#They're not born being a candidate and them being chosen is purely because of another person's will and not bc of Wonderland
elalalune · 10 months
What if Law is a White Queen candidate? And when the Red and Heart kingdoms separate, he's the one that becomes the new White Queen?
In an AU of this AU he could be 🤔 not sure how he'll feel after going through 3 different roles in his lifetime though
My thoughts on the main AU is that White and Red are based off chess pieces and one of their ways to become a Queen is through Pawn promotion. Since Luffy is technically a Pawn here, he has the ability to become a Queen (not all Pawns can just become Queen though, they'll have to go through highly specific conditions or have the right drive/characreristics for it). And Law was a Knight candidate that was promoted from a Pawn before the shift, so he could've become a Queen candidate if he stayed on a Pawn's role
Also unlike chess, this is the process for the Pawn's roles: Pawn —> "Queen/Bishop/Rook/Knight" candidate —> Queen/Bishop/Rook/Knight (whichever role they picked to be a candidate of)
The Pawn "_" candidates can go back to being a Pawn but they cant pick any other option once they chose the role (ex. Pawn becomes Bishop candidate, goes back to being a Pawn, can't become a Rook candidate)
It's different for those that are already born to be candidates of their position. Not all Queens/Bishops/Rooks/Knights came from Pawns. Once someone else already has taken their potential role, they simply lose that candidate role.
Heart doesnt have the Pawn method of choosing though and most of the time Red and White's Queen candidates were picked the same way as Heart
I do like the idea of Luffy, Law and Kid being the next gen of Queens but I'm still not sure if I really want that because I might change my mind later 😅
It doesn't really matter to me though because I'm only focusing on Shanks' and Buggy's story, so feel free to think of who's who in the next generation ^-^
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