#They are PEACEFUL together not borad
People: Katniss chooses the boring option because of all she's been through!
Katniss and Peeta, in actual fact: Create games and books together(CF and again in MJ), practice skills together (flower crowns in CF) Tease and generally lightheartedly rib one another and laugh a lot together.
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mrallnight57-blog · 2 years
The Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 43
Widow Maker has had many battles throughout his existence. In most of those battles, he was victories. Even in his losses, he had always earned his opponents respect.
Now he was being man handled unlike ever before, and even though he had more power than he had more power than he had ever had before. He couldn't even lay a scratch on Billbo.
Widow Maker was being bounced from wall to wall until finally Billbo threw him into one of the rooms. The room was The Disciples former dressing room. There posters were all over the walls. The room also had a couch and a couple of chairs along with a few musical instruments that The Disciples used for rehearsals. Something they no longer needed because they were dead.
Widow Maker crawled to the corner of the room as Billbo began pacing. As he was pacing, he turned to Widow Maker and said. "You really are pathetic. I had planned on letting you beat on me until Jenny could convince Gothic Mirror to sign the contract, but you just had to turn your attention to the little girl, and since my friend had already put her through hell tonight. I wasn't about to let you do the same thing.
Widow Maker was gasping for air. His throat was severely injured, and he couldn't speak. Billbo began walking towards him and said. "So now onto my second plan." Billbo sat down next to Widow Maker, and put his arm around him so he couldn't move.
Billbo looked Widow Maker in the eyes. "Are you wondering how I got this power? Hmm?"
Widow Maker throat was to damaged for him to respond. So after being silent for a moment. Billbo began speaking again. "Over 2000 years ago, a Drow wizard named Zorbin, summoned eight powerful Drow Gods, and convinced them to give him a portion of their magic, and put them into eight artifacts."
"After the ritual. The artifacts were scattered acrossed Mordokia. Luckily for Mordokia, I defeated Zorbin before he could gather the first artifact. The bad news for Mordokia. I decided to go after the artifacts myself."
"I was told going after the artifacts myself was dangerous. They were to dangerous for one person to handle. Unfortunately my ego was to big. I enjoyed being famous and I believed in my own hype. I had a woman in every village. Stories were written about me. Bard performed plays about my adventures. When ever I entered a city, a parade was thrown in my honor. That kind of attention makes a man full of himself. It makes him believe he can do anything."
That's why when my allies warned me about how dangerous the artifacts were. I ignored them. I had become so full of myself, I believed there was no way the the Dark Magic could harm me. I was wrong.
Once I brought the eight artifacts together. It formed a ball of power. Then the magic inside rip through and took over my body.
Once it took over. I had very little control. The magic felt it had been abandoned by it's creators, and wanted to kill everything in sight. So to appease it. I began looking for scoundrels, murders rapist, thieves. Killing them until I could find away to destroy the Dark Magic.
Unfortunately I couldn't destroy it fast enough, because once I reached the peaceful village of Loanar. I had no one to kill. That's when The Dark Magic took over and killed everyone in the village.
After that happened. I became desperate to stop The Dark Magic. So I went to the largest Kingdom of Mordokia. The kingdom of Borad, and I declared war on their king. I figure fifty thousand of the most highly trained knights would be able to destroy me and The Dark Magic. Sadly I was wrong once again.
"I watched as The Dark Magic killed over fifty thousand soldiers. It was at that point, I knew nothing could stop it, and Mordokia was doomed."
"That is when The Red Woman appeared. She was a God from another world. The Dark Magic attempted to destroy her. The Red Woman was clever though. She used her magic, and locked us away for over Two thousand years."
"She then put me in a place far away from my world. Unfortunately for her, one of her kind who had lived on Mordokia found me. Actually that's unfortunate for you."
Billbo stared at Widow Maker, who remained silent. Fear was running through his mind as Billbo stared at him.
Billbo spoke again "Do you understand why I'm telling this to you? Hmm?" Billbo waited for answer, but got nothing. Billbo continued. "You see. I'm trapped. I can't leave The Dark Magic, and it can't leave me. So that means we are forever tied together. You have a way out of your bond. All you have to do is will it away. Take it from me. If you don't get rid of that bond. You will always be somebody's bitch."
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Famous Monuments In Khajuraho - Khajuraho Tourism
Khajuraho Tourism –
The Khajuraho Group of Monuments is a group of Hindu and Jain temples in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, India, about 175 kilometres (109 mi) southeast of Jhansi. They are one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites in India. The temples are famous for their nagara-style architectural symbolism and their erotic sculptures. Most Khajuraho temples were built between 950 and 1050 by the Chandela dynasty. Historical records note that the Khajuraho temple site had 85 temples by the 12th century, spread over 20 square kilometers Of these, only about 25 temples have survived, spread over 6 square kilometers. Of the various surviving temples, the Kandariya Mahadeva Temple is decorated with a profusion of sculptures with intricate details, symbolism and expressiveness of ancient Indian art. The Khajuraho group of temples were built together but were dedicated to two religions, Hinduism and Jainism, suggesting a tradition of acceptance and respect for diverse religious views among Hindus and Jains in the region
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The Hindu and Jain temple complex at Khajuraho in central India has become a major tourist site for Indians and International tourist. Built nearly a thousand years ago, but abandoned two centuries later, Khajuraho remained a minor pilgrimage site into the present century. The Khajuraho temples include thousands of sexual relief carvings, much publicized throughout India. Khajuraho temples were built during the Chandela period, a dynasty which survived for five centuries before falling to the onslaught of Islam. The history tells us that in the ancient India, the kings did not sponsor directly the making of rock-cut caves, stupas or temples. None of the stupas have sculptures of the Kings and rulers of those times. But with the arrival of the medieval period, rulers began to patronize personally the making of temples. 
The personal attention of the ruler led to the making of the larger temples, especially from the 10th or 11th century onwards, under the Cholas in south India. Similarly changes were seen under the rule of the Chandela in the central India. Chandela dynasty was well established and there was peace and prosperity in 10th and 11th century. Art and culture flourished there as the kings were great patrons of poetry and theatre. The symbol of their cultural achievements was at their capital city of Khajuraho, where between the 10th and 12th centuries, one of the most splendid temple cities in the history of the world was created. There were originally 85 temples were created out of which only 22 are remain today. The first king who started construction in Khajuraho was Harsh who built the 64 Yogini Temples.
 Places To Visit In Khajuraho 
Kandariya Mahadev Temple- Kandariya Mahadev Temple This is without any doubt the largest and most magnificent temple in Khajuraho. The elegant proportions of this building and its sculptural detailing are the most refined examples of this artistice heritage of central India. Kandariya Mahadev shares its high platform with the small Mahadev shrine and the medium - sized Devi jagdambi Temple, thereby accentuating its height and grandeur. As far as we know, after the Kandariya Mahaddev temple, the artist of khajuraho never again attempted to build a strcuture so high or ornate. The temple measures about 30 metres in lenght and 20 m width. The temple shikhara rises 35.3 metres in length. 
The temple shikhara rises 35.3 Detres above the ground. from the east side it looks like a huge mountain of stone with a dark cave-like opening set high above the ground. The temple measures about 30 metres in length and cave-like opening Set high above the ground. The name Kandaya Mahadev refers also to Shiva, the ascetic who dwells in a mountain cave, lost in meditation. In profile the pyramidal porch, mandap roofs and conical shikhara looks like a range of mountain staraining upwards till it meets the sky, or shiva. The shikhara of the kandariya Mahadev Temples is borad at the base and in graceful curve grow narrower as it reaches the pinnacle. It is built up of over righty replica shikharas that appear to be clambering up the central tower, giving it bothe force and momnetum on its skyward journey towards divinity. 
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Lakshmana Temple - Lakshmana temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, was built from 930-950 AD during the reign of King Yasovarman of the Chandella kingdom. It houses a sacred image of Vaikuntha-Vishnu brought from Tibet. Though the temple is one of the oldest in the Khajuraho fields, it is also one of the most exquistely decorated, covered almost completely with images of over 600 gods in the Hindu Pantheon. The main shrine of the temple, which faces east, is flanked by four freestanding subsidiary shrines at the corners of the temple platform. The temple is famous for the explicitely sexual carvings on the southern side of the temple (images 12-13), though these make up only a small fraction of the total.
The lakshman Temple stands like a gaint mountain of stone at the centre, and is unique in khajuraho for its four subsidiary shrines at the four corners of its rectangular platform. Each Subsidairy shrine has a little porch, band of scultpure along the esterior walls. Once gain you must walk in pradakshina around the Lakshman Temple to see the abundance of sculptural masterpieces on its outer walls. Starting on the south side you will see that the exterior temple wall is divided into several bands, the lowest, the adhishthana, is the base of the temple. The Lakshan Temple is the only one with a row of elephants that peep out of the base as if they are carrying the weight of the stone universe on their stable shoulders. Between the elephants are warriors protecting the temple: on the north side one elephant has forsaken his duty and naughtily gazes at s couple making love. Above the elephants, the moulded adhishthana has flower and leaf motifs, a narrow panel depicting court life and erotic scenes.
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Matangeshwar Temple- Matangeshwar Temple is a ninth century temple and a famous temple in Madhya Pradesh. Chandra Dev of the Chandela dynasty built the temple. The king was a devotee of lord Shiva. Lord Shiva is considered as the venerated sage Matang and that’s how the name of the Shiva Lingam was Matangeswarar. 
The Matangeshwar Temple is a larger-scale version of the Brahma Temple in terms of plan and design. It has a square plan. Also known as Mrityunjaya Mahadeo Temple, the exterior and interior of this temple is not decorated with sculptures like other Khajuraho Temples but the ceiling is overlapped with sculptures. There is an open air archaeological museum to the south of the temple that has a vast collection of statues and friezes. 
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Adinath Temple – The Adinatha Temple, standing immediately to the north of the Parsvanath, is an important constituent of the Jain group of Khajuraho temples. It is a temple without ambulatory, of which only the sanctum and vestibule have survived with their roofs. Its ‘mandapa’ and entrance porch are lost and replaced by a modern entrance chamber, made of lime-plastered masonry, showing arched doorways, which is quite incongruous with the original structure 
The temple is 'sapta-ratha' on plan as well as in elevation with mono-spired 'sikhara' of graceful outline. In the elegance of sculptural style as well as in general plan and design, this temple , dedicated to first Jain Tirthankara, Adinath, bears the closest kinship to the Vamana Temple.The smartness of her body and te restlessness of her feet, the vigorous, dynamic movement all have been so aptly carved out. 
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Ajaigarh Fort – Jaigarh and Kalinjar are two forts located at 80 kms and 100 kms respectively from Khajuraho. Ajaigarh is located in the Panna district and Kalinjar fort in the border between Uttar Pradesh and M.P. Ajaigarh Fort originally had five gates, but now has two gates, two temples and two rock-cut tanks inside it. Three ruined Jain temples built in Khajuraho style also have been traced in Ajaigarh fort. 
There is plenty to explore in the fort, which makes it a treat for history lovers. Ajaigarh Fort originally had five gates, but now only two gates are survived. There are two temples and two rock-cut tanks present inside the fort. These tanks have been named as Ganga and Yamuna. Close to it is a ruined Chandela temple, dedicated to Raja Parmardi deva. Three ruined Jain temples built in Khajuraho style have been traced here. The fort walls have been constructed with large, dressed, stones and no visible mortar. 
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Jain Museum - Jain Museum is a complex dedicated to the preservation and display of Jain sculptures. It was opened for display in the year 1987. It is located within the premises of the Jain Temple. The circular building of the museum is also known as Sahu Shantiprasad Jain Kala Sangrahalaya among the locals. 
Khajuraho has three museums in the vicinity of the temples in Khajuraho. A.S.I maintains the arcaeological museum near the Matangeshwar temple in the western group of temples, Adivart Tribal and Folk Art Museum is in the Chandela Cultural Complex and Sahu Shantiprasad Jain Kala Sangrahalaya is near the eastern group of temples. Dhubela Museum is on the Jhansi - Khajuraho road and houses artefacts related to Bundela Dynasty.
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journeyinthetardis · 7 years
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Synopsis: While the Doctor and Peri are arguing about their next destination, the TARDIS becomes trapped in a time corridor. Unable to escape, the two strap themselves in for the bumpy ride. It takes them towards the planet Karfel, a place that the Doctor previously visited with Jo. Just before landing, a transparent image of a woman flies past the console room.
The people of Karfel remember the Doctor, but he can already see that lots of things have changed. They are ruled by an unseen head of state known as the Borad, who appoints a Maylin to rule in person. Keeping the peace against apparent 'rebels' are android guards. The Doctor also learns that diplomatic ties with their allies, the Bandrils, have broken down and now war seems imminent.
The two are taken to the guest room by the Maylin, Tekker, where Peri comments that she hasn't seen a single reflective surface anywhere. While Peri is taken on a tour, the Doctor is informed of something by Tekker. They had been trying to execute some rebels by throwing them into the 'timelash', actually the time corridor. However Vena, lover of one of the rebels and daughter of the former Maylin, intervened and fell in instead. The issue is, she stole an amulet moments before, which is vital to the Borad, but also for ensuring life on the planet.
The Doctor is asked to take his TARDIS down the corridor to retrieve it. He refuses, saying that it's dangerous, not his responsibility, and that he wouldn't even help them now that he's seen how they execute people. However, Tekker then reveals that he is actually holding Peri hostage, and will kill her if he doesn't comply. The Doctor begrudgingly agrees and goes back into the corridor in the TARDIS. Peri, actually, has managed to evade capture, but wandered into the caves where dangerous creatures called Morlox live. She is rescued by a group of rebels.
The other end of the time corridor is 1885 Scotland, where the TARDIS materializes outside of a cottage. Inside he finds Vena, who has befriended the cottage owner, a young man named Herbert. Promising to help Vena's cause, he brings her back in the TARDIS and they head back to Karfel. He realizes too late that Herbert has snuck on board, having become enamoured by all of these fantastic happenings and desiring to go on an adventure. Meanwhile, Peri is being interrogated by the rebels, but earns their trust when she is able to identify a picture of Jo and prove that she is with the Doctor. They are soon after caught by guards.
The TARDIS returns, and the Doctor hands the amulet back to Tekker. It is then that Tekker reveals that he will not uphold his word, and sentences the Doctor, Vena and the rebels that were with Peri to death in the timelash. Luckily, the Doctor picked up a mirror from Herbert's cottage and holds it up. The reflected light blinds the android that was holding him and creates a commotion. The rebels are able to fight back and incapacitating the guard, and then lock themselves in the council room.
The Doctor quickly comes up with a plan. He uses a rope to bravely rappel into the time corridor and retrieve two Kontron crystals. With one, he rigs a device that allows him to move 10 seconds forward in time, while the visible image of himself remains behind. In essence, a 10-second visual delay on his actions. The other, he uses to create a weapon that will be able to counteract the powerful ones wielded by the Borad's guards.
The Doctor, with Herbert tagging along, makes his way to the room of the Borad. There, he sees the reason why the Borad doesn't reveal himself. He is a hideous amalgamation of both Karfellian and Morlox, a result of an experiment gone wrong. As none will ever accept him, he plans to eradicate both the Karfellians and the Bandrils, then repopulate the planet with beings like him. When asked how he plans to do this, the Borad reveals that he has kidnapped Peri and locked her up in the caves. A Morlox is drawing near to her, and when it gets close enough he will release a gas that will fuse their tissue. She will then become his mate.
Furthermore, the plan to eradicate the Karfellians is to invoke war with the Bandrils, who will launch a warhead that is capable of destroying all lifeforms, but leave the buildings intact. With not one, but two impending crises, the Doctor thinks quickly. He uses his time-delay device to avoid the Borad's weapon fire. He then secretly stands in front and uses the crystal to absorb the fire and send it right back, killing the Borad. He then sends Herbert to rescue Peri, while he deals with the approaching missile.
Herbert is able to retrieve Peri before the Morlax hurts her, but the Doctor is having less success in convincing the Bandrils to call off their attack. He has another plan and enters the TARDIS, with Peri following. It takes quite a bit of convincing to get Peri to remain behind where it is safe. The Doctor then takes off, only to realize that Herbert has snuck aboard as well and it's too late to take him back. The Doctor reveals that he's actually going to place the TARDIS in the path of the missile to protect the planet, which will surely kill them both.
Peri and the rebels watch this happen. The missile is successfully deflected, but it seems the TARDIS was destroyed. The Bandrils call off their attack and suggest diplomacy, in light of the Doctor's selfless act. That is when, suddenly, the Borad appears and grabs Peri. The Doctor and Herbert also show up, having somehow survived the blast, and realize that this Borad is a clone.
The Doctor tries to convince him that Peri will never agree to be his 'bride', no matter who he threatens. He realizes why there are no mirrors anywhere. The Borad is ashamed of his own appearance. So, working on a hunch, the Doctor smashes one of the walls, which reveals a reflective surface underneath. Peri screams at the sight of the Borad, causing him to wince and shy away. The Doctor takes advantage of this and shoves him into the Timelash.
Now that their dictator is gone, the people of Karfel can return to their old ways and rebuild their society. Peri worries that the Borad will just end up on the other side of the time corridor, but the Doctor reveals that the other end is near a place called 'Loch Ness'. Herbert at first wants to stay on Karfel, but the Doctor quietly tells Peri that he suspects he will come back with them. He shows her a business card that Herbert had dropped. It reads "Herbert George Wells".
Thoughts: Apparently this is one of the least liked Doctor Who serials, but we liked it. It was a good story, if perhaps lacking a bit in substance.
The planet was a perfectly-written example of politics gone wrong. Everything that had gone wrong made sense from a logical perspective. It's always neat to see an 'unseen' leader whom nearly everyone follows just because he's the leader. It's certainly interesting that they used the time corridor as a form of execution.
The twist at the end that Herbert was actually H.G. Wells really tied everything together nicely. We can look back and recognize the subtle references to Wells' books, indicating where Herbert may have taken his inspiration from.
The only thing we really didn't like was the Doctor's unexplained survival of the missile impact. Peri even asks him how he did it, and the Doctor just says 'I'll explain it to you one day.' Is this a cop out, or were they going to do something in the future and it was dropped?
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