes open just to stare at his ceiling. "Fuck."
"Yeah," he agrees, laughing faintly.
She huffs, slapping his shoulder. "It's not funny."
"It's a little funny."
"Sorry baby," he chuckles, kissing her temple and then down her cheek and neck. "Couldn't resist--and hey, now you know what you put me through this morning."
Thena grumbles as he pulls her up (knowing her core doesn't have the strength in it for her to do it herself at the moment). She nuzzles into his shoulder, "I think you did far worse."
"I think we're even," he refutes, letting her lean on him as he first pulls her bra back on for her, then buttons up her cardigan again.
She grumbles, "I'm sweaty."
He fluffs her hair out for her and kisses her other cheek, "you're glowing and beautiful and perfect."
Fuck, this man; Thena rolls her eyes, pushing at his chest to try and sit up straight on her own. She wobbles a bit, but she does it. "The work day is not exactly over."
"Yeah, but at least I don't have any more meetings," he grins as he fixes his own appearance as well. "Or conference calls."
Thena pouts at him as she straightens herself out a little more, including getting her stockings hooked to her garter belt again. "I should hope not."
Gil helps her off his desk, her knees wobbling faintly as her heels hit the floor. He holds her gently, letting her stand up out of his grasp when she's ready. "Hey."
Thena smiles into his soft and sweet kiss, much more her househusband than her boss. She pats his chest, "you're not out of trouble yet."
"Save it for home, vixen," he both teases and agrees, pulling the hand up from his chest and to his lips. "And ask cleaning to do an extra thorough detailing in here tonight?"
She doesn't look forward to that. It's ridiculous, but she feels like cleaning has some way of knowing what they've been up to in here.
"And Thena?"
"Hm?" she looks over her shoulder a step and a half away from where they were just fucking like animals. She's combing her fingers through her hair and he's collecting his stray papers.
Gil crosses the distance to kiss her again with his sweet, househusband smile, "I love you."
She gives him another little kiss--a truly domestic exchange of affection after a very wild 'meeting' in the middle of the day. "I love you, too."
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