#This is messy and all over the place but Pharma has a death grip over me and I had to get all of that
woeismywaffle · 2 years
Ya'll ever think that maybe Pharma's mentioned raging hate boner for Decepticons stems from the fact that he may have actually, once, believed in them?
Keep in mind tho that I haven't actually really read the IDW comics since they're really long and I'm really lazy but i've read through enough fanfiction and wiki entires + obsessed over Pharma to get a rough-ish idea of the main plot(is there one?? Feels like it)
Pharma's was born forged, which obivously gives him more advantages over those who were born cold-constructed but he was still a flight-frame and they don't seem to have that much social standing in canon either so if it wasn't for his magic medic hands he would probably not have been treated too well.
But whose to say he had a smooth run though? He was apparently 'famous for being forged' which sorta implies that the people didn't actually believe that a flight-frame like him could be born a medic. Pharma probably had to fight tooth and nail(mostly metaphorically but fanfic writers are free to go crazy on that) to prove himself as a good medic, which probably also led to his whole 'I'm a better doctor than you!!' thing he had going on with Ratchet.
With all these factors combined he was probably a little bit more supportive of the rising voices that claimed the caste system to be stupid than others were, maybe it even gave him a tiny bit of hope for a better tomorrow.
But of course, all of that came tumbling down for him when he realized that the Decepticons weren't really out for true freedom or justice, they just wanted to be ones in charge instead of the Senate.
Probably hurt by this, Pharma decided that the Decepticon cause was bullshit and went to join the Autobots because there was no one else better to join with and being a neutral probably wouldn't soothe his seething hate boner enough.
The whole fiasco with the DJD on Messatine also definitely didn't help with it and instead amplified it.
Mayhaps having to submit to Tarn, a literal physical symbol of the Decepticon's Cause, with his whole hate for Decepticons deteriorated his mental state even more which helpfully factored into the whole Red Rust shenanigan that happened.
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aristotleblinked · 7 years
LL10 snippet
First Aid did the same thing he always did when entering a medbay, take inventory. He couldn’t treat people if he didn’t know what he was working with. A misplaced tool could mean the difference between life and death. Frustratingly enough he was being kept out of key files he needed to do his job. He commed Getaway,
“I need access to the patient files. I’m the CMO I shouldn’t have been taken off of it in the first place. I know it’s hard to accept, but Ratchet really did pass the title down to me.” He didn’t wait for a response. He didn’t want to hear what Getaway would say in response to that embarrassing little aside.
No wonder people were still treating it like Ratchet’s job, if he keeps behaving like this.
Back to the inventorying, there wasn’t all the much to keep track of. They were getting low on, well, everything. He made a note to tell Getaway to stop soon to pick up supplies. You never wanted to be in the position of not having thermal glue when you needed it. Maybe he should head down to Visage’s and get a drink, there wasn’t much left for him to do around here until Getaway gave him the code. But the door on the far end caught his eye, it was labeled occupied.
It was beyond impolite to go behind another doctor’s back, and take a look at their patient without asking.
First Aid would have never had dreamed of doing it when he was still a nurse. If Pharma had— you know what? It didn’t matter what Pharma would have done, because he was never coming back, and if he did First Aid would shoot him in the face. For all of Delphi, and for Ambulon.
Okay that was enough self pitying scrap for one day. He would take a quick look, see if there was any way for him to be useful. He inputted the code, a series of numbers and letters all medics were briefed on arrival, but nothing happened. Had they locked a patient in without any way to supervise their vitals? This was completely unacceptable. The lock down sequence was meant to be temporary, in extraordinary circumstances, like Overlord!
He looked again, but there wasn’t any warning stamped to the outside to warrant it, no plague symbol. How long had it been since the patient had gotten proper treatment? His pride could suffer the bruise. He contacted Getaway again.
“There is a patient locked behind a door. I need the code.”
“Well, hello to you too First Aid. That is Hoist’s domain, so you’ll have to wait for him to scrape himself off the floor to give it to you.”
“Getaway, please, this is an emergency. I’ll break the door down if I have to. Their condition could be unstable.”
“Wow, no wonder you were hand picked to be CMO, you’re really dedicated to your patients, aren’t you? Did you ever consider there’s a reason why he’s behind that door?”
First Aid snapped the line closed. He rested his head against the wall. It was really too much to hope he hadn’t noticed his embarrassing slip about his insecurity with the job. Getaway crossed the line with his needling. It was one thing to mess with him, but when it put lives in danger is where First Aid drew the line.
He would apologize to Hoist later, pay for a new door himself. It would be worth it, if he managed to save a life. He pulled out an energon blade. It would be messy, but it should work to get it open. He jammed into into the seam, sending sparks up that scoured his plating. This was going to take a while to pry open.
“Whew, I had to transform to get here in time. I’m glad nothing happened.”
First Aid’s grip on the knife loosened, “Getaway?”
“Yeah, I didn’t startle you, did I? It could have been dangerous with what you’re holding. You should put that knife away before someone gets hurt.”
He strolled over, apparently unbothered by First Aid’s blatant vandalism. He couldn’t believe he didn’t hear Getaway come in, but he was in spec ops. He could move quietly if he needed to.
First Aid shook his head, “Ah, no. It’s fine.”
Getaway let out a long whistle when he got close enough to see the damage, hands on his hips. “Wow, you weren’t kidding. I didn’t really think you’d go through with it. You got pretty far too, it took me less than a minute to get here. You must have been hacking away at it like a maniac.”
Getaway didn’t sound angry, but First Aid felt the rebuke. He should have waited, instead of trying to shove his nose where it wasn’t needed to make himself feel useful. Getaway hadn’t been deliberately ignoring him. He came right here after he got the message.
First Aid tightened his grip on the knife and yanked it free. He didn’t know what he had been thinking, actually he did know, he hadn’t been thinking at all.
“I was going to pay you for the door, I still am. I mean you can send me an invoice, and I’ll pay it.”
Getaway caught First Aid’s elbow. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. It’s a good thing you’re that dedicated to your patients. It’s what makes you a great doctor. You should put that on your resume, will destroy doors to rescue you.”
First Aid chuckled weakly back at him, “I don’t know if that’s a sell able quality, exactly.”
“Sure it is! I can appreciate a doc who knows that doing the right things means you have to do a little damage sometimes.”
Getaway kept his grip light, only using the barest of pressure to tug him away.
“C’mon you’re curious, right? I can’t say I understand everything, that explanation is best left to Hoist, but I can give you an overview.”
First Aid let himself be led over to the private medical energon stores. Getaway gently pushed him in sit on one of the chairs, while he took a seat on a box. First Aid set the knife down on the armrest of the seat, still within reaching distance. A cup of energon is placed within his hand.
First Aid startled slightly, “Oh Thank you.”
Getaway took a sip of his own energon. “It’s no problem. I’ve been working late, so I haven’t had a lot of time to eat, figured I should strike two things off the to do list at once. You had questions?”
First Aid, gulped some of it down. He didn’t need to look any ruder. “Who is in the room?”
Getaway leaned forward, hands resting on his knees. “You’re not gonna believe it, but it’s Thunderclash, that’s why the room is locked, if he got out he could do a lot of damage.”
“What are you talking about? He’s an Autobot, he wouldn’t do that.” First Aid leaned back heavily in the chair. He knew Getaway could be bit of a Prankster, but this was a little too much.
Getaway raised his free hand to gesture aimlessly in the air. “That’s the thing isn’t it? He doesn’t think we are. He’s trapped in a memory loop, he keeps attacking people when he’s conscious, we have to keep him sedated.” First Aid ran the numbers. The odds he would be able to reverse a memory loop with his current training, was dismally low.
“I’ll take a look at him. How did this happen?”
Getaway rubbed his fingers on his optics, sighing, “I don’t know—yet, wipe that look off your face, I know what it sounds like. That’s why I was so relieved to see you First Aid, there is someone going around in the crew, spreading lies, promoting dissent. I need someone I can trust.”
Getaway’s shoulders slumped. Oh, First Aid should have guessed. Getaway hated Rodimus’s show boating, why would he be doing it himself, if it wasn’t to try not to worry the crew. He was the captain now, he couldn’t afford any weaknesses. First Aid clasped his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, if I see anything unusual I’ll let you know.”
This seemed like the first smile of Getaway’s that has been real.
“Thanks First Aid, I knew I could count on you.”
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