loumauve · 1 year
7 Comfort Movies
tagged by @foibles-fables, thank you buddy!!! <3
oh dear oh boy.. this is gonna be a real weird mix, y'all. here goes..
(in mostly alphabetical order bc that's how they're organised in my comfort films shelf, which also includes the Resident Evil series as well as all things related to Alien and Cube, and also American Mary fuck yeah ..bc I'm a weirdo)
Adult Life Skills. makes me cry. every time. without exceptions. but in like a good way. gotta have a little smidge of Jodie Whittaker on this list, too.
Annihilation. duh. obviously. so good. definitely a good distraction from anything else going on in my life. plus so much stuff to think about. (one day I will read the book this is based on. I stg)
Beyond the Ashes / Ash Tuesday. just so wonderful. I know the topic it deals with is pretty heavy, but it's about healing and coming together. and the power of poetry in crisis and the power of music and giant goth/punk boots. do recommend a watch. originally I used to only watch this via dailymotion bc I was in a Pauley Perrette phase, but it grew on me, with me, whatever you wanna call it, so I eventually caved and had to have an imported disc version for safety purposes, to keep close to my heart.
Dredd. what can I say, I just love some messed up future stuff. and Lena Headey. and it's just well made. love it. so good. 11/10. will watch again and again and again. (as with the rest of this list)
Edge of Tomorrow. again, with the messed up future stuff. add some time travel and Emily Blunt as an action badass, and of course I was sold. plus it helps that Tom Cruise keeps getting smushed like a bug. always a plus.
Sunshine Cleaning. hoo boy, I have cried. and cried. and cried. (sometimes I still cry over the lack of fanfic for Norah and Lynn. they are wonderful and I wish there was more of them. plus Norah is def a character I can hella relate to.) something about complicated, messy familial relationships will always get me. even if they are sisters and I only have a brother, it still hits hard. and the scene with the car radio, and the other scene with the sprinkler just fucking wreck me. (if you know you know) also The Decemberists' The Crane Wife 3 in the trailer, good lord. fuck me up
The Extraordinary Adventures of Adèle Blanc-Sec. (the funny thing is that I have the DVD but I have never once watched it, bc it's in German and the only alternative on the disc is to watch the original French with German subtitles, and I'm just too used to watching the French with English subtitles version that I downloaded at some point.) anyway, Pterosaur set free in Paris, a goofy detective and a sillier big game hunter, a sister trying to bring her sister back to life, a talking mummy. just sheer wonderfulness, but will also probably make you cry if you are at all affected by, once again, complicated sibling relationships.
I shall tag @nerdsbianhokie @tjerra14 @aimofdestiny @melsunicornonesie @verbose-vespertine @shadowkira @damnwormholes
(as always: feel free to ignore this if you don't feel like it)
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darkersolstice · 5 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post “A Short Digression on Nose Fairies”
@darkersolstice​ what the actual fuck did you just make me read
@aimofdestiny - Jenna Moran’s writing is...legendary. Are you familiar with her RPGs? I may be able to break your mind worse.
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kalikatze · 5 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: aimofdestiny replied to your post: ...
i’m fine, thank you, i’ve just 99% abandoned tumblr. what with all the policy changes and so on… it no longer sparks joy. i’d just rather not give them the clicks/generate content i guess? i am still over on deviantart and i’ve reactivated my dreamwidth account. oh, and i have skype and discord, so i’m not impossible to find :)
I know you aren’t, and i figured you’d mostly left (but not completely since your account still exists), it’s just.. like when going outside is too much, but you open the door to see if the outside wants to come to call. It’s too hard to start a conversation, but if there’s a trigger..
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systlin · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: Some rando; “You’re so pale! You should get a...
i kno that feel except i don’t even freckle
My brother moved to New Mexico, and his apartment complex has a pool. 
Last time he was home, mom asked him if he used the pool a lot. 
He looked her dead in the eyes and said “Mom, we are Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Danish. If I put on enough sunblock to go swimming in the summer in New Mexico without spontaneously combusting like a vampire, there would be a fucking oil slick on top of the pool.” 
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mcalhenwrites · 6 years
Okay so I've read your latest personal post. And I know we've interacted, like, twice total. But I still want you to know that I worry about you and I want your situation to improve. I'm sitting here, on a completely different continent, worried about your living situation and apparently unsupportive relatives. I want you to be safe and happy, and I think you're a sweet, talented, hard-working guy who really deserves the world, or at the very least to live with your family of choice.
I still appreciate the thought, even if we haven’t interacted much. I am sorry for worrying you. Right now, things are calm (always temporary, but still, I’ll take what I can get), and most of what has been weighing me down is my health and feeling like I haven’t accomplished anything. Maybe if I had...all the rest of the pieces would’ve fallen into place. Maybe I’d have that place of my own.(And I am lucky in that my mom is mostly supportive, so I’m not totally alone.) Thank you so much for your kindness, and I hope you’re having a good day! \o/
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tantedrago · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: So my doctor tells me i dont have allergies but...
have you considered your laundry detergent? because i’m sure you checked for a dust allergy, right? or feathers? (do you even have a feather pillow/ duvet?)
Hm, I am taking a ultra sensitive laundry detergent. I hope it’s not that. Because I am sure then I can also not use any other laundry detergent anymore.
I actually dont know exactly what he tested me against, I think mainly pollen? He told me that if I continue to have symptoms, I shall go to the HNO. Which I will do as soon as I moved to berlin.
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ladysophiebeckett · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: “aimofdestiny replied to your post: “two days post world cup got me...”:
Tumblr media
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ovyy-pvcure · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: the-promise-has-been-made: This morning my mum...
@ovyy-pvcure​ thank you for thinking of me! i won’t rebagel it again though, it is already part of my collection. :)
I checked the notes, didn’t see you and then only after reblogging did I notice Prince reblogged it from YOU. 
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jenroses · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post “inventory”
i hope all this eases soon. in the meantime, would you like media recs of any kind, posts tagged for you, asks, virtual hugs and/or fistbumps?
Yeah. Any kind of mouse/keyboard makes things worse right now, as does manipulating the phone, so things I can watch without hands are good. I just watched Arrival for the first time, Queer eye (Cute but not something I’m going to stick with) and the first season of One Day At A Time. I don’t want anything I’m going to get too obsessive over, but my standards for sticking with a show are... mercilessly high. Movies are probably better?
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aimofdestiny replied to your post “fun facts”
I put 'about 30' in my blog info because I've been forgetting and also I'm too lazy to actually change it every dang time it's my birthday
I actually have a grand old time changing it every year on my birthday just to see if anyone notices :3
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lawfulgoodness · 7 years
Hey @aimofdestiny​, I bet you thought I forgot or ignored this.  Sorry for the delay.
1. What is your dream pet? A house full of greyhounds, with a single wolfhound in the mix that is super cuddly.  I don’t know why, there’s something that just resonates with me about having a home filled with spindly goofballs and a Dr. Seuss character.
2. What’s your favourite number?  31, but I’m a pretty big fan of any Mersenne prime.
3. If you could take one TV series or equivalent away from its showrunner and fix everything they ruined about it, which one would you take? I would love to see what “Fringe” could have been.  I was honestly just hate-watching it by the last season, and it really taught me that it was okay to quit watching a show when it got crappy.  Honorable mentions that this lesson applied to: Sleepy Hollow, Grimm, Supernatural.
4. Who’s your favourite Pokémon? (Substitute Digimon or Magic cards if not applicable.) I never could handle the economic aspect of most CCGs (ie, spending IRL money to create a winning deck).  I was a fan of the Monster Rancher video game on Playstation, though.  You could turn your music CDs into monsters.  I had the Mariah Carey christmas bunny.
5. What’s your D&D alignment? *snicker* 
6. How do you feel about clutter, or open-shelf storage? I don’t mind open-shelf storage, but clutter bugs me.  My in-laws make fun of the fact that I actually use the furniture in hotel rooms, laying out my clothes in the drawers and hanging everything up, because I hate seeing my clothes scattered all over the place or living out of a suitcase.  At home I’m not quite as much of a neat-freak (largely due to the working compromise that is marriage), but yeah, I’m definitely anti-clutter.
7. What is your favourite medium to be creative in? (Please share some work you’re proud of here, if it’s online at all.) GMing is the only thing I’m actively creative in, aside from playing the piano, which anymore is more just a private, personal thing than something I share.
8. What song have your been listening a lot to lately? My MP3 player stays on “shuffle all” a lot.  It tends to drive folks around me crazy, but I get bored just listening to a single album artist, so forget listening to a single song repeatedly.  Now, that being said, I have unashamedly been listening to Owl City’s “Fireflies” a lot over the past few weeks.  I don’t think I’d heard it before it became a meme, but now I’m kinda obsessed with his music.  It’s just... kind... in a way that a lot of music isn’t anymore. [So of course now I queue it up and listen to it again.] 9. Clearance Hunting or Thrift Shopping? I avoid shopping as much as possible.  I actually just cancelled my Stitch Fix subscription; I liked the idea of not having to shop to find clothes, but their sense of style was just way too.... “normal” for me.  No vests, no suspenders, no bow ties, no banded collars... they sent me a pocketed t-shirt... /shudder.
10. What is the most expensive article of clothing you own? I have a black full-length duster that I got for cosplaying.  Either that or my leather hat.
11. Say something nice about your best friend.  Dude, this guy... this dude.... my man..... he has no boundaries, in a good way.  He heard me say once that I missed the fact that nobody ever just “dropped by” anymore.  There’s just an insistence on calling first in our society today, which I sort of understand, but I offhandedly mentioned once that I’d never had a friend just drop by for the heck of it unannounced.  Not even in college, because I lived off-campus.  I’ve always been sort of jealous of just being in a place where somebody would stick there head in, ask if they could play a video game with me, and just jump in.  He remembered this, and a few weeks later, road his bike three hours to get to my house from where he lived in the next state, just so he could “drop by” and we could play video games together.
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loumauve · 1 year
I have been snagged, bagged and tagged by @foibles-fables to list 10 songs I have had on repeat recently, so here goes (in no particular order):
1. Daylight Goodbye - Message to Bears
2. Over - CHVRCHES
3. Chlorine - twenty one pilots
4. Avalanche - Avril Lavigne
5. Dark Road - Annie Lennox
6. Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear - Mitski
7. Addictions - Lucy Dacus
8. True Blue - boygenius
9. Somebody - The Chainsmokers, Drew Love
10. Not Strong Enough - boygenius
(Bonus: Stolen - Dashboard Confessional)
thanks for tagging me, buddy! love to listen to things.
idk who to tag but maybe @kalikatze, @aimofdestiny, @novastellaris and anyone who wants to. just tag me so I can see! and if you don’t feel like doing this that’s cool too
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kalikatze · 5 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: anthonycrowley: anthonycrowley: i found the...
thank you kali, this is a lovely platform disco muppet boot. not remotely the worst shoe i’ve ever seen tho ^^“
Yeah, I thought so too but didn’t really have the spoons to write something, so I thought.. I’ll just reblog it and tag you. Potential for interaction! :D
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systlin · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post: I want to make a corset that is super strong, like...
Have a link! foundationsrevealed.com…
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK
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electrificata · 7 years
aimofdestiny replied to your post “hey,speaking of tungler fuckery, can someone explain to me the...”
i'm not In That Fandom but what i can gather from dashboard osmosis is he's a fun goofy character in canon and fandom has fixated on him p much exclusively of the male characters and made a weirdo skeleton sex god version of him because why not.
skeleton sex god. alright then.
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tantedrago · 6 years
aimofdestiny replied to your photoset
Is it bad that my brain is pronouncing ‘Maluware’ like 'Delaware’ instead of 'Malware’?
It would only be bad if you pronounced it “Arkansas”.
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