#Thinking about having Wildfur in ShadowClan too
bonefall · 2 years
Monsterslayer of Thunderclan my beloved!!!!! reread Dawn yesterday and came to this point where everyone is somehow ok with the elders being left alone to die. ew. But i actually thought of your bulldozer speckletail idea and thought of a concept for it: In order to defend the other elders (+ maybe dying mudfur) from the impending monsters, she sacrifices herself by ferociously fighting the monster (pulling the driver down so that he yanks the steeringwheel away, crashing into a rock or tree). Maybe it buys the others more time, more likely it's in vain. BUT. She had the death of a True Warrior and ascends to starclan in the form of a shooting star, the very same one that shows the clans the way to their new home
so thank you for creating this absolute woman moment idea!!!
The elders being left behind is so weird!! They say, "Oh we can't make a journey like that and we don't like change" but, uhhh?? We've established that elders are supposed to be these respected clanmates, a Clan defines itself on taking care of the injured, sick, and old, and they just... accept the idea of leaving the 'weak' cats behind.
"Thanks for not slowing us down grandma. Byee."
TNP is what really made the elder's den a punishment and I feel like it started here, with this decision. So to hell with it! NO elders are getting left behind. If there's any stragglers, it'll be capable warriors.
(I was originally going to have BloodClan absorb any stragglers but I've slowly moved away from that version tbh)
Speckletail becoming the shooting star is a pretty metal idea, but she's already had a really hardcore exit and I don't want to give her ALL the great roles! We'll see though, that's a really good suggestion, so thank you!
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I am 👀 at Milktail
please tell me more about her
My Enemy Milktail!
Tw for kidnapping
A pure white molly with green eyes, shredded ears, and heavy scarring on her back leg. Born in Shadowclan under Brokenstar's leadership to another OC, Frostwave. Frostwave only had a single kitten, and although she did not approve of Brokenstar's methods of... Acquiring more... She would never say no to another mouth to feed. And Brokenstar knew it.
He took kittens from Rogue groups, and personally indoctrinated some. Spiderclaw, Batclaw, Oakstripe, Lizardsong and Nestfur are all examples. Each one turned out differently...
The other is Elmfeather, or Elmkit as he was known when he was small.
Elmkit was passed off to Frostwave when he was brought to Shadowclan's camp, and she immediately took him in. Milk-kit... Hated him. She didn't like that he was getting her mother's attention. Then it turned into this outsider getting her mother's attention...
She is made Milkpaw by Nightstar and assigned to Scorchwind. Scorchwind... Ain't great. He supported Brokenstar for the most part (which is hilarious seeing as his wife cheated on him with the guy). He teaches Milktail to channel her anger into strength, that she has the "right" to be angry over her brother.
Before he tells her about cuckoo birds. Anyways, how about we go on a border patrol?
She is named Milktail by Tigerstar when he takes power. She fully supports Tigerclan, and hopes it will mean the death of her brother.
Nevermind that she has new siblings, Nightkit (Nightwing) and Wildkit (Wildfur), and Frostwave has just died from sickness. Nevermind that two of her siblings, Woodkit and Silverkit, died in that same sickness, the 4 born far too early. She doesn't care. All she can think about is what her "fake brother" has 'stolen' from her.
Elmfeather has done nothing wrong, but it doesn't matter. She hates him.
Elmfeather flees to Thunderclan, and after Tigerclan falls apart, she goes to the newly appointed Blackstar, and begs for forgiveness. "Blinded by hatred" she says to him. She won't ever let it happen again. Shadowclan is her truest love, and she only wishes to still be part of it.
In his defense, she was popular. She was liked. She was forming a bond with Daykit, Flintfang and Fidgetflower's little one. When Daykit was made into Daypaw, they were given to Milktail, as a sign of good will towards her. She had Shadowclan fooled.
She remained good with Daypaw, teaching them lots of battle tricks and hunting tips, strict but on her best behavior. Daypaw became Daywhisker, and Milktail never spoke to them again.
She is made Deputy after the retirement of Boulder during Starlight.
She lured Blackstar into a double trap with the help of Mistfang, Tigerstar's sister, who got Ashfur to help them out.
Firestar and Blackstar were shoved into fox traps, Birchpaw gets Brambleclaw to come to the lakeshore, but he bumps into Elmfeather on the way. Elmfeather, having mentored Sootfur after Longtail was blinded, has also qualified for deputy, not that he wants it...
And Brambleclaw freezes. In the Chaos, Elmfeather explodes out of the bushes, snarling at his sister. She immediately flares with rage, fighting with him. The two grapple, biting and clawing one another until...
Elmfeather forces Milktail backwards, dunking her head into the water and nearly drowning her. She plays possum one last time, but when she springs back up, Elmfeather is prepared, and her throat meets his teeth.
Blood is spilling Blood, and when Milktail falls back into the water, the Lake begins to turn pink.
She goes to the Dark Forest, Mistfang not far behind her. They walk together in darkness until Tigerstar calls on them.
Later, during The Great Battle, Milktail gets one last showdown with Elmfeather, now older and grayer. She brutally wounds him but manages to get an upper hand on her, chasing her to Riverclan land and catching up with her, rolling them until he is on top of her, the soft riverbank partially giving way, making them slide back. Milktail's head dunking into the water, Elmfeather pushing forward and finally drowning her in the river. Her oily black blood runs through the river and into the Lake once more. The last thing she sees is Elmfeather's eyes, full of disappointment.
He wanted a sister.
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doritopaw101 · 3 years
Arc1, book 3: Chapter 6
Icefire took Whitethroat back to Shadowclan territory two days later. Him and Whitethroat had a long overdue talk. It had been cut short but they were getting somewhere.
Tulip-paw still hadn't woken yet. They managed to stop all his bleeding but only time would tell how well it worked. It had been a half-moon since then. Didn't help when Ashpaw started screeching about how his blue eyes were turning purple. Yellowfang quickly shut him up and said it was due to his Shadowclan blood from Blackfoot, Shadowclan cats tend to change color sometime in their lives, Ashpaw just happened to get it early.
The whole clan was on edge from the attack, more so when Bluestar went rapid when she heard about Nightshade and especially Tiger-roar. Her reaction did nothing to help and only made the panic worse. Raveneye noticed their niece, Sunnypaw be on edge at every given moment and refused to leave camp.
Icefire would try to calm them but he had his own problems. He was having one of his episodes, he had nicked his injured leg on patrol and had been in the sun. Raveneye did their best to help but all they could do was let Icefire lean on them and let it happen.
"It's worst then it usually is" Cherrycloud muttered
"I know, they'll pull through, he always does"
The white tom was curled in a ball, holding his tail for dear life. Raveneye squeezed some wet moss into his mouth and watched in slight relief as Icefire lapped it up.
"I'm glad Brackenfur has taken to the messenger role well enough"
"Agreed, we needed it anyway"
"Stork-kit could work well with it"
"I suppose"
"Daughter, Raveneye" she never called her son or kit, it was for Dustpelt, Fogtail, and Chestnutclaw. Chestnutclaw was always such a kiss up to her. Not like her new litters were much better. Chivestalk and Chestnutclaw seemed to be in a contest for Robinwing's love, not like Dustpelt helped.
"Robinwing" they never really called her mother. Cherrycloud just shrugged, she pulled Badgerkit and Stork-kit closer to her belly. Robinwing went crazy when Cherrycloud named her son Stork-. Raveneye didn't understand but Cherrycloud seemed to know and he wasn't about to ask and get on their bad side.
"What are you doing?" she growled
"Laying with my mate and my sister?" they replied, glancing at Cherrycloud who returned it then turned to glare at the brown molly.
"A mate that can't stop lifting his tail" she sneered "He has a taste for fish I see"
"We're poly, we've discussed things you'd never do considering your love life" they snapped back. They truly didn't care about who Icefire was with, the white tom always kept him in the loop and he'd be a fool to say that some of the toms Icefire's with aren't attractive and he wasn't getting his own share.
Robinwing burned her mateship with Fuzzypelt and Rosetail to the ground moons ago, Patchpelt didn't care and why she was with Featherears, Raveneye still didn't know.
Robwing scoffed at him "At least I have respect in this clan, unlike you two but especially him"
"He should have respect considering he's one of Thunderclan best fighters and showen he's willing to kill for his clan" Cherrycloud growled
"All the while he's whimpering like a lost kitten" her amber eyes shimmered with disgust "I don't know why he's deputy" Robinwing drawled "He's barley doing anything, Leopardstorm or Miststrike should be deputy"
Raveneye felt their fur rise "Too bad, Bluestar made the decision and she's the only one to change it" They could feel Icefire shudder "He'll be back to his regular self soon, piss off"
"At least his kits are useful" she sighed "We shouldn't bother with these kinds of cats"
Raveneye felt their claws unsheathe, these cats she was talking about were: Snowkit, Cinderfreeze Nettlemist, and Icefire. Cats who had their own issues but did well for themselves in the clan in Raveneye's opinion. They all had their own limitations but were still contributing to the clan in some way or form.
"These cats have more good in their bodies than you ever will" Raveneye hissed
"Keep telling yourself that, neither them nor you two could match up to me"
"Good, it be horrifying if they did" Raveneye laughed
As they watched their mother walk away they knew one thing, her time in this world was numbered.
Time was barley a passing thought at this point. The clan was dying, either of sickness or starvation. Thymeroot's cure ran out quick and Shadowclan didn't have the herbs that Thunderclan. Whitethroat and Littlecloud were too nervous to cross Thunderclan territory again considering the hostility. Flyswat stole enough herbs for Marshstar and a few others, they managed to live another day.
Whitethroat felt his bones crack as he woke. 'Damn I'm getting old' he thought grimly.
As he tried to get up, he felt the hold of the cat night to him pull him close. He licked the cat's head softly.
"Where are you going?" The black molly murmured
"Just patrolling, I did say I would patrol tonight"
Crowcloud nuzzled his neck, brushing against his neck fluff "Stay safe, love"
Crowcloud and Pineshadow fit in great with clan society without the pressure of Brokenstar. Pineshadow proved to be a very capable fighter and Crowcloud was a great addition to the nursery and a great help around camp.
He had fun decorating Crowcloud's ear and pelt with crow and raven feathers. He bonded with Crowcloud quicker than he thought. They became mates and it had been bliss before the disease came. Crowcloud was great with raising the baby crows under her care, it was easier to find any good prey at this point. They shared the pain of losing children: Hollylock-paw died first from eating rats, Garlicpaw died next from a coughing fit that left her in so much pain, she asked for death and Blossomhaze gave it to her. Darkpaw shared the same fate. Whitethroat had licked their heads as they took their last breathes.
He did his best to make sure Foxtrot and Buzzardwing lived, made sure Darkhollow didn't overwork herself when she became pregnant with Duskthorn and Boulder's kits when Amberfoot broke it off with him, maybe that was why his leg still hurt when it really shouldn't.
He padded into the clearing, cats either sleeping or grooming each other. He looked up and felt himself stiffen, the tom he hated and privately feared was sitting on the deputy rock, Mossclaw. He was chatting with Jaggedtooth and Toadpelt.
Mossclaw turned his head and locked eyes with Whitethroat. He smirked at him. Whitethroat bared his fangs but his limbs wouldn't work. Mossclaw padded forward, his tail held high. Whitethroat wanted to yell or attack him but his body wouldn't move.
Badgerfang sunk his teeth in Mossclaw's neck. He tossed Mossclaw to the side as Dawncloud nudged him out of his trance.
"Are you okay?" she asked, she carried the scent of sunflowers.
Badgerfang was standing above Mossclaw, his long fangs bared "Stay the fuck away from him if you know what's good for you" he spat on Mossclaw
"Badgerfang, what's going on here?"
Badgerfang sighed "Nothing, Tigerclaw"
The large two-colored tabby stood tall and mighty, Nightshade and Nightwhisper at his side. They came to camp a half-moon ago, bringing prey and helping with patrols. Marshstar knew why Nightshade and Tigerclaw were exiled but she and everyone else knew they needed as much help as they could get at the moment. The tabby took the name -claw as a sign of change for him, Whitethroat didn't know how he felt about it but he knew his clan wasn't in the position to complain.
Along with them, Tigerclaw and Nightshade brought some of Brokentail's followers and some rouges as well. Tigerclaw said they had changed in their exile and if they gave problems, to talk to him and Nightshade.
Of course Mudfoot was not allowed anywhere near, Palecloud, Lizardfang, Muddytail, and Muddedkit. Barkfoot wasn't allowed near any of his kits. Dewflare was a whole issue altogether though she mostly stuck with Tigerclaw and Nightshade.
The rouges were nice enough, at least they pulled their weight. As an over-seer, Whitethroat taught them the ways of Shadowclan life, either said than done with them honestly. Nightwhisper was quiet but a good fighter. Socks was decent and knew how to hunt at least. Wildfur was well-rounded where he didn't need to much. Crowcloud brought her younger brother Striker into the clan and he earned the name Strikerclaw.
He had a feeling Tigerclaw and Nightshade looked down on him for his injury but if they did, they didn't express it.
"Keep him away from Whitethroat and Houndbelly" Dawncloud hissed "As well as Batwhisker and Burdockpaw"
"I've done nothing" Mossclaw snarled trying to get up but was slammed down by Badgerfang
"You didn't even visit Hollylockpaw or Darkpaw in their final times" Dawncloud spat "You said you loved them and wanted to change but you lied like the fox-heart you are"
"They were weak, they don't deserve-" Whitethroat screeched and lunged at Mossclaw. The brown tom hadn't expected it. It became a blur to Whitethroat. It seemed to pass over shortly when he was dragged away by Batwhisker.
"Mossclaw, you're bothering everyone here, why don't you stay away?" Tigerclaw mewed, his voice as soft as feathers
Mossclaw looked shocked but realized he was very much outnumbered. Jaggedtooth lead him away, to the furthest parts of camp.
As if things couldn't get worse.
Blossomhaze was dragging Blazefang out of the medicine den and behind her Palecloud was dragging Brownwhisker.
Whitethroat watched Brownwhisker and Blazefang's bodies as they were being picked apart by crows and coyotes. The coyotes and Shadowclan had a silent agreement of the circle of life.
Viperfang and Goldenmint were heartbroken and Wetfoot and Littlecloud seemed to shut down. Viperfang made sure Jaggedtooth was no where near Blazefang's body. They had taken the former deputy's fangs and claws and they were passed to her kits.
"You'd think it would make you vomit but it just makes you feel nothing"
"Shadowclan is like that Nightwhisper, you get used to it" Whitethroat stated "Brokenstar beat that into our heads perfectly"
"Your uncle was lovely wasn't he" Nightwhisper said sarcastically
"So lovely" he replied
That caused them both to laugh.
He turned away, not wanting to look at the graveyard anymore. He didn't expect any other creatures around but he had been proven wrong. He tripped and fell into a pond.
"Whitethroat, you okay?"
He didn't care much for his fur, it had the typical dirt from living in the marshy pine forest territory that Shadowclan resided in.
"What tripped me?"
Nightwhisper didn't reply for a moment then he gasped "a fox"
He looked over at what had tripped him and his eyes widen, a vixen was caught in a trap. Her head seemed to barely be attached to her body.
Nightwhisper moved the vixen's back leg, revealing a fox kit.
Dogpaw coughed violently, the pain in her side was almost unbearable.
Dogpaw whimpered "I..I'm s..sorry"
Vixentail scoffed and turned away "Go back to camp, you can't be a disappoint there, deal with the nursery"
Dogpaw was all too happy to run back to camp. She tried to do a diving trick Vixentail told her to do but all it left her was almost drowning and a sore side. Her mentor was not pleased when she was apprenticed to her, she knew why. Her auncle Mistyfoot wanted to mentor her.
As soon as she got into camp, she went to find her papa, not dad or mother. She loved Stonefur and Skyeyes dearly, he treated her well unlike Blackclaw did, Blackpaw was the favorite.
Riverclan had a lot of dens around, cats could have their own personal dens. It was usually for senior warriors but it's been trimmed down to if you want it, you can. Most cats wanted to stay in one area with their kin but others liked space.
She knew who shared a den with who: Mudfur shared his den with Graypool, Morningriver, Swanlight, Reedtail, Condorwing, and Lakewillow the new kits would join them soon. Suneyes shared her den with Blackclaw, Grasswhisker, Vixentail, Flarepaw, Whirlpaw, and Shinepaw. Whiteclaw shared his den with Greenflower, Silveryide, Silverstream, and Graystripe along with Silverstream and Greenflower's apprentice-aged kits. Leopardclaw only shared her den with Mistyfoot and Mudbelly. Stormstar shared the leader's den with Voleclaw, Sootwhisker, Hailpaw, Mosspaw, and Shellpaw.
Of course there were some cats who lived alone such as Rippleclaw, Sedgecreek, and Dawnscale.
Why did Dogpaw know this? Because Vixentail liked to make her clean all the dens often when she failed a task, of course she never finished all of them had to have her siblings help her finish at least one.
She poked her head into her father's den "Papa?" As far as she knew, Stonefur only shared his den with Skyeyes and Mosspelt. It was the only reason why she knew Stonefur fathered Dawnkit.
She saw her father asleep, cuddling with Skyeyes. Stonefur had cobwebs over his shoulder and muzzle.
Stonefur opened one eye "Pup?"
"Yeah, are you okay?"
Stonefur sighed "I'm okay, just a dispute with some otters, someone was taking their share of fish and they got mad, I got in the middle and-"
"Got scratched up when he should've left Blackclaw to deal with it" Skyeyes cut in, her tail lashing
"Is it dealt with though?" Dogpaw asked
"Yeah" Stonefur mewed "Me and Willowheart smoothed it over"
Dogpaw sighed with relief
"Silverstream wanted to talk with you" Skyeyes mewed, "He's by the Starlit ponds"
"Is this true or an excuse for me to leave to give you two privacy?" she chuckled
"You're too smart" Skyeyes returned the chuckle "But no, Silverstream wanted to see you and your siblings, something to do with fish and flowers"
"Got it, have fun" she purred padding out of the den
"She's something" she heard Skyeyes say
"Just like her grandmother" Stonefur replied
Dogpaw jumped between the ponds, water droplets flicking from her fur as she leaped. She caught the scent of Shadepelt, Blackpaw, Pikepaw, and Coalpaw nearby. She hadn't spent time with them in a while and it would be fun to do something with them and a cat she admired and wanted to do anything she could to make up for causing his blindness.
She spotted her brothers and sisters huddled together, it looked like they were planning something.
Coalpaw put her tail over her mouth "Shush" she pointed her ears in the opposite direction "Listen"
Dogpaw was confused but obeyed. She rested beside her sister and leaned forward.
"As much I applaud you wanting to check on apprentices and royalty, what do you want from me Leopardclaw?"
"I wish to apologize to you for my words against you Silverstream" Leoaprdclaw replied
'What' Dogpaw thought 'that doesn't seem right, Leopardclaw would never apologize if she could help it'
"I realize from my father, Swanlight and my own reflection that I was wrong about you and shouldn't treat you like that because of something you can't control"
Silverstream was silent
"I've actually began to see you in a new light in fact"
A small squeak escaped Silverstream "W..What?"
"What is going on?" Dogpaw whisper yelled
"We don't know" Blackpaw replied
"Shut it and watch" Shadepelt hissed "I trust my mentor, it's Leopardclaw I don't trust"
Icefire sighed, he felt Raveneye and Embereyes groom him.
"How're you feeling?" Thymeroot asked
"Better that you could make a trip to the moonstone"
"Yes" he mewed "I want to be there for Maplepaw"
"I want you to be careful" Thymeroot advised "No heroics, I don't want to have to reset your leg"
Icefire snorted "Got it"
"Get your herbs" Yellowfang cut in "You'll need to be there before dark"
"I can't wait" Maplepaw yowled "I hope to see Snowstrike"
"You'll see who Starclan wants you to see Maplepaw" Icefire mewed
"I hope it's Thunderstar" Rosepaw boasted.
"I want Thunderstar" Bearpaw countered
"Relax" Smokyclaw rolled her eyes
"Apprentices" Yellowfang rasped "Out with you all"
Icefire chuckled "They're just excited is all"
"Excited doesn't mean tear up the den" Yellowfang retorted "Out with you all"
They all piled out near the entrance of camp. He hoped the group wasn't too large as to not cause trouble with Windclan or Shadowclan.
It was him, Maplepaw, Smokyclaw, Bearpaw, Rosepaw, Dustpelt, Aspenpaw and Chestnutclaw. Shrikepaw was due for battle training and Sunnypaw still wasn't comfortable leaving camp and Frostbite didn't mind. Chestnutclaw was grooming her a lot before they left.
Leopardstorm and Miststrike saw them out "May Starclan light your path"
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bonefall · 1 year
ShadowClan WIP
It's not as nice as my other reworks, but considering what I had to start with, I think I'm doing an okay job
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I haven't deployed all the Yellowfang's Secret elders yet, but I can already see I will need them for Lizardstripe and Deerleap there...
One of the hardest parts about making trees that go back so far is that "clean" trees would ideally be crossing far to the other side, but obviously that can look messy fast
I'm not sure if I'm going to stick with Mintpool being the parent of Crow and Starling... I feel like I use QR and two-kit litters too much but I think I just need to kill the guilt. I need to do it when I have so little to work with
I wanted to keep Turtle/Quiet/Rubble as siblings but god christ I could really use one of them elsewhere
Still need to figure out where Stonewing, Kinkfur, Wildfur, and Spiderfoot come from...
But I did commit to Ferretclaw being the father of Stoatfur and Erminefur in some capacity
I am also tempted to name the "brown" version of Ivytail. She had a brown appearance in her early descriptions and I could actually work with an Ivytail sister.
If I did that, her name would be Spindle-something. I've wanted to use that prefix for a while, Spindle trees aren't well known
There's an authorial statement that made Whitewater her sister, BUT, due to the fact BB!Whitewater had kittens with Mudclaw as a sire, she needs to be much older than Ivy.
I might make Whitewater, Kinkfur, and Wildfur into siblings. Something tickles me pink that three extremely fluffy cats who are black, silver, and white are siblings.
I have given Pine to Talonclaw and Smokefall for now, and I may make Spiderfoot her sister...
What's holding me back is that I would like Spiderfoot to have kits and then run away. Deadbeat Mom <3
In canon, there is a Smokefoot because the writers goofed and forgot they killed Smokepaw. In BB, Smokefall doesn't die from his fall (but Blackstar IS hilarious about his name) SO I have renamed Smokefoot into Smogfoot.
Open to suggestions
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bonefall · 2 years
Reply Roundup: All Over The Place Edition
Had a couple of questions piling up over time, so I’m gonna get to them all in one place! No theme to this Reply Roundup because there’s a lot of different scraps today
@halogenwarrior for Bonefall TNP: “How long will Frostfur and Wildfur live?”
For Frostfur, she can survive up to early OotS without a problem. I’m keeping her in mind as a body to toss into a major epidemic, she will probably die in one of the Color Cough outbreaks at the beginning and end of Po3. That said, I’m keeping her in mind as a possible kill for TNP, too. In any case, she won’t be left behind at the Forest Territory.
For Wildfur, he will no longer die of chest complications! There’s no need to kill him as a warning for Briarlight in the future. He’s getting a simple mobility device and he will be making the journey as a respected ShadowClan elder. He’s not getting a BIG role, it’s just nice to just have some disabled characters in the background. He’ll either die peacefully just before Briar’s injury, or shortly after giving her some practical advice.
@halogenwarrior for Bonefall TPB: “Since Cloudtail is now Firestar’s adopted son, does Cloudpaw have a new mentor?“
This is a special case where a father figure mentors their son. It’s not forbidden under the code, just usually counterproductive to the social purpose of Mentor/Apprentice relationships.
But here, the reason this taboo is being broken is because Bluestar is trying to make Firestar eligible for deputyship as quickly as possible. It’s not that she expects Tigerstar to betray her the way he does... but she also isn’t stupid. There’s a prophecy about Fire Alone saving the Clan, there’s at least suspicion about this deputy, and there’s constant war, disease, famine...
Things can change fast. Best to be prepared, and make sure that there’s no way to dispute Fireheart’s legitimacy under the Law of the Deputy (AND THEN SHE JUST WAITS A WHOLE DAY AFTER TIGER’S BETRAYAL, CASTING DOUBT ON HIS LEGITIMACY ANYWAY)
And besides, Fireheart brought this extra kittypet to ThunderClan. Bluestar also expects him to make it into a warrior as well.
TL;DR outstanding circumstance, mentor remains Fireheart.
@hehhdhejdudues “Why are Runningnose, Frecklewish, and Ravenwing in the Dark Forest?“
Runningnose is a Bad Boy in this rewrite, Frecklewish and Ravenwing are sent to the Dark Forest because of StarClan’s clouded judgement due to their mob-like fury about the Mapleshade situation.
There are lots of reasons to end up in the Dark Forest in this rewrite, but it’s also not as bad as canon. There’s even cats who go there in protest of StarClan.
@halogenwarrior “Is Hawkfrost and Reedwhisker’s age gap too steep?”
No, don’t worry, I went and charted it out. Reedwhisker is noted as a toothless kitten when Fireheart saves him from the river, meaning he’s less than 3 weeks old in Forest of Secrets (leopardstar’s humdrum made him older but we dont respect that book or its retcons). So, he’s a few weeks older than Bramble and Tawny.
Even if we went by the official wiki estimate, at most, Reed and Hawk are 1 year apart in age. Going by the toothless-kitten evidence, it’s somewhere near 9 months. That’s well below my 4-year-cutoff.
If Reedwhisker was a warrior, the small age gap WOULD still be an issue because of the power dynamic. However, add in the fact that Reed is forced to stay as an apprentice for an entire year because of Skyheart, there’s no problematic power dynamic at play here. It all checks out.
Aaaand for this last one, I’m going to talk a bit about ex-TigerClan supporters and Thistle Law in a serious discussion about fascism so this one’s going under a cut. TW for Fascism and all the racism, sexism, and xenophobia that comes with that, with a real-world example.
What exactly do RiverClan cats besides Hawkfrost (who wants an ally in his bids for power) get out of the WindClan rebellion? I would think their aggression and xenophobia would make them unhappy to get a leader who is also aggressive and xenophobic, but against THEM. Xenophobes won't be allies of other xenophobes from the very groups they are prejudiced against.
Much like real-world fascism, Thistle Law looks different between its incarnations. Supporters of Tigerstar’s brand of Thistle Law are committed to annexing other Clans into one unit, to enforce a standard of purity into itself. Blackclaw, Reedtail, Heavystep, and the rest of Hawkfrost’s RiverClan reinforcements want a second TigerClan.
In its simplest explanation, I could leave it there. Anything that gets them closer to TigerClan 2 is their goal.
In addition though, I think it’s very important to remember that bigotry is not logical, consistent, or principled. Prejudice is irrational. Fascists only understand power and will work with groups they're actively bigoted against, until the exact moment they don’t have to anymore.
So, I flatly disagree with the idea that xenophobes don’t ally with other xenophobes of the groups they are prejudiced against. That’s actually one of the things Fascists are known for, worming their way into other movements by breaking off prejudiced subgroups. Terfs are the well-known example, antisemitic minorities are another. If fascists take power, they will turn against the JK Rowlings and Kanye Wests who were previously useful. They don’t reject the help before that point.
I could get into deeper historical examples about this, this tactic is as old as the term Fascism itself. But I’ll leave it there for now because it’s already gotten heavy.
Just know this is a topic I care immensely about. I put more effort into this aspect of my rewrite than anything else, because I think it is the most important thing I’m doing with it.
Back to Funnie Battle Cat though,
Mudclaw thinks the RiverClan cats are united in helping to get rid of Onewhisker, and fight the encroach of Firestar’s influence. Accepting all these outsiders (thinking about this part i should definitely give windclan an ex-bloodclan member), giving away land peacefully, all this inter-clan mingling... He was willing to give Hawkfrost deputyship to get his supporters on his side for that push. I do really like Winds of Change, but one thing I reject about canon is the idea that Mudclaw was just... completely Bamboozled by Hawkfrost and really had the interests of his Clan at heart.
Like, no lol. You were going to make a total stranger your deputy so you could have more claws to kill Onestar’s supporters with. The inciting incident for the assassination was finding out StarClan was going to speak to him-- totally abandoning the idea that StarClan would sort this out if One, Fire, and Bramble were all lying about Tallstar’s switch. “Best interests of his clan” yeah right.
Hawkfrost’s plan was to get deputyship in WindClan, and then present this to Leopardstar as evidence of his capability. He is actually right that this would impress Bonefall Leopardstar, and set the stage to start merging the two Clans.
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