#This one goes out to that one guy in the Mario Movie tag who admitted to shipping Bowser and Kamek
kakusu-shipping · 1 year
I adore how many Mario Movie critiques are “Character A and Character B should have kissed with tongue”
You all hate me but deep down we’re all the same
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
“Something’s Wrong with Mr. Pink.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: There’s been spark between you and Mr. Pink, but he’s one to shield his emotions. He realizes he’s starting to lose you, but he’s out of ways to win your heart. Desperate, he approaches Mr. White for help.
Pairing: Mr. Pink x Fem!Reader
Tags: swearing, sexist remarks, smoking + mentions of drug use (marijuana)
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,054
Author’s Note: as you can tell, quentin tarantino movies have been on my list!!! the reader is codenamed Miss Beige!! i never thought i’d have this much appreciation for steve buscemi until now, he’s such a cool guy :(((  also thank you @myriadimagines​ for checking my title capitalization aksnskdns - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!! <333
MR. BROWN gave Mr. Pink a ride to the next meeting, and the whole trip there, Brown rambled on and on about God knows what. It came through one ear and out the other for Pink. Brown didn’t seem to notice because of his investment of his proven theory of a movie he had seen and wanted to share it with someone. 
If he wasn’t listening in silence, Pink would always have something to say. It would usually be a comment, an opinion on something about social life. This one afternoon, he bit his tongue, despite the guys knowing his mind was occupied, even Nice Guy Eddie raised a brow. It didn’t start the day they were all given your colour coded names. It didn’t start the day they reviewed the plan of the heist with each other. It all started when you two were unintentionally left alone at the large dining table, moments after the guys had walked out the restaurant for something.
“Pink’s a pretty colour.” You gave him a reassuring smile, stirring your straw in your milkshake.
“To you.” 
“And to anyone else who would want to be codenamed Pink!” you scoff. “Sexist.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re Miss Beige,” he says, his mouth full of his toast. 
“And I happen to like my name. It’s a pretty colour,” you paused. “Just like pink.”
Pink huffs, swirling his coffee mug. “I can’t wait to smoke.”
“My buddy sets up Thai sticks like it’s one of those model boats in a bottle. It’s so fragile to him, and he saved one for me. Something tells me I owe him a shit ton.”
“You smoke Thai sticks?” you ask. “Your poor lungs.”
“Nah, I gotta smoke outta one anytime after coffee just for me to either black out or jump off the Empire State building by the time we hit Easter.”
You chuckled.
From the windows of the restaurant, you could see the guys standing outside their parked cars including Nice Guy Eddie and Joe, talking to each other about whatever. You could see their mouths moving, Nice Guy Eddie using a lot of hand motions at Mr. White, and Joe calling someone on the phone.
This wasn’t the first time you spent a limited amount of minutes alone with Mr. Pink. At Uncle Bob’s Pancake House, you two did sit close to each other, except Mr. Blue sat in between the both of you, and you had to lean forward to see Mr. Pink if he was speaking or if you two were giving each other looks if someone said something stupid.
If you were that childish, you would've considered the five minutes of alone time with Mr. Pink a first date - without the formal introduction. You two didn’t give each other your names because of Joe, but you wouldn’t mind slipping it out.
Silence, and then-
“I know this really cool café near my apartment. We should check it out sometime,” you blurted out.
Pink was in the midst of swallowing his food. He chokes on his ketchup dipped toast, taking his coffee mug to chase the contents down his throat.
“Wait a minute-” Pink cleared his throat, then cleared it again. “Are you-” he cleared his throat for the final time. “Are you asking me out?”
“Y-yeah,” you sheepishly smile, holding in your breath. “I mean, we can go get coffee, hang out at my place afterwards - it’s just a five minute walk - and sit on my couch, listen to K-Billy’s Super Sounds of the ‘70s, you can smoke your Thai stick, I wouldn’t mind...” By looking at Pink’s face made you trail off your words. You knew where this was going. 
“You couldn’t ask Brown or Orange?”
“No, I wanted to ask you. We’ve been talking lately, we seem to get along, thank God, and you’re really cool. Even when you can be an absolute dick almost all the time, you haven’t scared me off. Just one date, it won’t kill us.”
“A date...” he frowns a bit. “With you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” your heart sank.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, Miss Beige. Ya just got the wrong idea. We’re here for a job, not to hook up. If you want to suck someone off, try your luck with Mr. Blonde. Besides, I go for chicks at a bar. I know from experience, they’re always coming in hot - first come, first serve typa’ shit.”
“Right. My bad.” You felt yourself shrinking now, fighting the urge to get up and make a dash outta there, somewhere to scream in embarrassment, whatever emotion it was. 
“Excuse me.” Mr. Pink gets up and walks away, just as the rest of the guys start making their return to the large table.
“Where did Mr. Pink go?” Mr. Orange asked.
“Little men’s room, I’m guessing.” You sighed, sliding the milkshake away from you. “I’m full.”
“Something’s wrong with Mr. Pink. Did you guys get in a fight? We were only gone for five minutes,” Mr. Brown laughs.
You sat in silence, staring down.
“Nah, I bet she finally put him in his place and he’s crying like a baby in there,” Mr. Blue said, lighting the cigar in his mouth with a match.
“Most definitely not.” Mr. White shook his head, patting his pockets in search of his lighter. “That man’s a smartass, and smartasses like him know how to shield themselves. He’s fine. If anything, he can walk his ass home.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Pink calmly entered the restroom, placed both hands on each side of the tiny sink, stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror, and screamed in anger. 
He jumps when he notices a man had appeared from one of the stalls just a moment ago, staring at him worriedly.
“WHAT?!” Mr. Pink snaps.
If someone treated him like a friend, he goes along with it if they weren’t weird or creepy. If someone told a joke, he’ll laugh if it isn’t corny or cringeworthy. But if someone admitted their feelings to him? Let alone ask him out?
That was the thing: Mr. Pink doesn’t like the idea of vulnerability. He’s aware that it’s unavoidable, it’s human nature - he just chooses not to give into it. Mr. Pink won’t waste a breath giving anyone the impression that he’s easy to get along with and that he’s a kind of guy to not act like a complete jerk half the time, because that’s not true. Not on his behalf, at least. 
“Mr. White,” Mr. Pink approaches him in the vacant room at the hideout one day.
He knows people can judge. So he naturally survives on witty remarks, being a sarcastic ass most of the time, and coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Coffee times six. 
Mr. White finishes combing his hair in the small mirror, nodding at him as a response. “You all right, son?”
But at the same time, his heart was telling him he wants you all to himself.  “I got a problem...”
"SO you want my help?” Mr. White said, a few moments after Mr. Pink had explained the situation he was stuck in. “You’re completely hopeless right now? Gosh, is it my birthday already?”
“You’re full of shit,” Pink mumbled.
“Thought you’re s’posed to be a fuckin’ professional, like you said?” Mr. White chuckled. “I would have thought you would know what to do by now.”
“What am I, the Dalai Lama? I don’t know the answer to everything.”
“I mean... I kinda figured something was goin’ on between you two, I tried to warn her,” White shoots him a blank stare.
“Warn her?” Mr. Pink scowls. “Like I’m some fuckin’ tiger on the loose?”
“I did tell her: Listen, honey,” Mr. White grimaced, as he saw you like a sixteen-year-old teenager not knowing better than to get her heart broken. “Are you one hundred percent sure you like Mr. Pink? He’s a pretty cynical guy. You know he doesn’t tip waitresses?”
You shrug.
“Look, I know I can be very close to myself while very outspoken but,” Mr. Pink sighs. “I mean, c’mon, you’ve seen Miss Beige. Who wouldn’t want her? One time, she called in sick for a job she worked at just to play Super Mario World.”
“You could go there and apologize to her.”
“It’s not that easy, White.”
“How so? Just tell her you freaked out but you had a change of heart.”
“No, man. I could have accepted it right there and then, I could be taking her out somewhere, a place she likes, or that café she was talking about. But no, I turn into the cold piece of shit I always am ‘cause I’m a fucking-” Mr. Pink kicks the rusty chair in anger. “-idiot!” He kicks it again, hurting his foot in the process. He cries out in pain and hops away to the table for balance.
“Mr. Pink, it’s not too late to win her heart. If you really like her, and I can tell you’d take a bullet for her, then brush the professionalism aside for one second and make your move.”
“How?” he chuckles, taking a seat in the chair he had just kicked.
“Well, you can start by introducing yourself.”
“Already done.”
“No I mean, your name.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. What we’re not gonna do is that.” Mr. Pink ran his fingers through his hair, turning his back to White to therapeutically stare at the light pink tiles on the walls. 
“Why not?” White shrugs. “I told her mine. And it’s-”
Mr. Pink turned around. “What?”
Mr. White furrowed his brows. “Huh?”
“You told her your name?” he said. In his mind he prayed Mr. White gave her a fake name on the spot.
“I mean, not just her. Mr. Orange, too. My first name and where I was from, it was a normal conversation.”
“...WHY?!” Pink’s voice echoed in the warehouse.
“Orange asked.”
“You know what Joe said, we’re not supposed to reveal any personal info about ourselves!”
“Joe said this, Joe said that- fucking teacher’s pet,” Mr. White mocks.
“What the hell were you thinking, White?” he shouts.
“How else can you and Miss Beige take a step further if you can’t even tell each other your fuckin’ names? Just introduce yourself, Pink. That’s one way to start,” Mr. White says.
“And what if she doesn’t like my name?” He could only come up with such a question like that.
“What is your name?” 
“Fuck you, man.” Mr. Pink stood up from the chair, earning a chuckle from his colleague.
“All right, if you won’t tell me your name, then tell y/n. Y/n should be the only one who can know.”
Mr. Pink turned back to him again. “Y/N?” he says. “That’s her name?”
Mr. White nods. As heated as Mr. Pink was, he knew one day your name would have to fall out of his lips and not a colour, and he wouldn’t mind that. Y/N...
Mr. Pink wouldn’t mind that one bit.
FROM now on, the café near your apartment complex would be your go-to. It was a café not too small but not too big, and no one would bat an eye if you showed up in your pajamas. The following Saturday you went there alone, sipping your coffee and turning to the second page of the morning paper. 
What sucked was the fact that after you were turned down, you came to think that Mr. Pink wouldn’t be able to see how cool the interior was. He sure was missing out. Sure his Thai stick won’t be stinking up your living room while throwback songs from the ‘70s play on the radio, but indeed, sucks for him.
“Shit, you were right, y/n. This place is pretty neat.”
The newspaper crinkled when you lowered it down. Standing at the foot of your booth was Mr. Pink. This time he didn’t have on his silly Hawaiian shirt like last time, and no, he didn’t ironically wear pink as a kind gesture. He did look good in a white tee, though. 
You had to smile. He knew your name. And you wondered how...
“Oh, Mr. Pink. Morning,” you nodded.
He takes a seat in front of you. “C’mon, we’re not at work. Just call me—”
TAGLIST: @locke-writes
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folkloreguk · 6 years
Halloween Everyday (M)
A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! This was written by an introverted, shy person who never goes to parties and I hope some of you relate to it lmao, also I dedicate this to the lovely anon who told me they had read one of my optional bias scenarios over 10 times, I love you and thanks for waiting for my writing :((( 
words: 4.3 k
genre: smut (optional bias x reader)
[my masterlist is in my description, since I can’t tag it here anymore]
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„The party is at his house! His house!“ your friend yelled through the phone, and you grimaced, removing the device from your ear.
“I don't want to need hearing aid when I'm 25, so would you please stop screaming,” you answered, laughing. “And I know. You've told me like 600 times in the last two days. It doesn't matter if I go, nothing would happen anyways.”
Your friend let out the most dramatic sigh you had ever heard in your life.
“I still don't get it. You've hooked up with guys before. Why not him? You basically drool whenever you talk to him!” she spoke. Your cheeks felt hot at her words. Thank god she couldn't see you, because she sure would have teased you for it.
“Other guys aren't him,” you explained. “I love hanging out with him and his friends, and I'm fine whenever we do. But as soon as we're alone for two seconds, I freak out. Why does he have such an effect on me?”
“That sounds like you came straight out of a movie,” your friend laughed. “What? Are you gonna faint when he looks at you for two seconds?”
“I might,” you joked, but you weren't lying completely. H/N and you had been friends for months, but you mostly saw each other at college, where you were joined by his and your group of friends. And to say you were attracted to him was an understatement. Before you met him, you thought boys like that only existed in books. Funny, but not offensive. Confident, but not cocky. Cute, but simultaneously the hottest person you had ever laid eyes on. You almost didn't believe him when he told you he wasn't in a relationship.
And now he was having a Halloween party at his and his friend’s house. Of course your friend was going to force you to go. You knew no matter unless you died before, she wouldn't accept any excuses of you not going.
“Okay listen. You don't have to ask him to marry you,” your friend went on. “But you need to make at least a move on him. I know he thinks you're hot.”
You almost choked on the sip of water you had taken.
“What?!” you asked.
“My senses tell me!” she said.
“Oh shut up! What kind of senses are those supposed to be?” you asked.
“Listen, just trust me. And promise me you'll come with me. I have to go now,” she spoke quickly. You were still shaking your head and grinning.
“Alright, we'll see. Bye,” you told her, hanging up. A second later you opened your laptop, trying to find a Halloween costume for the party that you were now definitely going to. After getting some ideas, you started actually having fun. You hadn't dressed up for Halloween in a while, and the thought of creating the perfect costume excited you. The more time you spent on it, the more you began to look forward to going to the party.
„What do you think the others are gonna be dressed as?“ your friend asked. You were currently doing her makeup, but she was making no attempt to hold still.
“No idea, I'm really excited to see it!” you replied. “Now, if you want to look decent, you need to hold still.”
She laughed in response, moving even more. You sighed.
“I'm finally gonna be the princess I've wanted to be since 2nd grade,” she said in a dreamy voice. “And even better, I have my prince right here!”
You laughed.
“Super Mario isn't a prince,” you stated.
“Whatever. Princess Peach and Mario are gonna be the best couple costume at the entire party,” she bragged, reaching for your red cap. You pulled away before she could take it off your head, making her laugh. Ever since you had been little, you had loved playing video games. Especially Super Mario had been one of your favorite characters, so you took it as a perfect opportunity when your friend said she wanted to be a princess for Halloween.
You had changed Mario's original outfit a little. The pants had turned into a blue overall dress with the usual red shirt and red cap, along with white stockings and black heels. When you had finished your friend’s makeup and you stood side by side in front of the mirror, you were pretty damn happy with yourself.
“You were right,” you said. “Whatever happens or doesn't happen tonight, I'm not gonna freak out. I'll simply have fun.”
“That's the spirit,” she replied happily. “Let's go!”
The second you had set foot inside the party, you were in the ultimate Halloween mood. The house was decorated with fake spider webs and ghosts, the lighting was dim and had colors such as green and orange.
“Wow, they really went all out for this,” you admired.
“See? And you almost didn’t go,” your friend said, linking arms with you. The hallways were full of people, as you didn’t arrive very early. Now and then you waved at someone you knew. But the one person you were looking for wasn’t to be found. You got a few compliments for your costume, putting you in an even better mood. A creepy remix of a popular song was playing from the speakers in the living room.
When you entered the room, it became louder and you spotted people dancing and chatting lively. Darth Vader was making out with Tinker Bell in the corner, the weird sight making you laugh to yourself.
“Let’s get something to drink!” your friend talked loudly over the music, gesturing towards the kitchen. In response you nodded, making your way through the sea of people.
While you watched your friend pour juice and alcohol into a cup, you let your eyes run over the party guests. A boy dressed as a very realistic looking zombie walked past you, and you followed his frame. As he exited through the doorframe leading into the hallway, your look got caught on something. It was a familiar figure.
When H/N spun around and you locked eyes, you almost laughed out loud. He was wearing the same red cap you had on your head, and the red shirt and blue overall looked extra good on him. You saw him laugh and making an attempt to come to you. But there were at least ten people separating you two, and furthermore everyone at the party knew him, and wanted to greet him.
So you simply looked at each other, laughing as your friend made a dramatic sound next to you. Apparently she had discovered H/N too.
“Oh my god, when did Mario get so hot?” she said, making you laugh. “No offense, he’s still yours, though.”
“That’s very noble of you, Princess Peach,” you replied, laughing and barely taking your eyes off him across the room.
For around five minutes you just stared at each other from afar while people kept talking to you and him, while you really just wanted to finally greet him. Something about the environment of the party, the late time and the Halloween mood made you feel less stressed around all the people. Almost like you wished you could have been alone with him, something you rarely felt.
At some point you noticed your friend walking into the living room while you were still talking to someone you knew. You wanted to follow her, not being used to being alone at parties, but you were currently discussing your other friend’s costume, which consisted of around six rolls of toilet paper and too much masking tape.
Suddenly, someone tapped your shoulder. Smiling you spun around – and were greeted by your costume twin. H/N was grinning broadly, holding his arms out for a hug. Gladly you took his offer and slung your arms around his neck, breathing in his scent for a moment.
“Super Mario, huh? Someone’s stealing my idea,” he announced.
“How come I’m the one who stole it? Maybe it was you who stole it from me,” you laughed.
“I’ve planned this for months,” he spoke, grinning proudly. Your friend hadn’t been wrong. He really did look hot. A strand of his hair had fallen in his face, and you had the pressing urge to push it out of his face.
“Okay, I guess you won,” you admitted. “I only ordered this costume a few days ago and wasn’t even sure it was gonna arrive on time.”
“What would you have worn otherwise?” he asked.
“Honestly, I don’t think I would have went at all,” you replied, feeling a little shy. “My friend actually dragged me here.”
“I’m so glad she did,” he said, the second you had finished your words. His blunt honesty didn’t exactly cure your shyness. He was doing the thing he always did. When he looked at you, like he was challenging you to look back, his lips curled into a little smirk. If only you could have divided his confidence among you two, things would have moved much faster between you. Suddenly, the music in the living room went dead quiet. He tilted his head, giving you a questioning look.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’m about to leave you all shook,” a male voice shouted. You hadn’t seen the guy, but it already made you laugh. H/N and you walked into the living room side by side.
A guy dressed as a magician was standing in the middle of the room. A small circle had built around him, people whistling and laughing.
“I, the great Kevin, will make this tv remote disappear,” he announced. Then he did an awkward countdown, followed by him throwing the remote in the air a few times and then less than secretly handing it to his friend behind him.
Now, there were three kinds of reactions to his “trick”. One, the people who thought he was ridiculous and were really just waiting for the music to be turned on again. Two, those who were very aware of how obvious the whole thing had been but laughed nonetheless, simply because it had looked funny. And three, the completely drunk kids who were, in fact, more than shook upon completion of the trick.
H/N and you applauded, giggling uncontrollably at the situation.
“I didn’t know you had organized a professional magician, props to you,” you joked, making him laugh. It felt good to see him happy because of you.
“Two Marios!” someone suddenly yelled into your ear. His voice was almost as familiar to you as H/N’s. It was his best friend after all. When you turned to him, you noticed his costume. Luigi stood in front of you. When suddenly your best friend as Peach walked up to your group, it was too funny not to laugh.
“Guys, this calls for some Mario Kart,” H/N’s best friend announced. “H/N get the Nintendos, I’m about to demolish all of you!”
All of you seemed thrilled at the idea. You were reminded of your childhood, and couldn’t stop grinning at the memory.
“I’m not even sure where they are though,” H/N said. Then they began discussing. They lived in the house with their other friends, and it seemed like that combination made for a messy household. After a while they decided they had last seen the Nintendos in H/N’s room.
“Just go and see if you find them!” his best friend urged.
“Fine,” he replied. “Y/N, you wanna help me search?”
You hadn’t listened properly, and it took you a good three seconds to realize he had been talking to you.
“Oh! Sure,” you said hastily, before you could overthink your decision. You gave your best friend a slightly panicked look, and she grinned back at you, waving her hand as if she wasn't going to see you for a while. It made your stomach turn in a mix of nervousness and excitement. Stop it, you told yourself. Nothing's gonna happen.
You followed him upstairs, gaining laughter and compliments for your matching costumes on the way. Only then you realized, you had never seen his room. Yeah, you'd been at his place a few times, hanging out with friends, but you had always stuck to the downstairs area.
It was pretty common, really. Comfy looking bed, messy worktable, one of the walls covered in posters of his favorite artist. You knew, because he had told you about them and made you listen to their music. The street lamp outside created a streak of light through the window. When H/N closed the door behind him, it was suddenly rather quiet, the music now sounding muffled, like you were dreaming.
The dim light created shadows on his face, complimenting his handsome features. The second he made eye contact with you, the all too familiar shyness overcame you once again. Quickly, you turned away, strolling over to his window. A few people were standing outside, drinking from beer bottles and laughing.
“I'm gonna be honest, I don't at all think we're gonna find the Nintendos here,” he spoke from behind you. Still watching the people outside, you chuckled, perplexed.
“Why did you say we should look for them then?” you asked.
“Because we all wanted to play so bad…,” he said, “...and I wanted to be alone with you.”
For a moment you thought you hadn't heard right. Then you started blushing terribly.
“Stop! You're making me shy again,” you spoke against his window. Your palms lay flat on his table which stood in front of the window.
“See? That's why I like being alone with you,” he went on. “You're extra cute when we're alone.”
You jumped just a little when your realized just how close his voice was to your ear. He must had been standing right behind you. Shortly, you wanted to impulsively ruin the moment by saying something stupid that you would later regret. Then you made up your mind, staying quiet.
Slowly, you turned your head, and then your whole body. His familiar features were right in front of you, his deep eyes looking into yours playfully. You really couldn't help it. Involuntarily, you gazed at his lips. How were they shaped so perfectly? And so kissable? It drove you insane. Suddenly, they curled into a grin.
“I was wondering,” he began,”Would you mind if I kissed you?”
Too bedazzled to answer, you shook your head just slightly. Smiling, he lifted his hand to your cheek, tilting his head a little.
When your lips touched, you both instantly deepened the kiss. Within seconds, your hands were grabbing fistfuls of his hair, his Mario hat falling off in the process. He was pulling you towards him, his hands on your sides. It felt even more intense, considering how long you had thought about this moment happening. Endless times you had imagined what it would feel like. But it was so much better than that.
As time went on and neither of you seemed to want to pull away, he touched the small of your back, and then your thighs. Swiftly, he lifted you up a little, signaling you to sit on his desk behind you.
As you did, your legs wrapped around his waist and you tasted his tongue, playfully fighting with yours. He was so close, his chest pressed against yours, and you almost felt like you couldn't breathe. But it felt way too good to stop.
As you leaned back a little, he took the opportunity to leave open mouthed kisses on your neck, biting your skin teasingly here and there. It sent shivers down your spine, and you only wanted him more with every of his actions.
So you started pulling off is overall, revealing his red shirt underneath. As you did so, he did the same to you, the upper part of your dress now by your hip. Impatiently, he tugged on the neck hem of your shirt, so his kisses were lower, almost on your chest.
His other hand was caressing your thigh, where your skirt had ridden up all the way to your waist by now. Impatiently, you fumbled with his shirt, hands slipping underneath it. His skin felt smooth and he sighed as you ran your fingers down his front to his pants. Finally, you tugged the material up and he lifted his arms, letting you take it off. Again, he did the same thing to you. For a few seconds you kissed again, your hands running over each others now bare skin eagerly.
In order to pull off your skirt completely, you jumped off the table and he got rid of his overall while you did so.
“You look amazing,” he said, his voice short of breath. Then, he grabbed your hand, leading you over to his bed. As you reached it, you softly pushed him down so he was sitting on the edge of the mattress. Putting your legs on each of his sides, you straddled him, smiling at him playfully.
Again, your lips crashed onto each other hungrily, his skin feeling warm against yours and his hands not staying still for a second. You felt the muscles of his shoulders beneath your fingers and you pulled away for a moment, only to kiss down his neck slowly. At the  same time you rolled your hips against the bulge in his underwear. In response, his grip on you became tighter and he let out a strangled noise, letting his head hang back for a few seconds, his eyes shut tightly.
The sight of him and the tension between your center and his hips made your head feel dizzy, nothing but him on your mind. You continued your actions, making him swear under his breath. You were pretty sure you had never seen anything more attractive than him beneath you at that exact moment.
Deciding you wanted to keep seeing him this way, you climbed off him, getting onto your knees in front of him. Your hands linked into his underwear, showing him you wanted it off.
“Come here,” he spoke, moving back into the middle of on his bed, “We can’t have your knees get bruised, can we?”
Shyly, you smiled at him, shaking your head. As he took off his underwear, you joined him on the soft mattress. You began by lowering your head to his stomach. Softly, you kissed over his toned muscles while your hands went from his thighs to his hard member. The moment you wrapped your fingers around him, he sighed in relief.
You gave him a fleeting look, noticing how he watched you. His lip was between his teeth and his jaw clenched tightly. Teasingly, you pumped his shaft slowly, placing a few last kisses on his lower stomach. You moved downwards, taking the tip of his cock into your mouth. Tasting his pre-cum, you swirled your tongue around him. Your ears picked up the sound of his head falling back into the pillow as he cursed under his breath.
Gently at first, you took more of him between your lips. He groaned in an almost pained way, as you started to bob your head lightly, covering the rest of his member with your hands.
“You're so fucking good at this, baby,” he mumbled, followed by another loud sigh. At the nickname you blushed terribly, but his praise only motivated you further. Before this night, you never knew you could get off purely by hearing a boy moan because of you. Now you knew just how possible it was. Your stomach flipped with every time he said your name and his thigh flexed under your hand.
As much as you enjoyed the sight of him completely under your spell, you couldn't ignore the tension between your own legs. So you slowly kissed back up his stomach and his chest, along his jaw and then his lips. His hands cupped your cheeks for a while, while your tongues battled for dominance. Meanwhile, he reached behind you to open your bra.
You sat up to take it off completely and he followed, his hands instantly massaging your boobs as you sat in his lap. Softly, you whimpered, as he took one of your nipples in his mouth, his tongue rolling over the sensitive bud. At your reaction, he hummed against your skin contently, paying just as much attention to your other nipple. At the same time, he ran his hand along your inner thigh, until he reached your center. A shaky breath fell from your lips when his fingers pressed against your clothed clit. You were dripping wet by now, and you swore if he had continued his actions, you could have cum right there and then.
By now you really weren't sure how much longer you could have waited. You almost had to peel him off you, but then you got up, so you could finally get rid of your underwear. At the same time, he reached for his nightstand table, taking a condom out of it and ripping it open. When you looked down, you noticed you still had your white stockings on. Shrugging, you decided to simply keep them on.
He helped you back onto the bed and you let yourself fall, his soft sheets catching you as you smiled to yourself for a moment. Noticing your smile, he returned it. As he climbed on top of you, you felt like he had never looked more handsome than in that moment. With his disheveled hair, his cute grin and flexed biceps by your head.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asked. As you listened to him, you noticed again the sound of the party outside his room. It all seemed so far away, like a whole foreign world.
“Yes,” you whispered, nodding your head eagerly. When he reached down to guide himself into you, you watched his face. His lips parted slightly in pleasure. They were red and swollen from kissing, and there was a small hickey on his neck. Your stomach fluttered knowing it was you who created it. Steadily, he moved his hips against yours, and you closed your eyes for a while, finally getting the release you had desired for so long.
“You feel so good,” he groaned as his cock brushed over your g-spot over and over. A billion small stars danced on the inside of your eyelids at the sensation. With time, he picked up pace. Neither of you seemed to still think a straight thought, shaky breaths and irregular moans the only thing coming from you. For a moment you felt like you should have kept quiet, but judging by the sound of the music outside, you probably could have shouted and no one would have heard you.
At some point he took one of your legs, lifting it up to your stomach. You moaned at the new angle, the fire in the pit of your stomach only growing. His hips slapping against yours, you dug your hands into the blankets beneath you, grabbing fistfuls desperately. For what seemed like the thousandth time tonight, you had a moment of disbelief. Was this really happening now? After all those months, all those nights you spent thinking of him, this wasn't a dream after all.
His forearms were next to your head, hands clenched tightly. His brows were furrowed and his eyes shut in concentration. As his movements became harder and less controlled, you slowly felt the knot in your stomach come undone. Your walls tightened around his member and his name fell from your lips.
Not much time after you, he reached his high. His last thrusts were sharp and sloppy at the same time, and the noises he made were pure music to your ears. He slowed down, until he pulled out completely.
Sighing, he rolled to his side, plopping down next to you. Instinctively, you cuddled up to his side. You felt shy when he smirked down at you, but then he put his arm around you and you realized it was kinda silly to be shy after all that just happened. For a few minutes you were both quiet.
“So, what's the best costume you've seen here tonight?” he suddenly asked. At first, you were surprised at his random question. Then, you answered and you fell into a conversation as he made you laugh like he always did and you felt more at home than you ever had, being alone with him. Later, he changed the subject again.
“You know, maybe we should go back downstairs, I wanna make sure Kevin the amazing hasn’t burned down the living room yet,” he said, earning a giggle from you.
“It’s the great Kevin,” you reminded him, and he laughed. “But you're probably right.”
After you had slipped back into your matching costumes and fixed each others' hair as well as you could, you left his room. The party didn't seem to have changed much from earlier, only were people more drunk now.
H/N didn't seem to want to leave your side any time soon, as you walked through the rooms together, checking if nothing had caught in flames yet. And you didn't mind one bit. When you suddenly ran into his best friend, in his Luigi costume, it hit you. There had been a reason why you had gone to his room.
“Did you find the Nintendos?” he asked, as if you hadn't just disappeared for like an hour.
“No,” H/N simply said, and you struggled not to grin at his innocent tone. Either his best friend knew or he didn't want to know, but he didn't ask any further questions.
Later, when more of the guests had gone home, and there was a rather small group of people left, you watched a scary movie in the living room. H/N's arm was around you as you leaned into him, smiling happily. His hold on you tightened every time there was a jump scare and you buried your face into his shoulder. While everyone was focusing on the movie, he turned his head, his lips at your ear.
“I wish it was Halloween every day,” he whispered, grinning at you knowingly.
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a-small-fools-blog · 5 years
2016!TMNT X Reader.
The very first thing you did when you visited their home for the first time was belly flop in the canal, clothes on, phone still in pocket.
You hang onto their shell.
Booping the snoops. All the time.
Face plants on Mikey's bed. Then Mikey does it sending you flying.
Makes stupid comments when you think no one is paying attention, causing them all to laugh.
Bursts through door with 17 pizza boxes.
Randomly spins in a circle in the middle of the lair.
Tries to touch the light in the kitchen. "Ooh, pretty"
Singing loudly when no ones home.
You make coffee for Donnie.
Dancing with Mikey.
Touching Donnie's tinker toys, then jumping when he tells you not to touch it, only for you look right at him and touch it.
You punched Raph's chest. He just looks at you strangely before you yell out in pain, causing him to laugh.
Poking Leo when he's in meditation mode.
You water Splinters plants some times.
You fall asleep in their beds.
You bring the movies for movie night.
You cook them dinner sometimes.
You wrestle with Mikey, you accidentally kicked him in the dick once.
You ask Donnie strange questions all the time.
"Since you guys are part human, do you have a turtle dick or a human dick, cause I've seen a turtle dick and its horrific"
Donnie's eyebrow ridge just twitched. "Y/n...what the actual fuck?"
"Just answer the question!"
"Absolutely not!"
"Im not telling you what kinda of genitals I have!"
"why not!? we're pretty close, aren't we?"
Leo walks into the lab to ask Donnie something, hears the conversation and slowly walks out.
You lay on them from time to time. Raph pushed you off. He laughed.
You were spinning Donnie's Bo staff and accidentally hit yourself in the face.
Same thing with Mike's weapon.
Food fights.
You buy them groceries.
You buy and make them new clothes.
You slide down the slide on your belly.
Spinning in Donnie's chair, he stopped it, sending you flying out of it. He couldn't stop laughing.
You make faces at Leo while he's meditating. He grabs your face and pushes you over.
Asking Donnie all the time for band aids. Even when you don't need them.
You scratch their shells, which they won't admit, accept Mikey, that they like it.
You tied Leo's, Raph's and Donnie's mask together once. They didn't find it funny, even when you said that they two colors made purple.
You brought them a pet turtle once. Donnie's the one that takes care of it.
Its name is Einstein. And its sensitive with its emotions.
You tried to feed a leaf once to Raph. Leo thought that was fucking hilarious.
Leo pushed you over into the canal once. Maybe twice.
You asked Leo if he watched porn, make that three times he has pushed you into the canal.
Raph has hung you on the wall with his sais stuck in your shirt once.
Leo just gives him this look.
"Raph put her down"
"She needs ta apologize"
"He started it!"
You beat Casey's ass once in Hockey, which be will never live down.
You made milk come out of Mikey's nose once.
You keep asking Donnie for a weapon of your own. He says no.
You beat Mikey and Raph's ass in Mario cart. Every. Time.
This time it was Raph who pushed you into the canal.
Mikey gives you piggy back rides.
You stick my little pony stickers on Raph's shell, so when he goes into battle he has a pink pie stickers plastered all over his shell.
You try to chest bump Mikey, the end result was like if you tired to chest bump a midget.
You switched their masks once.
You startled Leo once, making him squeal, he will never live it down.
You threw a full water bottle at Donnie, trying to get his attention once, it hit him in the dick.
You were eating a box of skittles when Leo walked by, hit the bottom of the box. Sending skittles everywhere.
You dressed up as a turtle for Halloween.
You threw a piece of chocolate at Mikey once, telling him he was "too sweet"
Back and forths with Raph.
Raph-"Fuck face"
You- "Asshole"
Raph-"Piss licker"
You-"Dumpster fire"
Raph-" human nerd"
You-"Overgrown zoo animal"
"Okay, that was harsh, im sorry"
Raph just glares at you, then grins.
Raph-"Cunt waffle"
You-"lil bitch"
Raph-"listen here ya little shithead"
He then proceeds to chase after you.
Playing tag with Mikey.
Raph has literally thrown you at Leo.
"Leo I swear to god, I will beat you with Y/n"
"No you wouldn't, you care about her to much"
You walked into the room, not knowing a thing thats going on, Raph just picks you up over his head and hurls you towards Leo.
"Raph!? What the fuck?!"
Leo has thought many times why he is friends with you, but then you restock his tea and then he figures it out.
"Leo, lemme see your hand"
"Just lemme see it"
He gives his right hand, and you hold your left hand against it, stroking your thumb softly on the side of his hand, a big smile on your face as you look up at him.
"Its a hand hug"
Leo has officially died from how fucking adorable that it.
And the list goes on, feel free to add your own.
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exoticarmy127 · 5 years
🎧 Track 02: Unforgettable by Nat King Cole
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🎵  “That’s why darling, it's incredible that someone so unforgettable... thinks that I’m unforgettable too.” 
Featuring: BTS - Jin
You can tell a lot about a person’s personality based on their coffee preferences. Having worked at the Espresso & Chai for almost a year and half now, you learned to pick up little details about the frequent coffee-goers…
Like how the espresso and Americano drinkers, or those who liked their coffee black and bitter to the point that its almost satanic in your opinion, were the workaholics and the business men and women who are always in a hurry so they like having it for ‘to-go’. The latte drinkers are usually the millenial’s who liked to keep it safe, and are quite the trend followers. Aesthetics are important to these drinkers as you’ve seen them take photos at the cafe with their drinks then post it on their respective Instagram accounts.
You liked the Cappuccino lovers the most because they are highly creative and motivated, though may be a little obsessive at times. Then there’s the Frappucino drinkers who are the risk takers of the bunch and are not afraid to stand out; usually the teenagers who come in when school ends.
Of course those are just rough observations from the frequent customers and you were sure there’s more to their personalities than what lies in their coffee preferences, but you couldn’t seem to ignore the pattern.
But then there’s him.
The first time you saw him, it was late afternoon and the shop was bustling with people—mostly the younger generation since classes just ended. When he came in, it was like you were suddenly submerged in a movie scene where everything moved in slow motion and all you could see was that tall, handsome figure walking towards the counter you were currently manning.
He was wearing a long coat over a black turtle neck and his face was one that made you believe there truly was a God in existence who crafted such beautiful human beings. He was looking down at his phone and when you greeted him and asked the usual “What can i get for you?”, he smiled and told you his order:
“I’ll have a Venti, Caramel Macchiato, Skim, Extra Shot, Extra-Hot, Extra-Whip, Sugar-Free.”
And that’s when the fantasy began to fade because wow, high maintenance much? 
You didn't mean to judge, but working at a coffee shop for a while had made you wary of those who liked their coffee a little too customized. You made a list of the most obnoxious coffee orders: from drinks that required lite water (what was that even?) to sugar-free syrup (totally lost the essence of syrup there).
You were a little disappointed that this guy, who looked like he had just fallen from heaven, was one of the obnoxious ones.
“And your name, sir?”
Too bad Jin, you thought with a sigh as you scribbled his name on the cup along with his long order specifics.
“That’ll be $4.75.” you said and he handed you the money. You expected him to leave right as you gave him the receipt but instead, he paused and pointed at your apron.
“Nice. I like Super Mario.” he smiled, which totally caught you off guard. He left before you could respond and as you looked down, you saw that you still had that little Mario pin stuck next to your name tag and from then on, you couldn’t seem to get your mind off of the man with the obnoxious Caramel Macchiato order.
Jin returned to the shop a few more times and it made you wonder about him because each time he ordered a different drink and came in at different times. Some days he’d order something as obnoxious as his very first or something simple as a vanilla latte. Some nights he went for a couple shots of espresso or a mocha frappuccino. 
Frequent customers often had a usual drinks and usual times but not Jin. And it made you more curious about him considering you couldn't find a pattern in his coffee preference that would tell at least give you an inkling of what type of person he was. The fact that he’s unknown to you…and unpredictable made him the more memorable and you often looked forward to seeing him come in through the doors of the cafe.
And when he left, the thought of him often lingered in your mind for hours.
But sadly, your barista days at the cafe ended a couple of months after meeting Jin and you had to take a different job because it paid more and would fit your university schedules. You worked as a waitress in a fast food chain and on the weekends, you worked for your uncle and his catering business.
It wasn’t much different from your first job, considering it both involved serving people, but you liked working at the Espresso & Chai. You liked making coffee and its easy-going atmosphere; you like the way it was bustling in the morning and almost peaceful at night. Heck you even liked your co-workers, Jimin and Taehyung, no matter how annoying they were with how they always flirted with customers by scribbling their phone numbers on the cup.
You missed the smell of roasted coffee grounds that surrounded the shop and the way some would make small talk with you at the counter on their better days...
Or maybe you just missed a certain Jin and his unpredictable orders whenever he came by.
It was a Saturday night and you were manning a mini bar at a wedding were your uncle took a gig to cater at. It was already late and there were only a few people left who were talking at the tables or dancing a slow song on the dance floor. It was a familiar tune and you found yourself humming along as you wiped some glasses.
“Excuse me?”
You sighed, thinking how no matter how late it was, your shift wasn’t exactly over. “Hi, what can I—“ You paused when your eyes settled on your current customer, who was a familiar—beautiful—face. He was wearing a black tuxedo which hugged his broad shoulders and tall frame just right, making anyone at a distance swoon over him.
Jin smiled upon your eyes meeting his and you would be lying if it didn’t make your stomach churn at the sight. “Hey. I thought it was you.”
He knows, you thought in surprise. “You…” you swallowed. “You know me?”
Jin shrugged, looking almost shy. “How could I not? Y/N, right?” your heart drummed at how he remembered your name. “You’re the one who takes my orders at the cafe.”
Oh right, you thought, feeling almost pathetic for even thinking that he would remember you of something more special than being the one who took his coffee order.
“And I would’t forget…” he suddenly added and the music playing in the background seemed to be speaking to you as his eyes gazed at you in a way that made your skin prickle with excitement. “How come I don’t see you at the shop anymore? Are you on leave?”
“Oh. No, I—uh, I had to quit.” Jin frowned at your answer and you felt a little triumphant at his disappointment. “It was clashing with my class schedules so I took a different job at another restaurant.”
“You still go there?” you asked him, out of curiosity.
“Not so much anymore.” he admitted, and something in his words made you feel shy and a little proud.
“Oh…well, um…” you half chuckled as you motioned your head towards the glasses to change the subject. “Can I get you anything now? Like old times sake?” you added jokingly and you wanted to punch yourself for it because that sounded so lame. 
“Actually…” he said thoughtfully as he leant on the bar table, looming so close you could see the sparkle in his eyes. “I came to ask what time your shift ends.”
At his words you felt yourself blush and your mouth seemed to have a mind of its own as it replied, “In a few minutes...”
“Great! Save me a dance?” he asked, biting his lip cutely and who were you to say no to that?
Later that night, you found yourself dancing with a man (him in his tux and you in your work shirt and jeans) whom you only thought about in your fantasies.
Jin was definitely unpredictable, you thought as you danced the night away the way Cinderella only ever did. And as the songs goes, you couldn’t help but wonder how someone so unforgettable… 
Thinks you’re unforgettable too. 
Went a little overboard with this one keke~ I liked how it turned out though! 
Tell me what you think!
PS: listen to Sia’s version of this song <3 It’s my fave~ although the original is a classic :D Thanks for reading!
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