#This channel is pretty neat too. They do all sorts of short videos about amazing stuff from all over and featuring lots of topics
I wanted to share this because I think it's awesome, and it highlights some neat stuff about the puppetry, in addition to a bare-bones summary of the movie
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kippentrash · 6 years
31 days of Andi Mack day 16
Day 16. If the characters were youtubers who would they be and why?
Okay so I’m not sure if that meant who or WHAT would they be, but I’m going with the what would they be. A lot of them have so many options, so if I have too many ideas for them I’ll just mention 2 at MOST. In no particular order...
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I don’t really know what else you would want to put Jonah as. He’s canonically an ultimate frisbee player and canonically makes ultimate frisbee videos. He’s even almost ditched Andi before in order to be a part of a video with a famous player. So he’d clearly be something frisbee related as a YouTubers. Is it already canon that he posts frisbee trickshot videos? Because I feel like it is and if it isn’t, it should be soon. He’d totally be showing off his frisbee skills and proving to the world how docious magocious frisbee is, and honestly some of the coolest sport videos are the trickshot videos, so that’s how he’d be adding to the sport’s popularity. 
Actually, I take that back. The only other thing I can see him doing is doing covers online once he starts playing music more often. Considering Asher already does make covers, I don’t see why Jonah wouldn’t eventually if he starts making music one of his passions rather than just a calming hobby.
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Otherwise, I feel like Bowie would be doing covers. He is a musician afterall. While he does give lessons for music, I don’t really think he’d be doing music tutorials online mainly because I think YouTube would be more of his outlet rather than a platform.He’s able to teach kids in real life, so he doesn’t really need to use YouTube to do that even more. It’d be like his break. Especially considering he probably won’t be going around with the band anymore now that he’s engaged to Bex and knows he has Andi as his daughter, the only other way he would be able to perform apart from smalltown venues or karaoke places would be on the internet. I’m sure he’ll get a good amount of viewers considering he was a part of the Renaissance Boys and they seemed to be getting a good amount of popularity if their tour was anything to go by.
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Andi is another easy one, have you SEEN the Andi Shack? You just k n o w she’d be doing all those amazing DIY tutorials to teach everyone how to make these cool crafts. Especially considering how “easy” the expensive things are to make, she could probably help a lot of people learn to make their own things and would be really excited to see how many people she’s helped make things for themselves or their friends, oand even happier to learn about people she would inspire to make cool creative things! I’m pretty sure Disney Channel had released an Andi Mack DIY video in the past as promotion for the show with making a bike chain or something into a bracelet, so she’d definitely be showing people how to turn everyday objects into cool crafts. Being able to help people turn their trash into cool things to reduce their carbon footprint would probably be the goal of her channel to be honest.
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For Bex, I think it’d have something to do with Make-Up, but I don’t think it’d be tutorials. Again, I really don’t think most of the characters are tutorial type of people. While I could see Andi being a tutorial person since she’d be happy to be helping others become more environmentally conscious while helping them create cool things, I think Bex would also want this as a break from thinsg and want to use this as a personal outlet. But instead of doing covers and showing herself just wearing makeup or something, I feel like she’d be doing make-up reviews. You know, those things saying whether or not a brand was worth it or not. She could be really ruthless about whether or not it was good for the price being paid for it and give other alternatives which would be just as good, and she may even get stuff from her work to use or get things sent TO her to test out on her clients and then review. I just feel like being honest about judgement of a product would click well with Bex, idk why I just do.
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I don’t want to let so many people do tutorials, and I don’t think Walker really seems like the tutorial type of guy anyway, so I would say Walker would be doing one of two (or maybe 3 i dunno) things. One thing I can see him do is doing speedpaints or speed drawings, showing the process he takes to create something. That’s really all he’d need to do, because his pieces are always so nice, I think anyone would be dying to watch how it came together and what his process was. Speedart would just be an extension of what he’s already doing, just it’d be on camera instead. Otherwise, it’d be one of those aesthetically pleasing paint related videos, whether it be watching watercolors come together when doing a painting or watching him mix paint together. Because those are really really nice to watch and extremely satisfying, and idk his personality just is really calming and cool and go with the flow in a way that I just feel like it fits the aesthetic of watching paint mix together. Whichever he does, though, it’s definitely going to be art related. I just think it’d be really cool to watch one of Walker’s pieces come together, since it was so fun to watch him and Andi paint together in A Walker to Remember.
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I don’t know why, I just feel like Cyrus would be one of those YouTubers who create a variety of content.  
I can imagine him doing vlogs with his friends, because he just loves showing them off so much and would have fun just showing them having fun. Or he’d like to participate in a variety of challenges and see if he’s able to do it or play a bunch of silly games with his friends and show the world. Or he’d do well at just giving advice to people or even just informing them about what’s going on in the world today (yes, this is in reference to @persongoingfast‘s News in a Rush) or just relaying nice information to make someone’s day.
I also could consider him someone who makes scripted videos on YouTube, since after the video stuff he did back in the previous seasons he was pretty into being behind the scenes when it came to making videos. They would be a mix of short and fun or long and developed and fun to follow along, if he can get his script writing down in a non-cringey way. Or in a cringey way, there’s always something cool about watching something that’s just the strangest mess. But if he’s able to properly script videos, I can see him doing videos that are both entertaining and eye-opening or subtly informational and have a lot of thought put in it.
I can see him doing something like Thomas Sanders, where it’s just a mix of vlogs, shorts, informational videos, scripted videos, challenges, etc. just depending on what he has time to fit in his schedule. 
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I feel like even though Buffy isn’t shown to play video games much in the show, her competitive nature would make it fun to watch her game. I think that it’d just be really fun to watch her react to winning games or losing them or figuring them our or frustrated, and it’d just be really interesting to see how she’d do at different types of games. She’s also a very outspoken person and isn’t afraid to give her opinion on things, so it’d be cool to watch her give commentary if or when she were to ever play games in which you have a more developed lore integrated into it. I just think it’d be neat.
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Explanations are getting shorter and shorter. Oof. But for TJ, I think he’d be one of those guys who like to go around doing creative yet harmless pranks on others. Maybe it’s just because he’s such a little troll, or maybe I’m thinking of Luke more than I’m thinking of TJ, but I think it’d do him good to be able to laugh more with a bunch of strangers he’d harmlessly prank. I could also see him getting the kids at his daycare excited to help him out with a prank or something like that.
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Amber, I’ve got to say I’d give her fashionista for sure, so something like a fashion vlogger or a YouTuber giving fashion tips and hacks. You see in season 2 when she tries to be friendly with Andi that she’d like to go shopping if she had money, and I just get the vibe she’s pretty good when it comes to picking out her outfits and holding up her appearance. Plus, she’s rocking the whole choker look, so I just like the idea that she’d be spreading knowledge about how to style. Eespecially if you consider the fact she had to sell a bunch of her clothes, she needs to have other ways to make sure to stay trendy, and she’d share that with the world and others who needed to make the best style of what simple clothes they had.
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I’m not sure what I’d put Marty as, but I think he’d make a good reaction channel. Sort of like Buffy, he’s pretty outspoken and he’s got a fun and quirky personality like Cyrus, so I think it’d just be fun to watch him react to a variety of video types or a variety of shows and movies and games and things of the like. He might give reviews on whatever it is he’s seen, since again like Buffy he’s pretty good at sharing his ideas straightforward. He also is able to come up with witty remarks and comebacks which would be fun for him to make in the middle of reacting to something. And I just wanted to include him on the list.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
15 Best James Bond 007 Games Ever
After multiple delays, No Time to Die is finally hitting theaters in the UK and U.S., marking Daniel Craig’s final appearance as super spy James Bond, the end of an era for one of the more beloved 007s. It’s still too early to say in which direction the storied franchise will go next, but now is the perfect time to look back at the history of 007 in video games, especially as Hitman studio IO Interactive prepares to bring James Bond back to gaming!
Just like the films, some Bond video games are much better than others. There are a couple of stinkers out there, but also some all-time classics. If you’re looking to get an extra fix of 007 ahead of No Time to Die, these are the secret agent’s very best adventures on consoles and PC:
15. 007 Legends
2012 | Eurocom | PC, PS3, X360, Wii U
While 007 Legends is the most recently released Bond game, it also has some serious issues that keep it from placing higher on this list. You play as the Daniel Craig version of Bond re-living his past adventures. That sounds fun in theory, but seeing the current Bond and modern gadgets in missions based on Goldfinger and Moonraker never quite feels right.
Worse, the entire campaign feels more like a generic Call of Duty clone than a true 007 experience. While stealth is an option in most scenarios, it doesn’t even work that well. In a spy game! There are worse ways to kill a few hours, but there are also much better Bond games out there. All that said, this installment does provide a great tour of Bond’s greatest cinematic hits for newcomers and longtime fans alike.
14. 007 Racing
2000 | Eutechnyx | PS1
There have been so many amazing chase sequences in the James Bond films that a 007 game focused solely on driving seems like the perfect fit. The results, however, were pretty mixed. There’s a good selection of cars from the movies here (including the iconic Ashton Martin DB5), and when missions focus on just driving as quickly as possible, it’s a pretty fun game. More problems arise if you find yourself in any sort of combat situation.
The biggest problem with 007 Racing is just that it tried to do too much in a PS1 game. The technology wasn’t there yet. Make a new 007 Racing with a decent budget and it could top a list like this in a few years. But if you love Bond’s cars, this is the best way to get in the driver’s seat.
13. GoldenEye: Rogue Agent
2004 | Electronic Arts | GCN, PS2, Xbox
The reason Rogue Agent is on this list is because it tried to do something new with the Bond franchise, even if it ultimately missed the mark. First, you don’t even play as 007. Instead, you’re an ex-MI6 agent with a cybernetic eye. That’s also why the game is called GoldenEye. It has nothing else to do with the movie, or the much better 1997 video game.
Putting aside the tenuous James Bond connections, Rogue Agent is a pretty typical first-person shooter from the era with a couple neat tricks up its sleeve. You can see through walls and deflect bullets with your magic “golden eye.” There was also a really solid multiplayer mode that was sadly taken offline years ago. If EA had just called it something else or not included the Bond connections, it would probably be much more fondly remembered today. 
12. Tomorrow Never Dies
1999 | Black Ops Entertainment | PS1
The best thing that can be said about Tomorrow Never Dies is that it has a really great soundtrack. Of course it includes the classic Bond theme, and the movie theme by Sheryl Crow, but just minute-to-minute, the game has a lot of pumping tracks that would feel right at home in any film in the franchise.
As for the gameplay…it’s fine. Tomorrow Never Dies is heavily inspired by the shooting and stealth gameplay of Syphon Filter, but not quite as good. And Syphon Filter hasn’t exactly aged gracefully. At least the skiing and driving levels are pretty fun though. 
11. GoldenEye 007: Reloaded 
2011 | Eurocom | PS3, X360, Wii
Never say never again, but due to the complicated rights issues, GoldenEye 007 will probably never see an official re-release, even if it would certainly be welcomed by millions of gamers who grew up in the ’90s. Instead of dealing with legalities, Activision decided to just make its own version of GoldenEye with a modified story and Daniel Crag in the Bond role instead of Pierce Brosnan.
And Goldeneye Reloaded is pretty good, with lots of varied objectives and high production value. It actually feels like an authentic James Bond experience. There’s even a respectable multiplayer mode that channels a lot of what made the original game great. Still, the level design never quite reaches the heights of the N64 classic, and the AI is pretty bad in the single player campaign, which keeps this from being an all-time great Bond game.
10. James Bond 007: The Duel
1992 | The Kremlin | Sega Genesis
The Duel is a really ridiculous game, but also way more enjoyable than it has any right to be. Timothy Dalton lends his “likeness” to Bond for the last time as the secret agent infiltrates enemy bases with only his trusty pistol so that he can plant bombs and rescue identical damsels in distress. There are plenty of generic henchmen to shoot, but Oddjob and Jaws (apparently borrowing one of Dr. Eggman’s leftover boss machines) also make appearances. 
Even though it feels a little by the numbers at times, the controls are tight and the 16-bit soundtrack is surprisingly strong. You could do much worse with a licensed platformer from the early ‘90s.
9. James Bond 007 
1998 | Saffire | Game Boy
While everyone remembers Rare’s N64 Bond offering from the year before, gamers overlooked this gem for the original Game Boy. James Bond 007 is played from a top-down perspective and it was never even released in color, but Saffire still managed to pack a truer Bond experience into this tiny cartridge than many more technically advanced games have.
There’s an original story with plenty of humor and innuendo, the option to sneak around or use karate moves, and the studio even managed to include baccarat and the classic James Bond theme. This one is still well worth tracking down. 
8. Blood Stone
2010 | Bizarre Creations | PC, PS3, X360
Blood Stone received a lot of hate from critics upon its release, but looking back now, it’s hard to understand why. The combination of cover-based shooting, melee combat, and focus kills that let you quickly dispatch enemies hold up really well. And Bizarre Creations, best known for the excellent Project Gotham Racing series, even threw in a few very fun (though short) driving sections.
Daniel Craig and Judi Dench are back to lend their voices to the game as James Bond and M respectively. With its excellent original plot, nonstop action, and high production values, Blood Stone is the closest thing you’ll get to an interactive Craig Bond movie.
7. From Russia with Love
2005 | Electronic Arts | GCN, PS2, Xbox
From Russia with Love is probably best known as the Bond game that brought Sean Connery back to the role for the final time. EA even got him to record some new dialogue, though Bond is still modeled off his classic ‘60s look. Between the presence of (arguably) the best Bond, a plot based on one of his most beloved films, and the use of the iconic jetpack from Thunderball (just because it’s awesome), From Russia with Love is pure fan service from start to finish.
The game isn’t completely true to the movie, though. Legal issues have plagued the Bond franchise for years and that meant some odd changes to the game’s story, with the villainous organization OCTOPUS replacing the movie’s SPECTRE. If the rights could be worked out now, From Russia with Love is begging for a modern remaster.
6. The World Is Not Enough
2000 | Eurocom | N64
Even N64 aficionados forget about the second Bond FPS released for the console. The World Is Not Enough takes a lot of obvious cues from GoldenEye, with similar missions and level layouts, plus a respectable multiplayer mode. But it also carves out its own identity with several new weapons and gadgets. The game also added voice acting — something that’s sorely missed when going back to GoldenEye now.
Does everything work here? Not quite. The AI is particularly weak, and it’s not the easiest game to go back to now, but at least it’s aged better than the movie it’s based on.
5. Agent Under Fire
2001 | Electronic Arts | GCN, PS2, Xbox
Agent Under Fire went through a really tortured development. It was first intended to be an improved port of The World Is Not Enough. Then, it was going to be more of a direct sequel to GoldenEye. Finally, it ended up as its own original project, and it still holds up pretty well, with some solid shooting mechanics and driving missions inspired by Need for Speed. It’s just unfortunate EA couldn’t secure the likeness of any past James Bond actors, so 007 ended up looking like Sterling Archer. 
And while the multiplayer may not be the best a Bond game has ever seen, there are some great maps here, and thanks to the inclusion of bots, you can still fire it up today. There’s not much to dislike about Agent Under Fire, and EA only improved on the formula, the following year…
4. Nightfire
2002 | Eurocom | GCN, PS2, Xbox
Think of Nightfire as a much more refined version of Agent Under Fire. After taking a break from the last game, Pierce Brosnan provided his likeness for Nightfire (although someone else voices the superspy). The FPS levels are much more fun to navigate than its predecessor’s and require the use of tons of gadgets to complete. The AI puts up a real fight, too. The driving levels maybe aren’t quite as enjoyable as the ones in Agent Under Fire, but that can be forgiven when the shooting is this good.
The campaign is really short, but multiplayer has surprising legs, with eight excellently designed maps, a dozen different modes, customizable bots, and a handful of playable Bond villains from past movies. It could have been a huge hit if console gaming had online multiplayer at the time.
3. Quantum of Solace
2008 | Treyarch | PC, PS3, X360
Largely ignored at release, Quantum of Solace is probably the most underrated Bond game. It’s built on the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare engine, which had just been released the previous year, so the shooting is silky smooth. But it also tried to innovate with melee attacks and a cover system that switches to a third-person perspective. The moment-to-moment gameplay is filled with the explosions and big set pieces that Call of Duty is known for. You don’t do much sneaking either, but that fits the grittier tone of the Daniel Craig movies.
It’s unfortunate that Activision went in a different direction with the Bond license after Quantum of Solace. This was easily the best of their offerings, and a Treyarch-developed sequel could have been something really special.
2. Everything or Nothing 
2004 | Electronic Arts | GCN, PS2, Xbox
Everything or Nothing is notable for being the first big budget Bond game that actually tried to move the series out of the shadow of GoldenEye. The switch to a third-person perspective wasn’t revolutionary, but it did allow for much better stealth gameplay, plus the addition of rappelling and a neat spider robot. Everything or Nothing actually makes you feel like a superspy with an arsenal of cool gadgets at your disposal.
Even the obligatory driving sections are firing on all cylinders here, with one Road Rash-inspired chase sequence featuring Bond on a motorcycle that’s quite possibly being the best level in any Bond game ever. Everything or Nothing would be a fantastic template to follow for any developer looking to resurrect the Bond franchise in video games. (Talking to you, IO!)
1. GoldenEye 007
1997 | Rare | N64
Of course GoldenEye is still the best Bond game of all time. A half dozen developers have tried to outdo it over the last two decades and still GoldenEye reigns supreme. The funny thing is that nothing about GoldenEye should have worked. Licensed games were notorious for their poor quality in the ‘90s. Movie tie-ins released two years after a film has hit theaters are almost always shovelware. Plus, the legendary multiplayer mode was only added to the game just a few months before release. On paper, GoldenEye sounds like it should have been a massive disaster on par with E.T. for the Atari 2600. 
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And yet, the final product still stands out as one of the greatest first-person shooters of all time. Yes, it’s a little rough around the edges now, and the frame rate really chugs along at times, but it’s still incredibly fun to complete objectives in classic levels like Facility or Train. Or just watch watch a mission completely go to hell, as you try to survive against a horde of guards who’ve cornered you. The replay value, with tons of unlockables for completing missions quickly, still outshines many modern shooters.
Then there’s the multiplayer with its near-perfect maps and endless options. GoldenEye 007 was the peak of multiplayer shooters on consoles in the ’90s, with its fast-paced shooting and excellent maps. Sure, it would be easy to make a much better looking and sounding Bond game now, but it’s hard to imagine any team could create something more innovative or more fun. GoldenEye 007 remains the undisputed king of Bond games.
The post 15 Best James Bond 007 Games Ever appeared first on Den of Geek.
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loumauve · 6 years
@aimofdestiny tagged me
long ass, rambly response under the cut:
1. Are there any tropes you’d like to see more of in pro fic (aka… traditionally published books)? If so, which ones?
tbh, I haven’t really picked up any books lately. whenever I feel like reading I feel like a v specific set of characters and setup, and fanfic is perfect for that while traditionally published fiction is not.. but ??tropes?? idk. are they all tropes? who ever cares. STUFFS I love include: 
COFFEE SHOP/BOOK STORE AUs (geonncannon has some p cool published fiction with similar content; also Ferry Tale... dudes and dudettes... pls read that. I know I say that every year but I really do mean it), CROSSOVERS of any kind, when I feel sentimental SOULMATE AUs (but mostly the less traditional ones. like.. friend soulmates are v cool too),  anything SUPERNATURAL like GHOSTS!! or vampires/werewolves (teenage me was v into those and sometimes still gets to run around and play), ANYTHING KINDA TWISTED AND MESSED UP tbh (don’t ask me to explain that pls omg.. imagine dub-con, ppl fucking themselves up bc they’re messed up and need years of therapy, all of that. I’m a terrible person, lol....but then also THE HEALING PROCESS!!!), if done right - PIRATE AUs, ANYTHING POST-APOCALYPTIC, PRETEND RELATIONSHIPS (wherein all parties harbour feelings for the other(s) but think they oughta keep it to themselves), HURT-COMFORT (of course! I mean.. you get it, right??!?), REINCARNATION (esp the kind where it takes them a looooong time to get it right, and they keep DYING and messing it up and killing each other time and again... I just love it all. make it hurt, lol), TIME TRAVEL (again, IF DONE RIGHT), ANDROIDS/ROBOTS with self-awareness and feelings,  anything to do with SPACE and travel therein, FOUND FAMILIES!!!
tldr: all of them, but mostly the above.
2. What art and/or craft would you like to pick up but haven’t for whatever reason?
anything I’m into and haven’t picked up is bc I tried it once, wasn’t good at it right away and promptly decided to give up on it, lol but if we’re talking as if I could do it, and do it well - hm.. I guess I’d love to be better at building things from scratch (think furniture, houses, the like) and also engineering abilities... I admire people who can do that shit and make sth cool, even if it’s shitty robots (SIMONE, YOU PERFECT JELLY BEAN - ILY)
3. What is your favourite cold/iced beverage?
there’s this one non-alcoholic cocktail... Mosquito I think? that’s p dope. but if we’re going all basic then it’s prob a tie between vanilla coke and cocoa idk
4. What is your preferred spice level? How hot is too hot for, idk, chili or curry or hot sauce or wasabi?
look, I so pale... I like spicy foods, but my body hates them. and they make my mouth burn and my eyes water and it’s nice when I’m sick, but otherwise I think I’m prob p bland in my choices of spice. the whole stereotype of white ppl and pepper+salt being their only spices doesn’t exist without reason, lol. I wish I could tolerate them more, bc I like chili and curry and loads of pepper, but it just hurts and I’m all about keeping my body (and asthma) on safe levels.
5. Rec me a youtube channel you like. Can be anything. Go on, I know you have a fave.
FUCK!! don’t make me pick, you jerk! I’ll give you a few options, cool? cool!
Kati Morton - for mental health stuff and just having a caring person talk about stuffs Peter Draws - bc he does what he says and he’s a p cool, p weird guy but he also cares about you and wants you to do you, and I dig that. (also his voice is super calming and sometimes I watch his stuff so I can doze off when I’m having a hard time falling asleep) Cooking with Sros // Rural Life (I think that’s where I first started watching her videos) - bc it’s calming to watch her cook super neat dishes that are traditional where she lives (also - sometimes she walks around in her garden and just PICKS STUFF UP bc IT GROWS THERE and I just think that’s the coolest bc you couldn’t even get some of those ingredients here, so like... that’s an entirely different thing I’ll prob never know enough about Simone Giertz - bc she’s awesome and so FUNNY!! and cute and awkward and hella smart, and... before the whole brain tumor thing I would have said I’d love to have a peek around in her brain, but now.. if all goes well she’ll have an actual picture of it to look at, and maybe it’s not cool to be excited for her..?? but yeah, she builds stuff WITH HER OWN TWO HANDS, and she has to know SO MUCH to do it, and just... DAMN CRUSH MATERIAL right there. like, I’m so weak. but also I just want her to have everything. I want her to be able to do to space. fuck
6. Do you keep mementos of old relationships? Why/why not?
HAH! FUCK. I do. have. will? sometimes I ask myself why I keep them and don’t just burn them or whatever (throwing them away wouldn’t be nearly cathartic enough an experience for me), and maybe this is still the grieving part of me that’s looking to haunt itself? idk
all I know is that so far I’ve kept letters. I’ve kept hoodies. and.. idk what I kept out of that one relationship.... can’t remember atm, but that one hurt far too much to keep a lot of reminders around.
7. What sort of music do you put on when you do chores, like dishes or laundry?
my go-to song used to be Eye of the Tiger, but these days it’s mostly podcasts or the music of the mood/day/week (those songs you listen to on repeat for hours after you’ve (re)found them.)
8. Is there any scent you particularly love? Which one?
it used to be musk, like.. those scented burning sticks..(that’s prob not the right English name for them, lol) but I guess... the good rain smell maybe? (not the bad smells-like-snails-and-slugs-and-dead-worms rain smell). also some roses and some paeonies.. I’m picky tho. and forever fave LAVENDER
9. Do you like to cook? What’s your signature dish?
I do, actually. when my kitchen doesn’t look like shit bc my emotional state and therefore life has derailed
and eh.. it’s like a paprika bellpepper tomato soup.. with salami and feta cheese and sometimes corn, sometimes rice, sometimes minced meat. always depends on the mood and what I have lying around. not so much a signature dish as it is what I make most often, mostly for myself. 
10. What’s your fave ice cream flavour that you can’t get in most places?
it’s gained in popularity, but - after-eight. for sure. anything minty with chocolate is amazing to me.
11. What’s your current favourite outfit?
uhm.. I don’t really have favourite outfits, I just have favourite articles of clothing (THEY’RE MY FAVOURITES. THEY’RE ALL MY FAVOURITES. ALL OF THEM) and I tend to mash them together without a care in the world... well, mostly I care about temperatures and sun exposure bc I burn like a crisp in the sun, it’s not pretty.
but lately I’ve been wearing the european tour shirt from the My Favorite Murder live show bc I WAS THERE AND IT WAS THEEEEE SINGULAR BEST THING OF THE YEAR (aside from getting through my final exams). also, I love my old pair of Chucks, the blue leather kind, and the soles are falling apart and it’s all kinds of battered and worn out, but I love them. they make me happy. also there’s some striped black and white socks and some white dotted black underwear and some super comfortable black shorts. but what really is just LOVE still. and prob always. until death do us part - I have this super soft, super floofy, sways around in the wind, lets all the wind through the knitted structures of it, blue-ish, button-able long swishy swooshy ...jacket? apparently it’s called a cardigan, AND YES I HAD TO GOOGLE THAT. I DON’T KNOW THINGS!! JEEZ LOUISE
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shorthaircutsmodels · 4 years
Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts - 15+ - https://shorthaircutsmodels.com/alexa-chungs-short-hairstyles-and-haircuts/ - Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, They match the rest of your hair. You probably know Alexa Chung as a fashion designer TV presenter model writer style icon or all of the above. And now he's adding another feather to his hat as international spokesperson for L'oréal Professionnel. Chung gives us the top of her favorite color trends in her hair care routine and a haircut she's never tried. Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, How was your relationship with L'oréal Professionnel? L'oréal Professionnel represents fashion hair art craftsmanship and personalized beauty with a Parisian touch. We've been working together since 2020 - 2021, L'oréal Professionnel was backstage at my first fashion shows in London and Paris. I love the products I embody. I tried Pro Fiber and then it repairs the hair for a good. Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Length and the result is great really amazing. The hair-coloured new Paris Chocolat collection is great for getting the French chic vibe in the salon. What does your hair care routine look like? I know that when I push through the door of a l'oréal Professionnel salon, my hair will get the best results and I will have a personalised service with the most advanced products. I visited the salon. Alexa Chung's Short Haircuts Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, I can tell you every six weeks. But I'm pretty lucky and have shoots on a regular basis, so I'll often get a trim here and there. But I expect the salon to be more relaxing for colouring and treatments. I have to change shampoos regularly because otherwise my hair will get used to it and I will build it up or it will start to get really greasy, she explained. Alexa Chung's Hairstyles Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, It is safe to say that Chung has so far dominated the ultimate Bob. Yes, Alexa Chung grew her hair for the first time in a long time, and now all I can think about is doing the same thing. Alexa Chung's Haircuts Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Ask the stylist to soften the cut layers, says Sam. 'Focus on smoothing and feathering at the edges for the fringes. It will look more balanced by taking layers and smoothing the ends, focusing less on hair length. Without further ado the best mid-length hairstyles this year 2020 currently medium-length hairstyles are blunt, medium-length style layered very prone to having although. Alexa Chung's Short Hair The amount of layers you choose is almost entirely dependent on face shape and hair texture.while longer layers that will be ubiquitous to allow you to bring fit thinner hair types, Square faces can be softened with rounded layers and vice versa, according to Sam. Rounded faces can also be extended by soft layering around the jawline. Alexa Chung's Hair Why doesn't Ben stop for a pleasant second? and I imagined what it would be like when I would pull my hair or when I would finally tie it and as soon as I reached my optimum length I was like 'Oh my god I want a bob again'. Staying in the same lane too long is boring. My plan is to have Bob when I grow up. my mum has always had a whole life and I think she is more proud of her long hair as I get older. How do I style my hair like Alexa Chung? It can also work for other face shapes with shorter layers cut in jaw length. The chin-length bob hairstyle will look extremely cool and stylish in soft loose waves. Some blonde highlights are placed around the face to create a better frame. Girl Alexa Chung is also respected worldwide for her boho I don't care about hair her fashion sense is known mostly to the British. The Model TV presenter and Vogue contributor cut her long hair in 2020 - 2021 and her new look helped catapult her to fame. Cool girl bang. Alexa Chung Best Hairstyles & Hair Make-up Looks I love head massages at hairdressers. And I wash my hair every day without fail. I know it depends on your hair type, but it's important to wash and condition it often so that I have shiny and voluminous hair that isn't greasy. I use products like Pro Fiber to help with home treatments for longer at home. Locking one of them on the a-list is not immune to beauty-related restrictions imposed by hairdressing services. How do I make my long hair look androgynous? And Alexa Chung is the best example, as this video of her cutting her own hair shows. Alexa Chung may well be known for her chiselled fashion look but her perfectly tousled hair is equally worthy of attention. Often styled by her friend and long-term collaborator George Northwood, she is often prompted to recreate Alexa in her London salon Chung flits between sharp bobs in her signature relaxed waves and fairly up dos. Alexa Chung hair tutorial See his hair style file here. Soft shoulder grazing waves for the Emilia Wickstead show at London Fashion Week. As I recall, I took Alexa Chung's tousled bob to the hairdressers. That's right I also desire a wavy super short bob complete with brown with a centre parting of caramel blonde and a hint of adult fringe. Obviously we have completely different hair types and we don't look like anything, so I don't have the chance to look like Alexa Chung. Alexa Chung Hairstyles We Can't Stop Thinking About However I believe her hair epitomises the effortless cool girl look we crave so much. He says this technique is the best way to achieve the most natural-looking texture. Final touches. When you go all the way with the Irons shake with your fingers and then spray the wave and shine on Oribe après Beach. oribe.com Russell tells InStyle of hair throughout. Comb back loosely over the ears and with the crown for a tousled voluminous texture and then set with Oribe Superfine hairspray for permanent hold. Flattering Alexa Chung Hairstyles Long layers along the sides and back shoulder length to keep the hair light and fresh. The wonderful and crafted texture, with playful ends, exquisitely kisses the shoulders. Side-swept long blasts are perfect for framing the main facial features. Her gorgeous hairstyle suited formal dress and informal jeans. Round heavy long blasts soften the oval face and make the beautifully sophisticated look extra sweet and stylish. Photos of Alexa Chung's Best Hairstyles The blunt ends are thick to medium length hair and add some unit. This neck length hairstyle has thin medium to long layers to add depth and size to the cool hairstyle. The long sweet bursts in front add delicious interest. Alexa Chung new haircut This modern hairstyle can be worn from day to night. A simple but cool-looking ponytail. The upper maximum height is and is teased too high to create causal effect. The neat bang proudly match her low ponytail. Alexa Chung Hair And Hairstyles Inspiration This classic cute ponytail could match the massively informal dress. The classic shoulder length hairstyle is amazing for all the hair colors. The eyelash-grazing blunt fringe. Alexa Chung hairstyle Alexa Chung's Short Hairstyles and Haircuts, Instantly gives the hairstyle a high fashion feel. The textured ends twist and fall sweetly to the shoulders. George Northwood, who also counts Meghan Duchess of and. What eyeliner does Alexa Chung use? Rosie Huntington Whiteley as her clients, has been working with Chung throughout her television and fashion career. So naturally he was one of the first in line to create hair tutorials locking with him for his new YouTube channel. How do you get Alexa Chung haircut? Pretty it girl gave us a rundown of how to style US locks by showing us various new hairstyles around London that inspired us to do something with George Northwood in. Alexa Chung hair up Their hair to track down the mastermind behind Alexa's hair.like a star. Just click do like Alexa to learn how to do it. Now if we can get hold of his wardrobe. What is the hair trend for 2020? It's always a classic choice for girls. Here she will introduce some of her sumptuous and fun hair. you can choose one to enhance your look and make it more stylish and attractive. Alexa Chung hairstyles. this classic and rather feminine curly hairstyle with long curly hair. How do you style shaggy hair? Shoulder length hairstyle with beautiful soft attractive curls and layers is a must for medium-length hair. Properly develop wonderfully large eyes in full blast. Softly tousled hair create a trendy look and make it stand out in the crowd. What nationality is Alexa Chung? You can use some hairspray to keep your curls fluffy and shiny. Her mid-wavy hairstyle with blunt bang looks perfect on her oval-shaped face. He is also a big fan of messy updo. Alexa Chung hair bob You'd be surprised what Chung looks like with long hair later in the slideshow. She always looks so gorgeous and intelligent during all sorts of TV shows and programmes. Alexa Chung hair 2020 - 2021 We were very impressed by the impeccable taste of fashion. Most of the time, she was wearing a fairly moderate hairstyle with soft waves or curls as her public appearance. Alexa Chung new hair Follow us today with the 15 compliment Alexa Chung hairstyles in this post and find your favorite one. The medium haircut will look perfect for perfectly natural straight. How do I get Alexa Chung bangs? Hair for all hair types. Bill Cunningham's jacket Miu Miu runway show Anna Dello Russo's street style attire. these are just a few of our favourite things from Fashion Month so far. But none of this compares to sightings of our main Muse, Alexa Chung. How do I put hair in my hair? Alexa Chung we willen haar perfecte eyeliner Haar on point outfits en waanzinnige kleur ogen maar het liefst willen we nog haar hairstyle. Also nearby is al tijd goed. Alexa Chung red hair We kozen 5 van onze favoriete hairstyles Van Stijlicoon Alexa Chung uit die jij één op één kunt kopieëren. There are so many beautiful things about you. Alexa Chung hair stylist But since the dresses are a touch sadly out of reach, let's focus on her incredible hair. It's Tousled and textured. And is my new favourite length. clavicle. How to get Alexa Chung hair Amen, brother, it is. He asked her his effortless secrets that don't care about her hair and she delivered it to spades. Alexa Chung heeft nooit Lange lokken gehad. op met tot verschillende lengtes de voorste plukken on haar schouders. Alexa Chung hair how to Maar met deze lengte Weet ze altijd de leukste kapsels te creëren. The hair on the shoulder has a lot of movement. The shorter look suits your oval face and makes your eyes pop in gorgeous light. Alexa Chung's beauty knows no bounds. Alexa Chung hairstyles From the days of a cute newcomer in our tellybox to a front row style star, let's review the pictorial evidence of her evolution today. Alexa Chung is jealous for so many things that her effortlessly cool hairstyle is one of them. We yearn for the star's beautifully tousled waves now more than ever, especially as we brace ourselves for another round of. Who cuts Alexa Chung's hair? Scorching temps. At an Alexa Chung X AG private dinner last week fashionista I woke up like this embodied the perfect polish mix and texture. View hairdresser Gregory Russell. Alexa Chung hair type Followed oribe Volumista Mist $39 to get the star's towel-dried hair cut in half. oribe.com from roots to ends. Relating. the products that gave the best volume for thicker. Alexa Chung's new bob haircut Plump hair then dried Chung's hair up to 95, taking care to tighten the ends to create ample volume and body. After softening up the unruly areas without getting away. Alexa Chung hair brush From experienced vibe Russell, he alternated randomly between a flat iron and a 1.25 inch curling iron and twirled sections. Soft blasts are swept to the side, effortlessly framing. Who is Alexa Chung dating? The face. Add volume and interest along the gorgeous mid layers and also make your hair look heavy. The fight for the perfect haircut is endless. But if you're Alexa Chung sometimes any haircut is just what the doctor ordered. Continue reading. Alexa Chung haircut Mid-length hairstyles are everywhere at the moment and going nowhere in 2020. I'd like to cut your locks a little. I'm trying to grow one of these short hairstyles. There's a medium-length cut for that. 'Medium-length hairstyles look great when they're well maintained. Alexa Chung hair products Consider plump blunt styles with no layers suggests Sam Burnett founder and creative director of hare and bone if an individual's hair is prone to frizz then it is best to keep the hair on the long side of the medium. Long and heavy hair is more controlled. And if you're trying to grow the number one hairpiece. Alexa Chung haircut what to ask for Her hair is always a bit messy as her natural wavy hair makes the air dry. He had cuts as short as his jawbone but not as long as his. Shoulders and was known for his ombré hair colour. her mid-length. Hairstyle looks interesting and feminine. Soft loose waves are added to her fine hair to create volume and achieve a fuller surface. Alexa Chung hairstyle tutorial Cute hairstyle with neat blasts from the inside can be suitable for ladies of all ages. You can also put your hair over the shoulders for maximum intensity. the bottom and dark blonde look at the top of a fashion surfer girl as if her hair grew naturally that way. Alexa Chung hair bangs Gorgeous mid-length chic bob is always on trend. Hair naturally drops drastically from framing the face forward. A soft hairstyle with a total height of face frame fringe Dec. The long tapered layers front frame the face and keep the hair heavy looking cool. Alexa Chung long hair With full glamour, this formal hairstyle is certain to get the crowds noticed. It is fantastically shaped in a beautifully. Chic modern bob with highlighted hair-scale. Alexa Chung hair colour Layers and sweeping bangs. Two-tone hair and thick waves are interesting elements that keep the stately look unique. Alexa has an adult fringe says Northwood. Alexa Chung blonde hair His eyes slip and then he mixes with the rest of the hair. To achieve this, ask your stylist to cut out bursts that are slightly shorter in the middle, which you want them to hit the bridge of your nose. They need to cut thin pieces of hair a little longer each time Northwood says. The look will be cool and piecey and surprisingly practical. Alexa Chung haircut tutorial Explosions grow rapidly and thick ones can be ugly says Northwood. These are easy. After all, I keep track of where Chung's hair goes. Alexa Chung's British daughter enjoys ultra-high status among British teenagers. Alexa Chung's neutral agil and mixed style make up the fashion model of the world. Many people agree that Alexa Chung's. Alexa Chung bob haircut British girl looks deeper and tastier than the American Girl. The cool British ironic humour of prgrams alos has conquered many people's hearts. So an increasing number of people are following his face and disposition. Alexa Chung hair dye It's been growing for a while but we've noticed its length more recently. She said We would pull out an elaborately stashed bob for those long flowing behind our ears and fall back on our shoulders in this little ponytail for our renewal. Alexa Chung hair styling the time has come. This classic half-up half-down look looked completely different when he was able to hide the length of the back of his head with just his adult fringes but with a bob of long hair. Classic, but high. Full of shape and silhouette, the gorgeous updo delivers beautiful clean lines and makes the neck look lean and swan-like. Alexa Chung hair color This charming up do haircut offers people a sweet look and feel at work and is the great savers of a bad hair day. The front is left to contour the edge of the face with smooth long-piece bursts to soften the smashing hairstyle. It is more than a decade since Alexa Chung first appeared on screens as a presenter on the T4 cult morning music show. Alexa Chung hairdresser Popworld in place of Simon Amstell and Miquita Oliver. And while Chung and his co-host Alex Zane may not be able to rival the previous power duo in the teasing episode, there was one area where Chung immediately began making waves. Alexa Chung hair fringe Her fashion and beauty choices. Yes 2020 - 2021 was the year Alexa put fringe and eyeliner on her beauty map. Basically with every young girl I knew I'd run to the hairdresser to ask for Alexa-style bursts. And not much has changed in the following 13 years. Alexa has since been serving up some of the best and most copied. Alexa Chung short haircut Hair in the business. As a regular hair washer I wash it every day because I have to. Chung who's getting too greasy said. Alexa Sheen who relies on French pharmacy brand Chlorane for Gentle Cleansing formulations. However, there's the Zoom Speed Dial stylist who almost holds her hand throughout her first DIY haircut.
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janaya-belveal · 6 years
We recently took an eight-day trip to Universal Studios Resort in Orlando, Florida. We took our two kids, ages two and nine. This Trip was amazing and I feel it will be hard to top it on our next adventure. I fell in love with the idea of blogging when we came back from this trip. I loved this trip so much that it was all I thought about for weeks to come after. I contemplated moving to Florida because we loved it so much!
First off, there are plenty of on-site hotels with different styles and price ranges to choose from.
Universal Lowes Portofino Bay Hotel– 4 Star, Starting at $256, Italy themed
Universals Hard Rock Hotel-4 Star, Starting at $244, Rock-Star themed
Universal Lowes Royal Pacific Resort-4 star, Starting $208/night, Tropical-Hawaii themed
Universal Lowes Sapphire Falls Resort-4 star, Starting at $152/night, Island themed
Universals Aventura Hotel-newest Hotel, Starting at $116 Modern style
Universal Cabana Bay Resort– 3 star, Starting at $112/night, Retro style
We stayed at Sapphire Falls and loved it!
However, all of these hotels are beautiful and offer different activities to participate in. Also, if one stays on-site, one may visit any of the other on-site hotels, swim in their pools, tour their spacious grounds or eat at their many restaurants. We went to a luau at Royal Pacifica. The luau made me feel like I was in Hawaii again.
Yes, this is my husband on stage.
The park has a few different ways to travel within Universal Studios. I think boats are the fastest because they glide to two of the theme parks and it runs until 2 am. Themed buses travel between any of the hotels and all three of the theme parks. There is also a walk way along the boat channel if walking is preferred, but we did so much walking all trip we choose not to take this way. I really thought the boats were helpful because the wait isn’t too long even though the lines are, and there are no stops along the way. It is relaxing to ride the boat after a long day of walking around in the hot sun.
Side note: I like to talk to the captain of the boats and find out all their different history’s and why they are doing what they do now. Many of them absolutely love what they do. In fact, Orlando has that feel for me. How could it not, it is beautiful in florida.
The second best thing about staying at these hotels is that we are allowed access into the parks an hour earlier with regular admission park passes. This was nice to use for the busiest attractions.
Now lets talk a little about the parks shall we?
There are three Universal Studio Parks:
Volcano Bay – The Newest water park
Island of Adventure– Jurassic Park, The Incredible Hulk, Harry potter, and much more..
Universal Studios– Main Theme Park, Transformers, Shrek, and The Simpsons to name a few. There is a small parade at 7 p.m.
Bonus: City walk– Free to the public
You can find prices for the tickets here.
For a few dollars extra, you can add onto the experience:
Express passes skip the lines.
Dinner plan add pre-paid meals to the trip. This is only good for the parks and city walk, not the hotels. Includes drinks and snacks. Check the restaurants at City Walk for participation.
Photo package have pictures downloaded to a USB that is put on a lanyard.
VIP Experience tour guide with a host through some of the rides in both the Main Park and Island of Adventure.
First park I want to talk about is Volcano Bay, the newest of the parks. This park has Tapu-tapu for every rider which goes around the wrist like a watch and can virtually check in one line at a time. While waiting for that line, one may go in other lines that have no wait times. One may also lay in the Lazy River or grab a drink from a bar and hang out at Waturi beach while a two-year old is passed out on one’s lap. Tapu-Tapu also connects to a debit card to use it to pay for food or drinks. These watch like device can fall off, so they are password protected before items or food can be charged.
This park has 18 attractions, 4 restaurants, 3 shops, 2 bars and a little ice cream/drink hut at the entrance to the park. The park does have a few kids zones. One is called Runamukka Reef. Get it? (Run a muck) This is a big area for the kids and has lots of secrets that only the tapu-tapu can illuminate. Volcano Bay has clever names for their attractions like ‘Ohyah’ and ‘Ohno‘ drop slides. My favorite ride was the very first one we went on called Honu of the Honu Ika Moana, because it was the scariest of them all being so high up and the drop…oh man. The aqua rollercoaster ride called Krakatau comes in a close second, and it’s fun to say.
At the entrance of the park there is a singing rock that my daughter absolutely loved. So we had to buy the miniature coffee bean plant holder in the shop to remember that silly singing rock. I can still hear him humming his song
The next park I want to talk about is Island of Adventure. This park was awesome, especially the Jurassic Park exhibit. A Raptor is in a broken cage that we were able to take a picture in front of. The staff took a video of us too, which was cool to watch our reactions later.
Inside the museum and restaurant there is a station where one can turn themselves into a dinosaur. DNA samples are taken front your handprint and they ask you a few things about your favorite dinosaur and whala.. a dino is created.. Is it stable? Come find out.. My daughter was able to name one of the little dino eggs that hatch once an hour in their labs. The staff gave her a certificate of birth and we can come back and check on the little dino whenever we want. We went back two days later to checked on her, the staff was like, ‘uhh… She looks the same’.
DNA samples
Egg Hatchery
you can hold them
Checking on baby dino
There is plenty to do at Island of Adventure. Plenty of food, plenty of drinks plenty of snacks, plenty of rides, plenty of shopping, and plenty to do for our two-year old as well. He wasn’t tall enough for some of the rides, which most restrictions are 42 inches. However, the lines for the kiddie rides were really short. We were able to ride them several times before moving onto the next.
We especially like The High in the sky Seuss Trolly Train ride, say that 5 times fast. One Fish, Two Fish water ride is a good one too. This one is on a little pond with water that squirts from the ride onto the riders. Don’t worry, the small child does decide who gets wet.
A Mystical Fountain talks to people passing by right next to the train. Of course, my daughter had to get in on the action, I have to say I was amussed! I posted one of the videos for your entertainment.
The Hulk is probably the most popular ride in this park. It looks incredibly fun and insainly scary for the thrill riders. I used to be one of those people whom liked these types of rides. Not sense I had my children. I decided living was more important.
Both Universal and Island of Adventure have an amazing Harry Potter section with a Hogwarts train that connects the two parks. Unfortunately, it was raining when we took the train, so everyone wanted to take shelter on it. It’s pretty neat and feels like we are actually apart of the movie. You just have to see it yourselves. It’s pretty amazing.
We wanted to go into the Hogwarts Castle from the movie Harry Potter, but the wait was incredibly long. (I recently watch behind the scenes of this castle and I must say I am truly sad we missed it.. It looks and sounds amazing.) The staff informed us that if we come back before the park closes the line will be way shorter, ya we forgot… Ooopppsss.
Diagon Alley, in the Main park, was hard to find at first, tucked away behind walls in Universal Studios. (Kind of looks like the entrance for the bathrooms). Once we found it and walked in, my jaw dropped. It was so amazing in there. I have to admit that I haven’t seen all of the Harry Potter movie, but this attraction made me want to.
Butter beer, don’t let the name fool you, is non-alcoholic, so we let the kids have some. It’s almost like a root bear float. You won’t get it back though, so might just want to get them their own. Have I mentioned yet, this whole park serves alcohol and beer for the adults?
If you have seen the movies then you know how amazing the detail should be in this area. A little hint before buying a magic want, in Island of Adventure there is a wizard whom can pick out the best wand that fits each person. Actually, he exclaims that the wand picks the person. However, he only picks one person during each cycle, but worth a try because they are expensive and worth it. These wands are in fact magical around this attraction in both the parks. They are able to make things happen. Here take a look for yourselves.
At Universals Main Park, a short parade featuring Dispicible Me and Pets starts at 7 pm local time. I thought the floats were so cute as you can tell by my narriration in my video.
This park has 15 rides, 31 places to get food and drinks of all sorts, 19 types of shows from the parade to fear factor, and we did most of our souvioneer shopping here as well. Last but not least this park has three amazing kid zones.
Some of the most popular rides here are Dispicible Me-Minion Mayham, Shrek 4D, Transformers 3D, Revenge of The Mummy (our first ride of the trip, also my daughters favorite), Hogwarts express, and Harry Potter Escape from Gringotts to name a few. All of which we experienced.
My favorite would have to be Transformers. I really enjoyed the story that went along with this ride. The wait is a little long but there is so much to see and do while waiting, so it goes by fast.
Shrek was also a favorite. Expecially the meet and great with Fiona, The Donkey and Shrek. All were very funny and they wanted to go swimming with us.
The Kid areas include
Curious George– Silly monkey turned the whole town upside down. He has water play and inside ball play (really nice to go in the middle of a hot day to cool off and just play with the kiddos.)
Fievel’s Playland-Based off of the movies, lots of rope climbing available here. My daughter loved the mini water coaster.
Barny’s Backyard-A cute inside play area decorated to look like the outdoors. My son expecially liked to play in this area.
I have talked about all three of the parks, Our favorite rides, places to get food and drinks. Now I want to explain a little about City walk.
Citywalk connects Island of Adventure and the Main park. There is music, vendors, entertainers, movie theater, food, bars, and clubs. Some of the most famous restaurants are Bubba Gump, Margarita Ville and Hard Rock Cafe.
I mentioned earlier the dinner meals are accepted at participating restaurants but many have select meals to choose from. Not the whole menu. So beware of that.
We did add a character breakfast at Universal and the Luau at the hotel. Both were great and the breakfast buffet was wonderful.
The boats and busses drop off their passengers here as well. It’s very busy. A lot of the locals come out at night to hang out here
A few more things I recommend before going. Get a portable fan that sprays water for each person. Bring extra batteries, hat’s, sunscreen, bug spray, water bottles and sunglasses for EVERYONE. If you have young ones, bring a stroller. There are no stores outside of the park that are close enough to walk to, by the way, so come prepared. They do have strollers to rent inside each park. Make sure to locate the first aids as they are scattered throughout.
We wanted to get the most out of our vacation as do most people. I feel it would have been helpful to read a personal experience before hand so I knew what to .
Well I think I have covered all of the topics I wanted to. If you have any questions or anything to add please email me.
Disclosure: All pictures and videos are my own. Prices are subject to change. I did my best to remove all people from my pictures that I don’t know. These opinions are my own. I have no connection with Universal and I am not being paid to write for them.
Thank you for reading.
goodie bags I made for people sitting on the planes around us.
Got our tickets
waiting to board
Universal Studios In Orlando, FLorida We recently took an eight-day trip to Universal Studios Resort in Orlando, Florida. We took our two kids, ages two and nine.
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