#This is a fascinating concept that obviously doesn't have a straight answer.
motoroil-recs · 1 month
I suppose this counts as a kinfession. I just wanted to state how sometimes it gets really frustrating to see sentients who are kin with a not binary character that uses they/them (see Kris from Deltarune) and them then using he/him. I get that it is their own memories and literally them, but I suppose after a while it feels like some sort of erasure to me? I hope that makes sense, and if anybody could explain more to make me more comfortable with this specific thing, that would be lovely as well. I always want to keep an open mind.
#🏎️ — KINFESSION !#kinfession#kin blog#kin help#fictionkin#This is a fascinating concept that obviously doesn't have a straight answer.#It's purely subjective. But in my opinion. We have to first establish that who you were in source and in your memories is secondary to who#you are now.#So obviously. Your identity your change. The pronouns you go by can change.#And as a third person you are by all means allowed to feel squicked out by seeing that. I can't say I don't get squicked out when certain#cultural aspects of a character are disregarded by the people that are kin with them.#But if we were to police any of that. Then kinning would be immensely complicated and exclusionary in ways that do more harm than good.#We also cannot possibly assume someone's feelings towards their current or past gender identity. What if this hypothetical individual you'r#talking about *does* go by they/them but are still processing that part of their identity? What if they're nonbinary but choose to go by#he/him? We don't know!#We can't possibly know. And to make assumptions about people that are that complicated is too risky for me to be comfortable with.#I get where you're coming from. But I don't think it's something that 1) should ever be brought up to someone that is just trying to live#their life and 2) should ever come before the respect one has towards a person and their identity.#All in all. It's a fascinating subject I'm all for discussing. But not before stating that I consider the feelings of real people to be mor#important than the 'representation' a fictional character stands for.#Both because real people are people and not representation of anything. And because if you DID start going down this mental rabbithole I#think you would just drive yourself bonkers for no good reason.#I know I would.
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wanderingwriter87 · 1 year
Violence asks 12, 13, 18, 20, 24
12 unpopular character that i like, and why ppl should like them - i think i gave an answer to this but i will do another! so i do think while kai winn is obviously an antagonist for a lot of the show, she's a great character and ultimately pays a higher price for her hubris than anyone should ever have to. my heart actually broke for her when it became so painfully obvious how much she truly wanted to serve the Prophets and could not understand why they had chosen some random Starfleet officer as their emissary (from her point of view). like yeah it's all informed by an overgrown sense of entitlement, and she is ruthless and selfish and harms people on her way up, but ultimately she stands by her convictions, immediately turns on dukat's bajoransona once she realizes it's him, and then poisons him in the fire caves. it doesn't undo the damage she did but still. queen
13 worst blorboification - well i don't really like this concept, but i am going to risk it all by saying that if anyone fits this, it's jadzia. she actually has the potential to be such a fascinating character to explore in fanon because the actual writers did so little with her, never established a backstory or consistent characterization, or really dealt with any of her deeper issues or gave her any growth. not that you NEED any of those things in an ensemble cast necessarily - it's fine for her to just be hot and bisexual and trans-coded and everyone's favorite party worm. but every time i hear about things they ALMOST did with her character but didnt, i am infuriated. she deserved better, and if berman was going to insist on casting terry seemingly just bc he found her hot (there's interviews with the writers saying she didn't fit their concept of who jadzia was supposed to be and that her performance just straight up didn't fit the character they had developed!!!) then they should have developed the character to fit her performance. anyway it's not up to fandom to fix the sins of canon but i think it would be cool if people did
18 it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on - I think there are a lot of potential answers to this but today i am going to focus on the incredible writing of tellino.
20 part of canon you found tedious or boring - i think if there's any part of ds9 i truly found tedious i have simply blocked it out. i think its usual crime is the opposite - failing to delve into things that would be very interesting if they did
24 what brings up the most rancid discourse - shipping wars my beloathed. all ships are good, yes, even my notp (and only my close fandom friends even know what that is, because i am not going to ruin other people's fun!)
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 years
For the SVSSS Ask Game :3
4. Have you seen the donghua? What do you think of it?
7. Do you believe there is a character that deserved more 'screen time'?
8. Favorite SVSSS fanfic?
14. Favorite quote?
20. What is your unpopular opinion about SVSSS?
28. Any prompts you want to give for SVSSS?
Scum Villain Asks
4. I have only seen some of the first episode of the donghua! I really wish it wasn't 3d animated. However I am on twitter silently supporting everyone crying for it to be released from censorship hell (since word on the street is S2 has been completely finished, it's just that with the recent crackdown on BL, whether it'll be released or not is up in the air. It's been over a year since the trailer ;-;). However I stan SQQ's VA for also being Dottore's VA in Genshin.
7. Oh my god Liu Qingge. Instantly. I may adore Sha Hualing and Gongyi Xiao and Su Xiyan and Tianlang-jun but Liu Qingge fascinates me. He's so obviously head over heels for Shen Yuan but is treated as his sword glare taxi service (pretty sure SQQ calls him something like that in his head, too).
Like this is a man who is irrevocably in love with his shixiong and also a little in denial about it?? He fistfights Binghe every day for years and loses every single time, hoping to god he can give SQQ a proper burial. "Women" as a concept deeply embarrasses him. He's like a proto-Jiang Chenga and Feng Xin. He doesn't know how to be a proper shizun. He's a prettyboy (derogatory). God. More Liu Qingge content please.
8. Answered here for Yan but I'll throw this one in, too:
^^ suuuper ominous, it gets the horror of Bingqiu so perfectly.
14. Hard to say. There's a lot of comedic lines I adore ("He'd turned the protagonist into a homosexual!" comes to mind) but I think I have to go with this Binghe quote, said right after SQQ self-destructs:
“You don’t like the fact that I’m part of the demon race, so I was afraid that if I went straight back to the Cang Qiong Mountain sect, you would chase me out. I thought that if I could seize the Huan Hua Palace and become a peak lord of the righteous path like you, maybe that would make you happy…”Luo Binghe said in a trembling voice, “Shizun… I… I really…”
This was the moment I realized Scum Villain meant business.
20. Unpopular opinion? Probably that it's better than Heaven's Official Blessing. That's really just because I like it more and for some reason, TGCF didn't hold my attention the same way. Scum Villain has a much shorter, tighter narrative.
28. Hmm, prompts. Alright, how about:
Tianlang-jun unexpectedly survives the attempted merging of the realms. What does he do in a world where his son hates him (with good reason), his lover is long gone, and his nephew--the only person who stuck by his side--died saving him?
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mokutone · 2 years
sai for the ask game!
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HOO HOO! my little guy!
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answers under the cut! honestly i think this is the best sai ive ever drawn.
favorite thing about them — LMFAO he was my favorite character and the only character i actually liked when i was like. 14 or whatever, my favorite thing was his crop top :)
least favorite thing about them — sai, please learn to talk about something other than peoples bodies to insult them. stop talking about dicks. stop talking about weight. stop calling people ugly. im begging you to just. stop that. ohhhh it kils me.
favorite line —ok so after he introduces himself to sasuke and sasuke tells him to get lost he says, sai, thoughtfully: "Even when I force myself to smile, it seems I'm the kind of person who ends up being hated." sai, smiling: And Naruto-kun didn't seem to care for me the whole time, too."
brOTP — MMM. sakura. he learns the most from her i think, and despite being on the recieving end of most of his insults she also kind of puts up with him the most and the easiest. i think she probably fascinates sai a little bit.
OTP —i don't rlly care about this kind of thing. his canon ship w/ ino is fine ig, but i also think the concept of sakuinosai is really funny. it would not be a full triangle i think, just both sai and sakura loving ino. i bet the arguments would be hysterical, in that house.
nOTP —again, i don't really care about this sort of thing.
random headcanon —i think he wears really large and body-covering clothes when hes in konoha as a kind of visual for like, feeling uncomfortable and out of place. his clothes don't fit him and he doesn't feel like he fits the place. good luck sai keep trying!
unpopular opinion — i don't think his being rude to people is 100% accidental. its a very popular interpretation that he just straight up fully does not understand that he's being rude + idk if i believe that because he makes the same rude comments over and over and gets the same reaction, and while he's not very good at understanding peoples feelings, we know he can identify anger and frustration. i just see him as such a fundamentally furious character. i dont know how to explain this to people, he seems so mad to me!
song i associate with them —related to the anger thing, Black Me Out by Against Me!, very obviously a song about reclaiming oneself from somebody who had a heinous amount of power over the narrator. the album cover does have like. a breast on it and a cube of meat, so i guess cw on it for clicking that. i love against me! a lot.
"I don't ever want to talk that way again, I don't want to know people like that anymore. As if there was an obligation, As if I owed you something. Black me out. I want to piss on the walls of your house, I want to chop those brass rings off your fat fucking fingers. As if you were a kingmaker. Black me out."
and then
"All the young graves filled. Don't the best stars burn out so bright and so fast? All the young graves filled. Don't the best stars burn out so bright and so fast? Full-body high. I'm never coming down. Black me out."
favorite picture of them
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good picture all around. at once he simultaneously looks like hes fucking. awaiting execution or something, and also, thru the only face shown being that of the beast behind him, which he painted (and due to both of these circumstances, carries the implication that it represents his internal state), absolutely ready to tear somebody's throat out. this is the vibe for me. this is the sai vibe.
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