forbescaroline · 9 months
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 126. farkle minkus and isadora smackle - girl meets world
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
Maya: I am the ultimate third wheel.
Riley, cuddling with Lucas: You shouldn’t think that way.
Cory, holding hands with Topanga: What makes you say that?
Isadora, sitting in Farkle’s lap: Complete untrue.
Maya: Wow. I have leveled up to the seventh wheel. I am truly powerful.
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tophsazulas · 9 months
In an ideal world, smarkle, zaley, and lucaya would be endgame
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iridescentis · 10 months
I will forever and always defend Smarkle wholeheartedly and I need to discuss this because they are SO underrated
First of all, Smackle is generally a really underrated character, I think she's such an interesting part of the friend group and its development, and her friendships with each character are just the sweetest, she's just a really nice character to watch in my opinion.
BUT. Smarkle. I am their number one supporter and defender. They are so often discarded and ignored because the relationship is 'boring' or they ship Farkle with someone else (which is valid ship whatever you want), but no one talks about how lovely they are! They have such a cute little rivals to lovers arc, it's really sweet seeing Smackle express continuous interest in Farkle throughout her whole appearance, and then when they're together they have the most adorably affectionate and understanding relationship on the show! Like they're the only canon ship I actually enjoy watching because it's so healthy! It's cringe in a cute way, not an awkward and hard to watch way, and after they get together, they're just vibing for the rest of the show, barely any conflict, just comfort.
I have been doing a lot of rants lately, but THEY DESERVE IT. THEY DESERVE ALL THE LOVE.
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r-rk-fics · 1 year
Third Wheel Ferris Wheel - R_RK - Girl Meets World [Archive of Our Own]
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majunju · 1 year
Let me gobble gobble smarkle ur danheng
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be……my guest?
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skippyv20 · 2 years
I just saw the lastest Smarkle Wallis photo 😲🙄👻. Schmucky is not just in her own twisted bubble, she’s in her own spaceship! 👽💥 🚀 She is convicted it’s circling the globe but the truth is, she’s about 3/4 of the way to Pluto and there’s no turning back. 🛸🤡 🔭 Jgemoji
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benjablogforever · 2 years
Twilight Smarkle
Sminkie Smie
Rainbow Smash
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fanficsbykay · 3 years
Seven Days
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Summary: The Clique's Six annual reunion is coming up and so are a lot of secrets and changes. Can one week bring friends closer together, or further apart? Find out in Seven Days, based on the Mary J Blige song. Rucas Centric. Joshaya; Smarkle;
Word Count: 2,190 
Chapter 1:  A Friend of Mine
She tossed the thin dark purple cardigan on and listened to Maya rant about the inconvenience of their impromptu reunion. Riley giggled as Maya waved off a euphemism about Farkle and Isadora flying in late that evening. Riley grabbed her keys and shuffled Maya towards the front door. Maya groaned and leaned back into Riley’s arms purposely making it hard for the bubbly brunette to move her. 
“Maya,” Riley chastised and the blonde smirked. 
“Oh come on Riles, do we really need to go get party supplies? It's just us six!” Maya groaned. 
“Maya it's been a year since all six of us were together! Aren’t you excited to see our friends?” Riley pouted. 
“Yeah, I guess,” Maya said and rolled her eyes. 
Riley knew it was a front, and that Maya was just as excited as she was. Despite being close the clique six had spread out across the continent for college. Maya and Riley stayed true, and both got into NYU. While Riley went to Steinhardt for English Education, Maya found her calling at Tisch for Collaborative Art. Although in different programs, they became roommates in a cramped two-bedroom, a gift from their parents. Their friendship never wavered and if anything it got stronger over the last few years. As their junior year ended they wanted to celebrate with their best friends. In just mere months they would be college seniors, and then off to more school or careers. 
“Farkle got us a suite,” Riley teased and Maya grinned. 
“A suite? Okay, Minkus, guess that business degree is working after all,” Maya mused and stood up straight. 
As the girls found their place at NYU, Farkle and Isadora found their place at Stanford University. Although Princeton University was their goal, they both realized the move across the country would do them good. It was no surprise that both of them had done well successfully that they were graduating before their friends. Farkle in the fall will be attending Stanford Graduate School of Business and Isadora will start her Ph.D. program in Neuroscience. Another reason for their motley crew of friends to come together. 
“It's more like a graduation gift from his parents,” Riley said and led Maya out of their apartment. 
“I can't believe those two geniuses are already going to their second degrees, I barely think I am going to make it out of my bachelor’s,” Maya groaned as Riley locked the door. 
The two linked their arms together and Riley giggled. 
“Maya you're doing great in school, As and Bs,” Riley exclaimed. 
“It's only because I am actually interested in school now, why couldn't we just jump to college?” Maya asked as they walked down the stairs. 
“That's not how life works,” Riley said as they left the apartment building. 
Loud city noises blare down the streets and the crowds shuffled through masses of New Yorkers. Both girls leaped into the mass and followed the flow down the street. 
“I hope Party City isn't crowded,” Maya said as Riley smiled brightly. 
A benefit of having an apartment in Union Square was that everything was close by to them. They could pop in, get some supplies and grab lunch all within walking distance. 
“I doubt it, no major holidays, just some graduations in a few weeks,” Riley said. 
“So … we talked about Smarkle, is there a particular someone you would like to talk about before we see them?” Maya teased. 
“Zay? I heard he might double major,” Riley shrugged. 
“What is he? Can he?” Maya asked as Riley nodded. 
“I mean he is a dance major, maybe he wants to do something in that field but more,” Riley said. 
“Sounds like a lot,” Maya mused. 
“I know but it's Zay, and Duke is letting him do it, why not take advantage?” Riley said 
Zay’s college choice was a surprise to all of them. They knew Zay was eclectic and loved to do different things, but they all assumed he would go back to Texas. He threw them for a loop when he decided to go to Duke University in North Carolina for Dance. They knew he liked ballet but didn't think he would take it on as a major. 
“Wait! You deflected! You know who I was talking about Riles. A certain cowboy down in Texas,” Maya teased. 
Lucas’s choice was no surprise to Riley, she knew what he was interested in since they were in the seventh grade. So when he announced he was going to Texas A&M Riley was excited for him no matter what. They decided it was in their best interest to break up and stay as friends. Allowing one another to explore these new waters without being weighed down by a significant other. However, it didn't matter to Riley as she never found anyone to match Lucas on any level. Sure she went on dates and flirted around, but nothing was serious. No one was able to make her feel like he did. 
“Lucas?” Riley asked. 
“You said Huckleberry’s name, that's a big step for you,” Maya said with a grin. 
“I always say his name, it's you who insist on these nicknames, Maya we’re twenty-one now. Don't you think it would be a good time to drop the nicknames?” Riley asked. 
“What and miss out on annoying moral compass, do you know me Riles?” Maya fake gasped and Riley chuckled. 
“Yes I do, and to answer your question, there’s nothing to talk about, Lucas and I are friends, with the exception of Smarkle, we are all friends,” Riley said and directed Maya into Party City. 
“You two were always more than just friends,” Maya said as Riley dragged her towards balloons. 
“Why are we getting party supplies again?” Maya groaned. 
“Well while we are just becoming seniors, Farkle and Izzy are graduating. I thought it would be nice to have something like a little congratulations thing during our reunion,” Riley said as she perused gold and silver balloons. 
“Do we have to get gifts?” Maya asked. 
“I’m getting them cards, and I got them each something small, just a congrats thing. You don't have to, you know how I feel about gift-giving,” Riley said with a smile. 
“You love it you fruit loop, I guess I’ll look for something here,” Maya sighed and followed Riley down the aisles. 
As the girls scoured the store for supplies, they kept the conversation light about their friends. Catching one another up on information to prepare for the annual reunion. Maya laughed as she picked up small party favors and found two keychains for her friends. 
“Look one for each of them, the dollar sign for Farkle, and the brain for Izzy,” Maya said as she jingled them. 
Riley playfully rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friend. However, she knew the two would love Maya’s gift and treasure it because that is what friends do. 
“I have a special order to pick up,” Riley said as she walked towards the counter. 
“Special? Oh, Riles, what did you do?” Maya asked as Riley talked to the cashier. 
Riley emptied her basket of balloons, candy, and streamers. She smiled as the cashier revealed a bag with Stanford University decorations. 
“Of course,” Maya said. 
“It's going to be so much fun,” Riley said as the cashier rang up her things. 
“Fruit Loop, look I am going to the other cashier to pay for this, don't get any more supplies,” Maya chastised as she walked away. 
Riley playfully rolled her eyes once more and smiled as the Cashier scanned the items. Riley’s eyes caught a glimmer of gold and she saw a gaudy gold plastic necklace with a horseshoe. She bit her bottom lip in complementation and took the plunge. 
“Could I get that too?” Riley said as she pointed to the necklace. 
The cashier rang it up and gave her the total. Riley swiped her card with no hesitation and smiled as she was handed the bags. Maya had sauntered over with her small bag and raised her eyebrows. 
“Got everything?” Maya asked as Riley nodded. 
Riley sat at her desk as she edited her final paper for class. One click and she would officially be done with her junior year. However, she couldn't stop herself from continuously changing the ending. Something felt off, and she didn't know what it was. She glanced at the clock and saw it was well past 11:00 PM, and she was exhausted. She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. 
Her phone vibrated and she glanced at it. It was a text but who it was, surprised her. She didn't know why he would text her so late but he had to have a reason. Sure they chatted outside the group chat but it was mundane, and not so late. 
Lucas: Hey you up?
Riley: Unfortunately, is everything ok?
Lucas: Yeah can I call?
Riley hesitated but ultimately confirmed that he could. Before she knew it, her phone was ringing in her hands. As she took a deep breath she picked up the call. 
“Hey,” She whispered.
“Hey,” Lucas responded. 
“Hey,” She repeated. 
“I thought we grew out of that,” He chuckled. 
“I thought so too,” Riley said as she leaned back in her seat. 
“Sorry to call so late it's almost midnight over there right?” He asked. 
“Yeah but it's fine I was up, I was working on my final paper,” Riley said as she scrolled through the document. 
“Riley Matthews hasn’t finished her homework, oh no the world is ending,” He joked. 
“Oh stop it, I have till tomorrow midnight to submit it but I wanted it done before … the reunion,” Riley said. 
“That's the Riley I know, am I interrupting? Do you want to finish it?” Lucas asked as he cleared his throat. 
Riley paused and leaned back in her chair. A part of her did want to finish the paper, but the other part of her wanted to know why he called, especially this late. 
“I think my brain is fried, I know something is wrong, I just can't put my finger on it, I can talk. What's up?” Riley said as she tried to make her voice sound light. 
“I kind of wanted to hear your voice,” Lucas said, his voice deepening. 
“My voice?” Riley questioned. 
“Yeah … I just needed to hear it. Talking to you has always been easy Riley, and I thought I would call one of my best friends,” Lucas said. 
Riley could tell something was wrong, but just like her paper, she couldn't put her finger on it. She twirled some hair around her finger and listened to him. 
“What did you want to talk about? Tomorrow?” Riley asked. 
“I’m excited to come home,” Lucas said and Riley could feel her heart race slightly. 
“Texas isn't home?” Riley asked. 
“No it isn't, not when everything I love is back in New York,” Lucas said 
“Like your friends,” Riley said. 
“Yeah but a particular one in mind. Plus I wouldn't feel so lost, and I think … I need to be found” Lucas said his voice lofty and Riley bit her lip. 
“Are you okay Lucas, you sound … off,” Riley asked as he chuckled. 
“You definitely know me the best, yeah I’m good, I had a drink and I think … it's getting to me. Don't mind me, I’m sorry for interrupting. Goodnight Riley,” Lucas said and hung up the call before Riley could say anything. 
Riley looked at the phone puzzled at what just happened. She thought about waking Maya but she decided against it. Instead, she crafted a long but well-intended text to the Texan. She needed him to know she wasn't judging him and that she was there for him. 
Riley: Hey, you sounded off. I know you said you drank but, it didn't seem like that was what was going on? You know you can talk to me always if you want to call back we can talk about what's bothering you. I hope you're okay Lucas, I’m always here for you. 
Riley sent the message and returned to her paper. She glanced at her phone every few seconds and waited to hear it vibrate back but it didn't. She sighed and started to type up her conclusion, so she could finally finish her paper. As she saved the document and uploaded it to her college portal, she checked her phone. Still nothing. As she submitted the paper, she got up from her seat and went to the bathroom to do her bedtime routine. 
Lucas crossed her mind with each task, and she wondered if tomorrow it would be easier to talk. She hoped all was alright, and she wished he would have told her what's wrong. As she finished her routine she bounded for her room. She flicked her light off and crawled into bed exhausted from the day. She grabbed her phone to plug it in to charge when she saw a new alert. She swiped through to see a response from Lucas.
Lucas: I love you. 
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erikascleves · 3 years
farkle minkus deserves the world
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incorrectgmw · 1 year
Riley: Why do we have to commemorate everything on social media? Why can't we just live in the moment?
Farkle: You were on Twitter the entire time you were in line.
Isadora: You tweeted thank you to a Target ad telling you to have a happy Labor Day.
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beyondthesea1958 · 3 years
the only love triangle I care about
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tophsazulas · 9 months
T9S as GMW ships
Jeia - Riarkle
Geia - Rilaya
Neia - Rucas
Gwikki - Smaya
Formciotti/RedxKitty - Corpanga
Ozne/Sarnate - Smarkle
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iridescentis · 1 year
Something I realised quite recently is how much my views of Girl Meets World changed as I got older and how much more critical I am of it now.
I went from saying "everyone who says the Maya becomes Riley plotline doesn't make sense is stupid" to "Yep that plotline made no sense"
When I was Maya's age I thought her relationship with Josh was adorable and once I got to Josh's age I immediately went absolutely the fuck not
I think such a big appeal of GMW canon comes from a younger perspective, at least for me, and now I'm older I have a much more canon critical viewpoint of the show.
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gryffinwall · 3 years
So, how do Riley & Farkle get together?
I was asked quite some time ago to talk about how I thought Riley and Farkle would come together. I’ve thought about this a lot since then, and while I’m not 100% happy with my answer, I felt it was high time to give it to you.
First things first, Lucas and Riley need to realize they are not a good romantic match. The show caught a lot of flack for its alleged “bad writing,” and some of that criticism came from the lack of interaction between Riley and Lucas as a couple. If you’ve read anything else on this blog before, you would know I don’t buy into that theory for a second. Them not acting like they’re together and their anti-chemistry was completely, totally done on purpose. Yes, they liked each other, but as I’ve talked about before, neither saw their relationship for what it really was, and it checks out that they’d eventually realize they’re better off as friends.
After that, Smackle and Farkle need to break up as well. And if I’m being honest with you, this is the part that’s tripped me up for a long time. I wanted to break them up in a way that felt in line with the show while also hitting a natural ending for their relationship arc. And while this post is mainly about the Riarkle ship, it makes sense that Smarkle could end with both realizing they feel something for somebody else*.
For Smackle and Farkle, a big component of their relationship was helping each other grow. He helped her understand emotions and social cues, and in return, she helped him elevate his academic game. But after a while, there was bound to be a natural conclusion for these two. Considering Farkle himself doesn’t have the best understanding of feelings, there’s only so much he could do to help her grow. And as much as he’s always appreciated Smackle for inspiring him to be his best, that dynamic could still exist without a romantic aspect attached to it.
In other words, it checks out that they would both outgrow their relationship at some point. In fact, it would be surprising if they didn’t outgrow their eighth-grade relationship at some point (we can’t all be Cory & Topanga!).
So, Riley and Lucas break up because they realize they work better as friends. Smackle and Farkle break up because they realize they’ve outgrown their relationship — and have both felt sparks with other people. How do Riley and Farkle come together?
If it were me in charge, I would have them start spending more and more time together. There’s a bit of a parallel between Rucas and Smarkle — to an extent, they both realized their relationships sounded better on paper than it ended up being in reality. (It’s a bit more nuanced than that, but there are definitely some similarities. In my head, Farkle has a bit of a brain meltdown when he hears about Lucas and Riley ending their relationship. He’d have a bit of trouble comprehending something that makes logical sense not working out because of feelings, but he’d also have a bit of a lightbulb moment when thinking about his own relationship).
After some Lucaya-circa-S2-esque moments (i.e., flirting), Riley would be the first one to voice her feelings, even if it’s only to Maya. And because it’s her show, I really want Riley to have her moment. As much as she deserves the Big Romantic Gesture, I want Riley to be the one who tells Farkle how she feels first, and I want her to instigate the first kiss.
Annnnnd because I’m a cheesy sap, I've always imagined their first date being basically a direct parallel of GM First Date. Lucas and Maya would be each other’s “dates,” and our Riarkle dorks would do the goofy slo-mo run — to each other for real. I also have this very clear vision of Riley stumbling on the subway (because of course!), but Farkle catches her before she actually falls. He’s got her. :)
*I should probably mention here that the person Smackle starts feeling this for is Zay. But you probably knew that.
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The GMW kids were so damn impressionable. Riley likes Lucas? Lucas must like her back. Riley and Maya set Farkle up with Smackle because Smackle loves him — now Farkle suddenly likes her like that. Riley suggests that Maya likes Lucas? Now Maya suddenly likes Lucas. Then when Josh tells her she doesn’t — now she doesn’t. And now all of a fucking sudden grown ass Josh likes high school girl Maya simply because she has a crush that her underage mind sees as love on him (again)
Like, have your own opinion and identity, children! 😭
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