#There isn't much Z*yadora content in their tags so I feel bad if I tag it
sk8terpercy · 7 years
What do you miss most about gmw?
It’s funny because I was just talking to my grandma about all the theorizing that happened within the fandom and explaining the atmosphere that came with it. I geeked out for 20 minutes over the symbolism and meta in the show but then I got a feeling of melancholy.
I honestly miss that feeling of having teaser posts, having new episodes air and learning a new lesson every week or every other/two weeks or even a month because of the weird Season 2 scheduling. I miss going onto tumblr within an hour of an episode airing and everyone was already talking about it.
I miss getting excited for the tapings.
I miss the gifs. The gif edits, the gifs of the scenes, but also ones of sly and sneaky camera angles. It felt nice.
I miss how throughout the rest of the week and even months afterwards, we had discussions and break downs of the episodes and I miss how enjoyable that feeling was. There were color theories, character analysis, character/relationship dynamic analysis, brain dumps, and I learned more and more. I think I learned the most about History and English in this fandom than I do in school and it always slightly corresponded with what I was learning because I am a year behind the kids on the show.
I miss when recently (not that recent, now), on scheduled days (on Fridays and weekends) marathoning certain episodes of BMW and doing a GMW rewatch or marathoning movies like “The Empire Strikes Back” was a thing and we would talk about them and @lucayafever23 had their trivia days where we would send in asks for the guessing game/Q&A because they could and had 2 hours to spare. I loved hearing everyone’s thoughts about the episodes and then there was May who was hands down the funniest person in this fandom, let me tell you.
I miss the ship/character appreciation weeks that happened and how anyone could participate, as long as you were nice about it.
There were and still are amazing edits and quotes and moodboards and the most amazing writers ever. I haven’t read all the fanfiction out there for GMW and my preferred pairings or even others but there definitely are some exceptional writers.
I remember only having gotten involved with the Tumblr fandom *because* of the theories. I’ve always been someone who thinks critically and pays attention to detail and I was always kind of mocked for that. @theowldetective was the first GMW, not to mention theorist, blog that I had ever seen and I don’t know how, I’m pretty sure it was a thread or post or something that I saw and someone directed the person (that had a question about Lucaya I think) to her blog that was, at the time, yeoldeshipper. I really wish I had screenshot it at the time and and sent it to phone because that computer doesn’t work anymore but that’s beside the point. The point is that that post, thread, or whatever started this for me. I was hooked by the theories and the endless ones that were there once you scrolled down and it said, “More Posts Like This”. Ngl I felt weird just snooping on her blog for hours. I felt like such a stalker, reading all of the different posts at once but I would honestly do it again if I could. It was because of the Girl Meets Texas Arc that started my curiosity but it was because of Girl Meets “Sludge” turned “STEM” that I was even looking on the internet for things about GMW and wanting to know the probability of something being there between Riley and Farkle or Lucas and Maya and that this isn’t me “analyzing every little thing 😂” or taking something that isn’t actually there and running with it.
I miss how at home it felt. That despite anything we stood by each other because we agreed on the important things, the things that seriously mattered like the cancellation, and episode order in Season 2. Yeah, it’s not the most perfect fandom and gmw isn’t a perfect show, both have had its flaws but they both mean the world to me. I met some amazing people through this whole experience and I learned a lot of things because of this show and it has had such a huge impact on my life as a growing teenager who needs these characters, who needs that push, that dose of reality, and these life lessons that come with each episode.
I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
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