#There are two Claras in the story too the maid and Rosie's daughter
artemismatchalatte · 2 years
NaNoWriMo 2022: Day 13
I did my writing when I first got up this morning. I have an idea for tomorrow’s session already which I’m glad about. This was a chores/rest day mostly because I’ve been working on both school and on sales this week. 
Day 13 Word Count:1,703 words
November Total so far: 43,213 words
"Tilly! Tilly!" Mama shrieked when she saw Papa hugging me. 
She barreled over to us and threw herself into my arms. She kissed me several times all over my face in a frantic sort of way. I was slapped in the face with her high strung energy. 
I cried too, overwhelmed that they were happy to see me again. I thought they wouldn't want to see me. 
Clara came up to me, clutching two dolls to her closely. One was Annabelle, one of Rosie's fine dolls from childhood and the other was my Miss Sampson, still in her uniform- her confident smirk still visible on her face. 
"It's okay, Auntie Matilda, don't cry." She said with such concern. 
The little girl was now nearing thirteen, but Rosie did not rush her into adulthood. She was very much still a little girl and I agreed with Rosie- that might protect her from the world. She was always with Rosie or our parents. Ashby did dote on his only living child. He never pushed Rosie to have another baby again though she admitted to me that she wouldn't have minded maybe another one or two more. She had wanted a son, but Clara was all she would ever have.  
Clara sat between Rosie and me on one couch while our parents sat across from us on another. Tea and snacks were carried in. 
Gerry let me borrow one of her suits: we were close to the same size. I was a bit wider where she was about two inches taller but the tailoring had been loose so I could wear her clothes and she could wear mine. Gerry had great taste in clothes too; I was used to farmer and work man's clothes because they were functional. It had been ages since I wore a suit.
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