#Theo: Throw me to the wolves and I will lead the pack to your doorstep
theheartbrokenones · 2 years
Sneak Peek into Forbidden Love!
I will give you a glimpse in the middle~ This is a new story I am working on and seeing where it is going! Read the tags before reading to kind of see what I am doing
“Yeah My family just moved here, that's my sister Tara she's my best friend.” He pointed to his sister who looked over as if hearing her name, she smiles brightly at Theo waving over at him. He ducked his head and smiles back shyly at her, cheeks pink happy. 
Laura smiles at him and waves, mouthing the word cute, while Derek gave him a brief smile before looking him over as if checking to see if he was okay then narrowing his eyes at Stiles and Scott curiously. He smiles back at the two Hales, “Wow she's talking to the Hale’s?? How no one can like to get really close you have to be pretty cool.”
Theo looks at Stiles confused, “What do you mean Laura and Derek nice and friendly! T-they said I can meet um C-cora too.” He mumbles a little shrinking when Stiles turns his attention onto him. Stiles went to open his mouth to say something when a warm hand was placed on Theo shoulder. 
“Is there a problem?” A warm familiar tone making Theo relaxed, he looked up to see Derek looking at Stiles and Scott down. “No? If that the case Theo come on your sister and Laura want to go get something to eat.” 
Theo nodded and hoped down before holding onto Derek’s hand, he waved at Stiles and Scott before looking back at Derek. “Thank you.” He mumbles softly, Derek and his sister reminded him of his cousins, warmth, and safety.
“Don’t let those kids overwhelm you, if you have a problem just come get us.” Derek looked down at him smirking before ruffling Theo hair making him laugh as he bats his hand away. “You okay baby bird?” 
Tara asked kneeling down to cup his cheeks, “Yeah they were asking about the raven’s.” He looks down at his feet he was just lucky that he didn’t accidental show his powers but Tara would know.
Tara looked at him before she nodded, she realized that Theo caused that. “Well I am surprised you didn’t overwhelm them with all those Raven facts you have in your head.” Theo puffed out his cheeks looking up at her. 
Laura coo’s at Theo pulling him into a hug making Theo blush but still leaning into her touch. “Oh is ravens your favorite bird?” She asked pulling back making him nod shyly, “My other favorite animal are Wolves because they actually work with Ravens they have a strong relationship.”
Theo lit up as he spoke, neither of the siblings notice Derek and Laura tension as Tara looked at Theo fondly while said kid was engrossed in talking about Ravens. Finally, they made their way to some place to get something to eat. Theo was happy leaning into Derek side and stealing Laura fires as Tara stole his drinks. 
It became a thing for for the next two years he would hang out with Stiles and Scott at school but as soon as Derek, Laura, Cora, and Tara were in sight he made a B line. He still felt guilty when they didn’t know the truth, not who they truly are. As he curled up in his bed, fingers twirling as the Red haze with black and white hues cover his hands. Tara told him his eyes glow red as well now.
He made a face as he concentrated on taking apart and putting a block together when he heard it, a weird noise. Looking around he sits the block down carefully and creeps to his door, He looks down the hall both ways before making his way to Tara room. He goes to open her door when it opens quietly.
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