#They would 100% steal a kiddy pool for him to splish splash in
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Hey @mew-myself-and-i, I hope you're doing okay, I wrote this little thing as I unfortunately don't think I'll have time to art this interaction but like I do consider this talk like something that'd probably happen, as obviously its transitioned to summer in Paldea with Night and May is like me and probably burns easy so God dammit she will look out for the child and make sure he's careful and also tell him about all the good things too. I wasn't sure if your twos have a slight fluff fur layer or not so I went with they don't, hope that's okay! Honestly it's just a soft little thing of her looking out for him.
Summer talks
The older Mewtwo stood in front of the young two, it was morning and the babytwo was still awake despite being up most of the night and the adult decided to impart some wisdom to the young one while they were both awake, seeing as they did have different sleep schedules.
"Now Night as you may have noticed, it's a lot warmer than it was a few weeks ago that is because we are in the season known as Summer, this follows Spring and is followed by Autumn then Winter. Summer is when it is hottest due to something about proximity to the sun in our yearly cycle around it, I don't know exactly. I've never actually read up on it myself, the sun is hot." She shrugged awkwardly in her ramble, "now I know you're nocturnal but let me tell you what you should think of whenever it's Summer."
From under the trees near them her sleepy clone brother yawned muttering "Boys," having misheard the question clearly, the orange mewtwo slowly looked over at her brother who seemed to realize he'd said that out loud, "what?" He asked, pretending to have not heard himself.
"I think Night is a bit young to be thinking about boys, Matt." the more red toned brother awkwardly floundered, waving his stump a bit in exaggeration, opening his mouth and failing to come up with a quip or excuse, deciding instead to get up and fly off quickly to sleep elsewhere, leaving his sister to watch him in vague confusion but acceptance.
She sighed turning back to Night who looked just as confused but seemed to giggle in a way kids do when not fully understanding something, she smiled softly readjusting her glasses crouching to boop his nose saying, "you may understand that better when you're older. But what I was referring to is when you think of Summer you must think of sunscreen hats and hydration."
She stood upright saying, "now you're thinking, but Aunt May, I'm never really out in the sun I'm nocturnal, remember? And I say you're right but what if you miscalculate your shade when you nap? You may wake up with a nasty burn, I have unfortunately had my fair share. Or what if when you're older you turn into a human form and get burnt? Now you may be less susceptible to sunburns, you're a different hue to me and unfortunately my circumstances are I'm a frail little nugget." Night giggled as the older two smiled at them caringly.
She continued, "and, in summer the sun is persistent, staying out much longer rising early and setting late so you could still be exposed to late sunshine. And that's if you don't end up with a more diurnal sleep pattern as you get older, but any who's you'll just have to be aware of that when you're older but don't worry we'll make sure you're all sunscreened up."
Night nodded saying slowly, "what does, diur-urnal mean?" May smiled at his grasp of words and how he was getting cleverer and better at speaking every day.
"It means you sleep at night and are awake during the day, like me and Matt, the opposite of you who's nocturnal. There's also another one meaning awake at dawn and dusk but I can't recall its name," she waves a hand as Night again nodded in fascination with a soft woaw, clearly amazed by the different ways pokémon lived.
"Now if you do go out and about with your caretakers always make sure to wear your hat okay? Your head could get quite hot if exposed to the sun and you might get tired and grumpy, and make sure to drink water frequently." She didn't want to tell him about the dangers of heatstroke or heat exhaustion, just yet not while he was still young, she didn't want to scare him. She'd have a word with the others to be aware to keep him safe and well.
Night nodded saying "I will! I will! I promise Aunt May, the hat will never ever leave my head!" She smiled brightly at his determined little face.
"Good, you're a good little lad I know you will. Now I know I talked about some pretty serious stuff but Summer is also really really fun. I'm sure you'll have so many chances to enjoy ice creams and ice pops and fun summer festivals. The others might take you to the ocean to go swimming if you want or we can, acquire, a kiddy pool to paddle in if the oceans a bit big and spooky." She could see the young ones face light up in intruige.
"What's an ice pop?" He asked and May moved to sit down besides him under the tree as he came to curl up between her legs cuddled into her stomach as she started to tell the young two all about the different cold treats that came out during summer, the ice shavings, the slushies, the ice cream vans and milkshakes. She told him of the flavors, the combinations, the shapes that some even took from Vanillish snow cones to Scraggy ice lollies. She could hear him purring excitedly, starting to paw and pad on her stomach somewhere between excited grabbing to hear more and self soothing biscuit making as she continued to speak and tell him all about it. She only realized he'd fallen asleep when he mewed softly and she looked at him to see him cozily resting against her stomach using her as a pillow. Well, she didn't have any plans for today anyways and it was nice and shady where they were.
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