#The McCall pack will realize they messed up as when they tried
theheartbrokenones · 2 years
Sneak Peek into Forbidden Love!
I will give you a glimpse in the middle~ This is a new story I am working on and seeing where it is going! Read the tags before reading to kind of see what I am doing
“Yeah My family just moved here, that's my sister Tara she's my best friend.” He pointed to his sister who looked over as if hearing her name, she smiles brightly at Theo waving over at him. He ducked his head and smiles back shyly at her, cheeks pink happy. 
Laura smiles at him and waves, mouthing the word cute, while Derek gave him a brief smile before looking him over as if checking to see if he was okay then narrowing his eyes at Stiles and Scott curiously. He smiles back at the two Hales, “Wow she's talking to the Hale’s?? How no one can like to get really close you have to be pretty cool.”
Theo looks at Stiles confused, “What do you mean Laura and Derek nice and friendly! T-they said I can meet um C-cora too.” He mumbles a little shrinking when Stiles turns his attention onto him. Stiles went to open his mouth to say something when a warm hand was placed on Theo shoulder. 
“Is there a problem?” A warm familiar tone making Theo relaxed, he looked up to see Derek looking at Stiles and Scott down. “No? If that the case Theo come on your sister and Laura want to go get something to eat.” 
Theo nodded and hoped down before holding onto Derek’s hand, he waved at Stiles and Scott before looking back at Derek. “Thank you.” He mumbles softly, Derek and his sister reminded him of his cousins, warmth, and safety.
“Don’t let those kids overwhelm you, if you have a problem just come get us.” Derek looked down at him smirking before ruffling Theo hair making him laugh as he bats his hand away. “You okay baby bird?” 
Tara asked kneeling down to cup his cheeks, “Yeah they were asking about the raven’s.” He looks down at his feet he was just lucky that he didn’t accidental show his powers but Tara would know.
Tara looked at him before she nodded, she realized that Theo caused that. “Well I am surprised you didn’t overwhelm them with all those Raven facts you have in your head.” Theo puffed out his cheeks looking up at her. 
Laura coo’s at Theo pulling him into a hug making Theo blush but still leaning into her touch. “Oh is ravens your favorite bird?” She asked pulling back making him nod shyly, “My other favorite animal are Wolves because they actually work with Ravens they have a strong relationship.”
Theo lit up as he spoke, neither of the siblings notice Derek and Laura tension as Tara looked at Theo fondly while said kid was engrossed in talking about Ravens. Finally, they made their way to some place to get something to eat. Theo was happy leaning into Derek side and stealing Laura fires as Tara stole his drinks. 
It became a thing for for the next two years he would hang out with Stiles and Scott at school but as soon as Derek, Laura, Cora, and Tara were in sight he made a B line. He still felt guilty when they didn’t know the truth, not who they truly are. As he curled up in his bed, fingers twirling as the Red haze with black and white hues cover his hands. Tara told him his eyes glow red as well now.
He made a face as he concentrated on taking apart and putting a block together when he heard it, a weird noise. Looking around he sits the block down carefully and creeps to his door, He looks down the hall both ways before making his way to Tara room. He goes to open her door when it opens quietly.
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sundrop-writes · 2 months
you were nice to me and acknowledged my existence so i hope you know that means you’ve unknowingly asked for all my dumbass, hyper-specific 12AM bullshit thoughts.
you can turn this into a mini blurb or teen wolf pack headcanon - whatever works for you, but who do you think in the pack is would be into you wearing a necklace (or any form of jewelry really) with their name/initial on it? are they buying it for you or is it something you would have to initiate, do they want one too with your name/initial on it?
i know it’s not everyone’s thing but i think it can be really adorable 🥰
if this isn’t your vibe just let me know, no biggie 🩷
This is absolutely my vibe!!! I love this prompt so much omg. Also, I love it when people come to me with their random 12am bullshit - whether it's just to rant in my inbox about fictional characters or to suggest fic ideas. This is what Tumblr inboxes are for
My requests for Teen Wolf are open!! Just make sure to read my rules first!!
What would the pack think of you wearing a necklace that represents them?
A/N: I changed it from an initial to a representative symbol, partially because of a tiktok that Star sent me the other day of someone selling Teen Wolf necklaces in an Etsy shop that I can't stop thinking about and I want one so badly, and partially because I think Derek's tattoo would make a really amazing necklace.
Warnings: descriptions of canon level violence, I tried to make the reader as gender neutral as possible (please let me know if I messed up anywhere on that), Isaac's low self eesteem due to his father's abuse, mentions of Jackson x Lydia, references to sex (but nothing descriptively smutty), I think that's it.
Includes: Derek Hale, Isaac Lahey, Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Erica Reyes (I got tired while writing this so that's all the characters we have lmao)
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Derek would love it. It would be his idea - he would be the one to give you the necklace.
He met you shortly before becoming an Alpha, and you were the defining member of his pack. You were the first person he had bitten in order to turn them - you had been bleeding out outside of the Hale house after Peter had stuck his claws through your stomach, sensing Derek's attachment to you (even if it was something that Derek himself hesitated to admit), and he had called Derek weak for taking a liking to you. So the moment after Derek had slashed Peter's throat open, making him the Alpha, he had used his new found power to bite you, ultimately saving your life.
You were someone he had once viewed as his weakness, but he had come to realize that you were his ultimate strength. You showed him how to interact with Erica, Isaac, and Boyd with kindness and understanding, you showed him how to harness his Alpha power with more than just the anger he harboured inside. You showed him love - something his isolated heart hadn't felt in years.
To him, the triskele tattoo on his back represented the three forms of a wolf could take - the powerful, leading Alpha, the following Beta, and isolated, weak Omega. It represents how a wolf can rise to power, but he can also fall to weakness if he's not careful.
When he gave you a necklace with that same symbol as its pendant, he explained to you why it was so important to him that you wear it.
"You have helped me rise to my full potential." He told you, pinning the clasp behind your neck. "Every time I look at this around your neck, I want to be reminded of that. I want to be reminded not to fall to anything less." He kissed the base of your neck, causing you to break into a large smile as his thick, warm arms wrapped around you from behind. "I need to be reminded to serve you a good, loyal Alpha every single day. Not to fall back into my former weaknesses."
"I thought I was your weakness?"
"No. You're my strength."
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Isaac would be unsure about it. And it most definitely was not his idea.
It started with you and Lydia hanging out before a lacrosse game - the two of you were getting ready in her room, and while she finished up her makeup, she said 'oh!' as if suddenly remembering something, and then went to her jewellery box. You looked on in curiosity as she pulled out a necklace, and when you squinted closer, you saw that it was a silver pendant with the number 37 on it.
"What's that?" You asked.
"It's Jackson's jersey number." She told you. "It's good luck for a player's girlfriend to wear his jersey number, and I didn't want some big ugly jacket with the numbers written on the back."
It made you wonder if you should wear Isaac's jersey number to the game, even though the two of you had been playing around with dating, not exactly official. Isaac was hesitant on PDA and labels. Lydia encouraged you, though, and she ended up using a red lipstick to write his number 14 on your cheek, making you look like a crazed fan - but everybody at the game already knew who you were there for.
Before the next game, Lydia gifted you with a necklace similarly to her own, with the promise that she wouldn't have to freeze her ass off in the stands alone - and to her, it was like the two of you had matching best friend necklaces, representing the lugheads that you cheered for on the field together. At first, you only wore it to games. But then you found comfort in wearing it all the time.
Isaac, of course, took notice of this - his eyes easily magnetized to the number 14 glimmering on the silver chain around your neck.
He felt like he didn't deserve to have a mark on you. He was undeserving of claiming you, undeserving of being called your 'boyfriend'. He was worthless, and you wearing something that represented some kind of serious relationship between the two of you - why did you want him? Why?
After a long, tiring night of talking, some tears, and eventually some kissing - he finally understood. And from then on, he was more than proud to have his 14 constantly shining around your neck.
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Scott would love it. But it would be your idea.
The two of you had to date in secret - your family had a loyalty, an alignment with the Argents, so you couldn't be seen with Scott in public, creating a deep frustration between the two of you when you couldn't hold hands in the hallways or go on 'real' dates like other couples could. Scott expressed a deep frustration at loving you, being your boyfriend, but not getting to be yours twenty-four seven like he wanted to, and that's what caused you to come up with the idea.
You got a silver heart locket necklace, and inside, put a picture of the two of you. Well - it was a piece of the picture of the two of you. You grabbed a photo of the two of you kissing, and cut out the space that had formed between your necks when your lips came together in a kiss - to anybody else (most important, if your family saw it) it would have looked like a photo of blank sky. But you and Scott were the only two people in the world who knew what the photo truly was.
And you gave him the rest of the photo with the missing heart shape cut out between the two of you so that he could be reminded of your next words every single time he looked at it.
"The space between us isn't what matters." You told him firmly, pointing to the space you had cut out of the photo. "No matter how big that space gets, we always know how much we love each other. We'll always have each other."
From then on, every single time he looked at the silver heart dangling around your neck, it was something he remembered with a smile. No matter how far the two of you had to be apart, no matter for how long - your love kept you together.
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Stiles would absolutely love it. It would be his idea.
Stiles would be incredibly shy and shitting his pants nervous about asking you to wear his numbers, but the week before, you had asked him to be your boyfriend after a roaring success of a first date that he had no clue how he landed with you. His first game as a first linger was coming up, and he felt like things could only go up from here.
He had you, he was first line, so - he steadied his courage as he tightly gripped the black velvet box that had the shiny gold necklace in it, praying that this wouldn't be too much, too soon. Praying that he wasn't going to scare you off.
"Um, hey." He greeted you at your locker, a ball of nervous energy that had you giving him a questioning eyebrow.
"Good morning." You smiled at him, wondering why he was acting so strange. You leaned in and kissed him on the lips - a light, chaste kiss in greeting, and he felt himself nearly knocked over by the joy of it.
This was really real. He had you.
"What's that?" You asked, motioning toward the box in his hands.
"Oh, uh - a gift." He said. "For you."
"Stiles, you didn't have to. It's not my birthday or anything."
"I know." He said. "I want to - to do something special. To celebrate you being mine."
An intense wave of butterflies overtook you at this, and you look on in awe as he opened the box, presenting the necklace to you.
"It's - um - it's my jersey number. Ya know - 24. Just - it's a thing that people usually do, wearing their boyfriend's number... and I - am I being too weird? I'm sorry." He went off rambling the longer that you didn't speak, and you quickly raised a hand to his wrist, trying to calm him with a soothing touch there.
"I love it." You assured him with a smile. "Thank you. I can't wait to wear it."
"I could... help you put it on now?"
You nodded enthusiastically, and he excitedly grabbed it out of the box.
From then on, you never took it off. You were more than proud to be his, and proud to show it off by wearing the necklace.
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Erica would fucking love it, but it wouldn't really be intentional on either of your behalves.
One thing Erica never expected about becoming a werewolf - how possessive it would make her. But being able to smell when someone had touched you, being able to hear how hard your heart pounded when you were scared or anxious - it made her want to rip apart anybody who even looked at you the wrong way. The two of you weren't even officially dating. Your friendship always crossed weird lines - you were the only person who was kind to her when she was an outcast, and after she transformed, you were the only person she knew for certain didn't just want her for her body.
The sex between the two of you was amazing, but you never talked about feelings.
One night in the haste of undressing, she dropped a necklace on your floor - a nameplate necklace that her parents had gotten for her birthday a few years ago. You didn't want to forget to bring it back to her, and you thought it was funny, a kind of joke - so you put it on. You thought nothing of having the name 'Erica' dangling around your neck in bold silver letters.
When Erica saw it - it drove all of her wolfish instincts insane. Seeing her claim on you, her name literally written across you - it took everything she had in her not to throw you across a table in the middle of the library and fuck your brains out, then and there.
And she saw the way other people reacted to it too. The way guys would go to flirt with you, but then their eyes would dart down to the necklace and then look to her, as if finally noticing her presence glaring at them, telling them to back off - and then they would scatter in fear. It was the first time in weeks that the two of you actually had peace.
So she implored you to keep it. She loved having a silent little claim on you. After all, wolves love claiming their territory, right?
Teen Wolf Masterlist
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snnydcys · 3 months
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television series
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stranger things
sonny works along side of robin and steve at the local rental movie store. she became quite close to the two, but was of course curious when literal tiny people would come in and ramble about russian spies, the other side, the mind flayer, and demagorgons. in her mind, it was just some random dungeons and dragons kind of shit. but curiosity tends to get the best of her.
the vampire diaries / the originals
centuries and decades ago, the munroe line was gifted protection. the witch, qetsiyah had a best friend. a munroe best friend. after everything with silas and amara, the witch decided to take some protective measures for her friend in case of any danger that comes their way. she created an elixir that would prevent them from being compelled. the elixir would have to be recreated every century but since the line would go on for decades and decades, it died out. but if one munroe in contact with a silas/petrova line, that individual would trigger that protection.
fast forward to sonny munroe. divorced parents. one living in appleton, wisconsin and one in mystic falls, virginia. when sonny was visiting her dad in mystic falls, she met the next door neighbor who had a daughter named elena gilbert. the moment those two girls stood in front of each other, the protection took its course. but sonny went back to wisconsin to finish out her kinder to high school before moving with her dad to finish her college there. it was a deal her parents agreed to.
it was a change for sonny to say the least, but she was able to reunite with elena. and just like her, she fell into the mess of vampires. at first they tried to keep sonny away by compelling her to protect her, however....that was when they realized they couldn't compel sonny at all. that was an interesting thing to find out. so sonny stuck around to help. why? it was in her nature to be there for those she cares about. even in danger.
teen wolf
sonny left so random, but didn't want to go back to wisconsin. instead, she moved to beacon hills where she got to live with her cousin scott mccall. but here's the catch, she knows nothing of his pack or anything he has ever gone through up until one night when she was out on her own and nearly got attacked. being held down and questioned where is scott mccall? in that moment, she thought she was going to die up until a jeep pulled out and scott jumped her attackers as stiles pulled her away. right then and there, scott told her everything and now she's trying to figure out a way hot to live like this.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Waiting For You
Kozik x F!Reader
Request by @espieviolet99​: 88. "Did you just kiss me?" With Koz? (Prompt is from This List)
Warnings: 18+, language, alcohol, little tiny sprinkles of angst
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: My brain has been an absolute muddled mess the past few days since I’ve been sick, but this came through and cut through the fog a bit haha. Hope you enjoy! xo
SOA Taglist: @masterlistforimagines @mijop @chibsytelford @thanossexual @xladymacbethx @i-just-read-stuff @lilah1903 @timbradfordsboot @bport76 @toni9 @unicornucopia-fuckers @buckybarneshairpullingkink @shadow-of-wonder @punkgoddess-98 @paintballkid711 @black-repunzel99 @lexondeck @jitterbugs927 @mrsstevenbuchananstark @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @bellisperennis0 @crowfootwrites @redpoodlern @beardburnsupersoldiers @mveggieburger @xeniarocks @choochoo284 @littlekittymeow @beardsanddetectives @bruxasolta @i-love-scott-mccall @be-my-dear​ @withmyteeth​ @flacalatke​ 
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For the last week, the only news that you’d gotten about the club had been through the grapevine. They were off on a run, one that was supposed to take two, maybe three days at the most. But it was nearing the end of day seven and you had no real information on anything that was going on. Gemma seemed unsettled, though, and that was all you needed to see in order to have your anxiety shoot through the roof.
You’d attempted to call and text every guy on the run that you had a phone number for, which was more than you’d originally thought. No one responded or picked up, which wasn’t out of character behavior when they were on a run, but you knew that things were going off the rails this time and you hated the fact that it was radio silence. On a couple occasions you tried to get some information out of Gemma since she was the only person in Charming who was able to get in touch with them, but whatever limited information that she got from Jax and Clay, she wasn’t in the mood to share. The unknown of it all was driving you crazy.
You were sat on the opposite side of the bar from Chucky, nursing a beer that you didn’t even really want, but it was an excuse to linger around the clubhouse just a little longer. Chucky was trying his hardest to carry a conversation and get your mind off of the stress of the situation with the MC. You admired the effort, even if it was futile. Even if it didn’t push the club tension from your mind, it was always nice to be able to talk to him. He was rambling on about his latest hobby, which was apparently making jam, when you heard the sounds of motorcycles rolling onto the lot. You both looked towards the door, hitting the breaks on your conversation immediately.
“Sorry, Chucky,” you shot him an apologetic smile as you jumped off the stool and ran towards the door. You heard him giving some sort of vague reassurance as you left, but none of it really registered.
You flung the clubhouse door open, and you saw that some of the guys were rolling their bikes into their usual spots. Gemma had emerged from the office as well, worry in her eyes as she did a quick headcount, which prompted you to do the same. Your assumption was that if some of them were back, all of them would be, but there weren’t enough bikes on the lot for that to be the case. There was one in particular that was missing that stood out to you the most.
Jax, Clay, Opie, Bobby, and Juice were all getting off their bikes. The knot in your stomach only grew tighter when you realized the full list of who was still MIA. Not that it wasn’t great that a few of the guys had made their way back, but you wondered what happened to the rest of them. Standing back, you waited for Gemma to greet them all, giving them each a once-over like she just had to be certain that they were actually back and all in one piece.
The guys gave you nods of acknowledgment. Jax managed a half-hearted smile when he saw the concern in your eyes, and Bobby gave you a loving clap on the shoulder. Juice was at the back of the pack, and you knew that if you were going to be able to get answers out of anyone, it would be him. Plus, you had to admit, he was one of the easiest guys in the club to talk to. He didn’t have a threatening bone in his body.
“Hey, Juice,” you reached out, managing to catch him on the shoulder before he got too far.
He turned, facing you, exhausted etched deeply into his features, “Hey, you good?”
“Are you?” out of everyone in present company, you were the last person that the guys should be worrying about. His lack of a response spoke volumes, “What happened? Where are the rest of the guys?”
He gave a helpless shrug, “It’s been a shitshow since we left last week. We got split up about three hours outside Charming.”
“And you just kept going?” it didn’t seem like them to leave half their club hanging.
“No choice,” from the tone of his voice, you figured it was best not to push the issue any farther.
“Okay,” you didn’t mean for it to come out as softspoken as it did.
“They should be here soon,” he saw the look on your face and tried his best to sound reassuring, “I mean, they’ve got Tig and Happy, what’s the worst that could happen, right?” there was a tired smile on his face.
You managed a laugh, “Right, right.”
“Sorry, by the way,” he said with a shake of his head, “We got your texts and shit, but we just couldn’t…you know…”
You nodded, “I know. I figured. I just, you know, I couldn’t not try,” an embarrassed laugh slipped past your lips.
He chuckled, shaking his head at you, “I know,” he paused, the look on his face letting you know that he was weighing the pros and cons of what he was about to say to you, “Kozik almost broke and called you back.”
“Yea. Hap had to smack the phone out of his hands before he could.”
You couldn’t help but to laugh at the mental image of that, “You guys never let me have any fun.”
“If it makes you feel any better, we weren’t having any fun out there either.”
You nodded, “I know,” you pulled him into a hug, “I’m glad you made it back safe. Go get some rest.”
“You should too.”
“Probably,” you shrugged, “I’m gonna wait a little longer, see if they catch up to you guys soon.”
Juice gave you a small nod and that was the last exchange you had with him before he disappeared into the clubhouse as well. When the door shut behind him, you couldn’t stop the sigh that came out of you. Running your hands down your face, you forced yourself to walk over and sit at the picnic table to wait. You took your phone out of your pocket, scrolling through your contacts until you landed on Kozik’s name. You knew that they were all riding, that he wouldn’t pick up, but that didn’t stop the urge to call anyway. Shaking your head at yourself, you locked your phone and set it on the table, eyes flicking back to it every few seconds to see if someone was reaching out.
You didn’t know how long you’d been sitting at the table, but it was starting to get dark, and chilly. The smart thing to do would’ve been to go home, or at least go get some shuteye in one of the dorms, but you couldn’t force yourself to move. Despite being in California, Charming got pretty chilly at night. Goosebumps broke out over your skin as your body let out a shiver.
As if on cue, the clubhouse door opened, Chucky emerging. He had a blanket draped over his shoulder and a coffee mug in his hands. He offered a sweet, sympathetic smile as he handed the mug to you. As soon as the warmth seeped through the ceramic into your hands, you instantly felt better.
“Here,” he took the blanket from his shoulder and draped it around you like a cape, “Hopefully they’ll be home before you finish your coffee.”
You chuckled, nodding, “Hopefully. Thank you, Chucky.”
He nodded, “You’re welcome. Have a good night.”
You watched him as he scampered off to his moped. You shook your head at the sight of him happily cruising out of the compound. It took all kinds to keep SAMCRO going, you supposed. Lifting the mug to your lips, you let the warmth of it wash through you.
The coffee in your mug was just about gone, and you were just about to give up on waiting for the night when you thought you heard a distant rumble. Your grip involuntarily tightened on the cup in your hands as you strained your ears to listen. A few more seconds went by and it only bolstered the tiny bit of hope in your chest.
In no time at all, the remained of the pack were rolling onto the lot as well. You let out a sigh of relief, trying to quickly get up from your spot at the picnic table. You got tangled between the bench and the blanket from Chucky for a moment, but you managed to free yourself from both as the guys all cut the engines on their bikes, immediately pulling of their helmets.
They all looked a little worse for wear but everyone was in one piece, and that was all you could ask for. You greeted them all, but you couldn’t pretend that there was one man that you had been waiting for more than all the others.
Kozik was at the back of the pack. You saw the sag in his shoulders as he hung his helmet off his handlebars, one hand coming up and running through his hair. He lingered by his bike for a few extra moments before turning around to head towards the clubhouse. When he turned, he wasn’t expecting to see you there, nervously twisting your hands in front of you.
One end of his mouth tugged up into a bit of a smile. It was the best he could manage in light of the stress and tiredness of the last week. Stepping in a little closer, he finally spoke up, “Hey.”
“Hey,” you fought the urge to jump and throw your arms around him, “Glad you guys all made it back safe.”
He nodded, “Yea, was looking a little dicey for a while there.”
“So I heard,” you paused, letting slip a small smile, “Also heard that Happy almost had to trash your phone to keep you from blowing their cover.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he collapsed the distance between you, “What can I say? You’re a hard person to ignore.”
You smiled, “I work very hard to be that way. Glad to know it’s paying off.”
There were a few beats of silence before he said, “It’s late—what’re you still doing here?”
“Waiting for you,” your eyes widened at your honesty. You knew that you should’ve said something a little more general, that you were waiting for all of the guys. And that would’ve been true, but it wouldn’t have been the whole truth.
“Worried I wasn’t going to make it back in one piece?” he chuckled.
You nodded, glad he handled your bluntness with grace, “Yea, something like that.”
“I’m here,” he wrapped you in a hug, “and in one piece.”
You instantly melted into the embrace. Wrapping your arms around his middle, you pulled yourself tight against him as your cheek pressed against his chest. The steady thrum of his heartbeat sounded in your ear and you didn’t think that you’d ever heard a better sound. If the week of silence and worry had reaffirmed anything, it was that whatever tiny infatuation you’d thought you had for Kozik was definitely more than that. All the denial in the world wouldn’t be able to suffice now. And, judging by the way that he wasn’t trying to pry himself out of your arms, you had the tiniest suspicion that you weren’t he only one with feelings bubbling beneath the surface.
“It’s been a long week,” he tells you, finally pulling away from you, “You should go home, get some rest.”
You laughed, “I feel like I should be telling you that.”
He smiled, gesturing to the clubhouse, “That’s the plan.”
“Good. I’m…I’m glad you’re home, Koz.”
He let out a sigh, one that was mostly relief mixed with a bit of exhaustion, “Me too.”
“Okay,” you fidgeted with your hands, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, then?”
He nodded, “Yea, I’m not planning on going anywhere for a while after all of that,” a tired laugh slipped out of him.
You chuckled, “Good. Okay. Goodnight, then.”
You stepped in, throwing your arms around his neck in another hug. Your entire body felt warm as the two of you stood in the middle of the parking lot. Your hands were rested on the back of his neck, but your fingers somehow wound their way into his hair. Pulling back just slightly, you pressed your lips against his. It was a soft, fleeting gesture, one that was over as soon as it started. Judging by the surprised look on both of your faces, neither of you had been expecting you to do that.
“Did you just kiss me?” he asked after a few seconds of stunned silence.
Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as you nodded, letting your arms drop back to your sides as you took a small step back, “Yea. I…I did. I’m sor—” you shook your head, “I’m sorry. Just, this whole week I’ve been losing my mind, and if I didn’t do it now, when would I get another—”
“Could you do it again?” he cut you off, his voice soft.
He stepped in, erasing the distance you’d put between you, “Kiss me again?”
You let out a breathy laugh as you nodded, “Yea, I could do that.”
Unable to suppress the smile on your face, you leaned in and kissed him again, this time with a little more conviction. He leaned into it immediately, wrapping his arms around you and pulling your body flush against his. Your hands interlocked behind his neck as you accidentally broke your kiss when you could no longer keep the giggles that were building in your throat at bay. Pulling his lips off of yours, he let out a huff of a laugh as he tried to catch his breath.
“All it took to get you to kiss me was a little life and death situation, huh?” he asked, smile still on his face.
You laughed, shaking your head as you playfully tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let you, “Shut up. Would’ve done it sooner if you’d just asked.”
“Wish I’d known,” there was a playful smirk on his lips.
“Yea,” you rolled your eyes, unable to successfully hide your smile, “I bet you do.”
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
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Summary: yn finds out the truth between Derek and Jennifer
Note: Red is lyrics. italics are thoughts, blue italics is flashbacks.
Warning: angst
Listen, no, we don't need to be enemies
"Yn...please you don't have to do this..." Derek begged as he followed Yn around as she packed her stuff. "Think this through correctly, think of Scott... think of the pack" Derek grabbed her wrist softly.
Yn yanked her wrist away from his grasp. "I already thought of it... I made my decision Hale. Tell Scott I'm out of the pack... but that doesn't mean I won't help if needed" she sniffed as she zipped her suitcase.
The vision of us in the future with a white picket fence and eternal decisions
She wipes her nose as her heart aches to look at the metal on her hand. Yn shut her eyes as tightly she could, still not believing the betrayal Derek has done. She took off the engagement ring he had given her only a couple months ago.
She threw the ring to him "Give it to Jennifer" she spat out bitterly. "We almost had it all you know... it was in the palm of our hands and you had to go and fucking throw it away like you did with my heart" her voice rose shakily.
"What do I tell the pack..." Derek murmured softly "Are you fucking kidding me? What do I tell them? Oh I know, sorry Lydia, sorry Allison. The wedding's off. Sorry, Stiles, you can't Dj our wedding now because Derek doesn't know how to keep it in his damn pants!"
"We can work through this bab-" Derek was interrupted by her pointing finger "Don't you dare call me baby..." the two stared at each other in silence.
'Actually.. don't bother. Tell everyone the wedding is still happening. Expect I'm not the bride and Jennifer is" she huffed put as she pulled her suitcase out the door, leaving Derek alone.
All my friends fake 'cause they told me that shit wasn't real, it was all in my head, I imagined that
"Yn no, hear yourself... Derek would never cheat on you. Escapilly with Jennifer. He loves you so much. Whatever you saw between him and Blake wasn't real." Lydia rubs my back.
"You have said you haven't been sleeping much back then... maybe you were seeing things. If you went missing, Derek would literally tear the roads to find you" Allison chips in.
"If you walked into Scott fucking someone would you like it if I said those things? Or if Aiden was sending sexts to some random ass girl you only know by name?" Yn snapped as she stood up from Lydia's bed
"I know what I saw" she sneered as she walked out the door.
Now I'm sitting here wondering when did this all start?
Yn sat in Stilinski's guest room, she was close with Stiles since he always viewed her as his older sister. She stared at the mirror, showing her sad reflection.
Her thoughts filled the quiet room as she tried to retrace the steps of when Derek laid his eyes on Jennifer Blake. Yn realized it was when the birds flee in the classroom. That's what caught his attention on her.
She silently cursed the pack for telling Derek what happened that day but took it back knowing they had to.
More thoughts began to fill her head. What did he see in Jennifer, why did he do it if he was really in love, and did he even love her at all?
Fuck you and Jennifer, I know that you're out with her
"Hey Derek, where are you? I've been waiting at this restaurant for two hours" she huffed as she ignored the sad stares.
"Yn I'm so sorry but Scott needed-" Derek's lie was interrupted by a women's voice "Derek? Aren't you going to come back to the bedroom?"
Yn felt her heart drop "Who's that Derek?" she snapped. Derek huffed at the other end "If I wasn't interrupted you'd hear me say. Scott's mother needs help redecorating the bedroom. I took longer than my thirty-minute break" he lied.
"Oh.. Okay... so do I-" Yn was interrupted once more but Derek " I really have to go Yn bye"
Go pretend that you're just friends. I'll pretend that I'm not hurt
"YN, I swear nothing was going on with me and her...we are just friends!" he chases after her. Yn shakes her head as tears streamed down from her face. "YN please please. She means nothing to me.".
"You slept with her didn't you.." She asked in a hoarse voice. Derek looked at her then at the ground. "She means nothing to me" he repeats as he looks up at me.
"It's fine... I'm fine" she whispers in a shaky voice, lying. She knew she was lying, just like she knew Derek was lying
Don't need to spend all my time on you, not like I was in love
Days passed and after thousands of calls from the pack and Derek. Yn decided to call back.
"I'll come back under one condition and that condition is he doesn't try to contact me...I don't need to spend my time on someone who I never loved" She lied.
It was hard after a couple of days for Yn but she finally got up on her feet quickly. She refused to let out tears for a man who doesn't deserve them.
She began to work out more and focus on things that actually mattered. When she walked into Scott's house and all eyes were on her, surprised she actually showed up."YN!" the girls yelled as they hugged her.
"Hey..." she hugged back, half-heartedly. "Glad you're back" Derek nods towards me. Yn glared at Scott "I said I wasn't coming if he was here Mccall." The pack became quiet. Yn shook her head "You know what? Forget it, tell me what's going on"
Scott explains everything that has been going on and together they made plans on how to get the parents back. After a couple of passing hours, Yn got up to get her jacket.
"I'll walk you out.." Derek speaks up. Yn rolled her eyes and walked with him. "You look amazing YN" he speaks up as they left Scott's house.
"You walked me out...you can go back now...". Derek shakes his head "I'm sorry YN...it was a stupid mistake and I need you back. I need to hold you again and kiss you."
Yn, let a dry laugh "You know, these couple of days have been hell. Thinking I was to be blamed for this mess. No, it was you who couldn't keep it in your pants. I learned to better myself without someone to lean on, with you."
Derek looked at her with sad eyes but she could care less "So, I thank you for teaching me how I can live without you or a man in that matter. Goodbye Derek."
Yn smiled as she left him alone in Scott's driveway. "I hope you treat Jennifer better than you treated me," she told him one final time before getting into her car.
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moonylantsovs · 4 years
Habits [ I.L ]
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request: Hey! I love your writing! Could you do a enemies to lovers fic with Isaac, with a bit of mutual pining (you know I love my fluff ) thanks so much!! :)
summary: Isaac Lahey moving into your house and becoming a part of your pack has been everything but great. After months of arguing and pinning after each other, you finally find common ground.
pairings: Isaac Lahey x Hale!reader
warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
"God, you're such an asshole!"
"I'm an asshole?! Well then you're a selfish, egoistic bitch!" Isaac yelled back as you rushed down the stairs.
You turned back to glare at him "Wow, real mature Lahey."
This wasn't anything new. Whenever Derek walked out of the loft, you and Isaav would be up each other's throats. It's been like that ever since he turned and started living with you and your older brother.
You only saw him as a cocky little bastard who your older brother took pity on. That boy has been nothing but trouble for you since the second Derek turned him. You basically had to babysit him in school to make sure he doesn't fuck something up and guess what? He got arrested the first day so you had to get him out of jail too.
His attitude towards you wasn't making the situation any better. He couldn't care less that you were his Alpha's little sister. He just waited for an opportunity to get on your nerves. You seriously didn't know why, maybe it was because of his newfound confidence or just because he was bored.
But you couldn't stand it.
"I feel really sorry for Derek, you know." Isaac said after a few minutes of us yelling at each other "Out of everyone in your family that died in the fire, you're the only one that's left so he has to take care of you. I bet he can't wait for you to leave for college or something just so you can give him a break."
In a blink of an eye, you turned around an slapped him so hard there was a red print left that still hasn't healed. You glared at him "I hate you."
You quickly made your way out of the loft not allowing the tears to fall down until you were far enough to know Isaac couldn't hear you crying.
He knew he went too far, you always got sensitive whenever someone mentioned the fire and he understood that, but he couldn't bring himself to apologize because of his ego. He had a crush on you since you first came to school during sophmore year. You two were never really friends, mostly because you hung out with people like Lydia Martin and spent most of your time making sure Scott McCall and his sarcastic best friend stayed out of trouble.
Not that he would admit it to enyone but he still liked you. Well that is, when you weren’t yelling at him. But he did, He also very much knew why he acted the way he did. He thought that his feelings would go away and he wouldn’t have to hide the fact that he was in love with his alpha’s little sister. 
But no matter how much time they spent yelling at each other or throwing sarcastic comments to each other during pack meetings. He couldn’t shake those feeling away.
Becuase he was completely and uterly in love with (Y/N) Hale, and he knew it.
You shut your locker so hard the sound echoed the school halls, but you didn't care, you were pissed.
Lydia gave you a look "What's up with you?" she paused before smirking "Let me guess...Lahey?"
"Don't say his name." you trew her a glare making her raise her hands in mock surrender.
"I'm just saying, you should just get over it and hook up, I can't handle the sexual tension anymore and I'm sure the rest of the pack feels the same way." she shrugged making you grimace and murm 'ew'.
Your best friend scoffed "You don't have to pretend around me, it's kind of obvious."
"What is?" you asked, genuinely confused.
She twirled a peace of her strawberry-blonde hair around her fingers "That you're completely in love with each other?"
You gave her an innocent look "I thought that was you and Stiles."
Lydia opened and closed her mouth a couple of times before choking out "I don't know what you're talking about."
Her words made you snort "Whatever. I have to go, I don't wanna be late to detention. You know how big of a dick Harris is."
"You can't change the subject!"
You pouted "I'm not. I just really have to go."
Once you made into detention, you took your seat near the back, next to the windows. But what you didn't expect was for Isaac to come in a minute later and to sit in the seat behind you making you roll your eyes.
Mr. Harris started assigning stuff for everyone to do. When he came to your table, he looked between you and Isaac "You two are cleaning the janitor's closet."
You narrowed your eyes before getting up pointing at Isaac with your finger and whispering "Does it gave to be with him?"
Knowing fully well he could hear every word you said, you could basically hear him rolling his eyes.
Your teacher shook his head "Now that I know you prefer not to. Yes."
You glared after him as you watched him leave before you turned to the beta behind you "Let's just get this over with."
He rolled his eyes but still followed you to the janitor's closet. When you stepped inside you told him "You clean the left side, I'll clean the right one."
Isaac made a show of crossing his arms over his chest "What if I want to clean the right side?"
"Then you're gonna have to suck it up." you snapped making him shut up and turn to his side of the closet.
After a few minutes of silence, Isaac decided to speak up "So...why do you hate me so much?"
"Hate is a strong words, Lahey." you shrugged "I just strongly dislike you."
He furrowed his eyebrows "But why?"
"Because you're an asshole to me half the time. Not to mention you're cocky and too full of yourself." you said not looking up from the boxes you were going through.
He clenched his jaw. It was obvious he messed up any chance he had with you because of his huge ego and his lack of ability to talk to girls he actually liked. He didn't have any problems wihile flirting with random girls in school that he had no idea who they were. But you were different.
So he said the first thing that came to his mind "Well maybe I wouldn't be an asshole if you weren't always such a bitch."
Isaac heard you scoff under you breath and whisper a quiet 'of course' he was only able to pick up on because of his supernatural hearing.
Before they could start arguing again, the closet door slammed shut making Isaac stiffen while you let out an irritated sigh.
You went to open the door, but it didn't budge. It still didn't budge when you tried to break it open so you realized someone must have put something over it.
The Alpha twins.
You were so focused on the door you didn't even notice the drastic change in Isaac's behavior. So when you turned around, you didn't expect to find him scrunched in the closet corner repeating the word 'no' over an over again.
Your whole expression softened at the boy's panicked expression so you kneeled in front of him "Isaac, listen to me. You're gonna be fine."
When he kept shaking you cupped his cheeks "He's not here to hurt you anymore. He's gone. You're safe now. No one's gonna hurt you."
He seemed to calm down a bit because his claws were gone and his eyes stopped glowing but he was still shaking. You didn't know what you were doing, but without thinking, you pulled the boy to your chest and shushed him.
You felt him wrap his arms around your waist and quietly cry in the crook of your neck, while you cooed in his ear.
It took him a minute but he eventually calmed down. Even though he was calm, he still had his arms around your waist an whispered "I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize, we all have our moments."
He shook his head "I'm talking about being an asshole to you. I'm sorry."
"Yeah, well I'm sorry too. I was kind of a bitch." you admitted.
"Kind of." he teased making you snort as you both pulled away and leaned on your own sides of the closet wall.
"You know maybe you aren't that bad." you said after a while of silence.
Isaac turned to you with a small smirk "That's probably the nicest thing you ever said to me, Hale."
"Don't make me regret it."
A/N: I hope this turned out how you wanted. I'm thinking about writing a part two.
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chicgeekgirl89 · 3 years
Where Hope is Left So Incomplete
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Characters: Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Melissa McCall, Chris Argent, Noah Stilinski, McCall Pack
Rating: T
Summary: Derek has one hand on the wheel and with the other he’s calling the hospital, speaking fast, leaving out any details that might raise suspicion. A werewolf at the wheel is definitely faster than an ambulance, but it’s still taking far too long. Scott is literally holding his friend together, he can hear Stiles’ heartbeat growing weaker with every passing minute, and despite his best efforts there’s blood leaking everywhere. “Derek,” Scott says as they squeal around another curve, “Derek I think he’s dying.”
A/N: This fic takes place maybe a year or two after the events of "Wolves of War." It assumes Isaac returned at some point, Stiles never went back to the FBI, Derek stuck around, and the war against supernaturals continues. Title taken from "Running With the Wolves" by Aurora.
Read on AO3
It’s an ambush. Or an assassination, Scott’s not sure which. He lets out a roar, eyes blazing, fangs bared, as steel bites deeply into his flesh. Turning he catches a hunter directly in the chest with his claws and hurls him through the air. The gash stings, blood dripping down his arm, swirling through dirt and sweat and turning his skin into a macabre painting. At least the knife is free of wolfsbane, the familiar burn is missing from his wounds.
His head is throbbing, it feels like his brain is being squeezed by a vice and it’s messing with his ability to focus, to hear, to sense where everyone else is. They’ve got some kind of device, an upgrade of the ones the Argents used to use and damn is it working. 
He rips one of the devices from the ground and hurls it against a tree feeling some satisfaction when it smashes into a thousand pieces against the trunk. It gives him enough relief to take a beat and assess their situation; Derek is thrashing another guy nearby, and from the sound of things, he’s winning. What’s become suspiciously absent are Stiles’ yells. Scanning the woods he can’t make out his friend’s gangly form anywhere. Hopefully that means Stiles has done the smart thing and tucked himself away somewhere that the hunters can’t find him.
Monroe’s lackeys don’t care that Stiles is human, they’re just as happy to take him out as any of the rest of the McCall pack and they’ve made that perfectly clear on more than one occasion. Scott tries not to think about the fact that Chris needed surgery on his back last month for an injury he’d received at the hands of a hunter. Or that they tried to take Lydia six months ago and were only stopped by Derek’s quick thinking.
They’re not supposed to be here. The pack has a perimeter and they’ve been diligent about not letting anyone through. It’s been over a year since anyone tried to attack them on their own soil. This is their turf, they’ve staked their claim. It’s a safe space, a haven, a promise of home and family and respite. At least it was. Until tonight.
Scott tries not to think about what it means that this group has gotten bold enough to sneak into the preserve in the dead of night. Tries not to think what would have happened if it were some of his younger charges who’d been caught unaware on patrol. As it is he and Derek are having a hard time holding them off.
His moment to plan is over as he’s assaulted again by a rather beefy hunter, one who is holding a knife so large it may as well be a sword. Scott lets out another roar, claws slashing mercilessly.
It’s then he hears a familiar yell and realizes that Stiles has not gone into hiding as directed, but has instead attempted to get the drop on the hunters. And of course he is armed with absolutely nothing but his trusty baseball bat, although given that he has the element of surprise, it’s working surprisingly well.
He drops two hunters in one, fell swoop and then looks up at Scott with a triumphant grin. “I knew this would come in handy someday!” he yells, raising the bat high.
Scott sends him a grin back. It’s a mistake, a horribly foolish mistake he realizes later. If he hadn’t been so caught up in the moment, if he hadn’t been so damn cocky about their ability to hold the line, what happened next wouldn’t have come to pass.
There’s a terrible, high pitched whine that has him clapping his hands over his ears in pain, and then the world explodes. 
Scott feels his feet briefly leave the ground and then it comes rushing up to meet him again, knocking all the air from his lungs. He rolls onto his back, head spinning, as he tries to get a handle on himself. 
Air slowly leaks back into his chest and he heaves a breath, pushing himself up onto his elbow. He can see Derek doing the same, several feet from him, shaking his own head as if he can’t quite remember what’s going on.
“You okay?” Scott chokes out.
“Yeah,” Derek says, though his face is bloody and Scott can see some shrapnel has torn through his shirt. 
Scott is pretty sure he’s broken a few ribs himself, he can feel them grating in his chest as he continues to suck in air, but everything else seems to be intact. The hunters…not so much. There are several bodies parts lying around and considering his and Derek’s are still attached, it seems the hunters were felled by their own weapons. “What the hell was that?” he asks, attempting to get up.
“Some kind of bomb,” Derek says, getting to his own feet and scanning the area. “We need to get out of here.”
There’s a whimper, a pathetic, horrible, pained whimper and Scott comes fully back to himself because he knows, he knows without even looking who that agonized, awful sound is coming from. “Stiles!” he cries, spotting him sprawled and broken at the base of a large boulder.
He stumbles toward his friend, his own body perhaps more injured than he initially thought, and falls to his knees, eyes widening in shock and horror.
Stiles’ eyes are closed and his left leg lies at an awkward angle. Scott knows without even touching it that it’s broken, maybe in more than one place. But worse, so much worse, is the blood pouring out of Stiles’ abdomen. His shirt has gone dark with it and there’s already a puddle forming on the ground next to him. 
“Stiles,” Scott whispers placing his hands over the wound, pressing down, trying with all his might to keep Stiles’ life from flowing out of him. 
Stiles lets out a pained cry at the pressure and without even thinking Scott begins to pull, thick ropes of dark pain swirling under his skin.
“Scott,” Derek drops beside him, eyes still scanning the area for danger. “Scott we need to get him out of here.”
“We can’t move him,” Scott’s voice cracks in panic, but even in the midst of all this he still has a nurse for a mother and her words come tumbling out now. “He could have a spinal injury.”
“It’s not going to matter if he has a broken spine if we all die out here,” Derek says urgently.
He’s right, of course he’s right, but Scott is having a really hard time formulating any sort of plan right now. You think he’d be used to it, watching those he loves suffer for his choices, but he isn’t. It never gets any better, it just makes the hole inside his chest larger and larger until it feels like it will swallow him—
Derek’s sharp tone brings Scott back to himself and he takes a shaky breath, trying to formulate a plan. “Yeah,” he says. “You’re right. We have to get him out of here.”
His whole body is screaming at him in pain but he manages to get Stiles into his arms. “You want me to take him?” Derek asks. 
His own face is pale and he’s limping, clearly in no better shape than Scott. “I’ve got him,” Scott says firmly, even though his vision is swimming a little bit and his ribs are burning inside his chest.
Stiles lets out another whimper and Scott shifts him until his fingers find the bare flesh of Stiles’ arm and he resumes sucking pain from him as fast as he can.
It’s an endless trek to the car for all of them. Derek appears to be struggling, he’s clearly more hurt than he’s let on, they have all just been blown to bits after all. And Scott…Scott’s only focus is on Stiles and making sure that he gets jostled as little as possible as they stumble across the forest floor. 
He hasn’t woken up or said anything, just letting out an occasional moan or gasp of pain and it’s beyond unnerving that the usually chatty Stiles has gone silent. Only his noisy breaths confirm that he’s still alive as they stumble along over the uneven ground.
By the time they reach the car Derek looks a little better, but Stiles has gone so pale it’s taking Scott back to the nogitsune days and it terrifies him. “How’s he doing?” Derek asks as he hits the gas.
“Drive fast,” is all Scott can say as he uses one hand to keep pressure on the wound and the other to sap pain from Stiles as fast as he can manage. 
Derek has one hand on the wheel and with the other he’s calling the hospital, speaking fast, leaving out any details that might raise suspicion. A werewolf at the wheel is definitely faster than an ambulance, but it’s still taking far too long. Scott is literally holding his friend together, he can hear Stiles’ heartbeat growing weaker with every passing minute, and despite his best efforts there’s blood leaking everywhere. “Derek,” Scott says as they squeal around another curve, “Derek I think he’s dying.”
The wounds in Stiles’ abdomen are so eerily similar to Allison’s and Scott feels panic rise up in him again. He cannot lose someone again. He literally can’t survive it. Not this time. Not Stiles.
Derek spares a half second to glance back and then presses the pedal all the way to the floor. “Just hold on.”
“Derek, I think…I don’t know…should I—“ Scott trips over his own words, panic making them lie heavy in his throat. “Derek I can’t lose him.”
“I know,” Derek says. “I know, just hang on.”
“I think I…should I give him the bite?” 
Even through the tears in his eyes he sees Derek stiffen in his seat. “Scott…”
It’s not something Stiles has ever wanted, something he’s flat out turned it down on more than one occasion. Stiles is not a supernatural. He’s just Stiles. He doesn’t need claws or fangs and he doesn’t want them. But Scott…Scott doesn’t want a world without Stiles in it.
“Derek,” Scott says urgently. He needs some guidance here. He needs Derek to tell him what to do.
The weak, raspy response isn’t from Derek and Scott’s eyes drop downward to find Stiles staring up at him, eyes glazed with pain. “No I don’t—I don’t want it,” he rasps, sucking in a rattling breath.
“Stiles we may not have a choice,” Scott tells him, voice breaking.
“There’s alway….a choice.” Stiles’ eyes squeeze shut and he lets out a guttural moan. Blood bubbles from his lips.“Scott…Scott it hurts.”
“I know, I know it does,” Scott squeezes his arm more tightly and pulls harder, faster, drawing pain like a river through his own veins.
He can feel the wounds on his back and arms, the ones that had started to knit back together, begin to reopen, blood trickling across his skin, but he doesn’t stop, not even when he begins to gasp for air himself, breath coming in short pants as the pain goes all the way to his core. It’s like every nerve ending is on fire but he doesn’t stop, not for anything. Stiles doesn’t deserve to be in pain. 
His name is a terrified whimper and it brings tears to Scott’s eyes. “I’m right here Stiles. You’re going to be okay, I promise.”
Stiles’ eyes slide closed and his jaw goes slack. Scott hears his heartbeat stutter, then sluggishly let out another beat, as if it’s a candle trying to withstand a hurricane. “Derek!” Scott yells terror filling the car.
“We’re here!”
They screech into the parking lot and Derek is out of the car practically before he’s stopped it, ripping open the door so that it likely won’t ever close right again, and helping Scott pull Stiles from the car. If Scott had half a thought to spare he’d think about how many times they’ve lived through this exact moment, a mad dash to the hospital, an anxious wait for results, answers, hope.
But as it is he can hardly think anymore because all that matters is Stiles and drawing as much of his pain into himself as he possibly can.
“We need help!” Derek yells as they burst through the doors and within seconds Stiles is on a gurney and being pulled toward the ER. Scott runs alongside him, hand still glued to Stiles’ bloody, limp arm. 
“You need to stay here,” one of the nurses tells him. Her name’s Claire, Scott somehow remembers. She’s in his mom’s book club. “Let him go. We’ve got him Scott.”
But he can’t. He can’t let his best friend go through those doors. Because if he does…that might be the last time he ever sees him.
“Scott!” Derek is right in his face, grabbing onto his arm and wrenching it away from Stiles because apparently Derek has the presence of mind not to lose his shit right here in the hospital emergency room.
Scott pulls away from him and reels back a bit, leaning against the wall, panting, eyes glued to the doors they’ve just pushed Stiles through. “Scott?” Derek is back in his face, eyes worried. “Scott are you okay?”
Scott can’t answer, his body has gone oddly numb, his chest tight. Black spots dance in front of his eyes and he can’t move, can barely even breathe. “Scott how much of his pain did you take?” Dereks asks, worry increasing by the second.
Scott looks at him vacantly. “All of it.”
And then he’s falling, Derek’s arms catching him as he floats away into nothing.
When he wakes up he feels weak. He can’t even remember the last time he’s felt like this. It’s like every bit of strength has been sapped from his body. He can barely even lift his eyelids, let alone a limb. Everything aches and throbs as if he’s burning up with fever or been hit by a truck.
He lets out a half a grunt as he forces his eyes open. “Easy,” Derek says and after a moment Scott’s vision clears enough to make out the other wolf sitting in a chair at the foot of his bed. He’s in a hospital room hooked up to several monitors, the cheap sheets scratching against his skin.
“Stiles?” Scott asks, his voice a broken whisper.
Derek shakes his head and Scott’s heart does an unpleasant lurch. “He’s in surgery. It’s…they’re still working on him,” Derek says heavily.
Scott looks up at the ceiling and tries to breathe, tries to stop the horrible sense of dread bubbling in his stomach. “What happened?” he finally manages.
“You almost killed yourself,” Derek says it mildly, in that annoyingly superior way he does when he thinks you’ve done something really stupid that he would never, ever stoop to do. But Scott can sense his restless fear under the surface, masked by sarcasm and biting comments. “You’re lucky you’re an alpha and Stiles is just a human. You know better than to take that much pain. You drained yourself dry. They had to restart your heart and give you stitches. You literally had to be sewn back together Scott.”
“I didn’t want him to be in pain,” Scott says, wincing as he tries to get into a more upright position. It’s futile, his limbs refuse to cooperate.
“Right because two dead pack members is so much better than one.” Derek glares at him. “It’s going to take you a week to recover from this. You couldn’t wolf out right now even if it was a lunar eclipse on a full moon.”
Scott sighs. He knows Derek is right, but it doesn’t change anything. “He shouldn’t even be a part of all this.”
“Yeah well, he may not be anymore.” Scott looks up and finds a glimmer of darkness passing over Derek’s face. For all his bravado and stoicism, Derek has a soft spot for Stiles. They all do. And losing him…it would be like losing the sun.
There’s a buzzing next to him and he turns his head enough to see his phone light up. “Oh yeah, Lydia called. About forty-five times,” Derek says.
Scott bites back a groan and through sheer force of will pulls himself upward, reaching for the phone. Derek under-exaggerated. He has over a hundred text messages from Lydia, Malia, Chris, Isaac, Liam…pretty much every single member of the pack. Plus his voicemail is full and there’s a backlog of missed calls. Most of those are also from Lydia.
“She’s on her way,” Derek says, holding up his own phone. “She calls for updates every ten minutes.”
Lydia’s at school. Safe. Away from all this. Or at least she was. 
“That’s Lydia,” Scott says, stifling a groan as he reaches for his pants.
“Whoa, hey, what are you doing?” Derek gets out of his chair, hand outstretched to stop him.
“I need to check on Stiles,” Scott says.
“Um, hell no,” Derek says firmly, pushing him back against the pillows. “You basically died. Again. You need to stay right here.”
His mom chooses that moment to enter and Scott feels immediate worry. “Mom, Stiles, is he—“
“Still in surgery,” she says, her face tight and drawn. “How are you feeling? And don’t give me that ‘I’m fine’ crap. I swear if you were still a kid I would ground you forever for doing this to me again.”
But despite the sharpness of her words, her hands smooth his bedsheets, fussing with them and his IV line until she’s satisfied everything is in its place. “I’m sorry,” Scott says.
She sighs and squeezes his arm gently. “I know you are. I know you all are.”
Scott swings his eyes back to Derek. “The perimeter?”
“Isaac and Malia went to check it out. Chris is going to meet them,” Derek says. “He’ll make sure no one else gets hurt.”
For the first time all night Scott feels relief. If Chris is there, the rest of the pack is safe for now. He’ll prevent anyone else from from getting blown up or shot or stabbed. “I need to get back out there.”
“What you need,” Melissa corrects him, tucking the blankets a little tighter as if that will somehow keep him down, “is to rest. All of you,” she says, shooting a pointed look at Derek that says she is not, and has never been, fooled by his bravado. “Stiles is going to need you here when he wakes up.”
Scott does feel exhausted. It’s as if all the strength has disappeared and even his bones feel bruised.
“Where’s the Sheriff?” Scott asks, thinking guiltily of the continued agony they put that man through. 
“He’s in the waiting room,” Melissa says.
Derek stands immediately. “I’ll go sit with him.”
Scott nods his thanks. The sheriff is pack. You don’t let family sit alone through something like this. 
“I have to go,” Melissa tells him. “But you stay put all right? None of that disappearing from the hospital or anything. Let someone else handle it for a change.”
He equal parts wants to protest that he doesn’t do that…and do that very thing. But right now his body feels glued to the bed. “Mom, I’m sorry,” he says again, because he is. So sorry. For everything.
She runs a gentle hand through his hair. “It’s not your fault. Get some rest.”
He’s sure he won’t be able to sleep but it’s possible she’s slipped a sedative into his IV because when he opens his eyes again he can tell several hours have passed and now Liam is at the foot of his bed. “Hey man,” he says worriedly as Scott opens his eyes. “You okay?”
Better maybe, okay definitely not. His body feels less leaden and the itching in his wounds tells him they’re finally starting to knit back together. “I’m fine,” Scott says, this time managing to get himself into an upright position that somewhat resembles sitting, although it fucking hurts to do it. “Any word on Stiles?”
Liam shakes his head and Scott feels another spike of fear. It’s been too long, way too long. Scott grits his teeth and slides his legs over the side of the bed, ignoring his shaking limbs and throbbing head. “Oh, I—“ Liam blocks his path and looks at him sheepishly. “Derek says I’m not supposed to let you leave.”
“I’m your alpha,” Scott says, pulling a card he rarely does. He’s not here to order people around and make them do things they don’t want to. “You listen to me, not Derek.”
“Yeah, I know,” Liam says, not moving. “But uh, your mom also told me not to let you move and…” he leans close, his voice low, eyes darting to the door, “I’m way more scared of her than I am of you.”
He’s an alpha werewolf and a grown adult, but apparently his mother stills runs his life. Perfect. Normally he’d ignore Liam and leave anyway, but he’s pretty sure a stiff breeze could knock him over right now so if it comes to a fight, Liam is definitely going to win. 
The door to his room opens and Chris comes in looking battle weary. “Is everyone all right?” Scott asks immediately.
“Everyone’s fine. We’ve got guards all around the perimeter, human and supernatural. No one’s getting through the line again tonight,” Chris says. “We swept the whole area and didn’t find any more devices. I left Malia and Isaac out there. Theo was on his way too.”
Scott feels a modicum of relief. “Thank you,” he says, throat thick with grief and fear. 
Chris nods to Liam. “Give us a minute?”
Liam heads out the door looking relieved. It must not be super fun to be on babysitting duty. How are you?” Chris asks, stepping closer. “Heard you did a number on yourself.”
Scott finds he can’t speak, tears rising up to the surface. He’s tired. Tired of fighting. Tired of losing. Tired of always being one step behind Monroe and her minions. Tired of worrying day and night that if he makes one wrong move he’ll lose everyone he loves. Tired of being the one everyone turns to for answers, when he clearly doesn’t have any.
And now his best friend, a person who deserves more than anything to be safe and happy, is dying somewhere in this hospital and there’s nothing he can do about it. 
He folds, crumbling in on himself, hot tear stinging his eyes. Arms come around him, pulling him in for a tight hug, holding him like he’s a child again. “This is not your fault,” Chris says softly. “None of this is your fault.”
But it is. It all is. 
Scott finds himself clutching at Chris’ jacket, fingers clinging to the rough fabric, desperately needing something to hold onto. “I can’t lose him,” he manages to choke out.
Chris tightens his hold. “Stiles is a fighter. He may not be supernatural, but he’s overcome worse than this. You have to hold onto that.”
He wants to. God he wants to believe that everything is going to be all right. But things seem so bleak and hopeless. They’ve been fighting for so long and all they’ve got to show for it is battle weary fighters, some of them little more than kids, and a mountain of loss. 
Chris continues to speak, cutting through Scott’s strife and self pity. “You’re in the middle of a war. And I know how hopeless it seems. But you have right on your side. You have faith. You have love. All the other side has is fear. That’s a powerful motivator; but love, that’s a lot stronger. That’s an anchor. You know that. Allison knew that. Stiles knows that. So hold on. Hold on and rise up stronger to fight again.”
Scott takes a few shaky breaths and finally pulls away. Chris puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes gently. “You good?”
Scott nods and swipes at his face, wiping away the moisture there. The door opens and his mom walks in. “Oh, hey Chris,” she says in surprise. Her eyes find Scott. “Stiles is out of surgery.”
Scott sits up straighter. “Is he…?”
“Broken femur, three broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, internal organ damage, and a hell of a lot of blood loss,” she says frankly. “It would be easier to list things that weren’t damaged.”
“Is he…” Scott swallows, afraid of the answer, “Is he going to be all right?”
“They’ve got him in ICU. It’s touch and go right now.”
“Can I see him?”
Melissa’s eyes shift briefly to Chris and then back to Scott. “Honey they haven’t even let his dad go up yet. And you aren’t back to one hundred percent yet either.”
Waiting is agony. Scott’s only comfort over the next few days is that Derek frequently sneaks up to ICU and back out again giving them essentially the same report every time; “He looks like a ghost. He’s still breathing. His heart is still beating.”
People drift in and out of his hospital room, Lydia, Theo, Liam, Malia, Isaac, Corey, Mason, all of them stuck in some sort of zombie limbo, unable to find any light or joy in the situation.
Scott still hasn’t seen Noah. According to Derek he hasn’t left Stiles’ side, not a surprise to any of them. 
Scott feels himself improve physically day by day, but emotionally he’s a wreck. With every passing hour he feels the noose of guilt pull tighter around his neck. Even after his mom finally relents and gets him discharged, (at least this time they don’t have to explain his miraculous healing, there hasn’t been any) he stays at the hospital, wearing holes in the waiting room floor along with the rest of the pack. 
He’s beyond grateful to Chris who has completely taken charge of their refugees, controlling the border, checking in with other packs out of town, even calling the London pack and advising them that they might need backup. 
It’s three days later when Melissa comes briskly into the waiting room, a tentative smile on her face. “He’s awake,” she says and the room lets out a collective sigh. “He talked to Noah for a few minutes. They’re running some more tests now but things look good.” She takes in the bedraggled and traumatized group. “You all should go home.”
A few of them do, reluctantly and only at Scott’s insistence. Malia and Isaac have been splitting time between the hospital and patrolling and neither of them look like they’ve slept or had real food in days. But Derek still doesn’t go anywhere and Lydia is glued to the hospital as well. 
It’s another day before Stiles is finally moved out of ICU and they’re allowed to see him one at a time. Scott lets Lydia go first and she returns, eyes even redder than before. “You okay?” Scott asks.
She nods but he can tell she’s struggling. “He just looks so…” she can’t finish and it lodges a lump in his throat as he walks down the hall to his best friend’s room.
He knows what Lydia means immediately. Just looking at Stiles is painful. He leg is elevated and he’s so pale he practically blends into the sheets and pillows. 
Noah is sitting by his bedside looking completely exhausted and Scott feels a familiar jolt of guilt in his gut. “Sheriff,” he says softly by way of greeting.
“Hey Scott.” The sheriff’s voice is rough. “He just went back to sleep.”
“That’s okay,” Scott says, eyes trained on Stiles’ face. It’s enough to see him, to hear his heartbeat, slow but steady. 
“How are you?” Noah asks. “I heard you got pretty beat up too.”
“I’m fine,” Scott says. He’s definitely not telling the sheriff that the most he’s managed to do in the last couple days is pop his claws and even that was a huge effort that had him doubled over and panting afterward. “Sheriff Stilinski I—“
Noah shakes his head. “Don’t even go there,” he says. “We all know who’s to blame for this and it sure as hell isn’t you.”
Then why does it feel like his fault? “He should have gone back to D.C.,” Scott says softly. “He would have been safe.”
“He was going to work for the FBI Scott,” Noah says. “That’s not exactly a guarantee either. And he’s only ever wanted to be here with you.”
The words do little to soothe Scott’s anguished spirit, but his time is running out, other people want to come and visit. He reaches out a hand to touch Stiles’ arm, a single spot that isn’t covered in tubes or bandages. He pulls, gently. There’s not much pain, the morphine and other drugs are working, but he takes what little there is.
He immediately feels light headed and breathless, like someone punched him right in the gut. His knees go weak, but he locks them into place and doesn’t stop until Stiles’ face smoothes out completely and he relaxes into the pillows.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers out, voice choking on tears that are once again threatening to fall.
He turns to go but spots dance before his eyes and he reaches out, grabbing onto the IV pole for support. 
“Scott,” the sheriff is on his feet, hands reaching for him, his haggard face full of new concern.
“I’m okay,” Scott gasps, letting the IV pole go, trying to steady himself on his feet. “It’s fine.”
And then Derek is there, shoving an arm under his shoulder. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” he asks in exasperation.
“How did you—“
“I heard your heartbeat,” Derek says. “I had a feeling you would do something like this. Come on, you need to sit down.”
“What happened?” Lydia asks as Derek dumps a practically boneless Scott in a waiting room chair.
“Someone decided to take Stiles’ pain. Again,” Derek says. It comes out as a growl. Derek is furious.
Scott’s head is spinning and his chest has gone tight again. “Scott what the hell is wrong with you?” Malia asks. 
“He doesn’t deserve to be in pain,” Scott groans.
“Well neither do you!” Liam says. “Scott if you can’t help protect the pack, that’s really bad!”
“Yeah, not to put any pressure on you, but Liam is kind of a crappy alpha,” Malia says, not nearly as quietly as she thinks.
“I’m right here!” Liam fires back indignantly.
“He’s moody,” Malia mouths, eyes wide as she points at him to convey her point.
“Scott you need to go home,” Derek cuts in. 
“I can’t leave,” Scott manages. “He needs me.”
“He has literally the entire rest of the pack here,” Malia says.
“Scott,” Lydia’s voice is soft and she puts a hand on his arm, large eyes worried. They seem to be in that state constantly lately. Just another thing to add to his list. “You can go. We’ve got this. We won’t let anything happen to him.”
They don’t leave him much choice, especially not when Derek and Liam haul him up and out to the car. He’s really going to have to work on instilling more loyalty in Liam, because one menacing glare from Derek and he’s following the former alpha’s bidding like a lapdog.
Scott’s asleep before they even leave the hospital and he doesn’t wake up until morning, still fully clothed in his bed, minus his sneakers. There’s a note from Derek threatening him with further bodily harm if he shows up at the hospital before noon and a sheepish text from Liam apologizing for his part in last night’s debacle. And for accidentally bashing Scott’s head into a doorframe as he carried him upstairs.
It’s actually a few days before he gets back to the hospital. He wants to check the borders himself, make sure they are well and truly safe for now. And that steamrolls into him checking in with the new pack members, the other refugees and scraps of packs that have made their way to the safe haven Beacon Hills has become. 
Lydia updates him practically hourly and he knows that Stiles is staying awake for longer periods, has managed to keep down solid food, is now able to feed himself, and hold a conversation. 
And still Scott doesn’t return. Somehow it was easier when Stiles was still unconscious. He didn’t have to look at his friend’s eyes, to see the pain and what was likely anger there. Because how could Stiles not secretly hate him? If it wasn’t for him, for the bite, they would have gone on living their lives none the wiser. Stiles would be an FBI Agent, he would be a vet, and they would have just…lived.
Now it feels like they’re cursed.
The reasons that kept him at the hospital are the same ones that now keep him away. It’s weird. Any one of their misguided guidance counselors would probably tell him he needs to talk about that and examine it, but there’s no time. There isn’t time for anything but making sure everyone is safe.
Until his phone buzzes with a message from Derek. He’s asking for you.
And he knows, he can’t put it off any longer.
He waits until night, until he gets confirmation that everyone has gone home. Everyone except Derek. Derek won’t leave Stiles unprotected.
Scott pauses outside the door, a pit in his stomach that feels like a rock. He takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. “Scottttiiiieeee.” Stiles is all smiles and Scott can smell the drugs in his blood that are keeping him like that.
“Hey buddy,” Scott says, trying to force a smile onto his own face. Maybe in his drugged up state Stiles won’t notice that it’s fake as hell.
Derek is standing broodily in the corner and Scott flashes him a grateful look. If he can’t be with Stiles, he’s glad someone is.
Stiles is apparently still with it enough to sense a conversation going on without him and he frowns. “Are you the reason I have a personal bodyguard?” he asks.
“Someone tried to blow you up Stiles,” Scott says.
“Us,” Stiles says, holding up a wobbly finger of correction. “They tried to blow us up. I was just the only one who didn’t magically heal.”
“Yeah, I know,” Scott says, the weariness in his soul pulling him further downward at this reminder of Stiles’ human fragility. 
Derek chooses that moment to slip out the door. 
Scott rubs his hands on his jeans, uncertainty running through him like a river. Stiles may be drugged, but he’s still Stiles. “You want to talk about it?” he asks.
Scott’s head snaps up and he meets his friend’s gaze, eyes sharp and knowing. “About what?” Scott asks, still trying to come off as fine.
“About why you haven’t come by in days so that I had to deal with Grumpy Cat’s rather intense presence at my bedside vigil. About why you’re standing there castigating yourself over something that isn’t your fault.”
“I’m not—“
“Scott.” Stiles gives him a look. 
He knows. Of course he knows.They’ve been best friends their whole lives, he knows Scott better than Scott knows himself. 
“This was…it was way too close this time Stiles,” Scott says on a rush of air. “I was holding you, feeling you die and there was nothing I could do. And all I could think about—“
He chokes on his own words, but fortunately Stiles never runs out of them. “You thought about Allison,” he says seriously.
“And Aidan, and Boyd, and Erica,” Scott continues. “Deucalion. Brett. Lori. Stiles…the list…it’s too long. And if you get added to it…”
“Then it will have been my choice,” Stiles says and it stops Scott cold. “Because I chose to stay and defend my friends and family. My choice Scott. Not yours.”
Oh. Oh. 
Stiles is still going. “You didn’t choose to get the bite. But you chose everything that came after. You chose to fight for the right things Scott. You chose not to be a monster. Not all monsters do monstrous things, right? Well I chose this. I chose Beacon Hills. I choose this pack. I choose you. I choose Lydia. I…” he pulls a face, “begrudgingly choose Derek. Because he’s big and menacing and good at keeping bad guys away.”
Scott cracks a real smile, a sliver of light stealing its way back into his soul. “He is good at that.”
“I do not choose Theo,” Stiles continues, on a roll now. “Ever. For any reason. I choose Jackson if and only if he stops being an asshole.”
“I got it Stiles,” Scott says, face begrudgingly pulling into a full on grin.
“You sure? Because I can keep going. Liam I can take or leave depending on the day and how annoying he’s being.”
“Stiles, I got it!” Scott says, a genuine chuckle sneaking out. 
“There he is,” Stiles says, a smile on his own face. “That’s the Scott McCall I know. No more Gloomy Gus around here all right?”
“Stiles you’re in a hospital bed. You broke practically every bone in your body and almost bled out. I have a reason to be a little upset.”
“But I’m fine.” He looks down at his bandage covered body and reconsiders. “Well I will be. And so will you. Not that you didn’t also try to kill yourself on my behalf.” Stiles raises his eyebrows and Scott winces. “Oh yeah. Derek filled me in. On everything.”
“I just…didn’t want you to be in pain.”
“Yeah, well, while I appreciate the ever present existence of pain drain, you really don’t need to sacrifice yourself on my behalf. Again.” Stiles looks down as his hands. “But thanks. If you guys hadn’t gotten me here so fast…”
“Yeah,” Scott says, his eyes burning again. He’s cried more in the last week than he has since Peter bit him.
“You don’t need to take all this on by yourself Scott,” Stiles says quietly. “And you can’t protect everyone from everything.”
It’s a bitter thing to hear and he swallows it down painfully. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s been reminded of this, but he so badly wants to keep them all safe, to take them all back to a time before fangs and claws and glowing eyes ruled their lives. 
“Scott?” Stiles says, eyes searching him for a response.
“I just want you to be okay,” Scott says heavily. 
“I know,” Stiles says.
The two of them sit in the silence a moment, all the unsaid things, the weight of fighting a war they didn’t start hanging in the space between them. “I did take down two guys though,” Stiles finally says, breaking the tension.
“Yeah with your stupid bat,” Scott says, rolling his eyes. 
"Oh it’s definitely time for me to learn how to use a gun,” Stiles says. “A big one. Possibly also a flame thrower. Or a tank. Scott, I think we should get a tank.”
“I’m not letting you out again in anything less than full body armor,” Scott says, sinking down into a chair by his bed. 
“Oh! Yes. Body armor. We’ve got to have the budget for that somewhere right? Who knows that? Argent. He has to have some connections on that right? Legal ones?”
Scott sinks down into a chair beside Stiles’ bed and listens to him chatter on, feeling his own eyelids grow heavy. 
“Scott? Scottie?”
“Mhhmmm,” Scott murmurs, body relaxing as sleep pulls him downward. 
His best friend is alive. For now the border is safe. The pack is strong. And for the first time in a long time, soothed by the sound of Stiles’ voice, he falls into peaceful sleep.
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fuckthesworld · 4 years
Tumblr media
Warning: Jealousy, angst and fluff.
Summary: She goes on a ride with Dean. Stiles keeps a distance from her but his eyes were burning with fire. Jealousy takes over him leading to a fight between them.
It would be a lie to say that Y/n didn’t enjoy the ride. It was peaceful and Dean didn’t miss a chance to make her laugh. Well ofcourse she almost fell two darn times for speeding up her cycle, trying to beat Dean. But, overall she seemed happy and the nature did keep her happy.
It reminded her of the Woods…all the animals and the breeze and..Stiles. Well.um..she didn’t quite forget about him. At the back of her mind, it continued to pinch her. But she decided to concentrate on her surroundings rather than someone who didn’t appreciate her company. There were trees around, breeze making her hair flow back, the birds chirping around, a shiny golden quiet afternoon and a laughing crazy Dean. 
Things were going nice. She felt happy.
“Woooohoooooooo!!” She yelled.
Try and beat me Y/n!!!“ Dean shouted.
“IS that a challenge?!!” She shouted from the back.
“YES!!!” He said speeding up his cycle.
Dean sped up and was before her, and they heard a honk from the behind. She looked behind and saw a car..Roscoe. She moved aside as her thoughts began to move all over the place, and that’s when she realized. Dean decided to come cycling this way and this is where the Pack are gonna have their picnic. She quickly tried to hide her face when she heard a yell.
Ofcourse. I AM LATE AS ALWAYS GODDAMMIT. She looked beside her, trying hard to smile but ending up with a weird face.
“H-Hey Lydia!” She said.
“Are you going this way?!” Lydia yelled.
Y/n stuttered but was interrupted when Dean yelled, “You are losing Y/n! If I win I want a kiss!!!”
She felt the color of her cheeks rising when she realized that not only the Pack heard that BUT Mr Stilinski and Mrs McCall HEARD IT TOO. Ugh Dean can be reaallly annoying at times.
“Oh.” Allison giggled “It will be nice if you lose this race.”
Y/n smiled and took a peek inside, hoping to see Stiles, but he was turned around towards the right side of the window.
Wow, he didn’t even look at me. I mean atleast a hi would have been nice after his conversation with them. Sigh, looks like he is right. I am the one who is missing him. “Well um, you guys need to speed up. Hey Dean!! Move aside!!”
“Enjoy Y/n!” Scott shouted before they sped their car and were almost out of sight.
She stopped when Dean smirked and came beside her.
“Tell me this wasn’t the reason you planned the cycling for.”
“Not at all. If you remember then I asked you about the cycling before all those things happened.” He laughed when you glared at him “Okay, maybe the destination changed.”
“And the competition…so that we can reach there faster.” Y/n gave him the cold look.
“Ugh, I am not going there.” Y/n said turning her bicycle around. Dean held her hand and said, “YOU said you are up for a challenge, so I just leveled it up darling.”
“Leveled it up?! I didn’t even pass the beginner’s level and you decided to surprise me with the EXPERT LEVEL!! Dean what is wrong with you?! You are supposed to help me!”
“Oh I freaking am. See, the more you are around him, the more you will get used to him and then eventually all the hard feelings will be vanished just like ‘poof!’” He said.
She sighed, “It’s too much for the first day. You don’t understand how I feel.”
“I do. You…you are the one who supported me when she left me. Turned me into a fuckboy .”
Y/n smiled and said, “Yeah, I suppose. But wait, are you trying to turn me like a slut?”
“You? A slut? Oh trust me, you can’t do that even if I tried.” He laughed.
There was a moment of silence. “So..you feel good enough to turn around and continue cycling?” She just nodded her head.
“But please tell me we will be out of their sight.” Y/n said starting to cycle back to the park.
“Whatever is comfortable for you darling.” Dean said.
*Time Skip*
The Pack were all a giggling mess. They were whispering and occasionally looking at Stiles
“Will you guys stop that?” Stiles snapped, irritated of everything.
“Will YOU stop that? What is that behavior? We are going for a picnic STILES, we are supposed to be like this. Laughing and happy and not grumpy like you.” Issac said.
“Enough kids. No fighting. We are here.” Noah parked the car nearby while the others took out the food and mats.
Stiles wasn’t sure why was he upset. He was confused. Yes, he kind of expected Y/n to arrive and be with them in this picnic. Maybe he is upset because of this. She could be arriving here in this spot with that nosy Dean, then that would mean they will be together in the picnic right? Then why wasn’t he okay by now? I mean everyone will be there along with Y/n…and why was he upset with all the giggling and how Dean shouted about the kiss?
“Hey.” Scott nudged him.
“Oh. What were you saying?”
He laughed and said, “I didn’t say anything!”
“Oh..I was just..”
“Thinking about Y/n?”
“Ye–uh no no.”
“Come on bro you know you can tell me.”
“I don’t know..It’s just that..I don’t know why I am feeling angry. I mean, Y/n is gonna be here I guess and then I can apologise for everything but still something feels wrong.”
“Oh..don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. But if you ask me, then I will say you are just jealous to see them together.”He mischievously smiled and said.
“What?”Stiles looked at him.
“Coming!!!” And ran away to Allison who was standing with a volleyball, preparing herself to play.
Stiles sighed and ran towards them, hoping his mood will be fine at the end of the day.
*Time Skip*
*Tring Tring*
Stiles looked back. And there she was. Smiling and laughing. And her hair perfectly flo– His thoughts got interrupted.
“HEY LOOK OUT!! There’s a bird pooping above you!” Y/n looked up and Dean took the opportunity to overtake her and he turned back. “I win.”
“HEY! That’s cheating!” She laughed.
Oh she definitely wanted this. Ofcourse she wants to kiss him. She is not even looking at me! We are clearly loud enough for her to hear! Stiles looked at how they both perfectly parked their bicycles next to each other like..like darn couples.
And he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. “Ow!!” He yelled.
“You need to be present in the game physically AND mentally Stiles!” Issac smirked.
“I-I am!!” He blushed. Y/n now looked at him. His face was red.
She walked over the green soft grass and finally settled down under a tree, a little away from them. She looked at Mr Stilinski , who was present there and  pouring some tea and drinking it.
“Watching your father-in-law?” Dean laughed sitting beside her, their shoulders touching.
She kicked his legs lightly and smiled “It’s not funny.”
“It made you laugh. Kinda is then.”
“Make Stiles laugh and I’ll agree with you.”
“Naaaah. Atleast I can peacefully flirt with you now. Although he is literally trying to burn me to ashes right now.” He chuckled.
Yes, Stiles was playing, but his complete attention was towards Y/n. His jaw locked, eyes frequently moving back and forth from her to Dean, how dangerously close those two were sitting.
“What? Really?” She said turning her head to look at him but then Dean cupped his hands on her face trying to block her view. “Wha–”
“Don’t look. The method is working.”
“WHy can’t you just shut up for a second?”
“WHy can’t you just answer my questions?”
“This is the time. Kiss me.”
“Wait what? Woah Dea–” As she went on to remove his hands, the ball came rolling near Dean’s feet.
“Don’t wanna interrupt you two but can you pass the ball?” Allison giggled.
“Hey Y/n!! Join us!” Lydia yelled.
“Uh..s-sure! Sometime later! I promise! I have a company you see!” She said pointing at Dean.
Stiles chest tightened and he huffed, “Yeah!! You can enjoy with him!” He furiously walked to them, picked up the ball and said, “We are absolutely happy over here! Please don’t ruin our mood!”
Y/n now snapped. Enough is enough. She stood up while Dean quietly sat and watched the drama, a grin on his lips. “What is wrong with you! Why are you acting like this?! Have I done something now to irritate you? No right? Then why don’t you go back to your business!”
The Pack went to sit with the elders giving a little privacy to the both.
“What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you! All these days you are with me and-and spend your time with me and suddenly today you show up with some damn neighbour!”
“Well Miecyzslaw the world doesn’t revolve around you! I prefer spending my time with people who actually loves my clinginess and not lie about how they are enjoying with me, when they are actually not!”
Stiles went quiet for a while. “But I thought you only did this with me.”
“I am really sorry. I didn’t mean those at all. I said those to make Scott and Allison shut up. Those just came out of anger. I missed you. I thought you sat like that only with me. I thought you laughed like that only with me. I thought you hugged like that…only with me. I never thought that..that you will…I always thought those moments belonged to me.” He said eyes locked with hers.
“But Sti you said you didn’t like that.” Her voice softened.
“I do, your every little gesture makes me happy. I love spending time with you. You are the only one who can make me smile and who truly understand me when.the Pack fails to do that.”
Y/n smiled and blushed. “I love you Sti. I did for a long time. You never..never really made any move to make me understand anything. I know that you may not love me like the way I do but…I need to let these out. I can still be your friend but, there will be changes in our friendship then.”
Stiles was quiet for her sudden confession. “I understand.” She smiled. Fighting back the tears, she turned around. Why did I do that?!
She suddenly felt a strong pull and they were kissing. It took a moment for her to realize what just happened. She smiled and kissed him back immediately, her hands going on the back of his neck, tugging his brown hair lightly, finally letting out the tears forming on her eyes. His hands went down to her waist pulling her closer to him. The kiss was full of love and force–needy, strong and passionate. All the emotions suppressed between them starting pouring out.
“Uhh…I appreciate your lovely moment of sucking each others faces but being her best friend, it really looks gross.” Dean interrupted.
They pulled from each other with a red face and smile on their lips. They looked back and saw the Pack smiling and giving him a thumbs up . 
“Oh no.” She blushed and hid her face on his chest, while he hugged her, “I really am clingy.”
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vrednic · 4 years
Teen Wolf x Vampire Diaries AU
Prompt: Teen Wolf, but with a twist. Scott McCall has a twin sister… and she falls in love with Derek Hale.
Summary: Peter Hale, the big bad alpha, wants Scott to join his pack. What happens when he refuses? His sister becomes collateral damage.
Word Count: 1,150
Author’s Note: In this universe, Scott and his sister are both 18, just to make her involvement with Derek significantly less weird. I hope you all enjoy part 1! Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks for reading :)
My entire body felt like it was on fire. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest. My vision blurred, and I felt my body sway to the side, imbalanced. The trees around me morphed into an array of dark shadows, pulling me closer, enveloping me in darkness. I didn’t realize I was falling until my body hit the ground. For a moment I thought I heard rustling in the distance— the sound of leaves crunching underneath someone’s feet. I held my breath in anticipation, waiting for someone — anyone — to break through the bushes and thicket of trees to rescue me. But to my dismay, no one came. It was moments later that I realized that the sound of the leaves was  coming from nearby. The sound echoed all around me. Behind me. In front of me. Underneath me. I finally registered that the source of the sound was my own movement— the motion of my body writhing in pain. The burning sensation was focused on my right shoulder, the heat spreading, sending furious spasms down my arm. I opened my mouth to scream, but my breath caught in my throat, and I choked on the miserable sound. I tried to push myself up to a sitting position, but every ounce of energy in my body had been stripped. All I could do was lay on the cold, hard dirt as I slipped in and out of consciousness. I fought to keep my eyes open, but the effort was futile. I knew the only way I would feel relief was if I let go, and that’s exactly what I did. I let out a final breath, shut my eyes, and let the darkness consume me.
I felt myself creep back into consciousness. I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids felt heavy. I heard a voice calling out to me, calling my name. The sound seemed to be sucked into a vortex; there one minute, gone the next. The familiarity of it startled me. I knew that voice, and I knew I had to find its source.
“Serena, can you hear me?”
I jolted awake, gasping for air. Scott jumped back, momentarily startled, but then returned to my side. He stroked my hair, his eyes searching my face with worry. Once I came to my senses, my left hand flew to my right shoulder on impulse. I patted the skin over my shirt, feeling for a wound, but to my surprise nothing was there. I was no longer in pain, either,, but something about me felt… off. It was at that moment that I took into account my surroundings. I lay on the floor of an old, scorched wooden building. The staircase to my left was falling apart. Most of the windows were broken, letting in the bright rays of sunlight, which illuminated the room around me. The few pieces of furniture that remained were tattered and covered in plastic. The air reeked of smoke and ash. How had I gotten here? And how had my brother found me?
“Scott,” I said, letting out a shaky sigh of relief. “How.... How are you here right now? How did you find me?”
I saw him pause, contemplating his response, making sure he delivered it delicately.
“You didn’t come home last night. We were ready to go out to look for you when I got a call from a… friend. He had found you lying unconscious in the middle of the woods, and he brought you here. I came as soon as I hung up the phone and have been waiting for you to wake up ever since.”
I felt the gears in my head turn, trying to make sense of Scott’s explanation. I was relieved to know that I had been found, and that I was safe, but one question still remained unanswered: what had happened to me?
The events of the previous night were hazy, and everything seemed to blur together. I had been walking back home from a friend’s house, the same as I did every Tuesday night. I took the same shortcut through the woods as I always did, except that yesterday I hadn’t made it home. I remembered very few details, but what I did know was that I saw something… or someone. There had been a burst of motion, and then I collapsed.
I looked up at Scott, my throat suddenly feeling very dry as I opened my mouth to speak. “What happened to me? Your friend, the one who found me… did he see anything?”
He seemed to hesitate once more. He looked at me in such a way that I knew he was withholding information. His silence was deafening, and it only added to my anxiety-driven frustration.
“You don’t think I can handle it, can you?” I accused. “Is that it? Is that why you’re holding out on me? I’m not stupid, so I know you’re not telling me something. Whatever it is, I deserve to know.”
“Serena--” he began. “Maybe now isn’t the best time--”
“Not the best time?” I scoffed. “Why, because you still have yet to come up with a plausible lie? I was attacked, Scott! Someone attacked me and left me for dead in those woods! You have no idea what that was like for me. I was left completely defenseless, contorting in pain. It felt as if my body was on… on--”
“Fire,” he finished for me, knowingly. “Like it was on fire.”
I stopped dead in my tracks. The way he spoke made it sound as though he knew exactly what I was talking about.
“How did you know that?” I asked.
He sighed a defeated sigh. “Because it happened to me too.” He kneeled down on the floor next to me. “You’re right, I do know something that you don’t. I thought that not telling you would keep you safe, but I’m starting to think that maybe I was wrong. You’re in this mess because of me, and I’m going to fix it.”
My heart thumped violently in my chest. I tried to decipher the meaning behind his words, but all I could do was flail in a sea of oblivion. I was in this mess because of him? What could my brother possibly be involved in?
“What does that mean?” I whispered, more to myself than him.
Scott took my hand, stroking my knuckles with his thumb. There was a storm brewing in his eyes. He no longer looked like the innocent 18 year-old boy whose only worry was practicing to try out for team captain of the lacrosse team, or even the guy working up the courage to ask out the pretty girl in his chemistry class. This person looked like he had the weight of the entire world -- my world --  on his shoulders.
“I think we need to talk.”
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chibsytelford · 4 years
I've Got You
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Warnings - mention of being kicked / beat up, mention of bruises and injuries, swearing(some)
@multiyfandomgirl40 requested // Hi love! Do you by any chance have a masterlist 🥺your work is sooo good! I was hoping If I could request a juice x reader where maybe the reader gets home bruised/ beaten(not so much but kind of) and she starts packing her things and Juice walks in on her and instantly think she’s leaving him and starts to panic; but then he realizes what happened. You can end it with pure fluff and soft Juice🥺💕 thank you! 🖤 lmk if you have any questions! :)
@everyhowlmarksthedead @rebel-without-cause-x @starrynite7114 @jadesamhart @ottosuricato @fangirlingaesthetics @xx--day-dreamer--xx @thewarriorprincessxo @sadeyesgf @destynelseclipsa @minnicelli @thisishowdynastiesareborn @peaches007 @gemini0410 @aquamento @blessedboo @angelreyesgirl @scuzmunkie @sheeshgivemeabreak @deeandbobbymcgee @i-love-scott-mccall @lady-pswrld @angelxshiba @trulysuccubus @talicat713
The only thought running through your head right now was getting as far away as possible from Charming. You winced as you bent down to open the bottom drawer of your dresser. The bruises on your back and hips were a vivid blue and you felt sick at the sight of them.
The bruises were all over your lower body. They were scattered around your arms and your legs and your back and hips, which were the worst. You could still feel the pain as you were thrown on the ground with force and your back hit off the concrete.
Juice had made you carry some knuckle dusters just incase anyone tried to mess with you, but of course in the sheer panic you completely forgot about them sitting in your handbag.
The masked men who assaulted you were lethal. They knew what they were doing. As you walked to the supermarket they pulled you into the alley and that's when they started their attack. Instantly you were thrown on the ground and punched and kicked repeatedly. You kept your hands against your face to shield it. They wanted the Sons attention, that much you knew. And they knew that attacking you would indeed get the attention from Juice especially, but also Jax, Chibs and everyone else.
The ordeal lasted a few minutes but it felt like an eternity. All you could do was lie there and take it. You felt pathetic for not trying to fight back, but you knew it would be no use. There was 3 of them, all twice your size so it would have been impossible to even get one hit against them.
After they had finished with you they left you bloody and bruised lying in the alley. You managed to muster up enough strength to walk back to the car and you drove straight home. Once you got home you made sure to check Juice wasn't there, you didn't want him seeing you in the state you were in.
You looked in the mirror and luckily there were no marks on your face due to you covering it. You wore a baggy jumper to cover up the bruises on your arms, hips and back and you were already wearing trousers so they covered up your legs.
You had now packed the clothes you needed and your other prized possessions like your phone, charger, laptop and some money. Just as you zipped your backpack up you heard the front door slam.
"Y/N?" Juice called out. "Are you here?"
You really couldn't be bothered answering his questions but you knew he deserved to know why you were leaving.
Juice entered the bedroom and immediately you saw the hurt and confusion on his face. You both took gulps at the same time and you were ready to speak but he beat you to it.
"You're leaving?" He asked barely keeping it together. His dark eyes filled with tears and you had to look away. You knew if you looked at him for too long you wouldn't leave, and you really needed too.
"Yeah" you said as you picked the suitcase up and bent down to pick your backpack up. You knew if you said more than one word you were going to crumble. As you bent down to get your bag the pain again coursed through your body causing you to hiss. You knew that Juice saw and you knew you wouldn't be able to hide it from him any longer.
"Are you hurt?" He asked as he walked over to you reaching his hands out to hold your arms. The contact made you jump and cower away from him and he immediately dropped his hands. That gesture from you was enough to break his heart. "You don't want me to touch you anymore" he whispered. He looked like a lost puppy and you instantly regretted the last few seconds.
"I'm sorry Juan" you whispered back and you walked past him with your suitcase and bag in tow. You got to the door before Juice spoke again.
"Please don't leave me" he begged. "What did I do wrong?" You stopped and turned around, looking at him once again.
"It's not you. It's me" you cringed at the pathetic excuse but it's all you could offer.
"I saw the bruises" Juice confessed. "Who did that?" He once again took a few steps towards you but this time he left some space between the both of you, remembering how you moved away from him just a few minutes ago.
You knew lying again to Juice would be pointless so you told him the truth. "Some men. They were wearing masks" you said, your voice wavering.
By the look on Juice's face he knew them, or knew of them. His jaw locked and he suddenly went from looking sad to looking absolutely furious, like he wanted to murder someone. He then saw the look on your face and his features softened.
"Did they say anything?" He softly spoke.
"No, but I assumed they wanted your attention. The clubs attention" you answered back playing with the hem of your t-shirt.
"Can I look? At the bruises I mean?" He didn't want to get too close and risk scaring you again. He waited patiently for your answer.
You knew Juice would never hurt you. The sudden movement of him before just caught you off guard that was all. You nodded and Juice slowly stepped towards you closing the gap.
"Lift your hands up" he instructed and you did what you were told. Juice clocked the bruises on your arms as soon as he lifted the jumper over your head. He gently took your arms in his hands and pressed gentle kisses over the bruises. The gesture immediately had you crying and Juice dropped your arms and held your face in his hands instead. "I'm so sorry" he whispered pressing his forehead against yours.
He leaned back and wiped each tear away with his finger. "Is this why you were leaving?"
You nodded slightly. "I didn't want to admit what happened. I'm ashamed. I should have fought back and instead I just lay there, taking it".
"Shhhh, stop that" Juice was getting slightly angry again. He hated when you spoke lowly of yourself, or blamed yourself for something that clearly wasn't your fault. "It's alright. I'm here now. I've got you" he promised.
You spent the next few minutes just standing at the front door in each others arms, savouring the feel of each other.
"I won't let anything like this happen again. I promise. Just stay with me please Y/N" Juice pleaded. "I'll find the fuckers that did this to you, we will all find them, and they will get what's coming to them".
You believed Juice. You knew what him and the other Sons were capable of and the thought that they would get their revenge on the men who hurt you was comforting.
You nodded again. "I'm sorry" you whispered.
"Don't be sorry. Just please talk to me next time. You know there is no Juice Ortiz without you" he smiled. "I love you so much Y/N".
"And I love you Juice" and you did. You promised yourself that you would never try and leave again without speaking to him first. "Will you help me unpack please?" You asked him.
"Of course I will, and then I'm running you a nice hot bath. And you aren't getting out until your pain has eased" he playfully poked your nose and you both headed upstairs to the bedroom.
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heliads · 4 years
Troubled Waters Chapter 4: Come and Go
Strange happenings are starting to plague Beacon Hills. Scott McCall and his pack have always been able to defend their hometown no matter how dangerous the threat, but they may need the help of mysterious newcomer Y/N L/N.
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Scott still can’t believe it. He’s sitting at his desk at school while the teacher drones on and on in front of him, but he can’t hear a word she says. A steady stream of thoughts is on loop in his head, drowning out any other sounds.
Y/N is a naiad. Y/N lied to him. Y/N lied to them all.
Her betrayal cuts Scott like a knife. Looking back now, he realizes how foolish he had been to trust her. Why was it so easy for her to weave her way into the pack? Why had they been so willing to tell her all about the other supernaturals of Beacon Hills? Of course she had taken the news of the supernatural world well, she wasn’t even human herself.
Now, Scott and his friends have decided to do what they probably should have done at the start, which is to go find Deaton. When the pack first showed the veterinarian the message in Ancient Greek, he had nodded understandingly. “Your friend was right, this is a warning about the naiads. She was willing to help you find out their weaknesses, even though it could have undermined their entire plot to take over Beacon Hills. That alone is odd, that she would be so eager to take down her own people.”
Deaton had asked for a few days to do research of his own, insisting that Scott and his friends go back to school and carry on as normal. He requested only that they inform him if they see Y/N at school. This appears to not be an issue, as none of the pack have spotted Y/N in the halls. She is in different classes than them, so they have no idea if she’s there and simply hiding from them, but Y/N remains an elusive shadow nonetheless.
The bell rings overhead, distracting Scott from his thoughts. He slings his backpack over his shoulder and heads out of the school, still not entirely focusing. His friends are waiting for him in the parking lot, Stiles peering at some dented corner of his Jeep and brightening when he sees Scott approach. “There you are! We were thinking about heading to Deaton’s to see if he’s got any updates.” Scott nods. “Sounds good.”
The veterinarian does have some updates, and they’re actually pretty important. Deaton has determined that there is more to the naiad situation than meets the eye. “There are certainly naiads here, and they have been here for a while. The thing is, I believe that many more showed up the night you were all at the lake house, and I’m not sure what their intentions are. If we wish to protect the town, you’ll have to learn more about why they’re here and how to stop them.”
Kira nods slowly. “How do we do that?” Deaton sighs, looking at each friend in turn. “You’re not going to like this. The best way to learn about the naiads is by talking to one of them, and I believe that your friend Y/N would be the best candidate for the job.”
Scott lifts his head in surprise. “Absolutely not. She lied to us before, what’s to stop her from doing it again?” Deaton raises his hands reassuringly. “She lied to you about being a naiad, not about the naiads in general. Also, that was most likely to protect herself.”
Deaton steeples his fingers together. “Y/N is your best bet because she’s the most likely to tell you the truth. Any other naiad would probably resist questioning and refuse to say anything, but not her. Scott, you said she looked almost regretful the night you found out her true identity- we can use that to our advantage. Like it or not, Y/N will be the one to tell us what we need to know.”
Scott frowns, but concedes. As much as he doesn’t like to admit it, Deaton is right. The veterinarian also has an idea as to how to find Y/N- a tracking talisman using the same properties as the Nine Herbs. It will summon her to the beacon, and then knock her unconscious the second she touches it. All it needs is the proper base, as well as some object that used to belong to Y/N. Scott finds one pretty easily- she had left a bookmark of hers in one of the mythology books still languishing in Malia’s backpack.
Deaton carefully snips a strip of paper off of the bookmark, and paints a herb concoction on either side of it. Then, he places it in a box, sealing it shut and handing it back to Scott. “Put the box in some body of water. She’ll find it soon enough.”
Deaton’s word is good- after a few hours, the pack checks on the box to find Y/N’s unconscious form lying next to it on the bottom of the lake. Scott insists on being the one to dive down and get her. He doesn’t know how he looks, emerging from the lake with Y/N’s body in his arms, but he knows how he feels- a swirling mess of emotions even he can’t begin to understand.
When Y/N wakes up, she finds herself in the middle of a protective ring of mountain ash. She starts to panic once she sees the pack standing around her. “Where am I? How did I get here?” Scott steps forward. “We brought you here because we needed to talk.” Y/N raises an eyebrow at that. “So you kidnapped me?”
Malia scoffs. “Oh come on, you lied to us about literally everything. You expect us to treat you like an honored guest?” Scott flashes a glare at her, but Y/N looks at them with a new emotion bubbling up behind her eyes- regret.
“I wish I didn’t lie to you. I wish I never had to leave the way I did, but it was the only way to make sure my family was safe. I didn’t send that message, nor did anyone I know. I had to get close to you so I knew what the other naiads were up to.”
Scott turns to her, confused. “Wait, what do you mean, ‘other naiads?’ Aren’t the others with you?” Y/N shakes her head. “There are different groups of naiads in the world, kind of like different clans. My clan lived here in peace for years, it was our homeland. This new clan of naiads are different- they’re angry, and willing to fight for control of the area. The second I saw you with that message, I knew it was from them, and I knew I had to find out more about it.”
Stiles leans forward. “Why didn’t you just tell us you were a naiad too?” Y/N spreads her hands. “Well, what was I supposed to say? Hi, I know you just got a warning saying ‘beware the naiads’, uh, just not me? Come on, if I had told you from the start you would never have believed me, and I needed your trust so I could work with you to find out what was going on.”
Scott nods at that, then turns to face the rest of the pack. “I think we can trust her. I’ve been listening to her heart the whole time, and she never lied, not even once. We need everybody we can to solve whatever is going on with that other clan of naiads, and I think Y/N can help us.” His friends nod in some sort of agreement, and just like that, Y/N is back on their side.
Well, calling her an ally is a bit of an overstatement. None of the pack can really bring themselves to trust Y/N again, even if she had well-intentioned motives. She’s allowed to work with them, and share ideas with them, but she’s always got at least one person watching her, staying on guard just in case she tried to run away again.
It’s on a peaceful, quiet day when Scott is on guard duty for Y/N. They’re alone in his house, poring over mythology books or math homework. Y/N turns to Scott with a regretful expression. “You know I never wanted any of this to happen, right? I know how it sounds, but I never wanted to hurt any of you.” Scott sighs. “I know. When we were on that dock at the lake house, you told me you wanted to protect the people you cared about. This is your way of doing it.” 
Y/N nods slowly. “I still hold by that. The thing is, the people I care about aren’t just you and your pack, it’s my family and my community that could get hurt by these rival naiads. I wish you could understand everything I’m doing, and why I have to do it.” Scott inclines his head in agreement. “It’s hard to feel like you have to protect everyone in your life. I get that, trust me.” A faint smile flickers across Y/N’s lips. “I hope you do.”
The afternoon is sunny and warm, and Scott is feeling more than a little tired after night after night of stress. He supposes that’s why his eyelids feel leadened, and why the couch is so inviting. Scott isn’t sure when he fell asleep, or for how long, but he is awoken by the sound of a car starting in a driveway. Suddenly alert, Scott glances over to discover with horror that Y/N is no longer sitting next to him. He sprints out to the front door to find her already gone, and her silhouette is just disappearing around the curve of the road.
Cursing, Scott closes the door and dashes after her. Thanks to his abilities as a werewolf, Scott is able to find her pretty easily. Her destination is plain- there’s another lake pretty close to his house. Sure enough, Scott rounds a bend in the road and finds Y/N approaching the lake. He starts catching up to her, close enough that he can hear the frantic beating of her heart. Oddly enough, he senses sadness heavy around her as well.
When they’re only yards away from the lake, Scott calls out to her. “Y/N, wait! You don’t have to do this- we can help you!” She stops running and turns to face him, Scott halting his sprint as well so he doesn’t make her nervous. He realizes with a twist in his heart that she’s crying, silent tears slipping down her cheeks. “I have to do this, Scott. My family is in danger.” Scott takes a slow step towards her, gently reaching out his hands as if offering her a way out.
“I can’t help you if you go, Y/N. I can’t defend your absence to the pack. Please, come back with me.” A muffled sob escapes Y/N’s chest. “I wish I could. I wish it more than anything. But this is the only way.” She turns and runs the last few feet, diving into the water. Scott sprints after her, and his hand catches for just the briefest of moments on the back of her shirt before she is gone, slicing into the water like a knife.
tag list: @savingprivatecass​ @lolychu​ @linkpk88​
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shawnssongs · 4 years
A New Start
pairing: topper thornton x reader
wc: 1478
warnings: unedited, mention of parental disappointment
summary: topper is a mess after sarah goes missing, and the reader wants to help him out despite protests from JJ
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gif from @water-aesthetics
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“That was weak!” JJ mocked as the two of you made your way back up the beach from a rather unsuccessful session of surfing. Well, unsuccessful on your part.
“Shut up, JJ.” You joke, punching him lightly on the arm, causing him to laugh.
“You know, you really gotta get better at that now that John B’s gone.”
You gulped at the mention of your friend. Gone. Missing. Maybe dead. The fact that you weren’t sure is what killed you. You friends could be alive and having the time of their lives down in Mexico like they’d planned, they could be stranded in the middle of the ocean with no food or water, they could be lost at sea. There was no way of knowing.
“I was just distracted,” you mumble, your thoughts upsetting you a bit.
JJ quirks his eyebrow. “Distracted by what?”
You turn slightly, your best friend following your gaze to a certain blond boy, sat in the sand with his knees bent in front of him, staring out to sea. He was wearing a pair of board shorts and a dirty looking tee shirt, sunglasses covering the bags under his eyes. He’d been there since you and JJ had arrived, and he only ever moved to lift the bottle concealed in a brown paper bag up to his mouth for a swig.
JJ scoffs. “Topper distracted you? He’s been sitting there like a statue, drunk off his ass for days.”
You just roll your eyes and help JJ tie your boards to the top of the Volkswagen which he’d inherited when John B left.
“Chateau or your place?” JJ asked. He’d been staying at your house often, your parents being gracious enough to offer him as much food as they could spare. He hadn’t even tried to go back home after taking the phantom other than the one time he went to pack clothes, but he made sure his dad wasn’t home first. When JJ wasn’t at yours, he spent his time at the Chateau.
“Um, my mom’s cooking, so you can head to mine. I’ll meet you there.”
You start to turn but JJ stops you. “Wait meet me? You’re going back?”
You nodded your head. “JJ, he lost someone he loved too. And he has no one.”
“Oh please.” JJ countered. “He’s the king of the kooks. He has everyone.”
You shook your head at JJ’s ignorance. “He can’t talk to his mom. He can’t talk to Kelce. He can’t talk to Rafe.” Kelce didn’t understand the feeling, and Topper lost someone he loved, but Rafe lost his sister. He couldn’t talk to them.
“Rafe fucking caused it-”
“JJ,” you warn. Every time JJ let his mind wander to the kook, he’d let himself get mad. You’ve spent a few different nights trying to clean up the messes JJ made in the Chateau from his outbursts, punching walls and kicking things. If he didn’t already hate Rafe, he sure did now.
“Look, Jay, just go home. I’ll meet you there.”
JJ shook his head, still disagreeing with what you were about to do, but he obliged and let you go.
When you could no longer hear the hum of the engine, you padded through the sand toward’s Topper’s form. Not a muscle moved in his body as you sat down next to him in the sand, and if you couldn’t see that his eyes were open behind his sunglasses from the angle you were at, you probably would’ve thought he’d fallen asleep.
You sat there for a few minutes, staring out to sea like Topper. You weren’t sure what to say, but you wanted to keep him company.
After taking a sip of whatever alcohol he had in that paper bag, he reached his hand across his body, offering the bottle to you.
You shake your head, “I’m good,” so Topper shrugs and takes it for himself once again.
“How are you?” You ask, cringing at the words.
Surprisingly, he answers you. “Upset.” Pause. “Lonely.” You give him time to continue, but just as you were about to speak, he adds on one more. “Angry.”
You nod.
“Why are you here?” He asked, finally turning to face you.
You shrug. “You looked like you needed someone.”
“I don’t.”
“Topper, I know what you’re feeling. I’ve known John B since I was born. He was practically my brother.”
“Y’know, it doesn’t even hurt that it was John B.” Topper spoke quickly, interrupting your story and catching you off guard.
“What?” You asked, eyes wide.
“Sarah. It doesn’t bother me that she left me for John B.” He clarified.
“So what is it?”
“I loved her and she didn’t love me back, and I was an asshole about it because I knew. I knew I couldn’t hold on to her. Now she’s...” He trailed off, turning to face the horizon once again.
“John B was my first love.”
Topper scoffed at your confession.
“Hear me out, Top. I used to have the biggest crush on him. I followed him everywhere, did everything he did in hopes for that small chance he’d like me back.” You chuckle at yourself. “It lasted years.”
Topper turns to you and you can tell he waiting for the point of your story.
“And then I got over it.”
“Because it wasn’t really love. It was infatuation.”
“How do you know the difference?”
“You don’t.” You shake your head, trying to look into Topper’s eyes, but staring right back into your own through the reflection of his sunglasses. “Not until it’s over.”
“Well things are pretty over between me and Sarah,” he sneered.
“Yeah, but your feelings for her aren’t. They will be, Top. Trust me.”
Topper didn’t respond and the two of you sat in silence, yet again. When your eyes drifted from the horizon to the dirty blond next to you, you couldn’t help but see Topper in a different light. He had been horrible to you and your friends, but he was just like you. He was just like JJ. He was a teenager that felt too much, gave into peer pressure too easily because he had no confidence in himself. Here he was, contemplating everything because he didn’t know who he was without Sarah or Rafe. He just needed time to find himself.
Topper could feel your eyes on him, so when you looked away, he would take the chance to watch you. The two of you had never been friends. He was horrible to you and the pogues, so why were you here? Why did you seem to care about him? The longer he sat there, the more he studied you. You were tanned from the sun, freckles adorning your skin. Your hair was mostly dry now, wavy and tangled since you hadn’t gotten a chance to brush it after surfing. Topper had noticed that too. He’d deny it, but he’d been watching you surf all day. Something about you was so intriguing to him. He found himself regretting all his choices in the past. He wasn’t a good guy, just like his mom would always say to him, and he wanted to fix that.
After a little while longer, Topper stood up, reaching his hand out to you.
You took it with pleasure and let him help you up out of the sand.
“Do you want to um, get something to eat?” He asked, his voice unsteady.
You give a soft smile to the boy in front of you before answering. “Um, I would...”
Of course, Topper thought to himself. You were just being kind, you couldn’t really car—
“but my mom is cooking,” you continued. “I have to get home.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“I do want to, though.” You assured, placing your hand on Topper’s arm.
He hadn’t realized it, but Topper hadn’t felt any sort of human contact, any touch in days and your soft skin sent tingles throughout his body.
You nod. “Yeah. I’d um, I would invite you over but JJ’s there...” you trailed off. Topper would get the gist.
“No, I get it. If I were JJ, I wouldn’t want to see me either.”
You smile at the boy, finally removing your hand from his arm. “Bye, Top.”
He was about to let you go, but there was something left unsaid. “Wait!” He stopped you, this time him being the one to grip your arm. “I’m sorry. For everything.”
“Thank you.” You accept his apology. You could tell it was genuine. You’d usually say there’s no reason to be sorry, but in Topper’s case, there was.
Topper knew he should let you go, but for some reason he couldn’t. “Do you, uh. I know I can’t be there but, can I walk you home?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. “Yeah. That sounds nice.”
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part 2?
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wandasallerdyce · 4 years
Claustrophobia - Isaac Lahey x Witch!Male! Reader
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Warning: slight cussing and mentions of claustrophobia
Both of the boys hadn’t planned on being locked in the detention room that afternoon. Scott had called them there for a pack meeting to discuss a plan on how to bring a rogue kanima down. (y/n) wasn’t exactly a werewolf like the others. He was a witch.
(Y/n) would mostly stay on the sidelines, only assisting if they were injured or if they needed help. He aleady knew Isaac from way before he became a werewolf. They had met in kindergarten during recess when Isaac accidentally kicked a soccer ball towards (y/n), accidentally bonking him in the head.
Isaac felt bad afterwards, apologizing constantly wich annoyed the (y/h/c). In the end, the two found out that they had a lot more in common and have been inseparable ever since. They told each other everything, from Isaac’s dad, to (y/n)‘s family of witches. Wherever one of them was, the other would be there also.
You would never see them without each other, which led to people believing that they were a couple, as Isaac would always have his arm wrapped around (y/n)‘s shoulder. Even (y/n)’s parents were convinced that they were seeing other, as Isaac would be at their house 24/7 (with a notified Melissa McCall so she wouldn’t worry). They didn’t even realize they were being all couple-y like until Scott pointed it out to him.
“So, you and (y/n) dating or what?” Scott has asked in a rather teasing tone.
“What?! No we’re just really close!” Exclaimed Isaac as he was trying to defend himself, while also blushing really hard.
“It’s okay Isaac, I’m sure (y/n) feels the same way about you.” Scott said, trying to reassure Isaac.
“You think so?” Isaac asked, feeling a warm flutter down in his stomach.
“I know so, Isaac. It’s obvious, the glances in between classes, the hand holding? That literally screams “I wanna date you!”” Scott stated, trying to make Isaac confident enough to ask you out.
Meanwhile, at (y/n)’s house, Allison and him were having a sleepover. They were relaxing, playing 80’s music, relaxing, painting nails and whatnot until the topic of Isaac came up.
“So, you and Lahey huh?” Smirked Allison teasingly.
A bright blush spread around (y/n)’s cheeks, reaching all the way to his ears. So what if he had a crush on Isaac? Isaac had aleady been attractive to him, but the muscle he put on during lacrosse made him even more attractive.
“I-It’s nothing. He wouldn’t even look at me like that. He probably sees me as a brother.” Stuttered out (y/n), becoming an even more blushing mess.
“Oh trust me, (y/n) he definitely sees you like that. The heart eyes he makes when you walk into the room is pretty hard not to notice.” Smiled Allison.
(Y/n) blushed even more, if that was possible,at the thought that there was a possibility that Isaac liked him back.
Now, back to present time, some asshole had decided that it was funny to lock them inside. (Y/n) just hoped that the pack would arrive soon and help get them out.
“Guess we’re locked in, huh?” Asked Isaac, pushing the door again for the last time, hoping that somehow it would open. “Yep, hopefully the pack will come and help us soon. It would be easier if I had brought my spell book. We’d be out of here in no time.” Sighed (y/n), sitting on one of the desks.
Isaac followed lead, sitting on the desk right next to (y/n)’s, shaking slightly, hoping the (y/h/c) wouldn’t notice. Of course, (y/n) noticed, seeing as Isaac wasn’t making an attempt at hiding it well. “Isaac, your shaking. Wanna tell me why? Y’know you can always tell me.” (Y/n) said, as he reached over and held isaacs hand gently, feeling the other boys shake start to slow.
Isaac blushed at the gesture, and knowing he’d been caught, he had no other choice but to tell (y/n). “So yknow how when we were kids I would tell you about how my dad treated me? Well, at times he would lock me in a chest freezer, which caused me to develop claustrophobia. And being in this room, it feels like I’m reliving that. I mean, just look, this room is tiny!” Isaac exclaimed, hating that his father made him like this.
Heading this, a soft expression overcame (y/n)’s face, which made him squeeze isaacs hand reassuringly. As (y/n) looked around, he saw Isaac was telling the truth. The room was pretty tiny. “Isaac, I want you to know that you’re safe now. I’m here with you, and I’ll make sure you stay safe. You don’t have to worry about your father now, and don’t put yourself down on words he’s told you before. I know you’re way better than anything he describes you as.” (Y/n) says reassuringly, cupping isaacs cheek in the process.
Isaacs breathing slows as he stares into (y/n)’s eyes. Those beautiful, bright (y/e/c). As if on instinct, Isaac leaned in, and he swore he saw (y/n) leaning in also.
And closer…
Then, it happened.
There lips had finally touched. Sparks flew as they kissed, their lips melting against each other’s. It was a slow and soft kiss. Not one filled with desperation and lust, but one filled with love and care. Isaac pulls away first, leaving (y/n) a blushing mess. It was awkward at first as they tried not to stare at each other. But then they both started giggling like kids, not knowing what else to do.
Once both of them calmed down, (y/n) was the first to speak. “So… that felt nice.” (Y/n) said softly. Isaac chuckled, feeling confident now that (y/n) had lifted his spirits. “If it was fun, then maybe we should do it again.” Smiled Isaac as he looked at (y/n), who was chuckling.
“Is that your way of saying you wanna kiss me again Lahey?”
The two would later find out that it was Stiles who orchestrated the whole plan as he wanted to see if they would finally get together. (Y/n) would try to punch Stiles for making Isaac feel claustrophobic. Isaac would eventually hold (y/n) back while Stiles explained that he had no idea Isaac was claustrophobic.
(Y/n) eventually forgave Stiles and both him and Isaac finally became official, while also becoming one of the schools star couples. (Y/n) also made sure not to miss any of Isaacs games, cheering from the bleachers, which would make Isaac more motivated to win. Hell, they even went on to win prom king & king. All the while Scott and Allison were high-fiving each other fit for not being caught if their involvement with Stiles’ plan.
So that’s it for this fic. It may be cringy, but that’s ok. I’m rusty. But anyway guys that was all. My requests are open so request to your hearts content! I love y’all and thanks for reading!! 💕
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jazziwritesthings · 4 years
Crazy- Derek Hale
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I do not own Teen Wolf or it’s characters
Inspired by Crazy by Kat Dahlia. Lyrics in Bold
Word Count: 1,195
Paring: Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: I don’t think any. If I’m wrong let me know please!
A/n: Read Part 2 Here
Tell me 'cause it's blowing my mind
Tell me 'cause I don't understand
How someone just can walk into your life
And everything before them you forget
For as long as you could remember you've always been drawn to Beacon Hills, California. The day you turned 21 and had saved up enough money you booked a one way ticket and didn’t look back. You were bitten as a teenager, you were lucky to find another near you. She taught you everything you would need, from how to control your shift, all the way to covering your scent. She was more your family then your actual parents. When she was killed by hunters, you were devastated. It felt like you lost a limb when you lost her. Without her, there was no reason to stay. So with nothing left to lose you hopped on a plane and have been living in Beacon Hills for almost a year. 
It was sudden, really, you didn’t know what it was at first. You were doing a little snooping in the woods and happened to stumble upon a group of people. Standing back and staying hidden you listened in on their conversation. Eavesdropping was one of your talents long before the bite, the bite just made you better at it. “Are you sure Scott?” You heard a female voice. You moved a little bit to get a better angle to hear, not realizing you crunched a twig. “I think I heard something.” You stiffened up against the tree concentrating on steadying your heart. Before you knew it you were being pinned to the ground. Instinct kicking in you managed to get the upper hand and throw this person to the ground and put your boot on his chest and pressed. Finally looking up you see a group of frightened teenagers. Looking down you saw the teenage boy who you were currently choking with your boot. Immediately letting up you helped pull him to his feet. You didn’t notice before, but he smelled like a wolf. Without thinking about it you flashed your golden eyes at him, only to get a pair of bright red ones in return. You stepped back, “ Oh my god. I am so sorry.” They all looked at you skeptically. “ I can’t smell you.” The first words Scott McCall ever spoke to you. 
After explaining and talking to Scott he thought it would be best if you met Derek. Scott said he could help with anything. That's how you ended up in the loft. Looking around at the bare walls and how little furniture he had. “He should be here soon.” You nodded as you spotted a bookshelf and went right to it, helping yourself to anything that jumped out at you. Then you heard it, it sent a shiver up your spine and made your heart beat go ten times faster, “ Scott!? What’s wrong I got here as soon as I could.” You didn’t hear Scott say anything so you looked up from your book to see him pointing at you. Locking eyes with who you assumed was Derek, made it feel like time stopped. You felt drawn to him. Unconsciously you walked closer to him. Not even realizing that you dropped the book you were holding. Or knowing why you lifted your hand and rested it on his cheek. Derek didn’t know why he felt so at home in your presence. Normally he wouldn’t let anyone touch him, let alone a stranger, but here he was, leaning into your hand and inhaling your scent. He caught your scent and his eyes flashed involuntarily, making your own do the same.
Is it crazy when you're gone for a minute
I'm missing you, yeah I feel alone
That was nearly two years ago. You and Derek have since been practically inseparable. A few days after Derek met you he went to Deaton. He was worried something was going to go bad and that you were a distraction, because as hard as he tried he could not stop thinking about you. The word Deaton gave Derek for what was happening was not one he could wrap his head around. He wasn’t sure if it was even real. But he knew what was real. The way his heart sped up when he saw you. The way his breath got caught every single time he looked at you. The way he would become a blushing mess if you touched him in any way, even just bumping into each other sent his heart into a tizzy. He loved the way you talked. The way you laughed, the way you fell asleep on him during movies. The way your hand would always seem to find its way to intertwine with his. Derek knew for sure that he was in love with you. But the word, it scared the crap out of him. He wasn’t exactly sure how to tell you. So he didn’t. Instead he told Scott. And Scott had a pretty odd reaction, “ Mates? What the hell are mates?”
Nah boy I ain't even slept
I been up all night long
In my head
Trying to figure out what I want, what I do, what I don't
It was a few months after Derek learned about you being his mate that he finally got the nerve to tell you. He made a big deal of it. Needless to say he freaked you out. Calling you and telling you he had something really important that he needed to tell you. You immediately assumed that something bad happened. So running into the loft to see Derek pacing confused you, “Derek?” He stopped pacing and looked up at you like a deer in headlights. “Uh. Come sit. Please” You nodded as you walked over and sat down on the sofa in front of him. “What’s wrong?” He shook his head no, indicating that nothing was wrong. You nodded and leaned forward a bit and grabbed his hand gently as he paced in front of you. He stopped and looked down at your hand in his. You heard his heart slow down drastically the second you did it. Looking up at him, you raised your eyebrows, “ You had something important to tell me?” He nervously sat down next to you and proceeded to tell you everything that Deaton had told him. “You’re my mate?” You asked as Derek sat next to you nearly as still as stone. “Y-Yeah.” You nodded your head and looked over at him, “ Derek. I know what that means. Not in Deaton’s terms. My teacher taught me everything. She taught me about control. She taught me how to do calculus. She told me about her mate. How he was killed a few years before she met me. She told me how she had felt drawn to him before they had even met. She told me that when she finally met him, it felt like the puzzle was complete. She had her other half. Then when she lost him, it was like she died with him. She told me that when you lose someone like that, you don’t just lose them, you lose a part of yourself with them. She told me that the pull I felt to come to Beacon Hills was probably because my mate lived here. She taught me about how it works and how it can be rare. Sometimes the bond is forged so strong that someone who you’ve known your whole life can eventually be your mate. I know what it means, all of it.” He looked at you with worry in his eyes, “ Are you in?” You pulled him to you and gently kissed him. It felt like fireworks. It felt like the best high you would ever experience. “I’m all in.” 
 I'm crazy crazy crazy for you
I'm crazy crazy crazy for you
You and Derek have been together for about 6 years now. He asked you to marry him around year 3 and you were married by the beginning of year 5. You’d been skirting around the topic of kids, not exactly sure how to bring it up. Sitting down to dinner one night you decided you were done overthinking it, “ Derek, I wanna have a baby.” Looking at him you saw his fork pause about half way to his mouth. His eyes moved from the plate of food in front of him to look into yours. “ Really?” You weren’t exactly sure what it was, but you hear something in that word. “Yeah, I mean. I’m ready to be parents. We’ve been married for a little over a year and I just think tha-” Your words were cut off with a passionate kiss. He pulled away and looked into your eyes, “ You really wanna have a baby with me?” He looked so fragile and vulnerable, “Yes Derek. I want to have your baby.”
 Baby 'cause it's blowing my mind
Tell me cuz I don't understand
How someone just can walk into your life
And everything before them you forget
You had been feeling a little off all day. You thought that it was just because of how big and swollen you were. You were on your way to the kitchen for a snack when you felt a sudden rush of liquid between your legs. You looked down at the puddle on the floor, “ Derek!” You called out. He peeked his head out of the kitchen to see you standing in the hallway in just his shirt. “You know that we’re not allowed to do that right?” He waggled his eyebrows at you as he walked closer. You put your hand on your lower back as you felt a bit of pain. Seeing the look on your face he hurried to your side. “Uh, babe. Why is the floor wet?” You let out a huff as the pain ended, “ I think it's my water.” He nodded, “ Okay, I’ll just grab you another glass, Go back to bed.” He started to try to walk away but you gripped his wrist as another contraction hit, “ Not that kind of water.” He seemed confused before his eyes got really big, “ Oh. Like Baby time?” You nodded your head and started to breathe, “ Yeah Derek, Baby time.” 
“And she’s here!” The doctor yelled out as you heard a beautiful cry. “Congratulations! You have a beautiful little girl.” The nurse laid the new baby on your chest. You looked up at Derek as he stood at your bedside, “ Holy shit Derek. We have a daughter.” He stared down at the two of you feeling his heart swell up like he was going to explode with love and happiness. He would never let Scott and Stiles see him this happy. Or so he thought. Later that day they stopped by to see the newest addition to the pack. You were asleep so they walked in to Derek holding your little one and swaying and dancing quietly around the hospital room. “ Awe. Look at you!” Expecting that to come from Stiles, Derek was surprised when he heard it come from your mouth. But you weren’t looking at Derek and the baby. You were looking at the group of now adults who had somehow gotten past the nurse. Stiles still in his FBI uniform and Scott in scrubs. You had watched them grow up into semi-independent adults. Seeing Scott and Stiles in the uniforms for their job gave you a burst of mom joy in your heart. They may not have biologically been your kids, but they were your kids. They all crowded around the bed talking to you and catching up that they didn’t notice Derek sit in the recliner with his daughter on his chest and silently dozing off to sleep to the sound of his family talking and the feeling of his newborn daughter on his chest. He smiled to himself and thought, this is what heaven must be like. 
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expirisims · 3 years
Sooo.. I finally had a little time to play today and something really weird happened.  I’ve had porter in my mods for a while now and have never had problems, but today no matter what I did or what family I had active my game CTD as soon as I hit the pack option to even populate the  resident list.  I know my version is patch compatible and I even re downloaded it just in case something had gone wonky with the file when I switched computers.  I tried removing my other cc and nada..it still crashed.  Now, I looked online and couldn’t really find a solution to what I’m experiencing, but I do suspect that it has something to do with the large population that has spawned over time even though I try to keep the npc’s in check.  I wound up saving each individual family to my bin and will just fix the familial and super important relationships in the new save with MC.  It’s not ideal, but even though my save wasn’t super bloated, I still want to cut the population and kind of give a fresh start.  Plus, I don’t think I’ve mentioned this before, but when I installed the Sims 3 on my new computer I managed to open my save and get pretty far into the play through before I realized that I had not put the dang alverdine shutters back in my game first so most of the public buildings are missing their custom shutters and it’s been bothering me for a long time :)  Anyway,  I hope to have the final day with the McCall household up and posted tomorrow.  After that I’m starting my fresh save and will probably fix the majority of relationships as I go to avoid driving my PC crazy with a ton of relationship cheats all at once.  Hopefully, nothing will be too messed up!
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, jimtremor!
For @jimtremor, who asked for basically anything. I did my best with that.
Read On AO3
Useful Information
“Mr. McCall will be in the North Dorm and you Mr. Stillinski will go to the East.” The director of student affairs passes them Welcome packets, across his desk. Hn,
They both start to protest but Deaton holds up a quieting hand and stands, quickly moving them both out of his office. “I’m sure you’ll both adjust just fine. If there’s anything you need, my office hours are Monday and Friday 8am to 2pm.” He closes the door in their faces
“This is the stupidest idea ever,” Stiles says dropping his pack just inside the door to his new dorm. Stiles notices right away that the room is painfully neat for a college dorm.
“You can’t just throw people together and expect them to form proper pack bonds.”
He flops onto the empty bed across the room from what he assumes is his assigned Alpha and waits what he’s told is the appropriate amount of time for his new roommate to respond but the wolf just flicks hazel eyes at him, before going back to reading his novel.
“Scott— my best friend Scott, we applied to this place together. He’s going to be an Alpha and I’m going to be his bad-ass Emissary.” The wolf continues to ignore him and after a few minutes, Stiles huffs and starts unpacking.
It takes him a few minutes more to realize that his dorm is amazing. There’s a fridge. Not a mini fridge. A full-sized fridge in what might serve as a very quaint breakfast nook. The open area has a desk, a TV and closets next to the beds. When he opens the door to his, he finds a dresser and plenty of room for his meager belongings. His dad had been very proud of the fact that he entered college with a change of clothes, a martial arts trophy, and a six-pack (abs not beer). So Stiles was carrying on the family tradition. Sort of.
There’s a bathroom and if Stiles didn’t know any better a tub big enough to house jacuzzi jets.
“This place is amaaa—"
His roommate reaches over and clicks on a small iPhone dock that looks like a radio. It starts blasting some sort of German metal. Stiles stares at him for a moment before pulling out his grimoires ‘fine be that way then.’ he thinks, flipping through the pages to a spell he needs for his next class.
Scott is so going to hear about this dick.
“—a serious neat freak, and he acts like he can’t be bothered to answer even the simplest of questions. I swear Scotty we need to go over somebody’s head. It has to be a mistake that they split us up.”
“Derek Hale!?” Scott suddenly shouts sitting up from Allison’s lap. Stiles glances around hoping his best friend’s dorky exclamations aren’t drawing attention annnd yep people are staring.
“As in Hale Observatory? As in Hale Hall? AS IN THE HALE EXPLORATORY MEDICAL DEPARTMENT FOR THE SUPERNATURALLY INCLINED? The people who might be able to find a way to cure me?”
He says the last part much quieter. He’d worked harder than he ever had at anything to get into this private college. Hoping against hope that they’d somehow turn him back human. It wasn’t that Scott didn’t love every minute of being a wolf, it just came with a lot of baggage, including possibly outliving everyone important to you. Every human anyway.
“There’s no known cure for lycanthropy,” Allison says quietly.
Stiles glances up at the heavens, his ears burning. “Yeah my roommate is Derek Hale. Geez Scotty it’s not that big of a deal.” Scott stares at him as if he’s grown a second head.
“You—you’ve lived your whole life here and you think rooming with a Hale is not a big deal? The Hales own half the town and probably your house Stiles!” Scott’s volume is going up again and Stiles tries not to roll his eyes.
“Having a rich family doesn’t make you a big deal Scotty.”
Scott sputters his eyes going to Allison in a desperate plea for back-up. She just shrugs. Right. She just moved to Beacon hills so she wouldn’t know.
“HaAVing A RIcH FaMILY dOEsn’t maKe You a bIG DeAL.” Scott says half snidely, half mockingly under his breath.
Stiles cocks his head to the side, like he’s trying figure out who the crazy person was possessing his best friend and they begin one of their famous silent conversations.
‘I’m not an idiot’ Scott thinks at him
‘I know Scott but really it’s no big deal. He’s like a totally normal asshole. A painfully neat asshole.’
‘Think you can maybe talk to him about the whole *my best friend is a werewolf who didn’t ask to be a werewolf thing*? Maybe mention that your best friend is desperate for some guidance as to where to find a cure’
‘There’s no cure for werewolf-ism Scott! And Scotty. Friend. Buddy. Pal. I can’t even talk to him about where to put my toothbrush in the bathroom. Apparently it’s important to keep your toothbrush as far away from the toilet as possible. He even has this little protective cover on his.’
“Huh. I just thought of something.” Allison says breaking into the silent conversation. “Maybe they want you to be the new Hale emissary.”
Stiles and Scott both turn to stare at her.
“Huh” they both say
She pretends to study, but Stiles can totally see the dimple at her cheek deepen.
Derek is particular about his space, and his things. It’s normal for a wolf. Even at boarding school they hadn’t made him share a room, although maybe that had more to do with the hefty donation his mother had made and less to do with his werewolf sensibilities.
Stiles is in his space for less than a day and he’s somehow everywhere. He smells woodsy- like wet leaves and rain when he finally decides to shower off the cheap body spray. He puts his toothbrush in the wrong spot on the sink and unpacks his one box of belongings.
There’s a pile of spell books on the floor under his bed and pots of herbs line the windows. He doesn’t know what’s in the jars in his fridge and he doesn’t want to know. Instead, he politely tries to tidy Stiles’ things, but it seems like they just gravitate back to where Stiles left them. He does his best not to growl whenever the emissary walks into the room.
His annoyance level is already high. The welcome packet was clear that he was meant to start a pack with this kid. That they should spend their time working together and bonding for the sake of their future pack.
Everything about him was a mess, and Derek didn’t do messy. Not anymore. He’s half asleep when the scent of arousal teases at his senses. He wants to growl but he’s done that for the last several hours. This was definitely not happening.
‘Use your finger. Just one. You should be able to find it pretty easily.’
Stiles groaned into his pillow. He was on a dry spell. And when he was on a dry spell he always thought of Lydia. His other best friend, the girl who helped him find his G-spot. He’d flirted with every big dark-haired wolf he came across, but they’d all turned him down. It was strange. It was almost like they were actively trying to avoid even talking to him.
Stiles reached into his pajama bottoms, the memory of Lydia’s very thorough instruction all those years ago is still his favorite, although watching Derek workout was a close second.
“If you’re gonna jerk it, at least have the courtesy to do it when I’m not here. Stiles jerked his hand from his underwear at the miserable tone in Derek’s voice.
“Yeah, I can smell it. For days.”
Stiles groaned and dragged his pillow over his head.
‘who thought the human/werewolf hybrid dorm was a good idea anyway?’
Derek keeps his face neutral as he listens to Dr Deaton’s analysis of werewolf mating practices. He’s a little more accurate than the usual crowd but there were still things he’s getting wrong. The emissaries were always considered some kind of authority but human experts on werewolf mating rituals tended to start off wondering if human werewolves really grew knots whenever there was a full moon.
Deaton is at least trying to debunk a lot of the weird lore humans tended to apply to werewolves and it sort of gives Derek hope. Maybe this year he *won’t* have to listen to a half assed lecture on werewolf anatomy and moon cycles. Derek’s hope deflates when he hears the words Transitory Bite.
The last time he put a temporary mark on someone it almost started a war between hunters and humans and gotten him shipped off to boarding school. His mother had kept him out of Beacon Hills for three years. It had taken joining forces with his uncle to convince her he wouldn’t make the same mistakes. Now he was being told to mark some random dorky kid like it wasn’t a total imposition. He had a right to choose or not choose to mark someone and his mother needed to understand that he wasn’t interested in his life spinning out of control a second time.
“I’m not doing it.” Derek gets up to leave but Deaton steps in front of him hands raised. “I assure you Mr. Hale this is necessary. Starting a pack and choosing a mate can be extremely difficult. A transitory bite will allow you to test your compatibility with the mate you were matched with.”
“It won’t work” he growls eyeing Stiles
Stiles’ face is bright red, and he keeps his eyes on the toe of his sneakers. He’d been wearing them since high school. They were his favorite pair. He wishes he’d thought to clean them sometime in the last six years.
So that’s why everyone had been treating him so strangely. He was probably Derek Hale’s mate. He really should have read the welcome packet. He tunes out the rest of the conversation and tries to ignore the hot twist of humiliation in his stomach.
Derek tries to focus on what Deaton is saying but Stiles scent is rapidly changing. The burnt ash flavor of Distress and Despair fills up his senses and it’s all he can do not to gather the entire boy into his arms and run away with him.
“I don’t need this there are—there are plenty of wolves who would love—love to have me for a mate.” Stiles gathers his things as he tries to save face. It’s bad enough this is happening, but he can’t bring himself to look at the other pairs.
Stiles is almost to the door when that single word freezes him in place. He swallows and waits.
Derek moves him back against the nearest wall, with just a few intimidating steps. His hand lands on Stiles’ shoulder, his fingers brushing against the skin at the base of his neck. Derek’s hand slides up the side of his throat, and Stiles sways toward him. He growls at his traitorous body and forces every muscle to stay stiff as a board. The corner of Derek’s mouth kicks up and then he’s leaning in, letting his teeth scrape across the smooth skin at the base of Stiles’ neck.
Stiles gives an unmanly squeak when Derek’s teeth skin in, the pain just barely registering before he feels the brief swipe of Derek’s tongue across the wound. Derek stares at the mark for a long time before turning and leaving.
Stiles only has two classes with Scott, but he and Derek share the exact same itinerary. Even though Derek can’t really do the magic part, they’re expected to show a united front, so he sits off to the side and glares at everything and everyone.
Stiles spends his time doodling the different angles of Derek’s head during each class into the margins of his grimoire. When there’s wolf lore he flicks his eyes across the room to Derek. His can almost tell by the set of Derek’s brows whether the stuff being taught is accurate or total bullshit.
He tries to connect with the other students in his classes, but they tended to cut the conversations short or avoid him altogether. He’s pretty certain this only happens when Derek is around. He starts to feel boxed in, like the only reason he was there was to be slotted into the Hale pack, like everything about his future had already been decided. His whole week had been classes more about pack politics and somewhat less about exploring his abilities as an emissary.
Lydia listened patiently while he complained. It was a call that had lasted all the way across campus, and back to his dorm. She wanted to roll her eyes. For a kid who was curious about everything, Stiles hadn’t shown the slightest interest in learning about the alpha he’d been assigned to.
Stiles complained constantly that he was always around. Which was technically exactly how he was supposed to behave toward his potential mate. Lydia was testing herbal mixtures. Hopefully the small satchels would give Stiles some semblance of privacy or at least get Derek to give Stiles some space.
“You need to read the welcome packet Stiles. It’ll help you adjust to living with a wolf. And come to the party tonight.” Lydia says flipping through her notes. “I’ll introduce you to some guys who definitely won’t say no.”
He keeps glancing at Derek, but Derek’s attention stays on his novel, his thumb, sliding to leisurely turn pages. Derek’s pretending not to listen again, so he decides to be that guy. He refused to stay trapped in whatever game Derek was playing.
“Yeah. I’ll be there. I’m really looking forward to getting dicked down again” Derek doesn’t look up, but Stiles can practically feel the way he pauses in the middle of a page turn.
He hides a smile and goes to brush his teeth.
Lydia flits through the party commiserating with her numerous slightly-better-than-facebook acquaintances. They make it to the kitchen with Stiles only being handed three phone numbers and groped four times. He briefly wonders if other potential alpha mates are treated this way and then he remembers that he kinda wants to be treated this way.
Stiles is wearing his best button-up and his sluttiest pair of jeans. He fully intends to end the night with his legs wrapped around someone, anyone. It’s a surprise when they leave the kitchen with their drinks and Stiles is brought up short by the feeling of eyes on him. It only takes him a minute to spot his alpha across the room.
Derek is slouched onto the frat house’s well-worn couch like some kind of artist’s dream. He’s wearing tight black jeans ripped in all the right places and a leather jacket. His gaze starts to heat up as Stiles’ eyes hungrily catalogue every inch of him. Stiles eyes settle on the bulge in the tight jeans and Derek just lets his legs relax open. Stiles’ mouth goes dry and his dick gives a hard twitch.
Stiles does his best to ignore the feeling of the wolf’s eyes on him. It’s annoying that Derek can’t seem to make up his mind about ignoring him.
Stiles loses count of how many drinks he’s had and that’s when he gets the best idea. He can feel the wolf’s eyes on him as he moves across the room and one of the frat brothers steps into his space. Price or Preston something. He doesn’t even bother listening to whatever the guy is saying, just steps close and bites his lip.
Preston’s eyes drop to them and immediately his tone changes and he wraps an arm around Stiles’ waist. Stiles grins and runs his hands up Preston’s chest. Preston draws him close.
“I love the way emissaries smell,” he says leaning down and taking a deep breath against the side of his neck. Stiles laughs, because at best he smells like Axe shampoo mixed with a litany of the various herbs they have to learn to mix. It’s not a great combination. He tries to put some distance between him and the wolf, but Preston keeps, pulling him close and grinding against him.
Stiles thinks blearily that he’d like to get laid but not in the middle of a werewolf frat party and definitely not with the guy who thinks Axe and sage are a great combination. He tries to tell Preston this but Preston just keeps rambling on and Stiles’ alcohol soaked brain reminds him in his fourth grade teacher’s voice that it’s important to be polite and listen when people are talking.
This was a bad idea.
He suddenly feels Derek is next to him, and he wants to tell him that he has the prettiest eyes, but Preston is still talking, and he has to keep pretending to listen.
“I need to have a word with my roommate” Derek’s eyes flash as he glances at Stiles before stepping between him and Preston. Stiles watches as Preston stutters and stumbles, like a fan meeting their idol. He tilts his head and drops his shoulders in some parody of submissive behavior. Stiles scoffs and glances around the room. None of the humans are paying attention but all of the wolves are watching them closely.
He watches Derek tilt up Preston’s chin with one wicked black claw. “A Beta should know better” He pulls back his lips in a parody of a smile and shows his long sharp teeth. Preston swallows and raises his hands as if he only just realized he’d been flirting with an Alpha’s future mate. He moves as slowly as he can and backs out of the room one step at a time. Derek watches him until he’s certain the other wolf is gone and turns back to Stiles.
Red begins to seep from behind his irises and his smile turns hard. “I’ll kill anyone who touches you.”
He says it softly, but he’s still showing Stiles his teeth.
Stiles holds his gaze ignoring the little thrill he gets from the way Derek is looking at him. “I’m not your property wolf.”
“You are” Derek responds his eyes fully red. Derek’s hand settles around the back of Stiles’ neck, his thumb just barely brushing against the still-tender mark.
Stiles takes a shuddery breath, unable to break the hold Derek’s possessive gaze has on him. He relaxes his shoulders tilts his head back just slightly. It’s enough of an invitation but Derek doesn’t move to kiss him. Instead, he leans in until his lips against Stiles’ ear.
“Careful who you tease,” he breathes
Stiles shivers, wanting to call out to his alpha. Derek is long gone when he’s finally able to catch his breath.
Stiles doesn’t light the herbs Lydia mixed. He was tired of living like some reclusive monk.
He knows that Derek will probably know immediately. He knows the smell of sex could linger but he doesn’t care. He wants Derek to know and he wants Derek to come for him. He imagines the wolf coming home right when he’s just about there. He knows he’d probably run not because of embarrassment if Derek saw him.
He’d run because he knew Derek would chase. He’d run because he wanted to be caught. Stiles lets his imagination free. It’s been a week and he’s tired of caring about Derek’s sensibilities.
It would be a real hunt. Derek would simply stay on his heels nipping at him playfully, claws tearing off bits of his clothes. Stiles would run until he couldn’t breathe and then Derek would show himself. The wolf first. Its sleek black fur would glow under the moon and Stiles would lie back and tilt his chin up.
“Alpha.” He’d whisper, and Derek would take his human form naked and proud under the moon, he’d stare down at Stiles with a cocky grin. He’d enjoy watching Stiles submit to him.
“Stiles,” he’d growl and Stiles’ cock would stand up.
Stile bit into his palm, his fist flying over his cock, the sweet-smelling lotion he used as lube squishing between his fingers and making a lewd sound with every movement of his hand.
Derek’s teeth would sink into him properly this time and claim him, claim him, claim him…
Stiles gasped and came all over his fist.
Fuck. He needed to get laid before this got out of control. Before it got more out of control.
“So. Uhhh, about yesterday…”
Stiles is standing awkwardly in front of Derek’s bed. It’s all he’s been able to say for a good five minutes. That and some version of ‘Huuhmn. mn.’ Because Derek is currently shirtless. His feet are hooked into the openings between the bars on the baseboard of his bed and he’s burning through crunches like there’s a delicious zero calorie chocolate cake waiting for him if he hits a thousand.
His eyes skitter around the room because he knows if he keeps his eyes on Derek Hale for more than a few seconds he’ll end up embarrassing himself. He drags his palm from his chest down, just barely remembering to stop before he hits the waist of his jeans. Even he can still smell the lingering scent of sex in the room. He’s almost certain Derek’s lip curls up slightly at this but it’s hard to tell, what with all the sweat and muscles flexing.
It’s another ten minutes before Derek finishes his workout. Stiles completely forgot what he wanted to talk about. He just stands quietly watching Derek’s tight abs. When he manages to meet Derek’s eyes the wolf is glaring at him, and Stiles tries to open a hole in the floor with his mind. He doesn’t try too hard. The power of his will had been known to surprise him from time to time.
The wolf moves around him with a disgusted sniff and heads for the bathroom.
He looks even more annoyed when he exits the shower. It’s a full 3 minutes of Derek staring at the back of his neck before he finally lets himself meet the wolf’s eyes.
“What?” he asks. It’s easy enough to pretend he doesn’t already know. Derek’s kind deeply respects druids, just not Stiles shaped Druids apparently.
“You’re an Alpha-Mate”
Stiles blinks. This is first time since he was marked that Derek brought up the subject. And he sounded kinda… Pissed.
“Sooo….?” Stiles draws the word out to emphasize his confusion.
You. Are. An Alpha's. Mate.” Derek’s words come out a harsh growl that makes Stiles feel cold everywhere. Cold and Embarrassed.
“I’m not the one…”
“I’m not the one throwing myself at every wolf I come across!” Derek snarls.
Stiles cheeks pinken, but he hold’s Derek’s terrible gaze.
“I’m not the one denying my mate.” He says the words as quietly as he can, but they seem to echo loudly in the room once he’s said them.
It’s Derek’s turn to take on color.
Stiles doesn’t regret saying it.
He regrets not following when Derek walks out.
Allison and Scott both tell him he’s an idiot. For an hour. And then they make him read the welcome packet. He realizes after his third read-through he might owe Derek an apology.
When he gets back to their room Derek is organizing his herb garden. He keeps arranging them first by name, then color. He clears his throat and Derek pauses but doesn’t turn around.
“Did you know that wolves get really territorial about people they live with? That they only like certain people in their personal space?”
Derek moves from arranging plants to slotting his books into the low bookshelf next to his bed.
“And did you know that a wolf’s mate should probably never throw themselves at other wolves?”
He hears a quiet scoff and Derek finally looks at him over his shoulder.
“You’re asking me, a wolf if I know about wolves?”
Stiles shrugs and continues “Because I didn’t know.” He says stepping up behind him and wrapping his arms around Derek’s waist.
“You should have read the welcome packet Stiles”
Stiles lets out a choked laugh and presses his mouth to the back of Derek’s neck.
“Yeah. I know. It really is full of useful information.”
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