#They said kids should know that what they're posting is bad 馃拃
ghostlytableteehee 6 months
Me after finding the account that makes proshipper bullshit (not tagging them)
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like girl ...馃槹
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foliejpg 4 months
sage @puppyboymikeyway submitted a bunch of fob asks from this post so here ya go <3 putting it under a read more bc its a novel 馃槶
dead on arrival: which of andy's haircuts is your favorite?
honestly i liked when he had the short bob and it was straight. he looked more like a lesbian then than usual
grand theft autumn: which was the first fall out boy song you heard and liked?
actually its this song 馃槶 i remember hearing it in a hot topic when i was around 15-16 and going home to look up the lyrics on my computer, then listening to every album straight through from tttyg to srar straight through in order lol srar had just come out
saturday: best concert you've attended?
my first fob show is special to me bc i got m&g tickets, so is the albany show this past march bc i got to meet them again with my boyfriend and a bunch of friends<333 but the best concert that the artist has put on i mean. i have to come clean i am a bit of a swiftie and the eras tour was crazy 馃槶 and fenway last year during tourdust because patrick did wams during the medley just for me<333 that's My Song
the pros and cons of breathing: do you own any fall out boy albums on cd or vinyl?
yes! here's a picture because there's a lot 馃拃 not pictured is the we didn't start the fire 7" because its so tiny i didn't see it until after i took the picture lmao
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grenade jumper: trohmania or bass spin?
i gotta go with the bass spin sorry joe<3
the patron saints of liars and fakes: last big regret?
i wish i went to the madison square garden show in march but i couldn't afford the tickets</3
cork tree
our lawyer: worst fob rumor you've heard?
i can't really think of one? all i can think of is that one interview where patrick says the worst one he heard was that he was actually 31 and not 21
nobody puts baby in the corner: favorite 80's film?
who framed roger rabbit, clue, and that's all i can think of 馃槶 i'm not a big movie person
sixteen candles: favorite fob mv?
young and menace, america's suitehearts, hmlag, dance dance
the music or the misery: favorite bonus track?
from now on we are enemies and my heart is the worst kind of weapon, but i like the acoustic version of the latter way more<3
my heart is the worst kind of weapon: last time you said something you regretted?
bro i can't think of anything i don't listen to myself talk 馃拃
this ain't a scene, its an arms race: patrick in cardigans or patrick in sweaters?
SWEATERS lemme see that fabric stretch
thnks fr th mmrs: best memory?
i have no idea lmao when i met fob idk i have a really bad memory
don't you know who i think i am?: which high school stereotype would you describe yourself with?
is "snot nosed know it all who thinks she's better than everyone else but is just sheltered and bratty" a stereotype
fame < infamy: do you like black cards?
i'm a fake fan i've never listened 馃拃 bebe is a queen though
lullabye: opinion on 'elisa stans?'
i don't know what that means these asks are from 2018 but everyone should leave fob's family alone <3
27: favorite instrument
BASS. i love bass guitar i need to feel it in my chest
w.a.m.s. which job would you prefer, waiter/actress/model/singer?
singer bc i enjoy singing and used to be good at it lol i can't act and food service freaks me out i don't want to be responsible for other people's food and also modeling just seems awful 馃拃
west coast smoker: favorite 80's band?
i love the smiths and joy division bc i'm a basic emo<3
where did the party go: bass lines or guitar solos?
bass lines a million times over!!!! plus sometimes guitar solos make my ears ring 馃槄
death valley: who would you most like to be greeted by in the afterlife?
idk my cat kayla she passed when i was like 6 she was a good girl or my cat china (my mom named her 馃拃) she was a good girl too. lots of good girls here
irresistible: which mv was your favorite?
the original one with the basketball game they're so goofy lmao
the kids aren't alright: if you could send a message to yourself five years ago, what would it say?
run for the fucking hills girl!!!!!!!
jet pack blues: which was your favorite fall out boy era?
this one because they're all happy and healthy and living their best lives, having lots of fun on stage and being weird and interacting with fans again<333
novocaine: cause of your last time in the hospital?
uhhhhh i can't remember the last time i was in the hospital lmao
favorite record: do you collect cds or vinyls?
both! i have a lot of both lol
young and menace: are you excited for the future of fall out boy?
of course<3 i hope whatever they do next is satisfying creatively for them because i would rather wait a few years for new music than have them go back to working themselves to the bone and exhausting themselves so i'm sure whatever comes next will be worth the wait, stardust certainly was<3
champion: what's your proudest moment as a fan of them?
i don't knowwww i really like the little corner of the internet i'm in with some friends and mutuals and i get a lot of asks/msgs from ppl so i like that i've made a comfy little space for ppl to talk about fob<3 does that count lol idk i'm also proud of them for like. still doing what they're doing at their age those crusty old men
wilson: if you could purchase one thing being advertised in the wilson video, what would it be?
sunshine riptide: if you could say one thing to the band, what would it be?
i would say thank you for making art and i would also corner pete and maKe him tell me about the pool ball strike at the beginning of disloyal order he can't get away with this anymore
WHOOOO BOY okay thanks for sending all those i hope you enjoy this essay<3
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princesssarcastia 3 months
sometimes i think about how I might be more inclined to have thoughts of self harm or even suicidal thoughts if it weren't for the utter contempt my mother had and continues to have for people who attempt or successfully commit suicide.
my brain definitely sucks! having a bad time up here! but Wow does she have a petty and negative reaction to people who do that, and probably I internalized it quite a bit. So I don't ever seriously or even casually entertain those things. Which i guess is a win for me but, woof. I do still find the way she talks about these people very shitty.
it's all very "attention seeking (derogatory)" if you know what i mean. when I was growing up, one of our next door neighbors, who was maybe ten years older than me, tried to commit suicide鈥攖hankfully unsuccessfully鈥攕everal times, and my mom's reaction was to say she was just doing it for attention.
or, when I was in middle school, I had a classmate who was Going Through It, and she cut up her arms quite a bit. there was a school event where parents were invited, and this classmate wore a sleeveless dress, which meant you could see all the scar tissue on her forearms. and my mom said something to the effect of, wow she's just daring everyone to comment isn't she?
obviously i'm of the opinion that if people feel they need attention so badly they're willing to hurt themselves for it, then you should start paying more attention to them, help them get better, and not be a dick about it. that is...not really her take.
more recent example: when anthony bourdain died, her response was to say doesn't he have kids? that's so selfish of him! and. well. 馃拃
why am I contemplating this now? who can say! perhaps it was that post asking people to vote on what their relationship with their parents is like. love my mom so much, and I like her a lot of the time, too. but all my societal-expectations-based issues, all the ways I struggle with my sense of propriety, are deeeeeefintely her fault.
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ruinedsam 2 years
So I鈥檓 confused why are people bent out of shape over the incest undertones meant to be horrific in supernatural but not the fact that Dean canonically would and wants to fuck underage/teenage girls, which is portrayed in a humorous and light manner?
I basically wrote an essay, so you better appreciate this anon 馃拃
I'm not an expert on how these people think (I am, in fact, often very baffled), but I think in the end this all boils down to purity culture.
Purity culture is characterized by black/white thinking and the belief that there should be nothing "problematic" in fiction: Regardless of how it is framed, or what its intentions are, problematic subject matters like abuse, incest, non con, underage etc. should not be featured or explored in fiction in any way, not even if it functions as critique or is meant to be distrubing - murder seems to be fine with a lot of these people though, even though they claim that fiction has a direct 1:1 effect on reality, their main argument for the abolishment of these contents. Hypocrisy is a core aspect of purity culture, because at the end of the day it boils down to wanting to eradicate things that make them personally uncomfortable, using morality and wokeism as justification to feel morally superior an put other people down. So certain people see the incest undertones in spn, are disgusted/uncomfy whatever and throw a tantrum because incest = bad and should therefore not exist in fiction, and depicting it in any way is wrong and sick and a sign of moral degeneration. How purity culture has managed to become such a dominant force in the fandom of spn, a horror show, a genre that is literally about confronting you with dark subject matter (often incest might I add) and aiming to disturb you, I do not get in the slightest.
Now you may say, but wouldn't these people find Dean problematic too, and you're right, logically they should. But, as I said, hypocrisy. Of course they can't stan a character that is problematic in any way, so they have to find ways to make them unproblematic, e.g. creating brainrot meta about this character, painting them as flawless and blameless or woobyfying them in order to blame any problematic things they did on other characters. (The reverse of this being villanizing characters they don't like because they're morally upright, if they don't like someone they have to be evil.)
This is something I see in fandom general, but Dean's case is the most extreme by far. There is a (horrifyingly large) subset of Dean stans that have a very strange relationship to his character, namely, they love a version of him that does literally not exist and is in fact in many aspects the opposite of who he is. They prescribe to the performativity theory, which is that Dean's macho personality is only a performance, i.e. it's not what he's really like, it's just a front he copied from John/was forced to put on by evil John who didn't want him to be who Dean really is. So when Dean is being a creep, sexualizing teenage girls, then (in their mind), that's not really Dean, he doesn't mean any of these things, he just feels pressured to say these things. Or they make it even easier for themselves and say that this is not the character but the writers 馃拃I kid you not, I have seen countless of posts that are like, well that was not really Dean, in my heart I know he's not like that 馃ズ the writers are just sexist/homophobic/racist or the writers don't get him. The Dean stan brainrot is real.
I feel like I haven't mentioned the lack of media literacy enough, because being upset by a horror show containting dark content matter is insane, but I think that's connected to fandom purity culture in general. But I think it's time to come to an end, I babbled long enough. Also my brain is empty now and I'm going to bed 馃槅 I hope I was clear?
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