thiefguard · 1 year
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1. Thiefgister
2. Guardagonist
3. GuardNie
4. Thieftagonist
1. Thiefgister
a) Why don't you ship it? BECAUSE. IT'S THIEF. AND MAGISTER. He's literally evil/gay/put a price on her head. She literally had to save her best friend after he roofied him. Does - does anyone ship this???
b) What would have made you like it? I'm not saying if you made Magister a strong powerful woman it could change things for me, buuuuuuut...
c) Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I ship Thief / looting Magister's things, Thief / stealing from Magister's vaults, Thief / unknowingly pilfering Guard's ring (Tago's soul?) from Magister's nightstand :3
2. Guardagonist
a) What made you ship it? LOL this one is still a crackship for me, founded solely on the actors being brotps IRL
b) What are your favourite things about the ship? I think it's pretty neat that Guard is the only human who has never used the ring against Tago, like, mainly because he had absolutely no idea what it did, and he sure as shit wouldn't have sold it to Magister if he did, but... as much as Antagonist might think he hates all mortals, Guard ~was different~ okay
c) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? ThiefGuardtagonist should collectively bang out their problems
3. GuardNie
a) Why don't you ship it? Nie would be so offended lmaoooo.
b) What would have made you like it? I'm not sure this one has any angles for me to grasp at !!
c) Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? A lot !! I love love love how much they love their people, and when they do come in to conflict, it's just about wanting the best for the people they both love. I really think they have brotp potential in the pipeline.
4. Thieftagonist
a) What made you ship it? I'm weak and they're hot, simple as.
b) What are your favourite things about the ship? I think it's absolutely fucking delicious that Tago has no idea Jul has the ring, and Jul has no idea what the ring does. I can't wait to see that play out.
c) Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Look, I know he manipulated her into the cave of the Old Gods as a human sacrifice. But I desperately want to see one of their early adventures okay. How did they first come to work together? What was their early dynamic like? SHOOOW MEEEE.
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thiefguard · 1 year
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I feel like my answers to this one change depending on what day of the week it is, but:
I can make it SO fucked up <3: Do I really need to, or did the show do that enough for me? Cus this one gets DARK.
They're exes: I mean, maybe? I definitely don't think they ever dated, but hooked up? Could have happened!
They're fucking the same guy: lmaolmaolmao ThiefGuardtagonist is a way of life okay
I like it in very specific scenarios that only exist in my head: And doubtless only ever will exist in my head, because they mostly hinge on Tago being repentant. And. That man has never known a day's repentance in his life I swear.
Inherent eroticism of attempted murder: It's them your honour!!!!!
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thiefguard · 1 year
thiefstess is hot i couldn't agree more
but aren't they a bit problematic 🥺
Hi Anon, thanks for the question. Out of interest, have you asked anyone in the Thieftagonist tag the same question, or is it only the f/f ship you find problematic? On the off-chance the question is genuinely meant, of course it's problematic that Priestess prepares Thief as a human sacrifice to appease the Old Gods. I think most people who ship Thieftess are interested in either the before or after angle; who they could have been, who they could still be to each other. I don't think any of us are advocating for them to partake in the marriage ritual while Thief is still bound and daubed in holy oils. (Some other ritual, maybe 😏)
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